HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1990-10-29 city of springfield 225 n. 5th street SPRINGFIELD INFORMATION: 726.3753 . . INSPEC'T10NS: 726.3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION C\()\?1~~ A. LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) 460~ MA I N STREET \"'(' f\ '..J..' , /\ n LECAL DESCRIPTION . I )~,)~ --; r1' TAX LOT"I! U\(1'JO OIINER OR PROPERTY---RnlU= R T ADDRESS 292 WEST D VAN OR~n'" PHONE OHNER OF SIGN (IF OTHER Tl\AN PROPERTY OIlNER) ADDRESS 4605 MA I N ST. NAME OF BUSINESS, FIRM. ETC.--EASTOP (;ROrFRY BRAWLEY, CA. LEW BRYSON ZIP q7777 PHONE '746-0406 TYPE OF ,BUSI!IESS .JiIUlf' " 0 v ' ~ T 'J.a E B. TYPE OF WORK: -X--ERECT _ALTER _RELOCATE OTHER C. STRUCTURAL TYPE "OF SIGN:, _HALL FREESTANDUlG _ROOF PROJECTING _MARqUEE _UNDER llARqUEE -.L OTHER AWNIN(; D. USE AND CI'.ARACTER OF SIGN: -X-IDENTITY INCIDENTAL SINGLE FACE ~ DOUBLE FACE ____'!ULTI-FACE READER BOARD _BILLBOARD .~~;,.:?+ "..'" 'l~" .,. '~"'i. E. VENDORS. CONTRACTORS: SICN ERECTOR METRO - ~/ESTFRN COMPANY ,1.DD~-ESS 975 CON G E'R CITY LICENSE ITtP.1BER 902631 SIGN IlANUFACTURER (IF OTHER THAN ERECTOR) ADDRESS . :-N~:r ~:. . 1'1IOHE ~4~-~~Ol /f ZII' Q7407 EXP. DATE 6- 30-Q 1 PHONE F. ' Dn1ENSIONS, IllSTALLATION & CONSTRUCTION G. EXISTING SIGNS I TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VERTICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL WIDnl OF SIGN DINENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF. SIGN , " THICKlIESS OR' DEPTH 11 '7" ]7" cofi 14'0" ARE ntERE ANY EXISTI!lG ~IGN~? .l..YES 110 Inn1BE~ SIZE IN SO,FTG. ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR EUSINESS, ETC. 1 DOUBLE-FACE . 3' X 6' 36 SQ FT Q'h." 2' fi"' DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY. LINE? _YES LNO IF YES. DINENSlON BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOn IS !lORE Tl\AN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY THE 'SIGN ERECTOR lruST FILE WITH THE BUILDiNG DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/HF.R LIABILITY AND PROP- ERTY DA}lAGE IIISURANCE POLICIES. H. HI~LAwp,r)fiVE ELECTRICAL lURING? YE S IF YES, \IIlIC? APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGN __ILLUHINATED (INDIP~CfLY LIGHTED) ELECTRICAL CotlTRACTOR ? AT T HIS TIM E ADDRESS LISC. NUMBER PI~ONE I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR I'ATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OF. 1" SQ TURF, viI'I 11"11 "R~" VINYL FABRIC COVERED J. SITE INFOPllATIotl (LAND IISF.) -- EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND IIlR LAST USE IF VACANT) SAMF t K. VALUE OF. SIGN: $ 2,000.00 LINDOOR BUSINESS OUTDOO:!. l'ERCllANDISING PRO~OSED USE OF BUILDING OR ~ND: , -. ." .. ~. '4 ~ .~ '. . ... "l. , - '. . .' ~, ': L'I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA}lINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all. information is true and correct. and I further certify that all work performed shall be d?ne ~n accordance with the 5pringfield Sign Ordinance. the Uniform Sign.Code as adopted by the C~ty of Sorin~field.and all other Ordinances of the City of Sprin~field and the laws of the State of ::lre~on per'tainin~ to t~le work described hta~l.n. I further certify that my .C~Z!". Co~tractor Li- cense with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Sprin~field Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). I will request all required sign inspections listed on the approved permit. NAME IpLEASE p~~ /JIM INGRAM SIGNATURE . r// ~d~/7~ TlATE //J - j;q- 57!'? fI - / ~ I , .~ '.' :. ! .. PLEASE READe " .1.: 'i; - , . . ~, ., l . .;'1 "-' .;. .~,.. "', ....' , " '~.(:: <0, ",..: .... '..... ...... '>,' 1) Seoarate Sb:n A~plication: A separate applic~tion. Is required for. each sepnrate sign as defined in t~e ~ign Code. 2) Electrical':' Any permit issued under this applicntion will include wiril1g in or on sign structure, t~e supPlY wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection . must be' ,made .only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor, Illuininated signs (both ',intern31ly and e'xte.rnaily~ must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4) lot (5).iandi91.7,~I~' qf,.the t>pringfield Sign Or-. dinance. .1. ,A. , '. ._ .'