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Permit Correction Notice 2009-7-13
"~'''oiI:(,g.''~~''~~.J'~''J;j~'\~~~~:f\o'f'fMllJ"o''~~~.aL..'t~'"~.<~~;Io.o-~...,;;~ft~l~{r~~~~~~ . ">'. ' City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 22S Fifth Street ), YII--I VI ~O'j " /I"t -1 Date: ~ 7 f J3.../ CI1 Job# c:<g _ 731 Address:_hb9'1J Ma it! 51- TO: rka,,- I/11h'Ylk ,V, Inspection Type:_F,.,J EI<dv,:e. /Vf&'1tl6.'~(){):/JJ,C/"J", wro-lrL./~", J'16:4 Jv 6~ ,.J.)~",--It, C-I'" VC<;.I>'k.d. !IIt?'ItJ6, r),r;q ,911 .' Yu~,:J{....( 1/<; f- .f~,M-(5 '" c.-A f'Ctr~ ok+cc,. Ittt//IJ,/2-; 1'~~1 (')",-15,;)<- WI<<' cloo'" ,ud", f# hI! 11-1""...-11'.). F/wrl, 14J11-4 ,j'<<-t ~ JlIt,?--1 : JlJd- I-1?/!/V( .f-{,,'O'1 Yf" g...o cuo..,,1 ~c::c, -.I /Yt{II~, 17 : ifrt1- "-tr,,,,-lul~ i" 8;f~' ",../ VOI!I-'--J '-' IIf(;.3 ftI. ~'310 32d ,23: fUteJ ~ Qp.II!~f- /IIM--b r'f6lo cA),/-1. ;.., 5'>-- Jot. i:J- c'~ <<> rlcros I,n/t'. : N~ -10 /",51...1/ /.IYIL-/-C;Y hl!<1c./"Y c;vo,;j fV!i/1f2t1,3 .' f?y"V'.~ c';cu;/ (de. fa", ""f ~><rrf',) //"n~,",," On c< /'0,1,,,,,,,;1 C"W~",I. , . F."r W...1I . #~-I-~s , .' .' "" " ." '!' "" Corrections and reinspecti~n request shall be made within' '30, calendar days,', " . Call for reinspection gfyes'ONo ., Inspector8vVd'V1 ;J,/{C,,,,vdF.eJP7 . _Date: 7-/7, - b<1 ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";"';""'';''''C~II for. inspection 726-3.769""",,,,,,,',,,";,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Ql.Iestions 726-3759.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,.-\ ~ '---" ~.- '.... ,,-- ,...- ,., .' .,t.,. . :. ..' .'~. - , , . ' .- '>."- .~. . :... .: " 71( ~ '&'l/S " .. , ,