HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegal Miscellaneous 1967-3-16
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That for and in consideration of the City of
Springfield, a municipal corporation in Lane County, State of Oregon, granting to the ;
undersigned a waiver of the ordinances of the City of Springfield requiring a set back
from the center of Main Street of -Al. feet', so that the undersigned may
construct and maintain an advertising sign upon the following described real property,
to-wit: BeginniDg at a point on the South right of W&:111ne of the Mclenz1e B1gIIlorq,
said point being 517.50 feet North 890 44' l1est from a point on the East line of the
Thomas D. Edwards Donation Land Claim No. 55, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the
WUlamette Meridian; said last mentioned point being 1327.1 feet South 00 181 West from
the Northeast corner of said olaim; trom said beginning point running thence South O.
55' East 165.0 feet; thence North 890 441 West 126.50 feet; thence North 00 551 West
165 feet to the South right of W&:111ne of said McKenaie Highway; thence South 890 44'
East along said right of way line, 126.50 feet to the place of beghm~, Seotion 32,
said township and range, Lane County, Oregon.
known as number J.h7; of Main Street in the City of Springfield,
Lane County, State of Oregon, but within the prohibited set back area as established
by the ordinances of the City of Springfield, but not closer than 43 feet
to the center line of said street, the undersigned applicant and permitee does hereby
promise and agree that in the event the City of Springfield deems it necessary for any
reason, and at the City's request the undersigned will, at his own expense, remove the
above mentioned advertising sign promptly,
This agreement shall be binding upon the undersigned who are the owners and/or
lessees of the above described real property, and/or of said sign, and upon their
successors and assigns, and anyone having an interest in said sign and/or in the above
described real property. This agreement shall be recorded in the deed records of Lane
County, Oregon, at the cost of the permitee for the purpose of making the provisions
hereof a matter of record, and notice to all subsequent owners of the above entitled
real property, and of said sign and the provisions of this agreement shall be binding
upon such successors or assigns,
~ -, '''~ ~2"~~ . _ ./
K~~BusllJ- ~-'l'reB8_
Qi-" -.~
) ss,
County of Lane, )
On this 16th day of March , 1967, personally came before me, a notary
public in and for said county, the within named Kenneth F" Buss
to me personally known to be the identical individual described in and who executed the
within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and
voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein named.
WITNESS my hand and seal this
day and year last above written.
Notary Public for or.f'~ 1 f
My Commission expires: j~&
lfo..-<'dJ ..:3/;2'~V6 '7 J.;7,SO f1/
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That for and in consideration of the City of
Springfield, a municipal corporation in Lane County, State of Oregon, granting to the
undersigned a waiver of the ordinances of the City of Springfield requiring a set back
from the center of Main Street of ~ feet, so that the undersigned may
construct and maintain an advertising sign upon the following described real property,
to-wit: lleg1nning at a point on the South right or va:r line of the Mcltonz1e High1i[>,y,
Baid point being 517.50 feet North 890 44' West from 0. point on the East line or the
Thomas D. Edwarde Donation Land C1a1m No. 55, Township 17 South, Range 2 West or the
Wlllamatte Meridian, said last mntioned point being 1327.1 feet South 00 18' West from
the Northeaet corner or said cla1m; from said beginning point running thence South O'
55' Feet 165.0 teet; thence North 890 44' West 126.50 teet; thence North 00 55' West
165 feet to the South right or \10.7 1iDa of said McKenaie H1g~J thence South 890 44'
Eaet along said right of way line, 126.50 teet to the place or beginnq, Section 32,
said townehip and range, IBne County, Oregon.
known as number 1.675 of Main Street -in the City of Springfield,
Lane County, State of Oregon, but within the prohibited set back area as established
by the ordinances of the City of Springfield, but not closer than ~ feet
to the center line of said street, the undersigned applicant and permitee does hereby
promise and agree that in the event the City of Springfield deems it necessary for any
reason, and at the City's request the undersigned will, at hia own expense, remove the
above mentioned advertiaing sign promptly. '
This agreement shall be binding upon the undersigned who are the owners and/or
lessees of the above described real property, and/or of said sign, and upon their
successors and assigns, and anyone having an interest in said sign and/or in the above
described real property. This agreement shall be recorded in the deed records of Lane
County, Oregon, at the cost of the permitee for the purpose of making the provisions
hereof a matter of record, and notice to all subsequent owners of the above entitled
real property, and of said sign and the prOVisions of this agreement shall be binding
upon such successors or assigns.