~,:d . ~-.:' ~ ),1.. j' . ...... '..: .,: 3) Plans ReQuired: This application is to be submitted with two .complete sets of plnns,showing.,di-' mens10ns ana neight of sign; advertising message on sign; location of sign on property with di- mensions to property lines I structural details of. support framing, bracing and footings_; rnatf;!rials of construction for sign and sign structure; electrical equipment and lighting;' size and location. 'of existing signs on property for the ~ame.b1;J.s!enss,'.all' 'as'. required,.to. determin~ com!,liance w.ith the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Artic1e;';Vof'tne Spri1)gfield City Code). Also,. show the follow- . ing information on the plot plan (pla~ }~how~ng;prope.rty. lines and location ,of .signs):, " . a) . Show the.location of all eXisting,sigri,s) as'we'Ll'as:p,roposed s,ignes)... d.' .....'.': . b) . Show the length of the .street, frontage tnken"up,.by. the .business or building. For wall .. ,. signs, show the length, of the building frontage, ,... . . ':" c) Show the location of entrances' open to the public" ~~ii 'd~l:v~~~y~. "". ,,,,, "',', 4) When required, because of design, 'size, etc'.', 'engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pnred by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at tl1eBuilding Divi-, sion Office. .,' .' . ',I ". _.. '-.I.!.: . ..: 5) Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned. to. the. applicnnt with no permit being issued. . ~ ' 6) Signs must meet corner vision cLearance requirementa";;s'deaci'ibed in Figure 9 o! the, Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. . . 7) NOTE: No sign may be erected which is less thnn 12 feet h~ri~ontslly o~ verticaliy from' overhead electrical"conductors in excess of 750 volts, or' leas' thsn: 5 feet in any, 'direction froo overhead electrical lines which are energized at leas than '750"volts;'" " ' . ..', '... . . \ \ '8) If a sign is not installed within :60 days after ,the date ,0Lissue of this permit, the permit shall '"""" ,,,,,be.void., . ,.... ' .."...........".."... '.'...." .,,', ' 9) 'Inspections: a) Sit~ Ins~ection - to be mnde before the sign is ,placed., Usually, the Footin2 Inspection (it app11cable) may be made at the same time as :the, 'Site ,Inspection. '!be' ,'ooung inspec- tion is to be made after hole(s) is exeavateQ, but prior to the placement. of concrete. Final Inspection,- to be made upon completion of 'all'work',' ~lectrical _ all' el~ctrical ~ign~ must be inspected fo; elect~ical hook up after .the sign, is erectea end before the sign is turned on. . . . , . . '. . b) c) ...... CALL FOR TIlE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECnON LINE AT 726-3769 FOR OHICt; OSt; (1('./' ONLY JOIi'i'" , "LIt )/::1Jl~ SIGN PERMIT FEE I-_;./'YLAA\;: ~ ' ".: ,;. ,;': Fc::y C;tY 'i ~..' bt:.ll.aa PE!\tlIT FEE, ,', ,';/,'/': ;~::,:-. ',1: ~~ 7feY/~W '" .,,"'!':.:~t" ~h?/'" ~F&<: ~~,~ . . .. .,- ~" - ,', /. ':'" .,'''' 5~ . STATE" SURCIlARCE : . .'" ':''''/''6' :::2.:'.:", '. '. ;:;i'.;, ", , SIGN DISTRICT i.M.fl\ ZONE D\ISpICT TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN ~ REOUlRED INSPECTIONS: i , -,-SITE/LOCAnOlI . vr;;OT;NG OR$TH~DOF ATTACHME3P' ~ELECTRlCAL ,/FINAL" . '. . ' : ":,::,,OTllER I" , ...' . , '; , nO""/I'{' di,:':;,~;,':: TOTAL,...,:. I'. . r7I DATE>':1~'}'31 "':; :,:'ric~~~~/i(;iff/:, . CLE~ . /!;1J1/lft1iL", . .' ',,: , .. , I. '.(,' SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATiSFIED BEFORE EREcnON OF SIGN: . \~',; .". I'" , .; , J 'f, " I ,. ,. ,,"! " i' I: i~ .' ..,'''' , ". ". , ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: '" /I ~ ' ~/F" TI?IC."'~ <:::"'6N?'i"#z:=~ ~,1l~<.. &>;6~4'Yr'/"r ~r:':'~#~ j ~/ r ~)'f .lfw#//Y~ & &c;//r/~~ <::~CP/ T7J ~ ,t ..': ""'. 'I: ,.: " I'; . ...', '. , '. , , '~.' . 1, ,', APPROVED "hIDJ;k-:,', ~Q ~.. ,.,.,j',).':, ~' I ~ .m 0 (C' ~\ ~ -. SPRINGFIELD SIGN ORDINANCE .'It)' "," "8"'(\./':' '\' ..m..:' D''',.:'>'''' . .', .... .. .'. .,:. ....:::. . , 'f,'.","<' SECTION, .... ..