HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 6/19/2008 , . \ ~ RECEIVED AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE . JUN 1 92008 By:lgr~1~ STATE OF OREGON) )ss. County of Lane ) I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: . 1. I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I. state that in my capacity as, Program Technician, I prepared and caused to ~e mailed copies of 1)Re..?OO,l(-nm~ -~~ ?I.a~...c:.t - N1it;i;u t{3 ~ -, ~'''' (See attachment "A") on loll q . 2008 addressed to (see ~ Attachment S"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. ~ 0J1MG :XaAJnPL- ~R~N laFLEUR . , STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane .-Jr,{jt).J / q . 2008. Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, . 'frogram Technician, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary acC.Sefore me: . OFFICIAL SEAL . DEVETTE KELLY NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON COMMISSION NO. 420351 . MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG. 15, 2011 1v~j/jk:-;:;~ ~ U f!/;5/11 / My Commission Expires: ,\ I' Notice of Decision -Site Plan Review & Tree F~lling ., , Project Name: Thurston Fire Station 16 , Project Proposal: Demolish existing fire station and coristruct a new one on the same site Case Number: DRC2008-00036 (Site Plan Review); DRC20q8-00035 (Tree Felling) Project Location: 68th and MainSt Property size: 1 acre Base Zone: LDR(Low Density Residential) Overlay District(s):none Metro Plan Designation: LDR (Low Density Residential) Refinement PlanfDesignation: n/ a Pre-Submittal Meeting Date: May 20, 2008 Application Submitted Date: May 28, 2008 Decision Issued Date: June 18, 2008 Appeal Deadline Date: July 3,2008 I. Ci12YOF.SPRINGFiEUItDEvEE0PMENT REVIEW'TEA)\1: I POSITION REVIEW OF I Project Manager Planning I Transportation Planning Engineer Transportation NAME PHONE 726-3649 726-4585 Steve Hopkins Gary McKenney Public Works Civil Engineer Utilities, Sariitary & Storm Sewer Eric Walter' 736-1034 I Deputy Fire Marshall Fire and Life Safety Gilbert Gordon 726-2293 I I Community Services Manager . Building Dave Puent 726-3668 I , I l'A:prtItA~rt's:IJEVELi1l~M~~1>'REVIEWTEA:J\1:' ..1 . Owner/Applicant: Representative: Department of Fire and Life Safety Carol Stin~man City of Springfield Asst. Proj. Mgr., City of Springfield 225 Fifth St 225 Fifth St, Springfield OR 97477 Springfield OR97477 726-4658 ' Thurston Rre Station J 6 Case No. DRCl008-00036 I' Site: I~ Summary of proposal: Demolish the existing fire station and construct a new station on the same site. Decision: Tentative Approval with conditions, as of the date of this letter. The standards of the Springfield Development Code (SDq applicable to each criterion of approval are listed herein and are satisfied by the submitted plans and notes unless specifically noted with findings and conditions necessary for compliance. The Final Site Plan must conform to the submitted plans as conditioned herein. This is a limited land use decision made according to city code and state statutes. Unless appealed, the decision is final. Please read this document carefully. Other Uses Authorized by the Decision: None. Future development will be in accordance with the provisions of the SDC, filed easements and agreements, and all applicable local, state and federal regulations. Review Process: These applications are reviewed under Type II procedures listed in SDC 5.1- 130, the Site Plan Review Criteria in SDC 5.17-100 and the Tree Felling Criteria in SDC 5.19-100. Procedural Findings: . Applications for Limited Land Use Decisions require the notification of property owners/ occupants within 300 feet of the subject property allowing for a 14 day comment period on the applications (SDC Sections 5.1-130 and 5.2-115). The applicant Thurston Fire Station 16 Cose No. DRCIOOB-OOOJ6 2 and parties submitting written comments during the notice period have appeal rights and are mailed a copy' of this decision for consideration. . Notice was sent to adjacent 'property owners/occupants within 300 feet of the subject site on May 28, 2008. . On June 10, 2008, the City's Development Review Committee reviewed the proposed plans. City staff's review comments have been reduced to findings and conditions only as necessary for compliance with the Tentative Site Plan Criteria of Approval contained in SDC 5.17-125. This decision was issued on the 21" day of the 120 days mandated by the state. r . In accordance with SDC 5.17-135, the Final Site Plan shall comply with the requirements of the SDC and the conditions imposed by the Director in this decision. The Final Plan otherwise shall be in substantial conformity with the tentative plan reviewed. Portions of the proposal approved as submitted during tentative review cannot be substantively changed during Final Plan approval. Comments Received: Charles Hobbs, Jr., 6870 Main St, Springfield OR 97478, received on June 9, 2008. "The people at this residence will agree with anything regarding a new replacement of Springfield fire station #16." SDC 5.17-125 Site Plan Review Criteria of Approval. The Director shall approve or approve with conditions: a Type II Site Plan Review application upon determining that approval criteria A through E., below have been satisfied. . If conditions cannot be attached to satisfy the approval criteria, the Director shall deny the application. A. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, and/or the applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan. Finding: The site is zoned LDR (Low Density Residential). This area is designated Low Density Residential by the Metro Plan. There is no applicable refinement plan. Finding:. In accordance with SDC 4.7-160, High Impact facilities are allowed in the LDR zone with a Type III Discretionary Use review, unless the facility is designated on the Metro Plan's Public Facilities and Services Plan. Fire and Police Services are not listed in that Plan. However, Fire Station 16 is shown on the Department of Fire and Life Safety "Standards of Cover and Deployment Study". Based on a memo dated May 30, 2007, Jim Donovan, the Planning Supervisor, has determined this study meets the requirement for designation on a public facilities plan. Therefore, the proposed facility does not require Discretionary Use Review. Conclusion: The proposal complies with SDC 5.17-125(A). B. Capacity requirements of public and private facilities, including but not limited to, water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities; and streets Thurston Fire Station 16 Case No. DRClOO8-00036 3 and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development, unless otherwise provided for by this Code and other applicable regulations, The Public Works Director or a utiH'ty provider shall determine capacity issues. SANrr ARY SEWER Finding: Pursuant to Chapter 3.03.4.A of the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual and Section 4.4 of Portland's Stormwater Management Manual, solid waste storage areas shall be covered and hydraulically isolated from potential stormwater runoff, and directed to the sariitary sewer system. The submitted plans comply with this requirement. Finding: There is an existing 8" sariitary sewer line crossing the property. The site utility plan does not.identify a sariitary sewer connection from the proposed building to the existing sanitary sewer. 1. Condition of Auuroval: Prior to approval of the final site plan, show the sanitarv sewer connection from the existinll 8" lateral pipe to the buildinll. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Finding: To comply with Sections 4.3-110(D) & (E) of the Springfield Develop,?ent Code, stormwater.runoff from the site will be directed into a series of swales and basins. The north swale will be primarily used for reducing storm water runoff to the public system and the south infiltration bio swale will be used primarily for storm water quality. . Finding: As of June 17, 2008, the drainage plan has been changed from what was submitted on May 28. A new drainage study and corresponding revisions to the civil drawings are required prior to approval of the final site plan. 2. Condition of Apuroval: Submit a revised drainalle studv and civil drawinlls that accuratelv reflect the drainalle plan. This plan must be approved prior to approval of the final site ulan. Finding: The existing public stormwater system located in Main Street serving this site has limited capacity. Due to this capacity constraint, the site will be required to limit post-developed runoff to existing peak flow rates. Finding: Section 3.02 of the City's EDSPM states the Public Works Department will accept, as interim design standards for stormwater quality, water quality facilities designed pursuant to the policies and procedures of either the City of Portland (BES), or the Clean Water Services (CWS). . Finding: Section 3.03.3.B of the City's EDSPM states all public and private development and redevelopment projects shall employ a system of one or more post-developed BMPs that in combination are designed to achieve at least a 70 percent reduction in the total suspended solids in the runoff generated by that development. Section 3.03.4.E of the manual requires a minin1urn of 50 percent of the non-building rooftop impervious area on a site shall be treated for stormwater quality improvement using vegetative methods. Thurston Rre Station 16 Case No. DRC200B-00036 4 3. Condition of Approval: Submit an operations and maintenance plan for the swales. The plan should desimate maintenance responsibility for operating and maintaining the svstem. Finding: The vegetation proposed for use in the swales will serve as the primary pollutant removal mechariism for the stormwater runoff, and will remove suspended solids and pollutants through the processes of sedimentation and filtration. Satisfactory pollutant removal will. occur only when the vegetation has been fully established. 