HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/9/2008 ( :City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Final Site Plan Review . .. , . . . .- Site Plan: cg] . -. -. . . - Minor Site Plan Modification: Ma"or Site Plan Modification: Applicant Name: Icompany: IAddress: , IAPPlicant's Rep.: I Company: IAddress: , I Property Owner: I Company: Address: Springfield Fire Department Phone: City of Springfield Fax: 225 5th Street, Springfield OR 97477 Carol Stineman Phone: 726-4658 Fax: 736-i021 city of springfield 225 5th St, Springfield OR 97477 City of Springfield Phone: Fax: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-35-33 I Prooertv Address: 6853 Main St ISize of Property: 1.005 I Proposed Name of Project: Fire Station #16 (FSI6) ITAX LOT NOeS): 6204 Acres cg] Sauare Feet D , I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: replace existing fire station I Existing Use: fire station I Tentative Case #: Si natures: Please si our name and date in the a riate box on the next -. . . . Associated Applications: < Icase NO.:'-lJ t7L2.()('((/rxxJ?i.JJ I Date:1/q ID( I Reviewed bY:/.' M~ I IAPPlication Fee: $4rff ,9 6 ITechnical Feel: $')j),c:.n Ipostage Fee: $0 !TOTAL FEES: $ 1- 4~: Yo I PROJECT NUMBER: ftJ ){JT7 -(j)Or:! Date Received: JUL - 9 2008 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Final Submittal 1 of 4' 0/ Signature Owner: I represent this application: to be complete for submittal to the City. :1 affirm that the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or; the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178.pertaining to a complete application. ' . ~1/]f/!11~tJA- r:;;t J1)f - Print . '- "'S' +-r V1 f J'Vl (J ,111 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Date: {) q-J ()q IDA / ! Date Received: JUL - 9 2008 Final Submittal 2 of 4 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Cik,.,qf Springfield Official Receipt Def'~lopment Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 3200800000000000477 Date: 07/09/2008 10:18:46AM Paid By 420-62224-8 I 0046-P20534 'Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number ,How Received Amount Due 409.90 20.50 $430.40 Job/Journal Number DRC2008-00036 DRC2008-00036 Description CTY 10% Final Site Dev Agrmnt + 5% Technology Fee Payments: Type of Payment !NT CHGS Amount Paid INTFlRE In Person Payment Total: $430.40 $430.40 Date Received: JUL - 9 2008 Final Submittal cReceintl Page I of I 7/9/2008 1201 Oak Street, Suite 100 . . Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 684-4902 FAX (541) 684-4909 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Page 1 of 1 Co~sulting Engin~e rs ~&nr-l;;;~ . Steve Hopkins I;;TO:: tt! Ci!y of Springfield 'pAT~jr:~.: 7-8-08 :JOB:#:, 307821 . , ... j' "'"'. . ~ . ". ' . ,~. ,oi;,,;'::jFire Station No 16 Revised Storm Report ."RE''''''.', ".. . :::'7;-',::~.-'; , and O&M Plan . WE ARE SENDING YOU VIA: . D Email . ' cg] Messenger: D 3 Hour tJ 2 Hour . . DShop Drawings DPrinls DCopy of Letter DChange Order D Fax D U'.S. Mail D 1 Hour D 30 Min. DSamples DPlans . . D Overnight Courier D15Min DSpecificalions. . [8JReports 1~;Q9Pi~~3.. I 2 12 I- I I . ,. . r5'eg9[fiJlio6')'-~.;;;':y_: '.' Revised Storm Report ~torm Drainage O&M Plan , .-", 7-7-08 7-7-08 I I I I These are transmitted as checked belol\': DFor your use DApproved as submitted DFor your approval DApproved as noted . DAs requested . DApproved as Noted DFor~eview & comment D DResubmit _ copies for approval DSubmit _ copies for distribution DReturn'_ corrected prints DFor BIDS DUE . . PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS'. Steve- . 'Q"" . A' l;,"....j "1'.' ~I ",1 . - .~ .. Here are two copies of each document as requested, If you need anything more, please let me know, RECEIVED Date Received: Thanks, JUl - 9 2008 J~~ Jenn 1;'C9P;to::1 I fSjgiied: 'I '1Y: . "- ~ ffrrff'nrJ~ U I ' Final Submittal '. 07-0,S-08A10:52 RCVD t I ,; i ., ., STORMWATER DRAINAGE OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE PLAN II ,I, , II III 'ii : :! 'I " , I, FOR " II Ii II I 'I II II . I: FiRE STATION NO.16 . SPRINGFIELD, OR , I I' II ; I!. ' , , Date ReceIved: JUL - 9 2008 , , , , Prepared by: Final submittal. KPFF Consulting Engineers 1201 Oak Street, Suite 100 Eugene, OR 97401 RECEIVED' JUL 082008 . , KPFFProject No. 307821 By: .' , O&M . Storm System.doc 07ffJ7108 ~ , " .-' I ,.e-_ ' ..'11 '1' : 'I il ':I! , I: ':1' , i,! i ~ Table of.Contents' Description............... ........................... .........:....................... ..:....................................:........... ....: 1 . . . Aooendix i .1 Ii il , !, ~ I I 111 ill :i II I' I i I I 4 ' 1 i . Inspection/Maintenance Schedule............... ............... ...........:................................ ............:........ ..:..1 Facility Summary................................. ....................................................................:......... ......... ...1 Inspection/Maintenance Procedure.,........................:........................ ............................................ ....1 . . stormwater Management Facility Inspection & Maintenance Log (SAMPLE), Kristar FloGuard Catch Basin Insert Filters' . . Storm Drainage Site Plans Ii , I , , , i I , I , illl I 1 , .~. i .11 i "i I , , : ' / 1 I I I 1-L1-Db , 'I .' 'il II I,) 1:1 J 'j I Fire Station No, 16: Storm Drainage Improvements . Page 1 of 3 ,II II' 'I 'i Stormwater System Operations & Maintenance Plan' DESCRIPTION ; ] The Stonnwater System contains all runoff within the site. Ail runoff will be disposed of by either infiltrating into the ground or dispersion into the public stonn system during storm events and high flows. This runoff is collected in roof gutter doWnspouts, catch basins, area drains, and trench drains. Runoff is then conveyed to infiltration and treatment units through conveyance swales and an underground piped storm system. Throughout the system are located water quality catch basins. and filtration basins to treat and infiltrate runoff into the ground. . , I I. I' :1 II , INSPECTION/MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE The whole system shall be inspected and maintained quarterly and wilhin 48 hours atter each major storm event. For this O&M plan, a major storm event is defined as greater than 3.0 inches of rain in 24 hours. All components of the storm system as described below must be inspected and maintained frequently orthey will cease to function effectively. The facility owner must keep a log, recording all inspection dates, observations; and maintenance activities.' . '. FACILITY SUMMARY ;1 li :1 I I The/ollowing components form the stormwater system: 1. Piped Storm System: The piped stonn system consists of all underground pipes that connect the roof downspouts and catch basins downstream to the manholes and filtration basins.' , r 2. Catch Basins: Catch basins are 24.inch square basins used to coiled stonnwater runoff from paved surfaces and serve as inlets for the filtration basins and piped storm system. 1 . 3, . Kristar FloGuard Catch Basin Insert Filters: Product by Kristar that captures and treats stormwater. See Appendix for further detail.' . ;'1- I I "1 , I " 4. Area Drains f Trench Drains: Similar to a catch basin, area drains are 12" square basins that collect stormwater runoff frol(1landscaped areas. Trench drains are long collection structures that collectstormwater runoff in ramped areas such as loading docks. , .' . Ii ii' 111,1,' ii' Ii, "i' ..1 (i! 5, Filtration Basins: A Filtration Basin is a small, vegetated depression or pond, Runoff from impervious surfaces enters the basins through curb spillways (openings) and/or from conveyance swales where it is temporarily stored in a . reservoir on lop of the soil. Pollutant reduction is achieved as stonnwater infiltrates through' a layer of .vegetation and growing medium to an "under drain" layer of open graded gravel and a perforated pipe tn"t drains filtered stonnwater to the stonn system. The basin also has an overflow inlet with a rim set 1" above the bottom of the basin. When'storm runoff exceeds the swale's infiltration rate and ieservoirstorage depth, it will overflow via the inlet and be conveyed directly to the storm system. 'INSPECTION/MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE The following items shall be inspected and maintained as stated: , . . 1. Piped Storm . . . Shall be inspected for clogging or leaks at all clean outs and connections to structures. .. Debris/sediment, oil andgreas~ found to clog the pipes should be removed, and dispo~ed of in accordance with applicable federal and state requirements. 2. Catch Basins in Pavement . Shall be inspected for obstructions or debris, which shall be removed upon discovery. . If over 6" of sediment accumulation is discovered, sediment shall be removed. I I I I \ .. , , I' O&M - Storm System.doc 07m7IOB 1-q -0:1 _I: ..=:..a.. ,~.>r~ .:'1 I I : I " '. Fire Station No. 16:. . Storm Drainage Improvements Page 2 of 3 Stormwater System Operations &. Maintenance Plan 3. Kristar FloGuard Catch Basin Insert Filters . See Appendix for Inspection/Maintenance requirements. \ 4. Area Drain I Trench Drain . If water ponds over the drain for more than 6 hours after a major storm, the drain grate may be clogged. . Check for debris/sediment accumulation in and around the drain, rake and remove and evaluate upland causes (erosion, suriace or roofdebrls, etc.) . . lithe drain hassettled more than 2-inches, regrade finished ground.around drain to match. . If the drain and/or grate is damaged, replace or repair as necessary. . j 5, Filtration Basins' All ponding stormwater should infiltrate through the basin within 0.5 hours after a storm. All facility components and vegetation shall be inspected for proper operations and structural stability, at a minimum, quarterly for the first 2 years from the date of installation, 2 times per year thereafter, and within 48 hours after each major storm event. The facility owner must keep a log, recording all inspection dates, observations, and maintenance activities. The following items shall be inspected and maintained as stated: . af Embankment and Side Slopes retain water in the filtration basin. . Structural deficiencies shall be corrected upon discovery: . Slopes shall be stabilized using appropriate erosion control measures when soil is exposed or erosion channels' are forming. . Sources of erosion damage shall be identified and controlled. b) Overflow Catch Basin shall convey flow exceeding reservoir capacity to an approved stormwater receiving system. . . Overflow inlet and grate shall be cleared when 25% of the conveyance capacity is plugged or blocked. . , Sources of erosion damage shall be identified and controlled when native soil is exposed , c) Growing Media consisting of sandy loam soil and decomposed organic mulch (per the project specifications) shall allow storm water to percolate uniformly through the basin. If water remains .1-2 hours after storm, sources of possible " clogging shall be identified and corrected. If necessary the basin shall be excavated and growing medium and under' drain layer shall be replaced to correct low infiltration rates. . Holes that are not consistent with the design and allow water to flow directly through the basin to the under drain. layer shall be plugged. . Basin shall be raked and, if necessary, restricted sources of sediment and debris shall be identified and prevented. . Sources of erosion shall be identified and controlled when soil is exposed or erosion channels are present. d) . Sediment! Debris Management shall prevent loss of reservoir volume caused by sedimentation. . Sediment accumulation shall be hand removed with minimum damage to vegetation using proper erosion control .measures. Sediment and debris exceeding 2" in depth shall be removed every 1-2 years or sooner if performance is affected, or so thick as to damage