HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWE 6/29/2009 " .il , MEMORANDUM Ii CitY of Soringfield DATE: June 18, 2009 TO: Andy Limbird, Urban Planner FROM: Eric Walter, Civil Engineer SUBJECT: ZON2009-00017 Musgrove Subdivision DIM Public WorkS Engineering Comments Ii I' , The subject application involves tax lots 3702, 3704, 3705, and 3706 located at 7390 McKenzie Hwy. The applicant submitted plans to discuss creating a 30 lot subdivision from 4 existing lots. !i Applicant's Questions: ii I! 1. Are there any access issues on this portion of the Highway? Would widening and/or traffic control devices be a requirement? Will a traffic study be re'quired? Ii Transportation Division will respond to this question. 2. Are there connecting street designs to the east and south that woul~ dictate our development layout? 1 Transportation Division will respond to this question. 3. Are there any utility extension issues or unforeseen opportunities from the west or southwest that could be available to our development? What special permits, if any, are needed to extend these utilities within an ODOT right-of-way?:1 What are the costs, hurdles, and timeframe for this kind of public improvement? " The storm water system as shown on plans submitted (discharging to a ditch to the south) will not be allowed as the City Master Plan requires sewers to be extended along Main Street for serving this area. Also, for gravity flow drainage, the site slopes to the north. For both storm water and sanitary sewer, the proposed development <<;ould require extending both sewer mains located in Main Street. The existing storm sewer is located in Main Street approximately 140ft to the west of the development. The sanitary sewer in Main Street is approximately 900ft. to the west near the intersectio~ of Main Street and nnd Street. Both storm and sanitary sewer systems would be required to be built ,. under a public improvement permit (PIP) as outlined in the City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual Chapter 12. Both systems would also require an analysis for ensuring adequate capacity and would re~uire a permit from ODOr. Prior to preparing detailed plans for this development, ODOT should be contacted very early in the process so as to determine feasibility and permit processes. ~ Date Received:~~t Planner: AL 'I , , The City of Springfield PIP process time frame varies considerably and, would be very difficult to provide an accurate estimate as there are many variables tliat can impact the overall time frame including but not limited to the design team completeness and responsiveness, unique site challenges and limitations, payment performance, etc. However, most PIP projects of this size, where permit was issued, are ~sually completed within three months. Costs associated with the PIP permit can be estimated by reviewing the City of Springfield ESDPM Chapter I2. Springfield Utility Board (SUB) should be contactedfor water and power utility requirements as needed to serve the proposed development. 4. To what extent will stormwater need to be treated before entering into the City system? Could you provide an indication of the type and scope ofthe required system? Are there other options for stormwater management? I, As indicated above, the storm water system as shown on plans submitted (discharging to a ditch to the south) will not be allowed as the City Master Plan requi~es sewers to be extended along Main Street. Also, for gravity flow drainage, the site slopes to the north. The development should include vegetative treatment for treating storm water prior to entering the City system. At least 50% of the non-building rooftop impervious areas shall be treated by vegetative means. The remaining balance of other imperyious areas may be treated by other methods outlined in the BES and CWS standards indicated below. . I' The Ciiy of Springfield Public Works Department will accept stormwater quality facilities designed pursuant to the policies and procedures of either the City of Portland (BES) or the Clean Water Services (CWS), as modified by the conditions specific to the City of Springfield. Stormwater quality facilities in compliance with one or bAth of these standards shall be provided for all new developments within Springfield planning jurisdiction. For further detailed stormwater requirements, please reffr to Chapter 3 of the City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards and Procedures !Manual (EDSPM). S. Are there any hillside development issues that need to be specifica!ly addressed or that would preclude this development? . The existing ground slope exceeds 7%; therefore, the City o(Springfield EDSPM Hillside Development Design Standards Chapter 7 will apply. All hilllide development standards in this chapter will need to be addressed. Please review each section of this chapter to ensure the plans and supporting documentation will demonstrate coriformance to this design standards. By the cursory general review by Public Wo;ks stafffor this . DIM application, there does not appear to be any hillside requirements that would preclude this development; however, each Design Standard section will need to be reviewed in detail by the engineer of record during the actual plan prJparation. The Planning Department will also respond to this question regarding the Springfield Development Code 3.3-500 Hillside Development Overlay District application. " ~ Date Received: b//}'f~! Planner: AL flu