HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/2/2009
a.bty of Spc'o,.",
~ - :~evelopment Services Department
225 Fifth Street .
Springfield, 0R 97477 . > .
Final Site Plan Review
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Site Plan:
pplication Type . (Applicant: check one)
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Minor Site, Plan Modification:
Ma"or Site Plan Modification:
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Applicant Name: ~Atn'" {/Jdh\AS . -:. ;'.,~\'~(i,(j p'';o~f (t:;I1/) 9Q.,. Rj~ I
Icompany: lJJrj,1.lJ~1-J 'RulI,nll'll.- (D. Fax: (91/\ 7'!,6..77/b
IAddress: P.O. 6en6 0((
IAPPlicant's Rep.: .IAMe Phone:
Icompany: Fax:
I Property Owner: (,,)Ri'!I.f/Yt /Ylllll//lP;/J)cP'i. h::)/;1Ifl/S UfMJn~) Phone: (~o:i\~4- -gqO~ .1
.Icompany: . .' . Fax: (C;()~)~, 1C;RL.f
IAddress: II1'3qu .,1477 ..
Property Address:
Size of Property: 1.'7..:n Acres 0Cl SQuare Feet 0
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I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand. please attach your proposal description to this application.
Proposal: .\P.'t<- Cl;ti~(JJI<b .
I Existinq Use: ' I Tentative Case #:
Si natures: Please si our name and date in the a ro riate box on the next
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, . .
Associated Applications:
Icase No.;/)rLLloiJC1 - (JJD011 Date: ~ /2Jn11 Reviewed bY:!]' t1l JA--r
IAPPlication Fee: $ /() Q ~.;;).{) ITechnical Fee: $ I to (. I ( . I Postaqe Fee: $0 I
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Date Received: .
MAR 0 2 2009
Final SubmittaltJ/
Revised 1{1{08 Molly Markarian
. Signature
, .
. .
I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. I affirm that the information identified by the
City 'as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not
otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as
., s~bmitted. .T!!!'i.~liltement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a
~ 'complete a'ppHWtOn.
Date: ~ 2~ UlOq
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Revised 1/1/08'Molly.Markarian
....- ',\1:, <~. \
225 Fifth Street
Springfiel4,-oregon 97477
541-72~-3759 Phone
Job/Journal Number
Type of Payment
CTY 10% Final Site Dev Agnnnt
Expedited Proc Fee Add'l X 2
+ 5% Technology Fee
Paid By
Received By
Page 1 of I
( of Springfield Official Receipt
Development Services Department
Public Works Department
Date: 03/02/2009
Item Total:
Check Number Authorization
Batch Number Number How Received
801187 In Person
Payment Total:
Amount Due
Amount Paid
$\ ,283.3\
Date Received:
MAR 0 2 2009
Final Submittal
Since 1935
February 25, 2009
City of Springfield
Development Services Department
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, Oregon 97477
Armed Forces Reserve Center Complex
Major Site Plan Modification '
Case Number: DRC2009.00003
Final Response
This letter and attached information responds to Staff Report & Decision Dated February
The following response is provided for the 12 each "Conditions of Approval" comments
noted on the referenced document:
), Prior to approval of the Final Sile Plan, the proposed private vegetative water quality
swale serving the development sile shall be.fidly vegetated with all vegetation species
established. AlIernatively, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant shall provide
and maintain additional interim erosion control/water quality measures acceptable to the
Public Works Department until such time as the .\wale vegetation hecomesfidly
Response: Will comply,
2, Immediate access and at least three (3) feet of clear .\pace in all direCtions shall he
maintainedfor all fire hydrants and Fire Department connections in accordance with
SI;C 508,5,5 and SFC 912,3,
Response: Will comply,
3, The Final Site Plan shall provide an easement detail that identifies the type and
nature of the at.grade and above ground stmctures depicted in the southwest corner of
the site, Additionally, the easement information shall clarify if there is any utility
iI!frastmcture within the easement area.
Response: OMD/EWEB is in the final stages of developing the easement
document. Will comply with the above,
4, Prior to installation of any telecommunications equipment as depicted on the
applicant's site plan, the applicant shall vacate and/or relocate the existing EWEB
easement and provide evidence thereqf to the City.
Response: OMD/EWEB is in final stages of developing the easement document.
The final easement documents will be provided to the City in the near future, The
structures near the easement have been constructed, Date Received:
P,O, Box 7428 Eugene, OR 97401 I 3600 Wildish Lane Eugene, OR 97408
Telephone: 541 485-1700 Fax: 541 683.7722 wwwwildi.h cnm
An Equal Opportunity Employer
MAR 0 2 2009
Final Submittal tf~
5, The Final Site Plan shall contain a detailed landscaping plan, prepared by a certified
landscaping professional, for the building addition and parking lot modification area as
generally depicted in a plan detail in the applicant's site plan submittal, The
land5caping plan shall provide for tree, shrub and groundcover plantings that meet or
exceed the requirements of SDC 4. 4-1 05 in the affected development area,
Response: Attached revised drawing A-WIOIA indicates the proposed
6, The landscaping plan submitted with the Final Site Plan shall inelude a summary
table of trees, shrubs and groundcover plants showing the quantities of each species to be
planted in the building expansion and parking lot modification area,
Response: Attached revised drawing A-W10IA provides a summary table of
7, The Final Site Plan shall provide for a permanent underground irrigation system to
serve the landscaping in the building expansion and parking lot modification area.
