HomeMy WebLinkAboutReceipt PLANNER 1/27/2009 .:. .""",~." . r, '," - . I ~""":~""",,,,~~-" .~"'.~' 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax Trans Description Code CTY Site Plan - Major Mod 1252 Expedited Proc Fee Add'l X 2 2205 Postage Fee Type 11 - $160 1299 + 5% Technology Fee 2299 Fees Associated. ~,th Case #: TEST-D....e City Wide CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 1/27/2009 1:53:17PM Revenue Date Calculated Original Amount Account Number Calculated By Amount- Due 100-00000-425002 1127/2009 KAL 4,074.00 . 4,074.00 100-00000-425002 1/27/2009 KAL 8,148.00 8,148.00 100-00000-425505 1127/2009 KAL 160.00 160.00 100-00000-425605 1127/2009 KAL 611.10 611.10 Total Due: $12,993.10 Less Fees Paid January 20, 2009 Cty Site Plan - Major Mod Postage Fee Type II $160 Tech Fee ( calculated from $4,074.00) Tentative Site Mod Major Fee CTY 10% Final Site Expedited Fee Add'l + 5% Technology Fee Dev Agrmnt x 2 Final Site Plan Fee 4,074.00 160.00 203.70 Total owing if expedited $ 8,555.40 1277 2205 2299 100-00000-425002 100-00000-425002 100-00000-425605 407.40 814.80 61.11 $ 1,283.31 1/27/09 KAL. 1/27/09 KAL 1/27/09 KAL Total Due $407.40 $814.80 61. 11 Tp~j= ~ .' . ~ Ca4..L #- :]) R. C. 2 Q{)q - {)Doc; 3 s:ITidemarklformslcasefeesl.rpt Dat€l Received' :l:pdtJf Planner: AL Page I ofl 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax Description CTY Site Plan - Major Mod . Postage Fee Type 11 - $160 + 5% Technology Fee s:1 Tidemarklformslcasefees I.rpt Trans Code 1252 1299 2299 Fees Associated' ';th Case #: DRC2009-",,003 3100 PIERCE PKWY STATE OF OREGON MILITARY DEPARTMENT Revenue Account Number Date Calculated Calculated By Original Amount 100-00000-425002 100-00000-425505 100-00000-425605 1/20/2009 1/20/2009 1/20/2009 EM 4,074.00 EM 160.00 EM 203.70 Total Due: Page 1 ofl Dat€l f<tlceived' ; /.21.?<J<9f Planner: AL 1/27/2009 11:22:52AM Amount Due 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 Fees Associated~~th Case #: TEST-DIU.: City Wide CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' 112712009 1:54:47PM Trans Revenue Date Calculated Original Amount Code Account Number Calculated By Amount Due Description Expedited Proc Fee Add'l X 2 2205 100-00000-425002 1/27/2009 KAL 8,148.00 8,148.00 100-00000-425605 112712009 KAL 407.40 407.40 + 5% Technology Fee 2299 Total Due: $8,555.40 ~O~~CAY'~ ~~~ ~~~ PloJvl-~~1;-u .D1l CA.A....e... bR...L '200Cj - 6ooo~ . ~ ~ E4~ ?(7)G 4~~d~ ^ Z. '.~ ~~ ~'~LM\-~~ ~ ~ lM..., 5 4"j 0 ~ '--/;-u- . ~ ux.:uz.. - ~ ~ ~ OZJrr;:-~ cJt.D 1J. ~~~. Lf OlU..oo 8ILf~,OO < Lf-074-.OD; LiD7. '+D - <$ 'is 555 :1'0 DV\.~'-i~ IOd)o.f~ .~~~ IOfJ?o ~ .~~ ~~aft. i'fcl::L-KZ (,......, ~luu:L-+O ~,{"a r p<<.::t-~ ----u . -=6 ~ iAA.-- I (JWJ...Nd..tL uJ-Ita::k..u.A C.i'vUL4 t.Lf1 J . ~~~:.;.~~';:;; ) LfD 7. 40 . 8/'-1. '610 fa/,f) 4:t 1-) 2 g 3. 3 I s:ITidemarklformslcasefeesl.rpt Page I ofl IJatt\ i';tlceived: fl:Wllj Planner: AL LAFLEUR Karen From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Tuesday, January 27,20092:16 PM LAFLEUR Karen DONOVAN James Expedited Site Plan Review Fees for Armed Forces Center Karen: The Director has determined that the expedited site plan modification fees for the proposed BLM warehouse expansion (DRC2009-00003) should be calculated on the base fee and not on a per acre basis. Although the overall site area is approximately 22.4 acres, the project footprint area is substantially less than 10 acres (ie. -0.75 acres) and the scope of the project does not justify the additional $12,000+ in application fees that are generated with the acreage calculation. Please adjust the fee calculation accordingly and let me know the results so I can respond to the applicant. Please let me know if you have any questions or require more info. Thanks for your help on this Karen! Andy 1 UCil\:;.i (,0ceived: ~/~Pf Planner: AL