...., .J o~t~-
_r\~ ' ,..J
Kenneth F. Buss. Sec.- ae.
) ss.
County of Lane, )
On this 16th day of March , 1967 , personally came before me, a notary
public in and for said county, the within named Kenneth F. BusB'
to me personally known to be the identical individual described in and who executed the
within i~~trument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and
voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein named.
WITNESS my hand and seal this day
and year last above written.
Notary Public for Oregon ~ /
My Commission expires: ~ /.?o f
rf/cvJJ 3-,;)0 ,~ 7 i ,;;).6'0 9?
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That for and in consideration of the City of
Springfield, a municipal corporation in Lane County, State of Oregon, granting to the
undersigned a waiver of the ordinances of the City of Springfield requiring a set back
from the center of Main Street of ~ feet, so that the undersigned may
construct and maintain an advertising sign upon the following described real property,
to-wit: Beg1nn1ng at a point on the South right of vrq Una of the Mcienzie B~,
aa1d point baing 517.50 feet NCI1'th 890 44' West from a point on the East l1ne of the
ThOllBs D. ~B Donation Lend Cla1m No. 55, Township 17 South, IlaDge 2 West of the
Wlllamtte Her1d1anJ said last mntioned point being l327.1 foet South 00 1S' West from
the Northeast comer of sa1d olaSm. from aa1d beginning point l'unn1Y1g the~ SClI1th 00
55' East 165.0 feet; thence North 89044' West 126.50 teet; thence North 0 55" West
l65 teet to the South rlght of ~ line of aa1d McKenzie ~""" J thence South 890 44'
Eo.st along aa1d, right of wny l1ne, 126.50 teat to the plo.ce of bag1nn1qJ, Seotion 32,
ea1d tovnsh1p and _"_,,, T..sDe County, c..g,_.
known as number AP75 of Main Street in the City of Springfield,
Lane County, State of Oregon, but within the prohibited set back area as established
by the ordinances of the City of Springfield, but not closer than 43 feet
to the center line of said street, the undersigned applicant and permitee does hereby
promise and agree that in the event the City of Springfield deems it necessary for any
reason, and at 'the City's request the undersigned will, at his own expense, remove the
above mentioned advertising sign promptly.
This agreement shall be binding upon the undersigned who are the owners and/or
lessees of the above described real property, and/or of said sign, and upon their
successors and assigns, and anyone having an interest in said sign and/or in the above
described real property. This agreement shall be recorded in the deed records of Lane
County, Oregon, at the cost of the permitee for the purpose of making the provisions
hereof a matter of record, and notice to all subsequent owners of the above entitled
real property, and of said sign and the provisions of this agreement shall be binding
upon such successors or assigns.
SHlDiOFmw SPm'l'S ".:uu,6I'I, mc.
<:::K, _ ,o~f~, _ r-/
) ss,
County of Lane, )
On this 16th day of March , 1967 , ll..ersonaUy came before me, a notary
public in and for said county, the within named Kenneth F. Buss
to me personally known to be the identical individual described in and who executed the
within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and
- voluntarily-for the uses and purposes therein named,
WITNESS ~ hand and seal this day and year last above written,
~~~ Y UK
Notary Public for Oregon{ ,~ ~
My Commission expires: ~~ ~ f
1Pcd.& ..Jl-~{) -07$;;)6'0.1 9'1