HomeMy WebLinkAboutCode Enforcement Complaint 1981-3-27 ADDRESS: (L{(p75) , . 'I~9.di{ft IV" sr .-.. .-..:- JOB NUMBER ? / -(p7fJ ....,. ~ .:" '". INDIVIDUAL CmlPLAINT DATA ..,-. ,-' DATE RECEIVED: 3-Z7-/?/ RESIDENT: ~~~-_ PlIONE": rW}ER:j(dpt ~ 0/6 Srett ).LtuJ;~~r#:- , 'ADDRESS: fJ.v- ~ 7brP, 9",~ ,q7~ol g'j Of:)' - 1:Jr. w.. I , $~' ~ 7"'B;0:3 Y REFERRED TO: D f r ue:.n-, DATE :ow INSPECTION FINDINGS ZONE: 7'- ~ TYPE: ~<;/~~ " ' ~.NATURE: ~nq" -~dC:ijU:'~~J..olf!d. 5hv-f ~-- - '~ Il J) -~ c::' U. ~ /4'b_7~K'~OMPLAINTANT: U~ -JC0Xor:-- '. ADDRESS:xl?37 0:L!t<....hVUAf' ~ , . '. PHONE 11:' 3Lf3- 93/6::> NOTIFIED: . (70")-- 32 "f?fr=/(O{) &,-.3tJ-gl_ ~~&..,/u"-/:/r ~ '7::>~Ce _ DATE: r NOTICE AND OnDE "0 ' r02-5-Y02- -to Kdtlh. f)rlL' -~/~ hVfXl~' U I k /:nt/l'L' , i I ~ K.. __ Jf. ~-V~ i I REI'ERnAL TO CITY ATTORNEY / G ,1 0 rlAA~/ ?</;'/14 A'/J' ) / II . J P ~ '~" II i I 1v->//' ~n1_- - //7 /78 ;:; . ::7 -co2 ~ - y-;Z PROSECUTING ATTORNEY . FINAL ACTION: . I ACTION PENDING. ;'j . lj.';." " / O '-/HOLD _ REFERAL ill I o RECHECK r:rFINALED ,-~ FD-158 _"""lJ 1 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 i {) ,- FIRE DEPARTMENT 223,G NORTH ASTREET 726-3737 ~ ./" NOVF.MRF.R ?4 , 19 RO ,. '10: City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, acting by and through its Fire Depa..:"',~..t" You are hereby authorized and pennitted to bum und$:" supervision and for educational and instruction purposes, that certain house or building located on Tax Lot .. Tax Acct. #129328. Township 17. Rang" 02 ~",.tinn~? " .ln PAT',."l ltllllllO Addition to Springfield, VL~~UU which is designated as 4675 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon. ' I/We expressly warrant and L~<'L~sent to you that I/we, the undersigned, are the CMTIer (s) of said 1"~~t""rty, and that the sarre is" free and clear of any and all liens, encumbrances, judgrrents, and any interest, right, title or claim in any other person other that the undersigned, and that this consent is freely and voluntarily given, and that we will save the City of Springfield harmless fram any liability to any person whomsoever by reason of any state- rrent or warranty contained in this letter. I,lWe, the undersigned, also agree to the fOllCMing requiL="'''Uts :inpJsed by the Fire Depa..u.=.t to assure completion of all regulations. 1. '!he <,~vp:rty CMTIer (5) shall rerrove all debris on the lot (5) involved in this bum within sixty (60) days after completion date of the bum by the Fire Depart:It1ent. 2. '!he owner is to secure the required derrolltion and plumbing cap pennits fram the Building Depa..~.=.t when inside the city limits, 3, Outside City Limits, County regulations apply. ST AFF JEr,.JN ~ f;m~;!-'. EUG~NE RV, /1/'U/..;0 G.. ,_'/VtA~ , cI /' .' PRES. ---- - ,.. , ~ n"3,C~~ J \ ~~~^~ - .. -- ,II I JENNINGSINC. "-'" "" Robert S. Jennings Pres'.dent i OREGON'S OLOEST MARINE DEALER ,\ Portland an,d Eugene 503/244.7505 :} i November 24, 1980, Fire Department City of Springfield 223-G North A. Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 " -'- - "..,~.~,)le: _,Bm~.ning_()f_-house situlltcd at 467fi Main Sh'eet, Sprincrfield ,-'OJ:egon', by Springfield Fire Department. Gentlemen: Attached is the authorization, which has been executed, to burn the above referred to home for educational & instructional purposes. There is a small $4,500. balance on the contract of sale for this property, however, the assessed value of the land alone is $31,880. & we're confident the recipients of the mortgage payments will not object to the burning of the home. Because of the condition of the house, in addition to the diff- iculty in obtaining fire insurance, it definitely would be in the best inter- est of all partys if the structure were removed. We are contacting the lien holders for their approval, & if required will certainly forward you documentation of their consent. If on the other hand, for any reason they would not approve, we will take full responsib- ility, and will in fact satisfy the loan balance if requested to do so. If their is anything further needed to commence your plans for the burn, please advise Mr. Ralph Nelson, at our Eugene Store, 305 Coburg Road. He can be reached at 485-2555 in Eugene. Thank you. Sincerely, STAFF JENNINGS, INC. ~/d R. S. Jennings Pres. RSJ:ds Enclosure ~*C"-P- E'latylll7E?r 7h~&Y9 ~ "~~ ~ ,Johnson 1 ~, .