or kill vegetation. . Litter and debris shall be removed routinely (e.g., no less than quarterly) and upon discovery. e) Vegetation shall be healthy, nursery-grown shrubs, groundcover and grasses complying with the approved planting ~~ . . Following establishment period, vegeta\ion shall be dense enough to protect underlying'soils. . Fallen leaves and debris shall be raked and removed in October or November each year. . Shrubs and/or grasses shall be pruned and trimmed in fall and spring to maintain sight distances, pedestrian safety and to prevent interference with planter operation. . . Dead or declining vegetation shall be removed and replaced in spring and fall or immediately if required to maintain cover density and control erosion where soils are exposed. ' . Nuisance or prohibited vegetalion, such as English ivy or blackberries, shall be removed immediately when discovered. . il ,II' " ,I I , i I r!! .1; 'I , ;1 i '. ,I I I f) Overflow Inlet shall convey flow exceeding basin capacity to an approved stormwater receiving system. . I ( I I O&M - Storm Sy~tem.doc ,07/07108 -0 ~ 1/q . " , ~ I ~; ] ] ] Fire Station No. 16: Storm Drainage Improvements Page 3 of 3 , j Stormwater System Operations & Maintenance Plan . Overflow inlet and grate shali be c1eare.d when 25% of the conveyance capacity is plugged or. blocked, '. Sources of erosion damage shall be identified and controlied when nalive soil is exposed. j 6. ,Source Control measures prevent poliutants from mixing With stormwater. Typical non-structural control measures include raking and removing'leaves, street sweeping, vacuum sweeping, limited and controlied application of pesticides and fertilizers, and other good house keeping praclices. . .. Source control measures shali be inspectedaad maintained (where applicable). 7. Spill Prevention measures shali be exercised when handling substances that can contaminate stormwater. Virtualiy ali sites, including residential and commercial, present dangers from spilis, All homes contain a wide variety of toxic materials including gasoline for lawn mowers, antifreeze for cars, nail polish remover, pesticides, and cleaning aids that can adversely affect groundwater if spilied. It is important to exercise caution when handling substances that can contaminate stormwater. Activities that pose the chance of hazardous material spills shali not take place near coliection facilities. '. Contact facility owner immediately if spili is observed. . Releases 6f poliutants shali be corrected as soon as identified. 8. Training and/or written guidance information for operating and maintaining the storm system shali be provided to ali property owners and tenants. ' '. A copy of the O&M Plan shali be provided to ali property owners and tenants. , , " I I I I j j j J J 9. Access to the storm system is required for efficient maintenance. ~ Egress and ingress routes shall be open'and maintained to design standards. J 10. Insecls & Rodents shali not be harbored in the any part of the stonn system. . Pest control measures shali be taken when insects/rodents are found to be present. . If sprays are considered, then a mosquito larvicide, such as Bacilius thurendensis or Altoside formulations can be applied only if absolutely necessary and shali not be used where it wili 'enter groundwater or come in contact with any standing water. Sprays shali be applied only by a licensed individual or contractor. . Holes in the ground located in and 'around the storm system shali be filled, J 11, Sign age may serve to educate people about the importance or function of the site's storm water protection measures. It may also discourage behaviors that adversely affect stormwater protection measures. For example, if debris is a problem, a sign reminding people not to litter may parlially solve the problem. . Broken or defaced signs shall be replaced/repaired. . J J J J ] ] O&M. Stann System. doc 07107ro8 1~ q, (/6 j ] - - x!puadd" ( ( [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ( ( l [ %0/ b- 1--. I' , I t "' I I I ]i ] STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY - , INSPECTION & MAINTENANCE LOG (SAMPLE) ], Properly Address: j Inspection Date: Inspection Time: Insp'ected By: Approximate DatefTime of Last Rainfall: . Type of Stormwater Management FaciIiIy: . Location of FaciIiIy on Site (In relation to buildings or other permanent structures): . ,. r ] J Water levels and observations (Oil sheen, smell, turbidily, etc.): J J. ~ ~l J Sediment accu~ulation & record of sediment removal: J J -Condition of vegetation (Height, survival rates, inva~ive species present, etc.) & record of replacement and ma.nagement (mowin~ weeding, etc.):, J J Condition of physical properties such as inlets, outlets, piping, fences, irrigation facilities, and side slopes. RecC?rd damaged items and replacement activities:. '. . I ] Pr~sence of insects or vectors. Record control activities: .r ~. l ""' ] Identify safety ,hazards present. Record res.olutio~ activities: ] ] Stormwater Management Manua]'" Eugene 2008 Page 3-11 1:,y~D~ J J I I J &~>lOTECIloIv W ] J GENERALSPECIFICA nONS FOR MAINTENANCE OF. FLO-GARD@CATCH BASIN INSERT FILTERS ] SCOPE: J Federal, State and Local Clean Wate"r act regulations and those of insurance carriers ~equire that stor~water filtration systems be maintained and serviced on a recurring basis. The intent of the'regulations is to ensure that the systems, on a continuing basis, efficiently remove'pollutants from stormwaterruno(f thereby , preventing pollution of the nation's water resources. These Spec~fications apply,to the Fio-Gard@catch basin insert filters: J RECOMMENDED FREQUENCY OF SERVICE: J Drainage Protection Systems (DPS) reco~mends that installed Flo..:Gard@ Catch Basin Insert Filters be serviced on a recurring basis. Ultimately, the frequency depends on the amount of runoff, pollutant IO<;lding and interference from debris (leaves, vegetation, cans, paper,' etc.); however,. as. a minimum, it is recommended that each installation be serviced a minimum of three' times per year, with a change of filter' medium once per year. DPS technicians are available to do an on-site evaluation, upon request. . J RECOMMENDED TIMING OF SERVICE: i I I I I I '1 I I l ;. DPS g~idelines for the timing of service are as following: I. For areas with a definite rainy season: Prior to, during and following the rainy season. 2. For areas 'subject to year-round rainfall: On a recurring basis (at least three times per year).. 3. For areas with winter snow and summer rain: Prior to and just after the snow season and during the summer rain season. 4. For installed devices not subject to the elements (washracks, parking garages, etc.): On a recurring basis (no less than three times per year). J J SERVICE PROCEDURES: J I, The catch basin shall be visually inspected for defects and possible illegal dumping." If illegal dumping.l}as occurred, the proper authorities and property owner representative shall be notified as soon as practicable. . 2. The catch basin grate will be removed and set to one side. Then either: a. ~n industrial vacuum shall be used to c~efully remove all sediment and debris ~rom ' the filter porti~n of th~ unit, or b. By grasping the filter's stainless .steel frame, the entire filter shall be carefully removed from the catch basin. The filter medium pouches shall then be removed by unsnapping the tether from the D-ring and set to one side. 'B.eing careful not to spill,Jhe contents shall be removed: . 3. The filter liner, gaskets, stainless steel frame and other components shall be in~pected for continued se:rviceability. Minor damage or defects f<;Jund shall be corrected on-the-spot and a notation made 00 the Maintenance Record. More extensive deficiencies that affect the efficiency of the filter (torn liner,'etc.), if approved by the customer representative. will be corrected and an invoice supmitted to the representative along with the Maintenance Record. 4. The filter meqium pouches shall be inspected for defects and continued serviceability and replaced as necessary. See below. - 5. If removed, the filter device shall be replaced in the catch basin and the grate replaced. J J -, 1 1 ; I_q~og ,I J L __ 1 ]- l REPLACEMENT AND DISPOSAL OF EXPOSED FILTER MEDIUM AND COLLECTED DEBRIS ] The frequency of filter medium pouch exchange will be in accordance with the existing DPS-Customer Maintenance Contrac~. DPS recommends that the medium be changed at least once per year. During the appropriate 0ervice, or if so determined by the service technician during a non-scheduled service, the filter medium pouches will be replaced with new pouches. 'Once the exposed pouches and debris have been remQved, DPS has possession and must ~ispose of it in a~cordance with loc~l, state and federatagen~y requirements. . ] ] Note: As ti!e ge~erator, the limdow'ner is' ultimately re~po~sible for the proper disposal of the" exposed filter medium alld debris. Because the filter medias "likely contain petroleum hydrocarbons, heavy metals alld other harmful pollutants, the materials must be treated as an EPA Class 2 Hazardous. Waste and properly disposed oj. DPS relieves the landowner of the actual disposal task, and provides . certification of its completio"n in accordance with appropriate regulationS. J J DPS also has the capability of servicing all manner of catch basin inserts and catch basins without inserts, underground oiVwater separators, stormwate~ interceptors and other such devices. Ali DPS . personnel are highly qualified technicians and are confined space trained and certified. Call us at -(888) 950-8826 for further information and assisiancc. J ] J 1 ~\. J J 1: ~ 1: ~ J J T . ", J~ q ~O<6 II] [: IlL] t- 1111 [: IILl1 II [] II-_ II LlI It-, III I~-. , - , II-n r~ ,~~~I L~ , I-~I I. ~- '- 'IITI '1-'- i - :~~ .-,~ MAIN ST~EET - McKENZIE HIGHWAY (HIGHWAY 126) -------... " SEE NOTE 1 (XIST,.TRENCHORAIHTO RE~AIN, CONTRACTOR TO CLEAN AND ENSURE - " " I \ --"""'1- 65LF-B"ST 5-0.0100:t SEE NOTE 2 147LF Z"CONQUIT I I I I xRD> ~Eo;~2:.;O ~ - 5"'0,0200 (MIN.) ~3LH' R01E"'52820 , SmD.OZ'OO (MIN.) EMERGENCY l~ " "'I CDNNECTTO I EXIST. S" WW IE_525.92:1: /.J-.-A; PROP. SEWER /I.f /EASDdENT ~~.::_~ - o -, . ~ ;rlE-: - 65LF-S"ST --.:- ~I' I' S=Or,0200(MIN.) 5-0.0100 ~ , I l~'<:;T-77JJ'" j R~,6' ~=:ZUl.uu r-Js~~o,~T "iE_52s:7g Ii'-..,... / COTG-3 ~Lr~6.ST.;t" (",52612 $0' ~o r 1 - '\;0 G-2 J - ~n;=-4 4 ~- ~ l II I ~ IE"'5256%, /IE-52631 PROP In PUBLlC51 ~'~- /ANsr;;R~:R./-=~-=- f1~~r-6~w4 /~~ lA""-MENl......... 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BEND BLOCKING TO BE POURED CONCRETE THRUST ESSORIES... LEAR OF JOINT AND Ace S ARE SHOWN 2 KEEP CONCRETE C [A$!.Nt AREAS FOR SPEC~~L F~~~Nii:R~~G AREA J lHE REOUIRED ~~~~STE~ ~INDICATES 15 SQUA~ . ENCIRCLED ON THE rlTTlNGSHAlL BE A5 REQUIRED, ED BEARING AREAS AT TEST PRESSURE(S) 4. IF NOT SHOWN ON ~~AI~S N~~~~~~RY, TO CON~~~M ~~ ~~CIAL SPECIFICA nONS. INDICATED BEL&:W~~"'E:EARINC STRESS(ES) STAT[ ON PLANS TAKE AND ALLOWAB BLOCKING DETAILS SHO~SHOWN ON THIS 5 BEARING AREAS AND N~P~~~~s AND BLOCKING DETAIL _ PRECEDENCE OVER BEARI STANDARD DETAIL K IN SQUARE FOOT THRUST BLOC '1 BEARING AREA OF 45' 22.50' 11.25 O. BEND TEE NO BEND BEND FIT11NG TEE, WYf:. ~LUGGED PLUGGED B~ SIZE PLueOR CROSS ONR~ CAP A-;- A, I 1.9 1.4 1.0 I 4 1.0 1.4 4.3 3.0 1.6 LO 1.0 6 2.1 3.0 7.6 5.4 2_9 1.5 I 8 ~.: I ::~ 11.8 B.4 4.6 2.4 1.2 J 10 . 50 PSI AND AN E TEST PRESSURE or 1 TE BEARING ~~O~: BEARINGL AB~r:R~N~Ai~E~~ OF l~ONOD Pi61L T~E~~::rGU STRESSES. ALLOWABLE SOl RENT TEST PRESSUR RESS) AREAS rO;O~~~NG EQUATION: /150) x (20DD/SOIL BEA~ING ST ~~;R~~ AREA _ (TEST PRESSURE . '("'''' "WE) THRUST BLOCK 0- '.'.5 .' . -. .. I .." ~ ;:" ;; I ; .',' '.. ".~;;;';:"'o:;":!~!";jS1i::~'/',\.;~:{;:<' !J::/;~.~~.J~J;;;;;f~ /-"-:9;/////.) CONCRETE PAVE~ENT 6' BASE COURSE, 12' GRANULAR WORKING BLJ\NKET tlll1l::C. All BE 4000 PSI. CONCRETE SH . SHALL BE 12 FEET. . OL JOINT. SPACING 2. l.1AXIMUM CONTR CING SHALL BE 36 F~ET l.1AXIMUl,l CONSTRUCTION JOINT SPA E L1~~JE~UETJT Cs~WJJ N.T.S. . 8 LANDSCAPE ~:ERPLANS ~ ~~'%'09<: FERNCO COUPLING \.)%~/"_:: OR APPROVED EQUAL RI~=PER PLAN f~ -~""-:-C' ~~ ~:;<~v' COMPACTEO ':.~ SUBGRADE HINGEC ::-. ~: J LID :,':1 .'<L ! 6"~' ~ ~''"I~\;' ~" 4'i ..0- . ',. ";I"'~~c~ 12' sO. "... ~::s -~-:W"NY,ii;;)/^l,J.~;':-:;"''' - ~ o TRAPPED AREA DRAIN . N.T.S. 'I 8"5 I ARC SURFACE II ANDSCAPE AR!'A H l.1ECHANICALPLUG tWlTHGASl<ET co,i~Si",~~~i~n:m,\ :ISA~ ~D, /;Ii~~'g~,~::~ AC g~ g~~~:E~R~~~~g~ \11) /_ F'~ 1 I' l' MAX .~ ~~ ~ ~ ;,';,~ 8-" I '// ~/. / .' ~. . 1 2" ~IN. I -. <"'.'1_: ,I,', L _/J .' . ~,4 HOOP " ~'"Zrl'- I~.:~._..\..II:=- ~~~~~~p IN '. ....:.:0 :.... CONCRElEPAD. ' I"., 4' MIN. . .':. - ,.,. PROVIDE Y4' MIN. .. CLEARANCEFQR CONCR[T(PAD AND RISER PIPE 3000PSI~ ~~;:~ "'(1)#4 EA, WAY i I I:.' I;- -;'"'""~~~I'..."''i':' ~" nLlER I~S(RT. .. 'l'i~1J~~__ Ie SEE NOn: 3 '.~: .~IIt;<~I"^"'!'_ "~LE '''~I'', it:; ~2' ABSORBENT ';'.r.-r;:(:'-' - ~ POUCHE,S I~<;'I~ ~ ..., . I:~tk: ~ J"'.,::"'. CREASE.RAP, I ~ASTIRONrRA~EAND ~OVER SHALL MEET H-20 LOAD REOUIRWENT. ." 2. FOR C~~~~RDt~~~Z~I~~ ~ AND LESS. CH CARRIER PIPE. SiZE TO MAT SIZE 12"~ iND i~~G~~~R~~:E:I~~PE SHALL BE 10'~ 4_ RISER PIPE MATERIAL TO MATCH CARRIER PIPE ~ETERIAL. '" BRANCH ~~~~~~rLA~ ~El. r ',I '=!!J!!!!f \ -=1!!!!l!II "-~ATF qr I : III IiiiiiiiI NUlt2 I " _ \ U ION NOTES: AVATION ASREOUIRED TO OBTAIN COMP(cn CONTRACTOR TO Wl02~MVA~TION EOUIPMENT. .! 1. WITH CONTRACTORS 20 LOADING AND BIKE TIRE. 1 TED fOR HS- , GRATE SHALL B( RA . WITH CATCH BASIN FILTER INSER~~. 2. NS TO BE INSTALLE~y KRISTAR. MODEL NO_ Fr-.240 A 3. NEW CATC~A~~Sl8E MANUFACT~R~ITTEN SPECIFICATIONS. I INSERTS S ~ANurAcruREs INSTAlLEO PER "ER SOUD LID. CASKETUNu 4. LEAK PROOF GA ~A TERIAL. TED FROM 10 . ,. '" '^"", Y CATCH BIISIN 'I WATER QUALlT,s _\ ~ \ SOUD DIAMOND ~ SUP:S<:.R2Tg ttA~~~g ~ le "-" ,.... ":':'~TRENCH8ACKF1LL ~'::::{ CARRIER" PIPE \ . -- " '!\ --II .' SERVICE V I .' _, ,j____ CONNECTION -- __I - =------":->i--o -......-,-.;. .< IF REQUIRED "'~'~';":~'::'<':;":';":""\'.'~";:'" ....R-~~~~~~L INSTALL PLUG WITH GASKET IF END OF liNE CD STA~DARD CLEANOUT N.T.S CD " . z o ~ . o 9" ~ o z ~ . 0 -' W ...... U. ~ 19 . Z t;; ...... z 0:: :; , CL . (f) . . I DRAWN B'f: AMF I CHECKED BY: JLH I DATE: 7-3-2008 TITLE: (lVILOlTAILS SCALE: SHEET NO: ~ 1-A,O (6.0 7821dl.ctwg , Ihl ~b! ~nr ~IJ ,I' _]' ilP 11'- :10 il~' iT ;011, tJ , I' i1rJ :I~~] I~:r : Ii:] [ :IL! 1] 1J tl n '- II ,u I '~ r~ . 3000'''~ CONCRETE (1) #4"7\ \ EA. WAY \ I ""T ,.,. Lt - : '.., - GREASE .~ ~APWlTH ~12'-t----...r HINGED LID 20"OUCTlI_FIR(lIoJ<;() TRAFFIC (,;f1Arl:. 'RIM~PER PLAN -.., -F , < IE PER PLAN ~, ~ " I ..J I " ~ 10 GAGE STEELDPL~~~ON STEEL ASPHAL T DIP~~ROVED EQUAL. BASINS OR A o ,,' GASKET !,;FCTION A_R 50' -I oJ ....' r:i~ ^'-""'-.. ~FILTERINSERT -' - "'" SEE NOTE 3 "'~REPLACFABLE in ABSORBENT oci POUCHES " " 0 -; ~ :1 ~ ~ M 0 9 0 . C 0 Z z ~ Z . 0 ~ I- " <! ~ tn ~ w t;; ex: . . ~ " u. ~ 0 z < ..J W ~ u. & (9 . Z t;; ~ z ex: . z 0.. . (f) . < [ I~ I - I '-I -r-, I I\. I r:-I,,- 'cm","'...~";,~,:;'________ I . \ ..J, ''""'," -------- I fu::;~AR(';1:. ~'. ~ =i----. ",,,; "" TO SANITARY ~__~ I AT Z%t,tIN. _-_ I \0 "'" :-- I I CD '3,25" " <- . SOLID DIAMOND . PLA E LID TSAASHTO SUPPO.f20 LOADING <:;rr.TlON A_A n ',.;" IB ill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~~~!~!m~ ~~~~~!~~~!!i ~~!~!!~!!m ~~~!~!~!~~!~ ~UIOIlOUUIlUUIl UUIIOUUllO~~! m!~~~~~m !~i~!~~~~Oilll ~ I ~ I Ir--:'::=;-[I """o,~-' , BODY 1-4"-1 !.,., l Ii1 'I MAINTAINING TRAP TR"'P CLEANOUT, AND ldEA,NS Of WITH A VENT, ODE ~ "m BE ''''''''gCRRE'' PeW",", C . ( k1E~~ 'CCORD"CE ~'" cm "'"' '''OR","O'.. . LAN$FQRA . 1 ,. SEE "EC'''''''' SANITARY DRAIN --'-- 0) '" l I I I , I (I \ (6.1 LB CD - lAIN-COMPACTiON NOT[: CAVATION AS REQUIRED TO OB . _. 1. C~~~;~~~R~OC~~pE:C~3NEQUIPMENT. AND 81KE TIRE. ~'" C D 'OR e>-" CO,,,"' R ,,,,"So 2. GRATE SHALL BE RATE BE INSTALLED WITH ~~T~:l ~~~I~r~~~ AND 3. NEW CATCH8~A~I~~U;~CTIJ~ED B\~~I~AE~lrICATIONS. INSERTS SHALL MANUFACTURERS WRIT INSTALLED PER SOUD LID. . GA$KETUNDER 4. LEAK PROOF 2" 01,0.,. PIPE. AIR ACTUATED VALVE ON 5. AUTOMATIC O'GA MATERIAL. 6. BOX FABRICATED FROM 1. T WITH SWITCH SANITARY/STORM },~LE IDRAWNBV; AM~ ICHECKEOBV: JLt<, I DATE: 8 7-3'200_ l'm~,V" DffA'LS I SCALE: SHfETNO: 7B21dl.dwg' ]1- ~ -0 ,. 6't.lIN.,1Z'MAK -l --2' MINoT ~~~~~ 2' MIN. I ___ OF BASIN t 1!-':1ll "'1- WET ZONE I !J'_'I~~III,,1 z ~.....l _ '11-' -" . - - - ,....J;,- - E Il~I.c'"III'-11 ~;:;~~:,rE~,,", ~':--;-" - II< ~"..~' ~<O'df:::_^'~"'\.,,: 'TT=III_III_ ",,"2'-'""'0-_ -(/A' , j" C''-''''7-~;W'i ~ '-==1' ,= "">>0:.: /:~ ~,;-.";" P''''~' :;:.:!1liT,1 ,~"'" 'DC< '" = "<'0 /;\i;" :",. ii<;1:YC;,; I -0111 III ---11,- ";>Va, ;>;;-' 5/" 9.- i'....~~ ~y)'. II-II 'I_I ,-!. </<<~I~'l:" ~~ 39" :~" 1;// ~_ -. --II~I 18" AMENDED ' "/j'>/% /. ,-.c . -~ or-66 MIN ,--:I~l LOAM -~-,'::"",,-'I' ::.:;:,-~':.: :'::,-,='"11:0=111 ' --1) 'J' '- -, = I '-- -, ,- " ,"C "" cJJ",[g:E DRAINAGE 8ASINPERP \\lRAPDRAINAGE FILL TO DRAIN FABRIC A2~O~~~L~~~ SIDES 1 Ion ! - fl fl In I _ I! ' ii , -] I - , I I - 'h-] fJ~1 fn L_) , ~= 1/) [-- I . 'IJ-J L nJ ]n [~ If] fCJ C, ill' ,[",I -1 L S OR 05% MINIMUM llillE; TO BE AS SHOWN ON PLAN LONGITUDINAL SLOPE. WALE PLANTING SEE PLANTING PLANS FOR S BIOSWALE N.T.S 0- z .. 'in '"'7' ,0 !.lITER PIPE 45' l ,,- I r wi GRATE COVER := ~:>>'~~t <r-----~--j?i;-' ~ - ;> ..J '~~ _ "'. v;/ ~,,;,,:;>-;/> ,m," "" '~_, :ex',", // . \_,. " "'" ROUND RIVER ROCK !::!..!llf.:L ''MDE 1. INSTALL ROCK 3 . ../' OCK OUTFALL R FCDNCRETE N.T'j;S' !SA;~U:EE::~:E;O~~~DOI~ DRILL" "'",W COOC"" 'I "; \ J1.J~ ./>""' 1,'. .'. ':';:' I" . n;:IU:H~!:Ei:;:m!L~;;",,::~y'>, i;~ ,~,.;u,.:~'>.~"~,;:,,,/<.r<(~. f&.c;~:<.,' Sit0'0:f',-"~,%.",~,>>~ ~,,;.>/<<,-YA/~~~'~;;;%,.i0:cj'0:%<:\:c,:,<< /; 0^/.;'<:(~~'N' / 1::.y/<~$,'%'1/)2>.0';">u'l-"", 0..' ~:.~, " "/"","", ON '~O'~CRETE ,J,?INT TRANSITI CONCRETE 0- o ~F '., ...... Y'. . '. '. }T' ...., :- ;';:.... ", j'" RACIIU.'. . ,,':_": .:; '..::- " 1.. ',' _:,;_ .... o NOTE. . BEHANDTOOlED. _ PAVING 1. JOINTS TO FOR SPECIAL OR O;%~R:~~. -PLANS IF SCORINGPAffiRNRCH ANDlANDSCOINTT08E ~REAS 1$ S~~-:G I~S ~OT SHOW~RO~~~ ~PECIFICA110NS. SPECIFIC S~CCORDING TO THE INSTALLED CONCRETE JOINT N.T.S. -I I, U r- -BIOSWALE (1) ~ =~J ':..- :rro..."':::._ ~ - ~AiCma!11 @WHFFI 1"-0. Z"BETWEENEDGE OF CONCRETE ANO- ., z 0 \D ~ " ,-< 0 0 ~. 0 Z z Z ~ ij 0 ~ ..' ~ ~ I- z 1IJ 0 " W < I;; cr:. " " ~ 0 u. . " 0 z < ..J W ~ U. " 19 ~ z ~ z cr:. . z 0- ^ 1IJ . . ",~. "'-"~:' ;~- - , ""'" . I ';,,;\"'!~. ~'~I - ,... 'L,l,y ~J --C;~~T,_-'~"~.~ '::,11." . _ ~ . '-Nh:-"p ~~ , PING & PAVEME,'~'f':',^",('" . _,,' 'W I' STRIENClL REQU I REI!!. ,.,e;;:, '""""-"n"'"" ',WE ST (WHITE PR[F[RR~~ CURB OP!I9N,A\ N,T.S BLUE PAIN BLUE BACKGROUND & . SIGN-OR20-6B SIGN-OR20-6D EDGEOF\ ""\''',"G~ ,- 3 ~ ';; ",,~~~~~;;~~f~~1 SEE '",'-68' IRE,llll ~{J~~ <. ../ 4" WHITE ~STRIP{nP.) SHEET NO: i } i I AMF DRAWN BY: o ~ ~ ~ CHECKED BY: JLH_ DATE: \ j ,\ I 'j I 7-3-2008. LsIGNWlTH---. ADASYMBOACCESSIBLE" .VAN OCCUR l. TE~~C~W STALL~ . SHOWN ON PLAN L-g.o'TYP. (U,N.O,) :--6, .1 ~VAN ~ 6'II'/STD.ADA_ I --r - 8' WjvAN ADA g'(TYP.)- o TITLE: CIVIL DETAILS SCALE: TYP, PARKING LAYOUT N.T.S. C6;3 I I r I I.i ~O ( 1~vl . 7821dl.dwy ~." r... : Skve. H', Oregon Department of Transportation' . Application for State Highway Approach ,- " . .... ,.. ~... -.. '1': ., . ," " '--,,' ". , ,....,- ~ '~i< ~.~'~',. "..""." .'w'. ", ," ~r'~" '~':;;',,-;.~ ;;<1'11<' ' <,~,~,~".,,~~:t'~i"l~:l"':' ~'~.',-,-,~,~. r;.;;j;. ;::>';jj::i ~,,;~' "~OR'OFF ICE'l:J SE'ON IJYi,.;;....... .""~,,.,.'l!,., ".""+"""",.,,, ~~:~~:~rt~~;~:~gl?J!$ti~~~1~~Jir~~'1f.2,~_"1 . ~~~k~t~!!1r.Ml~\~1~~};~'~ . ~Rermit T: "';Ei!'New;;:ehan'ir6f,'.use'l1TeYri~ora""~'Hes!riciea;:n,;1","'1 ;'~'~';j(.J.l,i'''l:,j;;'.~P:"-~;,,,,~,'''~..:'!l>-:-'''';:M:;:;:'' _9 -,c.~"'-;:$,;f,r~:--.f'i"~'f~""rR.-.~J)'I;'fX:-\,~,;;.;.;-.. ::","'_ '~,t-;f-~, .:.~:-,~.", .iMoolficatlomofExlstm9,,[jj] :Yes~ilBJiNo',UDeVlatlom;llihYe ,,. .;::N ~'~Qf~~z~f,~~f~1~;'tt~)i~~~fr~!~j~~~~;~~~~~~5~}}]~'~lf.~11~l~If ~~ ~~;~ ~~~ '''''''^.' ""'#~. ,',",""",,"~:m~.M'lle'hp"~o'ln'".t'.'.I',.",,",4""'~,I.;'S't'a''".li..40~nt!~\" it "G"H'. ."MP '. D,. '#'.. ,:,.IjlW!.1,.;\..:~'.-.:t.'lrllit:.74",""''''.._,. < . /,~__,~'~"'f"'''._~~~ .__ _' ._~.~~".:::==---__ _ ~~.._'.~_.~;'_..i:~,_L:.'11... .1r ;-~;,"~.""~"";l.I>'~.,,,,,'-,""<,*""":"'\>'~'~'ott."-""'~'\L' . .!Date '.RecelveCl,StamoI,,;; i<.;/: ~~: :1;'": .., ...:~~M Required Information The applicant must submit the following information with the Application for State Highway Approach. ODOT will notify the applicant if additional information is required. . . . All attachments required by answers on the application form. including applicant signature. . If the applicant is not the owner of the property to be served by the approach, then the property owner must authorize the applicant as a designated agent. The appiicant must have the property owner complete the Authorization of Designated Agent block 'on this form OR submit a signed letter from the property Owner authorizing the applicant as the designated agent :" . Site plan and vicinity map approved or currently being reviewed by the local government . A Land Use CompatibifitY'State~ent (LUCS) for a,State Highway Approach (page 4 of this application) must be completed by the local government. . .' . A copy of the current County tax lot map for the property served by the appro~ch. Map must highlight all property that would be served by the approach and list all owner name(s) on adjacent properties.. Make a note on map if ownership . of adjacent property is same as subjeCt prope'rty. Identify the location of the proposed approach on map. . A copy of the recorded easement(s), if the subject property has an existing easement(s) for access to the property. . A copy of any existing state or local government approach permits for the property. . ., . In addition to the.above submittals, the appJicant may be required to place stakes or markings near the highway shoulder at the proposed approach location. Definitions for commonly used terms are in the attachea brochure. The brochure is also availabie on the ODOT website located at: htto:i/www.oreaon.oov/ODOT/HWY/ACCESSMGT/ I Applicimf Il1formiltion',,,,:'- .1 Last Name: Keenan Street Address: 1201 Oak Street , City: Eugene Mailing Address:. 1201 Oak I City: Eugene I Phone Number: 541.684.4902 I Cell Phone Number: 541.510.9322 E-mail Address:matt.keenan@kpffcivilpdx.com Is applicant working as an Agent of the Owner? . YES: ~ NO: 0 If YES, the owner must complete the Authorization of Designated Agent section below, OR ATTACH a letter from the owner authorizing applicant to act as his/her agent. iApprbach'Lo:i:atiori:::;:~,:,\!;:.;\.:;i:j:H~';;::"::,\':':(:',':~:W:ti::;i:":;, '.' , Highway Name - May be a statewide tiighway name such as Pacific Highway, or a local name like East Main Street Route Number- The posted highway number, e.g. ]-5 or US-84 Highway Name: Main Street Route Number: HWY 126 Mile Point: Side of Highway: North 0 South ~ East 0 Is the highway in a national forest area?: Yes 0 No ~' l First Name: Suite 100 I State: OR Street, Suite I State: OR Matthew I Company: KPFF I Zip Code: 97401 100 I Zip Code: 97401 I County: I FAX ~umber: . 541. 684.4909 I County: Lane Lane County: Lane West 0 Date Received: Planner: SH ,I ct! 0-"6 f' 734-2680 (9/07) Page 1 of 4 . . ~ ,.. AUthorization of.Desig'hilted Agent " I _t, f.i Vh I ..J; cSt! Y1 r:. VYlI1. iA (printed name of property owner) authorize Ma t t Keenan (printed name of applicant) to represent me as my agent in the matte~ of this highway appro&~ermit application. . ':;;~'::;ta~.;;!Lre~fi .~~~:t"i'i~i~!~?J~~{::&~t;ft!,:::::.'J;;,n:!'