HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 6/17/2009 , 8C~b3nq ~_" 12-33-44' 01600 \~ d - I[PQ llar9ain ancl Sale Deed C'-77 L 'li KNOll ALL NEN llY THESE PRESErlTS, That J2.()Q,oi/ lV\, -Jo,l\..) A7J ~ -~ L.....:r:-- ~ ' '\::=A-yv\ I L\j ~).,S::T <>J.- \K ,M .vhr17d(~/.9~,J I" C", Grantor_, in consldel'ationof the acceptance by the crtYof Spl'ingfield, Oregon, G~antee, and th~ use or holdin9 of said property for present or future public use by grantee, grantol" hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys unto 'the said gl"antee, its successors and assigns, all the follovling real property, l'lith the tenements,-hereditaments and appurtenances, situated in the County of Lane and State of Oregon, bounded and descr'ibed as fo11o\-:s: , See Exhibit 'A' 9365AOOl 07/28/86ElT 10.00 **0002** 9365AOOl 07/28/86PFND ID.DD **0002** The saine hereby and forever dedicated to, the public ,to be used as public road. TO HAVE AIIO TO HOLD, the above described and granted premises unto the said grantee, its successors and assigns forever. The monetary consideration for this conveyence is [)'11'lW-(]"c;J!v10JJeV IN WITNESS ~mEREOF. the grantors above named have hereunto iet their hands a~d seals , this '"1 't1^ .daY/f -I' Ii ~j ,19_~/7 ' " , . ~~ IJ!t1lJ@Jey),j I{f(f Jc:i?fn /11/ )~ ;;:()v-.1h~, C-J~/L,V-r1fs0,Lr, , ;~(/;€(/i..: , ' , · W7, ,.rN I t'kffis I!J: State of Oregon, County of, I..(l~k"., ,ss Pesonally appeared Uie above n~med and a cknovil edged the fore9o i ng ins t rumen t to be ill-S vo 1 unta ry act and deed. Before me: ') DATEO:Julr; ,1 A.D. 19$&_ \,Wltf)ff!? 7, @~ _"_.~. I rlotary Pub 1 i c for Ore9on (SEAL) ( SEAL) Return to: City Engineer Pub 1 i c l'lorks 4th & r~orth 'A' Stre~ts S~ringfield, C~egon 97477 .] - /3 - gCf r1y COllllllssion txpires: CIS ED #36-1 #: /8'/7 .?'";z.. 7 .s~+ EXHIBIT B ~ 7- 0'8 C-a 11/'f~c7d1- . ' " \ \ ~. II.. II ; ; II I J , .~." , , I,', ,':'\' \~.' V t, /1 'to'"" .",~ ':x - ..~ "., .'~ .I" -~" c)' "..,-. - "r~"~. ":;. .-: Q:> ..~ , c, ... -:-. { ~~./.,. rj(' ~~\p , cg~ ~~ \ """ -_-. (7 , " ~ 'c: \)'v :,i' -:;. .... p \J . .. f~_ '~:;':' , ~::I~,:'.;..:"'.'" "', . '., ,', Date Received: ~1;/7~~f Planner: AL 7 ' EXHIBIT 'A' 8628300 Beginning at a point which bears South 00000'27" West 2202.39 feet and South' 89057'15" East 20.0 feet from the Northwest co~ner of the Stephen D. Gager Donation Land Claim No. 45 in Townsh,ip 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridi,an and run thence North 00000'27" East parallel with the west line of ' said Stephen D.,Gager Donation Land No. 45 a distance of 460.12 feet; thence South 89045'03" East 10.00 feet; thence South 00000'27" West'460.08 feet; thence North 89057'15" West 10.00 to the point of beginning in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. ALSO: Be9i~ning at a poi~t which bears, South 00000'27" West 2202.39 feet and South 89057'15" East 30.0 feet from the Northwest corner of 'the Stephen D. Gager Donatiori Land Claim No. 45 in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian and run thence North 00000'27"'East 10.93 feet; thence along the arc of a non-tangent 530.0 foot ra~ius curve right. (the chord of which bears: North, 38046'38" East 206.66 feet) a distance of 208.00 feet; thence alon9 the arc of a 25.0 foot radius curve left (the ,chord of which bears North 00040'29" West, 33.69 feet) a distance of 44.24 feet; thence along,the ~rc of a 70.0 foot radius curve left (the chord of which'bears North 70040'51" West 46.30 feet) a distance of 47.19 feet; thence North 89059'33" West 70.26 feet; thence along the arc of a 15.0 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears South 45000'27" West 21.21 feet) a distance of 23.56 to a point which is 30.0 East of the West line of the. Stephen D. Gager Donation Land Claim'No. 45; thence North 00000'27" East parallel with the West line of said Stephen D. Gager Donation Land Claim a distance of 90.00 feet~ thence along the arc of ~ 15.0 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears South .44059'33" East 21.21 feet) a distance of'23.56 feet; thence South 89059'33" East 70.26 feet; thence along the arc of a 130.0 foot radius curve right (the chord of which bears South 65046'15" East 106.67 feet) a distance of 109.91 feet; thence alon9 the arc of a 25.0 foot radius ~urve left (the thord of which bears Stiuth 84024'14" East 34.01 feet) a distance'of 37.40 feet; thence North 52044'30" East 196.21 feet; thence along the arc of a, 470.0 foot radiui curve left (the chord of which bears North 26022'28" East 417.47 feet) a distance of 432.58 feet; thence North 00000' 27" Eas t 275.68 fe,et to Grantor's North line; thence South 89045'09" East along said North line 60.00 feet; thence leaving said North line and run South 00000~27" West 275.42 feet; th~nce along the arc of a 530.0 foot radius turve right (the chord of which bears South 26022'28" West 470.77 feet) a distance of 487.80' feet; thence South 52044'30" West 195.81 feet; thence along the arc of a 25.00 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears South 08006'19" West 35.13 feet) a distance of 38.95 feet; thence along the arc Df a 260.0 foo~ radius curve right (the chord of which bears South 18010'27" East 162.19 feet) a distance of 164.94 feet; thence South 2.30 feet to the North line of Sprin, Oaks as platted and recorded in File 73, Slide 252, Lane County, Oregon Plat Records; thence North 89057' 15" West along said North line 60.0 feet; thence leaving said North line and run North 2.76 feet; thence along the arc of a 200.0 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears North 17047'07" West'122.18 feet) a distance of 124.16 feet; thence alon9 the arc of a 25.0 foot radius curve left' (the chord of .which bears North, 83001'46" \~est 36.84 feet) a distance of'41.42 feet; thence al~ng the arc of a 470.0 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears South 39041'12" West 160.39 feet) a distance of 161.18 feet to the aforesa1d North line of Spring Oaks; thence North 99057'15" \lest along said North line 62.38 feet to the'point of beginning in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Bearings in this description are based on C.S. No; 23418 Filed in Lane County' S~rveyorrs office. In addition Grantor's convey onto the City of Springfield a 10.0 widepublic utility easement adjoining all right-of-way herein dedicated as public roadway. '-# /8/1 E27)'1 I ":':' .:..:--:'.::', ,~ ., Date Received: ~/7/Jt7~L Planner: AL ~ ~ ~ ' ' . ,.< FORM No, 723-BARGAIN ANDSALEDEED,(lnr;l' . or Corporote}. RE,2829B c1.7 (v-' 7.1 STEYENS.NESS LAW PUB. CO ,PORTLANO, OR. 9120~ I OA I \dili I \\ P"'KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, Thatnm,CARRIE,uJ.'mD,ES,LER, i JCIJlaERLXmA,[),ES,LERu"'l]QmRQ.lU::R1'.S"JQlJNSONmmummuuuummnum'mm, I for ,the consideration hereinafter stated, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey untp I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I BARGAIN AND SALE DEED ~ ,JEl'REYull,., 'nDESL.ER'n n nmmnu ,." hereinafter called grantor, ,nCJD"l'AMILYmTRUSTn'u., ___u' hereinafter called grantee, and unto grantee's heirs7 successors and assigns all of that certain real propertywith.:the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any~ise appertaining, situated in .the County of.m_.m}..ang..,_____.____m .nu' State of Oregon, described as follows, to-wit: SEE EXHIBIT CJA" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF 9365AOOI **0002** D7/28fB6ElT 11... 10 9365AOOI 07/2B/86PFND **0002** 10" ) 0 Date Received: b/;7 /dtJorj Planner: AL / / ' (IF SPACE INSUFFICIENT, CONTINUE DESCRIPTION ON REVERSE S"IDE) To Have and to Hold the same unto the said grantee BfId gra~tee's heirs, successors and assigns forever. The true and actual 'consideration paid for this transfer, stated in te'uris of dollars, is $___"":'.m_;"~ nn___nnn (J)However, the actual consideration 'consists of or includes other property or value given or promised which is the whole 'd I' (' d' t h' h) Q) Q) ) part 01 the conSI era IOn In Ica e w IC . (The sentence between the symbols 1, if not applicable, should be deleted. See ORS 93.030. In construing this deed and where the c~mtext so requires7 the singular includes the plural and all grallul}ati.cal changes shall be implied to make the provisions hereof apply equally to cor~7ation_s and to individuals. In Witness Whereof, the grantor has executed this inslrument IhisC}"rn..day oL.."