4. Condition of Approval: The private vegetative water aualitv infiltration swale and basin shall be fullv vegetated with all vegetation species established prior to approval of Final Occupancv. Alternativelv. if this condition cannot be met the applicant shall provide and maintain additional interim erosion control/water aualitv measures acceptable to the Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the swale vegetation becomes fullv established. UTILITIES. EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY Finding: The applicant has proposed a 7 foot public utilitY easement along the frontage of 68th Place and along the frontage of Main Street, which satisfies Section 4.3-140.A of the SDC Finding: An 8" public sariitary line crosses the property. During the survey of the site, it was discovered this line is not located within the existing easement. 5. Condition of Approval: Prior to anv occupancv. record the necessarv easement for the sanitary sewer line. OTHER Finding: The pavement cross section shown on sheet C6.2 includes a 12" layer called a "granular working blanket". The geotechnical engineering report dated Feb 28, 2008, contains specific requirements for the granular working blanket. In order to communicate the requirements for that layer to the contractor, include a note on Sheet C6.2 that references the requirements contained in that report. 6. Condition of Approval: Revise sheet C6.2 to include a reference to the geo-tech report and the reauirements of the granular working blanket. Conclusion: As conditioned, the proposal complies with SDC 5.17-125(B). C. The proposed development shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. Finding: In accordance with SDC 6.1-100, the proposed fire station is considered a High Impact Public Utility Facility. "SDC 4.7-160 High Impact Public Facilities A. The facility shall be designated on the Metro Plan's Public Facilities and Services Plan or be approved in accordance with a Type III review procedure (Discretionary Use). ,. Thurston Rre Station J 6 Case No. DRClOOlUJ0036 5 B. . The facility shall be screened as specified in Section 4.4-100. C. In residential districts, a minimum of 25 percent of the loti parcel shall be landscaped." Finding: The site plan complies with these criteria. The trash enclosure and parking areas are screened from public view and at least 25% of the site is landscaped. Finding: The site will be enclosed with chain link fencing with slats, which will also screen the dumpster from public view. . Finding: Pursuant to Chapter 3.03.4.A of the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual and Section 4.4 of Portland's Stormwater Management Manual, solid waste storage areas shall be covered and hydraulically isolated from potential stormwater runoff, and directed to the sanitary sewer system. The submitted plans do not show a roof over the dumpster area_ 7. Condition of Aooroval: Provide details of the roof over the dumpster area. Finding: Although the site is not within the Drinking Water Protection Overlay, the Fire Code requires a Hazardous Material Inventory Sheet for.the facility. This shall be submitted to Gilbert Gordon prior to any occupancy of the site. 8. Condition of Aooroval: Prior to anv occupancy, submit a Hazardous Materials lnventorv Statement (HMIS). Finding: The plans do not show the underground fire line to the building fire sprinkler . system. This line must meet NFP A 24 requirements. 9. Condition of Approval: Revise the final site plan to show the underground water line to the buiIdine: fire sprinkler svstem. Conclusion: The proposal complies with SDC 5.17-125(C). D. Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential. areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards for State highways. Finding: The site includes parking for staff and a separate area for the public. Finding: The site has frontage on Main Street, which is a state highway. Access to Main Street is controlled by ODOT_ According to the comments from ODOT dated June 10, 2008, the applicant will need to show proof of an existing Access permit for the driveway on Main Street or apply for a new permit. 10. Condition of Approval: Applv to ODOT for an access permit prior to the final site plan. Submit the approved permit prior to occupancy of the buildine:. Finding: In accordance with SDC 4.2-130, the landscaping shall not interfere with the clear vision areas at the intersections and the driveways. The pine tree at the northwest comer of the site has significant foliage wrapping around the trunk which impedes the clear vision area at the intersection of 68th and Main. Thurston Rre Station f 6 Case No. DRCl008-00036 6 11. Condition of Approval: Maintain the clear vision trianlIle at the intersection of 68th and Main Streets and at the comers of both drivewavs. Finding: The comments from SUB indicate the proposed red oak trees along the Main St. frontage are not acceptable under the power lines. 12. Condition of Approval: Revise the landscape plan to show appropriate trees under the power lines alonlI the Main Street frontage. Finding: The one-way sign at the public entrance as shown on C4.0 should face into the parking lot, perpendicular to the centerline of 68th Place. 