HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1982-1-20 . ~ .' , I '. '~ : . , "'" SPRINGFIELD -..:.,......' "..' , CITY OF SPRING.t<'lliLD , Department of Public Works January 20, 1982 , .1 Li' / ""<"1 ',.' t1d~~~~ J10crj lis- ~-o*'- ~~ ~:, . . " CERTIFIED LETTER ...,,1. ~' ' ,. Mr. Matt ,Ritzdorf ," ". , ' , UQ1 CQRestega Way' ,Eugene, Oregon 97401 Dear Mr. Ritzdorf: " .43 A recent observation of the property behind, 4489 Main Street, or ,Map #17-02-32-~ Tax Lot #2100, Springfield, Oregon has found 'it to be in violation of Section 302 of-the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings 'as adopted by 'the City of Spring- : field relative to nuisances. Our records indicate that you are the owner of said prop- erty. ,', ",' 't, " .' " 1-"'_ " :~: As a result of fire, partial demolition of the structure, debris and used materials ~::exist on the property. The conditions constitute a potential public health and safety hazard. In addition, if the structure was connected to the sanitary sewer, the sewer -;.1. must be capped off at the properrj line. If the structure was connected to a septic tank, the sludge must be removed by a person holding a sewage disposal service license, and the tank must be filled with clean bar-run gravel or other approved material, 1"', Permits for demolition and sewer capping are required and may be obtained at the Spring- field Public Works Department, 225 North 5th Street. After all debris is removed 'from the property and the sewer is capped and the septic tank pumped and filled as the' case , may be, an inspection must be conducted by this office. You may request an inspeltion ?y calling the Springfield Inspection Line at 726-3769, '''.... Therefore, by thirty (30)' days from the date of this letter (February 20, 1982), the above stated requirements must be compelted and an inspection of the property must be , requested. If these requirements are not met by the above date, the matter will promptly be referred to the City's legal staff for resolution. Your anticipated courtesy and co- " operation is appreciated. Please direct all inquiries to the springfield Building Division at 726--3753. Sincerely, /J4.' Sally Johnson Environmental Inspector cc: Ronald B. Clark, Superintendent of Building Joseph J. Leahy, Assistant City_Attorney , , 225 North 5th Street · Springfield, Oregon 97477 · 503/726,3753 SJ/ls ~ .' ,. ....- --,- ~.. --,-..., JOB NUI.IBER ~ / ..- .24-k INDIVIDUAL CO~IPLAINT DATA RESIDENT:~ ~ r ADDRES.S:, ,,!:.F) fJ6 b /1(, - ~ 'TYPE :l)o..ltj eYdusrg(~ 7 OIiNER: I.\DDRESS: RHERRED TO' . ' DATE , '.' ,.' 'oJ FINAL ACTION: ~HO:~E : , PHONE: 'fzdo~ r , '0 1lJ.- cd ~ fj - Q/ ;C{.{)j' '!!/. - (/7" ~o-0 ~-- J 0 fi>jV/1, .J Ii' / /\' - INSVECTION FINDINGS ) , L/ NOTES: J P/76l ~. o INVALID 3 2 ~ 2- / /() 0 T,L1P, 7 NOTICE AND ORDER' DATE RECEIV'ED:' ... I / -- q":'-15 I ZONE: " , NATURE: COMPLAINTANT:~ ADDRESS:4r~ 'H;rI 'I PHONE: '7 -"17 -...l-.3 0 I NOTIFIED: ...../ DATE:/--/C;.ElZ /-;20-8;2. - /l- cL--O, /Y;hL(l: 2- -~ cJ- g A REFERRAL TO CITY ATTORNEY I'ROSECUTI NG ATfORNEY ACTION PENDIN~ ,.\ o REFERRAL o HOLD o RECHECK , ~/~.~ . L(L( 't9 \ VVtt\. I /' q"FINALED ;ally ,I, - P,Jo'- ... gSL'IlDEI.; l'....,p!It"'"."..I.1.ow.l3. .." "jJ ,...... "'.~r.~ i:l1lw RIlIT~Hr.N TO-._ OD ~ _lOt.. ,- .. I. nurollc\\-iniRrvic;eisr::;"Jt;~ed(.:heckODll!.) ! J GaXSbow I? "!:orn and lb:J ~tU\"l:ted..,........,._.,..4' o Show Ii' I'hom, d.:~ :r,l.d:lre::s of 4.clJftry~.rt' o RESTRlCTED lJEUVERY ; Show to whom 4I>d <l31e lkl1\"l:Ied.........!u_C- o RESTRICTED Uf.UVi:R.Y. Shaw 10 ....-hom. due, :lfId tdJrus of deUvcry,S_ [ (Co.~SCLT POSTMA....,.ER FOR FLES) Z. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO; ~ Mr, Matt Ritzdorf :II 493 Conestoga Way : ,Eugene., OR 97401 ~ J. IJlT:CU OU>;;'fUl'1I"U; ~ R~CISUR(DIj~'1 ~C;;t:;'\;2J WPJRED~ ~ tAlw",SOCltllinsionltuf1t"'eddrio_or.~ntl ~ IIuYf received the utid, 'llucd!lcd above, ~ ~C.NATURE D.\~L, OAultlOl~1 ~ \ ~::J tiYa>lI/'tY:. dA,/I ! / ~i'JO~~'~~Y " ~,..... ~ Ii. tDDflEU-IC..oi-.iIti", ......_,....11 '4 ,......, ' ~ "" '.... .>:'-' '-:". " \. ' ~ ! >~. I ,.., .....\ ;,; e. UNADLlETODELNERCECAU$E: ..,\';'.JI c~tR ',:S: " ~.% ~,:.n~,~, ~ .. ~,'" ~2/ , :} 'ClGPO.' 1"~""1O-.~' , , '.' , , I .,,1 1 r , , SPRINGFIELD ., , CITY OF SPRING!"lliLD Department of Public Works . January 20, 19B2 / CERTIFIED LETTER "", Mr. Matt 'Ritzdorf ,','" ' '. ,'Il93 Conestoga Way Eugene, Oregon 971101 ': ~' Dear Mr. P~tzdorf, ,,' \'. A recent observation of the property behind IlllB9 Main Street, or Map #17-02-32-1l2, Tax \, . 'Lot #2100, Springfield, 'Oregon has found it to be in violation of Section 302 of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings as adopted by the City of Spring- field relative to nuisances. Our records indicate that you are the owner of said prop- erty. ",,. , ',' As a result of fire, partial demolition of the structure, debris and used materials :',:: exist on the property. The conditions constitute a potential public health and safety '.hazard. ,In addition, if the structure was connected to the sanit~ry sewer, the sewer must be capped off at the property line. If the structure was connected to a septic tank, the sludge must be removed by a person holding a sewage disposal service license, and the tank must be filled with clean bar-run gravel or other approved material. Permits for demolition and sewer capping are required and may be obtained at the Spring- field Public Works Department, 225 North 5th Street. After all debris is removed from the property and the sewer is capped and the septic tank pumped and filled as the case may be, an inspection must be conducted by this office. You may request an inspection by calling the Springfield Inspection Line at 726-3769. Therefore, by thirty (30) days from the date of this letter (February 20, 19B2), the above stated requirements must be compelted and an inspection of the property must be requested. If these requirements are not met by the above date, the matter will promptly be refer~ed to the City's legal staff for resolution. Your anticipated courtesy' and cq- operation is appreciated. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753. , Sincerely, ~' Sally Johnson Environmental Inspector .cc, Ronald B. Clark, Superintendent of Building ~ . ~ ~- Joseph J. Leahy, Assistant City_Attorney 225 North 5th Street · Springfield. Oregon 97477 · 503/726.3753 SJ/ls .' ......- ' - ~.' .'. ~..~ :';.. . . . I . '" CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 348 MAIN STREET 747.4221 November 26, 1976 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr, Matt Ritzdorf 493 Conestoga Way Eugene, OR 97401 Dear Sir: On January 9, 1975 the Building Division issued a notice and order for the rehibilitation or demolition of a building owned by you at 4485 Main Street in the City of Springfield. On February 4, 1975 you received another letter from this office indicating that as a result of extenuating circumstances, 'an extension of time had been granted to complete the rehibilitation or demolition. The time extension, however, was conditional upon the following: 1, The building was to, be secured against unauthorized entry. 