HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Miscellaneous 1900-1-1 . '. .. RESIDE.IAL" .' SPRINGFIELD APPLICATIO PERMIT ~ 225 North 5th Street Slwing[ield, Ol'egon 97477 Duilding Division 72(:-3753 .t...~, . . {j fo qv MalYI 7J- H 'no~32--Y L ,rob LOC:lti::m: 10.3C:1:101':: ,\'ap MdilJ~sion: ~1C1': I1ddr'e:l3: ~it.V: Tc:r Lot U 02; l 7f7) Phone: Zip: ~l ~ ~l n Nr>l.l .1ddi ticrI Rcmo;!p.L .'!obi 1,(1 Hom:! Address Lise 0 /I Illel rs lIoa rd ReI!. ~l")C"""rL;,.l~Eleetr~ci."n /). r'/ (.1 "'//__.:. It. is ~hc rcnporlDibiZity of the p/rmit holder to 886 that all. inapaationB are r.lade at the proper time" [rom thu utI'cct. and that the pCl'rm.t card is looated at the front of the propel'ty. l!lld!di.'11) D~.tJi:;i()~: approt:ed plan 81u:Ll l~emain on the Bu.-:.ldin(1 Sit:: at all times. r.'WCSDlIPE FOR /fISPECTION RE'pUEST.:CALL 726-3769 (l'caorder) state your' City designa.ted job nwr.ber. job acdress. type of in:Jpea:iclI "(HIl4i::Jtcd a.-:d Wherl yO!1 wiLL be ready fOl' irlspccHon. Contractors 01" Owners ncme and Fhone number. Requests receit:ed before 7:00 a':'I ~ill he ~l(lc the Game day. l'equests made aft~r 7:00 am will b~ made the next ~l'ki~J day. All pr'o,feet conditions, :mc.J: aO tIle ~',rlstallation of 8~I'eet trees. "co.'~pleti.:m of tite r'equil"ed lmld:;ccpir:o. etc.. mUlJt be satisfied before the BtHLDINC FINAL can be r:1quest3d. '" FINA(, BUILDING: The firlal Building Irlnpcction tmlOt be requeGted after tIle Pinal PlwnbinJ Electrical. and Mechar:ic(:l IrlspectionD have beerl made and approu-,d. \ ~AU, nlNffOU.'.'; MI.') r.r.".'ANOfJ'r:: t1/1.<;T m: IiCr.,....';.r;fm,F.', AD,lUSTW",'/'!' TO .'JE f.f.1nF. .i1.T /.'0 r,ST TO cr'!'Y Date o[ lipplicaticn ~ ~JI\l' r;Il;[ors [;eneral Plumbing i-icchan lC..ll ELt;.'l: t r i.!;.II .ft~{/ljt"I,(1 rf1!l!>,.,'t.;r.'J<'I I !...['l...... lrJSN:enON: 'fo be IMde after ~ e.ccav.lti,:m, !Jut prior t~ 8e~ up of [orm:J. 'I mIlJEUS[,All Pf,L',\/BINr;. ELECTHIC.1L .{ _1 ".!r:C!I..!,'Ilr.:IIL: To be made bcfol'~ any - IJ(Jf',l.: ill ;Jovel'ed. =J rOOTING ~ FOUND-iTION: To be made aft."!I' tl'imdwtJ are cxcavated and form:; aI'C cr'ccted. but prior to r"'IlI.i'I'.1 r.:C!ICz'et.;. ::-J 1!:,~g.2!!??OII,'!D p[.w.mrNCJ s.r;;WE:R. W.iTF.,~ UH,1!!1AI,'r.': 1'0 be madc prioJ' to fiL- Tt,~--!-:;:erlC!:,z!:. =J ~'l:'J.!!::~'!}'[,OOR Pf.!I.'.!BJ,VG <~ MECHANICAL: 1'0:) !J,J mild,"] pz'iaz' to ill:Jtallation" of f/,:,',:I/' iWlIdc:t'ion or decking. /', l::,/, ,WO {Jf.'AM: To be made prior to "~;~il:7'rC;Trc,~of [loop insulation 01' ,!,',:~iI1F' S,ll/::.'! !'[.f.'.'.r!1 {;'/C. f..'f,ECTR rCA!".. ,~ UECfI- X:,jJ::l!.