HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correction Notice 1986-2-28 ekO / J (p '. , SPRINGFIELD FIRE DEPARTMEN~ FD-166/83 ,"INSPECTION REFERRAL FORM TO: Electrical Inspector t:; Date of Referral ;2- 28-8ft:> Plumbing Inspector Inspection Number Building Inspector Occupancy IM"'",-,,-,,,,?, 81'-<:) t:'.~,~ -;-ox:?// Address U,(/()U J11.C-.,J Mechanical Inspector Environmental Inspector EXPLANATION OF REFERRAL U~ (.. ()(: ~fr-~)<:..' ~T',J c~', I AJ I ",,',1', I ",J] \.tLr;, + ,-V"Vl c. '''-.' .~~ . I tAJ I v i .....u:~ --..J '[)::'M.,I, '> r;;:~ c.J / ACTION TAKEN (Attach copy of orders) << y By " . ~ ~f:l.;~;"'-: :t,a /j ,:: ..i.....~, . ...-l;- "", ~',,-,: /-f.. ,"". ~. ,~' ':::,;, ,~ '':;.' "".~~h..f!:: oM P:S- S' _ fJ'jo 17" 'i'j'D 1<(3 ..; ;- ,"Ii' .' .' .:r:::~::' ,~ ./' -, .~;. . ; , -. . .;.' <, I J, ',,,,JI{;~'.7io!,~ ~r~~~~!!f;~;~~I''''-:~~~"~,,,*,~'''~'''r.:'c..;S':.', ,':~": ~~-':~"-'~~';:},. ~ "'!";j ":l-.;..,,~ ~~"_;'?-';'~--'~~ i u~ --t,:"~-~"r3:l~\~. ,u - ff-lr-' - ~..t"ll.-~:.&"~~-v --..i~~:;.'. .~,~ ":..... ~ . - ." .- - -. . - - ,,-,," ';;', t _{ :-~-f>'~ ' ',~s'o--..;--::\"'~i1'~.a::..:~'~~o:i"~;'i, :.~_,::~- \~:'~~'.RE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION -; _..nrrJIP6N~V NAME ./" :;/'~~h~_b!~// ~--/./ $-, ,- __ . .. .,' _.'__"'-_J'"~ ... [.~.:.~;~~.~.':;rr.~.'.'.'"5;/?"~..'';}.':'?;1;X1.'~~;,?;:':...:~~(t.~H;~~:>"'} ;--/: '. .' ~:' ,',' ~__ .~, f'~ '~'Z~~~,~~~,-~:,"~"': '" >0 .;. ~"Ac>_-""':~'-:~;J ",., '-,. _Jt_~ ~--,,- .....;. -~.~.,.,. .-..~-.-.... ; .'-~ < '}E~~()~'~O~NT~C;"E'D' '"?J1/,;YJ. .~"7 ;}.;.~--r-_ -,~. }+:t;.. .~~,~-.. ~..~-' -, _~-,:~.~; '~~...: :~- ~_ _ i ;'~';.1 I.......... , . --.:~ -."" , X",', I , '12.104(b) 12,104(bl 12.103(8) ,12,105(') 12.104 B. EXITS 1. Remove unapproved locks or latches Irom exit doo~. - 2. Unlock all exit doors during business hours. - 3. Remove obstructions Irom exits. aisles, corrldo~ and stairways. - ... Remove obstructions Irom smoke doors and maintain to operate properly. ~ 5. Repair or maintain exit door and hardware to operate properly. .~. 4~ . '- . - '.~,.~,..::: ~;.' ~~ ~ ~ I 1 ,( \. I, /'1-/ "!... ..~. !"-- /'_~"l'.,r ./ I. "',' -1J/J;-;."u~) ,-rflJ) .. ~'~I ' __; ~,. , , . ' jI..-..4 -11'1" 'I .rl.','. ,,'<:1.-'''''/''62 ' ~- _." . , '/J.'/ j;' .hr~A~.-.,; ~f../!'.A . 4-"~" -' (/ _ U ' ,_, :?-REMAl!KS 'I 'j\' '/. ' -,Ii. . I . ~.~ ,! ...;..' ;'~-'!"1 ~;..-..'../~.oCJ ~--.I.I ~ ,(~.) - .:., ,",'/1 ~-.J..,,-...d 1";z- -i I -:---'" ..... UFC SECTION ..'~""! ...., , "VIOLA lION ,,-'dr -r'; ":':. ~.,~- 11.404 "":'"~11.404 . ~.'".11.404 ~,~ ,1 ~ ~404 . ,_' It.. ELECTRICAL + + . ., . ~.. .:"",1, 1. DiscontInue use of e}(tension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. ...' 2. Each outlet box &hall have a cover faceplate or fixture canopy. ,- 3. Maintain 36" clearance in front of electrical panel. _ ""'_ ... Mainta.in wiring In good condition and protect Irom damage. . .s~.-:'.t - ..~.: .~:~.__..-:. . ~f:~ -..- -- - ...._...~-, -:~- .. C. EXIT LIGHTING -' . :- 1. Maintain lighting lor exit signs. - 2. Provide lighting for corridors, stairways and exterior exitways. = 3. Exits shall be illuminated at all times the building is .occupied. .D. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 10.301 (a) 1. Provide extingulsher(s) of a minimum retlng. ,'. "1 .. '10.301 (a) - 2. Mount extingUisher where readily avallaOle. wltn top not higher than 5 feet. "',10.301 (a) ---:: 3. Post signs indicating location where extinguishers are not readily visible. 10.301 (a) =... Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after use. '" E. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTE..S . 10.302(a) 1. Maintain access to and operation of standpipes, fire hose, sprinkler valves and fire hydrant(s). 10,302(a) - 2, Inspect and test sprinkler system and maintain records. . 10.302(a) - 3. Identify sprinkler valves and standpipes and secure In open positIon. 10.302(a) -... Provide spare sprinklers (6 minimum) and sprinkler wrench. 10.313 - 5. Inspect and service hood and duct extinguishing system over cookIng equIpment. 10.302(a) = 6. Replace damaged, corroded or painted sprinkler heads. F. FIRE SEPARATIONS . . 1, Remove obstructions Iromllre doors and maintain to operate properly. ,.- 2. Seal unapproved openings with approved materIal. = 3. Keep anlc access and scuUle openings closed. G. FLA....ABlE UQUIDS '.79.103(1) 1. Reduce Class I to less than 5'gal. Inside or 10 gal. outside without permit. 79.103(2) - 2. Reduce Class II & III to 25 gal. inside or 60 gal. outside without permit. .. 79.104 . -- 3. Remove liquids not stored In origInal containers or closed metal containers. 4 79.402(b) - 4. Remove f1ammeble liquids not used lor main!. In assembly bldgs.. offices, apt.. or m01els. 79.111 .:-- 5. Discontinue use 01 Class I liquids (gaSOline, etc.) lor cleaning. 79,402(a) - 6. Store liquids away from corridors. aisles, stairways and exit areas. < ~ ::79.109(a) --:- 7. Discontinue dispensing Irom containers exceeding 5 gal. or provide pump taking suction from top. . 79.110., .:'....::-. . 8. Dlsco~t1nue the dISCharge of liquids into drains o.r on the ground. ... "'.', ...~,'.. - ../',":~:,~H. HEATING APPLIANCES .:.... .i'" ......;.'.. -'~~ . .~ ',~:", _' _. .....,-.... . :.s:;"1.1.406(d)..' ~::"1. Remove combustibles and storage from. heater area or room. _ ',...... :~>:. ., r~'.. _ ..~1:11.406(d)!;":; _ .2. Prgylde clearance between heat prodUCIng appliance and combustible material. "...>:- '". "", '~',.>1"'~'I::'"HOUSEKEEPfNG .:~ ~-~<:;;;...I.S:~<'';: i'~~';.J, ':'.' :i'''';~'i,'I',; .... :,...~':, . .~:,..:, -.-::;'- '~~....:J::: ; .:~. '~1;':;11~201(b) '~-''';:~4~1. Remove or store rubbish, waSte'm8terUil, oily rags In cloSed metal containers. . -~'.~' '~;.> .::: ":"t"-:.:~,;.~ .:-'.10.313 '.~":2. Clean grease filters and hood duct system over COOking appliance. _, _ --... '..:'::" ;-..:..... :',;:.1'.201(b) .