2. The surrounding area was to be cleaned up and reasonably maintained, 3, You were to notify this office when litigation involving the building was resolved, In August, 1976, a complaint prompted a site inspection by personnel from the Building Division and the Fire Prevention Bureau. The inspection revealed that conditions 1 and 2 above had not been met, or at least main- tained, With regard to conditions 3 above, over 1~ years had then passed without a response, As a result, you Were informed that if appropriate action on your part was 'not initiated soon, the Building Division would reissue a notice and order to either demolish or repair the building. On September 14, 1976 you indicated to me by telephone that loan arrangements had been completed and that rehibilitation of the building would thus begin within a few days. On Friday, November 26, 1976 a site inspection revealed that no attempt has been made to comply with the conditions outlined above. It is also signifi- cant that no permits have been issued for the rehibilitation of the building, ~ . . . . I . November 26, 1976 Page 2 Therefore, please be advised that this is your notice and order to either rehibilitate or demolish the subject building. Permits shall be obtained and work started within 30 days of the date of receipt of this letter. Such work shall be completed and the property cleaned up within 90 days of the receipt ~f this letter, Be advised that any person having any record, title, or legal interest in the building may appeal from this notice and order of the building official to the Board of Appeals, provided that appeal is made in writing and filed with the building official within 30 days from the date of service of this notice and order. If you have any questions, please call the Springfield Building Division at 747-4221. Sincerely, ~~ Ronald B, Clark Superintendent of Building RBC: skl .'~ I, .. ~~~. , . ~ . , . , - '- "-. CXTY OF SPRXNGP'XBlLD FOURTH AND NORTH "AU STREETS SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 ~L' ~ . '\ . . ;v.: ~ @~~lJo.l?'o.~(Q) '---.,:\\ \01 ~N. ,6-12187 ' ..' ,0 " ,,' ,. ' " ..' I.'"" .. .' ~ ." , - ..' - .' [D] iA\ 0. [1, ~ -' , ~. <C:-..- "<""... ' l.l. r,...,...""1t;. I' TO l~;~,~ Sli!~D<R' . 1I~ ' Unt:liliI,,,,,, <eKEQ , ' Ac::.'!(;;.see ~~ If'I:utfkient-' A~ town____ No Sf!ch dress (' - stfoet -- ra 1<:::1J ';. -nu~- .~ ~ J Of'I,ce. in sf:tt:. ~ ...., 1."11 ..~. .'-.. - ~'\b."", Mr. Matt Ritzdorf 493 Co ~oga Way Eugen , '-00: .97401 -~......'- -0....' .- - - - - -. - Ii -- -:> \.;>-:"JJ:;,7,;.:'-=-----=J ~ R\'G ,.;.<,:~ ,.;....,<:I'~...~-- '" . \ \i. f-~"- .~- --., ~.~..:::.=--.===._~ '/"~ I(~~ .:IP::' i"'...(,:\t.r~:' "<,. ,'\.- Is' oJ J.t'U,\l",:;.: \:' NOI 26'76 r'~!;", ", ,~ :: ): -", " : - 9 8 ' . .~1l~]D.i ::::. . L:: OB=-o/PR ~~l}T~~6t_.__ 1: \ ~ ~ ~ - .~. ,." .. -".- " " .----.e-'" -~. .,... ~ ~ It !' i .- '/ ~ ,~ ,/ / , .~ .\ ~ \ I t ,~" , " ~ . SENDER: Complete items 1,2, and }, Add your address in the "REruRN TO" space on reverse, ~ o ;; ~ 1. The following service is requested (check one), 1If Show to whom and date ~_e1ivered............ d'Show to whom. date, & address of delivery.. o RESTRICTED DELIVERY, Show to whom and date delivcred..u......... 15~ 35~ ~ :! :;; ~ ~ 65~ '\ / o RESTRICTED DELIVERY, Show to whom, date, and address of delivery 8S!!, ( 2, ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: '" 2 Matt Ritzdorf ill 493 Conestoga 'Way" ill Euqene. OR 97401" ~ 3, ARTICLE DESCRIPT!ON: ,.' 4,'-;:J.;. , ~ REGISTERED N~'I CERTIFIED.N?."~I INSURED NO. ill 612187 " v (Always obtain signature of .ddressM or agent) ; I have ~ceived the article described above. p I\S'GNATU"~' ,0 ,Addmm 0 Autho,izcd agent Z ,r; . ! fDATE ~F ~'::,V~:Y' ~ 5, ADDRESS (Comp,ete only it reque.ted) (') '" :!l ;; ~ 6, UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: " II: ~ ;: pOSTMARK , / ~~ / l * GfO:1915--O-568-G47 +H+ ' - ' ,.,; J-J-I-(-(.~ ~,~ 'I, . '. , ' I )' -\)",-,\:" J fr '---: f 1\ I