HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1981-7-21 .-_....~ . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 INFOR~TION: 726-3753 CITY OF SPRI~GFIELD SIGN CONSTRUCTION ~~D ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION CO~IBINATIO~ APPLICATIOX/PER.....lIT IXSPECTIOX REQUESTS: 7~6.3709 LOCATIo.~ OF SIG.~(ADDRESS) -t'4" I vI H,lAi?'1 II..J ~. . LEGAL DESCRIPTION ('JJ 0'-9 3~.:R), I Ol/SER OF PROPERTY~, . N 1"--l.L1.L ADDRESS I ~ Oh"SER OF SIGN(IF O1liER TILI.~ PROPERTY Ol'/NER) ADDRESS lIJ'/"'~'i ./'.... H 'r" '-:""1.$.")" NA.'IE OF BUSINESS, FIR'I, ETC.'" ,..."...J 0'_ ,1\.; P-J/."'..~ iL~ 'C- ~/),,) d' - G ..c ~ nE~IS) : TAX LOT PHONE ZIP TYPE OF BUSINESS PHONE te:.'~~>'Y1 t .-' TYPE OF ";'ORK: L,./ERECT RELOCATE ALTER OI1IER TYPE OF SIGN:, WALL ~REEST~~DI~G ROOF PROJECTISG MARQUEE READER BOARD O1liER BILLBOARD SIG~ CHARACTER (CHECK .l.PPLIC.\BLE ....Ito"IOENTITY PROJECTING ,.- INCIDENTAL / -,yDOUBLE FACE NON-IDE~TIl1' SECO~D.'RY SINGLE FACE !IULTI-FACE VENDORS. CD~TR\CTORS: SIGN ERECTOR '~.f{)(,n? VJ~~ U...l\K i!-lf-. ADDRESS I)/n~~ l~j. ! V:i,Y' CITY LICE~SE Nlr..IBER SIGN HA.~UFACTURER (IF OTIlER TIIA.~ ERECTOR] ADDRESS . , 1 PHONE -nr;t;/" '" I )Je1<:/"'; ! r EXP. DATE """(\,;1' \A,-l.P.J ELECTRICAL CONTMCTOR ADDRESS PHONE PHONE LICENSE NID1BER DnIEXSlO~;S. I~STALL\TIO:" :\.'W COXSTRUCTION INFORHUIO:>!: ~ TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE U J '//? 11 . VERTICAL DHIENSION OF SIGN I'!)' ..,-'Ii"' HORIZONTAL WIDTH OF SIGN ~1 :"'0 I. DnlENSION FRml GRADE TO BOTTD~1 OF SIGN ! t"'i f /J II,.. THIC^,ESS OR DEPTH OF SIGN -9te. It 1"2- It DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LI~E ~~ YES VNO IF YES, DI~!ENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTION IS :.:oRE TIlA.' 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TIlE SIGN ERECTOR ~IUST FILE IIlTII THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF . '.' HIS PUBLIC LIABILITY A.~D PROPERTY DA.'IAGE'INSURANCE POLICIES. . ,'" WILL SIG.~ HAVE ELECTRICAL IIlRING? YES NO IF YES WHICH APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGN ILLUmNATED DESC?iBE TYPE OF ~";, F.~IAL5 S, W! IS CO'!S"}';;(CTED O~ fl.....-II ~1;'r1J~ ,'-:'W..fJI/lAit;9 1M? f1A- r.Hr.dl1tr3-) AW!~/~r.l . VALUE OF SIGN (J' '/t"I70. Ot:) SITE INFOR'IATION (LA.~D USE)--EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR ~~D (OR LAST USE.IF VAC~~T): (INDIRECTLY LIGHTED) Ol,,~~ PROVIDE UL NUI-IBER IF APPLICABLE PROPOSED USE OF BUILDI~G OR lAND: /-::'6. j .':C, , ,< / .r:;/' ," ," /"-'.:'".,. ", .--:' ~ f"'~-' EXISTING SIGNS (SlGN CODE): FIR~. ETC.: CHECK ONE IF APPLICABLE: ~INDOOR BUSINESS _OUTDOOR ~lERCHA.~DISING ARE THERE EXISTING SIGNS? ~~NO. IF YES, DESCRIBE ALL.EXISTING SI~NS FOR BUSINESS. ALL EXISTING SIGNS ON PRE!nSES (SA.'IE TAX" LOT): .SIGN DISTRICT! /.' :",,/;' " ZONE INSPECTIONS REQUIRED: t')(SITE/LDCATIO~ I HAVE CAREFULLY E~"'IINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance, the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that my Sign Contractors License with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Springfield City Codes 8-2-6(3} and 9-7-20(21. I will request all required sign insp. ections listed on the approved permit. U:'. '1 . '11\,.".; _II I ,"", ,,-"I ...Y >"1/. "'.1., ... ....1) ...'1 NAME (PLEASE PRINT) i\ J.nw/l,1.~~~-1;,~__ SIGNATURE fr' ..~/I''''A.~ ..;::' ..DATE.....' , FOR OFFICE USE ONl.Y DISTRICT ~~:.