HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1982-3-22 ..-- -..- -. - .. ...... . . - SPRINGFIELD ,,,,,,,,,. ,,",I...,', r ' '" . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works ~'arch 22. 1982 .~/ CERTIFIED LETTER Wood Des i gns, Inc. '2855,West 11th Avenue , 'Eugene, Oregon ,97401 SU8JECT: Sign for Great Oregon Tie Co. 4427 Main Street Springfield, OR '" Dear Sign Pennit Applicant: Your sign permit application # N/A was approved by this office on Janu.~r" n lQRl ' It has been observed that the sign has been erected, but the sign permit has not yet been purchased as required by Section 9-7-20 (2) and (4) of the Springfield Sign Ordinance. Your sign can not be approved by this , , ,office until the permit is purchased. ' , Section 9-7-20'(4)(b) of the Sign Ordinance also requires ,that work started on a ',' sign prior to obtaining a permit will result in the payment of a double fee. 'Your pennit fee is $ 12.00 . The pennit must be purchased by ten (10) days from the ,date of this letter ( April 2, 1982 ). If the permit is not purchased "by this date, you sign will be considered an illeqalsiqn in ,violation of the Sign Ordinance and will be required to be removed. Your,anticipated courtesy and coop- eration is appreciated. ' Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Buildi~g Division at 726-3753. ,,:,S4~A'~ Sa lly Johnson , Sign Inspector cc: Ronald B. Clark, Superintendent of Building Joseph J. Leahy, Assistant City Attorney SJ/l s '~. ':.: ,-, ..... ...., .' ~ :: ..,'. -.: ... ..:".:.'._~:>';'.~. ;":-~:"'~-;'~ 0.r:~7"'" . ::r'~/O:-''''S ~':'":-~ 'i:,S- -~:~ ~;~ J " o':j 'ti I ~--.--1--"- ", .- ~-..;;.;:........ ".-; .:--:'~'~-... -l_C, ~: .: '~J - .'. ,~:-- ../ ~~etrio,t.ntl~- ..:: '(;p. ""-,,.., ,-,..~ ..- \ ' ~.... '---~ ' --- ~ " ..,....;; ."....,- .' --:'\ ~- '--'---"--'~'_,-,_. :~~~. ~)i<,....-. 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