13. Condition of Aporoval: Revise the final site plan to show the one-wav sign is perPendicular to the centerline of 68th Place. Finding: In accordance with SDC 4.6-100, this facility is required to provide three bicycle parking spaces, two short-term and one long-term. The short term spaces will be located near the public entrance and the long term space will be inside the building. . Finding: The outside lighting plan shows 8 pole lights and 10 wall moimted lights. All outdoor lights must be fully shielded. Because the site is surrounded by property zoned LDR (Low Density Residential), the pole lights are limited to 12' high, in accordance with SDC 4.5-110. 14. Condition of Approval: Pole lights shall not exceed 12' high and all outdoor lights . shall contain full cut off shields. Conclusion: As conditioned, the proposal complies with S~C 5.17-125(D). . E. Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or geologic conditions; areas with susceptibility of flooding; significant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their associated riparian areas; wetlands; rock outcroppings; open spaces; and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97,740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. Finding: The Natural. Resources Study, the National Wetlands Inventory, the Springfield Wetland Inventory Map, and the list of Historic Landmark Sites were consulted. No historic or cultural resources have been identified on this site. Conclusion: The proposal complies with SDC 5.17-125(E). SDC 5.19-125(A)-(H): Tree Felling Criteria of Approval Finding: The 26 trees proposed for removal are either directly in the path of the proposed construction or will suffer significant root damage during demolition of the existing building that will make them hazardous trees. The site is generally level and no evidence has been submitted that removal of the trees will cause any slope instability. Finding: A landscape plan has been submitted with the site plan review. It proposes 19 new trees within the site. Finding: Vehicles will use 68th St and work will occur between 7 am and'5 pm. Thurston Fire StOlion /6 Case No. DRClOOB-00036 7 15. Condition of Approval: The followinl! l!eneral construction vractices avvlv when tree fellinl! is initiated on site: . Notification shall be provided to the Citv at least 5 davs prior to commencement of the tree felline: operation, Please contact Steve Hopkins at 726-3649 or shopkins@ci.svrinl!field.or.us. . All felline: activities, includinl! ingress and egress for the tree felling; operations, shall include erosion control measures in conformance with the Citv's En'lineerinl' Desi'ln Standards and Practices Manual. . Anv soil and debris tracked into the street bv vehicles and equivment leaving; the site shall be cleaned UP with shovels in,a tirflelv manner and not washed into the storm drain svstem. Conclusion: As conditioned, the proposed tree felling complies with SDC 5,19-125. DETERMINATION: Based on the evidence in the record. the Director determines the proposal complies with SDC' 5.17-125IAI-(E\ and SDC 5.19-125IA\-lHt subiect to the Conditions of ApProval attached to this report. Thurston Fire Station 16 Case Na. DRClOOS-00036 8 What Needs To Be Done? SDC 5.17-135 states: "Within 90 days of an affirmative decision by the Approval Authority, a complete Final Site Plan shall be submitted to the Development Services Department. The Final Site Plan submittal shall incorporate all approval conditions listed in the staff report. The Final Site Plan shall become null and void if construction has not begun within two years of the signing of the Development Agreement required in Section 5.17-140." A Final Site Plan application is charged upon submittal of the complete application and all required documents and after all conditions of approval are met, including the construction of public and private improvements and extension of utilities required through this decision. The Final Site Plan shall comply with the requirements of the SDC and the conditions imposed by the Director in t:i)is decision. The Final Site Plan otherwise shall be m substantial conformity with the tentative plan ~eviewed. Portions of the proposal approved as submitted during tentative review cannot be substantively changed during final site plan approval. Approved Final Site Plans (including Landscape Plans) shall not be substantively changed during Building Permit Review without an approved Site Plan Modification. The final site plan set shall include an index page and the following sheets: . A-4 Elevations . C3 Utility Plan: revised sariitarv / storm plan . C4 Horizontal control and paving plan . C5 Grading plan . C6 Civil details . C6.2 Civil details: add note about lleotech report , El.l Electrical site plan: revised to note poles are limited to 12'. full cut off shields required PLl Planting plan: replace red oaks . . PL2 Planting plan TPl Tree preservation p~an STl Site plan: simvIifv. remove balloons and existinll conditions . . . . . C6.3 Civil details DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT: In accordance with SDC 15.17-140, a Development