- ~.! TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN _FOOTING OR !!ETHOD OF ATTACH/o!ENT _ELECTRICAL > ~.~ Ll! LFiNAL " ,:i..f :-/ /~_. OTHER FEES: SIGN PERMIT: CHARGES: --i C/ ,.-\ /} .~ /. i. ...- ELECTRICAL PER.'IlT: CIIARGES: STATE SURCHARGE: TOTAL FEE FOR PER~IT: .f <l .{) , . " ..'''...-....... -....., '" ."..t r . ',' PLEASE Io.cAO 1) Se03T3tc Sien AoolicJtion: A separate application is separate il~n as Jeiincd in the Sign Code. 2) Electrical: Any permit issued under this application ing in or on sign strUl:ture. the supply wires for con: covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connecti, only by 3 State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illw internally and externally) must conform to Sections 9 9-7.13 of the Springfield Sign Ordinance. Plans Reouired: This. application is to be submitted sets ot plans dra.n to scale. showing dimensions and vertising ocssage on sign; 10c3tion of sign on proper to property lines. structual details of support frami footings; ~3teri31s of construction for sign and sign trical equip~ent and lighting; siz~ and location of e property for the s~e business, all as required to de with the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Code). Also, show the following information on the p showing property lines and location of signs): 3) a) Show the loc:1tion of all existing sign(s) as well ....P b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up t building. c} Show the loc:1tion of entrances open to the public (d 4) When required, bec~use of design, size, etc., engineE c3l,ul~tions cuSt be prepared by a licensed engineer ~ to design standards on file at the Building Division \i~ 5) Plans of insufficient cl:1rity or detail will be retul plic~nt with no permit being issued. -- 6) -'Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements Fig. 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD City Hall Springfield, O,egan Department af Public Works OFFICIAL RECEIPT \ No. B ("1.)\, C, h ~ 19)<\ Rec'd From \U~\ ~ J')\~-S Address ~~ . \..0 \\~ c ~u. ", ~... Dole .' , , (b' 56866, ( 01 00 ( Received For: ... I. 'Tl' 0~ \'J (' (" (' (' . 7) (\0 ~OTE: ~o sign may be erected which is less than 12 ~ertically from overhead electrical conductors in volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction from ove: lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. 8) If 3 si;n is not installed within 60 days ~fter the this permit. the pe~it shall be void. 9) Insoect ions: t r quo M\\0R.J Amounl Received ( ~e "'UTHOitl1.!O 5l0N",TUIU '''UTO'''TU.''.U~~ ~",..T["S . 'u"'''' O. ..,..0. ~ , a) Site Insoection - to be m:ade before the sign is b--.--. ---....... the Foo:ln~ [nsDection (if applicable) may be oade at the same time as the Site Inspection. The Footing Inspection is to be ma~e after hole(s) is excavated. but prior to the placement of concrete. b} Fin~1 r~soection ~ to be made upon completion of all work. CLERK DATE c) Electric31. All electrical signs ~ust be inspected for electri- cal hook up after the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on. CALL FOR THE REQUIRED ISSPECTIO~S ON THE Z4 HOU~ INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769. i SPECIAL CO'DITIO~S TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL INFOR'IATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT r~Y BE ISSUED: P~~S REVIEWED BY: /", , . '. / "'l..,J j , .' , /'"' , .' -------' I I DATE ,-' I- I "7~ ( ...".. ( /". I. ,t;,' j "