Response: Attached drawings L400 and L500 indicate the irrigation system that
will serve the planter areas,
8, The Final Site Plan sheets shall be stamped and signed by the project architect,
landscape architect and civil engineer of record, as appropriate,
Response: Please find attached revised drawings A-1 04A, A-102A, A-I 03A and
A-20 1 A with the Architect's signature,
9. Prior to issuance of occupancy for the existing ELM warehouse building, the.
applicant shall ensure that all required inspections are performed in accordance with
their DWP approval issued November 17, 2008 (DRC2008-000 71).
Response: Will comply.
] 0, Prior to issuance offinal occupancy for the ELM warehouse addition, the applicant
shall submit revised Drinking Water Protection Overlay District documentation for the
Project that is satisfactory to SUB Water Quality Protection.
Response: Documentation that indicates the BLM warehouse expansion is
included with the current study has been included in this Modification request, with a
copy attached to this summary, Jim Thomas contacted Bart McKee, SUB Water
Division, indicating the BLM Warehouse extension was included in the current DWP
document. It is our understanding that SUB-Water Division has a copy of that document.
11, Prior to issuance offinal occupancy for the ELM warehouse addition, the applicant
shall ensure that all required illS]Jections are performed in accordance with the revised
DWP submilfal.
Response: No revision necessary, Required inspections will be performed,
Date Received:
MAR 0 2 2009
Final Submittal
12. The Final Site Plan shall identify any auxiliary power source, such as a generator,
intended to serve the telecommunications equipment, If an auxiliCl/Y power source is to
be used, the applicant shall provide necessary documentation and ~pill containment
measures with the revised DWP submittal.
Response: No additional auxiliary power is to be provided. The existing
Emergency Generator, located near the Assembly Hall, Main Building, will provide
emergency power to the BLM warehouse telecommunications equipment. This unit does
have a self-contained double walled fuel tank.
Please contact me should additional information be required,
Very truly yours,
Project Manager
Date Received:
MAR 0 2 2009
Final Submjtt<1I_.._~
. . ,
HazardousMaterials Use and Storage Information
Phase 2, Lane County Armed Forces Reserve Center Complex.
Bureau of Land Management Warehouse
-. . "
Submitted in Support of
City of Springfield Site Plan Modification,
, S,taff R~pqrt & Dec[sion Condition 13
The City of Springfield issued its Staff Report & Decision for development of
Phase 2 of the Oregon Military Department's Lane County Armed Forces
Reserve Center Complex (LCAFRCC). The LCARRCC has been. constructed in
two phases. Phase 1 consisted of the construction of a Field Maintenance Shop
(SMS) and associated equipment storage and support structures. Phase 2 of
~ this project consists of the development of a 152,702 SF main administrative )
. office building, the BLM warehouse consisting of 26. ,266 SF (original 13,456 SF
building and 12,810 SF add-on), and a 10' by 12' ~azardous materials building
located adjacent to the warehouse. .
Condition 13 of the Decision requires the submittal of specified hazardous
materials use and storage information for the Bureau of Land Management
(BLM) warehouse to the City as part of the Drinking Water Protection Overlay
District Application (DWPODA). The application package is submitted to satisfy
the requirements of the DWPODA for the BLM warehouse portion of Phase 2 of
this project.
The BLM warehouse will house the BLM and Forest Service personnel only and
will only contain the respective operations for both tenants. The warehouse, to
include the addition, will have two floors that will be comprised of Class I admin
space, high density storage, conference room, workshop and caged storage for
both BLM and FS operations.
The DWPODA requires the submittal of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) for
all materials to be used within the BLM warehouse. The material inventories and
MSDSsforthe materials planned for use in the BLM warehouse by the Bureau of
Land'Managementand the Forest Service are provided in Attachment 6 and 7
respectively. The Oregon Military Department (OM D) and its tenants,
understands the City's prohibition on the use of products containing dense non-
aqueous phase 'liquids (DNAPLs) and will work with all facility users, prior to, and
afteYtnefacilitY-5egiirsopefatioris;'jQ-ehsUre thi3Jj'YroaUcts containing DNAPLs
are not used or stored on the property.
Attachment 8 contains the Hazardous Materials Management Plan for the BLM,
FS, and the Oregon Military Department. BLM and FS are tenants on OMD
property andwiil be integrated into OMD procedures and process regarding
hazardous materials and hazardous waste when necessary. Tenants will be able
Date Received:
MAR 0 2 2009
Final Submittal tl ~