\,1"'!,1:.:"" NOTiFICATiON TO APPLICANT: Th OT District Office will contact you when your application has been reviewed. If additional documents are required t6 continl:le e application process you will be notified. When all of the necessary documents have been received, the application will be deemed complete. If your completed application is approved, preliminary construction specifications will be issued. A performance bond and liability insurance will be required before any construction work can begin on the highway right of way. For the complete rules regarding approach permitting, see OAR Chapter 734 Division 51. The Applicant declares, certifies, and affirms under penalty of applicable state or federal laws that all information provided on this form and attachments' are true and complete to the best 'of hislher knowledge. I Date: 7/1/08' ~''Ad cfiti onallA""pprpacn;i nforma_ti6'nn'1i.tfl~li'~-!I:1~;J:rH~[n~fn~F~~~IHJ1tntn~1;~~i3-~~~,.wnj?~{f:n!If;~,m~~n~ tn:j,fJ~J:j~1~}1~~W Printed.Name: jVla1:1: 'Keenan - I Signature:~~ Application is a request for (check all that apply) o New Approach - There is no existing permitted or grandfathered approach road at the location requested in this application . . o Temporary Approach - The approach "requested wiil be removed after a specified period of'time . [2g Existing Approach - This application affects, or may affect, an existing approach o Restricted Use Approach - The approach requested is for emergency services, government, utiiity access or similar specific uses with limited traffic ' -tV etWcIEEtur'nfnQfMoveme,"ts.~ttf]:]:~-~-:n11tMt:tj}&t1;:~:1,g1~i;Diifj~~'11~mr~~_::~tf._~~:jr,m!TI~m~f4~lffj1;:F~mgW1t;};1~1Rt+*,tfr0t;r Tum movements requested (check all that apply) All movements: 0 OR Right In: IB Right Out: 0 Left In: 0 . Left Out: IB property O\/iner Informati6riiiidiiterenttha.iapp!ic".it) .. Last Name: City of Springfield I First Name: Street Address: 225 Fifth Street City: spr~ngt~eld Mailing Address: 225 Fifth , ",' ~.: ~~.;, I State: Street OR I'Zip Code: 97477 I County: Lane City: Springfield Phone Number: 541.726,3672 Cell Phone Number: E-mail Address: Are there additional owners of the subject property? YES: 0 NO: ~ If YES, ATTACH the'same contact information as above for each of the co-owners on a separate sheet of paper. .l'1'6pei'tvJOformiltiori;(att<'i6h'acrdlt1Cl[lal Rage(s)iisp'aCe is ihsufficie"t) , T ,; Subject property address(es): 6853 Main St. City: Springfield Zip Code: 97477 I County: Lane Township(S) 17 I Range(s), 02 Section(s) 35 I Taxlot(s) 06204 Current zoning: Low density resident~al Proposed zoning: Low density residential In the boxes below, describe the existing and proposed land use(s) on the property, including square footage or acreage. Existing: Fire Station Proposed:. Fire Station I State: OR I Zip Code: 97477 FAX Number: I County: Lane I I ! 734-2680 (9/07) Page 2 of 4 "" -. , ... ---' .' ..~ 'l. Site plan and VlciriifYMaj:i' . If the local government has approved a site plan or Is currently reviewing a plan for the proposed land use, then skip this page a'nd attach a copy of those plans. Otherwise, draw imd label a site plan indicating all applicable infQrmation listed below. You may use the space provided or another sheet no larger than 11" x 17". . Place arrow in box below to indicate direction of north for site sketch orientation. . Show distances related to access and on-site circulation. Include distance from property lines to the center of proposed approach. . . Show all lots or parcels that are part of the property, and their corresponding tax lot number(s). . Using solid Iines'indicate proposed approaches, buildings, structures, equipment ana other faCilities. . Using dashed lines indicate existing approaches, buildings, structures, equipment and other-facilities and easements. Note any existing Approach Road permits to the property. . Note nearest landmark or cross street, and distance and direction from the requested approach location. . . Show local streets abutting the property, the location of the edge of pavement of the highway, and location and layout . of parking areas showing connections to existing driveways. " , . . Include location and distance measured from centerline of approach to nearest approach roads on both sides of the highway for at least 500 feet. Please indicate the width, land use category, and turning movements of all approaches. . Place a-ri "X" across existinQ approaches to be closed. . . N 734-2680 (9/07) Page 3 of 4 ,r DATE RECEIVED BY ODOT CHAMPS 10 # Oregon Department of Transportation Land Use Compatibility Statement (LUeS) What is a LUeS? A Land Use Compatibility Statement (LUCS) is the form. ODOT uses to ensure that Highway Approach Permits are consistent with local land use requireme.nts. Why is a LUeS Required? ODOT Coordination Rules, OAR 731-015, identify Highway Approach Permits as permits that affect land use. State Jaw requires ODOT activities that' affect land use to be consistent with ackno~edged local comprehensiye plans... When is a LUeS Required? An ODOT LUCS must be submitted with every ODOT Highway Approach Permit Application. How to Complete the LUeS: The applicant completes Section 1. Sectio~ 2 must b,e completed by the local jurisdiction. The applicant then submits the completed LUCS to ODOT as part of the Highway Approach Permit Application. SECTION, 1: Appllcant &:?it~ InfclrInation: -;: . ... .', " ,-, ' ,'" :, ".,. _ ., . ",-,,'-. ;.-,." '_~".. ,";--. ,~.'" ".-.. _I '.', ,. ". - ;-l ,,",.,. . :". Print applicant name: H/lTT' )(EE,.JA,J I Applicant signature: ~h-- Property owner name: C-I r.,: (>~ 5,P,e.IN{, ~Il~/.. p Subject property address: z... S 5 rlf :5r,e." e r Site description: C- (rv ~((Z.e S'rAr/(JN Describe the proposed activity, use, or development, including type and volume of traffic it will gel)erate. E'J</.5r/NG- P,e./l/{3W;lY rOIL l"',e.fJ/"IJse r=(,e.~ S'r~TldN TownShip(s) Range(s) Section(s) Tax lot(s) /7 oz. 3.5 06 :?o4 "i SECTION 2 must be filled out by a Local Planning Official I.SECTI.oN'2::D~Mriii;;ation'oic:i;ri1plia';d~'wiij;Li;cal LandU~eRecjuiferiieht~':' :'<' , , ,-,,;,,:.;;. The subjeCt property is: [l('lnside 0 Outside City Limits Current Comprehensive Plan designation: ~ e 6 . o Inside 0 Outside UGB Current zoning: R /'.:'7 Is a Comprehensive Plan or zoning amendment proposed? YES 0 NO Ud- If YES. list the proposed plan designation: proposed zoning: Does the activity, use, or development require land use review to determine compliance with land use regulations? YES [!:f NO 0 If NO, it IT!eans that no local land use review is needed. Skip to Local Planning Official Information below. [f YES, what is the status of the [C!-nd use ~pplic~tion: {RApproved 0 Denied 0 Under review 0 Not y~t received List file number(s): DR <:. Z::o (::, ""-6 - 0 (l'J .~( 0 Is the decision final: YES (il"'"NO 0 Comments: Ill!6CaEeJarining' O,fficiiil_lnformati6ffi' (ReqUiredk';':-}.,.::,i,-, ...."... ~:'i'::::':~~f::':;', :"'.'1 I Jurisdiction: C i ) -f of S pr i f'.j {:.,. .e ( d Print planning official's name and title: V f<v <. HoPi",- r. <), ?/<tn.1 e r z.. Mailing Address: zZ5F,j-l-i< "b,. ICily: '?f"lil\.,r.''C\d. Zip Code: ")'7-'\-7, I Phone: 7';ZG ' "v((o -1 q Fax: I Email: ~h.OP\<...(',,7 ,;J c.i. ~rr;r\,j'.;€\J. M2 LJ'j I PianningOfficial's Signature: <i/b /,1;1. J I Date: '1/ ,J ) / () "'f, 734-2680 (9/07) Page 4 of 4 , ~ , I I , , , , , I , -[ I , , I f. I I . MAIN STREET McKENZIE HIGUWAY IHIGHWAY 126] '" " 1\ I ~t- ~ ~ L " ~ \ " EXISTING SITE NOTES 1. TAX LOT 17-02-35-33-06204. 2. THE DRIVEWAY APPROACH ON MAINSTREET IS EXISTING BUT NO PERMIT IS ON FILEFQR THE FIRE STATION. THE PROPOSED FIRE STATION WIL USE THE EXISTING DRIVE AS SHOWN. NO MODIFICATIONS ARE PROPOSED FOR THE DRIVEWAY AT MAIN STREET. 3. A TRAFFlCE SIGNAL JUNCTION BOX. EXISTS ON SITE. UNDER SEPARATE PROCESS, IF APPROVED, THE SIGNAL BOX WILL BE USED FOR THE NEW FIRE STATION TO CONTROL THE SIGNAL TO THE EAST AT 69TH PLACE. - -0..... _L,." ,I i I MAIN STREET - McKENZIE HIGHWAY IHIOHWAY 1261 l' / ::-, J 11e.2T , J . ------- I, 'I r= '_ :J i~r'-.:.~-'"'- ~-~ ~ I' ", . . J-' r EXISTING ""'--"'~-;i-- -.r~~ BUILDING "I i:! "L' '1 i' ',' 1 Ii , ~, L_J I j____ ': _________! ! i '- ~_ z:D ::::.,::{- l 1,_ ___L _. r"7 [! 0 'J r I t. : I n "1/ I / I '/ '. I 'A SrENOlt1 ~=~ w u :s ~ -5 ro ~ r'U--31'-- NORTH ~ ~) "j; '?;'iL_ nlr~ PROPOSED SITE <:;:-----.-.~ " " :J!'L=;- J/ _1.d. PROPOSED BUILDING LJ (=- ____ n ~ ,~ ! '" j ~ 0 9 z ~ z ~ 0 ~ >- V1 UJ " tL 0 .J UJ , tL i OJ z , 0: . a. (/) ;; Oq,."....-.o '< ~:J!~,,"-:;, ~oo' '" IO....WN ~Y: ~Ht~U"~y, ...MF[ .....1 iiAn; 5-3'.2'0091 mU': SllfF'lANAN[l V1C'"'TY''''''' I SCALE: f3'!I'L1i SHml<O: ~'IC1.1 ,.".r_..... l -- . '. I I I, I I I- I I: I I I' I I I I I I I I " . . ,~tormwater Drainage Report / , . for . Springfield Fir~ Statiofr No. 16 " Prepared For:. ~he City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street . " Springfield, Oregon 97477 . -.' . Prepared By: KPFF Consulting Engineers . , ... 1201 Oak Street, Suite' 1 00 Eugene, Oregon 97401 . , 'Springfield, Oregon' ~, . . t i. 'I,': . Date Received: JUl.:-92008 '. . Final Submittal '. KPFF Project No. 307821 May 2008., ' (Revised July 2008)', RgC.EIVED JUL 082008 ., By: . . I I . . . I . .. I I I I I I I I. I ." " Table of Contents .1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .........~,..;...............,..............:.....,.......:..................:..............,....................................1 2, EXISTING CONDITIONS .......,....................:...,...........................:,...........,......:......,..............,...........................1 . 2.1 Description of Pre-Developnient Site...............:.......................................................;.......:,.........1 2.2 Pre-Development Drainage.. ..:,....... ...., .,',..,...... :....., ...., :..,..., .." .:. ...... ...... .... ..,.....,.."..,..,.. ,...,..,. :.1 . 3. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT..........,............:.......,........................,....;,;,...,....................................:.........,.....1 3.1 Description of Proposed Deveiopment ...,...'...,..."..':.........,....,......"...,........,.....'......"..:..........:.....1. . .. 4. COMPARISON OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED SITE PLANS...............:..........:................:........................1 . .., \ .. 4.1 Impervious and Pervious Areas....,.....,.....:,..",."....."".,...........::.......,....".."..,."..".,.:.,.,.."..,..,...1 4,2 Existing Versus Proposed Runoff Flo~s....,..,..."..:..:... ,:..,..., "" ..., .....,....,... .............................. ...2 5. HYDROLOGIC ANAL YSIS.,..................,.................,........................:........:................................:......................2 5.1 Computer Mod~ling................,.., ....,.......:.. ...,..,..,....... .... ...., ,..,.., ...., ...:...., ..:.,..., .....,..,................ .........2 5 .2 Post-Development.......,....,.".........,...,...,..,............,..."...,...~..,;..,.,..............,......".,......:.".: ".,.."...,..".2 . . . ,. . . 6. PROPOSED STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS...............................,~..,.:.................,......:,.........:.........;3 '. 6.1 Water Quality....,...,:.,.., .,.....,........."..,...,..,......:.....: ...".., ...,..........:.. :...:.... :... """'" ... .., ...,.., ..." """" ,3 6.2 Conveyance'.,. ,. :;.,'....:..........;.,.;,..."."......"."."..,..,..........:.,.,.:,.... ,..:.....,.."...,..,.....,..:..,......;...............3 7. PROJECT OVERVIEW .....,..".......................,.....:,:............:....,..,..............................................................,......3. I ..' , , 1'> ~. .RECEIVED JUL 082008 By~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . ADDend ices APPENDIX A: DRAWINGS Basin Map . Utility Plan Details APPENDIX B: HYDROLOGY APPENDIX C: CONVEYANCE CALCULATIONS . APPENDIX D: WATER QUALITY CALCULATIONS , --, , " RECEIVED By: ..; ": JUL 082008 I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I. I I I I I ., SPRINGFIELD FIRE STATION No, 16 SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 1.' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Storm Drainage Report has been prepared for the proposed Springfield Fire Station No. "16 (FS) . . replacement located southeast of the intersection of Main Street and 68~ Place in Springfield, Oregon. This 'report presents the results of the hydrologic and hydraulic analysis for the new development and describes proposed storm drainage improvements that will meet or exgeed City of Springfield storm drainage criteria and standards., '. 2. EXISTING CONDITIONS 2,1. "Description of Pre~Development Site The Springfield FS property is approximately 1 acre total in size and located at the existing Springfield Fire Station site iil Springfield. The site is bounded by 68th Pjace to the west, residences to the east and south, and Main Street to the north, . , The Lane County Soil Survey indicates the following soil types. are. present on the site: TABLE 2.1- SCS SOIL CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA I Soil Name I Description., Map Symbol: 'I 1 . Urban land' 106A'1 .' Pengra . complex I I 2.2, "Pre-Development Drainage The' existing site conditions primarily rely on overland flow to catch basins connecting to the public system in 68th Place and Main Street. There are twei catch basins located in the parking area to the' south of the building, one to the west of the building, and a trench drain at the end of the drive to the north, bordering Main Street. . .' . . . 3. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT . 3,1, Description of Proposed Development . . The proposed Spring'field FS development area isapproximately 1 acre and consists of a fire stalion, . vehicle wash area; and the associated parking lot areas and sidewalks. . , 4; COMPARISON OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED SITE PLANS .' , 4,1-, Impervious and Pervious Areas The following table shows t~e comparison of pervious' arid impervious areas for existing and proposed . development. ., . . I. Impervious Area (Acre) Pervious Area (Acre) I I ExistinQ 0.59 '. 0.41 . I , Proposed 0.66 0.34 I Th.e proposed site plan results in anincreasemimleliieJ~ n::iQly'seven percent compared to the eXisting site. . n I:. . CoB V' u::. U. . 1111 1111 ?nnR KPFF Project No 307821 " Springfield, Oregon l' Stonn Drainage Report May 2008 (Rev July 2008) By: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . ., SPRINGFIELD FiRE STATION No.16~ SPRINGFIELD, OREGON' 4.2. Existing Verstis Proposed Runoff FI~ws An anaiysis of the '25-year storm was conducted to determine fiow values (OJ" in'cubic feet per ~ ~. second (cis). The existing :site has two points of discharge, one for the, trench drain at the driveway and one that collects flow from the rest of the site (per the 'survey) and discharges into the 12" storm line on Main Street. The proposed site plan has three discharge points, one for the . Irench drain at the driveway (any change' in' area ""as considered minimal and therefore' disregarded for these calculations), and two for the flow from the'rest of the site (one discharges' to Ihe 12" line in Main St. and the other from 'the filtration basin to the 18" storm line' in 68th place). The following table presents the analysis for the pre'vs. post- flows (excluding filtration) for the two connection'-points'considered. ". Existinq . Proposed Q (cis) to 12" in Main St. 0.93 0.69 , Q (cis) to 18" in 68'" PI. ,. 0.29 Q (cfs) Total' I 0.931 0.98 I The pr~posed design .includes a ~Itration basin. The increase in flow is only 0.05 cfsfor, the 25- year storm, which will be reduced through infiltration through the media and discharge will be equal to or'less than existing fiows. Therefore, the increase in impervious area discussed in Section 4:1 is negligent. ' . ". . 5. HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS '. 5.1. Computer Modeling. 'Several spreadsheets based 6n the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph Method are used in the' calculation of. this 'report, These spreadsheets were used for the corlVeyance.and peak runoff calculations. . The spreadsheets used for the water quality calculations meet the. criteria outlined in the City of ,Portland's SWMM and have been approved by the City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) on similar projects KPFF has completed in the past. Precipitation data for the-respective storms are City of Springfield design storms. TABLE 4.1- 24-HR'PRECIPITA TlON FOR. SPRINGFIELD, OR (NOAA Atlas 2, Volume X)" . :: s;o~ EV~~:;HIR pre~~itat;onl 25 1 I,:'. Inches 0.83 4'8 I , 5.2. Post-Development Curve numbers .for impervious and pervious areas used in' the computations were 98 and 80, respectively based ona Type 1-A rainfall distribution, 24,hour storm duration. ,. The drainage basins are identified in the Basin Map drawing, ST-1 found ili Appendix A. Impervious '. and pe:rvio~s areas were calculated, using the proposed site plan drawings. R E C EIVE D' .. , JUL 08'2008 KPFF Project No. 307821 Springfield, Oregon. 2 Storm Drainage Report B~ay 2008 (Rev July 2008) ,. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPRINGFIELD FIRE STATION No.16 SPRINGFIELD,OREGDN '. _' 6. PROPOSED STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS The proposed improvements for. the Springfield FS will meet or exceed all requirements of the Springfield Development Code and the City of Springfield Public Works Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSP). . " The proposed storm drainage system consists of surface inlets to coiled surface runoff and an underground storm drainage pipe network to convey the collected runoff as shown jn the Storm Utility Map drawing, ST-2 found in Appendix A. Filtration basins and water quality catch basins provide water quality treatment of the site .impervious. surfaces. The private on-site storm drainage will connect to the proposed public storm drainage system iit the property line. ' . 6,1, Water Quality Filtration Basins' Approximately 35% of the non"building rooftop (NBR) stormwater. runoff from the improvement area of the . site will be treated using filtration basins. Filtration Basins are similar in design to the Vegetated Infiltration . Basin as described in the City of Portland's Stormwater Management Manual. The filtration basins provide. primary treatmentby holding runoff and allowing pollutants to settle as the runoff infiltrates through eighteen inches of engineered filtration soil. After the runoff is filtered through the filtration soil, the water is collected in filter fabric wrapped clean drain rock and then collected and conveyed by perforated piped to the trapped catch basin located within the filtration basin area. The filtration soil layer is specified io achieve a 6-in/hr infiltration rate and the basins are ,sized to fully infiltrate the runoff from the water quality storm event. During events greater than the water quality storm, the stormwater will accumulate within the basins, up to , . 1-inch of depth. After the accumulated depth reaches 1'inch, thestormwater in the basin will overflow into. the catch basin that will be set 1 "inch above the bottom of the basin. The basin bottoms are gradedto'. achieve an even dispersion across the basin. . A detail for the filtration basin. is on sheet C6:3 of the site review plans, which is included in Appendix A. The complete water quality calculations and worksheets for the basin is in Appendix Dof this report. Stormwater Filters Approximateiy 65% of the NBR for the improved area of the site will be treated with water quality catch basins. Details for the water quality catch basins are provided on sheet C6.0 of the site review plans,which are included in Appendix A. '. 6.2. Conveyance The conveyance system is designed .to convey the stormwater runoff peak flows of 25,year storm event or greater. Pipe sizes and slopes shown on plans reflect the results of the calculations. The complete conveyance calcuiations and worksheets are in Appendix C of this report. 7. PROJECT OVERVIEW This Storm Drainage Report as prepared by KPFF Consulting Engineers (KPFF) describes the concepts and design intent for stormwater management at the Springfield Fire Station No. 16 in Springfield ~~ IVED. . . '. .' R=~E . JUL, 0 8 Z008 KPFF Project No. 307821 , Springfield, Oregon . 3 , . Storm Drainage Report 'BY~)Q8 (Rev. July 2008' . j I I I I . I I 1 I I I.' . I . I I I. I. I 1 I I. , , . '. . ' . . , . . . .' . . . " ," ',' Appendix A: Drawings , . .' . " , . I . 'RECEIVED. . JUL 0'82008 . By~: 1 . 1 '.' KE'NZtE HIGHWAY (HIGHWAY. 126) MAIN STREET - Me . I. ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 f 1 140 I. ~~ I .w u ::i "- 1'= '" '" o 'TRE~CH OIWN ............., . , BASIN 6 BASIN 9 BASIN 7 BASIN 5 BASIN 3 D BASIN 1 I' Ir ...... - - ""J 1 :. RECEIVED. JUL 082008 20 By~ 80 I 1 INCH = 40 FEET -r- 'r:~~.~:.~ ...~(""')~>}..::~ .,.... , ,Y:~~~,:,::2 :~ <(,~ 1:>- w'~ I-'-~ 5<:( ;;:0.. JJTjJjJJ ComuIIingEngin8eI's RlICWcsm.-' ...m ~o....~ (Sf't8f~ FAA ISI' MoI'-<<!ll9 ii. 5' z o ~ ~ ~. W << ~ ~ W Z ~ DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: '1 DATE: 05-26-2008 TITLE: BASIN MAP SCALE: SHEET NO:. ST-1 bllslns.dwg \.0 .-t z o ~ w << o 9 ~ ~ Z ~ .~ - SeAL E 40' NORTH .~ o 'z z o ..... '1- e:( l- (/) w ~ ..... LL. Cl -l W ..... LL.' 19 z ..... ~ . Cl. (/) ~ w ~ z :; . ~ ~ ~ ~ AMF .lH , OF3 I I MAIN STREET - McKENZIE HIGHWAY (HIGHWAY 126) 7' puauc unuTY EASEMENT (PUE) (PROP.). 'I >0- EXIST. TRfNCH DRAIN TCl MAIN. CO"'''II'';'UI'C rOClEAN AND ENSURE PROPER DRAINAGE SEE NOTE 1 /IE~523.62:t >0 . >0 I ------- ^ - .-- - VIiU- OHlr OHU OHU ~ \ -I~&- ] - - ~c:., OH-' ..\ (' - - -~ --==--~--==-_~ _ '\.fiZE]IT"Ll1fiiJj=-_--==-_ 1 6SLF-8"ST I , IE~529 20 RD. STOF~2 T l S_O.0100:t.......... I I 5-00200 [E~529 0 0 :--- I 3 ~:;52B70 TOF-3 T\"P 4 '" I ,ee,,,",!' ,i', r "_,,,,, '-'29" I C~'H'~'(O SLEEVES. SEE" \ I ~~~ f""'.T-.4.4JF ~1i:._:'29/U ~ LANDSCAPE..Jl 11.:. :>=U.IJ;t.w n . PLANS{TYP.)' "'>! STOF-l I I\~ ~ 1(_529.00 1 WOCB-3 (TYP.) 1!'-' 'S:.: ~:"9RIM-529.52 "'-' r:- I' . IE-524.71 -..::. SLF-6"SO cl.... 1.1 S-O,OlOM-O" , 7'PUE . I (PR.) h Q D- ~\I.h':'l' IE=5H.60 ' I -18.6 I '.nlL7~' "" TAPST .r WNBYSUB ,.~ (BY SUB 65LF-S"ST 5"'0.0100 I I SEE NOTE 2' " 2"CONOUIT I I ~20lF4. I RO IE"'528.20 _ 5=0.0200 (MIN.) {;:o ~l!5i;.io . S~0.0200 (MIN.) EMERGENCY YGENERATOR ~ \ I CONNECT TO I EXIST.'6" WW IE..S25.92:i PROP. SE~ /.1 /EI\SEMENT .~~- -, I I I =rlF -~t 7L., 1W<.d,~2 16 r-O R~ I S-0010 Ie . IE=52579 ') ... / COTG-) .~ ~ . .. ,r . 8LF-6"ST 0'" J I - .... ::> 0: 0 . . ,if 1 I'. ~' r 1 ' - '0,-J,L r / """"G"" "l- - "'- .~ - '-I J;:-"::;;,, I) 81- ~~5 IE~52631ss - S5 .::,-u.Uj' PROP. 10 PUBUClil , r 0:A{'~~MERJ_t'~j!u~~~;~/~ EASEMENT.......... 'r~........e: '-V_L___ CONNECT TO 1 ~ ~ I'}~/ EXIST6"WW TrJ: - k# _ _ _ _ _ -'E~5;ii8;~- 8F: I~~-=-~ S=O~~_t I' 'i~ ~ RIl.l=52975 I: I 11 6~J,.~"~ IE ~H26"RO ~ I ' 4~14'1.."""", EXIST S~R S:0.0200(MIN) ; I EASEMENT . . I [~I-' "I;~6o:;g' 6'\..aOVl::('~OUNO~- s -1-Ji'1 r~~r;27\1 r ~ ~~'~~8~',. _ JII r-ooo~o F VAULT ........... ::: I I;' ~ 1;- -,' . i~~~';:'~:' ~. ~~ Il"~--""u-~- . ~, LJ' IE~18.)=~}662:1: lu /" \ - _ _ IEW)~52 12 Y / ~c -.l _ ______'____________ , ,)<;" ,'" u. r V -" 5:/ _ 01-1 (1\ . '_ E RIM-:>:.!I:I.1:.!~. . 1" W /' ~ ~ jJ-- (.,~,-, - ~~:~~';i ~Y~\O. S",0.005O I IE"'527.35 (4"PERF.) . gJ B-- .-,-"-;n' 1 " IRRIGATION STUB LSAPLAN OR ONNUA N E>J~T.~-/~ EASEMENT I I I r- I I I I I I I I I .~ECEWED SC~ it" Ci n . . JUL o'S'toor. . I OHU~ -. 1. CONNECT TO E>JST. 12." ST LATERAL LATERAL ELEVATION IS UNKNOWN. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCA nON AND UEVA TlON PRIOR TO' CONSTRucnON. 2. CONDUIT TO BE INSTALlio FOR FUTURE CONNEcnON OF TRAFFIC UGHT CONTROLS TO SWITCH ROOM. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE INSTAUATlON OF CONDUIT WlTl-l FRANCHISE Ul1UTlES (FlBER OPnc. GAS, ETC.) INSTALLED IN THIS AREA, 3. FRANCHISE UTlUnES TO BE INSTALLED UNDER SEPARATE CONTRACTS. . 4. SANITARY DRAIN IS TO BE VENTED VERTICALLY Uf> THE WAlL OF THE TRASH ENCLOSURE BUILDING, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OREGON SPECIALTY CODE AND aTY OF SPRINGFIELD REOUIREMENTS. TRAP IS TO Bt LOCATED BETWEEN 12- AND 24" BELOW FINISHED GRADE ELEVATION. TRAP TO.BE PROVlDEO WITH :!-iNCH WATER SERVICE AND AUTO PRIMER TRAP. SEE PLUMBING f>LANSFOR AUTO PRIMER. 5. MINIMUM SLOPE FOR ALL UNDER~SLAB DRAINS AND HEADER PIPES SHALL BE 0.0050 FT/FT. FOUNDATION DRAIN PIPES SHALJ.: BE PLACED ON FOOTING AND SLOPED WHERE NECESSARY. 6. FIRE DEPART\lENT CONNECTION. SEE PLUMaIN~'PLANS FOR DET:'IL ; LEGEND -€)X. IE-XXX. XX ROOF DRAIN CONNECl1DN SEE PLUMBING PLANS FOR CONTINUATION ALL'R:lOF DRAIN CONNCETlONS TO BE CONFIRMED 'MTH FINAL ARCHITECUTIJRAL ,'-^'<O BUILDING WATER SERVlCE,LA1UlAL. CONNECT TO COlD WATER SYSTEM. SIZE AS NOTED. SEE f>LUMBINGPLANS FOR CONTlNUAnON AND BACKfLOWVALVE INSIDE THE BUILDING. BUILDING FIRE PROTECTION LATERAL. CONNECT TO BUILDING FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM. SIZE AS NOTED, SEE PWM81NG PLANS FOR CONTlNUAT10N AND 8ACKFLOW VALVE INSIOE THE BUILDlIlG. . BUILDING SANITARY SEWER SERVICE LATERAL SIZE AND IE AS NOTED.'. CONNECT TO BUILDING SANITARY SYSTEM. SEE PLUt.4BING PLANS FOR CONTINUA TlON. LOCA nON AND SIZE SHALL'BE VERIFIED 1I'1TI--1 PLVl.lBING PLANS:PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND ANY DISCREPANCY SHALL BE REPORTED TOENGJNEER. ! BUILDING PERIMffiR FOOnNG DRAIN LATERAL. CONNECT TO BACKWATER VALVl:: PRIOR',TO CONNECTION TO STORM SYSTEM. SIZE AS NOTED. SEE BUILDING PLANS FOR FOOTING DRAIN LOCATIONS. .,e,. -@)(" .~.X" IE~XXX.XX -" -iF>><' STRUCTURE NOTES t, AU smucruREs ARE LOCATED AT CENTER lli'" STRUCTURE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE IN STRUCTURE LOCAnON TABLE. . 2. DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF CURB. I I I .1 I I , I 'j I I I I I I I I I I I I (,) STRUCTURE LOCATION TABLE STRUCTURE NORTHING AO-, 19970.1 COTG-l 19934.9 COTG-2 t9870.1 COTG-3 19886.7 CQTG~4 19862..1 COTG-5 19862.0 COTG-6 19948.1 COTG-7 19920.0 COTG-B 19775.6 INLET/SWITCH 19893.9 WOCB-t 19852.2 'WOCS-2 19874.1 .WOCB-J 19937,4 STOf-1 19958.8 STOf-2 19969.1 STOf-) 19969.2 01-1 19769,6 SS DRAIN 19849.7 roo 19850.7 FH 19842.3 EASnNG 20124.0 20079,3 2.0079.3 20150.7 20144.9 20214.0 I 20223,8 I 2.0114.8 -i 20077.6 20150.4 20165.8 20070.2 20070.2 20114.8 20130.7 2.0159.2 20082.0 20222.5 20127.3 20114.5 STRUCTURE LOCATED AT FACE OF CURB NORTH ~......Ii~ ~~ " , ~-- _..-- 1 INCH - 20 FEET 'WI""'_ ~w ---- ~-- FA)(~_ \.0 ,...., . o @ " o g ~ ~ m " e . @ < Iii " ~ o z z o ~ I- <( I- UJ w c( ~ LL o -' w ~ LL o Z ~ c( 0... UJ 8 " t;; . " , " . . ~. . < ,......n:><..,.., - ORAWN BY; AMF CHECKED BY, JLH DATE: 7<l..2008 TITLE: Ul1UTY~ SCALE: By:, 7B21uldwg I I 9 ~c ~ ;~ ~ ~i "'" PLUGGED CROSS WYE PLUG OR CAP I '~'L: i l..",." i.,."',.." < ","~",.~'= ~'L (1,1 i::_ ,\": :r~;':~ .""~~~ ~__!'l, ._ .:qAl -,,",.. ~ "2 . .....,.~ @EACHAREAIS)S: Of TABULATED TOTAL ARE^- 0J4'F'lYWOODO'IER F,o,crotSOLlS. I BEND PLUGGED CROSS TEE 1. CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKING TO BE POURED AGAINST UNDISTURBED EARTH. 2. KEEP CONCRETE: CLEAR OF JOINT AND ACCESSORIES. J. THE REQUIRED lriRUST BEA$J.NG AREAS FOR SPEOAl CONNECTIONS ARE SHOWN ENCIRCLED ON THE PLAN; LG.Q.!3IINDICATES 15 SOUARE FEET BEARING AREA REQUIRED. 4. IF NOTsHOI'iN ON PLANS REQUIRED BEARING AREAS AT FITTING SI-IALl. BE AS INDICATED BELOW, ADJUST IF NECESSARY, TO CONFORM roTHE TEST PRESSURE(S) AND AlLOWABLE SOIL BEARING STRESS(ES) STATED IN mE SPECIAL SPEOFlCATlONS. . 5. BEARING AREAS AND $PEOAL BLOCKING DETAILS SHOWN ON PLANS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER BEARING AREAS AND BLOCKING DETAILS SHOWN 00 THIS STANDARD DETAIL. I I BEARING AREA OF THRUST BLOCK IN SQUARE FOOT 1 FlTllNG TEE,WYE.90"SENDI m 145" 22.50.11251 SIZE PWGOR PLUGGED PLUGGED BEND BEND BEND.. . CAP CROSS ON RUN A, A. I I I I I e L'.O NOTE ABOVE BEARING AREAS BASED ON-TEST PRESSURE OF 150 PSI AND AN ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING STRESS OF 2000 PSF TO,COI.lPUTE BEARING . AREAS FOR DIFFERENT TEST PRESSURE AND SOIL BEARING STRESSES. USE THE FOllOWING EQUAllON: . . BEARING AREA,'" (TEST, PRESSURE/1SO) x (2000/SOIL-BEARING STRESS) x (TABLE VAWE). . CD . THRU~~,BLOCK ,"0 2.' _3.8 5.9 1.9 1.4 4.33.0 7.65.4 11.88.4 , ,., ,"0 '.0 5.' e.' ,., 2.9 .., '"0 '.5 H ,"0 ,"2 I I I ~ ..~ ;'.. ../, r . l <~"~~:.,.~.:";,,.'::,~: . :~V:~~1:t!.t~iHj}fj;lf&1.JJ:;f1:0;:,~f:!: ~:f~;~' . . 'CONCRETE PAVEI.lENT I 6" BASE GOURSE = I CONCRETE SHALL BE 4000 PSI. 12" GRANULAR WORKING BLANKET 2. MAXIMUM CONTROL JOINT SPACING SHALL BE 12 FEET. 3. MAXIMUM CONSTRUCTION JOINT SPACING SHALL BE 36 FEET I LIGHT DUTY CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTION CD N.T.S, I I I I I " JLANDSCAP'JE RIM~PERPLAN PER PLANS ~~- .~ FERNCO COUPLING ~"~"~<J~~"1;, ~~M>' - OR APPROVED EQUAL '", .: :. >.:0; STORM DRAI~~ 1'1'" )rHINGEC 'i ?V.' ~~~:fo1D "SIZE PER PLAN LID .''; 45" 45.1:<'--;"" ~'I' ~ ~> . \ z 1E=....... ~/ 1\" "'. ~ PER PLAN . .-:~' ~. I.lIN.I~\ N ENGINEERED FlLL--((, / ~ , ~%, ~ 10 'GAGE STEEL PLA"TE.~' ': ':~ ~~~': ASPH"-LT DIPPED, GIBSON \c ".~. ' . "0 '- /1' ,{,~ . STEEL BASINS OR \ :-~,:.I 12" sa' -,/ k-i,-,; ~~ APPROVED EOUAL ~_---,----. .;;,.."<~, . -",v..-y",,:,'>',,~~". r--"'--j d ~INLETFRA~E $: GRATING I I'" SEE NOTE 1 71 ,Jj:tg ~PffiF~ ,. 7 ~ PIPE INLET '.1 I SEE PLAN FOR SIZE PLAN ~FlNISH GRADE 1(~:$:---3DDD PSI .~~;>( CONCRETE . ~.'l;{{j"'~ . ::~' RIM $: O\IERFLOW PIPE -PER PLAN .. ~c IY-~~RM . 6.1Y~"~~IE=SE:EPLAN. . ~....lBAP .-- .:. SECURE OUTLET . TEE PIPE wi S.5. BAND BOLTED OR EM8EDDED2"IN . WALL (2) 18" Mlr 6 ;;.r~.~,:;~;';::o ~,:j~ ~P~ORT5 SUMP r--:.!4 ---j -'l""ii:~; BASE l.4ATERI"-L 6"- I- -16"- ~36" SECTION J:I!lIJ' ~- ~~- _w .... - - 15406Bl~' I'AX/540/l'W-.G:l!> .0 TRAPPED AREA DRAIN -~j."~;.- :;; ;w': .~ N.T.S. ""'" 1. GRATING AND FRAME SHALL BE GALVANIZED STEELl.4EDIU'-l DUTY. z .0 '~ o ~ I 0),.T.5. TRAPPED DITCH INLET \0 ,-! 0 z z 0 .~ , I- <( ~ I- z 0 (f) ~ w " or: ~ ~ ~ LL 0 < ...J W ~ LL L9 z ~ or: 0- (f) . . ., , HARD SURFACE 1- tANDSC",.APF ARFA CAST IRON FRAME ANDk' ~ECHANICAlPW' COVER TO FlNISHED GRADE WlTH'GASKET IN PAVED AREAS RISER 0.0 CAST IRON FRA'-lE AC OR CONCRETE PAVING" + >2" '-l i. /' SET IN CONCRETE OR OTl-tERSURFAClNG " / :;:;~~;~~.,-' '-,,,.I-!m,J,gr 11-MAX. I ':"V':')"::j : 11: ~6" ~IN. '. %<-"i' ,_.~-': '::.. ::-:1 I '~,. -11_'"'''' . ';,'r."', .",., ;. . ......:::. ~".'CENTERED IN " -----L- ....:, I t '.~ ,. 3000 PSI 4 MIN. ..... I i .:.~ CONCRE-r; PAD. ....1 i .. PROVIDE 14" l.4IN, I~ g~~~Ep~R t='i AND'RISERPIPE I :~RISE:RPIPE' I . (:;~ ~ '~\\ ,...-L-.......-l....~TRENCH8ACKFllL ;:f~~:~' .. "::it? ". BE" .' )r:_::,,:.- l 3000PSI,,\ . CONCRETE. . r.nll AR , I 1--1,-.;...., " 1/::..:'., ~(1)14~12",-- . EA. WAY :3"- ) -'.." ,. .~. ....c-. '~ ,':. ."J ! Iii< I'll ITR IN<;F~T . "t :::iU. NOTE 3 ~~ RFPIACFAALE 12~ ABSORBENT I I . :,., POUCHES . I --' . ~ GREASETRAP~~ I Ie' I~I I I 2" MIN. -= 1. CAST IRON FRAME AND COVER SHALL MEET H-2D LOAD REQUIREl.4ENT. 2- FoR CARRlffi pjPE SIZE 10"1'\ ANQ LES$, PROVlDE RISER PIPE SlZE-TOI.lATCHCARRIERPIPE.. 3. FDR CARRIER PIPE SIZE 12"1'\ ANDLARGER,RISER PIPE SHAlL BE10"1ll. ~. RISER PIPE MATERIAL TO MATCH CARRIER PIPE l.4ETERIAL .~ ~ z < . 8.25" ~OLlD "'''',.,."".. -"--" ==1'" lIlIIallllllllllllln j _1:11111__ al"".IIDI~' _om =111;;;;;0 GRATE. SEE IIllDllIIlllllDll NDTE.2 NOTES: u CARRIER, PIPE. \ I' i) l v INSTAlL PLUG Wlil-' GASKET IF END OF UNE 1. CONTRACTOR TO 'MOEN EXCAVAllON AS REQUIRED TO OBTAIN COMPACTION WITH CONTRACTORS COMPACTION EOUIPMENT. 2. GRATE SHALl.- BE RATED FOR HS-2D LOADING ANQ BIKE TIRE. .3. NEW CATCl-1 BASINS TO BE INSTALLED 'M~ CATCH BASIN FILTER INSERTS. INSERTS SHALL BE MANUFACTURED BY KRISTAR, MODEL NO. FF-240 AND INSTAlLEO PER t.4ANUFACTURE'S WRITTEN SPEOFlCATlONS. 4. LEAK PROOF GASKET UNDER. SaUD UD. 5. BOX FABRICATED FRClt.4 10 GA.. MATERIAL DRAWN BY: CONNECTION IF-REOUIRED AM' CHECKED BY: JLH DATE: 8) STANDARD CLEAN OUT 7,3-2008 WATER QUALITY CATCH BASIN G) TITLE: CIVILOITAlLS N.T.S. N.T.S. SCAli: RE(;~E~)JED JU _ ~floPa By~ 7821dLOwg 1 1- ~~:~~. EA. WAY \ T9:.:>::..u , I- .~ ~GREASE 'II> 12"- ~ '{ ~~OM~ ~.'~_J '. ~."""'- .", .,,-,,' ',.-",. . .' 11 IRON lRAfflC GRATE RIM-PER PLAN 1 JE:PERPLAN 1 . N I " 10GAGESTEELP~~'~" 'ASPHALTDIPPED,Gl8S0NSLEEL BASINS OR APPROVED E~A'-;. " 1 24""- 1 5FCTlnNR_A ,,' 1 l~ I . I ~ I ,-, . -,,- AUTOt.lAnCELECmIC~ I I'r:'-I . ~E~ I I I' '"- ~ I"'~-~ . ~-::~ =i, \GR,^SE lR" :.---- .' I k I 1 ," WW DISCHARGE TO SANITARY AT~~IN. SLOPE 1 4a.25"- 1 SOUD rlIAMOND -I"LAIt:.UU SUPPORTS AASHTO H20 LOADING '" I SECTION A_A ~B n 1 UUUUUUUUllUDUUUOOUOUUUUUU 'UUUUUUUUOUDUUUOOUOUUUUUU DilDDDililDDOllUDUUUUUUUUUDU UUUDUDUUUUDllDUUUDUUUUUOU OUUUUOOUUUODUUOUDllUODUOU nnUDUUUUUllOOUUUUOUUUOUOU UouuuounonUOUUOUOUOUOUOU UOUUUOOllUOUUUUUOOllUUllUDU UOUDUOOllUOUUUUUUOOUUUUOU UUilUUOOOUUUUUUUuoouounou 1 '" I I -B NO'TE: 1. CONlRACTOR TO WlDEN'EXCAVATION AS REQUIRED TO OBTAIN COMPACTION WITH CONTRACTORS CQMPACTlON EQUIPMENT. 2. GRATE SHALl. BE RAltD FOR HS-20 LOADING AND BIKE TIRE. 3. NEW CATCH BASINS TO BE INSTAlliO wm, CATCH BASIN FILTER INSERTS. INSERTS SHAll BE IdANUFACTURED BY KRISTAR, MODEL NO. FF-24D AND INSTALLED PER MANUFAClURER'S WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS. 4. LEAK PROOF. GASKET UNDER SCUD UD. S. AUTOIdAllC AIR ACTUATED VALVE: ON 2" CIA.' PIPE. 6. BOX FABRICATED FRO~ 10 GA. MATERIAL I 1 1 CD SANITARY/STORM INLET WITH SWITCH _N.T.S. I 1 GASKET FlITFR.IN<;FRT ~t:.I;. NOll:. j ~ ~ REPLAC LE ABSORBENT POUCHES 6' U.V. DOOR 233-222p ~ r ~ONE ~~ENING CE~~ErD ..'.' _ . . .3.0' . f. "1 ~CMTN1--bi ~I~ FLOW'I : ---16~MTN:-- : BACKWATER VALVE I I: 6'50 C ,===:]0 I' TOP. OF VAULT TO~ PLAN HAVE NON-SLIP SURFACE AND MEET . ADA REQUIREMENTS . . ,u. V. DOOR 233-222p SEALS . (TW.) . FLOW' (1 ]6" MI " VF II .< r'. ".. 16" ~'Nn ;::':"':.":":!<":~~~~~~;:;:::~;~U~~6BI:E~C~!~~ULT MANUF ACruR~R /6' BACKWATER VALVE ' ~A~NG , ^ .-. . y ~ 6" MIN ~ NONSHRIN~ . GROUT (TYP.) ~ 1 en I " 6RSO ^ ~6"S~ = 1. THE ,CONTRACTOR SHALL_BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SIZING OF UTlLlTY VAULTS TO ACCOMMODATE THE VALVE EQUIPMENT THE CONTRACTOR SELECTS. . VAULT SIZE AS NOTED FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND IS NOT GUARANTEED TO MEET REQUIREMENTS. . G) BACKWATER VALVE AND VAULT N.T.S. .~~'::~ ,1 CASTl"N-'d~' . BODY -. 1-4R~ ;:; 1. DRAIN SHAll. BE INSTALLED \'1111-1 A VENT, TRAP. CLEANOUT. AND MEANS OF ~AINTAINING"TRAP SEAL IN. ACCORDANCE \'11TH CURRENT. PLUMBING CODE. 2. SEE MECHANICAL PLANS FOR AUTO PRIME INFOR~A TlON. 0- SANITARY DRAIN N.T.S. ..' I3i1IJ Consulting~ =~- _m ~a-"<P'~"" 154$__ FAX~Ii84--<SJB 1.0 .-l 0 Z Z 0 ...... r- " ~ e z 0 V1 ~ 1LI " a:: ~ ...... ~ u. Cl < -' 1LI ...... U. ~ 'Z ...... a:: 0.. V1 z o ~ " o ~. ~ ~ ~ " to z . z ^ . "DRAWN BY: 'CHECKEDBY: AMF JLH DATE: 7-3-2008 TITLE: 'CIVILDfTAlLS RE C EIVE D."A~sHmNo, C6.1 By: JUL 08 Z008 .78Z'dl.dwg I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5'MIN,,-'-2'MAX.- -J -tM'N'Tb"" '~I.:ijE 251-r WET\7Zj~- _ --"7 ~!=,-~:;:;~t~:~) ","TINO '''''NO -" - - - ..-, ~//A;:3 '=1 '- L "'"'''' , k~~,,/ ~- \A"'''''~'-~~JJTi . '-_I I I=l'lf '5<'$> /}'''(~.!;!;:f~<<s.\:'' ~LL.=C"~R"":R ROCK ,'r 'CIII-=- 'c;/,,(.(( 'X{;!:hb"d-''fi'r'R;;..{.;/ _""', -II, ~III ~ >' z~r'D..t,dq00,'><' '. ',__ -m=-= ~'0" ~'I-~",.:::;:-.I:://-V-:-=ill',T=';-=- ... "'NOCO -mlJ':))\~// '/ ,';O'J~ -.-L. -. oj66 MIN ==!...'..__ LOAM 1ii-~I:""'1r'I.r1 ::=;':~::1:~':'::~I;'=-=IIS!I-' --, 1'1=1 i l:..:.... ,1,= ,- . PERF PIPE FOR - - 4 pve PLAN SLOPE ORAJNAGE: BASIN PER Y1RAPDRAINAGE FILL TO DRAIN FABRIC AROUNDt1~ SiDES, 12" OVER . . - OR 05,. MINIMUM tiIDr; HO"",,, ON PLANS SLOPETOBEASS 1 LONGlruOINAL LEPLANTlNG . "'ANllNG PLANS FOR SWA . 