Agreement is required to ensure that the terms and conditions of site plan review are binding upon the applicant and the City. This agreement will be prepared by Staff upon approval of the . Final Site Plan and must be signed by the applicant (Springfield Fire and Life Safety), prior to the issuance of a building permit. SECURITY AND ASSURANCES. All required improvements shall be installed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or final building inspection. Refer to SDC 5.17-150 for details regarding bonding for required improvements. Thurston Fire Station 16 Case Na. DRClOOB-00036 9 Summary of Conditio;"s of Approval. Unless otherwise noted, all conditions must be met prior to approval of the final site plan. 1. Show the sariitary sewer connection from the existing 8" lateral pipe to the building. 2, Submit a revised drainage study and civil drawings that accurately reflect the drainage plan. This plan must be approved prior to approval of the final site plan. 3. Submit an operations and maintenance plan for the swales. The plan should designate maintenance responsibility for operating and maintaining the system. 4. The private vegetative water quality infiltration swale and basin shall be fully vegetated with all vegetation species established prior to approval of Final Occupancy. . Alternatively, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant shall provide and maintain additional interim erosion controlfwater quality measures acceptable to the Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the swale.vegetation becomes fully established.. . ' 5. Prior to any occupancy, record the necessary easement for the sariitary sewer line. 6. Revise sheet C6.2 to include a reference to the geo-tech report and the ,equirements of the granular working blanket. 7. Provide details of the roof over the dumpster area. 8. Prior to any occupancy, submit a Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement (HMIS). 9. Show the underground water line to the building fire sprinkler system. 10. Apply to ODOT for an access permit prior to the final site plan. Submit the approved permit prior to occupancy of the building. 11. Maintain the clear vision triangle at the intersection of 68th and Main Streets and at the corners of both driveways. 12. Revise the landscape plan to show appropriate trees under the power lines along the Main Street frontage. 13. Revise the final site plan to show the one-way sign is perpendicular to .the centerline of 68th Place: 14. Pole lights shall not exceed 12' high and all outdoor lights shall contain full cut off shields. 15. The following general construction practices apply when tree felling is initiated on site: . Notification shall be provided to the City at least 5 days prior to commencement of the tree felling operation. Please contact Steve Hopkins at 726-3049 or shopkins@ci.springfield.or.us. . All felling activities, including ingress and egress for the tree felling operations, shall include erosion control measures in conformance with the City's Engineering Design Standards and Practices Manual. .' Any soil and debris tracked into the street by vehicles and equipment leaving the site shall be. cleaned up with shovels in a timely manner and not washed into'the storm drain system. Thurston Fire Station 16 Case No. DRCl008-00036 10 Additional Information: Th~ application, all documents, and evidence relied upon by the applicant, and the ap'plicable criteria of approval are available for free inspection and copies are available for a fee at the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon. Appeal: This Type II Tentative Site Plan Review and Tree Felling decision may be appealed to .the Planning Commission. The appeal may be filed with the Development Services Department by an affected party. The appeal must be in accordance with SDC, Section 5.3-100, Appeals. An Appeals application must be submitted to the City with a fee of $250.00. The fee will be returned to the appellant if the Planning Commission approves the appeal application. In accordance with SDC 5.3-115(B) which provides for a 15-day appeal period and Oregon Rules of Civil Procedures, Rule 10(c) for service of notice by mail, the appeal period for this decision expires at 5:00 p.m, on July 3, 2008, Questions: Please call Steve Hopkins in the Planning Division of the Development Services Department af(541) 726-3649 if you have any questions regarding this process. Prepared by: e>t;::;: ;f/L ~ Steve Hopkins, AICP Planner II Development Services - Urban Planning Division Thurston Rre Station 16 Case No. DRC200B-00036 II . "f '."11.' J ~ "1;;:f I.' l r-t;; I ~ If' JII. J:I -=l~. J. ' _ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES P,LANNlJ1JG DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 " I PLANNING DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 rL....'V'yHVU LI&.;r,..TI' ,,,.&-... 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 rtIIL4't .. Department of Fire and Life Safety City of Springfield Carol Stineman Charles Hobbs, Jr. 6870 Main Street Springfield, OR 97478 ,"',. is'