........J,I.l,ly,......,:u, ..n..' 19..S,6..; if a corporate grantor, it has caused its name to be signed and s;J?affixeg. by its lice , uly authorized thereto by order of lis board of direclors. / ~ ../ /~1~' j). THIS INSTRU, MENT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT ANY ~~f~~/. ' { ...~9::;.. e' 'f ti:u~---- Ie ... PARTICULAR USE MAY BE MADE OF THE PROPERTY'. J DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT, A BUYER SHOULD "<", ,"-' m ,mm.'" CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY ,PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, 'flf Ihesigner of the aboy. is a corporCltion, use the form of acknowledgment opposite.j IORS 194.570) S'TATE OF OREGON, County at , " '~m...... I STATEOFO~E , ) . )ss. COHnty at, m mm,'-U" ) \,,'\lljllll/ ,'\'~' ,The Itore't@;pg instrument was acknowledged betore t/"l"'" D,fI,} 86 . ;.....mif hIS~.~n" ~lJ'" Y-> moo .. . ,19 ,by _ .;t:'~~fl.~;i,"i:i.T'.{'pe.S.1e!:. Jef!:ey, D.'mD.esle.r. - '\K~ 'fin" I' D 1 ~b S __ ... m Y..K;, es"e!: Q e!: ., ..,n ~ I~: ']Q'l')1'l,son ,,' '.J ~j /"2 n '<r>\!'USI \~~~,., ,~Z~ j""_ -. ' -, . ('.' ,. ",Y:;Ub 'C~D' 'egon , 'Y). SEAL) 'c. 0 .' I""..,.~,f 0 p' '0 ~:.M.r.commiss;on expires: S- 0 '87 'f .' j I,.,.""".......,.. I ! i ......nn....nn......n )ss. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged belore me this _______:___, 19.___ ___,by..._ ..m president, and by _ .mnm.. secretary 01 ......no......n ann.. ____ corporation, on behalf 01 the corporation. Notary Public for Oregon (SEAL) My commission expires: {If executed by (J corporCllion, affill corporate leal) 'mc.aJ::r.iemJ.,Des,l"J:,J,"JJ:ey,D.,J),e~J&L .K.iIDb.g.t.ly....A_L..De.~,dJ~x.1.....RQlH,U:;J;;....s..~ ...J..9J:mJ.?.9.D.... STATE OF OREGON, , ,.ss. GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS SPACE RESERVED 'DR County of ,mumunnmu, uu,unmmnu' I certify that the within instru- .ment was received for record on the 000000.... day of nnnnnn_.nnnu...unnn., 19nn,..., at mmnnmm o'clock _.....M., and recorded ,in book/reel/volume NOuumuuu,...um, on page u,nmmuuumm, or as fee/lilelinslru" ment/ microfilm/reception NO.m...........n, . Record of Deeds of said county, Witness my hand and' seal of Counly aflixed. G;RANTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS m'GJDFamily",T,n!.s"t, After recording return to: RECORDER'S USE NAME. ADDRESS. ZIP Until a (hClnge is requested Clll IClx slCllemenl$ shClII be sent 10 the folfowj~g Clddnn. .NO,CIJftN&~mumm.mmmmmmmmm NAME TITLE NAME. ADDRESS. ZIP By u..'.'uuuunuuuu'um'mU'n uuu,uu Depuly . . EXHIBIT 'A' / 8{;28~98 ' ~;~;';~<i, .il-.........;."tl!._~.' Beginning at a,point which bears South 00000'27" West 2202.39 fee.tall'i!' South 89057'15" East 20.0 f~et from the Northwest corner of the ~tephen D. Gager Donation Land Claim No. 45 in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the \~illamette Meridian, and run thence Ilorth 00000' 27" East parallel ~/ith the west 1 ine of ' said Stephen D. Gager Donation Land No. 45 a distance of 460.12 feet; thence South 89045'03" East 10.00 feet; thence South 00000'27" West'460.08 feet; ,thence North 89057'15" West 10.00 to the point of beginning in Springfield. La'ne County, Oregon. . ALSO: Beginning at a point which bears South 00000'27" U~st 2202.39 feet and South 89057'15" ~ast 30.0 feet from the Northwest corner of the Stephen D. Gager Donation Land Claim No. 45 in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette ~leridian and run thence North 00000'27" East 10.93 feet; thence along the arc' of a non-tangent 530.0 foot radius curve ri9ht (the chord of which bears' North 38046'38" East 206.66 feet) a distance of 208.00 feet; thence along the arc of a 25.0 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears North 00040'29" West 33.69 feet) a distance of 44.24 feet; thence along the arc of a 70.0 foot radiu$ curve left (the chord of which bears North 70040'51" West 46.30 feet) a distance of 47.19 feet; thence North 89059'33" West 70~26 feet; thence along the arc of a 15.0 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears South 45000'27",Uest 21;21 feet) a distance of 23.56 to a point which is 30.0 East of the West line of the Stephen D. Gager Donation Land Claim No. 45; thence North 00000'27" East parallel with the West line of said Stephen D~ Gager Donation Land Claim a distance of 90.00 feet; thence along the arc of a 15.0 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears South 44059'33" East 21.21 feet) a distance of 23.56 feet; thence South 89059'33" East 70.26 feet; thence along the arc of a 130.0 foot radius turve ,right (the chord of which bears South 65046' 15" East 106.67 feet) a distance of 109.91 feet; thence along the arc of ~ 25.0 foot radius ,curve left (the chord of which 'bears South 84024'14" East 34.01 feet) a distance of 37.40 feet; thence North 52044'30" East 196.21 feet; thence along the arc of a,470.0 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears North 26022' 28" East 417 .47 feet) a distance of 432.58 feet; thence North 00000'27" East 275.68 feet to Grantor's North line; thence South 89045'09" East along said North line 60.00 feet; thence leaving , said North line and run South 00000'27" West 275.42 feet; thence alon9 the arc of a 530.0 foot radius curve right (the ~hord of which bears South 26022'28" , West 470.77 feet) a distance of 487.80 feet; thence South 52044'30" West 195.81 feet; thence along the arc of a 25.00 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears South 08006' 19" West 35.13 feet) a distance of 38.95 feet; thence along the arc of a 260.0 foot radius curve right (the chord of which bears South 18010'27" East 162.19 feet) a distance of 164.94 feet; thence South 2.80 feet to the North line of SprinS Oaks,as platted and re,corded in File 73, Slide 252, Lane Coun ty, Oregon Pl a t Records; thence North 89057' 15" Wes tal on9 sa i d North line 60.0 feet;, thence leavin9 said North line and run North 2.76 feet; thence along the arc of a 200.0 foot radius curve left (the chord 'of 'which bears North 17047'07" West 122.18 feet) a distance of 124.16 feet; thence along the arc of a 25,0 foot radius curve'left (the chord' of which bears North 83001'46" West 36.84 feet) a distance of 41.42 feet; thence along the' arc of a 470.0 foot radius' curve left (the chord of which bears South 39041'12" West 160.39 feet) . a distance of 161.18 feet to the aforesaid North line of Spring Oaks; thence ' North 139057'15" West alo'ng said North line 62.3B feet to the point of beginning in,Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Bearings in this description are based on C.S. No; 23418 Filed in Lane County Surveyor's office. In addition Grantor's convey onto the City of'Springfield a 10.0 wide public utility easement adjoining all right-of-way herein dedicat~d as public roadway. EXI-l!c:';";' 1\ " , ..... " \ , . . .~ ........ '''\ . -"::". Date Received: 6:~ 7/r]OOL Planner: AL /' '/. ~ORM No. 723-BA.RGArN AND SALE DEED Iln..' . or Corporate). eJ62:6;;?,99 (;::,(,7 1&'7{1' STEVENS_NESS L.AW PUB. CO . PORTL.AND, OR. 97204 II Ii II ~ ~ L\ <;0- BARGAIN AND SALE DEED ''2!Y ID99 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, ThaL.., ...J,ACl\.,A....,GARDNER,..J);)J,H,~,~... ............... _ _ 0000 __.nnn.__nnnu.n_n___.nnu_______>__n. nnunnnnnn__n_ __._.u.n.nunnn..._.nuu...._.. __... n ."nnn__nnnn__u .nuuun _, hereinafter called grantor, for the consideration hereinafter stated, does hereby grant; bargain, sell and convey unto......RLM...\',....ENTERl'RISES ..ING,... ....,........... .......................... ""........., , ............ ....................... ..,.............,...........,..................... '...,' hereinafter called grantee, and unto grantee's heirs, successors and assigns all of that certain real property with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, situated in the County Ot.mn L.a._ngu mn' State of Oregon, de~cribed as follows, to-wit.. Beginning at the Southeast corner of Section 33, Township 17 South, Range 2 West: of the WI'llamette Meridian; thence North 360 01' 54" West 470.54 feet to the Southeast corner of EVERGLADE PARK, as platted and recorded in File 72i Slide 34, Lane County Plat Records, Lane County, Oregon; thence 'along the East bouooary of said EVERGLADE PARK and the East boundary of MAGEE'S ADDITION as platted and recorded in File 72, Slide 37, L,ane County Plat Records in Lane County, Oregon, North 000 00' 27" East 549.78 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 5, Qf said MAGEE'S ADDITION; thence parallel with the centerline of the McKenzie Hwy. South 890 '45' 09" East 343.47 feet; thence South 00003', 20" West 929.79 feet; thence North 890 09' 14" West 65.86 feet to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. 9365AOOl 07/28/86ELT **0002** 4. [] 9365AOOl 07/28/86PFND **0002** Oat';" ::" ','"ei'Ii~(j:*/7/;}o09 I - Plami0L f-\L 10 0 I i I ,I I I I, '" (IF SPACE INSUFFICIENT, CONTINUE DESCRIPTION ON REVERSE SIDE) To Have and to Hold the'same unto the said grantee and grantee's heirs, successors and assigns forever. The true and actual consideration paid for this transfer, stated .in terms of dollars, is $.__.tY\~ ___mm___mO @However, the actual consideration consists of or includes other property or value, given or promised which is the whole 'd t' (' d' t h' h)<D ~' . part oUhe conSI era JOn In 1ca e w IC . (The sentence between the symbols \!I, if not applicable, should be deleted. See ORS 93.030.) In construing this deed and where the context so requires, the singular includes the plural and a/1 grammati.cal changes shall be implied to make the provisions hereof apply equally to c~r~w.itioI:l_s and to individuals. . . In Witness Whereof, the grantor has executed this instrument thismdHt_!2t1ay o"L____.July..____.........,__ _"_ __., 198.6m.; ~r;e~o::~:a~~;;;n:fo~i::C~;;s~aused its name to be signed and seal a~iX~ by itfiJffice~s, d~l~ authorized thereto by THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT ANY JaCK "'Giif~~n...n... ,... n....n"n'" nn PARTICULAR USE MAY BE MADE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT, A BUYER SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, {If the .I{:tner of the above Is a corporation, u.. the form of acknowledgment opposite. I (ORS 194.570) 1 STATE OF OREGON, County of. ............)so9. I i I: ST~:~;:fOX~.. ..mnmmnnm j ss, .Th~' "'fore,4oinl1 il1"Rtru eJl1.L was acknowledl1ed before , llIH' ,,,.,,~ -Qt.I me :l.hi;,',:,~:,^Julf" ,;m mn'm...mmn........mm' 19.86.., by ..,J<lC.'lcA.,:.,Gal'liner,.mTrust.e.e.",nmm", \j~~~1~~~~~' ~ ('. . .'. t' ',. .,.,7/4' '>'t, , OF 0\'.-:':',';" The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this __ _ _.________., 1900......' by 00..0000.. ................... _ president, and by ....mm.. ..uu...nunu...nnu.__nn _ secretary of ..0000...0000....00.._0000....._000000. a .__. .00. coiporation,;on behalf of th.e corporation. I , Notary PubJic for Oregon (SEAL) , My commission expires: GRANTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS State of Oregon, County of Laneuss. I the County Clerk,,'in and for the silid C~unty. do hereby certify that the within instrument was received for record at IU'execuled by a corporalion, affix corporate seall 'j i ~ss. . :.~l" i" ,.j: I'.' ,....J,ackmA. m'Ga,r,dng,r,"mTru:s,t"~'gm ~ON, ~I ~ N W .r) NAME,.ADDRESS. ZIP Lane County OFFICIAL Records. Lane County Clerk :d the within instru- { for record on the unu.:..n....n;.'", 19,,,00,,,' I , mmM., and recorded Ie NO.mum.........mu:on or as feelfilelinstw" ;eption NO'h...'.nm~..., said county. hand and seal of ,..,R......M,., ,y" mEnt~rpris~s" mInc,,'m GRANTEE'S NAME: ANO ADDRESS 28 J'JL86131 nf, Reel 14 12 n Afler re(ording return 10; Until a ~hange Is requeliled all taxstatemenls sholl b. s.nt to the follOWing address. /'foetltttl(/e 'mmmm ' By: ~ Deputy TITLE NAME. ADDRESS, ZIP ....no...h,"""'" Deputy C 30-53