2. SEE r<- . (3) BIOSWALE N,T.S. z . '" d ;;: ~ ~ t:l..QllS;".s \'/IDE. 1.I!'ISTALLROCK ROCK OUTFALL CO'ORnE "T'S~'''~,~;;,;,~",~ ~'~mNC"m\ j.....:..0:1"". .LE<IST 1 . '..' d '_ ,.. ......,'...,'.1 ;... 'r'" 1 ,~n"'~lj;:m~;, ~ $~-ii';~~$~,vbJ{~" . "'/~~~~4:~~,,/~~p~ . ~>"";,,, '. TRANSITION CONCRETE ,J,?INT . , CD CONCRETE o BROO~ ~~~~l.l F:~:~ I~ , ".:;Y0{if':>,: 1/4" RA~I~S:, ":.-:..__.:'.~~: .~?U:. . G)' NOTE: . 1. JOINTS TO_BE HANDTOO:~aAL OR DECOR~~ ~~:f. IF SCORING PATlERN FO~ AND lANDSC~~NT TO BE ;REAS 1$ S~-:G I~S ~T "sHO~RO~~~ SPECIFICATIONS. SPECIFIC SC CCORDING TO THE INSTAlliOA CONCRETE JOINT N.T.S. '"ZC ~: ,-B.IOSWALE FUSlNG EDGE '-- CONCRETE \\11TH ZE ROCK 2" -,- :~ST IN '"'' CO'OR'";,~, TO BE 3/" M"';M~~ ,~ CI'''MFE'''': NO ROCK, l.lINI~UM 51 NTO CONCRETE TO HAL . AND I.lAXI~UM OF 1 ROU SHALL 8E EMBEDDED I BE A MINIMUM OF 1/2 ~~~~NG BETVlffN R~~A~~LLOF 91FFUSING EDGES SEE SITE PLAN fOR L _ ELOW FINAL GRADE. . ",,'N< M<T""C HOW"';' ';:""~ PRO"""" S""R. .:5/4" EXPANSION LEVEUNG WATER PROO \ G'PWlTHSELF" \ SEAL "-0. 2" BETWEEN EDGE -r . . OF CONCRETE AND I POO:;III=l':~~'"~~T -'II-III:::=lfioOo 0,,4 . -= ',> -..}(-:C!;--:-..:lfE=I.:r; _~ _-=- -= . ~I lulnEkllllJ:--I_1 lli=-I' -I ~~'I =11 ~I il~il - In 1- --11-" J1T-I-1'_ '''-Ill" Iil-=-ill-I-,I ==-1;' I -- ,~ II -'II ];=-- '_0 '_ 0- A/e PVM'T ~INIMUM 4" BASE I.1ATERIAL , CTEDOR UNDISTURBEDSUBGRADE COMPA . DIFFUSION EDGE' N.T.S. I ~ ~I ~~ !;YMAOI D PARKINr. ~Ar.F N.T.S e, AVEMENT ST~fm:?l tlQUIRED S (WHITE PREFERRED) CURB OPllONAL BLUE PAINTED BLUE BAC!CGR~NO & . S1GN-OR2Q-6B - .::.-:::, :::~ ....::;::. >= ~ SlCN':"'OR20-60 L"'3\WI-IFFI ~ EDGE OF\ "" \""" LOT \ ~_-_===:J BOLSIGN'MlH......, AOA ~~N ACCESSI8~; TI:XT SHALL OCCu ONLY AT STAlLS SHOWN ON PLANS I 90'TYP. I---------- (U.N.O.) 0- RECEIVED SC~CEs"mNO' C6.3 JUL 082008 ~ (RAMP'OETETEC.: ~8Rtt SEE - C! . WARNING ~~ DETAIL 6/C6.2 '~O-6~,ol !1!11111.1!!lm~__ c,:;~~ ../' 4" wHITE ~STRIP(TYP.) ~ o ~~ ~&J ~VAN";; ','w/sm. "'_ . I -s' WjVAN ADA 19,(",)_ TYP. PARKING LAYOUT N.T.S. By~ / r~~:~i<~-=r.~;:; ""..' ~"'@!;~;.;.'.~::,..~ ~- - '1 ,n' @;~"""'",-,= ~~~7>o&U~~ \-r..x,S"J<;7>-75O<I. z 0 \.D ~ ,...., 0 0 g- o .Z z ~ Z . 0 ~ " ~ 2 I- z (J) 0 ~ W w c::: " ~ LL ~ 0 z < -' W ~ LL Iii 1.9 z ~ ~ z c::: , , CL (J) . I DRAWN BY; I CHECKED BY: DATE: AMF JiH 7-3-2008 TITlE: CIVil D,rrAJl5 7821dLd""l1 . . . .. . . I .. .. . . . . . . . . . I I I I " . Appendix B: Hydrology RECEIVED . JUL 082008 . By:. I ~ l I Bureau of Environmental SelVices - SBUH Calculation Worksheet I Project Name: Springfield Fire Station (25-Year Event). Designer: A. Backus Date: 05/12108 Basin 1 User.Su/Jplied Data I:"Pervious.Area Pervious Area, SF Pervious Area, Acres Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv Precipitation in 24 hours (PI) = . Time of Concentration, Tc, minutes '~ I I I I I 4127 0.09 80 4.8 5 Imeervious Area - _,C''''':: ,J:,_;; ~-:"'>, Impervious Area, SF Impervious Area, Acres Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp 77471 0.18'j 98 I 1 Note: minimum T c is five minutes 1 Calculations areJortheBES'25.Year;storm: 4.8inches of.rain'in 24 hours'in,an NRCS Type 1A distribution .1 Calculated Data I, Total Project Area, Acres Peak Flow Rate. Qpeak, cfs 0.2725911391 0.291 Total Runoff Volume. V, cul?ic feet Time to Peak Runoff. hours 3.88!] 7.83~ I Runoff Hydrograph 0.35 I ., , , , , , 0.30 I ~ , " , , , , 0.25 , 1 I. 0.20 I . "0 " o o ,. '" 0.15 1 0.10 , j!~ /.... ~ . , , , , , , , ,. , I 0.05 1 0.00. o \ 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 1 Time, minutes 1 RECEIVED JUL 0 82008 1 By: I I I Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet I . Proje~t Name: Springfield Fire Station (25-Year Event) Designer: A. Backus . Date: 05/12/08 Basin 2 User-Supplied Data Pervious Area Pervious Area, SF Pervious Area, Acres Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv Precipitation in 24 hours (PI) = Time of Concentration, Te, minutes I 1 I. I .1 60311 0.141 981 I 2686 0.06 80 4.8 5 "'S., , Impervious Area Impervious Area"SF Impervious Area. Acres Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp ..... ':;. I Note: minimum Tc is five minutes I Calculations'are for,the-'BES 25-Year,storm: 4.8 inches-ofrain:ii'-24 hours'ln'an,NRCSTvpe 1A,distribution Calculated Data I Total Project Area, Acres Peak Flow Rate, Qpeak, cfs . 0.2000964191 0.22 Total Runoff Volume. V, cubic feet Time to Peak Runoff. hours I. 2.9021 7.831 I Runoff Hydro9raph 0.25 I ,- ,. , , , , , , , , 1i , , , , , , , , '0.20 , , , , , , , , , , , , , 0.15. J!! 0 '" 0 0 , 0: 0.10 I I I I I 0.05 I / ., , , , , , \i I 0.00. o 500 1000 1500 RECE\VED I Time, minutes I JUL 082008 I By: I I I Bureau of Environmental Services. SBUH Calculation Worksheet I Project Name: Spri.ngfield Fire Station (25-Year Event) Designer: A~ Backus Date: 05/12/08 . Basin 3 User-Supplied Data Pervious' Area' . Pervious Area, SF Pervious Area, Acres PerviOus Area Curve Number, CNperv Precipitation in 24 hours (PI) =' Time of Concentration, Te, m!nules 36 0.00 80 4.8 5 , Impervious Area" Impervious Area, SF Impervious Area, Acres Impervious Area Curve Number, eN-imp ',',- I 14041 0.03 98 I Note: minimum Te'is five ~inutes I Calculations are for the BES 25~Year_storm: -4.8 inches of rain'in'24 hours in an"NRCS Tvpe.1A distribution' Calculated Data I Total Project Area, Acres Peak Flow Rate, Opeak, efs 0.0330599171 . 0.04 Total Runoff Volume, V. cubic feet' Time to Peak Runoff, hours .1 5421 7.83 I Runoff Hydrograph 0.05 I 0.0 ,~ Ii , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ., , ., , , , , " , , ., , , , , ., , , , , ". , , ., , , I a.c' I I I I 1 ---,. , , , , , \ '. , , , 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 1 Time, mi~utes 1 RECEIVED JUL 082008 I' .By: 1 1 I Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet 1 Project Name: Springtield Fire Station (25-Year Event) Designer: A. Backus Date: 05/12/08 Basin 4 User-Supplied Data .' Pervious Area Pervious Area, SF Pervious Area, Acres Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv Precipitation in'24 hours (Pt) = Time of Concentration. Te, minutes 1259 0.03 80 4.8 5 Im~ervious Area. Impervious Area, SF Impervious Area, Acres ImpelVious Area Curve Number, CNimp , 11881 0.031 98 1 1 Note: minimum Te is five minutes 1 Calculations are for the~BES 25-Yearstorm: 4.8'inchesof rain'in 24 hours:in an,NRCS Tvpe 1A distribution Calculated Data 1 Total Project Area, Acres Peak Flow Rate, Qpeak, cfs 0.0561898531 0.06 Tolal Runoff Volume, V, cu.bic feet Time to Pea~ Runoff, hours 7371 7.83 1 Runoff Hydrograph 0.06 1 0.05 , , , ,. , , ., , Ii , , , , I' , , , , , , , , , '. , , , , , , " " , , , , , , , , , '. , , , , , , , , '- , , , , , ., , , , , 1 0.04 1 :! u ~ 0.03 c , 0: 1 1 0.02 1 0.01 / / :l.cJ , , , , , , , , , , , , /. I' 0.00 o , , H 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 1 Time, minutes 1 RECErJED JUL 082008 I By~ I I I Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet Project Name: Springfield Fire Station (25-Year Event) Designer: A. Backus Dale: 05/12/08 BasIn 5 User';'Supplied Data . Pervious Area Pervious Area, SF Pervious Area, Acres Pervious Area Curve'~umber, CNpelV Precipitation in 24 hours (Pt) = Time of Concentration, Tc:"minutes I I I "i' 1082 0.02 80 4.8 5 . Imjervious Area Impervious Area. SF Impervious Area, Acres Impervious Area ~urve Number, CNimp Note: minimum Te is five minutes I I ~CalcllJationsare for the BES 26-Yearstorrri.: 4.8 inches of rain in 24 hours in an NRCS Tvpe 1Adistribution Calculated Data I Total Project Al:ea. Acres' Peak Flow Rate, Qpeak, cfs I Runoff Hydrograph 0.12 I I I ~ u :g 0.06 c , 0: I I I I I I I 0.10 0.08 0.04 I / 0.02 0.00 o 0.0881563361 0.10 ., , , , , , , , , , .500 1000 .Total Runoff Volume, V, cUQic feet Time to Peak Runoff, hours , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ., , ,. , , , , , , , , , , , \ 1500 2000 Time, minutes ,- 27591 0.061 981 1.2941 7.831 , . 2500 RECEIVED By: JUL 0.82008 I I I Bureau .of Environmental Services- SBUH Calculation Worksheet Project Name: Springfield Fire Station (25-Year Event) Designer: 'A. Backus I. Dale: 05/12/08 Basin 6 User-Supplied Data "Pervious Area~""<~ o?c';',,:;;. ",,'. ~,<-< " "'. Pervious Area, SF I: 41341 Pervious Area, Acres I 0.091 Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv I 801 Precipitation in 24 hours (PI) = . I 4.81 Time of Concentration, Tc, minutes .1 51 . , I I I Impervious Area Impervious Area, SF . Impervious Area. Acres Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp Nole: minimum Tc is five minut~s I Calculated Data Calculations are fer the BES 25.Year storm: 4.B:inches of rain in 24 hours in an NRCS Type 1Adistributlon" I Total Project Area, Acres Peak FIO\v Rate, Opeak, cfs I Runoff Hydrograph 0.12 I 0.10 I I 0.08 J!! u '" 0.06 0 c " '" 0.04 I I r~. 'J ;/'." I 0.02 I 0.00 o' 500 I I I 0.119499771 0.10 , , , , , , , .'. L-..: ''-\ 1000 Total Runoff Volume, V. cubic feet Time to Peak Runoff, hours ,. , , , , " , , , , , ,. , , , , , , , .-, , , , , \ , , , , , , ., , 1500 2000 Time, minutes 10721 0.021 981 I' 1.3441 7.83 2500 RECEIVED By~ JUL 082008 I I I Bureau of Environmental Services, SBUH Calculation Worksheet I Project Name: Springfield Fire Station (25-Year Evenl) Designer: A. Backus Dale: 05/12/08 Basin 7 User-Supplied Data Pervious Area ,;" Pervious Area, SF Pervious Area. Acres . Pervious Area Curve Number: CNperv Precipitation in 24 hours (Pt) = lime of Concentration, Tc, minutes I 01 0.001 801 4.81 51. I -~Impervjous-Area ~:(? '( <:' ", Impervious Area, SF Impervious Area, Acres Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp Note: minimum Tc is five minutes I Calculated Data Calculations are for the BES25-Year storm: 4~8 inches atrai" In'24 hours in an NRCSType 1A distribution I Total Project Area, Acres Peak Flow Rate, Qpeak, cfs 0.083186181 0.11 I Runoff Hydrograph 0.12 I 0.10 \ I I I I J-iL /:.~ I 0.02 I 0,00. o 1000 500 I I I Total Runoff Volume, V, cubic feet Time to Peak Runoff, hours \ 1500 T!me, mi~ut~s ~"-0-'- r I I 36241 0.081 981 1.3781 7.83\ RECEorVED By~ JUL 0 8 Z008 I I I Bureau of Environmental Services'. SBUH Calculation Worksheet Project Name: Springfield Fire Station (25-Year Event) Designer: A. Backus . Date: 05/12/08 Basin 8 . User~SuJJPlied Data -Pervious Area~-_'. _ Pervious Area, SF . Pervious Area. Acres Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv . Precipitation in 24 hours (Pt) = Time of Concentration, Te"minutes I I I "::<._\::i. I I I I I' o 0.00 80 4.8 5, " ~_ Impervious Area Impervious Area, SF Impervious Area. Acres Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp I I.: Calculations are for theSES 25.Year storm: 4.8inches of rain in 24 hours in anNRCS TVDe'1A distribution Calculated Data I Total Project Area, Acres Peak Flow Rate, Qpeak, cis , 0.0450365011 0.061 I Runoff Hydrograph 0.06 I I I D.DA .!! 0 ..: 0:03 "0 c " 0: 0.02 I I I I I I I 0.05 , ~i ., , , , ,. , , , , 0.01 )t /',. ~ .' , 0.00 o 500 1000 .;'>...- L Note: minimum Te is five minutes TOlal' Runoff Volume. V, cubic feet Time to Peak Runo.ff, hours , , , " , , , \ 1500. 2000 Time, mInutes 19621 0.051 9BI 7461 7.83 .' 2500 RECEIVEC By: JUL 0 B 2008 ~ 1 1 1 Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet ProjeCt Name: Springfield Fire Station (25-Year Event) Des;lgner: A. Backus. Date: 05/12/08 . Basin 9 User-Supolied Data Pervious Area Pervious Area, SF Pervious Area, Acres Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv' Precipitation in 24 hours (PI) = Time of Concentration, Te, minutes 1 1 1 1 I I I '1 1614 0.04 80 4;8 5 Impervious Area Impervious Area, SF . Impervious Area. Acres . Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp 28211 0.06 98 Note: minimum Tc is five minutes I, . Calculated Data Calculations-are.for the:BES 25.Year,storm: "4,8 inches of rainin,24,hours ill an NRCS TVDe lA distribution .1 J;l /~ 1 ,Total Project ~rea, Acres Peak Flow Rate, Qpeak, cfs 1 Runoff Hydrograph . 0.12 1 .0.10 1 1 0.08 .l!! 0 " 0.06 0 c , '" 0.04 1 1 1 0.02 1 0.00 o 1 I 1 0.1018308081 0.11 , , , , , , , " i: , , , , , , , , , ,. , , , , 500 1000 Total Runoff Volume, V, cubic feet . Time 10 Peak Runoff, hours I I' 1,4391 7.83 ,. , , , , , , , \ , , , , , , ,. , 1500 2000 2500 Time, minutes RECEIVIED JUL 082008 By: r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o . .. , '. . , . ' Appendix C:Conveyance Calculati9ns . . , ',.' ~ECE'VED -' JUl082008 - . By: -^ 1 1 I!mlI 1 BASIN Consulting Engineers 1 1 2 3 4 5 . .6. 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 I., 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I TOTAL BASIN AREA SF ACRES 11,874 0.2726 8,717 0.2001 1.440 . 0.0331 2.447 0.0562 3,840 0.0882 5,206 0.1195 3,624 0.0832 1,962 0.0450 .4.435 0.1018 43,545 . 1.00 CALC-~ASIK AREA.xls DRAINAGE BASIN AREAS TABLE C-1 SPRINGFIELD FIRE STATION NO.16 Project 307821 KPFF Consulting Engineers By: ALB/JLH JPERVIOUS AREA (CN 85) . SF ACRES . _____,. 4,127. 2,686 '36 1.159 '1,081 4,134, o o 1,614 14,937 h 0.0947 0.0617 . 0.0008 0.0289 0.0248 0.0949 0.0000 0.0000 0.0371 0.34 '1IMPERVIOUSAREA1~ "J CN. WQVAULTICIi-- _ . SF. _ ACRES _ AREA (SF) 7,747 o:ma ---gJ--O"- 6,031 .0.1385 94 6,031 t,404 . 0.0322 . . 98 1.404 1,188 0.0273 .91 1,188 2.759 0.0633 94 .2,759 1,072 .0.0246 .880 3,624 0.0832' 98 . 0 1,962 0.0450 98 0 2.821 0.0648 93 2821 18,608 0.66' 94 14,203 RECEIVE[ By: lof] JUL 082008 717f2008 ,I 1 Springfield Fire Station No. 16' Storm Drainage KPFF Consulting Engineers Springfield, Oregon Conveyance Calculations By:ALB/JLH Project: 307821 25-year DESIGN SECTION DESIGN CAlCULATIONS DESIGN SUB-BASIN RUNOFF TOTAL SLOPE DIA CAPACITY ,VE,. RUNOFF . VEL. lENGTH OR TIME Q Q Of VI RATIO AT STRUCTURE MIN. . CFS . CFS %. IN. CFS FTIS OIOf . Q/OF FEET "1.5.00 I 1 ST8 0.29 0.29 1.00 6 0.56 I 2.81 0.52 2.81 38 ST3 . 5.00 0.06 0.06 1.50 6 0.69 I 3.44 0.09 .1 2.06 36 WOC82 . 5.00 0.22 0.22 1.00 6 0.56 2.81 0.39 I 2.62 15 ST4fST5 (WQCB2+ST3) 5.00 0.00 0.28 1.00 6 0.56 I 2.81 0.50 I 2.79 58 I I waCS1 5.00 0.04 0.04 '1.50 6 0.69 3.44 0,06 2.06 8 STG (WQCB1+ST4/ST5) 5.00 0.00 0.32 1.00 6 0.56 I 2.81 0.57 2.89 72 I waCS3 I 5.00 . 0.06 0.06 1.50 6 0.69 3.44 0.09 2.06 1. SDAl 5.00 0,00 0,06 1.50 6 0.69 3.44 0.09 2.06 17 i SOA2 (SDA1+ST6) I 5.00 0.00' 0.38 1.00 '6 0.56 2.81 0.68 2.99 . 55 WQCB4 5.00, 0.10 0.10 1.00 6 0.56 2.81 0.18 2.08 1. SDA3 (SDA2+WQCB4) 5.00 0.00 0.48 1.50 6 0.69 3.44 0.70 3.68 34 ST1 5.00 0.11 . 0.11 1.00 6 0.56 2.81 0.20 2.15 66 ST7 5.00 0.10 0.21 1.00 6 0.56 2.81 0.37 2.58 44 SDA4 (SDA3+ST7) 5.00 0.00 0.69 1.00 8 1.21 3.45 0.57 3.55 2. TRENCH DRAIN1 5.00 0.11 0.11 1.00 6 0.56 2.81 0.20 2.15 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 RECEIVED 1 JUL 082008 1 By:' " 1 CALC-conveyance-~alcs-25-yr -rev.xls 5/26/2008 1 ~ I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I AppendixD: Water Quality Calculations. . RECEIVED JUl 082008 By: iil '.'.1' '! ( Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH. Calculatir;m Worksheet Project Name: q,pringfield Fire Sta.tion (Water Quality Event) D~signer: A. Backus Date: 05/12/08 Basin 1 User-Supolied Data ~-~ervious'Area "".__: >'.i.>':;::;""!,,,~.1::'", -J~- Pervious Area, SF Pervious Area, Acres, Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv Precipitation in 24 hours (Pt) ::: Time of Concentration, Tc, minutes ,i.1 II '! " ':1 :1 :1 , - ',"'i::~, , :.~: ..:t.b_lmperviousArea'f,;<';~' ~":-'-j12:~~.' ;/~;k<d; 'h' j"1JX2';.;..';:<;t-.~Xl:!L' Impervious Area, SF Impervious Area, Acres Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp. > .~ . Note: minimum T c is five minute~_ I .1 1 77.471 0.18 98 I Calculated Data r CalcuJations.are.fof_theiBESWateriQualiW'stonn: O~83iinche5/ofrain In:24 hoursiiri;iiiifNRCS Type1Adistribution l Total Project Area, Acres Pea~ Flow Rate, Qpeak, cfs I Runoff Hydrograph 0.04. I 0.03 , , , .' , I: , , , , , I o.r':! I 0.02 . "0 "0 c " 0: 0.02 I I 0.01 J:~ / I 0.01 I 0.00 o 500 I I I 1 1 1 I I 4127 0.09 80 0:83 5 0.2725911391 0.03 '--'-} , , , , , 1000 Tolal Runoff Volume, V, cubic feel Time to Peak Runoff, hours ., , , , , , , , \ 1500 4181 7.83 Time, minutes RECE]\/ED By: JUL 0 8 Z008 1 1 ,I Bureau of Environmental SelVices. SBUH Calculation Worksheet 1 Project Name: Springfield Fire Station (Water Qualily Event) De~igner: A. Backus Date: 05/12/08 Basin 2 User,Suppl/ed Data Pervious Area~': Pervious Area, SF Pervious Area, Acres Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv Precipitation in 24 hours (Pt) = Time of Concentration, Te. minutes ~, :"",'~. ;; "'~'" ,">? Imp.erviausArea-, '.;.<''-'",5:: Impervious Area, SF Impervious Area, Acres Impervious ~ea Curve Number. CNimp ,,-', ,,,-,.,-- 1 1 2686 0,06 80 0.83 5 60311 0.14 98 . Note: minimum Te is 'five minutes Calculations ardor the BESWater.Qualitv storm: O.83inches-ofrain.in.24 hours In'anNRCS TYpe 1Adistribution 1 Calculated Data 1 Total Project Area, Acres Peak Flow Rate, Qpeak. cfs 0.2000964191 ' 0.02 Total Runoff Volume, V. cubic feet Time to Peak Runoff, hours 3241 7.83 1 Runoff Hydrograph 0.03 1 1 0.03 ~ , , , ., , 0.02 , , , , , , J'! , 0 , , '0 0.02 c <" , , 0: , ., , , , , 0.01 / , " , , , , , 0.01 " / , \ " , , , 0.00 , 0 500 1009 1500 2000 2500 Time, minutes RECEI\/ED JUL 082008 'By: .___"";a 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 , , II ,. . I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I Bureau of Environmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet Project Name: Springtield Fire Station (Water Quality Event)' De_~igner: A. Backus " - ,Date: 05/12/08 ' , Basin 3 Usef.;.Sueelied Data ~:- Pervious Area,,'; <-,);~)./L",-'f Pervious Area, SF . Pervious Area, Acres Peri/ious Area Curve Number. CNperv Precipitation in 24 hours (Pt) =' , Time 'of Concentration, Te, minutes , "',1"- i,"",';'" :;~""":'j;.SY;;<'-",~,,f; ._tj\~~,ij(~y~ "'t;;'f~,'_:~', ')!lmpervious'Area": ';':;',,,-,;-," Impervious Area, SF Impervious Area, Acres' impervious Area Curve,Number, CNimp ..,. I I' I 14041 0,031 981 36"' 0.00 . 80 0;83 5 . Note. minimum Te is five minutes Calculated Data 1.:Cillculatiorisare-for the BES Water:Qualitv:storm: O;83:inches'ofrain jn'24!hours iri:aii'NRCS'TvDe' 1A- distribution Total Project. Area, Acres Peak Flow Rate, Qpeak, cfs Runoff Hydrograph 0.01 0.01 0.01 J!! o " o o , "' 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00. o 0.0330599171 0.01 , ~, , / 500 1000 Total Runoff Volume, V, cubic feet Time to Peak Runoff, hours 731 7.83 , , , " , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " , , , , , , , , , , , , , " " , ~I , , -" , , , , , , \i 1500 2000 , 2500 Time, minutes. RECEIVEO JUL 08 Z008 By:. i!1 " II' ::1 Ii ill II II il I :1 II II :- :1 I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I I: I, '. .. . . Bureau rifEnvironmental Services - SBUH Calculation Worksheet Project -Nal!le': Springfield Fire Station (Water Quality Event) Designer: A; Backus. Date: 05/12/08 Basin 4 . UserMSup"!,lied Data :' Pervious'Area')',>F_~_;':':9::::'_i:!f'k'%!'!0;/;'; ;~>; ~~< \:;;",_~,::-~,;\(~~: '," Pervious Area, SF I Pervious Area, Acres I Pervious Area Curve Number, CNperv PrecipilC!tion in 24 hours (Pt) = Time of Concentration, Tc, min'ules 12591 0.03 80 0.83 :5 al:h,;"\"\. ImperviousAreaU-Z-:;''';!b-i':.(:;'d1:~:<;.:.;;;:;~,;'i-;:; Impervious Area, SF Impervious Area, Acres Impervious ArE;3 Curve Number, CNimp Note: minimum.:rc is five minutes ." ,'..--, Co..' -ij:~ ' 11881 0.03 .981 ,. I , Calculated Data I ~ Calculationsare'Jor.,the;8ESWater;oualitv stom:, a:83'inches.oUain.in'24:hours :in'an:NRCS.Tvl)e:1A'distributiori:, Total Project Area, Acres Peak Flow Rate, Qpeak, cfs 0.0561898531 0.00 ',. Runoff Hydrograph 0.01 0:01 , , , , ,. , II , 0.00 '!! " ':g 0.00 . c , 0:, . , . 0.00 . ,0.00 I / 0.00 o 500 1000 ." Total RunoffVolume"V, cubicfeet Time to Peak Runoff, hours , , , , " , , , II , , , , , , , , '.' , , , , , , , , , , , " , , , ,. , II II .~ : II , , .' , ., 1. !! L , ., , , , , , , 1500 2000 Time, minutes 661 7.83 , 2500 or:CE' JV ~ AI.... . '8 ED .By~ JUL 082008 I I I , Bureau of Environmental Services -'SBUH Calculation Worksheet . . Project Name: Springfield Fire Station (Water (;luality Event) Designer: A. ~ackus" Date: 05/12'~8 . Basin" 5 . -User-Supplied Data riPervious Area ~ ~;;;,'i:."1. ~{.'%,..~ ~ ;..;<,i... ;.~~ -:....'::.'?L':r; f> Pervious Area, SF Pervious Area,"Acres . . Pervious Area Curve Number, C'Nperv:' Precipitation iri 24 hours (Pt) = Ti",!e of Concentration, Te; minutes 'I 'I . '1081 0.02 80 0.83 5, ,I I , il .i;"I.<i:ZJi'.;lmeervious Area 5 ~3J;.~':;'0;4&;;~;t'd::;E4.:1 c Impervious Area, SF Impervious A'rea, Acres Impervious Area Curve Number, CNimp. Note: minimum ~c is filfe minutes Calculated Data I' CalCulations are,for.the- BES,Water,QualitVstOrTri:: O;83'inchesc otrain:in,'24:hours in,an.NRCS:TvDe:',1Adistribution "[ , il I 'I I Total P~oject Area, Acres Peak Flow Rate, Qpeak; cfs' 0.0881480721, 0.011 Runoff.Hydrograph 0.01 ;1 :1 rr I II . ;;. '" ;' Ii '.".'1 :, il ,; II II " I " " 'I' Total Runoff Volume, V. cubic feet Time to PealtRunoff, hours : '''" ,,'. 27591 0.061 981 I 1481 7.83 :1 KPFF CONSUL liNG ENG. . JqB #305815 .7/3/2008 Springfield Fire Station South Infiltration Basin 1 Soreadsheet lIIustratina Pocket Swale Filter Area Reauired to Treat Impervious Area Actual Drainage Area = 0.27 acre,s imp., WQ stern') lothr Clogging Factor= 2 inthr = 6.944E-05 fUs Soil Infiltration Rate =' Adj. Soil Infiltration Rate" = . 6.0 3.0. 1 288 SF Planter Bottom Area = 1 Max. Cumulative Storage.Qeplh of Slormwater (from column 11) = 0.55 in < 3 in Reservoir (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) WO Storm Inflow Cumulative Wetted' Max Cumulative .Inflow- Incremental Cumulative Inflow Volume Inflow Area Outflow Outflow Vol. Outflow Inflow- Inflow - Outflow Outflow (efs) (in) (in) (SF) (efs) (ef) (cfs) (ef) (ef) 0.00 0.002 0.012 288.0. 0.020 312.0 -0.017 -10.4 0.00 0.00 0.002 0.014 288.0 0.020 324.0 -0.017 -10.3 0.00 0.00 0.002 0.016 288.0 0.020 336.0 ,0.017 -10.2 0.00 0.00 0.002 . 0.018 288.0 0.020 348.0 -0.017 -10.0 0.00 " "'l......:.-D..^"'" "nn'l......-.-n"...,,, '''t::,..,,, 'l..Q.1" fLllD. !PASS (11) Cumulative Depth Results: (1) 1 -Time (in) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.55 0.48 0.28 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,0.00 .0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (min) 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 47u 460 490 500 510 520 530 540 550' 560 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 640 650 660 670 680 690 700 710 720 730 740 750 760 'I 1 Runoff Inflow vs:lnfiltralion Outflow ONT 0.03 T en 0.02 t u. 0.01 u O.Oor: :5 -0.01 'I' -0.02.J- 1 .. f\ ..~,,~ """.""ft' ... ...........- -.. 000.00 0 ~ ~ .~~ t;: ~~ -- 1-(2) WQ Storm Inflow (cfs) I -(6) Max Outflow (cfs) -(8) Inflow - Outflow (cfs) 1 ':'1 '" '" '" '" - " '" ~ ~ o 0 0 0 CD en N III III III CD to '" '" '" N N ~ 1 Time (min.) 7.18 13.24. 11.50 6.74 0.96 0.00 0.00 n nn l88.0 288.0 288.0 288.0. 288.0 288.0 288.0 ?RR 0 a.ow 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 o O?n 564.U 576.0 588.0 600.0 612.0 624.0 636.0 Fi.dR 0 U.U1l 0.010 -0.003: -0.008 -0.010 -0.010 -0.011 .0'011 l."L 6.1 -1.7 -4.8 -5.8 -5.7 -6.8 '.HI U.U.1 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 n n' U.U"L1 0.020 0.011 0.008 0.007 0.007 0.006' nnos U.1Ul 0.138 0.149 0.157 0.164 . 0.171 0.176 n 1R~ 1 1 Water Storage Depth 1 0.60 0.50 0.40 \ ,\,' . . 'fi 0.30 .= 1 10(11) Cumulative Depth (in) I 0.20 0.10 0.00 1 !::l !::l....(;) €-,.(;). ",,(;) (;) So)....(;) C !::l !::l C ~,s:, S) (;) (;) ~~.o/o/~~~~~~~#~~@~~ Time (min;) 1 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.004 0.004 0.004 .0.267 0.271 0.275 288.0 288.0 288.0 0.020 0.020. 0.020 888.0 900.0 912.0 -0.014 -0.014 -0.014 -8.4 -8.3 '8.3 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 RECEIVED 1 JUL 082008 l:\c\p\2002\302134\DOCS\Storm Docs\Commercial\Filtration Basin Actual Treatment Size Calc.xls 1 .. By: