HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 7/27/2009 .. 111111 . ""I ..' " ~ <-/J.t:i WARRANTY ~ FOR VALUE RECEIVED, ARLAN H. FARMER and ROSE M. FARMER, husband and wife, herein referred to ,as grantors, hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto "OWARD E. ZINK, herein referred to as grantee, the following described real property, with tenements, , hereditaments and appurtenances, to wit: ' PARCEL ONE, I'eg1.nn1.ng at a point which is 360 feet East of a point that is 94.57 feet South 40. 40' East from a point 105.2 feet North of the Southwest corner of the Paul'Brattain Donation Land Claim NO. 63, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wi1lamette Meridian, running thence East 60 feet, more or less, to the monument which marks the Southeast corner of Block 7 of BRATTAIN'S ADDITION to Springfield, Lane County. Oregon, as platted 'and recorded in Book 9, Page 6, Lane County Oregon Plat Records before same w~s vacated; thence North 196.3 feet; thence Nest 60 feet: more or less to a pOint due North of the Beginning Point; thence South 196.3 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. -, ' EXCEPTING: That portion of the above-described premises included ,in that certain deed wherein Paul Hadley and Pearl Hadley, husband and wife, were grantors, and the Town of Springfield, was grantee, registered in Book 14, Page 460, of the Certificate of Registered Titles, being Instrument No. 3474, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO: Beginning at a point 420 feet East and 206.9 feet North of a point that is 94.57 feet South 40' 40' East from a point 105.2 feet North of the Southwest corner of the Paul Brattain Donation 'Land Claim No. 63, in TownshiD 17' South of Range 3 Nest of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon, and running thence" South parallel with the East line of Tenth, Street, 206.9 feet, more or less to the North line of Main Street in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon; thence Easterly along the North line of Main Street 60 feet; thence North parallel with the East line of Tenth Street 214.3 feet, more or less, to a point 60 feet East of! the beginning point, and thence West 60 feet to the place Df beginning, in Lane County, , Oregon. EXCEPTING TIlEREFROt1: That certain tract conveyed by Andrew J. Waffle and Stella M. Waffle; husband'and wife, to City of Springfield, a municipalcorporatiDn, by instrument recorded October'21, 1940, in Reception No. 88967, Lane County O~egon Deed Reoords, in, Lane County, Oregon. ' PARCEL TWO: Beglnnlnq at a point on the South line of the alley running,East and West bet_en Main Street and "A" Street 225 feet East of the Date Received: , I Page 1 - Warranty Deed JUL 2 7 2009 'ung,r1a' .:mommal II.. i.&.lC. L.-c>T 4'-00 , , ','9.,' · East line of Tenth Street in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, and running thence East on the South line of said alley 7S feet: thence South parallel with the East lina of Tenth Street, 168.00 feet, more or less, to the North line of ~Iain Street': thence Westerly on ,the North line of said r~in Street 75 plus feet to a point exactly 225 feet East of the East line of Tenth Street if extended Southerly: thence North 156.05 feet, more or less, and parallel with the East line of Tenth Street ,to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO, Beginning at a point on the South line of the alley running East and West between Main Street and "A" Street and 300 feet East of the East line of Tenth Street in BRATTAIN'S ^DDITION to Springfield, as platted and recorded in Book 9, Page 6, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, running thence East 60 feet, thence South 180 feet: more or less, to the. North line of !~ain Street: thence Westerly along the North line of Main Street to a point due South of the point of beginning: thence North 170 feet, more or'less, to the t>oint of beginning, in Lane'County, Oregon. Subiect to a Land Sale Contract, dated October 31, 1972, recorded March 15, 1975, Recet>tion NO. 75~08051, by and between Wilkes Enterprises; Inc., an Oregon Corporation, a,s Ven!lor and Arlan W,"U 'Parmer and nose M; parmer, husband and wife, as Vendee, ,Official, , Records of Lane County , Oregon" which grantee herein assumes and , agrees to pay,. Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions of record. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD ths said premises unto said grantee, his heirs and assigns forever. And the said grantors hereby covenant that they are lawfully seized in fee simple of said prem- ises, that they are free from all encumbrances, except as above ' stated, and ,that ,they will warrant and defend the ,above-granted premises against all lawful claims whatsoever, except as above , stated. .' The $190,000.00. true and'actual ~onsideration for this transfer is DATED this ~~ day of April, 1976. , 7 ,t"1.- _ q; t. '1!-~~:'~-"~ -./ Ar~~~~.i' ,~~' ~ M.-V?u<>.. M!J;~ ROSe 11. FArmer 9.9. County of Lane STATE OF OREGON ) ) ) On this jJ!l day of April, 1916, personally appeared the above-named Arlen H. Farmer and ~o M. Farmer, husband and wife, and acknowledged the foregoing in ument 1I0 b~th ir voluntary act and deed. Before me: . 'liT:- ~ . tary PUDU~ 0 ore~5n ~ My Commission expires, j'. ,"- ?? Grantee's address, 2278 North 8th Street, Springfield, UK ""1. Page 2 - Warranty Oeed (End) Date Received: ," JUL 2 7 2009 II III urlgmal ::iUbmlltai ., i " .. --~ ~ .ij ~jf;r;w;l; :; .I ~~:-;"l<.f!~3~ ~~~'i>.{':;2'; ,~ '1f,;;.":l"'''~''\ -. ~l~;; ,~;J.!t;l~~ :._~;' -!\::~~:;.. ~ ~;'>;'I~(::;fi .,!.:~t~"~,,, i;!.. ~'''');'<.r'\'-'~'''il' ~~:;g it~~\;~;lf~i- a~,"';;';" (,<% i&,i! Rttr f :.Pit - A1':f~ - ~, '~",!r;j\lfk':l:; ".'''..l~i -~. .: >>'t :t. .:!t... ~2J;t:.:.1~~ft ~\,}ii'"",. i(~':"'~;\'~'~,,;',:~;' f, .,', ',' 11"0 I"~' . - " - ~,,........'. .' ".':\C,o I ~::('~:: .:.', ':,I~:: \ I ~I' i , .1' :: ',t ~": ::'. '01 Jj :. -~! . ~-. ... ..:...,;.... fJl~';"'~" ~~.:.:.:'.':'.. ;~. ':j , ;/' c' ~). ' " ", -::;" :~... t ~-'" (:.. .. -.\ T"'t"J,:'!''':t<'~'',\ -' .~. ,.._~'-' . .. -. - , ' ";~:- ,~...,~,:,..~~l'" --,. 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IlIore or les., to lho monument whIch morks the Southeast conner 0' Block No.7 of Brattalns Adnltlon to Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, before .ame wos .acated; tbence !Inrth 196,3 feet; thence We,t 60 f.et, more or leS5 to a point due 1I0rth of tho heglnnlng poi'nt; thence South 196.3 ,feet 'to. the place of beglMing, In Lane County, Oregon. EKCEPTIHG therefrom that portion of the abo.e described premlse5 Included 'n ,that certain deed wherein Paul Hadley and Pearl Hadley, hushand and wife, ""re Grantors and the Town of Springfield, was grantee. registered In Volume 14, Page 4BO. of the CertIficate of Registered Titles, being Inst'l111ent No. 8474. ' P^~CEL II. Beginning at a poInt 420 feet East and 205.g'feet Horthof a point-that 15 94.57 feet South ^O' 40' East from a point 105.2 feet North of the Southwest corner of the Paul Brattain Oonatlon L~nd ClaimHo. 53, In Township 17 South, Range 31(est of the Wlllamette MeridIan, fn Lane County. Oregon, and running thence South parallel with the East line of Tenth Street 206.9 feet, more or loss to the nortb, line of Main Street In SprIngfIeld, Lane County, ,Oregon; thence Easterly along the Harth Une of Haln Street 60 feet, thencol North parallel withthe~~ast line of Tenth'Street;210;3 feet, more or.:less, to. point 00 feet East of the heglnnlng point. and .thence West 60 feet to the p lace Of beg Innl ng., EKCEPTlNG TIIEREFROM that, 'certain tract conveyed by Andrew J. Waffle andStel1a M, Waffle. husband and wife, to City Of SprlngHeld, a municipal corporatIon, by fnstrument recorded Octol;er21, 1940, in Lane County Oregon Oeed Records.. under Recorder's Reception No, BB907., ' P~RCEL IIi. Beginning at a point on the South line of the alley runnlng East and West; het""en Haln Street and "^" Street 225 feet East of tbe East line of Tenth Street In Springfield, lane County, Oregon, and runnIng the'nce (ut on the Southl'ne of said alley 75 feet,.thence South parallel with the East line of Tenth Streot 168,00 feet, more or less. tn thet/orth line of Main Street; thence Wosterly on the Ilorth lIne of said Main Street 75 plus feet, to a point exactl, 225 feet East of the East line nf Tenth Street if e.tended Southerly; thence North 1~6.05 feet, more or less. and parallel wIth the East line of Tenth Street to the place Of begfnnlng, In Lane County. Oregon. PARCEL IV. BegInning at a potnt on the South Hne of the alley running Ent and West between lolain Street and 'A" Street and 300 feet East 0' the East line Of Tenth Street In BrattaIn's Addition to Sprfngfleld, fn Lane County, ~regon, as nlatted and recorded In Volume 9. Page 6. Lane County Oregon Plat Records. running thence East 60 feet; thence South 180 feet. more or less, to the'iorth line of I~aln Streot; thence Westerly along the ftorth line nf MaIn Street to a point due South of the point of beginning; thence' Horth 170 feet. more or less" ~~ the pot.nt of beginning, tnLane County, Oregon. :'i "';!!! :, ~ .' i .:.! , ... .' '::' i "if ~ :i ,I -; :! ! :"',0. "1 ,;:,,;, ,~.,}iji ~~;.~~:'t.'..~F't-~ -I . '., ....1 i' 'l,,-j '. _I ~1 ~ . f- Date Received: JUL 2 7 2009 ",."..,;"", ,; ~"".;"r.""" ,,;..j,(':';' ! 4Jl.'l'," .I;;.:,:.'~ ~ ,1.c.,,~,,~..":.q/I.'I~' ..~"~-'.~n. , ",!/,\!,p, I ',: ',," ..',I'd ,',' ,'" f\-,,;';, i/:w/!-.l ,I .~~,:..,~l~./ ,:J-~',...:-~l\,,,.:,..,:,,,,,. t. ,~. 'I~fl)~';'~ft' I"",,(,~",;' t\.\C;,~n!I~.;(:J';l:,~i.,t;: 1~~~.;J ~ '. ~'? . ~V ~. .. -~. '''''', if. I I :\~;%:~~~k ~_ ~~- ,~~,',~i~.,i=: .........,..{......,,~; , ~.1'e:'-. >~"'''- ! ;?t~._~f,::..:'...<..: i '. '.,- " ""''''" I -l.Jr ,-. "~-""'':':\-~'':'''~'':'.. ... ." tc~ '. ~ ~.tif:.."'~ ~\-:;.:,~ ;::: s ~ . 1 , J j .= , ,(: , . ." . '1!I''''~'''"'''''I''~:;'''~'I'''''('''''' ....~." , l.I t.. ..' ". ~'1t. t.. I". j ( '. : ',ll~ "" - I'":' L . c " ~I.;~., r'C' '::~I" ," ~ll:f\'1",'-;':;"'il-"~'"'~ ",*'f\"~~l~~'" .~1,:.1" . S~~l"'''' ,~i\/~'1t1";: "1 ,,~(llf ~'..:" .,...t'~.~l 'r .:ll'~, ':';o~lfv"""" .?f:~~~ :w.;:....,,~~ .,~1::.,'~ '/\:;1 . ~~;r; ~;'" ,~ t'~: ,'" \"\i:!:w:li~'{~1~IJik~,' ;'" ,~:1;i~i; ':/"l'. Sf l:t;f', j" ":J,l~\ ' .' . '. , ,I'., "1' ~ ..t"" . 'f:, . ..".."I,-.~;\o-, ,\ ':'\I'"'~'I:..~... . - ,{7-- 3' ~3..5 -~'-I MAR 0 '8'-\988 ; " ". ,. , .'....' '._'-,,-~~.-:., -~~..,'" - 4Cj~ .. ". 15'03 if" ~ .;....~ .'\1 " '., 'I' 8809349 FUII"'l"": !! J!l!!U WHm!:I.9, tho_cIf Of' 1'11: e&TtmD ot 1nncrl!:lll. vho.. le.el tl.IDO h Iftlacruu CHURCM Of THE ..ETI,.,.tM.XIUl:ICXXDUlEQJ[U...Ull:1:.....wUJ\Jl~Xllu...nXw."XJlUuU...:..~ ,.................''If''......}1flf.. ~ ftoreln&!\_ "f.rr.a. to al u..' If_iocaJ. conp-.Pt.1oft," 11 "'. '1("\1 owner 11. .. 01 t.be SollAw1.nc dIlIlCl'1bt4 prad..... . Tb. H..L.aae Count, tax Iou fluaM..od .. fOU..,., 1'-03..3S-4I-ol16DO 17-03-35-4,-04700 17.0J.)5-41~ )'~O'-3S"1-04900-1D1 1'-03-35-41-04900"101, aho Ir:ftova .. 1062-1096 "-in .St" SprLa.ti.ld. O~.'''l attach.. to tbi. do~Gt. 14'1."1 IJIlBl88 IlK .....,.. z.... and de.cribedla -mul'l '.. "'LAIIl IJIl818l1mlD "UOJ.. 11... to~1l't.h'!r "Uti the 1aIprDY..,nb therllOft, and: 'the tvn1turl, f\am1Db1np ant .... py'(lptrt,. 2"eel, perlOnU and. lll1zed, USed. 1Il ooDDeoUon thert..wtUti, 01' bold., ):lean...d b7 .aid -1oc:11 eonp'tptioft,. tnd. II&J he:r..rt.r aCIllutn oUll'r pnt,...,.. re.d, per.onal or Dj,zod in ContM:~OII tbvewttb, (aU at "'1dr. 11 blnlaaftU' n""'" to u the IlChllrib :PrpporU.I'-)J ',. '.~ ' , " .um WJDmSAS, Uti tDMt.8 and priac1p.l.. 0/ thte -local ClOap'tpt.1on- .,.. .. adopt.od or GPP"Ond IJ"OlI t1~M: to t1ae b7 t.ke ANNlJU, ....".._~ or 'tHE_CWBCH or _ I', ''',:1",' . (h.r'1nAth:r.rllerrld to n. "Anmal tont...-.nc.;Il), &nS Ut, "loMl <<IIIII9IIUoII" U loCIlt.e4 1ft, .rnl b . put. of, tIM DISmICT.or .....2BLliO!'...IlASHtIlC1'O. . .. ~ :nn: CHURCJI or 1H! BllETKFlEN, hore1nafttr .ret..",~ '4. Cobo "~'~l..~, . JJJP WH!iK&\S, tho lNl1d. "local .. ...." ',.' _t.1(1J~ bal, or JIII'I"Mei." tJnaadal .... othll' .oabt.&nal tl'Oll .... or \hI boln. or tho Chanh. or tho Ir~ AIID lfHEittu, "4trrl14L COI_'~IIo-1 -.. &uthorilK Uw adoption ot Go p1&D. 01" plau. lor and eont.rol or Cb~reh proplrUe. ~ th, loaoJ. COftBl'tpt10111 aat VI'DbW1oU. uK! it 11 d~l1r.ble and 11 to tho ba~t. iftt.UU\' ot \be aa1d '1ttcal ocmarepUortt Ul1t auoJI'. p1u be ad.op\Cld &nO ..tabUlthocI. . . NCJl, ..~"""'..."a. ill conald.raUon. ot th. pnrd.CtI; tho aut.l&&1 Hfteft.\G ud &Clnnt.asu to be p1ned., and th._ lUll ot On, DJllar in hand pdd, Uut ..u o1ot&1. CCDe;.I"tS&t1on" do.. bN'ltb7 IlI.h known, "I:1.&,-, ud qret, aD to.lJaWl. (1) Th. _aid "local conlhPUoa" ~ld!l and 11 "1&Od. at \be ..u "ClaIrtti 'rcpftOU.." nb.,.et to the ttnq: Ind pro\'1l1oa. b.-lOt. (2) The ".n.t. .1Id prlnelpl.. 01 th, ..a1d "IDeal eonptPt1~... tn. ard IhoU ba, Q. adopted "b4 'PFOnd I'l'OII tw to t1ao b7 tho A-.lfU.u. c.......IliInooilII....... or tHI CHUJlCII OF nil 1llIi'I1NH. (:n So lone.. the .&14 -10111 CODII'e,.:ttODli Ihol1 oblnn .\&cb I"",,':'~.I.I 8ZUEF3, and. well I1Id UAtU the BOARD Cf" 4RBl'filAnCt:, h....1n&tt.er PI'OYUcd "'.t _han haVe toUQi to tM mo'.~,_~.., '-bo N.1d ."eal eonll'GcationQl t.h&11 baTe ... ~.,. tJ\. oole and Qo1Uld.'" po.....1oft, con\,n,l, W&~ &aid ri.sht Gt dtlpodUooD .t 'tho odd .Chvoh ProPOI'U...," &ad tb&11 be. 'u~nnbl' t'Ol' aU tai:paon- &nit UabU1t;1e. 1n: CCIIbftteUoG tAvew1Ul. . . Coon\1oood OIl .". _ pop) i I I ....-:'... CPO" 1 .r " ~.. ~;,.. I.";...,. 'r"" "'"" ~:. ~....- '~:::,,: ,.,.'~ ~f'''' .:!" ,~ ~ . t. .-: ';- / :i t I , ~a, ~ Received: .. .. " , '; .~ ';' ~. "..: " . I ':, " ~ .' : ..,.... .. J Jl 2 7 2009 ."..... . ..'.~ " ~. :. '~i'.:./..:';:-~" . V"l:l"ll:ll.:>uomltial -, '!l'- -. ..... .: .-. l' .- MAR 08 1988__ /5'03 Jl, ~'...- ,,~ - ','~!,~:_-"':'~_._~ ~;~.:.....=~ -;~':..- .,.--,.. "~""i'~---' ~~,-- SS09349 m:wu.W/lI Z Dl!lZ (4) Ie tIM eveat at ...16110D. 01' aUI,I. dlviaU_ b~ lb. ..S' "~u1 conJu,ltln" froe ,w:h IIE'nIIDf bdbl., till IIl,laU.ou elaa11b. ..cUM.CD .. MUD or A1UI11I.4tlClH to ba C"fNed (Dupe.. hulaan.r a.c 'Drtb), of ..... _"IU. th.... to ba cl.d....ud lilli_dieted bJ' "11IE StAllDlHa C_":'.......... at TBI A1IKUA.L conFERENCI". thn. to b, dldlaacd ..d nhe.ted b, the "1oeal toe.nlAcioa," .ad CbO ..wnth ....er to ba dut.Cland aad ..lect,d " the a1:11 anbara th~ dnt.lIl. If tbe 1Il11 .....ntb.' choUta IMU f.b to "1'0' IqtOD. 01' f.U to d..:tlaau aU .eUer, tho ...wentb ....er vitht-n thl ,.rtatl of t1Dl "I: b1 tbl ....u. du1pat..... . ..l.cud by "tHE STAlfD CCHlITl'U or THE A.tI1R1,u, COIfrEUllCl,". (Such ..riM of &:1_ . to .. not 1... thea d....rty da,. dcu mUea Mti,ca), th'lath. .....m ....r ....U It. dullnacd and ..bend by che ...In .. 4Mi.....C.. .04 ...leeted '" -ma STAlfl)tWG c~r:nu or l1lI ANtI\II..t. CDIIFDm:r:." It .... _111' 'lo,al ,.nsroI!lUon' oIlall ralJ. or ..&1..t to dedpto ulII ..1od tho ...b~ ot tho BCWI or ARB1TIlUICll1 to b. 4"~'" _... ool...h4 lQ' 1\, w1\lWa th1r~7 dll71 an.1' witton noUco 10 to do tro. the II_or, cI.d.pted. &D4 .t1,cW1 by q1Y.S ST.lNDlNC ca.lttttD 01' tHli AmIU.U: CorrrlREUCE;- tII, 8CWU) ~ ADBl'!IAT.lOI I.be.U be'COt.!.POled or t.br'M __.u anl.7J .....1t,.t.,h. tJuoe. .-Hr' d.aa:1&nat.od Uld nlaotcd. b7 "THE S1.lJm1JriG cctf.iITm 0' tHl AtlN\lAt COllFlRlta.- A.ct1on tuan. 01' 'PJlII'On4 ,1D, vr:lt.1ns tll, a c:.aJor1\f ot "he a....n ot \b. BOA!\L OF AJcaXDAt'lON .b&U bet \akn UI4 de.1Ud ,tG b, tAo action CJt th~ SOARD 01 AlBITR.l'1'IOI', IhaU bt bt.nd1l:1l.OQ 'he -1oGa1 ce"C"laUCJn- and. thero eblU be no .JlpoaJ. thentrM. . i (5) It it .h&U'... 4ot_n" br tho eoillD or:AIlIIl'/lllTlllltUlo' tb. d""'!.on ot' tb, "locU ceftll"osau.on" fro:. I'Icb ~jOl~ bellat. 1, _\mal ani -=ot.ent1al', \lae "local con;r'lat1orr' 1!:laU .l.IIToncl.r tu11 and oxcludYO po.....1an, ocn:rt.hl, ....... lion" and rirht or d1tpo.iUon of tho od.4 "Cbvch 'f'Op"'''lo.- to ~. tG1d -D1at.riot.,. 01' U. 11OIl1n.., ard ,hall aM will, at. thl roQu,,'" at tho "D1,t.ri.G.t." o:xecvt. ud d,U...r dl dood.o, a..Lsm.cnts. t.f'aftIlcl'l .-nd. ~~lII',docQllOn'. 41GMC1 'Dr fob. .CS.V1c:"" to bo "oqUo1te 01' naceSla;,. to COft'Q7, ...ianJ tl'O..Mt.r U\C1 4.1lYlJr lUll aM ccap1ot. title to, and ac1u.aiYl po....s!on ot, .d.cl'''Cbwch Prcpert.1u" to t.ho "Dlet.r1d,. or U.O aoabM. (6) Upon tho trlon.ter or t.ho't.1tJ.o to, UI1 po.....ion ar, ,a1d .CbUrdI 'ropert.1..- io the ,114 "D1.t.r1ct.,1t aNI iW ''District'l 1h&11 h.l.v. ani! an30r the 001. end exc1\l11To pou...ion, CQntrol. 1IIM1~t.aM r1'&ht of d1spCI.it1on of N1d .Church Propertie.,. W1U7 t.ro.ndor and. dellnr the ... tel such lol:la1 ClOn;npUon or \-h. CtMlCl OF 1'Kt BlU:THIlE1I upon "..cb t.r:u eni cand1t1cna a. N1d. IIDlI~" ...,. dJllCl ad:'1aab1o. . (pop. .r ,l ' (~ ... tho .... poc.) r I. Date Received : JUL 2 7 2G39 ~', ~:'; .'1"''- .. ~. i~-:' -:-'=' :' n:4t""",-, C'l...:.......a,..,:...._:i.-,;..;;.;..""'~':"-:.e_. j . J~.' . .. ,,. " ",' , , ~. ~.f: '. <. ~:.~::. ..r;;'!f ::.~.:;'.:~~. . . . ' . ~'l" . .......~...:/:j... " . -..:.. ~~E" ~~~_:.'.: -'.., . .~ '. '. ,.~. ..' ~ ." .. .... :\~', .....:..I.~. ~Zi.~t.Si.:..\:, .. ~. 01' " .... '.,6 ........:-. ,i ~ .~ . .. " "'~' ~ '. "'"I ......-.- ,.. MAR 08..'988 T 'so~ ._ .,. ,,,~"""""''''L-_'':''' - - ., .. ., ....;'-,-..-..- ., ."i.'......~~'~:.:.'!-- ..."~_ 11,1 ......:. ~i~ . Bl!109349 i " llEerARAoqa rz mu to WI'fIIISS WIDICJP'. tile n1cI -low eon....ptSo".. md tho. od4 -m..td.__ tmYe e4.u.;!fd the.e pr...t.li to bo ~, 8lC8Ol1tt4 .nd dellY.red t.b1o _ or' , 19_. (_atltJ . . ". ,.~". . Dr,'rRICT or ~trt...aJ_ tL1~":""''''U.-=:l.J '~CK or TICI ~~......t.....tIj. or ;~"..~iJ.,~ I~...' 'd"'(.;' ~~f:.11I'l.~,l ~ika~u, ClI\.'1ICH Of' '!HI ;,l. ,,"~,J,I. "'''.. , .- , BT I(~~~ MJ....tJ' ~ ~[ "'..-.., ~'I/:;t.~'\ . (Vll.. ,'.ie-, G:10fi flu.} 8T ' .., , ';' \\\<'- '1\ ,,'- (~I\~,,"i~ Ifto.>.(f~h .ftr::~~"'"' :;;ttr n"~~.,'I?' At.'.... ,',t! , /, , 'v d.~,,~ ' ~M; , I .:,. i \T11o.&..1 l t.eR~""-\..<.c......~ c.""; '/..4 . I1ob,,\ 'l'u.'ok l!~~ \l::.-..l. '/L.o-'''/.5M:W~C,:t.:;. v' ':>-to~<:. ~ ~\'i,,'1'~" rC:~\\,}JI'(J ,'T' , I.. - .~, "_..,,., , I '< .,;. t,," I (U.. ab... to.. U .. ""'........~. ' Q"l .~.. ". " ,l_rparatllll, U not ~tllll. .. ._"': . ue to.. be1A.). '. .,". ~~:'J."'~::": , :ii.t,1.)J...... ...; l=~'.r"" . \'~ ~g;J~" , ' ,..,J...,,.. ..;::~.?t:. ClI'R CIMlCH, OF 1111 BRmIRDI .. \IL" aan. ..., J 117' Iroewe ....... mao... Date Received: JUL 2, 7 2009 ("'I" , ot )) Original Submittal . '.~~' . , ,~"I " ~ .." :~:)j,-:. " I .,',; .' , ,. ,. . .' " i~;~~~;,t,';.;, ," ;JJ .~/ . ... . '. ~: I,..~ , . , :fIo '. '..... .. < . ~ "~'>(Jr,:./;,.j}. 1111111 " , , .1 ~.., 4" __: - ' . , MAR 08 1988 /5"03 R .J'--'~',-_____ - ....,._. r ~:~:""'_'. _1.:'_..'-:~:;'~_d.:._~"r'-.za..~........,'O ~_ 8803349 IJllItt A (LT -1Z32 82330118 j p^"cn I. n,glnnlng.lt I .rtt'fnt which 11 360 fut [1St of . "oInt that fI 94.51 fat SOlllh 40. ~n' enl ffOlll " I'WIll'lt 11IS.2 'eet flO,.th of thlt South_st COrMl" of u,t! rail I n,...lhllf Ilonatllln l"nd Chilli r.o. 63. 111 roYlsl'tlp 17 South. Ringe J Up,H "f t.he 1I111,t1l1ett~ '1el"ldl.Jt; ,.tlnntn9 lhe'tt tnt. 50 reet~ IllOre or Ins. to t.he IflCl"Ulllfnt whfch INrl:s ttlt! SOllthC!o1St COMl~r of !Jloc.k hoe 1 of 8r1ttaid' ^,Mltiort tQ ~fI!"Inl)rleohl. toll'"! r."unty, nrf!lJOn, berore 5....e: WAI ..,c.tld; 't"enett tlnrth 1?6.3 reP.t; thence ..,.,t 60 het, l'JIO;,. orin! to e point liue Ilorth or the- ht!glnnlnv mint, theone_Shuth 1"16.3 fel'!t to the rihct of beglnntn;. in l"ne Cnlmty, OrtglJo. [lc(rTlrr. .thcrerrolll that I'WIrtloFl of the ahoy" dese1"thltd rretJlhp,5 lnch]1eri In that r...,-t.atn flf'~<1 ~\ereln r,"1 !Iadley .nd read n.dley, h,,~h'nc'l <'InrI wtril!, ....ro r.".nt.or! McI tile' lawn at Springfield, _I v~tee. "e9fsh:r'~1 tn VOll~ I". rive .,m~ nr the Certlf1C1t1 orR.egls.ttr'8 Tltln. bC!lng InstlJllC!nt no~ '.'4. PIIRCF.L II. ne'!1tnnl,,~ <<t . I'Olnt "10 r_~t ClSt 'and 2f1&.9 reet' lIorth Qr . potnt thn ts 94.51 het ~nut" ~n. IIQ' tlSt fro" A f'IOint IOS.2 fut North o( the South_It C"r"er or thle r;Jtll "rltuln nO""..I,," land Chi.. flo. '3. In Township 11 South. et"f111f! 3 \(,.o;t nf th, 1ff11I11'1etl~ '_dill"", In'"t.ne COtl"ty. ni-egon, .nd ",""fn9 . . thl'"IlCI! SftU'.tl (lo1"o11Iet with t.he ri'st lInl or Tenth Street Zn6.9 fl'!lt. IIOrt or less te tll4~ IIorlh 11m! nr Iotaln Strl!..ttn Sprtn1Jfteld, lflne (oullty. Oregon; ~~thelll::~ r"stl'!rll"i1tf)n9'.t11e~Qorth 'Un" or Mil" Street.tifl feet, thence tIorth "ar"l1,,1 wit.!. ttu!.r.ntllne M lentil 'Strett 'In.3 feet, Iliore or 'en, tel . ,Io.fnt. M fef"t f015t of thp 1'M!~lnnfn9 flI)lnt.. And thence W"t 6ft fut to' the pl"ct nf ~ginnln9. F.-X([I'fI"r. Ttt(llrrlf:Orl that clrUln trKt conyeyed b1. Anrlre" J. Nitf(l~ and Sttlla I\, Wlrrl'!. husha"c1 lInd wtrel to Cf\1 Dr. Sprfngrt"lrl. "InImtctpal C1lIrpor.1lh)ll. hy t"str~nt.. rec:ordedOctob.,. 21, 1940. t" L"ne CQu'1ty.Or.gcn Oeed Ih!cnnts, under Rec.ord,r' s Reception tla. "'961. PIIRCEl Ill. l'll!:lJlnnlng al " rnhlt nn th" """th llnf! 0' the' i111~1 nmnlng Ent "",d West "'f!t.wcen '~l,,1r t~rr.ll-I't; _~r 1~1.r;"~ ?25 f~~t EAst of t.he (ast line of.Imtb- 11r..er:..t....ri')ilrfj'lJl-l.IU~ ~.j,". _n1lnty, Oregon. And runntnq thence I.:.,t irI'tlie- ~ne nf s..td "ney 75 feet; tl-tenCI! South ".ral1.1 tilth the Eut 11M af lentil Str(lp.1: lfill.no rut, luore nr less. tn the florlh 'llne; of Haln Strltt; . thene, W(!~tlr1y 011 t.h.llorth line (lr ntd rtalnStrHt 7S plul reet. to. pntnt:.. ullctly 225 (eet Elst ftf thl! rn,t lIr'le "f Tenth Street if utendld South,rl,. thenr:e 1I0l"'th 156.05 feet, lQOre or l'S5. and fWlrallel with the.lIlt Iln, of Tintt, Str..t to .the plan of be9Innl~g. .~ Line County. Oregem. . PMCEl IY. n'91 nntng at a point nn lhf South tin. af thfl iney runn.n, rllt end West htvee" ltaln Slre~t 1M -A. Street oIlrtd lOO feet [1St of t.he hit lint or Tenth' St~et In ",.,tlaln's .\htltlon to Srrlngrtt!ld. tn l,n, Count)', Oregon, II plat.t~~ and l"'tCordctl In Vnl"," g, ""!Je 6. laM County Ore!fOll lllat Records, runnfng thenc~ EAst 00 ffllt~ th~l\Cf' StMIUt 100 f..t,1rI0tt ~r 1'51, to the fbrth 1 ift~ of ,..,tn Strt''!t: UIPnce W'Jurly .10"9 the rlMtf1, 1,'a~f__'1l?!.ft gi.t.r!et. tQ. '" rotnl ,IUI $nuth ar lhe IXllllt ", bIt~lnnln9' thence 'fOrth 'lgwm8 t'(t@8elved: hu~ to the rotn~ of beglftnlft9, II, Lan. tcunt,. ~go".. . L \ ............ JUl 2 7 2009 nt;gin,AI ~i{~1 , ' ,... ';- ;--, .... :.'.' . ;'. , " " :: ..-;... '. '. '. .' '., . I ~ -. :. ...~: ,_ I :".- ,', ':.:'. ..':: .,' .'..-: "t;..: .-.... ....4. ..... ,'. I~ :':. .... _~.i.'.. III II II . <. Arn~ #I~ObI'lOING RETURN TO: ~ I~~ II - '..L~ipJ~Jolyk~ , , 10 1~ YYltu1<J --II: ' M-f-' ()~ '1'1I-~l, ,.--. - -. .". .. .~, , , , Plvl.lan a' Chle' Oepu\y Clerk ~1III1-QI1ll.28 1.&". CD"";\'V D..d. end R.co,.d. . 'UU ., W JI'JU ~U ~ lllijlJJJ ~~JI!!~!!~~lll :13~:~ ': RPR-RE$T Cnt=l Stna1 CASHIER B8 ' 141.11 '10,01 '11,08 I Date Received: I r JUL 2 7 2009 . Original Submittal 1111111 IIIII J _11111 EXBIBI:T 'E' DZCLA:RA'rJ:ON OF RESTRICTIVE COWNANTS jCl~ la~ H- THIS DECLARATION OF RESTRICT;VE COVENANTS (Declaration), dated I, \1-01 .' 2001, by Lane sP'ldter Care/llrethren Housing and its, successors and assigns (owner), is qiveri as a condition precedent to the award of HOllE Investlllent partnerships (HOME) Program funds by the city of springfield (City), a' political subdivision of the state of Oregon, together with any successor to its rights, duties, and Obligations. RECITALS: WHEREAS, owner is the owner of Brethren Housinq's Four Transitional Housing units of affordable housing (the Project) located in the C:ity of springfield, Lane County" state'. of oregon, more particular~y. d!!sc:z::ib.e~ in Exhibit' "A" hereto1 and WHEREAS, city has been designated by the u.s. Departlllent,:of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as a participating Jurisdiction in the HOME program pursuant to 42 U.S.C. S 12101 et seq., 24 CFR Part 92, and amendments thereto; and . wHEREAS, owner has applied to City and entered into a Housing Development Grant Agreement in an amount not to exceed Four Thousand Forty six Dollars. wHEREAS, HUD requires as a condition precedent to the awarding of HOME program funds that owner execute, deliver and record this Declaration in the official Land Deed Records of the jurisdiction in .which the Project is located in order to create certain covenants running with the, land for the purpose ,of enforcement of ,the affordability requirements of the HOME Program,'.as set forth in 24 CFR part 92; and . WHEREAS, owner, under ,this declaration, intends, declares, and covenants that the requlatory and restrictive covenants sat forth herein governing_the use, occupancy, and transfer of the project shall 'be and are covenants running with the Project land for the term stated herein and binding upon all ,subsequent owners of the Project and for': such term, except as specifically provided herein, and are not merely pe~sonal covenants of Owner; and DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Pa9f'lfOate Received: , JUl 2 7 2009 ~ijt'" .._ I 1111111 I J WliERF.AS, the Project's units will be ,eligible, for rent by qualified low-income families for the full term stated herein: DECLAAATIONS: NOW, THER~FORE, in consideration of,the pro~ises and covenants hereinafter set forth and of other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, OWner and city agree as follows: ' SECT~ON 1 DEE'INITIONS All words and phrases used in this Declaration shall have' the same meaning as ~hen used in 24 CFR Part 92, unless the context requires otherwise. SECTION 2 REPRESENTATIONS, COVENANTS l\ND WARl\ANTIES OF OWNER: OWner hereby represents, covenants and warrants as follows: (a) The project constitutes or will constitute a qualified Project as defined in 24 CFR S 92.2 and, in eonsideration of the HOME Program funds, the Project's unit(s) will be designated as "HOME-assisted units." (b) 'All HOME-assisted units shall be subject to, the' affordabl;' rental housing requirements of the HOME program for the term of the ' Declaration~ ,(c) 'l'he units will be available as HOME-assisted rental units' for occupanoy by qualified low-income families and subject to all other applicable affordability requirements of the HOME Program for the full term stated herein. . (d), Subject to the requirements of the HOME Program, and this Declaration, OWner may sell, transfer, or exchange the Project at any time, but Owner shall, notify in writing and obtain the agreement of any buyer or successor or other person acquir1nq the Project or any interest therein, that such acquisition is subject to the requirements of this ' Declaration and to the requirements of the HOME Program. owner agrees that city may void any sale, transfer,or exchange of the project or any HOME-assisted portion of the Project if the buyer or successor or other' person fails to assume 1n writing the requirements of this Oeclsration and the affordability requirements of the HOME Program, (el owner will, at the time of execution and delivery of tIlis Oeclllratiqn,have good and marketable 'title to the premises constituting the Project, free and clear ot any lien or encumbrance (except encumbrances created pursuant to this DeClaration, any loan documents relating to the Project or other permitted encumbrances). (t) Owner warrants that it has- not and will not execute any other Declaration with, provisions contradictory to, or in opposition to, the" provisions hereof, and that in any event, th~ requir~ents ot this Declaration are paramount and controllinq as to the rights an~ DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Page -2- ; Date Received: JUl 2 7 2009 11,1" _11~lIlgl VUUIIIIUa,1 ,,' ". II_I 111,1111 I II J conflict herewith. SECTION 3 TERM OF DECLARATION <a) This Declaration, and the Terms of Affordability specified herein, apply to the Project immediately upon recordation, and owner shall comply with all restrictive covenants hersin not later than the first day after Project Completion as defined in the HOME Program. This , Declaration shall terminete Ten (10) years after Project Completion, unless HOME Program effordability restrictions are earlier terminated due to the occurrence of any of the followinq events: (1) forectosure, (2) transfer in lieu of foreclosure, or (3) assignment of an FHA insured mortgage to HUD. SECTION 4 RECORPING lIND FILING: COVENANTS TO RUN WITH THE LAND (a) Upon execution of this Declaration by owner and city, owner shall cause this Declaration and all amendments hereto to be recorded and filed in the otticial public Land Deeds Records' of the jurisdiction in ,which the Project is located. City shall pay all fees and charges incarred in connection therewith. (b) Owner intends, declares and covenants, on behalf of itself and all future owners 'and operators of the Project during the term of this DeClaration, that this Declaration and the covenants and restrictions set,forth in this'Declaration regulating and restricting the use, occupancy and transfer of the project(l) shall be arid are covenants :' running with the land, encumbering the Project for the term of this Declaration, binding upon Owner's successors in title and all subsequent OWners and operators of the project: (2) are not merely personal covenants of Owner: and, (3) shall bind owner (and the benetits shall , inure to the City and any past, present or prospective tenant of the Project) and its respe~tive success9rs and assigns during the term ot thi~ Declaration. Owner hereby agree~ that any and all requirements or privileges of estate are intended to be satisfied, or in the alternate, that an equitable servitude has been created to insure that these restrictions run with the Project. For the term of this Declaration, each and every contract, deed or other instrument hereafter executed conveying the project or portion thereof shall expressly provide that such conveyance is subject to this Declaration: provided, however, the covenants contained herein shall survive and be effective regardless of whether such contracts, deed, or other instrument hereafter executed 'conveyinq the project~r portion thereotprovides that such co~veyance i. subject to this' Declaration. SBCTION 5 ENFORCEMENT OF AFFORDAllLE !lOUSING REQUIREMENTS (a) Owner covenants that it will not knowinglY take Qr permit, any action that would result in a violation of the affordability requirements of the HOME program. City, together with owner, may execute and record any amendment or mod~tieation of this Declaratio~ and such amendment or modification shall be binding on third-parties granted. ~i9hts under thi3 Declaration. DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENl\NTS Page -3-oate Received: JUL 2 7 2009 Original Submitt'" 111111 1 III ~ .. _. __ I. II" (b) OWner acknowledges that the primary purpose for requiring compliance by owner with restrictions provided in the Declaration is to assure compliance with the affordability requirements of the HOM~ Program, AND BY REASON TH~R~OF, OWNER IN CONSlD~RA!ION FOR RECEIVING HOME lNVESTHENT PARTNERSHIP FUNDS FOR THIS PROJECT HEREBY AGREES"AND CONSENTS THAT CITY SRAIL BE ENTITLED. FOR ANY BRBACH OF THE PROVISIONS HEREIN, AND IN ADDiTION TO ALL OTHER REMEDIES PROVIDED BY LAW OR,IN EQUITY, TO ENFORCE SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE BY OWNER OF ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS DECLARATION IN A STATE COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION. owner hereby further specificallY acknowledges that the beneficiaries of owner's Obligaticns hereunder cannot be adequatelY,compen.ated by monetary damages in the event of any default hereunder~ (c) This Declaration may be enforced by city or its designee in the event owner fails to satisfy any of the requirements of this Declaration. If legal costs are incurred by city, such legal costs, including attorney fees, and court cost. (including costs of appeal), are the responsibility of, and may be recovered from, owner. SECTION 6 MISCELLANEOUS (al severabilitv. The invalidity of any clause, part, or provision of this Declaration '.hall not affect the validity at the remaining,portions thereof, ' ' (b) Notices. All, notices to be given pursuant to this'Declaration shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when mailed by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, to the parties hereto at the addresses set forth below, or to such other place. as a party may from time to time designate in writing. John Tamulonis City of springfield 225 'Fifth street springfield, OR 97477 /Ifoli>/loIe 1U1~66, 41A\~ c.\ol.1,.l F /(\"7'2. Md.!''' S'I", 6PC:1) (c) Governin2 La'!. This ,Declaration shall be governed by the laws of the state of Oregon and, where applicable, the laws of the united States of l\rnerica. To City: To OWner: IN WITNESS WHEREO~, Owner has caused this Declaration to be signed by its duly authorized representative, on the day and' year first above . written. ., . OWNER:G.w~ of'''''; glU~".l By' fSlll /IA AJ A.~A /" - , ( Title: EH~.C06 ~ t CIT'it\.t.. I " t\ " By: \ I\.~~";"~' Title: city Manager ~ DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Page -4- Date Received: JUL 2 7 2009 ,....- ~. . - .- .J .. .. " _ OFFIC1Al.SEAL RlITH REeD NOTARYP~GON COMt.IISSION NO, 336361 M'I cQMNlSS10H ecPlRES sEPf'o. 2IlO4 STATE: OF OREGON ) ss. county of L,ane .) ojj,....~,.:>........~..:..:.; ,J;]. 'personallY appea*ed afore je ~is .11l'fIV day o~, '"..~ ' 2001, ~he above nameS. ..,.~.... -,(it ~A:A'" , and nowled~d the' forego1n9 instrument to e h~$fher voluntary act and eed. -./-.~~ ~~- ' Notary public for oregon My COl1U1lission Expires: tJT6h4 STATE OF OREGON ~ county of Lane. ) ss ) Personally appeared the above named MiKe Kelly as city Manaqer for the city of springfield arid acknow~~ged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed on this ~day of ~ 2001. <.J ~. } ~ fl.. (.I-:til.1.\"['t--) . Noe Y publiC for Oregon My olllll'lission Expire.: ".1-0\' . IlFFlCIII.Sf.IL . JUUU. WlLSOI. ' NOTARY~IlON COMMl$SllN NO. 3026t3 IlfCQl.t,llS&Ol!lflSJUtYI.2lIOl J I:\DOCS\DECLAI\ATION OF RES~RICTIVE COVENANTS.DOC . DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Page -IDate Received: JUL 2'7 2009 Ori~in,lll, S~bmittal. ' .._ . 1,1111-_1 , , I . '.. : I ~ ~ ~ I ~ I :J I -' ' 11 2300. 0 ~ r 1i 2400 11 2500 :)~~W 2900 3000 3100 3200 mi>:. ~ <\ ~ ?)\S r ~' ~\~~\ \:( ~J ~,:'2Q~~~~) 5:00 4:~0 4:00 4:0(~4~~~00 4'400 ~::'O' ~f ' - n, ~"'i" ~ I :~ I 1 6Q6J' i.. ' r .._15~ A) Q. . ~ 16 17 18 -..; ".'.("2:1' t ~ - f-teRAUAIWS 19 2 ~ :ii . " """'T'" L I 1__'Ii'C ,2, 23' 2?' >:7:---- ~ 'SE CO!><Ll.l,.-;#.L_....LU,l___ I -<4. I ",,), ,I. z5 I 2a' ~ ~ D.L.C. 63 .. "J4~ _ -9l -~-,~:.LJi-LL~-:ZS:zerr:.-' '0' '1' 47.71' (e-/fff--.J~I --- ~ ' ,~..' (l.tf;-::iJg'f--fIIf----H1/.L--If~--LLLf~. ,,''''l..<,-,~.~..',9'>~'' ) PlIJJa:TCI 94.'74' ~ -H-4-(.~~ ~- NW r.OR ,1,.4" 98.44' - ~DlC: 39 Ii 10.... - :~,. -- '6"" 0 & 64' 1" .;~:"; -- - ,,",,' . I I ~ ~ a ~ g 6801 ilP100 ',5300 I 5400 ~ 5700 '" '" ' ~ l!' !l 7200 i ~~~ ~ ~~~ '~~~: 1:~610b I : ~~~ ~ ;~ ~ ~ ~?) 5500 ~ 5600 ~";7.,-j : I ~ y 6300 I . I I ~l9147' 10' ,',' .. J 3G' i 2100 i , I ...----..-. ---~I , , 11 I e:l' :. 4:5'. I 4SO ~ ' 2000 1 900 1800 1700 60' ,. 311' Jeti' 40" '15' ~I ~ I -I ..... I I I , , , , , , I ,. ... .4!l~' I 4S,$' , , 130011001 I , I , , , I ... 1400 2200 1i ". ~ R - ~'- ST-R-E-E+ - 12.' ,. ,. ... ... ,. 60' ,.. . ,,' '" i I 3400 I I .~ "~~~ ~.l) If . \S o o I'l I'l ". ,rtdJ<ft o. o~ 2: Ii 73' '"'' il :s'1!L.- 64' : 3e' 6800 ~ i/7000 ~ ~I I 'd.$r-uO' 1~~ sue: i Illl.8l' ~ ' 6603 I :t ,~0.22 AC, I 6602 _:~ PAR, 1 :1 i: 1:1" 't ! - S THIS MAP IS PROVIDED AS A COURTESY OF WESTERN PIONEER TITLE cOMPDRte Received: THIS COPY OF ASSE,S, SOR'S MAP IS PROVIOED SOLELY TO ASSIST IN LOCATING SUBJECT PROPERTY. NQJ..v,.BI~1TY IS ASSUMED FOR DISCRe>ANCIES 1101 THIS MAP AS OUTliNED AIoID THE ACCOMPANYING LEGAL DEsclll!J1!.o'l 7 2009 , ' MAP 1# 17033541 04600000 , Original S!Jbmiltal " j." . ,:. .',. ~ <-/J.t:i' WARRANTY ~ FOR VALUE RECEIVED, ARLAN H. FARHER and ROSE M. FARMER" husband and wife, herein referred to as grantors, hereby grant, ))argain, sell and convey unto HOWARD E, ZINK, herein referred to as grantee, the following described real property, with tenements, heredi'tamen ts and appurtenances, to' wi t,' PARCEL ONE, , I'eg1.nn1.ng at a point which is 360 feet East of a point that is 94.57 feet South 40' 40' East from a point 105.2 feet N~rth of the Southwest corner of the Paul'Brattain Donation Land'Claim No. G3, in Township 17 South, Range 3 l~est of the ,Willamette Meridian, , running thence East GO feet, more or less', to the monument which marks the Southeast corner of Block 7 of BRATTAIN'S ADDITION to Springfield, Lane County. Oregon, as platted 'and recorded in Book 9, Page 6, Lane County Oregon Plat Records before same was vacated: thence North 196.3 feet; thence West 60 feet: more or less to a point due North of the Beginning Point; thence South 196,3 feet t~ the, place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING: That portion' of the, above~described premises included in that certain deed wherein Paul Hadley and Pearl Hadley, husband and wife, were grantors. and the Town of Springfield, was grantee, registered in Book 14, Page 480, of ,the Certificate of R!lgistered Titles, being Instrument No. 3474, in Lane County, Oregon. 'ALSO: Beginning at a point 420 feet East and 20G.9 feet North of a point that is 94.57 feet South 40' 40' East from a point 105;2 feet North of the Southwest corner of the Paul Brattain Donation Land Claim No. 63, in TownShip 17' South of Range 3 Nest of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon, and running thence South parallel with the East 'line of Tenth Street, 206.9 ,feet. more or less to the North line of Main Street in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon: thence Easterly along the North line of Main Street' ,GO feet; thence North parallel with the East line of Tenth Street 214.3 feet, more or less. to' a point 60 feet East 'of the'beginning point, and thence West 60 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING TItEREFROI,I: That certain traot conveyed by Andrew J. Waffle and Stella M.Waffle, hUsband and wife, to City of Springfield. a municipal corporation. by instrument recorded October 21, 1940, in Reception, No. 88967, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, in Lane County, Oregon. ,PARCEL TNO: Beginning at a point on the South line of the alley running East and West between Main Street and "A" Street 225 feet East of the Date Received: Page 1 - Warranty Deed JUL 2 7 2009 Original Submittal ," 111'" " T""}>." l.DT 47Po '" I..' "......' _ .... II. ", I, II II I ~ ... ., " East line of Tenth Street in Springfield, Lane county, Oregon, and running thence East on the South line'of said alley 75 feet; thence South parallel with the East line of ,Tenth Street, 168.00 feet, more or less"to the North line of Main Street: thence Westerly on the North line of said Main Street 75 plus feet to a point exactly 225 feet East of ,the East line of Tenth Street if extended southerly; thence North 156.05 feet, more or,less, and parallel with the East line of Tenth Street'to the place of beginning, in Lane' COWl ty, Oregon. ' ALSO: Beginning at a point on the South line of the alley running East and West between !,lain street and "A" Street and '300 feet' East of the East line of Tenth Street in BRATTAIN'S ADDITION to Springfield, as platted and recorded in Book 9, Page 6, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, runninq thence East 60 feet; thence South lSO feet: more or less, to the'Ncrth line of !1ain Street: thence Westerly along the North line of Main Street to a point due South of the point of beginning: thence ~orth 170 feet, more, or less, to the point of beginning, in Lane' County, ,Oregon. ' Subiect to a Land Sale Contract, dated October 31, 1972" recorded March 15, 1975, Reception No. 75~0905l, by and between Wilkes Enterprises, Inc;, an Oregon Corporation, as Vendor and Arlan H. Farmer and Rose M. Farmer, husband and wife, as Vendee, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, which grantee herein assumes and agrees to pay. Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions of record. TO !lAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises unto said grantee', his ,heirs and assigns forever. And the said grantors hereby, covenant that they are lawfully seized in fee simple of said prem- ises; that they are free from all encumbrances, except as above ' stated, and that, they will warrant and defend the above-granted premises against all lawful claims whatsoever, except as above stated. . , The $190,000.00. true and actual ~onsideration for this transfer is DATED this .J:::::.... day of April, 1976., , , b: t2.' Ai-:?-." ' Ar.Lan!l.~, ._'~:?~' ---~~ao-O-'M~ ,-- Rose Ii. FArmer sa. County of Lane STATE OF OREGON ) ) ) On this JP~ day of April, 1976, personally'appeared the above-named Arlan fl. Farmer and !to M. Farmer, husband and wife, :~ :~n~:;d~ge:e~~~e f~~90ing in _ ~::t 9;; .~~~:;;:~ary . " otary PUD11C ~r Oregon , My Commission expires: 1- f'\~"" Q.cceived: Grantee's address: 2278 North 8th Street, Springfield, vk~~ ' , Page 2 - warranty Deed (End) JUL 2 7 2009 _..,-,........."."".... Original Submittal ".,..ol I..' , , .1 ~ -' I , ," , . - , ; '. "..! ',' ',' '. ~j~~~~~~::i:~ k,'~~'-~~;~"r:'''''"jj,l'{ "~J'~. , ~~~~~f~' " , " .~.. . . ~~':'~ ~:"'~'?r?:~ ."o". E{':;l:Jj'..2y:~'~r "",""".,.",," ,,;;'"l'.f,i&''' ~~;.:..~<;::;~+!S:. : !/::~'" ~~.::~:S.:~ ~~~ ~- .;"~V :. ., .' ,_ .~. ,:'..(. 'it \ 1 7:~:t~;~t1 ,j 'j(,k.,t;H,J.I.",._. I~', '':;~~~..<l.';',...-''.} t'%.>i :r ~. rJ;.;~:.;'!-:F :"~::'.' ~"', "1 1.:-;::."'..... ~:.Y~'. \:.' ". I ~; , ';"'-1 '), ,;"':'.' ~:'~=.~:":::.i ' ,.,,', ; ::;...J:I. r-:;, r,~':t:'l:i'>t~ ....." >.,"', -, """-"~"~'~~...u....~..~ . r'II.;4/ -- - -; . ............UU_ ! ~ KNOW AU. M8N BY THUll PRIlSIUtTS. f'M/" ."...-.....-,..., ."'.,,.., ' I ,., ," ......,.. "..,HO"'''RO....f ....1..tH".~....... ..... .". _~._..,.,..'.' " ... hareinil,...,t.d "",'ot, Inr the coruld,.,atlon horeINlI*, .'.'.,4Off hatbr ;.Ai, ~ NIl iin4 #JII:IJIIrhY unto. ....;. .~..... .... SPRIIIG,F..IfLII..,CH,URCH_,OF... TllE...82E.THlEH..,....:,...;:..,.....,.. ...",,;..,-,,............, '.."..,,-....' .......,......,....,. 1 her~It1.It.r ~t1",.J 'ran,_, IUWl unlo ".adJ._ ~~,.'~ ..,', ;." MtiJ .,.j".~ tII.1lwI1 cnI~n IUJ p;;opodJ' ~Ih'M I r.,,,.m.nt., ^"edU."..nt. iJ(Jd'dPpa" . .'. :tIWtIIIiJIo~~tt4..IIt~..~~'...~~~ In.a.. Coun!T I oI..'u...-.....~),ii~;M;:~~~9t.!;~~*{*~~. "~."," -".~-.~i~iif;~1~:~l}~;~~;~,j~;::!;,i:;>/ :,'/. ""?\'1';it,.".{,~.i~",..,.../-,r,,,'_'''w~:t . t~ .. .,' '{rfj!\t~r~;i"511I~jlt'h'* ., ,,,:t~~!tf~h,~t!~l! ~,,~J ';:. . 'i/~ ;. " ,.(.:::.~. ... :If '~':;,~,-::.. \:' ; i,...... ;~~;1~~ :=~~~~:: 1iiO:/~2!~:C, ,', .':a~,~5~ 0'1 I, I I I I " . '. 1".,AetUW"lCltm COf(flNUfDUClIPI1ONOHlMlSlltOl1 . ,,:, .........:, TD H.",. <<nd to Hold ~,.. ..I2M unto ,It<< &alti ,ra"'" .nd II<<n,..lt hMn, .UCCIuora entl iuIi,n./MVM; . '.,.,. r",. .nd <<dudl coMic1.,.,/on ',*4 lot fhl. ".rtllft, at.rld In "raNI 01 do:1Jart, I~ '.J..6.Q1..4a,Q....Q~Q...;;".~ ~Ho.,.ntr,' .111. .crull oOn.1c1.ration comId,oI 01' Include.:ol/w.' pro~rty or .'P~u8 ,I.-.n,or Pio~:.w.hl~i"'.:/; :=r:-:r.' ___doto/I"" (IndlCOIt WhlcIl),$rno_, 6!'-1,....-h$,"..,_lMbIo;rIIoaJ4..~'<!"I.8<i;~R.y~#:c ,,' ,,',,', '," n ..",1rulnI thl.lIMtrmd ,,110.. U. CotI/oIf,oo r.q,u,... tilt i1~.. /ni:lud.. th.,;,Iurlil iuHI~,;~ ,;,:i.:.OII "..iIoDIl.l9iPjJ.lI<i......,1lt rl...liriilijlpii)iutiltilO m_' , titw.. 1.'liri:Jiilil,itol.i.' 1 :^,i~i'" 1",:~:~",~~FJ,fIiti'~l',lIii=,'rlillot, Pl," '~ta" '/All ," . ~'tpor.J~t;o.li;t, ri:liUf. ' ' \',1~ ,,"11."" '~~t~'~I,.';ln;'IO~- ' ,it ", - ',......Jv(;~, ' , " :,: 1'~'~::~ti;~J~,,~:~~~~,:~:"i~.>:..,I"::: ,::.t:' ~:;.~';{;.~}~~~,:(!:c.., ".i'7,,,,'~~~~!!~t~:ilrit:q;:~~~1~~"l: '. ...,!,..;.....;-...."I_('...,.,.,..,..' ". ".... ., ...il...'..II.....~,...'............."..""...jj~.".I..,.1"....,.. , .", , ';;.i;;";"" " "~~.."..E.,:.::~~~........"".....,...........":"....:..~........:....,,..,~.::::.',:!,'" ~I'.,(';' Ii ~-= ~::o-' " ' . ,,',. .' ,)::;;,,~' : : i .TAT, ' OIl'OON, l ,TA'" OP OlllOON, -. 01-..-."..... ~... ',' ,':',', '" \,k : Ie. L ... --. 11.._.- " . '-.. :.:.):~ Ji-J ; '~~u ~7-~ u-:::u.. -.- ---,.......----.-. ' .~";, ,f;1f;f I ,--..,----~---- - "'.,.,;;";"';':f ,i:1I II ,."'" .""..,., ,..-.... .......,._"......_.~_....M ..... hi ~ -,.., - Iw tJ. 01"-. ,/14 ~ ,~ fA. ~'I" J;,\,;,~tri:~~' , .._....., 1.C!,\IIAn.t~"..z.tI.ll.L._ _ ----, ,~MI....a.."Ioo"'Io<I""::, i(M 'M'''', ;,'~\I\",,,C.U..A.?,"~~.....:",i..::.~.....,_<.............. -....------,.....,,.,,. 01_ --~..... . ".l."l "I. '" .....;,.. "'" ,.~, . . " . ". . I .', f:'" '.~ :...._.M...-A~~w.!.~.,., MIl. 1~ .'1 '1M""""" ,,.,,,.. ;;;;:;;';;;;;.;r.lIlftd 10 flte "".;:;i;;j'itt.,';;nii;"iit:, ~:,,:j:; ',' ,(t~t. -,r<<~' ::_, 11+i"~' '~V!' .. ""'.........., of ....,-.-....... ,.....,. 1.._' ...'01..........,....'"',,' ',;<<,,' . ~ t ~,. . . _ . Wf ., ..M,OOfPOtItlM 1Jr...::~':::,'" of If. ,.", 01 ~lftcton.' MtI..e" 41' ;;'. ". . 1 ':")! s. ~r1I.'afJl': . -' /? . fAMI.......,.",.,..u r'o h'rl--tor.nlM7 act -. 4w:L . :,';:".:: ,:./~,(,t~ rOF;ICI .~ '_' .!~..(~~.~ .d.,. -, (O"'lc,~L<" ':if~~~ tllAt4 . . ,,' IS' . _'~M ..... ..... -,........".~....'. 'IIA1o).. :~;:{. "\ .: "rrr..~.... 0...,..., Q " , 'if~;.'7''MIi.'';' o~:;;;..._......_........ "'-~:'-}~ ", ."'JIt~..,.....:.. :.r.. ....... .6", "" .....,..,.... "",...1 ~.....~~ , . ....,1' . . .... )~,.b" 1: I, , I ._....._....._.~_._....'.. .: I. _ ," '. : ""i;::')i.""lf',~i:-:,"::-:;,-:~'~~~ '. 'l" ~'!I ':'oi'" ~.' ,.-.'....1,..."......".............. -~' <,,'$,J/jR~'E.i~h~K~~~;I1'i,~!lI:~1.. . '. ~::::;~::..~'~::=:r~'~~'~~~~~1:~;~.~ .U.lItIu:'IUII1d.unU,ClIDltU...... '-' .~. IIl'WARP. ,f..,JJ.HL~___ IJWf ...... .... ~I GRANT.e e,........ ,.,c..,_,.,. ,,_"...:.c....: ". ;. , ...~...".."..-..... I I I II II II .. I I I , JUL 2 7 ZCU9 , ",,,'j ~ :]"""".._, ,~~_....~ '~-'- ":""~', .,'... "'"".,.,..,."....~' "'- '," .., . .q.;~,' .'~. :-" '1 ~ """,." r~"" .....i, ,"'- ,~","~ ,; ~, ",. " 8233-118 l\.T.IIl7. ~I ~ ~ 1 rAR([l I. Reglnnlng ,t , l~lnt which Is 360 feet East .f a point that Is g'.SI feet SOllth 40' 40' [dSt from a point 105.2 feet Horth of the Southwest cOrner of ',he raul Bratt.ln Oonatl.n land Clal.. 110. 63, In To....shlp 17 South" ftange 3 ~Iest o( the .wt 11 ~unette l-iertd1ani rur.n'l ng' thece East 60 feet. more 0" leu. to the monument, whlch,lIII\rks the Southeast c.rner of Block No. 7 of Brattalns ^d~lt'on to Springfield, Lane Ccunty. Oregon. before same was vacated. thence IInrth 196.3 feet-; thence West 60 feet. more or less to a point due north of the he91nnln9 point; thence South 196,] feet to the place of begInning, In L,ne County, Oregon. EXCEPTIHG therefrom that portIon of the above described premIses included In ,that certain deed wherein P.ul H.dley and Pearl Hadley, hllsh.nd ,nd wife. were Grantors and the To.." of Springfield. Wil5 grantee. registered In Volume 14, Page 480. of the CertIfIcate of fte91Stered Titles, being Instu..ent Ho. 8474. :'. ,..':....: PARCEL \l. BegInning at a point 420 feet East and 206.9 feat North of a point th.t. 15 , 94,57 feet,South 40' 40' East from a poInt 105.2 feet Horth of the Southwest corner, of the Paul Brattain Donation land ClaIm No. 63, In TownshiP 17'South, Range 3 llest of the Willa..ette Meridian. In l.ne County" Oregon, and r'unn,1rtg thence South parallel with the East line of Tenth Street 206.9 feet, more or 1 ess ,to the North line of M.lo Street in Springfield. Lane County,Oregon; thence E.sterly a1Mg the North line of- Main Street 60 feeti thence North paral.1e1 wHh the East line of Tenth StriieF210.3 feet, more or'less, to ,a point 60 feet East of the begtnnlng point, and thence West 60 feet to the place of be9inning. EY.CEPTlNG TIIEREFIlOM that 'certain tract conveyed by Andrew J. Waffle and Stell. M. Waffle, husband and wife, to City of Springfield. a .."ntclpal corporation. by Instrument recorded Octoher 21. 1940. 1n Lane County Oregon Deed ReCords, 'under Recorder'S Reception No, 88967. " , ~ ,!l ~ ...-.i '" ~,' ; .~. '~ .' .'-' _i PARCEL II (. Beginning at a point on the South lIne of the alley running East and West betwe.n fl.in Street and "A" Street 225 feet East of the rast line of Tenth Street In SpringField, Lane County, Oregon, and running thence rast on the South line of said alley 75 feet; thence South parallel with the East line of Tenth'Stre.t 168.00 feet, mOre or less. tn the North line of Haln Street; thonce Westerly on the florth line of said Hain Street 75 plus feet .to a point exact 1, 225 feet'rast of the East line, of TenthStr.et if extended Southerly;, thence North 156.05 feet, more Dr less, and parallel ,witb the r.st line of Tenth Street,to the place of beginning, 1n lane County, Oregon. , ' " ~ ,( , " i~;:~:;'~f;~1 "I .i :i PARCEL IV. Beglnnin9 at a pOint on the South llne,of the a' ley, running East and West, between 144ln Street and "A' Street and 300 feet' East of the Eut line of 'Tenth Street In Brettatn's Addition to Springfleld,1n lane County. I.regon, as platted .nd recorded In Volume 9, Page 6, line County Oregon Plat Records, running thence East 60' feeti thence South IBO feet, more or lesS, to the 'iorth line ,of II.ln Streot; thence Westerly alon9 the Ilorth line of M.ln Street to a point due South of the poInt of beginning; thence Horth 110 feet. more,or less.. ~o the po~.nt of beginning, in LMe County. Oregon. Date Received: JUL 2 7 2009, " , Original Submittal .'...,' ;" " r ..'.. ':t t 1::..I.........c~,..."J ' ..' "t.r, ,;,.. , >I'J~"..:JI!;. ! 4W.t";':', ,".'. ,.,;'; : 'J"~':" ,:" 'I ',<'i:' ;....., , ;"1 .,';'!;;t\!"";'~"i' ';'~"~'["v;{' ,I" ~i~",~,,;: "i!; "I" . .' 'd ',' . , . . 1<""'" ~'lj"." "; '''t ....." " , . ;Jtl..;,~., -;"t"...",..:,., ',(i'.I'l ,.~_,~ '.:s. ~"\h(/;I. ,("),, .':;;~~l " . t1 .. , ','t.('''flJ1,,\~,.;;..}I%,,4 ;;-l:,~"}': ~;~~i~~ ,~I$J'iM7~o"P~~..~, · " '.; ,,'1' j,' ri,i. '" t, d'~ 1111..-.... '''I .J.R' ""._ "II I'." '. '. ': '.~. :.'..\1-'~".(-;;'>:':~:.. '. , " f.'" :. 1.1;"','" S=l-"';(! '. il~ .... ',' ,~ ~: 1 I i , ] " . 1. ';' . .. ., , ~r.:.._ uo... "' ~ ~ ~ -. 0:: ~~ - II~. " . . 5......u - ~ r t-, . .. v III . ~.. : ~ . . ....t a ! . .-j : ':~J'" tN & . Date Received: "'."1 & ',"", "I ...... . " i ~ C? 1~ '.;!!! C> .. I""l J ~ t. i -Jl u Ow ~:; I ~ ';. ..w:::; III .; JUL 2 7 2009 ~ ...... :X,H. ~ f = . - . j J ~ ~ !.k" u ~ u ... .. . , Original Submittal ,.===--=- j ,\f J I = o -;,; ... ..:. ~ ; :';~\{~~iY ~ ~"~'~"""',",~"." - , ""w.. .,~~~: ;J~' \ .~~'J.~ ~ ..,,-:'\.,~,:..~ ! . ~';'~.'~.:>fl.~ I":,~ t ,.'f, . .,:' . , , ' I , ...~, :.f:' ",," , ~ .'. ~, ' ,~ '. . '.' ' . I . -.' . " ."f.' '. ' ," ," 'l!l'1'i:'-':"~JJ"~''''''i'~:''''':'I'IV'''''' II,""'" '."...I'\.t'~.: """,."",~\':!,l';!'o/!j:, . ' ~(,~" "'";~:,,-,,~~,,!,,,'_r',..:-r~,';/~ ~," .!,!r~r-,.(r.:..., '<~""'lt"I."':",:':""'''' "G"!,,I\;"'UJ'~~"':'''''','I,''',~J "'(~\ :','.,;t.' 1"~'~ . : ~'l('l.lo('':'''',l:: f;,lJi,J'f .'. 'f>e'-,'~ ~.'.~...:.<...a; ,...I.;,1.;r.... I".. .flt' '"~,!,, :,~.., 'I'~~" "..I . ',:4>. ~.' .~'.':'r~:'. :!j.;~,!, ....:. ~ 'lril'~lf; :~\;~,: 'J":?~;')' .:;:} !(.~,: ~:...~t~~\~;, T:f'~::). . ..~.:'~ ~1. .~: ~'t ,.,' J. I' ','f' '" '.. t-" '1'"'' ",,"1.. ~ ~"f'''!.o;.~, ,)t.r.,";.' ,;1"~~ ~'j. '-.' ..,' ,~ ' ~. ~.'."~,, '.~ -, ~ " . o'_', "",' ' " ,~'"..." "" ,,/,' ".:,', ,"'fia,!,. .\6:",'",Jt.d-' ! ""tW~~""~ ' , i,'., . ,; " I I - , .. ,17:- 3' =-3.5 .......~~r-'( AAR 08'-\988;' ISO; P:1 ~ . H_.'......:'.'~~ _~...;. -=-. _. .,'...~~~_ ". _-. :: ,. -.-.. 2.... . . 'j I ! r Date Received: l' " . " ~: JUL 2 7 20n9' ~,,~mmal ..oJ. ,., : ,) 'I' 4~~ tJSOCJ349 _LWfl2! !It.J!!!!l ",.' WHE2lEU, the cimtar"OI' tilt ImIrIIRD of t'!I.Cr]nb~ no.. 111....1 "M.h 1I'R1~1tII CHURCH Of THE .'ETHR,..U.x.~XltllXJl:x.u...uxx~nl"I(XllX"X.XU::"'''XUUux......... . ~lf'n!r""n."'u..tr.. .reJ.nan.r .~t.rrOd. to ... tile IIJ.oC&.l c:oncr.pt.1DD,. U UUt 1"1["\1 owner In to. of the tol1civt.nC d.scribed pna'M. . The Hve LaDe Count, tall( bt. n-....r.d .. la U"". , 17~J.3S-'l~04600 . 17~O).JS-"-04700 l'-O)-)S~l.041OO l'.OJ-JS-'l-o.~801 11-0)-35-6.-04900-102, .110 known .. l062-IOJ6 ""ill St.. Sptio,fiold, O'OJOD. and '..crlbed t_ "DfWl..!:. 'II... attach" to' thh dOC_Dt. "91AIt! 131t_gDf"rlqf , HIO'JH ' , , I ' , tocettln w.l.th the ~.....~., ...int. Ultl'ODn, &nl! th. lUm1t\lJ"., ~ II1II .. pr..,pert1', ,...1, per.ow and. Jldatct, u-.:i 1D l:onn'.Uon thtl'e-wlth, 01' be14 .. po.'uud b7 .&14 lllocal COn,rePtio",. and .., hn..tt..r acqu:l.n oUl.. "" '" " "I , rou, pononal or Id.xedl 1n COMtict1on tborPliU, (..U ot llb1u. 1e batroiaft.. ,..,..... to u Use "ChUl'Ob Pl"Opart.1..-), I AHO 1dGi:R.USJ t.h. t.onato. and p2"1.Dc1p1.. ot ~ -local oo..pt1a..-..... a. ~ .r .pp.....d r- t1mo to t1a1 .,. thl .lHIlUAL CIlftF!llEIlCll 0' THE CI!UBClI ,or m .1iiIIl1tl&r. (hflN1n4tt,.or .re/urea to .. .~ COftt'.renc....), and-tht "low- oo.D&Npu.oaa'. 1e locl\t.ed In,- and 1. a ~rt.."of, th. DISnlICT at .,ql'!{;.Qlf..WASHlNGTOII . t!! :nJe CHUR~ 01' 'DUe 1IIE'7HftEN, her.~r ..... ... "" "'" 41 tftO "~L?I ArID WHB:RrAs, t.he N1d .16C&J. eonenpt.1C1''- ba., or .,-ncoi'Yt.11IlDcSal ani other "Uht.ano. troll '0111 of the boahb ot tll. an.rOb or 'Ul. ..'" "." "J . ,'UIAn1 13118180 REC .....IM ""'f AID lfHtR!:u, "AR:VAL .............~ hat .uthor1ud t.h, AdDpt10a ot . p1.u. 01' p1u8, lor. and cofttl"ol ot Ch.~ properUtI )f th, lccd eongr.pUOnt W the D1oW1at.a.. IIId 1t 1, desirable and 111 to the be~t1Jlt."IIt.. ot \he Mid .1oeu '.....UOd' t-h~c. Iw:h . p.l&.n be .dopt.~ IDd -tabl1Ded.. , NOW. "~"'l\Do, in oonsidol'&t1oft ot \.hI pr-.OI. thl JIU\UI1 boattl\a __ . ad'lUltaSeI to "' p.1nod., and th.. .. or One o,Uar 1D huld paid, the aald lload CC'nerc('.&tlon" doe. hue"" cab Imtnrn, deolar, &aI 4&1"". .. 10110",. (1) The aaid "local coner_puoal' hold, and 11 .a.1a4 ot the Ird4 -ClIanti Prop'frU..- .ubjlct to <the t..... Qd ~"b1fin:l. 'b.,...t. . (2) The '.new _I'd pr1nc:1p1... 0-1 U1. 1.14 .~ca1 coftJ1"9pUo'" an" aad. Iha11 be, "'. &dapted. and appro...!! tl'tNlI tt.. to u... bT th. ..tlnw. c..--QI\,OjItWlt 01'. 'IH& CHURC. Of DIE~, (3) So lane'.. t.h, .aJ.d, 'lllooa.l oo.......t.toa- ehall 0"1"""" ""Ia ,'"r.., ,r.. B&!JEF5, and. \lnleolll Md unt.U the 8)lRD Of' WltnutCW. herdNtter PI'O'I'1ded fII., .hall hah round to the eontrLt7, t.h. ad.d -beal I:Onv.Qlt4.oA.. ah&U- ban .. en3o, the lOb and u.c1\Istft JID.....1oa. con\zol, l1l&I, '.' ,and r:t.cht ot dbpl.Us.o. .t . th. n1d .ChW"cb .ProportJ..... and: .haU be ruponattrb t-or all ~.1nIt lJ...b1l1t,1ea, 111 CGJVulctJ.on t.Aerew:l.'UI. CPO.. 1 01 " (...'1...... ... "'" _ _l ~.. ~...~ '1.,;;, _.~, ?'.;' Ii'#' f: ~. ~:~,. :' .,..,~ 0:- - .~; ~... ~7~..~,;~. ! :"',.1 "'.,~ D;~f1.: ~ F. ~"",:'.' ;".it .~.. . ., ~" ~t:. .<~.;:" i\,~~':;..', ,l.~' ~"'I";'olI"""'M w;.~;;.,,:: ,,' I , ,.; ~,~.,: " . " ....r.. . ," . ',' . ".:',>.J~"-::,:. ,: .:. .,. ~ .: ," .'.... ~,' , ' ---.. "'~''''}.. - ......... ".. .---.. .-- -.- -.,";l~ ... ~- "', ....: ..... 1" ........-. MAR 08 1988 1503 P. ....... ~....,.---_. '--~ . ~'~~:.z=,":.. - S809349 .1r'UItl~ j! 2!1!U (4) la the' ....Ilt of ,..ieUolIl CII' .U..ad dni.Un tt, die ..U "loc:a1 conln.aUoa" bOIl lucb aUtHllJf '.U.f., the ........Uaa. ,hall II. .\IIo1u".co . M.\1tD or AallrlAtlOtf to bl cOIIPMd (uc.,c .. harlnafter ..c fdUb). of .na DUbcn, thl'.. CO b. du1IUU4 .. .dected by "THE SntlD1HG CCIDllnu fit t1l1 AlIJIUAl,. COtlFo,EKCE", chi-.. to h "diMe" aaul ..heed b1 the "local coclrept1aa," an.4 the ..vanth _-.ber co b. d"~JO.t.d aad ..loct., by cb. .1...-b.~ thua cho.eo, Ittbe IIh --.oon thUl" chona .tt.ll fab to I.ne Ulloa, 01' faU to "':liMe. ... .-.leet, e,he u:ventb u..f vithil\ the pulad'ef ct. ..t It, the ."en _d...U..... . ..1ect.4 by "tHE STAND ectlnnu or 181 iJlWUAl. COlfrDDCE." (!ucb plnod of c1_ to b. "ot 1... m.D thb'cJ da,.. .ft... written DCIIti.ee), tho. tbo ...-th ....1' .ball h. dedln.cd and ..I.cud b, th. ....n 810 d..lpac.' nd ae1acc...., '"'rIla STAHDUIG CottlITTEI or tHI!: AltHUAL COlfl'DEMCt. Ii I C the m<l "lJ:lcal ,coqrepUoa.. .ball r&U 01' MsJ.ett. to dedpt. .. ..bot the 1leIIb!l'" or thl BCA.RIl Of ARSltRlTIOH to .bIlI d...1pt.t4 .n4 nlaeted 'a7 .u., 'td.tIWa U\1rt,. dlQ" .n... written notico ao to. do lJ'o. tho ll-.rt 4.o1pt.e4 U'I4 .~.C'tod. by "Tt!E STAlmINC cona.nE! OF 11li ANNUAL ""'.r............," .'t.h. BOlRD: otAIIIl'J1lA!IOI tM1l be COr.lpO,ed: of t.hrel .ebarl only, nIIIIl1l'. t.h. \bre. ....r. d..s.p..W In4 M1oota4 b,. "THESTUDINC C0I4a::rrEi OF 1111 AtmUA1. .......ot_lftoGro. Ac:t1on t.Uc1m, or- .pproncl1A W1t.ins b)'. a c.tJorltQ,01' tho ...e.rlI ot ,t!_ BOIJ(t. or AW.'t1lA'tION,ehaU be \Ikoa &D:t Otlt.lIe:!1 to bf: t.ne act.1on of the BOARD or IJtBITR4T1OM, lIIt&U bl UI'adt.nI Oft tJlo a1oGa1, ceo"cr-BaUoo" end thor. .tIa1:1 be no apptIJ. \henn.. . (s) It it .hall ,. .....- Ii7 tho BClIlIIl OF .IIlBl'l'RloTlOll ...., OII.do\'1'~" or tho. "local coftll'l&aUonlt trc:a web BR.c.""I'HRiX 'b.Uet. 18 ....t.mll aid .\lblt.ant4a1', Us. ~loea.l co","c..t.ion" ..",ll eun'w.r tu1l1lld lIXcl\l.lbo po.....s.ea.. oontnl, DIM"" .,"t and riCht. of d1.pal1t.1on ot tho .aid "ChurCh ProporU.,. t.o \bo odd .D1.'tria".. 01' ita nom1llt1o. aDd .h&l1 and vUl. at. th. re~l\ of \he "Dlaw!ct.- o:pcgt. ADS . d.U,ver aU d.'d', ...s.pvunt.s. t.nnoter. ,nd"othU'.dO;\llUn\1 cStc1M4 by t.bo 1lD1.V1ct.. 'to 'be r-tus.su.. or n.unary to COnYOJ', .edll1. iran.tor Il\d. 4ol1Ylr tall and ccllllpbta \iU.' to, and. aol\la1... po.....bn ot, H1d "ClNrdI PRperUID" to ,he .Dut.dct.,1l or it. _D1A... j (6) Upon the trander of thll tu'lo to, ml po.....1on of, NJ4 .Cburc.b Properth." t.o \.he .ud "D1at..ric\j" ..nd..uld. t1Dbt.f'1ct" shill haT..rId. l1li3'" \he 8Gb .nd .xcl\ldve po.union, cont.rol. II&naIlWIn~ IrXl ricbt. Clt d1l'po.lt.1.0Q. of a14 .ChurchPl'optlniu,1I &I'ld. ma:r tnMtor alii deU..,r tho alU' tc sllch l.ac.al .ClCnp'opUon of t.h~ CHURCH OF 1HZ BRETKRJ:H upon weh t.ent, am oanr:U.tJ.ana u wd. "Dbtnct.1l ~ 11... MY.I,MbJ,.. (po.. 2 .r ,) (~ .Il tb. ._ ....) .;:;.:: .,~ . . I:' r Date Received: ~ .. , j !' JUL 2 7 "n"9 ; .L'J::": , , ,~~'. , . .' ~..,,' :. .." ." ',' Original submitt<1L_~.:.;'~':-" ". . ~. .~. :' ::;:'. .;, :::~:~~~ " 'i~}:;~ . . .'. .:~.~~: .i ~ '~ ' . ~ , , '. ., '''~'1 s.... Y' " , .. .'~ ',. '. }-....... " " ...: " ........ .." . '1";'::::'1':':; ~it'1~l~.h:..< - .. ,.-._: r~ ".0_.. -r' . MAR 08 1988 l5'o~ ""....~~a._._ ..' ..,.........h ._~.....:-.. ." --...-", ..11 ,"._ . 1.;.',-'__. J"",_ ""--- ,..- ~t ~!~ ~ - SSOOO4s Dm.\II.o~ l![ B!lI . IN I..... '....... VHDICr. tb. 'Nt. -1oeel co","pt.ionlt ...s \be -.id -ot~ M.n cau..ed the.. pnDea.h to be d~ ....u.tecl ..nd d.Unnd UJ.1o d&r of t 19__ \IIOQt.A~ .' , '''''';' -" " ~ D!511lI~ or llf.r"'I'.~.., _ iLl......... ....,L....:,.J CIaJllCll 07 TlllIIIIlmIRBlI or ;fJ"'I'l:Ili..IJ.,~ I.~f "d"'i:. ~:!'4{;'~ ne..,I, .!g..S4 CJ1U1<<:H at 'I'HIl ,', ""'11;:. - ca." U&o\ ... 87 l!~\~~\~J,..tJ ~' ~'f I'" ',..:, , 'I/:J.~'\ itVIA. dl,u,..Ur. TiU.) lJJ: ~,,:~ ' 1'~t~~:~~I~~\~ ':;:e; I~l JI'~:'~-=/w.;JI"'t"~ ,~:ff' , , . -, \11U./ '(.~/",~~<.L4?r'?J9"c~ "".. .. f\o\.':~...\l'\.I,\O\\L '!\~ 1t:....1, i:L.a.,.;.,..<<I-"'..ie g~ -~1l*1 ~1o~1:. ~ ~ru;ml.l"\ ....(~\~t\(J T~ ,'E.. 'V.:IC',' , ......,_,.' , c.., t" ., , I (Us. ...... ro... 1f ""-_1. t.l.."'<: .~.., <.. 111COrJll1n....' it..., 1MOrpt"''',' '~.'_"~.' . ua. tOJ'll Mlall), : ....~ .:.\:-:"'~'.::' ':!i't.'t~.. , . ~ ~ =" ~.... ~.;. . \~,~~U" ,"":~~.:7.~. .~; C.,.. .... ." or \llJ Cl.1JRC8 07 11m _ or Ill" ...~ _) i Ill' nu... ,_ T":".. Date Received: JUL 2 7 2009 (",p , .r )) Original Submittal " ~:..~' ., - - .,.... .-...~-, . . ,. _.f;l.,. :~~)*J"': . ':0,. . .' ~ . " , , .~ '. .. . ,. .' , '..'t' ..: .,,,..' :', " {;)~;~. .;'~~_~~!{ t t~. ;.....:;~:~1.:.~~:: '. . . . '.. -: : l~ .J> ...., "'.'. , " . .'.':><'J{~()}.. '. ....,:, . ~:.\~,i2;:;~;:;.< :;. .... 111M I. " " '" , ,.~ i \ , , "-.. , , MAR 0 8 --i98B ' I_~;~ ~~ ~.-..i-. :-t::-.. ~:..~~.~~ /503 R ,,- ...- ~ __'_'~"'=_"'.'~' . I - ~:~~:::.~I.., " S80<.J349 II. lilT A [L T -1232 82330118 PMC[L I. "~!JlnRln, H II poInt lJdllch 1$ 360 f~et. [1St of . 1)OInt thd Is 9'.57 hat St.JIIth J!()- "I)' r 1st from,", JlQtnt 105.2 rut f1cwth o( the Southest corner of '1.11., r,Htl nr.tt1'l'lll 1Jl)l1lttfon lAnd Chi", no. 63. Iq Township 17 South. R,"" J Wp.st ,,( the Wllldlflett~ '-1l!'rtdl,"; "14""'"9 theeI' (ut 60 (.eet, more or h.$'S, to th<<: monulnent ld\lch lNr~, tho SOlltheo15t corne,. or 810ck Ro. 7 0' Dnttlfn, Artclltton to 'Sprlngrt".., I.fIlnr! r.lJUtll:y, o,.f!qon, b.ror. 5..... .,S YI'C.t8d; th~t tlnrth 1"16._3 hl!t~ thence Hest 60 feet, 1llOi... or Ins to a ,poInt dve lIarCh l)f' the hegfnnfng mint; thencl!' Snuth'."'''.] 'fl!t to the Illltt or bqfnnlnv. In Lo'lne r.01ll1t)', O"l"lJl)ft. [lCErTlrtr. therefrQfll that ,.,rttnn or ch. ahove dtncrl~d r~hp.'5 tncl!jl!ert In th.t l':fOrt"In d("~tf 1Ilfleretn raul 1I,dllty .nd "rid 11IItSlt!.)'. hll~h.nd a"'l Hlrl!, ""'1"11 r.,..nt.or, and lhe Tnwn or Sflringntld. wal F.nt~., rl!'9f$tered 'In VolllDlt 1", flage "RO. 'If the Certtf1c.U of R.evtst.red Titles, heo'"g I"stl~nt r~o. tJU-4. rMcn II. Bt91""ln~ elt I l10lnt "Iza rtet Cut, ~nd Z05.9 f..t flOI.tll or . pofnt lh.t fl '4,Sl feet 'outl, o'Ifl- 110' (nt. fro," " potnt. In5.% ftttltof';U' of' the South'lll'st (I)rller or the ro11Jl Rr.lh1n ()onat.II)'l Lantl elltm fro. U. In TotfRshtp 17 South, 1t""'I!! :I U~"it nf It1e "11 t~ttP, t'lerloll.ln, tn L"ne County, .Orevolt, .nd ruM I"" It'l"I1CP. SfJuth IMullet wttll the rnst Ifne of Tenth St"et 206.9 feet. IROn. or 1.ss ,to t)lf!' f10rLh 11neM ''''In Str""'t t" $prfn9f1eld, l8'l,' CGunty. Of'e1JOfti. Ihfl!nce ritst~,:,ly "lnn9 the Jlorth HnP. or Hat" Street r.tJ feetj thtnn "ort.. 1'1"...1 h!l w'r.hthr. r.nt Ilnl!' M lenl.h Street 1.10.3 feet, more or less, to G ""Int rlo fe.l r.,~t of tht h<!gfnntn!) pofnt, ",Id thRee West 60 feet to the ,p'o'Ice nf b<<!g'nntn9. (_r.fI1fUI" mr.RfrROt1 that clr't"fn tr.ct conveyed b, Anrkew ,J. Wdfle Ind Sttl h If. "'''Hlf!, hushond And wtte, to C'ty 0' Srl"ingfleht. .. ...mtc1pal COrpOl";Hlrm. t\y 1nstrl.lftent re:cordtd flctobe,. 21, 1940, '" Line ("V"t,' Ortgon PtM P:ecnnllt under' Recorder"S RfCepttoll No. 1lII967. ' rMCCL Ill. "elJlnntn9 .at 011 rn1nt'nn th~ 'illl,lh Un! of thl! .Hey ","nlng Elst "'liS Wet "~I.~l!n t.L1JV, fI',;~r',' '1!!!L..:J~ f~';r"f. 1.25 feet r.ut or the Eau 1 tne of ~~ __ ~ri}jlrtlllJhl!lrr:-n-nt. ."unl1. ""9'0", ftftd runntng thence [ut on e ~ne nf '011111 01111,1 75 (tet; thence South flnal1el with the East Hnt! af lentil Str(lf!t trlll.no fel!'t,. ",or~ "/" leu, tn the tlorth 11nl!' of. Haln Stre.t; . lhl!nCt ~st,r-1y 011 tht florlh Hnt! (If Sltd nlln Street 75 plus rut .to . polnt'.. tuttly 225 ftet hst of thp, rut lint nf Tenth Street It eUendld SOtltt\erl)';' ttlenr., IIortll 15G.05 '..et. IIOr' or Ius. .nd'JMr.ll1el with th, [ut lint 0' T,nth Street to the pl.~t of beginning. tn L.ne County. Or'9on. PARCEL IV. , n~9Inni'ng at a 110Int l'JR tht South line of tht! .11ey rvnnin, tut tnd 'WtSt hdwetn ltaln Stnr.t and .^~ Street And JOO fut Ent of the Ellt 11M of Tenth', Slr~et In ar.ttaln's Mdltlon ta Srr'n9t1eld. 1n Lan, Cou~t)'. Or-toon, II "httl!rI and ,.tcord~ In Ynl.,.. 9. p.1I!1e 6, l.lnt County 01"t:OOIl Plat Records. rUlll'lln!J th~nclP f'dst 60 '!I,t: th,nc, SnuU. LBO feet, Jlcrl or less, to the tlfJrth Ill'll! 0'. fifln Stre~t: th{l~e "tsterly "0~9 th~ tlorth riM,' of Halll Street to . I"olnl flu. SOQtlt .or the potnt of ~!fltlnln9i thence north 170 ftel. "Ore or'" . lns~ to the rotnt af bct9tnnln9~ '1'1 l.nt Count,. Oregan. Date Received: ,'V' ') 72009 . " .,.",r::_ . " Origifjal ~~pmittal , , '. . ,- " !: .;..,,:~:. ~. . " ~. :, .,~: h.' , ~ I ' ~ . .' . .,~ . '.~. ...... .< .... ,', I: : ~ " .:':'i. ,:'. II .'...;" AFTeR ftlOOOROING RETURN TO: ,~ I~' \1- ,~pwni.pct ~Ji.;k~ /01t )?7tJM() fi Mf" ()~ '1'l'.f'-?? r Division 0' Chle' Deputv Clerk ~aal alal!~A Lafte, County Deedo end Re.ord. ,VV "V ~U&V ~1~JIJJI~l~l~JlWtl~lWml~~~~~!tlll: 13~:~ ': RPR-REST Cnl.al nnd CASHIER es M0,N 'le.N 'U.N " Date Received:' JUL2 7 2009' Original Submittal . III I u" '" J EXHIBIT 'E' DECLllRATION OF RESTRICTIVE w.....ANTS j()~ IC~ II - THIS DECLARATION OF ~EST~ICTJVE COVENANTS (Declaration), dated 1,11-01, 2001, by Lane sl'ielter Care/Brethren Housing and its successors and assigns (OWner), is qi~en as a condition precedent to the award of HOME Investment partnership. (HOME) ~rogram funds by the city of Springfield (city), '.. political 'subdivision of the state of oregon, toqether with any successor to its rights, duties, and obligati~ns. RECITALS: WHEREAS, qwner is the owner of Brethren Housing'S Four Transitional Hou.ing units of affordable housing (the project) located in the City of Sprinqfield, Lane ccunty,state of oregon, more particularly described in'SXhibit "A" hereto; and WHEREAS, city has been designated by the U.S. Department"of Housing and Urban Development (HuD) a. a participating Jurisdiction in the HOME program pursuant to 42 U.S.C, S 12101 et .eq., 24 CFR Part 92, and amendment~ thereto: and WHEREAS, owner has applied to city and entered into a Housing Development Grant Agreement in an amount not to exceed Four Thousand Forty Six Dollar.. ' WHEREAS, HOD require. as a condition precedent to the awarding of, HOME program funds that Owner execute, deliver and record this Declaration 1nthe official Land Deed Records of the ju~isdiction in which the Project is located in order to create certain covenant. running with the land for the purpose of enforcement of ,the affordability requirements of the HOME program"as set' forth in 24 CFR Part 921 and WHEREAS, owner, under this declaration, . intends, declares, and. covenants that the regulatory and restrictive,covenants set forth herein governing the use, occupancy, and transfer of the project shall De and are 'covenants 'running with the project-land for the term stated herein and binding upon all subsequent owners of the project,and for, such term, except as specificallY provided herein, and are not merely personal covenants of owner} and Date Received: DECLARATION OF.RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS page -1- JUL 2 7 2009 Original submittal - .11 1111111 I.._.J " 1111111111 .._ ,.JII II '" II ,.. .i WHEREAS, the Project's units will be eligible for rent by qualified low-income families for the full term stated ,herein; De:CLARATrONS: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration ot the promises and covenants hereinafter set forth and of other valuable con~ideration, the ,receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Owner and City agree as follows: SECTION 1 DEFINITIONS All wo~ds and phrases used in this Declaration shall have the same meaning as when used, in 24 eFR Part 92, unless the context requires otherwise. ' SECUON 2 REPRESflNTATIONS, COVENANTS AND WARRANTIES OF OIiNe:R owner hereby represents, covenants and warrants as tollows: (a) The project constitutes or will constitute a qualified pr~ject as defined in 24 CFR S 92.2 and, in consideration of the HONE Program funds, the project's unit(s) will be designated as "HOMe:-assisted units.." (b) All'HOME-assisted units shall be 5ubject,to the'affordable rental housing requirements of the HOME program for the term of the, ' Declaration. (e) The units will be available as HOME-assisted rental units for occupancy by qualified low-income families and subject to all other applicable atfordability requirements of the HOME Program for the full term stated herein. ,(d) subject to the requirement~ of the HOMe: program and this Declaration, _owner may sell, transfer, or'exchange the Project at any time, but owner shall notify in writing and obtain the agreement of an~ buyer or succe5so~ or other person acquirinq the project or any interest therein, that such acquisition is subject to the requirements of this Declaration and to the requirements of the ~OME Program. Owner agrees that City may void any sale, transfer, or exchange of the project or any HOME-assisted portion of the Project if the buyer or successor or other person fails to assume in writing the requirements of this Declaration and the affordability requirements of the HOME program. (e) OWner will. at the time of execution and delivery of this Declaratiqn, ,have good and marketable title, to the premises constituting the Project, free and clear of any lien or encumbrance (except encumbrance~ created pursuant to this Declaration, any loan documents re~ating to th~ Project or other permittedencumbr~nce~) . (f) Owne. warrants that it has not and ~ill not execute any other Declaration with provisions contradictory to, or in opposition ,to, the provisions hereof, and that in any event, the require~ents of~his Declaration are paramount and controlling as to the rights and DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Page '-2'- Date Received: JUL 2 7 2009 Original Submittal I 11.11 conflict herewith. SECUON 3 TERM OF DECLARATION (alThis Declaration, and the Terms of Affordability specified herein, ,apply to the Project immediately upon recordation, and Owner shall' , comply with all restrictive covenants herein not later than 'the first day after Project Completion as defined in the HOME Program. This Declaration shall terminate Ten (10) years after project Completion, unless HOME Program affordability restrictions are earlier terminated due to the occurrence of any of the following events: (11 forectosure, (2) transfer in lieu of foreclosure, or (3) as.ignment of an FHA insured mortgage to HOD. SECTION 4 RECORDING AND FILING: COVENANTS TO RON WITH THE LAND (al Upon execution of this Declaration by OWner and city, owner shall cause this Declaration and all amendments hereto to be recorded and 'filed in the official Public Land Deeds Records of the jurisdiction in which the Project is located. city shall pay all fees and charges incurred in connection 'therewith. . (b) O~ner intends, declares and covenants, on behalf of itself' and all future OWners and Operators of the project during the term of this Declaration, that th~s Oecla:z:ation and the covena,nts and restrictions set forth in this Declaration regulating and restricting the use, occupancy and transfer of the Project (1) shall be and are covenants running with the 'land, encumbering the Project for the term of this Declaration, binding upon OWner's successors in title and all subsequent OWners and Operators of the Project; (2) are not merely personal covenants of Owner: and (3) shall bind OWner (and the benefits .hall ,inure to the City and any past, present or prospective tenant of the project) and it. re.pective succeasor. and assigns during the term of this Declaration., owner hereby agrees that any and all requirements or privileges of e.tate are intended to be satisfied, or in the alternate, , that an equitable servitude has been created to insure that these restrictions run with the ~roject. For the term of this Declaration, each and every contract, deed or othe~ instrument hereafter ex~cuted conveying the project or portion thereof shall expresslY provide that such conveyance is subject to this Declaration; prOVided, however, the covenants contained herein shall survive and be effective regardless of ~hether such contracts, deed, or oth~r instrument hereafter exeeuted conveying the Project, or portion thereof provides that such conveyance is subject to this Declaration. s&C%ION 5 ENFORCEMENT OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING REQUIREMENTS (a) OWner covenants that it will not knowingly take or permit any action that would result in a violation of the attordability requiIements ot the HOME program. city, together with Owner, may execute and record any amendment or modification of this Declaration and such amendment or modification shall be binding on third-parties granted rights under this Declaration. DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Page -3- r Date Received: JUL ? 7 20:)3 Uilgll'.,.l. ,;;;~"",'ll.....';;', .j" .,L I III ." , , (b) ~er acknowledges that the primary purpose for requiring compliance by owner with restriction. provided in the Declaration is to assure compliance with the affordability requirements of the ROME program, lIND B~ REASON THEREOF, OIINER IN CONSIDERATION FOR RECEIVING HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP FONDS FOR THIS PROJECT HEREB~ AGREES lIND CONSENTS THAT CITY SHALL BE ENTITLED, FOR ANY BREACH OF THE PROVISIONS HEREIN, lIND IN ADDiTIoN TO ALL OTHER REMEDIES PROVIDED BY LAW OR IN EQUITY, TO ENFORCE SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE BY OWNER OF ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS DECLARATION IN A STATE COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION, ,owner hereby further specificallY acknowledges that the beneficiaries of owner's obligation. hereunder cannot be adequately,compensated by monetary damages in the event of any default hereunder. (c) This Declaration may be enforced by city or it. designee in the event owner fails to satisfy any of the requirements of this Declaration. xt legal costs are incurred by City, such legal.c~sts, includin9 attorney fees and court costs (inclUding costs of appeal), are the responsibility of, and may be recovered from, OWner. SECTION 6 MISCELLANEOUS (a) Severability. The invalidity of any clause, part, or provision of this Declaration shall not affect the validity 'of the remaining portions thereof. (bl Notices; All notices to be given pursuant to this Declaration .hall,be 1n writing and shall be deemed given when mailed by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, to the parties hereto at .the addresses set .rorth below, or to such,other place as a party may from time to time designate in writinq. To owner: John Tamulonis City of Springfield 225 Fifth street springfield, OR 97477 """,~e, u.J1~"6, 4lA\~ ~Q~ ~f' D\~~i~ IM'2. MAli" .<<;,-. ~p'~1*"'1 This Declaration shall be governed by the, laws of and, where applicable, the laws of the united states To City: (c) Governing Law. the state of oregon of l\lIIerica. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, owner has caused this Declaration to ,be signed, by its duly authorized representative, on the "day and. year fir3t above written. OWNER:GlW~ of'T\l-5 BIL&'O'L~ By: fS}1l11 A 4J A.r/1Il.' ' '. , I Title: 6~~C06 ~ (' DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Page -4-' CITYf\A. I', Il\ ' ' By: \ I \.~ v-fQ-. ~. Title: City Manager " ,U Date Received: JUl 2 7 'ZD89 'Original Submittal ." :., '" ,I. I.. III...........J - I "~... " ,...I _ ' OFf1CIAlSEAL RUlH REED ' NOTA!lYPU~~~ON COMMISSION NO, 33636' ) s s . MY COMMISSION EllPIRES SfI'1' '0, 200< County of L.ane ,) ....olI..w.J.Jo~:. . ...., ~er5onallY app~a~~ore 7e ~is ~~~ day of 2001, the above named .("',,"", t( ~~ ' and foregoing instrument to e his/her voluntary act and 4~~~ Notary ub11c for oregon My Commission Expires: ~~~~ STATE OF OREGON , the STATE OF OREGON ) 5S ) County of Lane Personally appeared the above named Mike Kelly as City Manager' 'for the City of Springfield and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed on this ~day of ~ .. 2001, . (j ~. J ~ r... ~...['!o-) ,Not y, public for Oregon , \' My ommission Expires: '"1-1-0 . OfRC1ll.SfAL JUUE A. W1LSllI t.OTlRVI'\.l8I.IC-llII , COlAMIiSKlN HI). 3ll2St1 MYCllI.II.Ii5Ol!lfRSJJ.Y t.llIO' I:\OOCS\DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS.DOC . Date Received: DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Page -5~ JUL 2 7 2G:J9 Original Submitt~" III I I ~ g ~ :f ..j' ~f c.:> ~f w ~r ~f ~ St,!, I I f ~~:~:: ~ - :-eRA'tTAIINl'S 18 19 ,2 2 T.".., ~ ~Pllll-<tTElI I r-'-1TC 2 23 2 ~ ~ ~E CO ~u..._.I-1O'.I_......<<.I- 'I " I <5 I 2ll' ~, ~ -D.L.C. 63 . :;."h -- ~<-eL./.I-'--Jfl..i.<-.~./~':_<?lL4.'"::::h """ ,. ". ".?1' 1Hf-~/' --- '. LlW ......~\;' . il.f,f;-=i.Iiff-f1l1---H/.k :/~-I#t.~ _~...~[ -,,,"':<"...U\T> ) . '<4,"4' 9101'" - - :lJ tt t:f:f::!&-~ 1~~\A{.~O;9 1,~ '''~ - ':,~" -.. ...,,' ::.' ~....~':';,.- - f I I r-83.16" o ,'0 ~ I I ,5400 ~ ~ 5700 ~!'; 0 g 6801~!7100! , 5300 '~ - ffi l{) ~ -I " I i! 7200 : ' I <'> ~~~ i -:: l:lcSJI 0, ! ". !!,l , I ~~~\S v:r _ 0 g ~ ". I ,.. 'rc!?;-,\)~ ; ~ 6800' ~ 7000 :~ ~ ",00 I "00 l,;w'~ i., ___ I ~ gO' I 6300 ~":~ o~ttxc, I: 6;~2 \joo,. . 5: nrnm/ I I 'IA,' - ~:~ PAR, .1., I. ~ . . ",,' : ;, 13(1' 70' ! 511' ~ 2100 I I , ._--.._---~ I ZS'I ~ 2200 I ' 1: II 10' I ;C' , oW jlS' a! a' l{)' ~I I , I , , ..' ..' 30' 2. ,. ... ... 1400 45.:5' I 4!U' , , 1300 1100 I I , , I , , I I SO' ~ 2000 1900 1800 1700 o 2, ~I I, I , , , I . " - ~'- S-rn-ECT ~ 120' ,. ..,. . lI.ll' 3. ... ~ 2300 ~ , ". . I , o ' g . 3400 , ,..., I , I -'VI\~~ ~ '.49.48' .. ... ,O' ,.. o o 2500 ~ 2700, ~O ~, 2400 ~ 'V{tJJ~ ,"'"' \~~~1 ;, 60' ,. ~)~~;- , - "1520r:t.~ ~~ 5.000 , , , I 3000 3100 3200 2900 .~ff ,...--", A800( 4700-) 4600' ------- . "'. ". 4500 '4400 4300 4900. THIS MAP IS PROVIDED AS A COURTESY OF WESTERN PIONEER mLE COMPANl)ate Received:, THIS COPY OF AsseSSOR'S MAP IS PROVIDED SOLeLY TO ASSIST IN LOCATING SUBJeCT PROPeRTY, NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED FOR DISCREPANCies IN THIS MAP AS OunlNCD ANO THe ACCOMPANYING LeGAL DeSCRIPTI9."!'L ' . " MAP # 17033541 04100000 ,'JU 2 7 2009 ~"'.,..._;..,,' ,~fi~;~/ . h ' ,~ ~,/ '0.".' .....-' ,C' "\. '. ':,', -. ~,' ~,'.: ..., , '. ' . ~i t..~cJ,CfJ;8 1". \ ..d:. , ,~ III SALEtfEEO: .. .' . " ~o ".t,.'\~i~ ~ ~ ~ ~; IS ~~ u,~ I'~ ~a:4k ~!~; "~"'I,~ ~) ,[~ ~h ~~. ;~ ~ M.,WILKES, "'E~TE~~isES ~ INC. ,an Oregon, corporation )!'1l~:Y"~. ' "':'", ani." ! onoWlilgdescnbed real property, with tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances, to wit: '!;jI~,'L""~:'~li-fg~r';':,:;;',li,,~~:~' '-;',' 0'" " ., . .. t1f"H~lj~p,,,~,';~~141~~ ';::"-r'; ,:.',' ,-.,," ." . ~qi;ill'fng~~at;apoint which is 360 feet East of a point 'nat'iii's;~9~! 57" feet South 4004'0' East from a point 105.2. eet'ikNorth~'o(the South~est corner of the PauiBrattain 'otfatlori;:;I;iind"';-Claim No. 63, in Township 17 South, Range ~'~"---'!':;""",~_'i"-,,,?, ,..:?",.'j "".f :"'-'.,;_ 0 '..",. ,.:itlf"!~r~,~2lj'.~~~~+amette MendJ.an'h runnJ.ng, thence .East: 60 . eet'i'!uji,mOre,;Jior,i:'less'i 'to the monument whJ.ch marks the outhE!ast'i.!'Corner' of Blo~k No. 7 of Brattains Addition ';~s~~i.itgf:reld'" Lane County, Oregon, before same was ,a~iit'e'd'i~:~il,ffilencie North 196.3 feet; thence West 60, feet, ,::f,~1FtB~!~k~~~S":to' a, point due North of the be,!in~ing ,?oint; hence,jtSouth',l96.3 feet to the place of begJ.nnJ.ng, J.n i~n'e';,~~~~'~~: " Oregon. ' ' CEPTtNcf,€herefroin that portion of the above described i?:FeiliJ:s"esJhcluded. in that cert~in de~d' wherein Paul. Ha~ney aridPear!;Hadley, husband' and ,'wife" were grantors and the, " , T,ownof Springfield was' grantee, registered in Book 1'4, page,;\480 df . the Certificate of"RegistereidTitles,bein,g;, ,Ins tiiuti'ell 1:' No. 8474 ." " ,I." ;1, , .. , '.'I~' .. ' H !i · l&"N II 11 0 00 0 5~ 1;1 , ' ,~~ " ii"" I ,,,....:ji\,.: ' ",.-' -."", ,..,'j :~:{;~~i~1~gk~;ii~?:i~:{": i<'~;), :."1::":,,_. . ._............._.................(Seal) :;;..:""c,,,' '.-..'t- , ),..... -,/~.'1",' . /'.' ;., (,/', " ~ .... --," ". OJ" .F_ - <'" , .:;:(,':::;j;;i.{~.::;::;:..,.:.:.::.:.. ..L,:.:~::.~(::::~;~:::.,: (skal) ;' '15' " .' 2:1 \)/' "< ' ",' . ' _" ..' ". ,: _:. ,~/". '0 :. ". .::',:-' ,...-,. .':. ' ;., ",.C:::{,!,;::,..,.;,i ./L.;.;...j..,;~,~.::;;:C:.;L,.,'.mm(Sea1) :, Personally appeared the' above ~amed I :,.. '" ';: ! 1 ,,' i , ,I } , i I , , . 'i"." "Co C ''0 ,.,.,; ';,:2,,' ~ " ." 0.-'." 1::,", ;~,5'i. E. :Q,I ... J _ '-f' ~s~! ~ .!",. :~,118' '], ,,~ o...f: b:.;~ 1 ":~'~~.s 'cc ',5 ~ t: . 00"'-" .0, ,,9,~~:l 0,' .~,':c;;o .' "C e .~. I.' ',W l,.i ~:E Jl E ~ .t;;: ,~ d'~ .,g]j WI, ~ p::,~ ",",:;~:, i.; ~ ~', ; -,-," >,' ,:g.>. ..,;j: :.... II 0 .., 0" ' .r--l oJ . - .~, - .0;"..., ~ ..... ,,'."." 1, .....0 ,Q.... ~_Q.l! ' ''':g, '~i~> Q.~ - . 0 t;> @. D " " , Wr(,' \~, ~ ~;- ;; ~ t ", -;; 1!\ \-: ':' "i,' cil.8 ~ u.1i ~ (.(;');: .~s 'r~'0' OJ'. c '''.';/ ~'V,_ _ 'l\, i" . ,-' .' "'\.-":" CASCAOrTVrLE'COMPANY ,. ..': ~t ;Y;.l iClI :;...LIII;' ~a; ~" 11\' 'I' .~ "~:' 'h ~~J. -lr~ J. ".I"! ", ~,}~: ih,) ~ ;-~ ~ ~\ I.' ~, Q' , '.' ,,;' 0" 1-> .~. ~ "~ ~ ,.~ . ',. ,~ 'I\} ;:; I:l ' ~ "'-' 0. ~3. " ';l II) " .:5 . ~ \:.:r c, ;; ':!'';J-;' oc .~ 11,) L \~ \ I [ I " ":> I"~ 't' ~~:r.,;a- ?' . "::"f' , ::;'!::;,~f;;';:< BARGA'IN8t,:SA:tEOE EO '.' .:r~':~~~" 'c;, , j i ,~~'~ ((I ~/C~ ' (,:-, " :~. (: ; , l' , ,.,. ,;. .,' ,., . -' j-;~ ;:.:. , \::-:~"'; "~- . WtLLIAM L. WIL~S'andEV^ M. husband and wife', ' , W'ILKES" , ,_,f. ~lt8369 . . , ! , .1 '! .', ~~~';. -. ..i'i '1::. ;:i ~' .>;; : , ~",:::.. , " ,': '. 'Begrhnihgat a point ,420 feetE.ist,and 206.9 fket'North 'i,X';,of"a, point that is 9~. 57 feq,tS6uth, 40,o40':Eas,t,frqm a point, 105.2 feet North of the S,duthwest corner' of. th'e Paul ' ., . ,. . .' ." .. Brattain Donation Land Claim NO:::63', 'in 'Township' 17,'South , of' Range: 3 West of the Willame,tt:eMetidian ~ in Lane:.;':County, Oregon, 'and running thence S,outh"pa'rallel with the,East line of Tenth Street 206 . 9 feeL, more or less to the: North line of Main Street in Spril1gfield (Lane., County, Oregon, ! 'thence Easterly along the Nortti:,1in'e: of Main Street,,"60 feet;i ,thence North parallel wi ththe:; Eas t[:: hne 0 fTenth,S't'reet ' 210.3 feet, more or less, tq';a>p:oiri:t:,6o 'feet East,:, ()'f! the beginning, point, and thenceJ'ies t,' 60; feet' to/fhep1ace of beginning. "j ",l>1"",. ' ' ',; ''',.C':' . >~'.-:.:;';,.. _, . EXCEPTING: Therefrom that ceh~''in 't:ractcom,e'yed:by, Andrew J'. Waffle andSteIia :M.'Waffle,' hus!)and' and W!ife, to City; of Spring field" a mun icipal': '6orporaHo~', byi: instrument recorded October.21,,l940,, in Lane County'!, Oregon Deed Records, under RecQrcier',s Reception.No;,:~8967'. i :! " ',:' '-',c.: '. ,~'. !; .... ,.", . '.'; . ~:.- '~." -:, ~.' '. -" "';:'/~ , , 'ith{ "" '. '"" ;.: 1"~'81 ; .'1' i' , :,....., .':" ,. . ~", ~ ',.",.. ~6 ~ I, 'I': . , 10 0 0 () n I' i l; , ") ! ! ~ ',. .. ':-:,f;,. -',,'-.. ..,.' I 'J.' ",i>,:;:~;: ",'"" ", ' .... ." ii, itb~,r;ue and actual consideration for this tr";ufer is S22",48'().;O a:he' foregoing recita] of i;ollsjder~iionis true as I verily believe, ,.... '> "', ':',;:..." ;,: .. '.: :': j:! ". 1 ',I ~~tet~........m....lda1..~. ,0.0:::..,..1.__19__7.2,......... ' ' '", ',:::, 1: I . , ,1",'7 /' " -. j' ~ "'7-"'~'/"'I(';/ ' ;: . ,'~ < (" 1'/lr " " t, ,<,,,:,;""'.,(,v " j i ;'~"'''',,:'-.,.....,.........m........,...............:......__.__h__.....(Seal) ,., w ,_, (Seal) ;;.~!:t~~~...,..,.,..............,..~.......,........... '.. ",.......".".( seal);I':.:'1'~~J!,~::>!:':~i:~~":";: ;:;'. ';,~::;~i~/::~:~':,:.,~ .:::: ',:: (ieal) , !i" r::;~~t~:, '" ,,-' '~;:".";" : . ST.-\T!!;OF OREGON, County of Lane; ss, ,,", i .: '::Personally app'e~red' lIlC'~bove named ~;,"\';,'[;~1};g.', ,:' . ~t. ", _ ~" " . " ';,i:"",,W,;',;:,'" -, WILLIAM L 'WILKES and EVAM:' :WT,LKES i hl;lsbaIid!~:and:'wife; ~f;~~~.'- '" , " , their' :\,,"':;', :; , ,,',; ;:' , and ~~.~oWledged the foregol~g lllstrumcnt to be ..:__....'..... VOIU~~C\ al1l~ed', Before me, " " , , Dat,'d",';;i~'", _..........,..M a~~., ,17....:1...1...... A,D,J 9:.12., 'jU~m)L-~... ,.([y.tt,.........":<,',,::..;.. ..:';;,:' ,:.:,:.. .. ... " ' " ,\'J......;. . N"" P. b 'r'l 0' . I '-~rl'.; , "'L - ; _.n_. " ~~~~~Ai~~~,~x~~~~JJ /~ ..s Ol~IY,.~.,il~ ?,~.)~~c.gOh".'".'.:,~i.\,,',:.,:..:., ,;;'.:I,:I~'.:"';;':' ""'i . .~.?i:'.c.}~;,~~~~;~:-. ", .~. \: . " . .'.,. .," , . \ : '. :" :'-y\\,"1, ,r".,nr '.':- ~,,:!,:,::.,j,,:\,.,~,.~ '_I 'i ". 1,: 'J . '0 ~. .", , . "I.:' . ., c ". " "~, ,'" ~ : :/ PUr~\..\v : i: '~ ~ ~ t;:\" '<:-:':i' . ~ >", " , ) .' )~.~:;i'.: ......{~~/ ~ '~'~'" <~," 0 ~j; , ~ii~';.,;' cili,,' ~ " " ""':;'-" " 'J..' -"'..,,' a. ",O,r:.< .... . (; .:: .:. . ,;..-.1. :',' ~'. .'.......1 J,' '- 1~,.~;;",,;..tC -? ~ :i~ :,>~y:.. . ":',,> J" . ( .~ 08.'::':g .". g~'~~ ~.', ~,~.:" i' t.,:r:'::.:::~ \': ~~ ~I . ~~:g olJ fa co: ~ ,_ :~:i .. '.0. ~ j !:::... Z UoI ~,' ~ ~ g;; - .' '~",.:,.o,.:",:",o.:"'"""~,,.,,:.,,',,,.c,: '''i'~'': '" :"Da't~Rec~IJ~d~ n.:; ~ .....w~:Erf~ - Q ri: r'" &J"-: . '. ='" ,: i' ...~,;:: 1;:._ ",.,_.",.:' '. ""-.;'; ,'.: I: ~ _0 ~: g ~ ~,ez, ':.,,:.:,',..,.~,o:.;,. ~ '....,' . I .j..;. It, ,'" ',' '. : ' , .- '~ \' ;'!:J ,u ~"I>l c:: 6~ - ~ - ' "I::;"'c;,:~~::",: ':i::"" "J:"L' ;:;i 71'~009 ,,' ..... Ii! , cG: - ~ H;' d Le, 00 r:r.'," m ~ ~ ,"" ," j:' ,: : :;' '::,';:,7 I:, ,~, <J 013 - ~ ~ r ~~.',: :Origina):~~~ii~~ '} 1," , .1: " , >~ ,; " .. ,1,; .~. ,,' . :'\;::' .';1 \.;::, \~. CASCADE TIT~'E '.corv1R!\NY. ! ~I:' , , '. ,- ,'.