~:'~' ,,/,,- ~lOr'J: i:J to be eOl.'eped l~;'ll' (' : Jr,.'I:.:::ll:Jpect-ior:s have beer: "~I.!" ,!w! arJpl'ove:!. rI ".~'!'l...l' 'f;: Prior to placir.IJ facing lI~f. ;.,,;!~;- ,'Ilt! befor'c fmming iunpec- :i,l'. '-001 ---..- [J [] D :(:!r::.l1'.:..I.:I!~: ,'.,'11:;(. ')c requeDted al~ep d['}<I' .,I.tI l.'f ('OIIUIJ plwnbiflO, 8lcct).i- ei!t :; ,r.,',:h'llli::{ll. ,1Z! r'ooj'irlg 1'/';/,'/11:) ..; ehimrlc!J9. ct.::. m:wt be C:'IIII,J,,{,.,1. .....0 w.:JJ'k is to be con- (:,:1:': ,..j Ill!!. i ,. Oda inspcction has 'li,;,"j "7,..;.... ,tIl,! ap[Jl"ol,.'cd. 1- r-J L- FIU,I/. !'i:l':!f[;lf; o n;:,;I,'.r::'111,'/!(',1/, o tt::,l/, !'!Y("~':,'IC.,~{, !_Ol , . \0 \ DescPibe f.'oI'lc Value / /1/ _ ,C; Your City DeDigr.atcd Job Nwnbcl' 10: D INSULATION/V/lPOH HARRIER INSp.r;;CTION: To be made after all insulati:,m a.'xi rcqu:.ped Llapop bar'r'iers Q1'e in place . but cefore any latll. gypSWTf board or wall covering is applied. and before any inDuLation is concealed. DRYWAf.L IflSPECT!ON: Tc be made aftep all drywall ia in place. but pr'iol' to allY taping. O ~MSONRY: ,Steel location, bond beamD. gl'Out;iug or' vertioals in accopdal1ce IJith U. B. C. Section 2415. , DWOODSTOVE: Aftep installation is ccmpleted. o o CURB .( Af'PROAClJ AP.'?ON: After- foms are eJpec:ted bu.t p,'ior' to pourirlfl ,zon,zrete. SIVF:r/ALX ,~DRII'EUt.Y: Fop all con-' cr'ete paving witllin street right- of-u:::y.. to be made after al! e%ca- vating cunplete & form lJOT'k & aub- baae matel'ial in pLa;:)e. o o rENCE: M~er. compl~te -- Provide gatcs 01' movable sections thl"ougr, P.U.r:. o .cce;.t " ~ ~, " \ Siqr.cd: Data: gxp':i-ces Phonp ,(//,~/q/ that ~ach ~eBB is readabZe I DEIIOLITIO!/ OR ;'.,'OVE!J SUILDI,7GS ~ Sani ~Ql'y BeJel' :!apped :It pl'op~rtEi tir:e --1 .' " ',' ,'lo.l...',"hll'tl";'I\>II'I,."";11 ~}i i~.i,. ,~ :J Septi;) tank p:lmpcd and fill;:d with aroa:Jel ::J Final - rl~en abeLle itc:.'1s are completed ar.d when'd~litior. is complete or struJ- ture mouee. and pp;:r.rises ;)leane:! up. .0 I Mobile Hemes ::J Blocking and Sat-up ::J Plumbing connections .- scwc~ and ~:er ::J Elcctrical Connection - Blocking, set-up and plwnbing connections rrr...8 t te approvad bsfor'c pcquesting elec~rical inspectio~ ::J Ac;)cs[;opU 8uiZd~ng ::J Final - Ilftl:l' f.':Jrc1:es. etc. are c~plet~d. skil'ting. decks. o I r.",,' of " I JOB NO. Izone' Lot Sq. Ft,;. ~ :>1 lot C:>u81'ag& ,1/ of Stones Total Height Topography SOLAR AaESS Occupancll C'" I 11TEII I Main I GcJ"ace LOT TYPE Interior Cornel' Panhandle Cut-de-sac SQ. FTG X Value Caroort A~cep80rlJ I' . I TOTAl, VAWE Is.v.c. IVCt.UCJ 1.5 z Bui l.dina Permi t State SW'charge Total Charges IITEII I Fix.tures NO. I FEE Residentia! (1 bathl sanitary Sewer I Watel' I PLumbing Permit Stat" SUI"cr.arqe Total Cha1'nOB CHARGE REQ.- l.-Cl,ll:' ...":-.~ Type/Cor-.t: _I 1 I Acc.'., I 11 11 RI?GrOQm3 : E~12r(1." SO:lrC(!G !Ieat Water !',.at,." Hatlac fircnlar:r. Wood;;tor.:e T;/I'I: I wt Faces - I I P.I.. NOl'th lEast ISouth :Went Set.backn 'lIou8p. r Cara'll? Faes Building Value & Permit This permit ia granted on the erpreDB condition that tho Il,Il~,j ;:..}.'U:II'/lI:t.I:')11 ShaUl in allro8epcctD, conform to tile ordinance adoFtr.J l)'y dlt> t'il!! oJ[ Springfield, inc!udi.ng the Zoning Crd'inallca, reguLatillg tll.} ,;(..'/1:: f 1'11.'1 ::';'1 and UDe of buildings, and rrcy be sUDpended or revoked at (;/:y t.;:r-:,' :/;-"1: IIj.;- tation of any provisions of said OrdinancoD. I Plan Check Cote Paid: Recdpt H: Si!J!1ed: fee: Plumbing Permit No percon chall. con3truct, install, aZter or change any neW c,' 'J:i3tl~1I~; plumbing or drainags syste:n in ",hole or in part, ur.les8 GUc11 pernoll 1~3 f.l1'1 'Legal posseBsor of a valid pl.umber's license, except that a par3011 maiJ (iLl plumbing lJOrk to property which is owned, l.ea3ed or operated by tJU! appU.- cant. . .Iln~f / Res. So. fto. I Haw/EXtend Circuita I Temporary Service I 'NO. [ I I I fEE Electrical Permit Ete~tricat Permit State SurcMr{fS Total Charqes IITSM 1 F'urtUJCP !!TU' S I E:haus t Hood I Vent fan I W:xJdsto;;6 NO. FeE Permit I38uanca Mechanical Permit State Surcharrc Total. Charaeo __ EIICROACRIIENT -- ISc~~rit~ Daooott I Storage I l.fr1in tenan.'!/'! I pcnnit . . I I Curbcu~ I Sidm.uLk I F,.."ce I ElectricaL Cabel I Mobile Ilome I I Totat Chamcs l",n'l''''T. .4JJfllJNT ME:-4 CHARGt" CIIARCE Jlhers State (AbJ requires ch.at the electrical work be done by all ELectJ"ir.:tlL Controctor, the eLectrical portion of thi3 permit shall r.ot ba valid ulltiL the labeL has b6en Dig7led by the El.ectricaL ~011tractor. 1 I . Mechanical Permit va,. PLan EXclflL7Ier I HAVE CAREfULGr EXAMINED the compLoted application for permit. and do hsreby certify that all i:-;fo:<mation 'lerGon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d alt IJOrk psrfo~ed shalt be dOile in. acC'or'- danc6 witl1 tha ordin:utce8 of the City of springfield, and t}1~ La-...:s of tho .4 Seate of Ore9"71 pertaining to the IJOrk described heroi.n, c1uf th.'l: NO aeel) PANcr lJill be rmde of any struetUl'2 witho;;.t p.2rmis3ion of Ole SuiLdinp Di uinion. I furthar certify th:1.t o~ly contractors QJuI c:npl"yocs w1:o arc ill compliance with ORS 701.05t wiLL bo used on this project 1 I 1 Si"n:ul [1.lt..: