HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting PLANNER 7/9/2009 , ~ ./ July 9, 2009 ZON 2009-00019 Development Issues meeting 17-02-33-32 TL 6200 & 6300 Metro Plan: Commercial Mixed Use East Main Refinement Plan: Mixed Use Area #3 Zoning: CC (Community Commercial) Metro Plan Mixed Uses This category represents areas where more than one use might be appropriate, usually as determined by refinement plans on a local level. (For example, the Whiteaker Refinement Plan includes several areas where a mix of compatible uses, based in part on existing development, are designated.) In the absence of a refinement plan, the underlying plan designation shall determine the predominant land use. SDC 4.7-210 Residential Uses in Commercial Districts A. In areas designated mixed use in the Metro Plan or a Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, or Conceptual Development Plan, multiple family developments shall meet the standards as specified in the applicable regulation. MDR and HDR District standards contained in this Code shall be followed where a Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, or Conceptual Development Plan does not specify development standards, or in areas where no applicable regulation has been prepared. C. One single-family dwelling, detached or attached to a commercial building in the NC or . CC Districts as a secondary use, shall comply with the residential development standards of Section 3.2-215 concerning setbacks and height. . A mix of commercial and residential uses is encouraged at this site. Multi Unit Design standards in SDC 3.2-240 are applicable. Identify which zone standards (MDR or HDR) were used to design the residential portion. Minimum density for MDR is 10 units per developable acre. Minimum density for HDR is 20 units per developable acre. 1 / OJ -eM - cei\jec\..~ Qate Re. St\ Planner. , Comments Questions #1. The MUC (Mixed Use Commercial) zone is not applicable to this site. According to SDC 4.7-210: "MDR and HDR District standards contained in this Code shall be followed where a Refinement Plan diagram, Plan Distri!=t map ... does not specify development standards..." The commE7rcial portion of the site must comply with the CC zone. The residential portion of the site must comply with the MDR and/ or the HDR zone. Drive up restaurants are allowed in the Cc. Site plan review standards are applicable to the residential and commercial uses. #2. A traffic study will be required. Scope: Safety of vehicles, pedestrians and bikes. Bus stops? Each dwelling must have 2 parking spaces. A traffic study might show a need for fewer spaces. Existing driveways. ?? #3. #4. Because there is only one driveway for the restaurant, cueing for the cars is an issue. There may be conflicts with the residential garages and the commercial traffic. The commercial building massing can be placed along the Main Street frontage to protect the residential portion of the project, as well as buffer the existirlg neighborhood. It appears at least 5 regulated trees have been felled on this site within the last year. A tree felling permit is required prior to any more trees being felled. Include preservation of the large maple tree in the design of the site. .~ ecei\JecI. oate B: . St\ ,,\annet.