HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1982-3-16 00 RE.ENTIALoo APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ~ ~1a.U ~~ at, 7'1 Ih~ Sf f/ ~, IJI!. -- '--{f --, Ir~~~~ ~-h'"e Job Location: tf~ 'if 7'h In~ \1 ~ o'}.. <;'1 - frl\ ASGeSaON' Map N Subdivision: Ct.mel': Address: City: n n n n !lm,J Addi ticn Remodel Uobi.la Romo Date of Application Con'tT'actors GeneraL P!wnbing I Eloctrical I, l1.clrar.icc! +ft' ~/.~:F I H' ~TJj, , Construction Lender sf Ta:t: Lot .' ao7tJ1J ?cce~pt.' I)., ,e;1 2-1 t; to-~ fJ~ II / t ,t!'6 /o.~ ,tfO i )i. tIP 1~~ I t.f~o I - I I I I I /Lt-r- ~ Siqr.ed: ~ 3- J( 0-0,;)... Pr.cne: 74(, - 1fe,~ 2. Zip: q 71./77 D68Cl""~be f.,'ork: Valus Addre8:J Date: Lise. II Er:iircs Phone It is the 1'6sponcribility of" ths pel'1frit haldsr to 868 that all incpect:ioM al"e r.:ads at the proper ti.mE~ thet ;;cch .::ddrsss is re~':"'~~e froom t.h4 st,.est. and that the permi t aard is tocatsd at th8 fl'01f,t of tM property. ~Buitdir".g Dividor: approvsd FZan shalt remain on the Bu-!.ZdiT1f7 Sit;; at aU times. P.70CEDTfP.E "'OR INSPECTION RB'am'ST:CAlL 726-3769 (recoMer) state your city designated job mm:bel'~ job" adC.rcss~ type of in3pec;ien roaquestcdar.d tJhfm you wiLf be ready for inspection, Contractors or Owners ncme ~ phone n.umber. Requests received befere 7:00 c::::z ~'iLl. be TTWie the same day, requests made afta' 7:00 a7I will be made the next :.JOrking day. Yew' City. D..igr.ated Job Number Ia: f( .21).2...11< J!J'-s[')i"J'.r{ r,..'i....,J'''i.t1:pn....~ O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after e:rcavation~ but prior to 86: up of forms. 0: UNDERSUB PU~'.fBING, ELECTRIC,tL & MECHANICAL: To be made before a71Y tJOrk is .:!ovcred. D FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be r.r:z.ds after trenches are excavated and forms ars erected~ but prior to pouring ccncret~. UNDSRGROWlD PLUMBING. SEWER. W.1TE.~ DRAINAGE.. To be rna.:t6 prior to fiZ- Z. ir.g trencMS. o o UNDeRPWOR PWMBfllG & I'8C!1ANICAL: To be made prior to install,ation of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BeAU: To be made pM.cr to installation of fLoor insulation or dscki"f;. ROUGt! PUP..1BTNG_ Er,ECTRICA[. & MECH- ANICAL: No '.Jerk is to bc C!ot,'ered ur.til thc86 insvectior.s ~Je beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and before fraJ1'ting inspec- tion. D FRAJ-!INC.. t.fust be requ.etJted af~er appl'ovaL of l'ough plwr.bing-J eZectri- oot. ,4 mechanical. At.~ roOfing " bracing & chimn.cys~ etc. nrJ.st be _ compLeted. No work is to be C!on- ~-cec.Led until. thia inspection has . b6~ made and approved. O' D D O INSULATION/VAPOR EARRIeR INSPECTION: To be made after aLl. insuZa.tWn w.d -" l'cquired vapor earM.ers are in place " but eefore any lath~ gypsum board 01' wt.Z covering is appZied~ and bejo1'6 any insulation is conceaZed. O DRYWALL INSP~CT!ON: Tc be made after all. drywall is in pl.aC!e~ but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel Zoca'tion, boYul beam3, grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B,C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE: After instaLlation is acmp let.d. o D CURB & APPROACH AP.~N: Afte:- fo1'ms are erected but priOl' to PGUr";ng <XJnarete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving z.nthin street roight- of-tJeY-J to be ma:1e a;~tal' an e=ca- vating conpZste & form WOl'k & $ub~ base materiaL in. pl.a:Je. 'DEMOLITION OR :-,'OVED BUILDINGS ::8] Sani ta::ry Sl!'.Jer ::ae;ped ::::t ~OP(;l't":i l.ir.e 2f] 8tlptic tc:n.k p'...",?cd a:".d f-:.l.Le~ :.nth qra:.l~z. ~ Final - u~n above ite~s are c~~leted ~ ar~ when de~Z~ticr. is C!amplete or st~~- ture movee ani. pl'eniaes ::Zeaned up. . Mobile Hcmes ::J Bt.ocking and Set-up ::J PLumbing connections -- SDWer and wa~er ~ Electrical Conr.ection - BLocking~ set-up ---1 and. pZwnbing connections nr..:.st be C?pro-..:ec before reque8t~ng electrical ins?ec=io~ :=J Accessory Build.-:.ng :J Final - Aft::r p:Jl'cr.es, sk';l't";ng~ decks, etc. are ccmplet~d. D All proje~t conditions~ such as the instalZation of stl'eet ~rees. ~o_~tetivn of the l'equired l.and.8capir.g~ etc. ~ must be satisfied bejare the BUILDING FINAL coan be requ.sst3d. o PIIIAL PLUMBIIIG 0- FIlIAL UE~HAtlICAL o FIlIAL eLeCTRICAL .0 o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building InS?6ction must be l'equeated c.f:6r the PinaL ?ZumbiYl3 Elec:trical~ CD'Ui Mec:har.ic:c.l Inspecti.ona have been made and approvad. O PENCE: Wher. com'Ol,zte -- Provide- gates or movable- aecticns through P.U.E. . D *ALL /.fAt/HCLES AND CLEANOllTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS:,'[E,'/T TO 3E :-~1DE 11T NO C?ST T~ CrTY I P!:f;e 1 of 2 I JOB NO. Zone: ~ 2/);;.)1, Lot Sq. Ftg, S " !at' C->tIerag< # .of Story,ss Total !ieight Topogra;;hy SOLARG~~C..~S Oacutlancl/ "v~lJ. LOT TIPE Interior Corner Panhandle C1ll-de-sac I lITEM I"'bin SQ.FTG Gerace. Ca1":'Ol''t I I Accessol'u TOTAL VAWE IS.D:C. IVC/"U(:) 1.5 :r: Building Permit State Su:rchart:1S Total ~""gea lITEM I Fiztu:toes I R..identi<lZ (1 bath) lsanit;apy Sewer> I Water ~f!.nf./ Plill1tbing Pel'rr."'; t 1"'0'1 I I State SUZ'cr.a:rge Total Chc.raes ITEM I Res.'. So. fta. I NawlErtend Cireui to l Temporary S61"IJiCB I NO'j I I I FEE E1.eatr1.ca l Permi t st::ts Su:rdrarae Total Cha:foces IITSM fUrrt::zce ETU'5 E::haus t Hood. I NO. I FEE V8?1t Fan iloodsto"B Permit Issuance Ms::1umicc.Z Pem t State Surcha:rt:re Tcrtnl dtt:r'JBS I -- EllCROACEL'-fE::T -- ISB~~~ D2~3it I Storage Maintenance Permi. t Tota l Charqos I Curbcut I Sidezualk I Fen::e I E1..sctM.ca l Labs l ll>fobi"le Home i #LM ~:r~ iJ1),~j. I , , x FEE Valus CHARGE IO./H> //J.N! .41; IIUJI, CHARGE I I CliARCE /J.~ I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:" I ~ ~~.itI; P:=ge 2 REQ.- L-COG~ . BedJoooms: II Enerau Sources Heat II II Ii TUDe T:.<De/Cor.st .' I Lot Face. - I I P.L. INor'th lEast ISouth IWest Setbacks I House : Garaqe : I I I Aceess. i I I Watel'" Q",n1-,/l'" Range "_. Fir'e'Olace Wa0d3r:ot:e Fees Building Value & Permit I I I I , ' This perrrr;t is granted on the express condition that the said. constl""..Iction shall~ in all respccts~ confcnm to the Ol'dinance ~opr:ed by the City of Springfield~ incZuding ~he Zoning Crd~nance, regulating the ccnst~~oticn and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended or revoked at any time upon. uic- Zation of any prauisions of said Ordir~es. I, I I IPlan Check Fee: I Cat< PaUl: IRecdpt fl.: jSig>:ed: Plumbing Permit No person DhaLZ construct, in8~zz., aUer or' change any r.sw or e--ist;ing pl.wnbing or' drainage syste:n in whole or in part, ur.Zess such person is the legal possessor of a vaZid pZumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son may do pl.~bing lJOrk to property which is ()'I.,md, l.eased or operoated by the appli- cant. I I, Electrical Permit I I I I I, Where State LaJJJ requires tr~t the sleamcal work be done by an El.satl'ical. Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall. roOt be valid until the 7.abel has been signed by the Klecmcal Contractor. I I I I I I I I I I, I Mechanical Permit PLan Exam.ner l)ar;s I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.~lINED th.e compZsted application for permit, and de hereby certify that all. ir.fo":'mation hereon i8 true and correct, and I f'.uotheP cerdfy that any ar.tl an :JOrk perfo'r.rled shall. bQ do:1s in acaor- dance :.lith the Ordinances of the City of SpringfieU, and th~ La:.;s of thG .. State of Oregan p:3rt.:zining to the IJOrk d.escribed herS"';n, r::nd :hat NO OCCU- Pi!./lCY will be nnde of any structura without parmis8io"!': of the Building 0-;- vision. I further certif~i that only contractors and e::rpwyees who are in compliance with oas 701.0S$ will be used on this pr'oj~ct . I~/~ , 3--/0-f2-- :S.F. D. Date