~ I ft III , ~~ ',l, 'it" 1 ! ,i r :\] '. n II i'l 'II. ~ ~ ~f, f'~i . !r\" I..' t~(i1! .HiiinL PW-Sa lly . , ~ 0 SENDER: ~ ' ~ Complete items I, 1, Dnd 3. Ad.1 yom addrw in tho "RtruRN TO" Ipac\ CD rtVcrlC, ~ 1. The following srrvicc Is requested (check one.) Xl Show to whom and dato deJivered............_4: o Show 10 whom, date and address o(delivery...~4 o RESTRlCTLD DELNERY , Show to whom and date dellvered............~4 o RESmlCTED DELNERY, Show to whom, date, and address of d~'!ivery.S_ :- ! ~ ~ (CONSULT POSTMASTER FOR'FEE3) 2. ARTICLE ACOAESSEO TO: '" m ... C '" Z '" '" " . 'I' ';; .... '" m " i; Mr. Roger Boothe . :::c";;~'..;. '.. ,'_ ..' 28 "Q" Street _ ''':c,':,;;<.,;('~:'''F>''i',' Spfld. OR 9747i'~"'- '-, ;,' ,I I / l) 3. ARlICLE UIiSCRIPOIO:ol: .,e'iTER'D liD, ~ lC;"~~;O ~~21 INSURED NO, tAlwavs obtain siijlnatut'8 of addreKA8 or agent) ; I ti':lVC received th~ article described above. ". I, \Jik~;QL;;~!;e?(~~:. , r;( DAl 211 /' "{1',;~" 'f~ . ~ Go ADORE-SS (Complna ""IV If ....~; {2..v\~ 1..1~ 'o,.\ ,'.l,q).. '5. \: ~;.,\. ~.?:..-~ -l \..~.',~ '. ~~; - . ~,'.:...'},.. -,,"-"":~~\. :' m 6, Vt.lABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: '.,." CLlif\K'S o ~~'iNl'il't.UJ ~ ,;: "",' *Gf'O : 1979-2SU-848 .'iN;\ ,h"ii.;:;.;:':'~::,:,i ;;: .;,i:~1tl~,t"i1:J'HHl:j('}!J;~,;i.'.~iL.j r,;! l: '~i SPRINGFiELD ' , CITY OF SPRINGFTRT ,n Department of Public Works Februa ry 1, 1982 >, (, CERTIFIED LEITER Mr. Roger Boothe 28 "Q" Street Springfield, OR 97477 " , , , Dear Mr, Boothe: A recent observaticn of the property at 4719 Main Street (old Goodwill property) , Springfield, Oregon, has found it to be in violation of Section 401 of the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield relative to nuisances, Our records indicate' that you are the owner of said property. As a result of partial demolition of a structure(s), debris and used materials exist on the property. The conditions constitute a potenti~l public health and safety hazard. In addition, if the structure(s) was connected to the sanitary sewer, the sewer must be cap- ped off at the property line. If the structure(~) was connected to a septic tank, the sludge must be removed by a person holding a sewage disposal service license, and the tank must be filled with clean bar-run gravel or other approved material. Permits for demolition and seller capping are required and may he obtained at the Spring-' field Public Works Department, 225 North' 5th Street. After all debris is removed froll: the property and the sewer is capped and the septic tank pumped and filled as the case may be, an inspection must be conducted by this office. Yeu may request an inspection by calling the Springfield Inspection Line at 726~3769. Therefore, by thirty (30) days from the date of this letter ( March 3, 1982 ).J, the above stated requirements must be completed and an inspection of the property must be requested. If these requirements are not met by the above date, the matter will promptly be referred to the City's legal staff for resolution. Your anticipated courtesy and co- operation ,is appreciated. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753. Si(}~ere1Y' ~ / --...., )p; ~ Sally J hnso v, Environmental Inspector . I .. cc: Ronald B. Clark, Superintendent of Building Joseph J. Lea:.y, Assistant City Attorney SJ/ls 225 North 5th Street · Springfield, Oregon 97477 · 503/726.3753