~3. Provide approved waste containers for combustible waste. ~ -:.:~.-=7:- .-:.- _- - '4'_ ~~~j ,~~:-.,.~"':~;:- STORAGE "~~~',:;";"'~',,'~~~';';'~4:';::"-~-....~. .,..;~...J;.:~:'~,;:~:.,-~\~.:,".......';..:.:.::-.~'~. . ~ i'';'-':~12.103(e) ;~~1. Remove stor'lge'rrom eifts,-atiles, corridors ancfOii Or "under stairways'. '. - :~:.,=-' ._c::--_~ ~-=:'... . ~, 11.203(b) . ~ '.-- 2. .Arrange storage In orderly manner and provide for exiting and fire department access. :-' :~.~ ...~1::.,.:;.~.:.;:1 '..:.......,,;':;. .~:,.,..~_~....:..- .,:......;.~.::::: !. ~:i ~~ .~:J;: ~~~~..;;t;:~o:..~:::: :1~~~t~~~~e;~:;~~~n;~~~i.:I~~~t~~~~~~~~~~1 .~:.-,:::.~~.~~ __'::",:;~~~,~~~'~~~"..lo.~';.:1 -:...1',0.: ~ :......,~~.~K....PER..ITS ~~"':.:~.~,.:;~.#.........~~---i!.-,~".,...A~~~~~,~~~~.~....... - . . .. - ~~JO,..?t~:tV--:;,~1. O. btaln a...rpG.rm. it..'i;om the Fire preve.,ntlon. BU. '..... ':I'. ~d!.cont~u..,., ;_~~~;'~.," '~""'''~~;'.'''''...T.:'>dj':.-;=-,:, i:;;"":::"'; .'.-:'i:.~..~... ""..;r....l1.::~~~S'::.... '-;'. ";"~,,,:. 4.:.,J~;~.I.:~ ~.1~(a),. __....,.,:.2,.9;o~!':I!Wlthperml.~regulatlo.ns.._.;~:!~U~...~~":~::;:?~~~~~>::~. .-_ _ " r'....._~~c",-' . ""<:.;.--'''. ~ ~MI8CELl.ANEOUS'-3.i. '~'~~'..""~"..';'-- ........ .,--,' .~~"""~~$'-"'~~"'~~'~:;".;ae.~I~ 13.101---:'-:::'."; '1fPost and enforce'N;~%ick,ng-=;ig"'M.~ +"'.::~::-~~~:}~4:n..-~..:.-_':=~:-::~:~~::::';'~".:.3;;t . . - .. ;_..-.-....:...~-:. ~. ~,.o:~~.~z, ~.=~- l"'::':'; ~D,208.-7 'Z2.Provlde address in such a pOsition III 10 be vlslbl. and legible from the st.frontlng property..: 7"..0:- _ 4C~: +=- -;:'__ -_.- ':.- ....;..;.;..:.:--:- '.o-",:,:,,~ ..'.:.:.....:.1__: ... JO.207 _ 3. Remov. obstructions and provide access In lire lanes. . .;:....~~'::'". ".. "';'.~"":'"'.:':: ....:r,-~~.:"':..::.,#y/.,...~':' . ~~~.. '-.:..~i.~:.. ~'<of:' ,~,,",~j..~-';;~:,~ .'~"~'I_ ;_~ +7".1 7 :.....-,"'...._'1, Secure all corTIP~ ,gas t;Ytlnders in ,:,prtght .l>O!!tlon with _~8m~ of.product.:' '.~~~~. . ~~. ',..:~;.'~.~"- ..:,:~' ':" ,..,,"'-...-~;,~.. ~ -: , ,.~ )llj.~M:i?riiR~.::::~ ;~...".:~ _,.::~~~~.""~--:cu .'~ .l~~9~~::~~~~;~;,.~~~~I-~~ ;",:- .., - "n. I. "I ., .". ... ~~..."--'.... ;.,,~....t..t.iii:'~~~ ~::,~~...~~""T~~~,...~'.,...~:", . -' ."'i:l5j ." .,., ~I\i ~~'l:".Ii.;."..,J,.,..,....,~~~...,' ~liif.l<~~~~~'~>Q~. ~ ''l,lO ,.n,;'; ,....Jo....l'-----:."~~~~_~..-",.:;r:'.' "."'f,,,.',"'li__,.j.~.,, -"', . ,-~"'~ ~Sf""__""......,.,.",..,..~~~..,~;,~'..~ "_':'O;'''';";~",,;.(_,,-,,,''''''.'~' ~,:~.i_~iIl;:'-'.':-"".';"IIoi~.."' .7....t_.....-.,.-r,..:'""".:...:..'.,""" ~.~ ._.~. ~~~~~?..,:.-~~~~...~~-t<:~f. . .......-.__.."'-~ M" ._^. '\. " ">.. "'" '. . 12.113(cl 12.113(a) 1~.113(al * ~"Z;C h,,7?n'''# riA.,A,,(JP;'/1r .J, -, I fJ. -,J' dl.", -;,;[/ , 1 I 1 ~:("::~~. -,......; :.. I I I I I I I I 1 I I 'I I I . . I .,.. ..~ ", '.,:., 10.402 10.401 11.408 -:....t" '~: " '-' '.:>'I"".~;~. . . ~ "':t~ , .~~~ .... -_-: .'''' ;.:!. '.., ,. - '.~ .>-.-_. ..