HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 7/8/2009 ...1 ": . . ~, " ~ .JLj.:i WARRANTY DEED FOR' VALUE RECEIVED, ARLAN H. FARMER and ROSE M. FARMER, husband and wife, herein referred to as grantors, hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto HOWARD E. ZINK, herein referred to aa grantee, the following described real property, with tenements, , hereditaments and appurtenances, to wit, ' PARCEL ONE: I<eglnnlng at a point which is 360 feet East of a point that is 94.57 feet South 40. 40' East from a point 105.2 feet North of the Southwest corner of the Paul'Brattain Donation Land Claim NO. 63, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, running thence East 60 feet, more or less, to the monument which marks the Southeast corner of Block 7 of BRATTAIN'S ADDITION to Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, as platted 'and recorded in Book 9, Page 6, Lane County Oregon Plat Records before same was vacated; thence North 196.3 feet; thence Hest 60 feet; more or less to a point due North of the Beginning Point; thence South 196.3 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING, That portion of the above-described premises included in that certain deed wherein Paul Hadley and Pearl Hadley, husband and wite, were grantors, and the Town of Springfield, was grantee, registered in Book 14,_page 490, of the Certificate of Registered Titles, being Instrument No. 3474, in Lane County, ore9on. ALSO: Beginning at a point 420 feet East and 206.9 feet North of a point that is 94.57 feet South 40. 40' East from a point 105.2 feet North of the southwest corner of the Paul Brattain Donation 'Land Claim No. 63, in Township 17' South of Range 3 l'lest of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon, and running thence South parallel with the East line of Tenth Street, 206.9 feet, more or less to the North line of Main Street in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon; thence Easterly along the North line of Main Street 60 feet; thence North parallel with the Esst line of Tenth Street 214.'3 feet, more or less, to a point 60 feet East of the beginning point, and thence West 60 feet to the place'of beginning, in Lane County, ' Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: That certain tract conveyed by Andrew J. Waffle and Stella M. Waffle; husband' and wife, to City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, by instrument recorded October 21, 1940, in Reception NO. 98967, ,L,ane County Ocegen need Records, in Lane County, Oregon. ' PARCEL T1~O: Beginning at a point on the South line ~f the alley running East and West between Main Street and "A" Street 225 feet East; of the , I Page 1 - warranty Deed Date Received: JUL - 8 2009 , Original Submittal TAX. I.-cT 41..00 '" . .' ''9". East line of Tenth Street in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, and running thence East on the South line of said alley 75 feet; thence South parellel with the East line of Tenth Street, 168.00 feet, more or less, to the North line of Hain Street'; thence Westerly on ,the North line of said I~in Street 75 plus feet to a point exactly 225 feet East of the East line of Tenth Street if'extended Southerly; thence North 156.05 feet, more or less, and parallel with the East line of Tenth Street ,to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. a ALSO: Beginning at a point on the South line, of the alley running East and West between 1,Iain Street and "A" Street and 300 feet East of the East line of Tenth Street in BRATTAIN~S ADDITION to Springfield, as platted and recorded in Book,~, Page 6, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, running thence East 60 feet, thence South 190 ,feet; more or less, to the'North line of Main Street; thence Westerly along 'the North line of Main Street to a point due South of the point of beginning; thence North 170 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, in Lane 'County, Oregon. ' Sub;ect to a Land Sale Contract, dated October 31, 1972, recorded March 15, 1975, Reception No. 75~08051, by and between Wilkes Enterprises, Inc., an Oregon Corporation, as Vendor and Arlan H. Farmer and Rose M; Farmer, husband and wife, as Vendee, Official, , Records of Lane ',County, Oregon, ,which grantee herein assumes and , agrees to pay,. Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions of record. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises unto said grantee, his heirs and assigns forever.' And the said grantors hereby covenant that they are lawfully seized in fee simple of said prem- ises, that they are free from all encumbrances, except as above ' stated, and that,they will warrant and defend the ,above-granted premises against all lawful claims whatsoever, except as above , stated. The $190,000.00. true and actua~ ~onsideration for this transfer is DATED this ~ day of April, 1976. ~4_ ~/_~~, - Arlan H. Farmer; J ~ ~ /d'>"4of~--<4-_....;t=-P.. ~~ r ' , <';} =- ~U?eMf.A- '}f/(. ~ Rose 14. FArmer STATE 01" OREGON ) ) ss. Coun ty of Lane ) , On this .jgt day of April, 1976, personally appeared the above-named Arlen H. l'armer and ~o M. Farmer, husband and wife, and acknowledged the foregoing in ume, nt st;be thJlir voluntary aot and deed. Before me, .'-/, _ -J';: , ~,-<.. .lVI.I~' tiry ~ub11o !or Oregon My Commission expires: ;I. ,-. ?? Grantee's address: 2278 North 8th Street, Springfield, UK "'f'. Page 2 - Warranty Deed' (End) Date Received: JUL - 8 2009 Original Submittal . '.. ,'J,..."",:..,.....""" '~", ' ," '" '.' ":T~'I;r::.:._- ......:. ."'..':.~..~~,. --.;, ,:....,...'~~,.. ..,""'\:'. " ' ~;. .. ' . '. - ,~ , ,C-<" r /r'; z.. .~..~.."!'-:'~..t.AU....~..~ .Ji23341S-=--.-!"--....-...--.---....... ',j '".11 / .. .. __...._' ", 0;1 <1, "/YOW At.t.. MKrf BY TH&Sa 'JeUUf'S, 1'1wI.. .......--......----., ..... , ~! .. ........ ,..HO~ARI1..,f...,Z,I/I'.._....._.." --.."..-'-..... ..._rMllMeallrd".",,,,, 'II 'Of ,,. U}nJid,.,lItion heniNl/I.r -'atMl. do.t ,.,.,.;tusi, 1MrllJtt, .u .",. OO/IIHY uttIo..." . ., .. . ........ . h.. . S PRl NO 1:1 fLII..,CHURCfLOf, r.KE...sRE,rHREH":..,..,.......,,....,..,..~...;...._.., ............ ,-, ..,..-....,..,.....,..,..,...., Iii hereinfJlI." eellfd ,r.ntH, ~ unto pantw, ,.,.., .. .. .. MIl""" all rJI fha, cn1~n,.1I1 p",,,,TI, rith,t. I lemmen'" "',edJl.nw.nll and appurt.n.no.. UwtcinIo ".~~,In.."".ap~~~~~NI"~C<<1n'!. I. '".~... , ..,... . , ,',' "II ' . . ~ . ./:.:!:~.~,<:~.: :~~~:;{ ij~.:I.:.~.i:.::~: "',',.,'".,,,'.',' ""'"'JI'''~,.' _:._'-<,:~.::. 3;:; ...:"." I.' .\ . .,( 1 ~ '\ :.......1 _!;,~.\~~,..) o\-{."6 _.: :;,:r~~ ~ ~. ..~,..",,~Y:4.~,,~..'i(~":'- . ,,0.-1;) .,,- ~.~. . ; .: :f:}:~'.~;~~/'1~t1t.;:~~ ;~~:;:;~~~~;~ ~!.~!~ ,~ ~."."....t:I)"\~",.~,,:".. .~...".;..,..._." to, '.'" .-- .."~~>;t~,:.. "~"'_ .:~ ../.~~~rrJ~~~;. f~;?;i~ , .. LEGAL PESCIUPTt H,ATT^CKEP" ''''-'''''','', ",,' "",.".1'l..",i""", ,', '" ,"r, . ~ ,1 -~ h', :;. .;J.:::.;.'; j l1',~.,j,1",.~l;. I . .." ~.,. .:.\.,.-. t}~~~~l::~b! ~. f!>.!:~::;L~ i/~ "..f... ~~~\~..~...:!: '.:,.:~,;: ...;., "'. .,;~'- ~. :' . " ' ','T~" ~.. .: ::< " .1_1 II j" I, .. ,...... :,!. ~L'::; , , t'"' ~ ..' ,.. -' j ~,,',:'~ ,',' I' .' ' ?))/,. '.i..l.;'f"',. t./~.::.;.:'.'-:: I 'f~~ j~';'~lf ~: ,..:, '. .~~... :.. i ....:.1 ~; .::: 9~ . ." ." .;" "..:;::c; . '..~;' " : ,":'. IW IMCI IHAlfhClIHf CQHrINllt DtlQtr'nON OM If'lUI' IIDIQ ....', . . To H...,. .nd 10 Hold 1M 101. unto U. ;;Jcf ,rut.. and 'ran,.... Min, ~,. aitd aui;ftt tCHrtt. "'- ........ STAT. ''''" ,............ '...., . OR.OtJIt, . .. --LAI1.L- .tQh"~7 ,.__............N..k............~......;..._..._........~.._....::; ;~. . ~ :~/,~~ !- ,IA..,u'. nAf. OP OUOON, c.ntr 01.--__ ,,-,.. .--J _ , :-';'1,; .,..:" ":::',": " ...._._....~.._._....H._......._._~_~...~...... .....~..........~_. Ifot.., I"tdJJ.,.,Dr."'" N, ~.,..,..,. .*,,","1 ~~I/IARP..f...J..J.HL ". "~_ i~;~~~';-~~. I '..' _ .". h..J . ~.' 1/ ..'~- ..~..,.- ,...~...1.;-:-~"'7J,~ ...... ..:. ,._..._ .....;..".; ... t ' u.:."'. _ ....1"".."..".-.-..., ,". I ,. ---... ' '-., "''''':ll~:j~' GRAHTEE'M.'__ .,..__,~ =---,' :'r,"'.".. Y::' ,: JUL 8 2009 ~ L -".~.....-..~.~...,. --.-.." 'C ~ -....... ,-~ .. " .~~ ,~, , "....'(~~' . ' ..,.; ,.. ~., , ........... "... ,",' ',' ," ~.'" " -, . J-" 8233-118 [1.T-I7.n ",:: ,.I ~ ~ 1l' 'oi 'tJ ~ ", PMCEl I. P.eglnn1nl) ,H 4 po1nt .ntch 15 360 feet Ca'St of. point r.ho&t 1$ 94.51 feet South 40. 40' (..t fr"", . point 10~.2 fe.t Norlh of the ,South....t corner of I,he pau) 6rattaln Oon.tlon l.nd Claim 110. 63, In Township 17 South, Ringe 3 ~/~st of lhe W111amette Meridian; .runntng theee East 60 feet, more or less, to tho "",nument which marks the Southelst comer of Block No.7 of Bfattaln, Adrlltto" to Springfleld, Lane County, Oregon, hefore same was vacated; thence IIorth 196.3 feot; thence West 60 feet, more or less to. point due Ilorth of the heglnnlng point; thence South 196.3 ,feet to, the phce of beginning, In tane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING therefrom thlt poftlon of the .bove described premlsos included In ,that certain deed wherein Paul Hadley and Pearl Hadley. hush and and wife, were'Gl"antGrs and the Town of Springfield.. was grllntee. registered 1n Volume 14, Page 4BO, of the Certlf1cate of Reghtered Titles, being lnstument No. 8474. P^RCEL lI. Beginning at. point 420 feet tast and 206.9'feet Horth,o' I point that Is 94.57 feet South 40. 40' East 'from a point 105.2 feet Horth of the Southwest corner ~f the Paul Br.ttaln'Oonatlon Land Cl.im Ho. 63, In Township 17 South, Range 3 Ifest 0' the Wlllamette MeridIan, In Lane County, Oregon, and running thence South par.'lel with the East line of Tenth Street 206.9 feet, more or loss to the north line of Main Street In Springfield, Lane County, ,Oregon: thence Easterly along the North line of Haln Street 60 feet; thence Horth parallel with the East line Of Tenth'Street 210.3 feet, more or less, to a rolnt 60 feet East of the heginnlng point, and thence West 60 feet to the place Of begInning., EXCEPTING nlEREFIlOH that,'certain tract c~riveyedby ^ndrew J. Waffle and,Stella M. Waffle, husband and wife, to City of Springfield, a ~'nlclpal corporation, by Instrument recorded October 21, 1940, in lane County Oregon Oeed Records, under Recorder's Reception No. BB967. ' P^RCEl IIi. Beglnnln9,at a point on the Soutb line of the alley running East and West hetween Haln Street and .^" Street 226 feet East of the East lIne of Tenth Street In Springfield, lane County, Oregon, and runntng thence Eest on tho Sooth ,line of said alley 7~ feet;,thence South parallel .nth the East line of Tentb Street 16B.00 feet, more or less, to the tlorth line of Main Street; thence Westerly on the 1I0rth line of ,old Main Street 7~ plus feet to . point . exactl} 225 feet (ast 0.1 the East line nf Tenth Street if extended Southerly: thence North 156.05 feet, more or less, and parallel ..Ith the Elst line of Ie nth Stree,t to the placo of beglnnlng, In Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL IV. BegInning at a point on the South ltne of the aHey running East and West between 11IIn Street and .A' Street and 300 feet East of the East ltne of Tonth Street In Brattain's Addition to Springfield, In lane County""regon, as ' platted and recorded In Volume 9, Page 6, Lane County Orogon Plat Records, running thence East 60 feet; thence South 180 feet, more or less, to the'llorth 1 Ino of 1~ln Street; thence Westerly along tbe North line of Haln Street to a poInt due South of the point of beginning: thence' North 170 feet, more or less,. ~~ the po'~t of begtnningt fn Lane County, Oregon. :~ , - , ,- . :"10.' ,~ . :"",;' 'of ,',' 'si; k;;t;;l;i:'(\ ::1 i: ,I ;': i , ! .: '.'.."'" ': ,; ;"",:..r ,..'.., J;..,(,r'!t" I "JLIt... .1; : ,.., I ,l.r.", ,. I :.1./ ..1,'" :lf~.... I , .'"" "1" I'" '. ",,,.-., " ) .'Ifjt":" ;,' ',: ',oJ" ;'" '., ",' ',',' ".-, ,;'," It',' ",,: :,:' ,fj(......,lr.', . . " ,....."l ....."f... ....(t..J ~ -J ,', '~'. 1 .,..,(.R,ii"1 it~,";':J:','Jlj)""i)J,';i,~L,t::.~~~v,., · 'I".h'~~"."'" ...,. ;,.E',(, -,i- ~r{.'," "",',.~.."~:",'.:.:\>lH." ,r, ('~' ':1,;" ")' \ ..~,.,~.., , , \.. ",'" . -( .' ~,.,- '"' "'~J.' ....q ',s:".l'h.;~'" '1!,.,~, .;, ,'IIU,I'A'"'' ,1;,'1.' oJ :t. ,If.' ,'l'tL'. ~...'..!, ~,~' 1111 ~ II ?MIL, Original Submittal " ~) I"'r , , ~.. I:.~~ ,. ,:':-1 ,.t:~ ,'" "1," '... . . '~..,~' ~> ~~,'; '-I~~:'~"':i:'I~l~'~'~~'~I'i;::-;-~rf;"'~i""k~'\"~' , ',' "f":~ ~.' .~1 ""~.", t ~1) ,'J' "II_.'-\~" .Il,!......~,~t (.\~'. .,.....,' ..1. 't.:< ~ . t.: t"t' ':" ....~.~.: (). .,.."A' :" ....,'1. ....I~'i~ .,,' ~'(,l"" "h:",,:tl::~~{'" :t.'~':~' ""':'t!.ii~l'~\'t,..;;.~.t';... ..",;. ''-'" '.'~WA . ~.,S '~ltff:. i:J;':..'I1~ I~I ~"':t~ 'i.~~1 oJ. ";ll~. ~'ifrr~) ~-I'l'i4'Jill.1 .~, 'r' I...}........,. '~J' .;0., (', .'!',) ',:.', ~'.... ,'I' -'.".1 tr .... ^ . . r I' .. I'. ~: ~ . ~. \J f i ~ ~ . - ":1" :;If = r I"'..... ~ . ,>.~ '.,: ~ 13 ~Ai . : ;.:; .. A .; s. !;~~, ~! ." ';~ n .. '".i " If ! .. ", ,'.: . 'il ~, g ~ i .- 0+>0, r r .on ~ 1 .....r.: ..... . 0 (l) ::~ ~ '~r ~ -.} ,. n ~ .. . 0 . "..... c . ~ -;c:: . ,~ ~ . .. ~ . ". ... 0 I"l -- - ..;.. .. . '. . " , . .>, : .~; . :::.. " ! . i. Date ReceiJ'ed: .,'~ .' .. JUL - 8 2009 '..;..~~~:..-.",,':'.,.....r'. . ," . .\- ~~., Original Submittal .. - ..', ..",0 - ,17:.. 3' ;...3$ -~'-) ,-"flh..~_;~:.., " . . . .-" l' ~ ~ t MA~..OS.!9.8~:, I~O!.. p._. <l. ~, "'1 ',- ,4G:}a:::> , 8SUU349 , FLWft"!lE J!l!!II WJI!:RItAS, tho ciuaClf 01' tilt J)",;... ~j,.:". 01 -AP!l"Crt!tD. vh"n 1lilll tuI.. l. IfRII1Crl1:U . CHtJ1lCH Of THE J.n..ItEM..IUCxallllunJr'ltXdZUIUOl::w:ll:.Jl...:lililU.:.JlJl.Il:u.:r.n:J:.UUUlllU....~ '.n......"wll'n"Ir!l}..~.. h.r'll'11.f't,.,. retnTel2. to &i"'tIi'i""'C~C&.&. ". "ho' ,\iOn,,- U "'. "I('l owner 11. ...t UN tolJov1..nc- d.acr1btd ...-,... Th. fiv. ~.. CO~t, t.. lut. nu.ber.d II rOll"'1 17-03-35-410-011600 17.0).)~-41-04700 17~O)~)S-41~ l'~03-)$-41-04900-101 17-03-3S-41-049DD~fOJ. .1.0 tnOVD II 1062-1096 KaSn .'t.. 5,ri.,fi.ld, Or'lOOl .tt'th.. co tbi. do~at. f4'lA,I1 IJ/IBl18 REC .....39. 2.... .nd .t.eribed ia -txBJI.' A-, "'Ull1 UII8188Pn1D .....3.. 11.11 to,.t.hr wUh Ul, 1Ilpr0y._nt. tberlOft, and 'Ul. t'urn1tW'e.flmd.1b1np and .u..r pl:'~Pf,.t,., real, per,onal And Wed, Us<<l ill COnDaoUOQ tb'l't-tdUa, or Ito14 ... JID'I!f..ed b7 ,aid 1I1ol;al, eonp"t:eatloft,' ani DI1 he....tt..r ae:q\l1N ot.bn ".,..... rli~], pt,..gnal or lI1xod In-c.annoct1= tbvwit.h, (all ot llbic.h 18 ~ rotClll'td to u the "Churib 'PntporU....)J ' , " r AND VIiImSAS, tho tMlt. allll priaa1pl_ ot ~ -local _CIOIII"l*u.on- U'9.. &CIltp&ad. 0" ~Ppl"OY1fd tJ"Oll tin to tt. b7 tho ABNUAL .....,.01...............4 or TJQf ~ ,.01_ . '. ,,,,jl, ,,' I, (h.r'1M.thr roteni'd to u a~l ConrDf'eDC:~)~ 6Id tbe wlocal ClOIII"IIUW 1.11 locllotod. 111., and b . ~rt of, the .DlSf)UCf '01 ~fiD!':WAS!lNC1'mr . ~ :nIt CkURCH or '%HI """;"",","''",1, horlWt'Wr ret,,",-.a I;;oCl u U'W "w:rnc.J.cz:'" AIItl ~, the H1d "local " '...." .,...' t.1C'lJ'" .., or ..,'PMo11'8 ftnIMSa1 and. othol' ...btorlc. tI'OIl IOIU or \hI boarda ot t.h, Cbanh ot t.bo ~ AID 1fHEiu:As, "4t::lIAt CCI~ ... authorisK the adoption or . p1&b, .. pIaa, tor Ond Cont.rol or ChlU'd'I pro;.UU,. tv th. J~e41 ~"'Npt1011f MGI the ~e.n.oW. and it 1, duirable and 11 to the ba~t Jm.en.,. ot \he aaid -local Iohp'tIp\lon't th1t euch . plan be .c!op\1Id and 08tabUebod. . . NCII, ..j~....n2. 1a ooniUuatton of Ut. prllld.ao.; tho JlUtaal __fib .. adnnt.lSu to bo pbecl, and tile s'" ot One o,llar 1n band paid, Ute Id4 .~ ccnertsat1on- ...l\.,..b7 uk. Imcnnt. ds.lA,.. ... 01"_, at tolJAwII (1) Th. taU "local concnPUoa. holds alld 11 ..,lCOd ot t.be M1cl _Qanti 'rtlp~U... nbJoet. to the t.~ and. pt'OT101OD1 hR.!. (2) TII."n.h.nII prinoipl.. of .... .Ud '10.&1 """"tauO" ...., UII GNU bo, .. adopOri ."" .ppro_ rr... tl.u to tlao !>7 tho A!lIfUAL CCIIlIIl!lIcs or IllIi __ OF niB BRE'tHRDf. (3) So :IDol" tho .aU ':lDo&1 _BIOtl... IIl&ll .~...... ..cb 811_ BEIJEI'3. .ne! unl... llld llIlOU u.. III)AAP (If AR8I'lllArICW. h...1nathr PI'On4Ol\ flip, .hall hav. tound to th. -~-"'~~~..., t.he -.1d -heal =nsrvoatkr,,- IIh&ll ban Ud ~07' th, ao~. and Gdun... po.....to". eon\.ro1, , ',_,.., -;....s richt at dttpo'Uiog .f' the oald "Ch\lrdl Pr'Opert.t., all lad .bUl ". rUPDmble C"lJI" aU ~.. GIlt UabWt1e. 11? conn_UOA tbvow1\.b. ;;""- I I I ....r.':... (po.. 1 0' J) (..nO~ on.... __) ~'.. . ~", ",",:",J,f' f" ~'.' ~..~ lt " .'; / R llceived: t , ..JU~ ,~8 2009 t. _. , Suilni !tal . . , " " I, ". ';' ~.';';~ " o~ - ........' . ........ '. :. .~.;'.:j-~:.:.,;~.. . .:';. ,.~ ..,.... ~- -. ..... ~ ._. l' MAR 08 1988p, - 15'03/l, ~ - . __ .-~~t"'.r_l~._~~~_._ :.~:"~'_:~.:.- SS09349 IlI!CUIlU!OII 9t l!!IH i (4) Ia tbo ilftDl ot ...1aU.oa. ot' aUo,u .0'1181:1_ '7 the .aU "lOW conluluiOil" troe oUch lat1HlEllhUofl. 1:1'1. ~U"UOU ......11 .. .~dtt".ta a I9ARD or .uatrl.l.TlOK to bo .. .,,,,,1 ,"",'e .. had.utror.at tOJ'tb)" of ...... .....1'1. thRiI to .. cI...1Pol'Cd ud ..1oc:ud bJ "yu StAJlD1Na C.-M..............<< TI.I ABlIUAJ. COlIFEREHCI". thn. to ba d.d,_t.d &Dd ItIhc.~.d bJ tho 'tt.oc:al COClnlu1oa." SQ' duI ..vench lMDbar 'to b. dut,a.uct .ad .000et" "" the .u ....n tIIi~ .,IIl. 11 lb. d. ......1'1 cb..' chanD ohall t.tr- to .,r-.. ~OD, at' f.U to ...t.D.OU ... .o1act:. tke U1y_tb ....r- vttbtn tb. p.docl of tt_ OI~ b7 tbo ......... .....:f.pu.... . ..lactd by uTHE ShJ(D CClt1Itn1 or TBI UQA1. COIfJ!UlfC&.", (Such perto" of tt_ . to Ii. not 1,.. dLoa ebhe1 eta,. dter wnuoa _tin) I cbe.. the ....tb. ....r 11l.all b. de'danatd and ul.eu4. by tho ....nI 00 Wi"'.. nd ..l.ced b7 .,.. STANDING COHMltTa or THl ANlfUAt CORrDmt." It tho "1' 'local ccnINPUo.' ollaU tall or ..el'" 10 -!Fat. CIllI ..1..' the IIlCllb~. ot the BCAJU) or ARB1'b1.tlON to' bo ...lena"" and oo1enld bT n" t4\M.za thirty dq. alt.er writtc notice.., to do tn. tho ..era 4el11f11W u4 .t1.~ by "T1$ STAMIlDIC COIIiI1'1'G or ns AII1AlAJ. CotrFlRIUCI,a. 'h. 8QUU) or AD8l1lAUOJiI aha.U be o,,~po..d or t.hr.. ..merl D~" '1lU'17,.l.;h.~. .-v. ..lI1snaW GIld M1eotod b:J liTHE STAtm1NG COIf.iITniZ or tAl AtlWUAt COlIfIRINCE." Action. t4kan. or apJ8'OftCl.1A vr1 Una b1, a c:.aJoTit.7 ot the ~.n .t ttt. 8OARr, or AW1'RA'l'XCN .ba1J. be \UOD. aD4 CS..1Ud \b be tno a.cUon or ttll!l 80lRD or AlIIITAA'l'lOJf" Mall be ~.t.nd:I.na'D u.. a2.Ha1, cel'cr-pUcn" and t.horw oba11 be no Ippeal t.h,...traa. . (5) U 10 .IIaU ~. '-.ad b7th. BIlIIIIl or _nIlUCIIl, thO, 'h. domU." ot'-' tht rrloca1 ~ftC1"'p.t.1.0n" tJ'O~ web ~~n"";,, bel1lf. 1. U\ertal.on1 luJ:totanUal', \Ja. "low con;tept.ioW' lball ourrend.er h11 and oxc1uai.... po....don, ~hl, ...,..".. ...." And nth\ ot dbpoe1tlon of tho ,d4 II(:buch 'f'O,."1o.. to th. Mid .D1atdo~,. Df U. nomiD", .rd .hlll ,nd. vill, .~ th. reqUNt: at Uw .Dl.uic~'II CQK:U\. UIl dalhu aU deetlo, ..n1p~nt.s, tranltu. ancl ~.r.doc\lMn\1 d..... br tbo 'IIDS.ride'. to b, roqll1dh 01" neeel..,." to tonwr, ...ian. tl'anItu and dilUTor h11 and ccap1tt. tlU. to, and excl"'tlh. ",o.l.alon ot. lia1cS"'Ctnu-c:h PrcperU..fl to tho "D1aV1C!t..- o~ St.. J>>a:I.D... . (6) Upon tho Uan!ltlr or t.h.; tUJ.. to, ant PD.....lan ~r, I&1d; "Cmarcb Pro~rU'I. t.o the .dd. ItOilt.r1.c-t," and. id4 "D1,tr1etll ,hall MY' al'd .~o, tM eol. .nd cxclu.dn pou.uion, tont-rol, -utlI1..nt and. rt'Ctlt. of d1lpo.ition of oo1d "C)!\IZ'ch Propef'Uu,. and: roq tranor.,. and. deU".. 'the ... to Illda loelLl oo","ptlo.. 01 tho CHURCH OF THt BI1E"1'HR&JI Upon pub \Ir.u &rd oancll:Ucnl .. 1&14 .Outl1.c\. ..,. d.... .-.niMblo. . " (..... 2 ot ,) (COnt1Duod n th. -' _I . r' , j Date Rece,ived: '.. ; ',,:,~ " JUL - 82009~ ;,~ ~ '.;.~'!.~:~'~;; '~' : ori~,nal Spbmit,!~1 ~"' ':'~:~L~ ' '.~~~.~;~ ...... : .,. ..4"'.,:-_.i ~ .: . ',' '. " . ."" . .~ '. '.- ~. ... " ','.', .' " .... :-:{.::.:.'l~. ~it'.:.6.~':"",:, , ...---: .'- MAR 08"1988 T '5'O~ ; ~_~'.' .;,~.~.......uo.__~_.:.. -- - ".. -* '. ...t,::'.t--.....,t.... .,'.I,liI-:,'_'." ,I......;.., ,_,., ... . .;"~"I~_! ':':.J;'~_ " SS09349 ! " IlEeLwftllllZ BIl Irr vttlllSS '1t'HEIIICP'. the .deI -local eonl"pt.S.on.. aid tho..... -Dbtd.ot" Mn C&U;a~ 'Chen pre.ont.1 to be ~ GIIov.ted. and d.Untwl t.b.1e'. d.q of' ~ l'~ '_DotA) . . '---'.~" . .. DI5'I1tICT or Arz.,....&J _ UJ~..:...tl.lc.._..J 'ClIllICII or _1IU'nIlIIlI fir ':::/i"';"'-tJ.,oJA- I~..' .~"(J;o ~p!;H r'....l ...t~, 8"'l$r C11\..~tCH Of' 'lHI .",i..".ili.I,j, ~\/~~ ~~; \'i{'.~:-4~0IDrd~~ fd'....J" ,'">;. .\V.'\\,,'. j'~ '(,\(1..\ If..... I~I ".f,.~. .,("., ~1'rol01~:'1,. n,~~"~"" -" 1.-.\" ~ " IT1UOI71 A(..o\~~~ ......._'-1'- -:~~~~;[':';i . 1,IIl, .~\.\ l\k\J\I..I!\ifOO' 1.>1, \(....1, ~'L,a-,..t~WQ " '"A~ry -:>-\0. \:, ~ ~n.j I '("C:~\\)JI'U ,T, "'k. ~ ,'?'_.".' , " \ <.. t I (V., alii., 10.. U -"-U ' 0.."" '~.. e. ' . ,1_rpo...141 U "'~ '-_tl4, . :"--':':.:. . "'0 tOIQ "..,. . '... .l}:'J.&:~.~.". . : !E.t.1.JJ.. . ....: 1::00.,...... . i.'~ ...OJ":- \ ' ,,'~""'~"'1". "::';.;": ".","';, Cll'lllI CJiVRCH. or !HI ,:,,,:.... ,;~.I., lI' lli" caa" ...., I Dr n-ao.. ....... nu_ lin.. , of J) ~>" -".i: , <~...., --'::;1 ~:. ~,;, ...., .:.,. . :~::~':';' " " Date Received::. , , '. . :. ",:1, ';..'" .' ;. . . -:"::, "::JUL -8 2009;[ . '~. '. ,...~ ....~..... . . . <t~~.'~ .. ';.'.,\::;'tbi-ipil1al Submittal' ';>~ l':..~:~~:;:j:~~'~;'.;:;, 0:' .:o~~~,~{!. ti. ;.:..:;..':~t~.t.! < , ~ "~'>~';~::~:,~::;/'t. ...... ". " -, .-__~"'....a:-- ....~.. r '. ~-;~:~ .i.~ .' MAR 08 1988 :. '.'.~~;~,~~~.~~T'----~:"~''6 ~_ 15"03 R ~,- ,'; 8809349 1!llIlt .t ur.IZ32 BZ3aus rftRUL I. nl!9Innlng. It , Mtnt wf1h:h Is 3(iO red rut or . point th.t C, 94.57 fHt South 40. 40' rJ~l rrtJlll " fll1lnt 11l5.2 feet tlorth ot the Southwst corner 0' '.ht! ro1ul RrlHhlll Urmatlon l~rnt Chll'l rlo. 63, In fownsl'tlp 17 South. Ringe J Ul!~t ." th~ WI1I"'~tt~ ,,\!o,.td'.,,; r1iitnlng lhect(ut liO feet.! mort or lus, to the fllOn\Jl'ltnt .mlth IltIrks t1~ Stluth(!Ast eOI"'fte-r of IJl0clr. 'Uo. 7 of Srlllltnl Mllltlon tQ 'SprlD9"flJrt. J.,,~ r.t,lunty, Dr~P1n. "f"fJ"~ $'. WitS \l'K.Ud:, t~. f1nrth l'Jfi.3 feN; thl!net ~l.st 60 het, 1'Ilo" or Ins to 8 f'I01"t due'lorthDf the hegln"lng mint. th~nr:. Snuth 1"6.3 fe'!t to the Ilhelt of begtnntnv. in lMt Cnlmt)'. Orf!ljon. !:l.urnrr. _ther~rrolll thot PJr"tloll of the Mo'" deurfhed ,..rCfllhp.s In(I'.l~C'r1 In lh,t c~rt.ln tff'~-l ~lereln r,"1 Itadl.y Ind rea'" IlIen,,., hll~h'nct 0'11111 w,,~. ~rt fi"./lt.or! cl'ul lhr Tltllfn of Sflrlng'ltld, WI Vlntee, ""lJlste,.~1 1n Vnltll!'t 14,1".ge 4M~ nr the C,rtH1c.h 0' R~gh.ttf't'l1 Tltln, bll'I"g InUI_I'Il fiG. 8CT", j rMCF.l 11. n"9Innlll'l M , point "ZO rt~t Cut clnd 2fIti.9 1"& horth Gr , pa'"t thn ts 9".51' h'l!t ~fJutl1 40' "0' hst '1"0111 cl point 105.2 feet NG,.th of the Sout"""lt (I),."er. or tile r""1 "rlll"'n Donllt.I,,/l tanet Chi.. rlo. 63, In, Townshfp 11 South, q""IJ~ 3 \fi"t ", th~ WIJI"",etlll! '\!rt,lI.,,,. 1n"llt'n. COllnty, Oregon, .rid ",""'n9 . It!.pl\tp. St)ut.h (lArllllet.wlth till! ri'st lint 0; lenU, Strfet 2n6., fHt. lIIOie or 1 eS5 to tllf! lIor\tt line nf ,H11 In 5tr~..t ,In Sprlnsrffeld, lll"e County, .0090nl -thl!lIer hstl'!d,:'.\long- tl~ Qo';th liMP. of HI'" Street fiI'I-ftetj -t.henc:e Itorth hlMrlll1#tl wHh thl' r.nt lIne nf lenth Str'ftt "IO~J reet. !*Jre or len, to t IJolnt rlO fePt folH of the heglnntn!J f1olnt" find th~e West 6fI fe.t to the JlIIIC" nf bo!ogfn"ln9. F.-X([I'TlItG TII(llrrROIt thllt e,rutn tract conye1td by. Anrlrew J. "jI!ffl~ IlId Stell, U. "'" ff I'! , hoshaftt! Me! wfre, to eft.r 0' . Srrlngrt.ltl, A IIIlllllctp.1 <<rrporatfnl'l, hy tmtrlNnt. rfCorded October 21, 194(J, fA LilI"! taU'lt)' Or'9On Otftd henrds. under fl:~l)rdtrl s Itfcept 'on UD. 8l!961. rMCCL Ill. nC!lJlnnlng at .. r01/1t "" till! ~nllll, lfne or t.he illey running ElSt "nd West fo.~t.wccn '~'l~ 'lfI~~, t:~1 ",r f('J,r~~ l25 f.et EAst of the (I5t Hna of I..~tJ~.. ~n pI'" nlJrie)~; Ulnt .I)Unty, nrtgon. And runntn9 th.ntt F.etlt on Ute ~ne M ifll<<1 ~flfY 15 ft(!t; thence South parall.1 \'lith th, [1St line af lenlh StrEmt lfill.no "lPt, IIIOre 'U' less, t" the tlorth 'llne of ""In street: . then" ~sttrly 011 t.h. north 11M or Slid tt, In Strtet 7~ plus feet to . fJlJlnt'.. ulletl! 22S r~t [lISt of thf! rut ltflr ftf Tel1tl1 Street if ,.tended SOuther'" ttu~nt:t north 156.05 fttt, IllOrt or 1"5S..I"11 parallel with the.[ut 111'1' 0' Tint" Strite to .the pl,ce of beg'nntng, 111 lane County, Oreto... '. PMCCL IY. 0091nnln9 at . ""int nil lh. South IIno of th. alloy runnin9 Ent .... \lost hetwcef1 '_In Street ,nd -A- Street And JOO feet Ent of the hit lint ,r Tenth' Stl"t'et In Arettaln's hldlUon to Srrtngfh!1d. '" line Courlty. OnOOn, II phtt!!'" .and r-ecord(!d 'n Vnll1M g, rllge 6, L.n. County ON90fI Jlht Records. runnln!] thenc~ Ell5t 50 'eet; t~"Cf SDUUt 100 f'Nt, mor" or ,.U, to the n.,rth llnr of ",,{II Strtf!'t; thPftce ""U';.y Ilon.9 lhl! rlorth Hne of naln Street. to ,-. fOlnt II". $f'lUth of the ,"'Int "f bot~IMln9; thence north 110 feet, lI'IOre or ns~ tD the J"Ott,~ of blgl""I",, 'n l..n. CGuntl, Dregcm~_ ., ''-'....... , Da~ R~c~iveif;i- . ,-. :"'':.' .' jUL:~82009 .' ~: .. .;~. .,' '. ,:'Ori9ln~ISU~rtl!tt~,1 , . ," .. .0: '., .. ,. < . ,~ ~" :. ....: '. , ~'. .... I ".}' .:.:. .. ...; ~. .... "';" c'. L I~ :'~ ~, . .....(. II t t ArnFl ft~ObRDING RETURN TO: ~ ,0' \ \ - , "~~ipJ~J11k~ /01). J17avru ft , Mf' ,O~ r11-?l, " DI"..lo" 0' Chle' Depuly Clerk ~441-4106~4 Lane CDun\y D..d. and Roeord. 'VU -V 'V ~l~ m ~t ~~Jl~llt 'lW~1'~~J~!!111:13~:~ ': RPR-REST Cnl:1 5t...1 CASHIER 88 '41.00 810,ee $11,88 Date Receive JUL ~ 8 2009 Original submittal . . EXHIBIT 'E' DECLARATION OF llESTlUCTIVE COVENANTS j()~ ,a' 11- , THIS DECLARATION OF RESTRICT;VE CoVENANTS (Declaration), dated I, '1-01 ' , 2001, by Lane Srlelter Care/llrethren Housing and its succes!ors and assigns (Owner), i8 given as a condition precedent to the award ot HOME Investment partnerships (HOME) Program funds by the City of springfield (City), a political subdivision of the state of oregon, toqether with any successor to its rights, duties, and obligations. RECITALS: WHEREAS, OWner is the owner ot Brethren Housing'S Four Transitional Housing units of affordable housing (the Project) located in the ~ity of Springfield, Lane County, state of Oregon, more particularly.de:s.cribed in Exhibit. "A" heretOJ and WHEREAS, city has been designated 'by the'U.S: Departmentot' Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as a participating Jurisdiction in the HOME program pursuant to 42 U.S.C. S 12701 et seq., 24 CFR Part 92, and amendments thereto; and ' ' WHEREAS, Owner has applied to City and entered into a Housing Development Grant Agreement in an amount not to exceed Four Thousand Forty six Dollars. WHEREAS, HUD requires as a condition precedent to the awarding of HOME program funds that owner execute, deliver and, record this Declaration in the official Land Deed Records of the jurisdiction in . which the Project is.located in order to cre~te certain covenants running with the, land for the purpose of enforcement of the affordability requirements of the HOME Program,'.as set forth in 24 CFR part 92; and WHEREAS, owner, under this declaration, intends, declares, and covenants that the regulatory and restrictive covenants set forth herein governing the use, oceupancy, and transfer of the Froject shall be and are covenants running with the Project land for the term stated herein and binding upon all subsequent owners'of the projec~ and for such term, except as specifically provided herein, and are not merely personal covenants of OWners and DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Page -10ate Received: JUL - 82009 nr~~ ,"I t .. " " ~EREAS, the Project's units will be ,eligible for rent by qualified low-1~come families for the full term stated herein; DECLARATIONS: NOW, THEREroae, in consideration of. the promises and covenants hereinafter set forth and of other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency ot which is hereby acknowledged, Owner and city agree as follows: SECTION 1 DErINITIONS All words and phrases used in this Declaration shall have the same meaning as when used in 24 CFR Part 92, unless the context requires otherwise. SECUoN 2 REPRESENTATIONS, COVENANTS AND WARRANTIES OF OWNER OWner hereby represents, covenants and warrants as follows: (a) The project constitutes or will constitute a qualified Project as defined in 2'4 CFR S 92.2 and, in consideration of the HOME Program funds, the Project's unit!s) will be designated as "HOME-assisted units." (b) All HOME-assisted units shall be subject to the affordable rental housing requirements of the HOME program for the term of the Declaration. ' ,lcl The units will be available as HOME-assisted rental units, for occupancy by qualified low-income faMilies and subject to all other applicable affordability requirements of the HOM~ Program for the full te~ stated herein. . Cd). Subject to the requirement. of the HOME Program and this Declaration, OWner may sell, transter, or exchange the Project at any time, but Owner shall notify in writing and obtain the agreement of any buyer or successo~ or other person acquir10q the project or any interest therein, that such acquisition is subject to the requirements of this Declaration and to the requirements of the HOME Program. owne~ agrees that city may void any sale, transfer, or exchange of the project or any HOME-assisted portion of the Project if the buyer or successor or other person fails to assume in writing the requirements of this Declaration and the atfordability requitements of the HOME program. Cel owner will, at the time of execution and delivery of this DeclaratiQn, ,have good and marketable' ti tle to the premises cOhsti tutinq the Project, free and clear of any 11en or encumbranc~ (except encumbrances created pursuant to this Declaration, any loan documents relating to the Project or other permitted encumbrances). (f) Owner warrants that it has. not ,and will not execute any other Declaration with, provisions contredictory to, or in opposition to, the' provisions hereof, and that in any event, the requirements of this Declaration are.paramount And controllinq as to the rights and DECLARATION OF 'RESTRICTIVE COVE~TS Page -2- Date Received: JUL - 8 2009 Original Submittal ....-..-----!. 1111 ~ .." ---- ., conflict herewith. SEC'nON 3 TEIlM OF DECLARATION <a) This Declaration, and the Terms of Affordability specified herein, apply to the Project immediately upon recordation, and OWner shall comply with all restrictive covenants herein not later than the first day after Project Completion as' defined in the HOME Program. This Declaration shall terminate Ten (10) years after project completion, unless HOHE Program affordability restriction. are earlier terminated due to the occurrence of any of the followinq events; (1) forectosU%e, (2) transfer in lieu of foreclosure, or (3) assignaent or an FHA insured mortgage to HOD. SECTION 4 RECORQING AND FILING; COVENANTS TO ~UN WITH THE LAND (a) Upon execution of this Declaration by owner and City, owner shall cause this Declaration and all amendments hereto to be recorded and filed in the official Public Land Deeds Records of the jurisdiction in ,which the Project is located. City shall pay all fe,es and charqes incurred 1n connection therewith. (b) Owner intends, declares and covenants, on'behalf of itself and all future owners and Operators cf the Project during the term ot this Declaration, that this Declaration and the covenants and restrictions set forth in this Declaration regulating and restricting the use, occupancy and transfer of the Project (1) shall be and are covenants running with the land, encumbering the project for the term of this Declaration, binding upon Owner's successors in title and all subsequent OWners and Operators of the project; (2) are not merely personal covenants ot owner; and (3) shall bind owner (and the benefits shall inure to the City and any past, present or prospective tenant or the Project) and its respective successors and assiqns during the term of this Declaration. Owner hereby agrees that any and all requirements or privileges of estate are intended to be satisfied, or in the alternate, that an equitable servitude has been created to insure that these restrictions run with the Project. For the term of this Declaration, each and every contract, deed or other instrument hereafter executed conveying the project or portion thereof shall expressly provide that such conveyance is subject to this Declaration; provided, however, the covenants contained herein .hall survive and be effective,rcqardless of whether such contracts, deed, or other instrument hereafter executed conveying the Project or portion thereot provides that such conveyance is subject to this' Declaration. . !" SKCrION 5 ENFORCEMENT OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING REQUIREMENTS (a) owner covenants that it will not knowingLy take or permit any action that would result in a violation of the atfordability requirements of the HOME eroqram. City, together with OWner, may execute and record any amendment ox' modification of this Declaration and such amendment or modi~ication shall be binding on third-parties qranted . rights under this Declaration. DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Page _3.Date Received: JUL ~ 8 2009 OriginalSubmittpl "." I! " I '!' .,""" , , (b) ,~ner acknowledges that the primary p~rpose for requiring compliance by Owner with restrictions provided in the Declaration is to a.s~re compliance with the affordability requirements of the HOME program, AND BY REASON THEREOF, OWNER IN CONSIDERATION roR RECEIVING HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP FUNDS FOR THIS PROJECT HEREBY AGREES lUID CONSENTS THAT CITY SHALL BE ENTITLED, roR lUIY BREACH OF THE PROVISIONS HEREIN, AND IN ADDITION TO aLL OTHER REMEDIES PROVIDED BY LAW OR IN EQUITY. TO ENFORCE SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE BY OWNER OF ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS DECLARATION IN A STATE COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION. owner hereby further specifically acknowledges that the beneficiaries of OWner's obliqations hereunder cannot be adequately.compensated by ,monetary damages in the event of any deta~lt hereunder. (e) This Declaration may be enforced by city or its designee in the event owner fails to satisfy any of the requirements of this Declaration. If legal costs are incurred by city, such legal costs, includinq attorney fees and court; costs (ineluding costs of appeal), are the, responsibility. of, a~d may be recovered from, Owner~ SECTION 6 MISCEL~EOUS (a) severability. The invalidity of any clause, part, or provision of 'this Declaration shall not affect the'validitY,of the remaining portions ther."of'. (b) Notices. All notices to be given pursuant to this Declaration shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when mailed by certified or registered mail, return receipt, requested, to the parties hereto at the addresses set forth below, or to such other place as a party may from time to time designate in writinq. I i i To o,mer: John Tamuloni. City of springfield 225'Fifth5treet springfield, OR 9?4?? I\IIlIIja.le IIJn6~, 4lA\Q., c.~V~ IlF _;~~~~ , 1fl?'2. MAul S'r'~'l:j.f*'7'1 This ,Declaration shall be governed by the laws of and, where applicable, the laws of the united States To City' (c) Governinfl Law. the state of Oregon of America. IN WITNESS ~EREOF: OWner has caused thi~ Declaration to be signed by its duly authorized representative, on the.day and- year first above , written.' ' OWNER' GIW~ of",,,,'' SU7~~ IlY: fS)rJ ItA AJ A.~~ ,- - , ( Title: 6~.C06~ . CITY('y\ ~ " "u.,':~u ...:~. WU Date Received: DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS page -4- JUL -8 2009 Original Submittal 111,_".,-' , . , . .. . .. [--=~ STlcrE or OREGON ) W! COI&IIS5IONNo.336311 ) 5S. ' ,.._~~l~~~~~~"~.~J( County of L,ane) , Personally appea*8d eforeye ~iS' ,1~~ day of, 2001, the above names ..;~.... _ # ~..;",...." I and foreQoinq in~trument to e hIS/her voluntary act and N~~1c~o~n My Commission ExpIres, ?'6~d . STATE or OREGON ) ss ) County of Lane Personally appeared the above named Mike Kelly as city Manaqer for the City of springfield and acknow~~~ed the foregoinq instrument to be his voluntary act and deed on this ~day of ~ , 2001. - <.J . IlFACIILSEIL JUUE A., WlWI ' NOTARY PUIllJC.OI1EIlON COMMlSSllN NO. 302813 III rAlMMSSllN lll'RS JULY 1. 21101 ~..:..c.. ()... (.I'XllN..f't..) "Not y Publ1c for, Oreqon My ommission, E><pires, '1-1-0 \, I:\OOCS\DECLARATION or RES~RICTlVE COVENANTS.DOC . Date Received: DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS P~ge -5- JUL - 8 2009' Original Submittal .' ,ILJ-J1 '~ .... 13G' ~ i 2100 ~ I . ~, : ~ ! ~' ~f Cl ~'f w , Jf .... ' ~f .:::- 44$A' I f :15 ..." "Q. I -_~ ~ 16 17".18 <'"'''' t , -f-aRAu~ 19 2 21 ~ i :SECo~LlL,l",~ ,,2:23,2 ~~ ~ "'-a. - ~~-- -U4t_.JJ-4 ~, ,J.2lf!7; Q,L,C, 63 < '"'''' _ - l_.~___ ,-:;."....... ,. !>' ."" Ei;e-Ifff-~I -- . ~- . .....' (.Jt;-=iJrlf--fllf---oH:;.f;:; /:~-.LLL'~. "....,o:t,-,~~...,~~l) I PlWECTDl 9"'''.' ~ ~~~ ~. r ~111 roo ,....1<......- ~D;.C: 39 i 'nu - :..' -.. ,~"" 0 ~ ..' T .;~! - -., -, '(, 5400 ~ ~ 5700 ~ b 8 ~ 6801 ~/7100 i '5300 !' , fffi"re.... i - ~ l/') , ~ ! l!l 7200 I ..-.J&S eo, - I , '~<6l.' I ':':~~ Ir~_LJ , ~v ~ 8" I i 7>' "1m- .. II~~ VE':; gi 64' I 3e' '~\S~ i ~ 6800 ~ i/7000 ~ ',: ~ ~ ~," 5500 i, 5600 ~. 10, "I I \IV" _ u. ~ i f ~.:':OO ~"-: 6tt3 I ',,"' I' ~ I :I :~O.22 AC" 6602 _~h'~PAR,l' i: I rF:."Ij(HV I . 9147" It:1I~ -&!_ lB , . ~ I ~ 19' . . i ~1I' , , , , .--..----......-------e;:-, , , .e:5'_~ I - ... "lo t. : I'" 0' o I[) I 10 , ~ ~, I I , , , ! '" ... 1400 .""'" f 45,S' , r 130011001' I , I , , , , , .. ,. ,.. ~ 2000 1 900 18'00 1700 2200 ~ ". ~ 11 -'~'- Sffi-f-ET "'0' ; '" ,. ... '" ... ... ,,. ,.. ". ..' ~ 2300 o 3200' 0 I') I') 3400 o o 2500 ~ 2700 ~O ~ (g>~~~ ~ '~J~2) ,"' i 3. I ~vr) n' ,.. J <\ f\\'@'V ; g5~Oq@'{v 5000 4900, ~ 3000 2900 3100 (fj)~ ~ 2400 <\~ ,,-:; \~~ I ~ .,...... .. .. 60' 4800 45004400 4300, THIS MAP IS PROVIDED AS A COURTESY OF WESTERN PIONEER mLE cOMPIDa1:e Received: THIS COPY OF ASSESSOR'S MAP IS PROVIOEO SOLELY TO ASSIST IN LOCATING SU8JECT PROPERTY, NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED FO,R DISCREPANCIES IN THIS MAP AS OUTUNED AND THE ACCOMPANYING LEGAL DESCijlR110li 8 2009 MAP # 1703354104500000 JUL. ~mittaL .~_._--- ~, 'r. ~ .JLj.:i WARRANTY ~ FOR VALUE RECEIVED, ARLAN H. FAJU.IER and ROSE M. FARMER" husband and wife, herein referred to as grantors, hereby grant, l)argain, ,sell and ,convey unto HOWARD E. ZINK, herein referred to as grantee, the following described real property, with tenements, herecti'taments and appurtenances, to 'wit: PARCEL ONE: ~eglnnlng at a point which is 360 feet East of a point that is 94.57 feet South 40. 40' East from a point 105.2 feet North of the Southwest corner of the Paul'Brattain Donation Land'C1aim No. 63, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the ,Willamette Meridian, running thence East 60 feet, more or less, to the monument which marks the Southeast corner of Block 7'of BRATTAIN'S ADDITION to Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, as platted 'and recorded in Book 9, Page 6, Lane County Oregon Plat Records before Same was vacated; thence North 196.3 feet; thence Hest 60 feet; more or less to a point due North of the Beginning Point; thence South 196.3 feet to ,the, place' of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING, That portion of the, above~described premises included in that certain deed wherein Paul Hadley 'and Pearl Hadley, husband and wits, were grantors, and the Town of Springfield,'was grantee, registered in Book 14, Page 490, of ,the Certificate of Registered Titles, being Instrument No. 3474, in Lane County, Oregon. ' ALSO, Beginning at a point 420 feet East and 206.9 feet North of a point that is 94.57 feet South 40. 40' East from a point 105.2 feat North of the Southwest corner of the Paul Brattain Donation Land Claim No. 63, in Township 17' South of Range 3 Hest of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon, and running thence South parallel with the East'line of Tenth Street, 206.9 feet, more or less to the North line of Main Street in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon; thence Easterly along the North line of Main Street :GO feet; thence North parallel with the East line of Tenth Street 214.3 feet, more or less, to' a point 60 feet East 'of the beginning point, and thence West 60 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: That certain traot conveyed by Andrew J. Waffle and Stella M. Watfle, husband ,and wife, to City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, by instrument recorded October 21, 1940, in Reception No. 98967. ,Lane County Oregon Deed Records, in Lane County, Oreg()n.' , ,PARCEL THO: , , Seg1nn1ng at a point on the South line of the alley runl1!ng E,aIIt : d" and west bet_en Main Street and nAn Street 225 feet Eauaie fl:i@CelVe . Page 1 - Warranty Deed JUL - 8 2009 ' Original Submittal ,/"<'A\..DT 47.eb I , I -, . '~ ,',.. .'1. East line of Tenth Street in Springfield, Lane county,'Oregon, and running thence East on the South line of said alley 75 feetl thence ,South parallel with the East line of Tenth Street, 168.00 feet, more or less, to the North line of Main Street: thence Westerly on the North line of said ~~in Street 75 plus feet to a point exactly 225 feet East of ,the East line of Tenth Street if extended SoutherlYI thence North 156.05 feet, more or,less, and parallel with the East line of Tenth Stree,t to the place of beginning" in Lane "Coun ty, Oregon. ' ALSO: Beginning at a point on the South line of the alley running East and West between Hain Street and "An Street and ,300 feet' East of the East line of Tenth Street in BRATTAIN'S ADDITION to Springfield, as platted and recorded in Book ?, Page 6, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, runninq thence East 60 feet; thence South 180 feet; more or less, to the'North line of Main Street; thence Westerly along the North line of Main Street to a point due South of the point of beginning; thence ~orth 170 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, in, Lane' County, ,Oregon. Subiect to II.'Land Sale Contract, dated October 31, 1972', recorded March 15,1975, Reception ,No. 7S~Oe051, by and between Wilkes Enterprises, Inc., an Oregon Corporation, as Vendor and Arlan H.' Farmer and Rose M. Farmer, husband and wife, as Vendee, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, which grantee herein assumes and agrees to pay. Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions of record. TO !lAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises unto said grantee, his ,heirs and 'assigns forever. 'And the said grantors hereby, covenant that they are lawfully seized in fee simple of said prem- ises; that they are free from all encumbrances, except as above ' stated, and that" they Idll warrant and defend the above-granted premises against all lawful claims whatsoever, except as above stated. ' The $190,000.00. ) ) sa. County of Lane ) On this .f,;L day of ApeU, 1976, personally appeared the above-named Arlan H. Farmer and ~M' Farmer, husband and wife, and acknowledged the foregoing in ument ~bC' ,]ir voluntary , act, and deed. ,Before me. . " ~ , , ' , ,....... . ~~~ ',' ~i?y PUD'uO o'r' regen My Commission expires: :I- ~-. 7,? Grantee's address: 2278 North 8th Street, Springfiel~, UK ~/.ff. , Date Received: Page 2 - warranty Deed (End) JlJ.. - Ii 2~n3 , .... .~""-" ., -, Ia'i I -,", . i-:: .t. .A:.'r.: :L'::~!:,';~;~~' '\ '......~.." ~~...'J:.:-./i.';::. ,(',.'" !~~..'tl',:-"'~~ ~~!:i:r" f.~,:>~,1.;-...-,.. ~~.~:~:.:~.t...). :': ".J .-:', ..... "~', . . '-'" ',,;' ~ .' ',/ ...:.... = t;~~:i::;;...:,.. I _j I ~;~;f{<::-: ' ~~~i~.:;~. :.~~, I: *'('1,--:'-:" I r';;,p~~:. r:~~~ ' '.f; ~If"" '-;' .:~ .,~~~~'< ,~. "_'i' .'If:'. ; J , ' C" r /';32., .~~~..'!*"':'~.~""'''''~-~ '.fJ233418~~-~......'-"''''',----,,,,,,, "oj r ',."''/ ..,-,; .--....-:- 011 , ~ KNOW AU. MIfN BY THUll PIlUUTS, 2'hoI.......,.._"..._.................,.. , " ,I I .................._H,OrllA,RII.,..f..,.z.tN[,--....,. ,...,- ,........... ", ..,.,....nil/IN...,Ird~_.., I' for the comldn,ltlol'r r-mhllll,r .,.,td, 40ft hat6r ".., b<<~ ..u iin4 ...., unlo .. . N'" .~..... .... ." .... : ,SPRI NG,F.,/ fL,II..,CH,URCH.OF... TJ/.,E...lIRETHlE/I, ..,....:.,.,,::..,..,_.... '."-,', '-,............, ,..., .....-...... ..,.......,..,...... 1'1 herGlnaU.r ",,,..1 't.".., ~. U"'o.4t~_. ~...,.. ~.,", ", and.~~ Ill! ~.tM' ontain IY.J P~ttT tr!~h ,Ite I ten-manl., "'rodtt.~t~ .'~ appvrl~~~~..~~..".!.It~.-:~~..~~~~..,~~~ ~n:~ ~n.tT. It . .,........_....i4"e."......,.,.._.,..",sw..oIo.'!m~. I, r,' ' ~..l!<,...,'" ,...,. "I' ~,,::>::;VJ{~~~~f~::.f~i,;~~r~~ "~ .. ,e ,.. <.<,.~:~~J'; {iiil :~4i "'~:;<,'"rf.?~tl~~wir!~::t.,)~ ' , ;L , ,'. .' <", ..<. ,::,,"/;i~r~i i~t~ ',' " :','LeGAL..I1ESC~fPn ('A TAC/lI;ll : ',':', \':'f~'),?.., .",,,":/if,,':'.',;:f:( ,';:, , ..' ' '?::::":':~'):";;':~;:;::"" /nW~i.f!t;,~';t,;,)~,;;,';'~;'~::~:;; :,f,t.::,t.'.,;,:.~'.,t . . .~.. "~'., . , ... . i'.:::.: ;'.:,;..' ., 1/_' "'. ::~i~:~i~l,~~~82!~~C . ' '.'.: :: 9,'- ,~:t~", .:\ ..,'. - .,,' .:-.- lj. , '-:~: .. I' , l' .. '.-: :.'. .t- ~~:-::~:: . '. ':;~:'.' ".' .;'1' .~~ ~ ~ ~:::~? '::"", ,.... ...... . '. 1.,1MC!....."ICIINl'~fNUl.CIfICIlI'flGNON.IVlG.IlDI1 ". ,,:, .........:.;....::..".. TD N..,. .nd to Hold 1M Nmif unlO ,,.. ;Jd ,t."'" .nd van,....ItMn, IUCCNIOta and _,"'/~; '. .... .:., 'Tho I.... ... octu<l coMId".,IOfIpald I.. 1111. If_... ".,04 In""'" 01 dollon, II ,.I..U"o.Q.o..,a.lI...;;,,:~" ~Ho"e.,.r.' the actual oOnIld.rllUDtI condit, 01 Dr lnclud.. 'olllet ptoptrty or y.Jr.M ~1Y'tn.or ptO~".hlCh;'lt;:t: , ::::-:;. ..,;,"dOl.,/on (Indi..,. ..h1c1l).~(ftI__I;;..,.."o>>,U""ONI__,,;J,-.~~iuhji' '.':' " ',' ;,'/nOoiti/nllnl tN."o<<tond ..1wt.u.OoIl/oII.oo-roquJ",t,.. il~u /ni:ludAo /~,'~.fiMlI1l:~' . ',':CII ....I/UJ!~~J.tIO'""hlJliJ rI"'''''iPptj~1it;; "..., /iono"",,/,;-jft;$/d"'" " ~t,'~~ilW/-~' '.' .. /iiiflr.r.~IiM'~"'Wi' , -, '/hJ.'~' ',or.J'J:,4litci:/iOf ~ 'K'ii.~lfx~;:j-";' biiM'e:-.;m'~'tO~_,' ,~ " ,". ,. '''''Jijit'' ,.'Ii ' , ':'.'iJtdil'0I16;",";;"Old~" :', "':" ':..',~,'" :,'to',""',,'''''' ",,...1 rPl":'It"'&V:i.'~"'~mM'l. 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III ,..:... :.~..~~: . MIl .f..,., oorporariM 'l.::~~/J' 0' ft. bo.ttd 01 #hcktrtJ"'" Me" 01'" ;;~~..' ... ......w,.. ..w . '0 lit I,.' .....nt.,. DC' ..,... . . i.... ;"({,'~f, ..... mil . ,,~., '1',' " . ...... ':ir~ (O'''CJ~~':: ,j,.} , " aaIUJ,,' ' "...\ ............. '....., ITAT, eo. . OItIOON. I ' 01 '-_...LAnL.....__..__ .. ,tphu. Jt7 II,.,/.t.. I I ,I ,. wIT"""" ........ .....,~._~_~._R I.qp.~"..tl.. _____ '..... :,::;,.d1""'<(: ~,,""",.::,:......._.._..,.-......,. .__~...",,~.~'~~.. fIII""fefAI lrulN. __ 'Qi<r~' ::- '''ti'\-. OIl ... -..., "" . 1'")1 ..<< ' /? (OF;/C' . ~' ,_ "..(~tf..tS~ .'AI4' . . . .~ fiF \, . '1l~~'''::::::tQ.d,H6" . "..". . 'II'~' < l~.;'. ;,~;;;,.~.;;o:-;;-'-~.w__._... ., ......,"'... _",..t /lDtlARII_ ,f,.,JJ.//L .____"..._..__.i ......,_ . "1/ ..!:;,~ ;.'. ~.;:~l'~:.'~'~"~'~:-' ~, "''Sflli Km(~i?.:l1llil:cli1O F,fJ1f, , ::. :" ~:::~:.~:.~~.:{~~~.3f~~;., :.;~".'~~ :-:'.:~:~~:.~:' ...."n..IUI..MaI...... .';. IIw -.6It..... ~ GRANTS f..,_.. ,..........,,-c..;.:.....,: Original Submitt",1 .-..-,-~.~.-.. ---.'. > . " ..' . .~, ~~. , ~,~,,~.~+-;..... 1:"-01 " ,."'.-;'~": -, J' " 8233<\ 18 [I,r.ln? !I ;~ ':~ " ," PARCf.l I. r.e9lnnfnq al . ,,,,Int ""Ich Is 360 feet Cut 0' a point that II g4.SI feet Sn~th 40. 40' Cast from a polnt,IOS.,2 feet North of the Southwe,t tOrner of ',he P.ul Br!ttaln Oon.tlon land Chi.. 110. 63, In TownShtp 17 Sooth" Range 3' ~J~st of the Wi 114fftette l'le,.1dhn. foUr-,;t n9' thece East 60 feet, more Of" less. to . the monument ""lch,llIl\rkS the Southeast corner of Block No.7 of Brattatns ^drlltlon to Sp,.1~9fteld. Lane County. Oregon, before same was vacated; thence IInrth 196.3 feet.; thence west 60 feet. more or less to a potnt due north of the h.glnnlng poInt; thence South 196.3 feet to the place of begtnnlng, In L.ne County. Oregon. nCEPTIKG therefrom that portIon of the abo," described rremlses Included In,that certain deed wherein Paul Hadley and Pearl Hadley; hllshand and wife. were Grantors and the ToWn of Springfield, ""$ grantee, registered In Volume 14, Page 4BO, of the Certificate of Regtstered lltles, bel ng I nstument No.' B474. .' ~ .-, ., P^RCEL \I. Beginning at a point 420 feet Eut and 206.9 feet North of a point thet IS " 94.57 feet ,South 40. 40' East from e point 105.2 feet Korth of the Southwest corner of the Paul Brattain Donation land ClaIm No. 63, In Township 17'South, Range 3 ~rest of the Wlllamette l'erldlan. In lane County" Oregon, and running thence South parallel with the East line of Tenth Street 206.9 feet, more or leB ,to the lIorth 11ne of Main Street ,In Springfield, Lane County, Oregon; thence E~sterly along the North Itne O",Main Street 60 feet; thence North parallel with the,East line of Tenth Street 210.3 feet, more or'less, to a point 60 feet East of the heginnlng point, and thence West 60 feet to the ~Iace of beg,innlng. EXCEPTING TIlEREFROH that 'certain tract conveyed by Andrew J. Waffle and Stella M. Waffle, husband and wife, to City of Springfield, a ""nlclpal corporotloA, by Instrume,nt recorded Octoher 21, 1940, In lane County Oregon Deed Records, under Recorder's Reception No. 88%7. ' .~;~.. . : ~ o ;-.," . ~,' . ",' ", , PARC(L Ill. aeginnlng at a point on the Sooth line of the alley running East and West "etween Haln Street and "A" Street 225 feet East of the East line of Tenth Street in SpringField, lane County, Oregon, and running thence E.st on the South line of said alley 75 'eet; tllence Sooth parallel with the East line of Tenth Street 16B.00 feet, mOre or less, to the tlorth line of Haln Street; thence Wosterly on the tlorth line of said Hatn Street 75 plus feet to a polnt ..act I, 225 feet East of the (ast 11ne, of Tenth:Street if extended Southerly;, thence North 156.05 feet. more or less, and parallel ,with the (ast line of TeAth Street to the place of beginning, 1n Lane COUAty. Oregon. . . . . '. .,. 'L~:;;:::~~.:~;lt.1 i~~~.:'';'.:":~: .::~ ~~ - ~ .' cl i PARCEL IV. Begtnnlng at a pOint on the South line of the alley runnl ng East and West between /0\81n Street and "A' Street and 300 feet East of the Eut line of ,Tenth Street In Brattain's AddItion to Springfield. in Lane CoUAty, "regon, as platted and recorded ln Volume 9, Page 6. Lane County Oregon Plat Rec:ords, running thence East 60 feet; thence South 160 feet. more Or less, to the 'iorth Itne,o' 14aln Streot; thence Westerly along the tlorth line of Main Street to a point due South of the point of beginning; thence Korth 170 feet, more,or iess, to the po1.nt of beginning, 'n lMe County.. Oregon. ,..'.;,..,;" ,,;-..',' f....., .:ff;'..:.I'.."..... ':','';/ .....,:,~.r,;..:,'.'" ! ~tjJif;,.: {")..;!:'';; ~:.I':~.;...t.:~;.'.'ll.{,~~: ::,,:'>;'.~n. :,f!;(sr:,~''?I'.!i~./.~., ~,Wlf;J'< pt. . . .. .., : .. . ~ .1..,1 .' . N'. '. ',... I, I" . ; .... i ' 'J.l!....,;,\,~,' ,'1';'(""',:,'1';"';')"'" ft'h.,..tf.. '\, ',\1;I'~' ';~l" {:::.};It . 1 ""'~~';'~:':t,'C:;':l;\1JliJiJit;'i,;j;-'F,~.v~(fA~~ ~~i':1{;Mij ,r;;1~'~).', '. ;..'.... '..... ... '..<' . .;1. .,...'. '!. ~",:~~t:,o/;'.'" I '.; .:"j',. 10, r$.... ,v \,' .JUL (I L.OU.J "'.;~;"~lli6liiiiIi' .,e._... ... ': ~',' " . ::. ~;" '. ,...:t'i;'f;'" :~~~!l;fi;i; ~';","~;"'''~:', ' .':\/1 , . .."" ~~~.._~LM~\ ~F~\r:",";.~'" . e~ ~~.Gr:,>: ;\. ::-'~ , ,'.... .. . d. ~ "'.< .....:' ' '" ,',':' "1 t... f I 1 ~ '.: ~~ 1, ~ I .,...... Cl'l .-i ~ .. . .. .. , ~'-:;... vo... .. ~ -. - , . ,t~ e .., g~:. .S~" . . .. ":::U'" . II ."'2 "' ...... ~ . L~.;m .E- I".e ..'I :=; . '. .. ...... =g' ,.n. . - . :: !sl .. '. "~:'-""!':L~~::> .' .. l!. i III ~ , ".:~ .. ~ ,,' '""'1;' '" . ....)..... . !'~:'J ....".. er: 1;-, ~ ~ .... !~" ! i & Date Received: . . . . ~ a i j I: :: J .; j ! JUL - 8 2009' ~ " 1 ~ . Original Submittal . '"' .' ''''''I''~''''''''I''''''~ l',...",',' "",.:Il~'~': ...."""...,;'....,.71.L"I'J<.,;. . .' '..,.. '".' 'ii'.. t' .,1. i.~:.. (c'" ; "i'r~ ,~l.-:'I, \ .~: .j~'1 ...f'. ,:"'~.'" r;,.?~. f\.d,. ~.U.\~,.:'~,.H-.J \oj f.~.r;,:;;,;;";';~:,:'" :~rf.~II;,~!'l,~I,~~V').. ',..:.li<:;~ (~~\,:,,~,,:~~:r;(.", "!p.f.,,,"~:i' Fl' '<~I, ~ . ~~f.1 ~..t....:.~~<1.~.;~::. ".::~~l~:'~I'~ :F.:'? ':'~l~;r":, _.~;.~(;:;.?,. ~t '.~':':"'s~ f. (,....: .:.,; .~::JIl~i\'~,"l ~ ,11.. . .,~l.i. ~"~!.'.' ,:,~~\~~~~.,,,,;\l,lt~~,f~:~,i:.:t, . ."~ria.:~... ~~;f;::fi""""'':'~ .d-, ~ "'~~~..\:\O . . i.,.' ,17~ 3' =-3,5 -~(~J ~:':..._~:'-:. .. . MAR 08'-1988: ISO; ~ i _... ""~ --. .. - .\1 ,., , -) I. L(Cj~ ~BOCJ349 ll!I:LWlZ2! !!t J!!!!I: h'HDZU, the CRmCl"or 'tilt I: ;'oI,.:,',..! ot .1'!I!,c;r1ELD~ who.. 1e....&I .... h "'I-=n~ CtftlRCH Of TMr. ta~ETHREM..UIlUL1UUUU.aXQD'UUl:X.IU(altUX.hll..A:.XI(X.JlU::"""'.UU:~~__ "~n'''.''..';It~n.,, a "erl.J.n&n.11' .~r'lTM1 to ... till II~~ OOn,sreP"loDD,1I U U\e 1"'["\1 owner U, t.. ot the tollavtnc dHUUflS Jd'IIde... . The tin La". COllftt, tas: lot. ft'-'ared .. 10 U.... I 17.03-U-41;.04600 . 17"03.35"410"0000 11-03-J5-6I.o41OO 1'-03-35-.1-00lO0-I01 11-0)-)5-4'-04900-102. .110 kflovn I' 1062"'1096 Kala It.. IpriD.fie14, OnpllI. at Ueh,t11 10' tM. clDC~QC.. ,!UlAltl '1118/11 RR ""IIN %t... .,.4 d"crlbed .... -DRIII'I 1.-, ' !l4~IAlI1 1111811SPF1C .....101 'I.... ..... tq~t.hn with th. 1cproy.ilnt.. u..hDn, Ind th. hnu:tw-., turn\ah1np and 0UIeI' P't"pert7, rQl. .PerlonU. and JId.ud, u..et 11& COMlaUon \h.re.....tb., 01' be1d ... po.....ffS b7 .a.1d 1110011 eor'l&hPtUn,. &lid .., h......thr af:q\l1.n otha' p 'I~ ' '\ ~ rci.11, puaona1 or lI1xed in comtIcUoa tbv4lWitll., (aU ot ..tdch. 1.a bINlaaft.. ...r..... to u the "ChUl'Ob hop.n.1...), I AND NHIiREAS I \b. tenet.e aid pP:lDc1p1.. 01 '- -local OiOIl.I"pu.- U9 .. ___ Of' a.ppro""" trea tllH to um. b7 the .uu.vAt _...:..............: 0' '!HI' CP.UIC8 01 'DII, ; 'n.".. " (hflr.1no.tt4P r:.t.JTtG to .. "bnual Coftt.NQC'lI"), ardth. .~;a1 DDIlINPtttra-. 1. lcCIlt.t'd In, and b . ~rt"or, \h. OIStRIC'1' O'f OREaOl'l""ASMlJfc;TOII . 9f' :rilE CHUR~ or 'tHE 8IITHRlm, hUI1.nafte,. "t"n""~ &0 A' U.. JJ~utp"'''i'', . AIQ) VHER!'.AS, ~I N1d "lbcal COft(repUNl" hh, 01' aq.""Mi..... tSMDoW &nil othu luhtano. tram I0Il1 ot the bo&rda ot tJl, Cbvth or 1.h. I., .,. ",I Alii) 1iR!Ia:u, ".UltA1AL '-W"~"'D I .... .ut.hor.l~td t.he &dopt1oa of . Jt1a. or pS,u., lor.and CDI'IU'ol ot Chvch r-~r- .1.. b7 UI.. lO:C61 eoncrepUOftt &as till' DSI;~. e.n:I 1t 1e do'1rable and 10 to th, bot,t. :intenn. 01 Uu, a.1d 'local ....pt.lon" th~t twm . plAn be> &dcIpt..t IJJd, ..tab1bbtd, . NOll, "~IoIl\Do, 1Ja oondderaUOft oC tha pnII,1eu. tbI JlUtU&1 btalIU.. IIIl od''''t.aa.. to ". p1nod, and tho ... or OlIo lllUar 111 hob! I'dd, \lie MiA '10001 ccnSrtr.lt1on' doe. her.to' 1l&Jet. known. d.G'la.rt aid 4p'e', .. J'ct1JaWlI (1) Th. .aW "local conC...ptioa' hold, and 10 .cU._ ot t.be N1d. "CIaInIi 'rop<trUtI" I1IbJtet to the t..... am )lftl'i110D' b.,..t. (2) '!'h. t..n.t. .All pr1nc:::1p1... 01 \h. ..14 .~c.a1 tonpoepUon- loft, aa4 IhaU -be, 41 adoJthd &ftd tJtP:'Dnd 1'nlIl tat 10 t1M b7 \h. .....n'.u. C-"olII"l.o;,&l_ 01, 'JHI CHURC. Of THE ~.."".".. , i J I ..,/., (3) So lone .. tIIo eaid .1oD&l oo.ncr.,_t101J1! lhall 0"'..... .uell .,~ 8&UEF5, .net \lblo.. lAd untU tho BOARD at ARlIDATICW, b.r.lN.tt.v pnn'1deO tap, .hall hi" round to the eont.r..".., t.h, N.1d .beal eonpo.cat.io.ft" ah&ll ba.,.. aDIl ~ ttl. ooh anll. cxc1u1... po.....loA, conbol. ~ IIliliS r1cht 01 dbpll1Uoa at the add .Church 'Pra~rt.i..,. and .hall '- ruponalbb l-or .u ...... lilt lhbU1t.1t1 11:1 connOCUon therMr::l.Ua. (pop 1 01 ,> c..~ ... tbo _ pop> "'L. . "'-;0.. ~;+, 7-'.i~ :~ t;: ,:,:1 ;:"," ..; I . '"~~~ ~'fi. ..1;! "' 4.~ . :"',J ;. ''',/::'> ' I. .. l': ~.~ .$..,' ';. ..~.~' . :~, ~r~:. .P,t~Received: \~:;)::;~ ~U _ ~ 8 2009 .;...~tt.... ~~~. !' '. , ." , ',~ -;'~. ~"~ .' ....r.. . ..... .'. '::i:./#':'-::'~. .' .1':.'" ~ .:' .'.... ;, Oriciinal SJ/Qmitt<o' ' - ~- -, .'~: "... 1" . - MAR Q8 1988., 15"03 F. : _...~.;~:... -,r-" . ~-, - ~ ....-""'1'.-. - '---~-- "...----.- - 8809349 JlI"L'U. R[ DlI1 (4) to eM ...,,1; of ...I..UOII. IlII' .Ue.d c1..bUoa b, lb_ ..U "IDeal con,us,ctOO" fI'~ net! Ilt'tIIID ,.Ud.. me ,UII1IUaal ..11 b. .'*-iU"'CO . W).\a.D or AUttL\110!f 1:0 tie CDlll9011" ("C.,C .. ber1naftel' .1Rt fctnb), ot ..... IMabU't thr.. to be duSIMUII .-All ad_cUd It, "DE StA.llDllIC.._....__ ,. m AJIIUAI,.. (OllrERINeZ", thl'" co" d.-ilnac....d ..lec:Cd bJ' the "local 00011'...<<108,- 11\4 C. ...,.atn ...,er to b. .I..tpend .d ..I,;t" b, cba 'lJf ".n th_ cbD.... 11 tbe 11111 ....n u...' chonD ..,.11 tail' to I'''' upOll, 01' f.ll co ~11..ta ad .uaec. C.ho .nlnth lIlUIbu vlth1a tb. pa-tod"of ct- ..t b, m. "'en ...tpat...... ' ..laced by UtilE stAlfD CIJOunu or tII& iJlWUa.t. c:arn:u:JCE." (!udI pertod of d_ to b. not 1... tbla thirty day. aftn' _rittln DOc1cI). ch.. Chi ...-t.b ""1' .1aa.l1 b. dulln.td and ullc.u. by thl anb.n '0 ...lpac.d aDd ,-.lee".d " ""raa STANDtNC CCHirnEl Of' tilE AItNUAI. eGlfl"DllCE." I' the .a14 "1Deal COnif'.pUoDII tbaU taU or nel1ett. to dntp\41: UId ..l., 'the 1MlIIb~" or ttt. ac.um 01' ARSlWUcm to ,.- ..lI1cnat14 an4 nJ,aetecl b7 U, td.Ul1a tMJ't7' II..,.. .n.... vr1t.ten nat.lct eo to do ll'Oll Ut IQIIben u~W4 and ..lecrt.e4 by 'THE STlHDINC C<l1~IITnZ OF TIll oINIIUAL COIfFIIIElICI:," tn. IIOlJlll OF AIlBl'l1L\noII oboU be cor:t.pOted. or thretllabtrt on.Qt, nu.l.1, t..h. \bN. -.be,.. dHlpW NIl H1.oted. b7 "THE STUUING C~TTEi OF THI ANNUAL coJlP1R.!ll:t.. 4cUon taklln, or .ppl'Oftd SA W'r'1t.in. b7, . uJori\.y or th, ...... of ~ BO.Ultl or AW'lBAftotl .-u be \aker& &ZIll d,elled to be tn. ac:t.1lIn ot ~ BOARD 01 AJlBItI41'lOJl, IMU be "01nd1nrI on tIl. .~ . CC'I'C"'Sat.ion" .nd t.Mn ~ \Ie no apptIJ. t.h....trroa. ' ell It it ,II&U" ___ by tll. BQIlII) OF ,\III:t'l'RloT.lCll tho. tb,.drd&Uoa ot the ,,~ eo.,..r'SIlUOn" troa lUem ~..-. 'MUd. i. ..."triAl ... aui:t,t.ant4a1', \Ia. ~loea.l ~ftI!'t,&t.lon" ..'\aU I\II'f'W'J' f\tll ani uc1'ol1ift po...mon, eontNl, --..- .If"\. and ript. ot cU..poI1Uon of the IUd IIQl.urdl Pl'OplrU..- to t.b. add 'D1Rrio\.. or lt1 Ma1Ilt1., .n4 .l1&U and wU.1, .t. \h. r~.\ of '\be -Dbt.ri.ct.1I tIPGlIte&n4 deUnr aU d..d., u.lp'ft1nts. t.ruaterl and '~II'_docUlUnt. d..-4 b1 \be .Di.'tri.c"- 1.0 b. r..U' or nt;I!IIlrr to etlnYeJ', .sa!gn, \.ran:Ir., end dtll.nr l\IJl and CGIIIP1etA tiU., to, and. aol~d.'t'. pu....ioa ot, ..u "C!Nrcb PraPeru.." to Ue "D1It.dct.,. or it" noa1net. i (6) Upon t.h. WAnder ot thl \1\1. ta, UJl pa","1On or, atJ4 -CtMIrab Properth." to the Mill .D1atrlct.,. &nIt.1Ud. -Dbt.rict" .haU haT' .nd ...,a, Uw tole and ea:c1\ll1n pa_unioD, CGnt.rol, unaaerunc. IlIi npt. of 1110pod.tlOD of aid. "Ctlurch ProperUu," &n4 ra:r \.",nllr.,. and. deU..."" the .... tel noh lDwconcnpUon 01 t.tle cHURCH OF 1Kt .BR.EI'HllEJf \l~n ....eb t..r:n, and cancl1t.1Dne u &&1cl "Dbt.r1ct." .,. d... ad'r1Mb1e. (po.. ~ or ,l (_ .~ \10. ~... _I .:~.:, ' . 1 ' '" J ; 'Date Received: ,', .. ", JUL :.. 8 2009 ~. :.~~ ' ~"I ::'::, \, ~-.:! (' :,<: :~~jf .,-;.r-~ '4~~};."J:' " . , , : '" : . . .. '. '. ;. ". ", 'Origiri~isu~mittar: . .. '~.;., ~> "1::~ !J~:,:"t1.~;Il~~:' ."~~,~,: ,j' .~ :f~' ""..;. " .., -',-.-' - '. ~_._: r~ .-.... 'J.' . MAR 08 1988 '5'O~ .............w,~'I~'-.- ~:._-. ," I.,.... _. - -'r_"-.. ._ , c@;-m. ~i"', ,.- ~"..~9 Il!I:LWftlW II D!I1 . In ......'......... VHDIClr. tb. 'AU -local coftlftpt.ion" MIS t.IMl..u ~ M.,. C&UN theu pn..u to M ~ ..wted. aM 4.11""" W. d&7 of ,19__- t...tAl ....!-;._.. " .......~'..~ or Ar...,.~.J_ u..t...........a.J. 'PIDJ CHURCH 01' TBIr JUDGUDI 01 ::"..:.~~Ll.,~ I~ 'd"', :1. ~~f:.~ t:,.,.,l.~44 cnUHCH at MI,,-, ",'''jlO (el" , ... ,D! l~ ~~ ~i~J,."tJ ...,/ ~ ";, ~1/:;t.~"~OU.:Adb\)o'\l>l'.!~l~J*-al~.l1.~'" ".; I\~ ,\",~ (.10,...\ ,,~. Iq'i, " E.;.....~.-'.q"'r ~ if.. At.t."at. T" "t ,. . . ~ ~ 'iJ.." .~; . . - inUoI A tog,......~.........'l ' 7)qto C 1/1 ~...... flo~,.~..\ u..'ok ,!\ ~~~, ,...L. a-,~..4~ie IliuL.. -UAM ~-\o~I:." ~ ~lW-J\Ul\,l"dl\\)olI\U 'T "'i.. ~ 1V.:l<7l , _.,.' . , I (Us. .bay. fGm 11 .......t.ta 18 u.-'t ,~ te. L..,...., II it ftlt1_lpInW,' . :. :...:..~. '. . tHe to.- balail). . . ..:. .~.~:~l.:~'.;.'" . :!e"t,'\,s.. . ...; ;lC~"""" . \.~ ;.aU~" , ...:::;-.~.:7.~. ",r C';' .... .' orllll Ch'UllCH 01 'rill l"":,,.',J... t:I Ip.. ...t_J j ., InKM nu>M rl"ll:8~ ,Date Received: JUL - 8 2009 <..... , ~ )) .. ~.f;L,. Original Submittal .~,., ;,. ~ t.. .:., . :~'..:}(r... , .' . ~ :: .~: " " , , .. '. .. :; .~.~~ .......1,.~ ~. I .~ ~ '. .,'. f ....'If't. . .;.,,~:,: '.~ ..~~ ~ ":'><J~:.~::;(:'~'/' ~~..),~..i~t~;;,:;;:' :;.,':::::{, ~\,";:,,~<~i~:} , ' " , .. , . ~ -, < MAR o8--i988 ' '1. ~:~. ~~j.#'''''.r:'~~~...~t''"'CI:ID.~'''~'''' ~.~ - '.'---.- --. (503 R ..... .l.-' - - -.....-_---~.~. S80<-Kj49 IDIlIt A tLT-IZU 8233U8 , PIIllC[l I. fle-g'nnlng ,t a ""ln1 ldlfr:h 's 360 feo~t (ut of . point th.t tt 91.57 f..t S"..th ",0. "'0' (.sl from " ~t"t ln5.Z feet f10rth 0' the Southwesl corn.,. o( '1.I1ltrtlul nrlll..'.. UlJMtto-n LAnd ChIlli 110. 63. hi Townshtp 17 South, ft,n" 3 Up,st "f the Wllldlllette t~rtdtln_: ,.':111111"9 thece [ut fiO feet.lftOrt or "ru. to themonUlllenl tlblch IlIIr\;S tlte! Southeo\5t eOl'1ltr or Block No.7 0' BI"'.ttttn, ^,Mltfo"_ to 'Srrln9r1eltl. I.l",,~ r.oont.y, Orf!l)On, be'ore UIIIf lIIlI1 ylt,ted, thenct 'lnrth 1'36.3 h(!l~ t1leoct >>est 61) feU, IIIOre 0" lns to I I'Ofnl rfft lIorth of thlt hegfnnfnq mint; ttlenCt Snutll-l'16.3 '""t to the plftt o( bQfnnlnv. In l..ne r.o'lnt)'. O,."gfJft. [Xc[rrprr. there(",," tll.t p)rtlrUI or tht above dfterttled premhl!5 tnrl'J'!elt 1ft th.t t:f'rt.tn rl~rt ~ltret" rillt lI.dl~y md Pelrl 11.111111. hll"h.nd <'Inrf W!rll, ""rIP Gr,ntor\ And the Ttntn OrSflrfngfteld. wal 9I"lnte., rpghterlu!"lft Vollllll. 14. r.ge "RO, nf the C..t1lf1utt of R.fghtlrtd tltl"~ t)('ln9 Instllll(!nt Ilo, IJU4. . PMCn II. Rpqfnnln" ilt . J1(llnt IlZ0 flct (ut llr\d 2nS.9 f..t lIo,.tI. or . pet'nt lhIt" '....S1 feet 'lJuth ~fl" /lOl hit (rOIll /I potnt 105.2 feet fto,.t" or the Southwst (I)""'" or the r"1I1 Rr.ttltn Oon,\t.ll)n L",," CIe'_ flow 0, In Townshtp 17 South. q"lUl~ :'I \f~"t tJf the 1I11 hZlttttp. I\:!r1011.,n. tn lIne Count)', OrtQOII,llld n.lMlng th"I1C~ Sllnt,h 'Mr.o111e-t with the fillt lint of Tenth Street 206.9 ff!lt. IllOr9 Dr \~S~ tu th~ f10rL~ lint nf ~I"',., Str~lI:t tl'l S",.'"gfleld, .lerr. County, 0"'90111 thll!nee r.lIstp.rly "lrJng the" "ort'" 11M of Haln Strt'.t (iO ftetj" thence horth IliIrll1!!1 wfth the r.nt llnp /If len1.h Street 1.10.3 feet, IlIOre or leu. to I pQlnt r.o fept r.,~t 01 the !leg'nnln!) ,..,'nt. &ld thlnce West 60 ftet to th. .pll'lte of b0!'9lnnlnCJ. Ur.tl'fIll/i lIl[lfrrROn Ulat certllfn tr.ct conve,ed b1 ^nl1r~.., ,J. Wllftle oIlld St,11a ". warn~. hushant1 And "He. b Cfty of Srdngfleld. " nlt1tctpal cOrpol"oalhlll. hy tnstrtJftt!nt ncordtd, Octoher 21. 1940. 'n liltUl CO\l'lty OnlJDn Dud Recnrdl, under 1I:ecQrde.-', Reception tta. 1l1I967. P^"CCl Ill. negln,,'nfl ,at JI mInt 'nn th" linull, lIn,- of the "Hey nllfnlng hst ~nd We!it. "'t!t.wcl!n 'L1.tn~t"Jr', 1f1\i' ~~. ~t"""L ?25 fl!!t [lIst of Ule (ast Ifne lJf..Iefhh ~li"\'rirtl'lJrie)"', 1.1I1l.. ."lInl)'. f1.-,gon. Md runntng thtnel hIt on p ~ne nf ~ollll Ill1ey 75 feet. thence SOllth parallel with the Eut Itne of lentil Str~t't IMI."" ffet, mor~ nr' Jess. tl) th~ tlorth "np of Mlfn Strut; . th~nCt W<!stlr1y 011 t~ flo.-th line (lrsatd nlln Street 75 plus flit .to . f'IO'nt.. euetly US ftl!t hst. of thl!rut tine (If Tenth Street If edlndld Sout.herly.' thfnr.e north 156.05 feet, IICrt or I'S5. Ind.poIInlhl with th, [lit IIn, of T,nth st"et to the p\.c:t of ""91""In9, in line County. Ofl9D11. " .~ ,.~ ': i \, ',,- 'PJlRC!l IV. , n~91""ff19 at , point nit the Sout" Une or thf! Ifley nmnfn9 (1ft tM -WtSt he tween 11111n Strer.t. and ..^'! Street .,,,,d 100 '"t ElSt of the Ellt Itnt' 0' T.n~h '. Slreft In ~r.ltat~l$ Mriltton to Srringf1eld. in Lamt Count)', Oregon. IS phttil!r1 .nd rlltordVII In Vnl~ 9. I"II!'J' 6, lane County o-re!]On "lit Records. runnln!) thencl! E.\st 60 het: tftpne. Soullt IRIJ f"t. ~or, or less. .to thl thrt~ 1 Inc or. t1,fn 5:trtf!'t; th(l"tl "'f~t.rly .tOt'!9 thl: rlMtll Hue of ",fn Street to I ., flolnt "UI SnoUt _or ill. potnt of be!flnnlng. t." enee north.1l0 ffttH, MOr, 01". hu, to the r-;ttnt of btQhnlng-. In l.n, Count,. OntFfluate r\ecelved:. JUL - 8 2009, " Original l::H1O'flllllal . ,... '1_ .. r:'.:<i: '. ,- " ~' !; ..';,. ,,' '. < . .' ; .,.: >. , ~ , . ~ .'.}. , ' '-:' ..': - ," 1.~. .~~'.. ' I.., .f- , , "1: " .....1 II 1111. ,AFTER ii!;OOl'lOING RETURN TO; ~ {U- \ \ - '~~iftJ ~Jr.;k~ 1(}1~ maw; ft , Mf'1' ()~ ,ft(.f-??' , , Dlvlslo" 0' Chi.' Deputv Clerk 2~~1 4t~m . LanG. County D.od. end R.oo~da VV -V ~Q&V IJ ij~'f~U~l~l~Jl~~lmml~~~!~~~lll: I/:~ ': RPR-REST Cnu=1 nnd CASHIER 08 a40.Be ale.Be $11.00 JUL - 8 2009 Date Received: Original Submittal III I ,I . .. EXHIBIT 'I;' DECLlIllATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS jCl' ,C~ ,,- THIS DECLARATION OF RESTRlCT)VE COVENANTS (Declaration), dated 1~11-01..' 2001, by loane srlelter Care/Brethren Housing and it. successors and assigns (OWner), is 9i~enas a condition precedent to the award of HOME Investment partnership. (HOME) program funds by the ci'ty of Springfield (city), a political subdivision of the state of oregon, toqether with any successor to its rights, duties, and obliqati~ns. RECITAloS: wHEREAS, Owner is the owner of Brethren Housi~q's.Four Transitional Housing Units of affordable housing (the project) located in the City of sprinqfiel~, Lane county, state of oregon, more particularly. described in. Exhibit "A" hereto; and WHEREAS, city ha~ been'dasignate,i'by thO" U.S. D~partJne;;t of Housing and Urban Development (HOD) as a participating Jurisdiction in the HOME Program pursuant to 42 U.S.C. S 12701 et seq." 24 CFR Part 92, and amendments thereto; and WHEREAS/ OWner has applied to City and entered into a Housing Development Grant Agreement in an amount not to exceed Four Thousand Forty six Dollars. ' WHEREAS, HOD require. as a condition precedent to the awarding of, HOME program fund. that owner execute, deliver and record this Declaration in the official loand Deed Records of the jurisdiction in which the Project i. located in order to create certain covenants running with the land for the purpose of enforcement of ,the ' affordability reqUirements of the HOME program,', as set' forth in 24 CFR Part 92; and 'WHEREAS, owner, under this declaration, intends, declares/ and, covenants that the regulatory and restrictive,covenants set forth herein governing the use, occupancy, and transfer of the ,Project shall be and are covenants "running with the project' land for the term stated herein and binding upon all subsequent owners of the Project,and for such term, except as specificallY provided herein, and are not merely personal covenants of owners and DECLARATION OF ,RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS page -1- Date Received: JUL - 8 2009 1_ Original Submittal 111111. .....J 11111 II , WHEREAS, the Project's unit. will be eligible for rent by qualified low-i~come families for the full te~~tated .herein; DECLARATIONS: NOW, THEREFO~E, in consideration of the promises and covenants hereinafter set forth and of other valuable consideration, the reoeipt and sufficiency o! Which is hereby acknowledged, owner and City agree as foll ows : SECTION 1 DErINITIONS 'All wo~d' and phrases used in this Declaration shall have the same meaning as when. used. in 24 eFR Part 92, unless the context requires otherwise. SECUON 2 REPRESENTATIONS, COVENANTS lIND WARRANTIES or OWNER Owner hereby represents, covenants .and warrants as follows: (a) The project constitutes or will constitute a qualified Project as defined in 24 erR S 92.2 and, in consideration of the HOME Program funds, the Project's unit(s) will be designated as "HOME-assisted units." . (b) All HOME-assisted units' shall be subject ,to the affordable rental housing requirements of the HOME Program'for the term of the, Declaration. te) The units will be available as HOME-assisted rental units for occupancy by qualified low-income families and subject to all other applicable affordability requirements of the HOME Program for the full term stated herein. . (d) subject to the requirements of the HOME Program and this Declaration, ,Owner may sell, transfer, or exchange the Project at any time, but Owner shall notify in writing and obtain the agreement of any buyer 'or successo~ or other person acquiring the Project or any interest ,therein, that such acquisition is subject to the requirements of this Declaration and to the requirements of the HOME P~ogram. Owner agrees that city may void any sale, transfer, or exchange of the project or any HOME-assisted portion of the project it the buyer or successor or other person fails to assume in writing the requirements of this Declaration and the affordability requirements of the HOME program. <el Owner will, at the time of execution and delivery of this Declarilti'1n, have good and marketable title to the premises constituting the project, free and clear of any lien or encumbrance (except encumbrances oreated pursuant to this Declara~ion, any loan doeum~nts relating to the Project or other permitted encumbrance.). (f) Owne~ warrants that it has not and will not execute any other Declaration with provisions contradictory to, or in opposition to, the provisions hereof, and that in any event, the requirements of this -DeClaration are paramount and controlling as to the rights and DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Page -2- Date Received: JUL - 8 2009 ---l Original Submittal , " L... .. conflict herewith. SECTrON:3 TERM OF DECLARATION (a) This Declaration, and the Terms of Affordability specified herein apply to the project immediately upon recordation, and owner shall', ' 'comply with all restrictive covenants herein not later than the first day after project Completion as defined in the HOME program. This Declaration shall terminate Ten (10) years after project Completion, unless HOME program affordability restrictions are earlier terminated due to the occurrence of any of the following events: (1) forectosure, (2) transfer in lieu of foreclosure, or (3) assignment of an FHA insured mortgage to HUD. SECTION' RECORDING AND FILING; COVENANTS TO RON WITH THE LANP (a) Upon execution of this Declaration by owner and city, OWner shall cause this Declaration and all amendments hereto to be recorded and filed ,in the official Public Land Deeds Recorda of the jurisdiction in which the project is located. City shall pay all fees and charges incurred in connection therewith. . (b) Owner intends, declares and covenants, on behalf of itself and all future OWners and Operators of the Project during the term of this Declaration, that this DeclAration and the coven~nts and restrictions set forth in this Declaration regulating and restricting the use, . ,- occupancy and transfer of the Project (1) shall be and are coveriants running with the land, encumbering the Project for the term of this Declaration, binding upon OWner's successors in title and all subsequent OWners and Operators of the Project; (2) are not merely personal , covenants of owner; and (3) shall bind owner (and the benefits shall inure to the City and any past, present or prospective tenant of the Project) and its respective successors and assigns during the term of this Declaration. owner hereby agrees that any and all requirements or privileges of estate are intended to be' satisfied, or in the alternate, that an equitable servitude has been created to insure that these restrictions run with the project; For the term of this Declaration, each and every contract, deed or other instrument hereafter executed conveying the project or portion thereof shall expressly provide that such conveyance is subject to this Declaration; provided, however, the covenants contained herein shall survive and be effective regardless of whether such contracts, deed,. or oth~r instrument hereafter executed conveying the Project,or portion thereof provides that such conveyance is subject to this Declaration. SECTION 5 ENFORCEMENT OF AFFORDABLE HOuSING REQUIR..u.....S la) OWner covenants that it will not knowingly take or permit any action that would result in a violation of the attordability requixement3 ot the HOME program. city, toqether with Owner, may , execute and. record any amendment or modification of this Declaration and such amendment or'modification shall be binding on third-parties granted rights under this Declaration. DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Page -3- Date Received: JUL - 8 2009 , , VllgllldJIUUUJlllUUI '_"_.''''III.~J;.d , I I , , (bl ~er acknowledges that the primary purpose for requiring compliance by OWDer with restriction. provided in the Declaration is to assure oompliance with the affordability requirements of the HOME program, AND BY REASON THEREOF, OIiNER IN CONSIDERATION FOR RECEIVING HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP FONDS FOR THIS PROJECT HEREBY AGREES AND CONSENTS THAT CITY ,SHAL~ BE ENTITLED, fOR ANY BREACH OF THE PRoVISIONS HEREIN, AND IN ADDITION TO ALL OTilER REMEDIES PROVIDED BY LAW OR IN EQUITY, TO ENFORCE SPECIFIC PERfORMANCE BY OWNER OF ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS DECLARATION IN A STATE COURT OF COKl'ETENT JlJP.ISDICTION. owner hereby further speoifioally acknowledges that the 'beneficiaries of owner's obligations hereunder cannot be adequatelyoompensated by monetary damages in the event of any default hereunder. (c) This Declaration may be enforced by city or its designee in the event OWner fails to satisfy any of the requirements of this Declaration. If legal costs are incurred by city, such legal oosts, including attorney fees and court costs (inclUding co.t. of appeal), are the responsibility of, and may be recovered from, Owner~ SECTION 6 MISCELLANEOUS (a) SeverabilitV. The invalidity of any clause, part, or provision of this Declaration shall not affect the validity Of the remaining portions thereof.' " (bl Notices. All notices to,be given pursuant to this Declaration shall ,be in writing and shall be deemed given when mailed by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, to the parties hereto at the addresses set forth below, or to such other place as a party may from time to time designate in writing. To owner: John Tamulonis city of Springfield 225 Fifth street Springfield, OR 97477 ,."AlI."S IUIL"r., 4\A\~ ~v~ 'If 1..1~~.:.;;'~ '''''''2. MAIlI &T'. ~ .~'*"'., This Deolaration shall be governed by the laws of and, where applicable, the laws of the vnited states To, City: (c) Governina LaW. the state of oregon of America. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, owner has caused this Declaration to be signed, by its duly authorized representative, on the day and, year first above written. OWNER:<::'WJ~ of 1)&.; Bll&TllLeN By: ~/J IIJJ IlL, A-.~IJ /" - , " Title: 6"-Co6 ~ (' CIT'if"'\A. I t IA WU' ' By: \ .I \.. v-rQ-" , Title: City ~anager : ' DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Page -4- Date Receivec, JUl - 8 2009 ,. J 1__Jl.J.__.!.-'!'I_'~ 1111111 I."" .. S'1A'1E OF OREGON 1-' omClALSEAL RutH REED ' NOTARYPuBlJC.()IIEOON COMMISSION NO. 31636' MY COMtotISSION EXPIREr. SEP1' 10, aoo< ) ... County of Lane ) Personally appe:~.:;ore Je t,bi. /?'~ day of 2001, the above named. ~a "~ ~.J'1.;t , and .foreqoing instrument to e h1s1her voluntary act and . ~~ d-4 ~(r~'"Ub11C for oregon My Commission Expires, ~~~~ STATt: OF ORt:GON ) .. County of Lane ) Personally appeared the above named Mike-Kelly a. City Manager 'for the city of Springfield and aCknoWl~d the'foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed on this day of ~ ' 2001, <.J ' _'J".~~ y public for oregon , ' ommi.sion Expires: ,/-1-0\ (I DFRCIII.SEAL , JUUE A. W1LSOI IIJT/JlVPUlI.IColWGON COMIIIlSID'Hll,3026I1 , II'IClII.IMSSOl!lfRS MY 1, ZlJ1 I,\DOCS\DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS;OOC' . , Date Receivfo". DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Page -5- JUL - 8 2009 Original Submittal___" .,. I ,,' ".~ll --l " . : ~ , 130' t ~ 2100 ~ ::! : _ . _ :~:T. . . . -:- ~' I $ 2300 1I 2500 ~ 2700 ~O 2900 3000 3100 ,3200 8 f I &2400 1I @)~~~ : Fl, ~'G~\~<?) J f ~ :20C{,~, ~~ :~o 4;~0 1Ii~ P L5 I I , ..." I I -+-"' ~L k.C" sa. _ _ ~ '516<'<i~ . .,~..,. t , ,-'~n~:8 192 2 ~T'''''' N '. "'..<mIl I I, !""l"-'I!'C 23 2 ~ 'SE CO /(.u~-'-4r'I.-e.;;'<4- 'I " ,5 r ~ j D,L.C, 63 . :;.~ -- ~'-eJ./.J"'---4J..i.',.~./~J..:-iI.LL4.~~, ,. ",' 47,71' (e-IfH-~II~&' --- ' " JWI ~PRCJf'lr'J ,-.' ~f-'-fIIf--Ht.L----H.?F=r'---H#~ .~""[-,\!fll56',""T> I' " . ,"'".." SU"" I>. _ rsLl'_~~ NIAI r.OR ,88.44' ~ ~1" ' , I - ..."', -. ........ D.C. 39 I"~ I~ '" - CAST - IID"_ 415""6" U' I I '- 83J6' '( 'I 5400 ~ 5700 !lEg g!l 6801 ~'7100 I . 5300 I '~ ~ If) If} \ !l _ " ~ noe I : I ~~~ N ':;; 1~1 0.1 " .~ :':~~\\~~II~"f}!~ :" 'Ii, 5600 ~i~ g~, 6;~0~~ ::~ll.~ ~ Ir"I ~ ~;...,..J if;: 6~31i ....' :: ! 1I .. 6300:1 ,0,22 AC, , I ~ ~~ I 6502. I ~/:!: PAR'J.,1, ~ ' . 70' j", , , I I . - I 25' I 2200: I' ~ I ' 11 I 10' IC' I ~ &0' 4:$' 4:r ,~ 2000 1900 1 aco ,. 1700 ~40'i1:S' I o. o If} ... ~ ,. 45.:5' i 4s.:J' o g, .....r. I , I , , 1400 1300 1100 - " A"- . tP<rt o g ,3400 r<l ,. .~~~ \S '..,..' ,I ,.....-"., 4800( 4700')4600 ~ '4500 4400 4300 ' THIS MAP IS PROVIDED AS A COURTESY OF WESTERN PIONEER mLE COMDste Receiv,: .' THIS COpy OF ASSESSOR'S MAP IS PROVIDED SOLELY TO ASSIST IN LOCATING SUBJeCT PROPERTY, NO UABIUTY IS ASSUMED FOR OISCREPANCIES IN THIS MAP AS OUTLINED ANO THE ACCOMPANYING LEGAL OESCiillllTIO!"8 ')1';,"" MAP # 1703354104700000, JUL L,o" ~ ~ to. ~ . J_t ; . ~, " ~ .JLj.S, WARRANTY ~ FOR VALUE RECEIVED, ARLAN H. F~mR and ROSE M. FARMER; husband and wife, herein referred to as grantors, hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto HOWARD E., ZINX, herein referred to as grantee, the following ,described real property, with tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, to wit, PARCEL ONE: l<eglnn1ng at a point which is 360 feet East of a point that is 94.57 feet South 40. 40' East from a point ,105.2 feet North of the southwest corner of the Paul'Brattain Donation Land Claim No. 63. in Township 17 south,' Range 3 Nest of the Willamette Meridian, running thence East 60 feet, more or less; to the monument which marks the Southeast corner'of Block 7 ot BRATTAIN'S ADDITION to : 'Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, as platted 'and 'recorded in Book 9, Page 6, Lane County Oregon Plat Records before same was, vacated; thence North 196.3 feet; thence Hest 60 feet; more or less to a point due North of the Beginning Point I thence South 196.3 feet to the, place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING: That portion of the above-described premises included in that certain deed wherein Paul Hadley and Pearl Hadley, husband and wife, were grantors, and the Town of Springfielrl, was grantee, registered in Book, 14, Page 490, of the Certificate of Registered ,Titles, being Instrument No. 3474, in Lane County, Ore90n. ' ALSO, Beginning at a paint 420 feet East and 206~9 feet North of a point that is 94.57 feet South 40. 40' East from a point 105.2 feet North of the Southwest carner of the Paul Brattain Donation Land Clafm No. 63, in TownShip 17' South of Range 3 Nest of the Willarnette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon, and running thence South parallel with the East line of Tenth Street, 206,9 feet, more or less to the North line of Main Street in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon; thence Easterly along the North line of Main Street 60 feet; thence North parallel with the East line of Tenth Street 214.3 feet, more or less, to a point 60 feet East of the beginning point, and thence West 60 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane ,County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM. That certain tract oonveyed by Andrew J. Waffle and Stella M. Waffle, husband and wife, to City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, by instrument recorded October 21, 1940, in Reception No. 88967, Lane county oregon Deed Records, in Lane County, Oregon. ' PARCEL Tl'IO. Beglnnlng at a point on the South line of the alley running East and West between Main Street and "A" Street 2:lS feet East of the Date Received: Page 1,- warranty Deed JUl - 8 2009 Original SubmittaL TJ'oIX l"oT'.4.g 00 . ." ., '9 .. '.. East line of Tenth street in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, and running thence East on the South line of said alley 75 feet; thence South parallel with the East line of Tenth Street, 168.00'feet, more or less, to the North line of Main Street; thence Westerly on the North line of said Main Street 75 plus feet to a point exactly 225 feet East of the East line of Tenth Street if, extended Southerly: thence North 156.05 feet, more or less, and parallel with the ~ast line,of Tenth Street to the place of beginning, ,in' Lane,County, Oregon. ALSO: Beginning at a point on the South line of the alley running East and West between r,lain Street and "An Street and 300 feet East of the East line of Tenth Street in BRATTAIN'S 1\DOITION to Springfield, as platted and recorded in Book ,9, Page 6, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, running thence East 60 feet; thence South 180 feet; more or less, to the"North line of Main Street; thence westerly along the North line of Main Street to a point due South of the point of beginning; thence North 170 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, in Lane'County, Oregon. Subiect to a Land Sale Contract, dated October 31, 1972, recorded r~arch 15, 1975, Reception No. 75..,08051, by and between wilkes Enterprises; Inc., an Oregon Corporation, as Vendor and Arlan H. Farmer and Rose M. Farmer, husband and wife, as Vendee, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, which grantee herein assumes and agrees to pay. Subject to easements, reservations and restrictions of record. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises unto said grantee, his heirs and assigns forever. And 'the said grantors hereby covenant that they are lawfully seized in fee simple of said prem- ises/ that they are free from all enCumbrances, except as above ' stated, and that,they will warrant and defend the above-granted premises against all lawful claims whatsoever, except as above stated. , The $190,000.00. true and actu~onsideration for this transfer ,is DATED this day of April, 1976. " q~~f 'I~--'<"h ~ Arlan H. ti.rJ1.!Elrn" J ~ ~ N-..{~~+- ft::::'^ T' ":J -==r' ~\/?(.r-O.. "Iff. <:>'p-~ , . Rose /1. FArmer STATE OF OREGON ) ') ss. County of Lane ) On this ,f~ day of April, 1976. personally appeared the above-named Arlan H. f'armer and t:o M. Farmer, husband and wife, and acknowledged the foregoing in ument 9;;b~1::;;:tar; act and deed. Before me: . ...,.' . otar; PUb~1C oregon My Commission expirel'-t..;/... ''''''",'--:''''d' Grantee's address: 2278 North 8th Street, Springfie~[vn'~'~Y . Page 2 - Warranty Oeed lEnd) JUL-8 2009 Original Submittal " IL- ,'"; i;,'$~;';~irtf ~~r>o:,::t:t.~, mJ?~;1 ,~ ~f~~~! ~' '''':'. ~:~~:.'~:'.?;~?f~'>~ ~:~5i~~;~;{N; ~ "I '1t'~'1~'," I ~ ,,', :-;'''''~'r .~').,r;. ~~~~9._~:~.:~;~~::'~~; ,;"""" ~ :~;:....,. JC..,... . ril-'~"~,i.~~'~t~" I ~~?i~):(;i~: ~t""'i4,'\' r?;~l~~:~'(.:. :. '/ .~I' .'.:.':": I '. -i" ,J - , .~':.r~:' l. . ~n~.~i' ~~t.; >:" ':,,-]. .........--."'. v.... ,", . . , . ~ 1'~1';)::;,~, ~,' ','-",' ~, "L~ ,:1"" f1t..."_,,....,, ..... "!I"':'l:~:.~'~'~"~""",~~,,,~,, ".,.,."'~ ~~~t."y":\ """'~'''''- -, I F(.. r /l; Z- ..",........., m-..............u.u ..,.~-~ ...8.2334~-:--!".--_....- ........ -.--..'- ri ''''''j' '.'. . ~ . --....- 0il , ~ KNOW ALL Mil" BY THItSIl I'Il6&4IfTS. r:,..,.....".~..,,'-_..., ........' :1 " .. ........, ,....HOfllARD....E .....Z,U/L....,_, ,.....~,......... _,_......._.. ,.. ... _IVII,.,."""rd "....... 'I 'o~ IM-coMld.r.tJ.on ,....MlI.' ,,.,etI, .dDtt """,,';eni,'~, till &n4 f/IIItrr.V unto. .. ... ,.. ..-'", .... I: SPR, r HG,F..IE, J.D",CH,URCH..OF... T.I!E",BR!, ,t~RfN..,:,....,.;....,C"''''''';'''';'''_'' ..,.."'"..,,.., .. -...... '.........:.. ...., 1'1 herei,..U., Cill1ftl ".nlH, attd ~to ,rM.fiw, '*"', It .. ~!'I. ~..aoI~ aJf t:tI ~~ em. ,,111. .. . "",II ,he I tan.m."". hfrfdit.m.n/..n4 .ppurt~.t~,W ,..~Ia.~,.~.~'u.t.JlnflyCOUnty oI....:..r......-:._L,~~~",',::,..:.::,.:~:.,~:,~~.,.;~f!..9~'!~/.I ~~,~,~. ,-_,~: ,."." ,tl'~ ", :V('. .', '~;', 1.:~:,~.:.:1.:'.; ;.~' -" Ii' ". ...,;';,:.;,~:;~~~~tl;:{ii~~j~t~~~1ii~1.~"'\ _~,., ~ '. ~~ '1"'~''';..:,~,!~i~:1 ~~~ ".:' \~~'.,,€.l' ".~~lh~.~~'I,,::-:.:-. ~tr .:$~ , " '("l:~:~~i~i~;t~<:'t", " ,',' " '~~,~ ,', ," ,',' ":"\iEoAi.'v~~c~t~Tt:'AJTMKEV . . ~ ..:.: :'..:i:.,~'.:.:.:::'~.. "".f;t.,':':' .,: ," :i;,:":~'~';,': -:. "" ;,,;' "i:"'.;, ':.' ",,C' ,;,.., .... . .,.... .,,,: ',' . ~~'.i c. .~ !,~~~ ..1.....:, '. . ':. .', :~.'::.: ~; . . , . , ,", . . ..;. . . 0827AOGl 11104/82 REC;' "0003" ' "'- -.... ITAr, Coo I............. ,..al) . , o".Q01t, I ai, ~_..J.4m,e.....___........ .. ~;o....-...."..,"'L I"';, ......M...'...'......___........................"..,....,................~..........-........~(\, \.' ,,' . '::::,.::;/ i~.. - . .fAr. 0" OR/lOOlt. _ ot,..~_.,. J..., /:1-, };, . ',;' ,,!f;~ __ 1'__.- . . _.:...t :t~;1 . _.- .~. :A~~:r, .__..,_,~;.,_____...... _ duly ......i-l Jl~l ... lor ,..." ~ ,., 1M ,. Utt .11.." "111 ..., 1M' ".. ltiai',. 'I""_~;~" ~E~~ -_....~,.,., IN' tAl '.,,.;;..,~~:-.'ll';~~f~~ . ''_._....'G'701_. ..;:-"~,/:...ltt ;~~-,,.-.;~r;;il~.;;.-i;;.';o;;~i.i.,.7,;;;;;,;n;'i;;; :..::':; .: :'..,~t~:tt 01 M!I.....,.,..tloft _.,J ,IN, ..UlMttvtnUll _. alftrtIfI.nJ ...mIltt ""::"'I"!d~'liI . ,., " Mill CilWprntlDn ., .''-''1 Dt ft. bNrd at tI/teet",,; IDI Me" at '" ";; ..~_.1\ f'*" .....tH;.4 ..u '..uw.-..nt I.&. u. '"OIIrftlM)' ., att4 4... . . ~":' I :.~.,>:.~ ";;;;;.;;7;,;;;;;;:-.........,, .,...."........ (Ow.'Z~:J::r~! "" ...-Ial. .t:p/re'l ;,:jJ~ :;.!:.:!:i.. e,,''1'; ':"\"!-' :JJ: .' ~ ,.. "'17 ."...." ,Ite .... ...............__..-_.. ..,..... l~\t"t~,>;l.L~-' , .-' ;;.;-.;f''lt.''f~'=: . ::1/ . . . i'i It." . ~... (O~"C, , ' !t.. ... ,~" ~..,.~~ SI,ol~' . ~,._~ " ? ,,'t'"' VI ONIM . \, 'U)r'" ." ........ ....I..0,,,{,3,-16,, .....1 H,~liI^Rt> ,.,.,JJ}(K,_,_.~__~ /il,~ \~',.-..,._..,;:C~~:~,~;~~J: ,.~ ;j'''P.BIR,~iJ:~JJi'.i~UR.c1ilQi;:iil.' ~, .",. . ~::: ~::.~~,: ~~~:.~i :~:~ ~>.<~, ::': .~.:+\;'~:' .""111'11' .."...a..AMtIIM ,';, I' ,~_, ,~ It .l_p .... ..................."'. ' ......"; "':".<<r:Ji~':' 1.":', OR "'r"E ' .<.:: IL.:;.~': ',~~~,:,"" '".. ^" ,0 ....,..,'.....,.....,:..-_ JUL 8 2009 ~I . ...._.....--,...~~ )-~~.. '-:.' ",' ,~...~~' '~;.:;; " I " '. -.. .... . 8233.118 (1.1-1731. ~I ~ .~ 'I' I ~^nCf.L I. Be91nnln9 at a point ..!doh I. 360 feol r..t of . point t.h.t Is 94.S1 feet South 40' 40' East fro" a potnt 105.2 feet North of the Southwest corner of '-he Paul Oran.ln oon.t Ion L.nd Chlm I/o. 63. In Township 17 South, R.nge 3 ~Ip.st of thel/t l1amette Hertdian, running theee hit 60 feet, m.ore Dr less. to. the ~nument which mftr~s the Southe4.t corner of Block No.7 of Brattain. I\driit1on 'to Sprtn9f'~ld, Lane County, O~gon, hef~re same- was vacated; thence 'jorth 196.3, feet; thence We.t 60 feet. more or less to . point due 110rth of the heglnnlng point; thence'South 196.3 feet to the ohce Of beginning, In Lane County. Oregon. rXCEPTlNG therefrom th.t portion of the .bo.e described preml.e. InCluded In that certain deed whereIn Paul H.dley .nd Pe.rl Hadley, hushand and wHe, Wl!re Grantors and the Town of Springfield, was gr.nt.... registered In Volume 14, Page 4BO. of the Certificate of Registered Titles, being lostument I/o. 8414. , . PARCEL II. Beginning at a point 420 feet East .nd 205.9'feet North of a point that Is 94.57 feet South ,40. 40' East from a polnt,105.2 feet North of the Southwest corner,of the 'Paul Brattain Oonatlon Land Claim NO. 63; In Township 17'South, Range 3 west of the Wlllamette Meridian, in lane County" Oregon, and running ,thence South parallel with the East line of Tenth Street 206.9 feet, more or 1 eS5 to tho North line of Main ,Street In Springfield, Lane County, Oregon; thence E.sterly .long the I/orth line of Main Street 60 feet; thence North parallel with' the East l1ne of Tenth Street 210.3 feet, more or-less, toa point 60 feot E.st of the heglnning point, and thence West 60 feet to tb. ~lace of beginning. EY.CEPTlNG',nIEREFIlOH that certain tract conveyed' by Andrew J.llarrle andSte'la H. Waffle, husband and wife, to City of Springfield. . mlnlclpal corporation. bY instrument reCOrded October 21,' 1940, In Lane County Oregon Deed Records, under Recorder's Receotlon No. 80967. ' ' rARCH Ill. 8.9lnOlng .t . poInt on the South line of the .11ey running East and West hetween ',,,In Street 'and 'A" Street Z25 feet E.st of the E.st 1 tn. of Tenth Sfre.t In Sp'r1ngfleld, Lan. County.' Oregon, and running thence East on the South ,1 In. of sold alley 15 feet; thence South parallel with the East 1fne of Tenth Street 168.00 feet, more Dr .less, to the tlorth lIne of Haln Street; thonce West.rlY on the lIorth line of saId H.ln' Street '75 plus feet to a poInt e.aot1, 22,S feet East of the E..t 11no of Tenth Street if extended Southerly; thence Harth 156.05 feot, mOre or less; 'and parlllel with the East Iilie Of .Tenth Street to the place of beginning, In Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL IV. Beginning It !'polnt on the South line of the alley running Elst Ind West between filin Street Ind 'A', Street and 300 fO.t East of the East line of Tenth Street In Brattlin', Addition to Springfield, 1n l.ne COunty, _fegon, as plltted and recorded In Volume 9, Plge 6..lene County Oregon Plat Records, runnlnQ thence East 60 feet; thence South 1BO feet, more or less, to the 'iorth line of 11aln Street; thence Westerly .10ng the'lorth line of H.ln Street to a , point due South of the point of beglnnfng; thence North 110 feet; more or- '. . less, to the, point of beginning. in Lane. CountY. Oregon. ',' , . .'." "," ., i , , " '. :1 I j liT <",:,~~'~~Ii ~,y.,.;,.:>~j,~.:':' J _'; j: t, ' J ," 'i . ~. " " " Date Received: JUL -: 8 2009 ".-,;;;"""" ..',.',r ."""";'110' I ;;it.tJl.\:'.'" ".;.:.;'~: ~'~.'f.,;.' \..,.;.1,'1 f('~.. ;~''',''.'.f{ "'1'1;\,':"'; J', '...' ..",I,..,.,. "" 1,1;-. '"""l,' 'j. ,'I I ~"".,\)r,~ ~J;' ,>..",~..'.:.. .:,'~",I~ ,.11+....\.'1.. ,1 ,,' ,'r';.':~,(~1 '\"'':;':~:ij!i~l.;!t,;i;f/ij,.",,~~~(~i ~...l,. 'r j' ' ,..,) ,~' :l'!':" ...... ~ ;-,' , ,,,.,..... . 'If' ............-j.,. . .:' ~ .~ ...~'~~:-..:r~r;kt.".:::. 4 . . . , " I j 1 ~ I ~I .J ~.' I .' :'i.ii:"i'iji"\' , ..~-:i~i~'l:~?~' ,"~'''''''' lI'" ' '" ' ,', i , -":'.-' \1- .; ~ t.( i ~~.~~~.~~.: . t:~~W)F~:~":r '. ",\".:. ~: /", ..":!. ~::L. ....... .. ~ u .; !~. _w c:w: . t l:l ~. 0 ,1...... U t- o 8 j~~ ~ GO ' .. . . r-l a ! i .-i .; :I~J'" '<:3' .. u....J ~ II -j .1 ....... " i .; i :~ ,';u i 0 , " j .. l""'l J ", .~.. ~. f' ~ :!l I : Date Received: lOt, . .. ~ ....0 ...... 111 1(' " ",-, .~ :;...::.' . ~ .- .St.. ~ ! * 't'" 'aR - . ~ ! JUL -8 2009 ~}I J " ~ u .. . Original Submittal .', ,,- ,,"' "'~""'I' '!'1t~~:':I'~ """:'("'-'"''!'';''''''!1'~'''r''' '''''1t,)t,I::''~':i.H\lil:. ,'~~"~'" ";1 '~-,' ,.<j,,r..,,,,-; !~,I'~'" ',i,"!> '(,~ ~l.",.l.. :,~~'.~I"';,'.',r,..'.. -;''0',1':'''' .,.r':id"""'~-I' '" ,';'''' ___I ;';""''''''~"IJi~ v.:.": ifI/r'~~'~I~I~~~ ~, .1',;,f' "~4~~4! ~,;.t~~;: :~!.~j.r I ',' .r: ',.ir.: ~..r; ,.l: ~t",' 'I"~~;.'" ~ \:".f. t"~';':I'':f ,,,.: ,. 'V.J-'''~'';l''~) '.:;~i.;."". .'.',,~.:."..I ....:.'J 6,. ,;1lP,>~-,1,. .,.,'. I" ,.......f. ~.\~_ ',I-!<',.:..,~.' .r".,.," "'.A '(ll ,.......-/-,.j, l,~ .l' ~"~ !,:'lji"'.~.;<,~.~l:\l~i\'~';::i,,,~'ifiiil, ~i~'f.;':,~~J1""~~"\., ", i~ ' '.. ",,' " ~ ' '-"'~:....;" 17:. 3'~ 3$ -4~"(~ARO~,'!.iB~: .-.' . ""., ',., ,'-.',- ,,--,,~'.u.'WIo""~_~:"_';_' ~_ _..~, 4.q~ .. . - 1503 R i .' . -...... ~ - <1 " ,~ '-' ' '(', l:lSU9349 IIIl:1Wft"l!l; D!!!I . WIfER!:AS. tho c~ar OP' THI BRI'tIIRa of ~~~IIIGrULD, vha.. 1eld fU_ h 'PltlGrtIZ.O enUReH OF' TH! ..nH.EN.J[x..UQJl:XXltUUUX~X~lt~...xxx"XJfl(UXJlJfU::U:nup~ 1-I.l.I,X,lty....n.UYllu. her..1J\ef'Wl' ".._~... .... ...U 'W!II i'J.Oca.&. COncr.pt1.oh," I.. '&hI l"lt'\l ~vnel' 1,. r.. at toM.'olhw1nc d.aCJ1.bt<l prad.... Tile fhe L4.n. Count, U. Iou ....u..d .. fol1owl~ . . 17-0)-3S"'I-04600 . , 17-0)-)5-..-06700 17-0'-"-41-06100 11-03"J'-41-0'~1 17-03-)'-~1.04900-BOZ, , aha !man II 1062-1096 "'-in St.. 'prill.fiold. OrtIO.. aUathod to. tbb dae~t. ""lAOI1 13/11118 REI: IIUI3M 21." an. ...crlbd ia .Df1~. ""1'111.13JI__..-rnu ...",.. n.11 to,.t.h,.. with the 1JDp:'o..i1nh t.hthOn. and_ U.e t\arn1tUJ"I, tIU'nllb1Qp MIl .... FI':Qpert1, real, perlonal and ~, ..lid. 1JI. ColINetJ.on tbor.....hh, or tIe1d. or poDi>ll:iI.ed b1 .ud .1oC&l 00"18t.1on,. and'.., MNl-ttcr Ic:.q\d.n otJMr .'" 'ii' 'Il .. , "8,)1, per.onal 01' a1x4ld in comeouoa. tatwlWit.b," (&11 ot Ma1c.b 1e ~ J'Otand to utho "Cl'lI.l.I'eh hopol'\1...), " '. , , .um.t/HmEAS, u., tonet.a &Dlt pr1nc1p1u ot.... .1o~ ClOftII"tpt.1oall ... 8.'ados*cS' 'or ~PPl'Ond I,.. tilll. to tLII.. b7 t.lIo ANWAL _~t..._.cB or H Cf.UICIf OY 'l'HI ".1."""1,,.1., (hrre1na.tter ..eton" to ., .Annu&1 Coftt'eJ'Oftef).),_ .rd. th. "1oc.a1' "'"""'" ~ U 1cCII.ted. in, and. b . put. or, \b, DIStRICT or ~r~IlASHINGTOJI _ ,. ,,,,E CHURCH 0' '!HI: ""'.....U.-.....I, h""OlnLtt..,. fttft~iC1 ~ ,;. \he "I'liliiBl:!;J" J ., 1JfD WH!RElS, the Mid. "1o~ ODnueIiU~II. ba., ot' ..,. nod.. tIDIIuda1 Gft4 oth.r ul10tancI rrva I()fU ot tb. boanta or tile CbVOb ot '\be Bnt.b.N1I .11m WHERl'J.S, ..Ul:JJAL COl~ h.u .uUloJ"htd t.he adopUon ot. p1M. or pta,:. tor end c'CIn1.1'Ol ot Cbureh properU.. b1 the 1ceaJ. co","pt;10Dt aad t.M D1eV1n.. ..... &nil 1t. b CIIClI1"4bl, and 11 to t.h. ~t 1ft"O",t. of U1e 11.115 -1&7C&1 ."..". 'I'....'~,.. U~t. 81lCh . plan No I.dop\.1d aDd 0.t.&bU1Ibe4, . NOW,.. ...,;........."""'1 ill' aoadderatto" Dr t.ho )\1'......., tht'ttut\lU Matftu .... &d,,'tnt.aecI w be p1Jlod, andth. 1\IlI or One Dollar in ham paid, th. N1d -100il1' ocne:.rcptlon" doe. her,1>)' .-.t. known, dul..,.. and ..., .. .toJ..la",. . . . (1) Th. Bald "local c:onp'.ptlonlJ b)1d1 &lid 1B 1.110_ ot t.be u.1d -cJaaoctJt PrClJlft"Uo,. lIubJ'c\, to the t..... IJIt pnl\'1I10D. herIOt. (2) :n.. 'on.ta .nd prl.ndpl.. of III. IIld '14,&1 '..,...pu.,;. Ar!! alllllloa.U b., II' &CI0ptood and 'ppronll In. t1a. to th. bJ \Ili.- .AtlKU.u. ~ Ol' 1U CHUItCII Of lIfE.:a\4-...~. , i I I (J) So 3Dol a. III. ..u "14<01 ""''''''10''' allall o~..... ..'" 1IITl,,, ." 8E!JEf':l, Ind \InlaID tlLd 'OIDtil Us. 9.)W ClP WI'IRAn:c.w, .blJ'lI1natt.... ,~'".... to", .hall t\i.v. round 10 ttt. cont.t&2"1, the Nid. "heal concrccnt.1on" Ih&1l haT. ... ~OJ' ' tho 301.' ancl .~1\Ur1", JO.....lollo, eotltJool, ~m.'&nd rt&ht ot ctt,poaU1oa 01' the 8.s1d. .Chvoh Propertb.,- aM 'MU 'De "'lpon.1bb t-or .u ilIIpIIIR. Mlt 11ltb1l1t11D 111_ connecUon th&rIN1Ul. ..",.', (pop 1 01 " (.....- ..., "" -' -, ,- "':t~;.' ~.... ;;, t, ,.. .' ~."': 1T. ", I " " - ,. " a.ie Received: i' : ~ j Jl - 8 2009 ;;gini,1ubmitta' :' " , ,.: .~ ,;' ~.t':, ....".. . .... ~.:. ":>../~"~~~.. .:.:, ~. ~ 1IIII 1111111 -' '. ~ , :r,......2~:~_r.:=_._ ~-,p:~~:?".:. ~-,.. . . , " , .- l' - MAR 08 1988, 1S-03 /'l, '!r----~_' . '!l!'- -. " - SS09349 omuun... J!E J!I!I1 (6J . III th. nnt of .nut1oo. 01' dl.... .o-.laUn by m. adt! -Wu1 c-onlu.acloa" fieM 'Kb laEtlllU ..1Id., chI 1.....U'*. ,ball Ibo ...nod It8 . I'MRD or AADlrRAtlOIf co b. ~-._" (u~epc _ b....tMle... ..~ ton"), of ..... ....n" t"'t.. to b. d.cdlNlUd IA' .duc" ..,. "tal StuDIJIC CaoelTtU OW tID ADUU. COIIFurNCE". chrall co h dad,aated DDd ..he-cd by tho "10Al CnI1'O..U..D." .nd Cbe uvuch .uIler to h doftp.Ud .011 ..luted by the .tx ...an du. .... It tbo flJ.a ....r. th",.chou. ,h.U rdol' co ..m "POD,"Or f.U Co d_:lI"r.O .0. .elKS. tho uvonth ...... vithin the pod04 .f U. ..t b, tho ...... ......paC...... . ..laced.by "THE STAND CCto41nu 01 till AII1ftl'AL COIfRUIICI, Of (Sucb ,.1'1" af c:t_ to ... not 1... thaA thirty dIIy. de01' ..rttt.1't. DOcie.). th.~ tho .....~ ....... ,ball bede.taMt..d ond ..laced by tb. ....~ 101 d.ipato' ... .elect" .,. "tII STAKD {KG CatC11nEI or tHE AHtfVAL COlfnlDl:E. II 1t the ...1cS, a~cal conine-Uon- eM.11 tdl 01' naellet. to 4H1pu .. ..lild tho ~~" of tho 8CARD or AflBJ'lBATIOIf to tlo d...llNo~ and ..beted "7 i.", vlUda U1irtJ' elql alter vr1tttln not-1Ill' 10 to do froG th. lMIber. d..upa't.s &ftd .11.otId by '"Tt!E, STAJG)nG COI-IfIl'I'EE OF THi ANJnJ.U catF'Dll'Ja,. th. DOAJut OJ' AnIl1lAnos 1!1111 be COt.tpOSild. or tbra. lIlatulr'I onll', 'nuol7. t.h. thrn ...nn 4..s.pW. Ul6 .Wet" 11,. ';1m STAmlING caGrrEZ Of THE At.IWJL ",w~"".'.:..>oI-"'~- hUon taken, or .pproncl1a wrlt:1nC lIl, . ujol"1t.y ot t.ho atalber. at \ht' 80ARIi Of AWm'%'IOtI eIuI.11 be t.abR aDd .dnliet1 to ba tJ\. ai:t.1an ot ~ BOARD 01 .utBITRA.T101f, llbaU b, b1nd1nra: GII tb. -1ooa1 cer..,..p.Uonn and then ""aU bo no IppOIJ. t.hI"~ ' (~) It l' .hall b.....no1nio4 b1th.'BOAiW'CIF AJimm.nOir that ~.' 4..ilUoft.1 th. "10"1 r;o""'lpU.onP !ro:l ..cti &RE:1'HRiIl H11.,. it ..~a1 lord INbltanUal', th. -lceal ccmchption" .h.&ll luno"', t\IU trd oxuu,lift poo...alon, oan\N1, __.... ..n" Md. M.lbt. of d1.podt1on or 'the n.1d IIChQRh 'l'OperU..- to th. DA14 -Di.ute",- or 1t.. 1lOIa1Il.e', .nIt .ha.U and w1U, lot. tho r...." of the "D1.t.r:lot.- ..-at. ud d.l\v.r .Udoeds, ...1gm..nU, t.ranlll.n and. ,~u.dgc..n\. d.... bT tile -Diet.r.lct.- to b. r~.li.t' or ate....,.,. to ,e0rtY07, ....111'1; truDI., fond ..uy.r t\l11 &ad ccapl.b t1U. to, 1l'1li uclu.S.v. pot.a,aloD ot, n1d "ClNrr;h PJ'Opart.1e1ll11 to tobe 1ID1lU1ct.,. or 1t.. noa:l.nH. . J (6) Upon the tr,ndltJ" or tob. t.iUa ta, trd $lOn.telon of. IIU4 -ehU'dl 'ro".rU..- to the Idel PD1tt.n.~t.," and..ld.:1 UD1st.r1ctll ,hell have and ~oJ \be ..1_ .nd uc1u:lu )>>u...i(ln, control, IDIonallill'ant and; r1,ght at 41.podt.1on ot 'Ia!A .Church Proptn1ae," ancl mq t.nnlr.r and. 0.11.-,)" the .... to ouoh l.1;a.1 Cll:Incnpt.1.oll ot "tie CHURCH or nti BJlE'1'HUH' u.pon lUeb t..r.u am oard1\1ol'18 .1 ..1cl"Dbt.r1ct- .., d... ad'doab1.. (,.&0 2 of " (_.ft""'......_l ", Date Received:) . .. \ ,.' ::..J i=j.-:: ~:;. ~';'.j. ~.~:.~ ..;::t.'!"., . ":;',i.p.,. .; ~ . r' ; ..' JUl - 8 2009 , , :to ;i..... ... ...;. . , '-f: ,,:;~;;:.~;.i .. , .,' . .~ '. ,Original Submittal ' , '. .. : .~ . #lo.,. '.:r I. .,'.. " ., .... ."t. '. ~ . ,'..;~\:;:.l:'. t.:iph_Ati:..,~:, ..~~....: ,i ~ .. .:. ':~3:~. '. . ... , , ," 1, " .,,'. ..-, ,- - '. ~.'-. ..- .-.".."r . MAR 08 1988' 150'3 . , -D:' ..~., ....-=--...;-.... -~---...;... .." "~"'~'~ ..,.,-=- ~ _: ... .11' ' 'I.... ~Io.. I-. -'-'..'-'..1 .~ . ,~JL-~!~. SSO"J349 ! JIllWIlA1'l"1Il D!IU II WI1IIESS VHIImI:f'. \he add .1aca1 C,,".....pUOtl" and thI..... -as.atdft'l MY. C1.~.aecf \be.. pnalDta \0 be d\I17. Gaeuttd. and' d.U...... Wo dq at , 1'__' . taaUU . DIstRIC'I"1Jl Atrr.,.u_ IU.."......uu._J -' CJaIRtH ~ THl1IUmNJI or ~r:--:.~~tJ.,~ ,~/....r.t. 5l.e~(;./f C~,,.,l.!..1E..II..u. CUUI<<:H at THI .1~.I""il;._, .,. \... 87 12.,.J\~' 'M..l.....h/ J~, I' " ,:~ -.:>uV::.cX" (OJ,.; \'1t> ~"f1 ""U.O} IIT(7lIJ,tM~ "4l', ' ':r, II~ :.'~:~'~I\~~i] '~fJfJ~1 -*~;t~__.q:r .t..;.~~. i1,.~ '--\' : '.. r 1'11""} .1..~hY<<'t.A-?r' c r2'5.:[ , Ill) I.~,-\ \.l..\J\<"I!\~ \~..., y1.'a-,...(Il-~U:Q' . ,6', .~ <:. o~ U::O'S~I"l"..\ R~.....l'tj '7 " , ,'..........' .,. . <. . . . . (11:.. .bon tblll it ".,.,., "u. 1.1 u.:\ '~., t~. ' l_..".....oclJU"'.l,..."..,kd, '. ......;. g.. .to.. bel.oW)I. . . ", ~~:;l.c.;~::.... . ;l;;~"').f.:.'. :.; ;:0"..... . X~ ~1J'3\. ,",'~~~1"', .', ..,... .~~ (/:. ",1... at tHII CIMleII (IF 'IllI'1IRlmIIIIll at Ill.. -- _I J lIT D'IIO'" 1'ruTM TnI;8t.. er-.. , 01 )) '. ' , ....(" ....f. .... ,',:"k " r);j,:.; , ....; '.. .. .' Date Recehiea: , , , ~ .;', , " .'" " ':..~. , ," ": ':.{ JUL - 8 20~~. ,.'".:,''' ....~.. ;..;' ,';. '..:~. ..':~.:':~~'.. .:.... '., .' i.~f~~~ . ", .,~ ': '. ..' ," ',-, ".,.Origrnal,Submltral ' ,r ~ ~.'~'.~.~,:'~')'~/,~~.:~~:.j:~.. l~;..~fi~!~7~;~;~;I\. -i' .;'r.'7{ ti\ .;.....:>..~l.~;..; . , . .,- - .--: ........- -1.:,--,1.. . .. ~ ., <r , " MAR 08 1988 /5'03 R 'J,'.. ~ .l~'~~:..~'.~~.>r:'''''''''''''="?~'._, - SSO!J34s DIllin' ElT-IZ3t PAIltU I. nI'9In,nln!J at , p'lnt tIhlch Is J60 teet [1St of . po'nt thlt Is '4.57 'nt S,,"th 40' .40' (1St from 0\ ""tnt 105.1 f~et lIorth of t"e Sout"_lt CONh!!" or u"'. r.tul Brlltt..ln ""tlifllon l"nrf Chi,. 110. 63. .11 To","shlp 11 Soulh, IIIfl9_ ] "ltH "r t"~ IIlt1"IIIeUe l'ertdfan: ""lining th~ce (.ut ftO fHt, nI(Irf 0" lesst to th~ IIOI1U11fent which W'IIrkt ttu! !cmtht'il\l torfle" or 81oc\ flo. 1 of El..,tUlftl M,tltfon to Sr'lrlngrl!lrf. I.",,", r.,,"nfy, fh-t!gon,herl)re 1Ime ." y.t'd.d~ tfN!'ne. f1nrth l'6,3.f,el. tht!ncp I-I.st 6Q fflt, IllOr. ar less to a POtnt due florth 0' ttle hegfMlng f'l)llIt; thene. Struth 1')6.3 'e~t to the pitt!! of bt!gtnntnv. 1ft L~"e tf1lmty. nrp.~lm. r.xCr.rTUll'i thcreff'Olll th,t (WJrt Inn of the ahov" dl!scrfhed r~ht!s In(ltldc:1t In that (p'rl.tn rtf'''!'' ....trefn rill1 lIidl,y.nd Purl Il.rtl.y. hu~h,"t1 IInrl wlh. WPr't" r."'nt,or'S Arld the Town or Sprlngfl.I". wal grlnt8, "~hterf'd 'n YOllllllf 14. r.g~ 400. '" the C,,.tlffClh of Et.l!gtstered nt1l1. helng Instl-enl Do. 8474, . SZ3aUB " PMCEL II. negtnntmj III . poInt 1110 rlet rut and 2015.9 ("t Uorth of . PGlnt that 'I 9<\.S1 het \"uth ./In- "0' hst '!"01Il "fIG.nt. 105..2 het North or the South..'t CI)r'tllU. of lhe /'\HI) "rUUI" DOtt"r,flJn Llntl Claim 110. 63. In TownshlD' 17 South. 1""1I1'~ 3 \fr.''\t ", tll' Unl mett.e It!..',1I.1R, tn lane CO,,"ty, Drt"on. .rid nm"t"~ lhl"ItCl! S"t1th p"r"ll~t .,nh the rn'U'llne of "nth Strut 2"6.9 '11ft. JIIOrI! or le,;s to till! UOr'th line nf t...,," !ilril!'lII!t fn Sprlngfteld, l,ne County, ~,;oni thl!~lC~ r..stl'!'rJy a'f)n9:"t.he "orth .ltrHt of Matn Street (.t) hetj t.btnct North l",rlll1ft1, wit.h thr! r..H line nr lent.h StrMt ~ln.3 feet. MOre Of" leu. to I ','olnl ~O '!fit FIl~t. of th Mglnntn9 11IJlnt, and t.tlence ~,t 60 htt to the Ill"c;,.a' bil!'gtnninv. EIr.EPrlfu; Ul[lIrrROPl that cerhin tr.ct conyeyed II)' ^nrtl"l!!w J.. "''''fI, .and !it,l1. n. ""HI'!, hushll'1d ...nd wtre, to Clt! Df SrH'fllgft..ld. .. ltamte'"" corpor:llth')n, hy t"strtlllfnt re<:orded. lh:tobtr ti, \940. in lant! CtJu',tJ' 0"e90ft Peed RectJrdS, under AKl)rder's bc."tIOft '10. JlR9lP1. j PARcrL 111. ftl!!9In"fng .at " mint nn thll! )ollth 'llne Df the alley. nll1n'ng [1St "nd West t-eh~l!n fhll\. ~:'~tt'=' ~ntl -r 't:f..-g.L. ~ZS fe,t r"st of the (ast" lint or -T1h . .S.lr!.i:.LJrl'!nrli19ITe 171 , !.flne f.l')lInfi, IJre90l\, olftCt rUflnfng thoene! r.lSt on It ~nl!! nf ",Iff .!ll1ey 15 fetti t1tf!'nCt ~ollth (laraJ1el vtth ttte [1St Ilrll1 of lenlh Strpl"t un.no rtel, f1tDrt' nr len, tn the 'Iorlh lInt of Haln Str.eta . lht'nce Westerly 011 the lIorth line (lr satd naln Strut 7'S' "lUI fut .to . pntnt'o' u/lct1y Z2S fet't [ut of t~ ru,t, 'Ine 'If Tenth Str~t If utendld Southerl)"~ th.l!!nte ttorU\ 1156.OS feet. IIOrl or' lflU. .nd I'\IIra11el wtth the (fIt line 0' T.nth Street to the pl.ce ot htgtnnlng, fn Line Count,. OregaR. . ' PARCEL IV. , Regl ""fng at a 'point l'Jn tilt ~outh Itn! of thA all@)' running hst IIHI NrtIt betv"n 11111n Strtr.t Ind .^~ S..rnt ,llnd 300 'eet East a' the Elst nftt 0' Tenth '. Str~!t ,In flraLtal"'s Mdltton to Sf'rlngrteld, tn lane COllnty, Ort9an, II platt'!rI ond,r!COrdcrl In VolUM 9, rage 5, lant County Or.90nPhl Records, runnfnlJ th~~'["st 60 't'~ti thtontp SOul''' 100 feet. llIQre or-'en, to the tIl)rth 'Inl!' 0' ''''1" Strt'f!t: UIPnt:e W..Urly .lo~9thl! "'nrth line Qf "'tn-Street to . ' rOfnt fl"t Snllth or t~ point of M!llnnlngj. thence lIorth 170 flet~ lIlOI'l! 01" ns~ to t~ l'Qin~ of beV',,"I",., In lInt' County, OrItgOft_ \ , -'-. Date'Received: , 'r-- , , jijl ~:'~ 2609 . '~ .' . ' " '. Original Submittal:' ',. ' .," , '. '':'';::t_ , '. ~. ; ,,": " , " " ;'0 '..,. ,~ . .' ','. ,,' -.~. -. ..'," \';,', ~. , ,', I~ ':. ':".' , .:":;" A~AA~Ob~~NGRcnmNT~ ~ lO- ll: '~riP.t ~J(Olyk~ , , 10 1~ i'Y/i2vW ft , ' Mfd O~ 11/f~l' , , , Dlvlllan a' CIlI.' Deputy CI.~k 21tl tl0fllA ,L.... Cau"ty D." .,,01 R.Ga~d. VII"II g,V , '~IWIJ'I~Jtll~JW~lill,~'~~J!!~Dlll:13~;': RPR-REST Cnt.t S~no1 CASHIER 118 S411.DD SSD.De SSl.ee Date Received: JUL - 8 2D09 Original Submittal , - ~I" .. . EXHI:BIT 'E' DECLARAfiON OF RES'rRICTIVE' COVENANTS 31l~ I~- /1- THIS DECLARATION OF ~EST~ICTJVE COVENANTS (Declaration), dated 1-\1-.9\ ' 2001, by Lane silelter care/Brethren Housing and its successors and assigns (OWner) I is given as a condition precedent'to the award of HOME Investment partnerships (HOME) Program funds by the city of Springfield (city), a political subdivision 'of the State of Oregon, ,together with any successor to its rights, duties, and Obligations. WHEREAS, OWner is the owner of Brethren Housing'S Four Transitional Housing units of affordable housing (the Project) located in the City of springfield. LaneCounty,State of oregon, more particularlY described in Exhibit "AU hereto. and WHEREAS, City has been designated by the U.S; Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUDl as a participating Jurisdiction in the HOME Program pursuant to 42 !l.S.c. S 12101 et seq., 24 CFR part 92, and amendments ther~to~ and WHEREAS, OWner has applied to city and entered into a Housing Development Grant Agreement in an amount not to exceed Four Thousand. Forty Six Dollars. l j I I ! i I RECITALS: WHEREAS, HOD requires as a condition precedent to the awarding ot HOME Program funds that owner execute, deliver and record this Declaration in the official Land Deed Records of the jurisdiction in which the project 15 looated in order to create certain covenants running with the land for the purpose of enforcement of the affordability requirements of the HOME Program,', as set forth in 24 CFR Part 921 and WHEREAS, owner, under this declaration, intends, declares, and covenants that the regulatory and restrictive covenants set forth herein governing the use, occupancy, and transfer of the project shall be and are cove~ants running with the.~roject land for the term stated h~rein and binding upon all subsequent owners ot the project and for such term. except as specificallY provided herein, and are not merely per~onal . covenants of Owner; and DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Page -1- Date Received: JUl - 8 2009 = Original Submittal ,I,,, ,[ " 111111 ", III . ., ,wHEREAS, the Project's units will be eligible for rent tiy qualified low-income fami!ies for the full term stated herein; " DECLARATIONS; NOW, THEREfORE, in consideration of the promises and covenants -hereinafter set forth and ot other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby aeknowledged, OWner and City agree as follows: SECTION 1 DEFINITIONS All wo~ds and phrases used in this Declaration shall have the same meaning as whe~ used in 24 eFR Part 92, unless the context requires otherwi3e . SECTION 2 ,REPI\ESENTATIONS, COVENANTS AND Wl\RRA!lTIES OF OWNER OWner hereby represents, covenants and warrants as follows: (al The project constitutes or will constitute e qualified ~roject as defined in 2'4 CFR S 92.2 and, in consideration of the HOME Program funds, the Project's unites) will be designated as "HOME-assisted units." (b) All HOME-assisted units shall be ,subject to the affordable rental housinq requirements ot the HOME Progr~ for the term of thei Declaration. Ie) The units will be available as HOME-assisted rental units for occupancy by qualified low-income families and subject to all other applicabte effordability requirements of the HOME Program for the full term stated herein. , ' (d) Subject to the requirements of the HOME Program and this Declaration, owner may sell, transfer, or exchange the 'Project at any time, but owner shall notify in writing and obtain the agreement of any buyer or successor or other person acquiring the Project or any interest therein, that such acquisition ip subject to the requirements of this Declaration and to the requirements of the HOME Program. owner agrees that City may void any sale, transfer, or exchange of the project or any HOME-assisted portion of the Project if the buyer o~, successor or other person fails to assume in writing 'the requirements of this Declaration and the affordahility requirements of the HOME Program. (e) OWner will, at the time of execution ~nd delivery of. this 'Declaration, have good and marketable title to the premises constituting the Project, free and,olear of any lien or encumbrance (except encumbrances created pursuant to this Declaration, any loan documents relatinq to the Project or other per.mitted encumbrances) . (f) Owner warrants that it has not and will not execute an~ other Declaration with provisions contradictory to, or in opposition to, the provisions hereof, and that in any event, the requirements ~! this Declara~ion are paramount and contrOlling as to the rights and DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Paqe -2- Date Received: JUL - 8 2009 ~ .~' ,:'~, ''" ., '" _. III conflict herewith. SEorX~ 3 TERM OF DECLARATION (a) This Declaration', and the Term5 of A!fordability spelcifieci herein, apply to the Project immediately upon recordation, and owner shall cOMPly with all restrictive covenants herein not later than the first day after project Completion as defined in the HOME Program. This Oeclaration shall terminate Ten (10) years after Project Completion, unless HOME Program affordability restrictions are earlier terminated due to the occurrence of any of the following events: (1) forectosure, (21 transfer in lieu of 'foreclosure, or (3) assignment of an FHA insured mortgage to HUD. SECTION 4 RECORDING AND FILING; COVENANTS TO RUN WITH THE LAND (a) Upon eKecution of this Declaration, by owner and City, owner'shall cause this Declaration and all amendments hereto to be recQrded and filed in the official Public Land Deeds Records of the jurisdietion in which the Project is located. city shall pay all 'fees and charqes incurred in connection therewith. (b) OWner intends, declares and covenants, on behalf of itself and all future owners and operators of the project during the term of this Declaration, that this Declaration, and the covenants and restrictions set forth in this Declaration regulating and restrictinq the use, occupancy and transfer of the Project (1) shall be ,and are covenants running with the land, encumbering the Project for the term of this Declaration, binding upon Ownsr's successors in title and all subsequent owners and Operators of the project; (2) are not merely personal covenants of owner; and (3) shall bind owner (and the benefits sball inure to the City and any past, present or prospective tenant of the Project) and its respective successors and assions during the term of' this Declaration. Owner hereby aqrees that any and all requirements or privileges of estate are intended to be satisfied, or in the alternate, that an equitable servitude has been created to insare that these restrictions run with the project. ror the term of, this Decl~ration, each and every contract, de~d or other instrum~nt hereaftez e~ecuted conveying the project or portion thereof shall expressly provide that such conveyance is subject to this Oeclaration; provided, however, the covenant. contained herein shall survive and be effective reg'ardless of whether 5uch contractst deedt or other instrument hereafter executed conveying the Project or portion thereof provides that such conveyance is subject to this Declaration. SECTION 5 ENFORCEMENT OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING' REQUIREMENTS (a) Owner covenant~ that it will not knowingly take Qr permit any action that would result in a violation Of the affordability requirements of the HOME ~roqram. city, together with OWner, may execute and record any amendment or modification of this Declaration and such amendment or modification shall be binding on third-parties. granted rights under this Declaration. DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Page -3- Date Received: JUL -: 8 2009 "... ..1" ~ ~ (b) O~er acknowledges that the primary purpose for requiring compliance by Owner with restrictions provided in the Declaration is to assure compliance with the affordability requirements of the HOME Program, AND BY !\EASON THEREOF, OWNER IN CONSIDERATION FOR RECEIVING HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP !'UNDS FOR THIS PROJECT HEREBY AGREES AND CONSENTS THAT CITY SHALL BE ENTITLED,' FOR ANY BREACH or THE PROVISIONS HEREIN, AND IN ADDITION TO ALL OTHER REMEOIES PROVIDED BY LAW oR IN EQUITY, TO ENFORCE SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE BY OWNER OF ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS DECLARATION IN A STATE COUR! OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION. owner hereby further specificallY acknowledges that the beneficiaries of owner's obligations hereunder cannot be adequately cOMPensated by monetary damages in the event of any default hereunder. (cl This Declaration may be enforced by City or, its designee in the event Owner fails tosatis~y any of the requirem.ents or this Declaration. If leqalcosts a~e incurred by city, such legal costs, 'including attorney fees and court costs (inclUding costs of appeal)" are the respons~bility of, and may be recovered from, Owner. ' SECTION 6 MISCELLANEOOS (al Severability. The invalidity of any clause, part, or provision of this Declaration shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. - (b) Notice.. All notices to be given pursuant to this Declaration shall be in writing and ,shall be deemed given when mailed by certified . or registered mail, return receipt requested, to the parties hereto at the.addresses set -forth below, or to such other place as a party may from time to"time designate in writinq. To Owner: John Tamulonis city or Springfield 225 Fifth street Springfield, OR 97471 N,1\jl.\e lAJl~~6, 4\A\~ c.~IJUt\_ 1'1~'. :.~~i.' C'~ Ill.,'%. Nl.AIIJ S.~D'~~*"'"f To city: (c) Governing Law. the state of oregon of lImerica. This Declaration shall be'governed by the laws of and, where applicable, the laws of ,the On.ited states IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Owner has caused this Oeclaration to be signed by its duly autho~ized representative, on the d~y and year f~rst above written. OWNER: ~..wQ.Llol. of 1tl-6 gU~eN By: ~I/ IIA aJ A.r/Jd" - , ( Title, EH.\.Co6 ~ CITY(\^_ By: \ "IlJ-A... ~ Titie: City Ma~aqer , ' U DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENl'.NTS Page _4.Date Received: JUL - 8 2009 Original Submittal ,~ I. I . ! ,...,., II,J 1111111111 1IIIIIIIllII II I1I1 . . III ,,1,.111 ,_,. STATE Of!' OREGON _ OFF1CIALSEAl. RIITti REED ' NOTARY~GON COMMISSION NO,336361 III COMMISSION ElCl'IRES SliPT 10, ~~..~...,...........~~~ ) 5S. County o! Lane ) Personally appeared e!ore}e ~is ,~~~ day of ' 2001, the above named ~~""AI I and nowl~d foregoing instrumen~ to e his hor voluntary act and eed. _,~~ A;~ Notary PUbllC for Oregon My cOllUl\ission Expires: ?'6h4 , the STAtE Of!' OREGON ) ss ) County o! Lane Personally appeared the above named Mike Kelly as city Manager tor the city o! springfi~ld and acknow~~~ed the !~egoing instrument to be his, voluntary act and deed on this ~day of ~~ ' 2001. ' <.J . ~' y publ1c for, Oregon ollUl\ission Expires, ,..,-1-0\ . ' llFFlCW.SEIL JUUE A. WILSON ~TMYPUBIJC.(JRfJlIl , i:llMM\ISIONlIl.lIl25l3 II{ lXlMMISSIJIllfIIES JUU' 1, 21111 I'\DOCS\DECL~TION Of!' RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS.DOC . , Date Received: DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Page -5-' , JUL :- B 2009 , Original Submittal .L......l....-. " '1111' ...11111111 ~ .... 130- ~ j 21 DO g ~ ~I ~ 1/:(1' 64' '3C" 4" . 4::1' ~, dF I 60' ~ ,-s' 36' ~ f I : :::: : 2500 ~,~~~ 2500 JOOO "00 3200 gs f ~ .~~~?>~ w, "'; 3" j ~)~;~ ~ r I ~ 520~~'%vV 5000 r- ~ I I ~ f, I 'j ~ ~!i.". B -t- ,,15 nJ::,'t/~ // ~. Cl -- ~ 16 1718 -:. .'"14"23' .,' ~ ~~':-S:~.\1:~~'U'.o 192 2 ~~" ~' , 'SE COllo:u"-j-"j.-.u<~_ I ;' 2 ,<5, 2ll" ~ ~, ' D L C 63 5' Cl -'- <_."'.1.1-' ':'" _0_.1.1", 1. - ... " " . . . -4.J4'2.a' _ . -Gf. - ._.....-~:zor- !U 47.71' lliE-IHf--~' --" . '"..lg , (1.~~111----f#.I.::. 1:l'f=::::::mL--I#I.~' .~~,,:"',.......n U) '4.974' t 71.476- --- ~~ P1W.,.~O~9!1 J~J.C!3" - '::',3" - .' ,".44' _OO~~:IO'_ - 46.4'16;' 64' I I j r_ &:1J6' " ~ 0 8 II " ( i 5400 ~ II 5700 II -2 Ol 6601, ~: 7100 : '5300 j , ~~ i m., LO I II !'Ill <'- ~,~ ~;.;~: 1;:614- -:1 '73' ..l : ~~~~ V'~; i ~ ~ ~ 6;~0 5 ~J 7000 532, ~ _ 0-\\ ~r 5500 ~ 5600 ~ ...:,.rJ"1 '-1 V",'..',,,. ~ ~ f f 3' 6300 Ii'" ~ ~~~,: 3.", II .1' ,S :~D,22 AC, I 6602 ~ I ....,' i;!:" PAR. t I. ~ . 6400 ~~~...~ ~ ~ i Sll' , I I , I , ----------~------ - ..!S' I 2200 I I ~ ,5 I 70' Ie' I 70' .,. , 45' ... .. 30'/ ~a' 40' iUl' g! ~ ~, I , , , , 6G' 4u'i ..""'5' I , " 1300 1100 I , I , I I , , '" a 'Il 2000 1900 1800 1700 1400 R R - ~'~ Sffi-E-ET .. "" i , , o ' g 3400 i r<) : I ~~~ ~ . UAa- 75' ~.. ".--........, 1~800 )4700 rg~ 4900, 4600 4500 4400 4300 7200 THIS MAP IS PROVIDED AS A COURTESY OF WESTERN PIONEE,R TITLE COMPANY THIS CO~Y'OF ASSESSOR'S MAp IS PROVIDED SOLEL ~ TO ASSIST IN LOCATING SUBJECT PROPER,gateA!ii~ived: ASSUMED FOR DISCREPANC;ES IN THIS MAP AS OUTLINED ANO,THE ACCOMPANYING LEGAL DESCRIPTION, MAP # 1703354104800090 JUL - 8 2009 . ~ '). ~~ WARRANTY ~ FOR VALUE RECEIVED, ARLAN H. FARMER and ROSE M. FARMER, husband and wife, herein ,referred to as grantors, hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto 1l0WARD E. ZINK, herein referred to as grantee, the following desoribed real property, with tenements" hereditaments and appurtenances, to wit, PARCEL ONE: I<eqlnn~ng at a point which is 360 feet East of a point that is 94.57 feet South 40' 40' East from a point 105.2 feet North of the Southwest corner of the paul'Brattain Donation Land Claim No. 63, in Township 17 South,'Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, running thence Esst 60 feet, more or less, to the monument which marks the Southeast corner of Block 7 of BRATTAIN'S ADDITION to ' Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, as platted 'and recorded in Book 9, Page 6, Lane County Oregon plat Records before same was vacated; thence North 196.3 feet; thence Hest 60 feet; more or less to a point due North of the Beginning Point; thence South 196.3 feet to the, place of beginning, 'in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING, That portion of the above-described premises inoluded in that certain deed wherein Paul Hadley and Pearl Hadley, husband and wife, were grantors, and the Town of Springfield, was grantee, registered in Book 14, page 480, of the Certificate of Registered , Titles, being Instrument No. 3474, in Lane County, Oregon. ' ALSO: Beginning at a point 420 feet East and 206~9 feet North of a point that is 94.57 feet South 40. 40' East from a point 105.2 feet North of the Southwest corner of the Paul Brattain Donation ,Land Claim No. 63, in Township 17' South of Range 3 West of the Willamette ~Ieridian, in Lane County, Oregon, and running thence South parallel with the East line of Tenth Street, 206.9 feet, more or less to the, North line of Main Street in Springfield, tane County, Oregon; thence Easterly along the North line of Hain Street GO feet; thence North parallel with the East line of Tenth Street 214.3 feet, more or less, to a point 60 feet East of the beginning point, and thence \'Iest 60 feet to th'e place, of beginning i in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: That certain tract conveyed by Andrew J. Waffle and Stella M. Waffle, husband and 'wife, to City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, by instrument recorded October 21, 1940, in Reception No. 98967, Lane County O~egon Deed Records, in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL TNO: Beginning-at a point on the South line of the alley running East 'and West between Main Street and "A" Street 225 feet East of the Date Received: Page 1 - Warranty Deed JUL - 8 2009 ..... . . ....._1 It,,,,jill'~I': ,d. ...,...,...., ''''''''''.'' T'M(, \-"TAct 00 I . ,- '~ " ,. " . East line of Tenth Street in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, and running thence East on the Sou~h line of said alley 75 feet; thence South paraUel with the East line of Tenth Street, 168.00 feet. more or less, to the North line of Main Street; thence Westerly on the North line of said J'lain Street 75 plus feet to a point exactly 225 feet East of the East line of Tenth Street 'if extended Southerly; thence North 156.05 feet, more or less, and parallel with'the East line of Tenth Street to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO: Beginning at a point on the South line of the alley running East and West between /,lain Street and "A" Street and 300 feet East of the East line of Tenth Street in BRATTAIN'S ADDITION to Springfield, as platted and recorded in Book 9, Page 6, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, running thence East 60 feet; thence South 190 feet; more or less, to the North line of Main Street; thence Westerly along the North line of Main Street to a point due South of the point of beginning; thence North 170 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, in Lane 'County, Oregon. , Subiect to a Land Sale Contract, dated October 31, 1972,. recorded March 15, 1975, Reception Nc. 75~08051, by and between ,Wilkes ' Enterprises, Inc., an Oregon Corporation, as Vendor and Arlan H. Farmer and Rose M. Farmer, husband and wife, as vendee, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, which grantee herein assumes and agrees to pay. Subject to'easements, reservations and restrictions of record. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tha said premises unto said grantee, his ,heirs and assigns forever. And the said grantors hereby covenant that they are lawfully seized in'fee simple of said prem- ises; that they are free from all encumbrances, except as above ' stated, and that,they will warrant and defend the above-granted premises against all lawful claims, whatsoever, except as above stated. The $190,000.00. true and actua~Jonsideration for this transfer is DATED this ~ day of April, 1976. " 4~t. dZ~-,"~_ , ',-, Ar~~t~' oI~ ~ &r.-V?o-U.- '11{(tJ;:: .. Rose I~. FArmer ss. County of Lane STATE OF OREGON ) I ) On this Jff day of April, 1976, personally appeared the above*named Arlen H. Farmer and ~o M. Farmer, husband and wife, and acknowledged the foregoing in ument 9;;b~1tr voluntary aot and deed. Before me, ", -r.:: . .... ~~ otary PUbl1C r Oregon My Commission expires, ~ ,". /,' . Grantee's address: 2278 North 8th Street, Sprinqfleld, LlI'ZUe.l'\'tjl!;tilIVed: paqe 2 - lI'arrmty Deed (End) JUL - 8 2009 Original Submittal '. i. I ", ~: ~it:~}ik ~~J't;"' t~~~f~;; ~:,(2tP";;:;L ! ~;;~~~ti'. \. ~:~i~~~~.~~,~ ~~ii',~f~:f \:f";)",,'h,,,. (:~{,.l";i...:i:,'.~ '. ,t,~\.:-,:~~~ ~O~:',~s: '!r;...~!,''''-~ ~~'~';;"'M' . '.\ii ;,,~..: '. "\1:;.,\{1"" .' ;'; " ~\~~CI,\ f{.~{~fit ~i ~"I,i,J~ "t" - ~r\;;;:':< ;,:i ,I I I i .::. ~~~'~~~: i ,'"," " ' , ' f ~~ .?>:- ;' :;~ :: ;~. ..:' '; i ".~"" '~~'~(~"""'"\" '. '1B ' ' c.t. T /;5 z.. ..~~-:._~~~MIIo...u_~-. ~.~_..~.S2334 _ -=--~"--:-,,u.~_'___'__"';", i,',' n . l.l.h /'. . ._- - ... ........_uu_ ~l ! ~ KNOW AU M2N BY THMlt "RaMTS. ,.".,., .._,._....._,.,.......:....,.. 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".glnnlng dt . point llhlch Is 3611 feet tut .r o point that h 94.51 feet South 40' 40' Eut from a point 105.2 feet North of the Southwest corner or I,he P.ul Brott.ln Oon.tlon l.nd Clatm 110. 63, In'To....shlp 17 South. Range 3 ~cst of the ~11'amette Merld1.ni running theee Ea,t 60 feet. more or less, to the ,ononument I.lllch markS the Southeast corner of Bloek NO.7 of Brattalns ^drlHlon, to Sprtngfleld. Lane.COunty, Oregon. he fore same was vacated, thcnee IInrth 196.3 te.t; thence W..t 60 feet, more 01' Ie.. to ,a point due Ilorth of th.'h.glnnlng point; thence South 196.3 feet to tile place of beginning, In l.ne r.ounty, ,Oregon. EXCEPTING therefrom thot portion ~f the above described .l'lre!l\'ses included tn that certa1n deed wherein Paul Hadley and Pearl Hadley, hush.nd .nd ~Ife, were Grontors and the Town of Springfield, ...s grontee, re91sterod 1n Vo'ume 14, Pege 480, of the Certlfleate of Registered Titles, being Instument NO. 8474. ".. .., ",", PARCEL If. ' geglnnlng at a' point 420 feet East' and 206.9 feet' North ofa point that Is " 94.57 feet South 40' 40' East from a point 1~5.2 feet North of the Southwest corner of'the Paul Brattain Oonatlon L~nd Claim No., 63. In Township 11'South., ' R.nge 3 west of the 1I111~mette Merldl~n, 1n L~ne County. Oregon, ~nd running , thence South parallel with the East line of Tenth Street 206.9 feet, more or less to the Korth line of Main Street in Springfield, lane County. Oregon; thence Easterly along the North line of Haln Street 60 feet; thence Horth parallel with the'E~st lIne cjf ,Tenth Street 210.3 feet, more or ,less, to a ,point 60 feet East of the heginning point, ~ndthellce West 60 feet to the vl.ce ,of beginnIng., EXCEPTING TI1EREFIlOH that 'certain tract conveyed by And'e~ J. W.ffle ond'Stella II. Waffle, husband and wife, to CHy of ~pr1ngf1eld, .. municipal corporation, by instrument recorded Octob-e'r 21, 1940. in tane County Oregon Oeed RecordS. under Recorde,'s Reception No. 88967.' ' PARr.El m. eeginnlng at a point on the South Hnecif the alley running East and ~Iest het....n 1I1Iln St..et and "A" Street 225 feet East of the East 'Ine of Tenth S"eet In Springfield. l.ne County,' Oregon, and running thence East on the South ,line of said alley 75 feet; thence South parallel with the East line of Tenth Street 168.00 feet, more or less, to the North line of Haln Street; thence Westerly on the tlorth 11ne of saId' "aln Street 75 plus feet to . point exact.1} 22S, feet East of, the t.st line nf Tenth'Street if extended Southerly; thence North 156.05 feet, more or less, and parallel with the East line of Tenth Street to the place of beginning, In Lane County, Oregon. PAACELIV, Beginning at a' point on the South Hne of the ~lley running Eut and West, between llaln Street and 'A" Street and 300 feet Eut Of the EaSt HnB of Tenth Street In Br~tt~fn's AddItion to Springfield, In Lane County. ~regon, as platted and recorded In Volume 9, Page 6, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, running thence East 60 feet; thenee South 180 feet, ~ore or less, to the 'iorth line or 'ialn Street; thence Westerly along the lIorth line of Main Str'eet to a point due South of the point of beginning. thence North 170 feet, more or less,. to the point. of begtnnlng, ~n Lan1! County, Oregon. ,::.,,:: '-., ",;'. " .., .,' .; " , , 'I I I I I, , :' ", ' ':~: : ;' ,'. '.','"' j f~:.(. i~'~, l::-f:\i\' I ~ },......~\< ',;- " ' , .. ,\/ I Date Received: JUL - 8 2009 "._,..,'" ,""f...' )"/v' "iA' ',." ,'co, ," , ..",. ',',"'.'" ,," ,..1'/ (' '..' ','1:"" "'II' , ~'" ",'",.., '" "" '1"1" .-, t" , ~ 'Ii""" ""';'1 ,.,' ":J"; "'01'" ,'" ,",:i' f'r,,""'" I ,~:,....~II/"l~:' ,.....!...\..:.'.....,I..'l., f(~l:"'''' ! ",r';\?',;t lb,.;.:-l"JI;)~.(!J;~i,~~,l~ "~(~.,~. .. '~' "'<'-1 "~'~..~..~..." ',' \.1"'1 . ' ,,:I.'f'/~':- .;'-";. ' .-, ~ -. - .' ',' f'~~""I.!." ,J\r,:,'(~"'''rl, , ", ", 'r:b\\f:'+'\'\ll ,,~.(t~, <40 .:"t . ."'t' !"I;"~'"t- ,~,':".'" . Jil'!.\I:,;,\;{:r;~;,;.;~~~~.~, ,', ,.,.,;",.~ ,., ' .~I' . "',J' l.'~.' ." . . . -. .-", .~. " ;}~,...~.~~,:., = , W~"'lt1>.",' 'It' <~V , ""I' tM ~"~.,,,,.,,,,! ~"Ji'",~\'!, :',':~w"..;., ." ':'),.- ',' .~ . '.. .0 ,...., ;.::.f ; (':;. :..~'._l, t..,... ~, . .-" -, . ;~ f . 1 ~ i. ~ . " -I ~.. ',;:".-l .(.... , SO' ..~.-..,....,.,............~.. . -~"'-'.~"" .' ." <ll ~ ~ ..;! . . ., ~..,:;... vO" ... ., . , _u - . ". t"'"- O' o....u u~-:;:. .8.... . . .: :::,... .. ,,",....,! 'I -....~ ~~.;!!3 &~ f!~t .~ !.'Ei :~. .13. . - . .'( !}J . .J,: or: to- ,..c IN P"'I ~ ~. ! ....... i & l,I, ; l1i '~ . . . . ~ ~ .. i .i . 1; . ~f j ~ ~ Date Receivecf JUL - 8 2009 . .i l; . Original,Submittal ,', .. '-.,.."..". '"I''';''' ','-,"',.... '.,-~' " ........ ".U,'. ,i,.l.~..".II-'...~"...tl .,-ft'l . ....J...II...,.',..~h..;"'.. . ... " .,.. 'I' ," . T'~' I;", . '/ 'i"\ . " !...,. . ..,c. ,'-:, '.\r <.:,'" . .1'(. ~.,. .f.~t ,;.;.,:,;:,~., ";, .~~~~'~I~",'~'~;l,~,)",,';hi/it ,::~~~t:~"~'\I'" . ,,'Jftr.,', /,,:. ',~ g.",,;., '"," '~:""''''':'.I".;n) ,.,~"",." """"'~' .,' ,.,,>\~,~~,:,, I~'..,_~ ....'1' .~,~\ . :",,,,~.,,,:.t"~' "r,l".',..' .f 4';('{ 4 .......,..",.. ~ .,'Ii.:T.../:'..-.;.....~i.:\~. ~,;t;io.1;\~JA~~:,i::~:,' .~..~,:t~. ~((:'.r:.'.l:'~;''', ,J. ..~..r~.'~~;\! ~I.\. . -"""'"'-. .17:.. ~--3.5 ~.t.r-'( MAROS'-1988T' r " __, ......... .' .l'!I!!llI .,'1' tl'~'::~:.;~ _'.' ..":""._ 4.c;~ , . '/503 p;- ~ - - , -- ~~-.... - ,'\l ,1 : ") ',' 8BtJ<J349 ' R!:LW.".. !!t D!!!I WHDIZAS, tht' ciIlacR cr 11m ""."";1.',,,,_ of SPlllCrlELD, whon t..!'t ft_. 11 BPIll.:rtILD CHURCH Of 'fJI.! ..E1:PtQ........xJClAmUUXUXXll:...)lJl.1l1UIJl1lll...iU.!au..UUl(lIJUUUC&aItIUIl ..Jtlt...".."".""y.....,,. ~ 'herU...n... re .n"el1 to .. \la' 1I.Loca1 CdlIIf'ePt.1olll,- 1I u.e 11)('\1 owner 1'1 I.. .1 UN t~ d"c:r.lhd F"'''' n. fin LA... COWIe, tas Iou ,.......cd .. (OU-., IJ~O).'5-.1-G'600 17.D]~JS-"1-04700 17-0]~)S."I~1OO 17-0]-'$-61-04900-101 17-0)-]S-'1-D'900~&02t al.o bo,", .. 1062-1096 Main It.. .pritl.tiaU, Ol'_,oa, . aUachd to' tbb doc:~t. 94'IUI1 11118/88 RlC '."'3H z.... an4 dt.eribld'ta -lXRlllf A., "'UIll 1I1l818SPF1lD .....31. 11... ., WI.t-b.!!' with th_ 1.I;:c'oY_nt.l \IIereon, and Uta n&ms.tura, ~ and na.Ir p?:IJper~, r.d, ~ona1 and Id.ud, u.eed b aOaMCtJ.on \be:n...s.~, 01' be1d . po......ed; b7 .dd -loAl c:oncrlltpt1on,- an:i .,. ht....tt.tir 1.cqu1.rt oUM!' .1" ',' '.. , rO.1.1, perlonal ar a1xtd in connectton tbvew1\b, (aU or llMdl 11 bereIa&ft.. nlvnd to u the "Ch\U"Cb Praptt.l"'tl..-), I . . AND MIDIAS. \ht tenete and: pr1Ddpl. '1f ~ -lacal .ftCI"p~ IN .. ...... or GppI"OY<<I Iron. t1l:ttl to t1lll by Ut. ANHU4L COJ..i~_ or 'tHE CHURCH or.m _.~. (hnobJ4t't.er refarred to AI -Annul Cont.nnc.,-); ald ~. .1otIJ.oci..p~ 1. l.cellltod 1ft, 1M 11 apart, or,. the DlSIN1Cr or -2!E0!:W~R!~. ~ "IE CH'lntCH 01' 'IRS IitETHREn, her.J.nat'\er ,..t"tT~ l... ...01 _~ --.J.W,~...,... . AmI WKI!:UAS, th. add -1ocaJ, ccmqepUou. .., or ..,.'......" ~ ani othu uoi.Won.. troll IOlIe at UI. boal'lle of \.be Chvob or t.ne IIretbnra, AJII) WlIIRrJ.s, "ANfl1AL c.....<rAr\CoP\o~- bat euthori.zl'lt U. adopt.1on of . plMI" 01' .., tor end eon\f'Ol or ChW"Ch PI"Opet1.lo. bz tb leca1 eonsr'pUOM aDi the Dta\rlftll. ud U; :1. da.1r6bl. and 1. to UHt b~ in...I'UU at t.h. I&1d 'leea1 OOftp'tIpUorfl . Lb.1 t. .ueh . plan be _clop",,, and """bU.tbICII . NOIt, .fWAWl,IU" U COn81d.'I'.t.1on pt th. pnalaa., the -.tual __tn. .. ~\flnua:CI' to be p.1rutd. and. tho '\11 or One Dollar 1n hand paid, tM IId4 'a.1 ccn8ref'.&t1on" do.. h,r.by .. known, d..c~ and qrH, at 10110",. . (1) Tho..14 "IDeal eon!"pu..,' 10014. tnd 10 ..._ ot tilt ot14 __ ProPfl't1..- IUbJ.c:t. to the t..nu and pI'9'11l1100a b..t. (2) the \en.to. ancI principl.. ot ~. ,d4 "lMal eonpepUo~ are" ud IbI1l be, u adopt-lid and 'pPl'Ond tJ"OllI u... to tiM bJ Ut, Aranw. COHrIR!HtS or 1HI CflWtCI OF DiE BRi"IHt'UtIt. (j) So lone .. Ut, aa.14 'local. ccmarqo.ttaa- W1l ohern 'uQ "'IIIIM' Bl1.IEF3, and unloao 1M lUlW th. B)ARD OF Ali8IUlAfJCti, tlvdMtWr pJ'D'IUM te... . .l1all have found to the eonire"., the: DIid "1oe&1. COftll"ClcaUoftll &hall baft and et1$07 th. tole and exclUdvt PO......1on. ~.n\.rol, ... ".." ., aacI r1cbt 01 dilJDdUoa at "h. 1N1d -Chur~ ProPft't1..,1l .act eMU be '''PGwblt .C'd' aU lIIIpIZII8. MIl lSabWt1e1 a.coftft4M:t.Soa tMrew:lUt.. . (...~ on U. _ pop) " . i I I ....-,-; (POCO 1 0' ,) *., ~~ .;,;'::!;., r.:.., , ~ ;,,' &~.~ ~~".. -.:,'.1 .': " ' I .. . ~~', - 8 2009 , ..; '~:,' ~~';~ .' .,':.,. ~ :.~!; ~.:~t;: ~..~..~.~.. mittal '/'..7:'- , ' , " :...:.j:J....."i:.. ~ - ~_., 4'~ ';. .-: r . --:- ,MAR 081988, 15'03 F1, ., II 4. -. ._:JIIDt:~~ r"--~- . .~ ~---_._. ,-,-'.'-. ,--_., ..~~~ .". ~_.'. 8809349 nIrM ....a'rl0l' S!E D!Il i . (4) tD the ....c ot ...luln, or aU,.u cllntnOD by ch. ..1d -1eca1 eonarel,dogl! b_ uch Jl.11'DU' ..U."', the qu'Ui~ ,ball b, ...aiU" co . IG\R.D or AUItaAt10N to be COOf'''''' (oe.,1: AI herta.atbl" "C fonh)" 0' Dna. ....n., tbnit to ~. d"lJGIC" u' .dlctd by '"nil S'UJG)IHG caounu t# 181 1JIINAL COllnaEtfCI"' t tbn. to tte 41.t,ut" Q' .,hcult bT thl "100,1 COGlftllcioo... .Qd the ...v.nth ....r to be duS.utlll .ad ..1e~t.' b, ehe Ilx.....en ch\ll cbo.o. U tbt lilt. ....1'. th",'c:noun INU lab to '.na upaD. or f.U to ....:l.uu la' ..bee. t.he .,.....nth ....r wiChtn thl ,.1'104 Of U. ..e " Cb. ....n ...tlDAl:.... . ..ttCUd.", "11U!: STAKII CctCttITTU or TIlS.MQrUAL COIfnaatCl." (Sucb pert04.f u- to .. not 1... thIn thirty dty. ,ftar vticcln DOCiea). chaD the ...eatb. .....r ,baLl b, ..dIMC" aDd ..llued b, the ....n 10 ..ipac" ,IUS ,alecCI"'''' -ru StANDINC COtC1:rrra or IlIE AIRlVAL ....., ".'~ ..t.," . . It t.ht I&U -local cangnpUo". Iba11 tIU 01' "'&teet. to ..1111&'" uIll ee1ec\ tho .c.b!,re ot tohl BCAJUl or ARBItRAttCIII to, bll 4t.1,natH aid Nlected b7 Lt, 14~ \.hiM)' due a.ttar witten neUe. III) Ut do !rOll \1\8 IIMBkn d.I1p~.d: and ..ltOhd lq 'M ST4I11lItK; CllHIlTlEll 01 tIli 4lMI4lo CClIflllEllCB,' \llo IlOWl Of AIlBl1ll4tIOIIboU " COr.lpo..el ot three .aber!l onlY ,_ NIII'l1', \.h ~. -..bu. 41Ap&ted an:! HlIot. by IITHEST.umING COff.ilTI'EZ OF THE .UDnlAL cotlrEREtd.- Act10n tak,". or approftcl1D. 1Ir1ti"l b7. a ujor1t.y ot the lUlIbefl ot \M B04RCl OF AHSI'l1U.TION IbaU be t&JdA UIS d"lIed to be the actiDn or th. 80ARD t:8 ARBlTUTImf, Ib&ll M ~ on lb, .~ C~I'c;r.ptJ.onll al'd th.r. WU be no a~ th.ntna. ' C;l It 1t 011&11 h .;otonUnod ll7 tlI. 80Wl 07 AJiilimtIOII tbot tIl.'dOnaU..i ot' \h. "!oed conrr"'pt1an" tI'02i web ~'"..- blUet' 11 _tArial &III ....t.urtJ.Al., \b. "loca.1 congr.ptianlt .~&U IIW'nn:lar tull It'.d ac1ua1n po....a10ft, ooatral, MMP. .ftll and rtlbt at dllpo.it1on ot the aa1d 'Chvcb 'npoTU..- t.o Ute N14 'Pi.tria..,- or 1U IKlm1D.., aM 'hall -w 'f1U, at th, rlque\ ot tM "D11\.&1.1\.' 1UCIIt, lid d.l1nr aU d..el', asdgment.I, t.nmtU', and G~II'.docwun\. d.-.cl bf tAlI '",Vie"- \0 b, req\l1e:LU or necnllry to eonTlJ', 111111'1, trUlal.r and <<.uYII' ruu. Inll CClIIlplata t.1U. to, aM exclu.a1Ye p'....tlon ot, M1d "Chwcb PropeJ1.1..~ to ,he IlDllVSd," or 1\, ~. . (6) UpoD tho .t.ra.n.Cer of tho tUJ.a to, MIS po....l1on or, -.a1d 'cman::b ProperU..- to the niel "JU..t.nct.,1l and AU -D1etnc\" .hall hATe .114 trdoJ' \be lOb and u:clud.,. pon.nioll, eontrol, ~t ancl riaM. ot d1epoe1\1cm at a.t4 "ChUl'ch P:raperu..,1I aM mq t.l'an8rV and 11<<11.,.. the e.. to lI\loh local. _'" "I" ", ,Lon or t..... CIMICH OF 'lHE wncaEN upon Neb t.r.u ant oaMlUclna .. N1d IlD1Itz1.ctfl ~ d... actri..b1o. (po.. 2 ot ,l (oomt1llllod om tbo m"'" .... l Date Received: JUL - 8 2009 j ; ~ ~ . r' Origina.l Submittal .. " " . . , .': . " ~ ;i ;~,~?~; :~.:-~~i:t ,I.::.::';:." 'j{':-:r~ .' '. " " ....'..:~:.. " " '. 4;. "'t",-" .'.. ~. . , " ," '. . ':" ..-.. "'r . 'l; \.'~ '1"" -:"~:'~h.:i~;;.::..~~:. ,,~~',~":.i .~ '! ~ ~~.... r' .....'.r ' MAR 08 1988 15'0'3 ~. , "'~.-=-..=a..'~ - '. ....!!-:..~_.-....I~~ ,,"'" ~..... -~'~~:,,;,~''''~'-- .. ~....... '- ".... ~-===-:ne R - 8809349 j' ,m:r.w"''Z2 .l!!!l!I IN WI'ftI!sS WH!iIIID'II tile ..id .-lAw canIHpt.1onlf and tM .u "DiItd1\" hIlv. caqed Ul~.. "..,ent..to be du17 Gllcutecl al'd dell...... w.. .. dQ ot 1 19~.. '.D.Vlj . -,.: '~"... DIstRICT (Jt Afrr...a.J _ IU....u..u -....1 -" CJaJRCfI 07 THlI8I"J1GtII or .s~'''''~tJ,~ , ar M: ~..I'Dl'I..' :~~?,.;~f:.lf d....,/. .-Ub.BI<Ur cnUHClt ", till I."" ", ~i1... teL". ...., MDt 81 I~ ~.k:-., t\1~J.,..J-J ~'f~" '.:.. ' ~\;~'('\brd. (OU.~\"~(.'I~brcili".&.o) 87.. ., "l . ~~... I\V-::~~::,~::'.rJ I~~~. '~','k:t:':::1'''?.:...~'-';;:.r~,hoo.,~, c; ,i~. fL\. .", I-.l' ....r \'11\1./ ,(..~j-,.Y<<.L<A.?r''?I9'c~~~~ /L I \D I.~,-\ lV-\lIIL I!\~ \~ ;'J."o-,..cj~rie wau...,s l:f{(~ ,-:)1o\l:.~'O unsrut't"",,.,...ct:.\dI,~ 7' ' t.:~ ,1f('.:l.7r;,"'_.,,,., ., l. t' - (Un above ~m it ..,.". ",,,,1l1li1. 0....... " ~., L...,...hclIU...'l,,,..,,..'.., - .:.. ..:.::.,... "" tom ~h '. ~ ~.::~&::..:..\: . : !i",",'\,.r:.~". ....i ~ ~~ ""-'-.,,,. :~.J ;.O'lJ" ....~~:~l'~ . Cb'URCH arm' .:....:....'~. W' \litD 1IIi&;~ DlMI I - ~ Trut.M l'ru," Date Received: ("CO 3 .t J~ JUl - 8 2009, ," , ..c;'. . ~~"'U;.III!:IlIlth-O'ri...n"illul.T ........ .. ..~.. '.'~' . :;8'!:: .' J. !.., , .. . :~ . ~: ". .. . . ":':~:'/'::,!;i~X+t. ... ...,; ~X;i~,;i;.~~,;;;:;:' :,. ......;. J. . .: :.....,'{-~ tl. i....:~... '" ."... 1l '. . ". . ... ~: t, . .~ ....., ..' .'. .... .... ...... . ..; ~ '" , . .,'../'.... , " " '. ....... " I ,~ ~.. - J,- ---.-=:.... ':"~--~-"'.~' .--- ...-. --", ..-.' SSO-J34S D1JJ1'T A S~33US [Ll.U12 PAlICU I. 'leg'""'"' It . MInt WIldt Is JGO "'tel hst ar , point ,U~t fs 941.51 ,,,t St)lIth 40. 4n' Cut r,.r'Iffl .. ,.,I"t 105.2 rut North of tl'le South...,t corner of' I.hl! 11,1111 nratt,,"lll UfJni1t!M (,lInlt CI.'1I~ 110. 63, In fownshlp 11 So~th. A,nv, J W'r.,.t t)( th~ WfIlPl~tt~ '~"ldlln; rmlnlng three hst fiG r,et. ItQre or 1e'51, to the IIlOn\Jllltul ....lch Nrk5 tlte Southo,list COl"ur of IHock rlo. 1 of Bnttaln_ Mdltlon to Sprlng'lflrf. I.Jnl! r.llunty. Clr~9<'n. w'ore Wine .. "K.ted; thtnci f1nrth 1')6. J hl!l: thenet Utsl 6IJ ht!t, more or len to I nol"t dUI' f&orth or the h~gfnnlnl;l rl)ll1t; thtnce $nuthl"ti.3 fttot to'.th' phet tif beg'nn'ng. In lMt' C:01lnt1. Or'-I)''"' [J;C[rrtrlli thenfroat th~t I'Qrtlon or the aban dfscrlhed pr"f!'mlsp.s Inrl~'ed "'n th,t ep"t.ln ttr'!tl "lllerlln rfQ1 lI.dhy and I'flr-t I..til,y, hu""tnl1 ..nrl Vlfll, NIlr. r."'"~,orl and the Town of SctrfRgtlltld. wal V.-.t". 1"'!9lsterl!ll In Vol II"". 14" r,gt "00, t'lf tht Certificate of R..gtlured Titles, h~1ng Instl_nt "Q. 1414. . '1 ,. PMcn II. ltegtnntl1q nt , rolnt .,ro rtet tut AIld 2M.' 'Hl llarth or . potnt UMt 'I 94.51 '~l ~nuth "0- ~O' (I,t fro~ .. point lnS.2 f,el North of the ~It corner of thl rollll nutt..l" Oon....II)" l"hl1 Chi", flo. 1i3, In Town,htp 11 South. n..rill!! J ",""t 0( th'll" \f111metlfl 11rl,.hfllln. tn l..ne CO,,"ty, O""90n.' .nd rumtng l"""cf! Snut,h Ilo1r"llp.t with tilt rftst ltne of Tenth Street 206.9 'Mt. tllOre or . Je.n to the 110rlh llnl nr 1""ln Slr~"'t t,. Sprtngtfe'dl.L.n~ County. Oregon; thencl!' r,utf!r1J .,long the rlorth lInrt or ....tn Strftt 11f) :ftefj t~lIC. north l"'r..lI~l wlt.1l the:' r.ut fine nf 'ent.h Strtet '-JO.l feet, IDOrf: or len. to << 110lnt r,o. rtf't FIlH of' the', ~gln"tn!J 1"lnt, and thence '4,t 60 feet tll U. plJlet n' ~fnnfn9' F,XCErnWi Tllf.RrntOrt that cert.in trect conny" by ^nftrew J. W/'Itrle Il1d SUll., n. w..rrl,!,. hushand ""d wtfe, to CttJ' or Spdngrle1d, . n/Rlctp.1 carpor.olttl1n. hr tnstnilttnt f'ftordtd fktobt.. 21. 1940; to 1.PHI! CClU.tty 01"190" Dud Records. under Atct)rdtr's bceptlon no. !lA96 . '. PMtCL III. neglnnln9 at " mint IIn th~ ~I)lIlh lIn! of the olley nll~nlng (1St Jlnd Het "f!I.~en r1'''!~,,~rn'1 'l.i .r ~',~O";f '-25 feet E"st or the (nt line of.ItIUL- . ~n pdn9"e\(I, ","to f.l)ltnt1, Ilrrgon. IInd runntng thence F.ut" ~ ~nl! nt Solltl II ley 15 feet; t1u~nee South (l.rinel with thll' [nt Itltll or Tenth Strpp.t. 1fil1.no feet, IQOrt nr leu, tn the tlorlh line or Haln Street& . thence Wasttr1y 011 the rlorth line (lr Sltd tieln Street 15 plus fett to . PJtftt.... exactly 22S feat East of ,th" rut ;lIne nf Tei'lth Strut Llf eltended.Southtr'y; ttttnr:t lIorth 156.05 ftet, fIOre or lt55, .nd pATllIel with thl hit tin. a' Tinth Stmt to tht pl", of beginning. in Line Count)', Ongan. PMCEL n. Reglnntng It I ('IDlnt IIn lilt !;auth IIn' nrthit .111Y runn'ng hst tnd.lItst betWHn ,,,tn Street. .nd ",,- Street IInd 300 feet fnt of the East lint of Tenth', Streft In Ar.ttaln's Mftttfon to Sflrlng'lt1d. 'n lan, County. Grego", 111 plltt~rt tnd rfCorded In YnlUlllf 9. r"tJl 6, Line COunty Oregon Pht Records. rUMlng thene.. [..st 150 tnt; th~ncf SiJttUt 180 fftt, Ift(Ire or leu. to tht "","th 1 Ii'll! of ,..,In Str~t: th.nc. lfntltrly .1011:9 the- flnrth 11M qf ftaln Strut to . '. rohtt rltU!' South 0' the IICllnt qt blr~I",,"'n'l thence lIart~ 110 Wt'tllaOre or Itss, to the.ro1nt af b.glnnlnv. In UItt Count)'. Oregon. ua e ~eceived: JUl - 8 2009 " VI.gllla. .:)UOmlllal_ ' . .' . ,="7 .... :':c ,- " ~ : ';'.';\:. . , '. .' '.' \' ~ . ,-: ...., ..-t :', :-. i.~' ~:'; " ~.: ~-:. . " ......::. '.' .... . ." t'.,!::. 0,:', .'.',' '" AFTEA II~OO~DING RETVflN TO: ~ /0' II - '~~i.pJ, ~Jr.;k~ /01).. YfltuMJ ft , , ' , ,Mf1, c)~ '11.t/~J Olvlslon 0' Chi.' Deputv CI.rk 2501 51062' Len. COYntv D..a& and Reaorda ~ -V V ~f~Jnf([UlIJJ!mUl~1!~I!~~~!tll1:13~:;': RPRooREST Cntc'l St....l CASHIER 88 &48.08 &18,88 $11.88 pate Received: JUL - 8 2009 Original Submittal , , LI " I I II J II" II 11.11111111 I .; !XlIIi! IT \ E' DECLARAUON OF lU:Snu:CTIVE COVENANTS 3()~ I~- ,,- I THIS DECLARATION OF RESTRICT~VE COVENANTS (Declaration). dated _ \1-0\ " 2001, by Lane Srlelter Care/Brethren Housing and its successors and assigns (Owner), is given as a condition precedent to the award of HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program funds by the city ot Springfield (City), a political subdivision of the State o~ Oregon, together with any ,uccessor to its rights, duties, and obligations. RECITALS' WHEREASt ~er' is the" owner of Brethren Housing's Four Transitional Housing Units of atfordable housing (the Project) located in the City of Springfield, Lane County, State of Oregon, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" hereto I and WHEREAS, city has been designated by the U.S.' Department ot Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as a Participating Jurisdiction in the HOME Program pursuant to 42 U.S.C. S 12701 et seq., 24 CFR Part 92, and amendments thereto; and ' WHEREAS, Owner has applied to City and entered into a Housing Development Grant Agreement in an amount not to exceed Four Thousand Forty Six Dollars. ' WHEREAS, HOD requires as a condition precedent to the awarding ot HOME program funds that OWner execute, deliver and record this ' Declaration in the otticial Land Deed RecordS of the jurisdiction in Which the Project is located in order to create certain covenants running with the land tor the purpose ot enforcement of the affordability requirements of the HOME Program,',as set forth in 24 CFR Part 92/ and WHEREAS, OWner; under this declaration, intends, declares, and covenants that ,the regulatory and restrictive covenants set forth herein governing the use, occupancy, and transfer of thaProject shall be and are "covenants "running with the Project land for the term stated"herein and binding upon all subsequent owners of the ~roject and for such term, except as specificelly provided herein, and are not merely personal covenantS of Owner; and DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS pageDatte Received: JUL - 8 2009 Original Submittal , - 1.1.1.,.1.11 iL... ~ "" . " WHEREAS, the ~roject's units will be eligible for rent by qualified low~income families for the full te~ stated herein; DECLARATIONS' NOW, THEREFOaE, in consideration ot the promises and covenants hereinafter set forth and of other valuable eonsi.deration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Owner and cltY agree as follows: ' ' SECTXON 1 DEFINITIONS All wo~ds 'and phrases used in this Declaration shall have the same meaning as whEn u3ed in 24 erR, Part 92, unless the context requires otherwise. SI!:CTXOlI 2 RE~RESENTATIONS, COVENANTS AND WARRANTIES OF OWNER owner hereby represents, covenants and .warrants as follows: (a) The project constitutes or will constitute a qualified Project as defined in 24 CFR g 92.2 and, in consideration of the HOME ~rogram funds, the Project's unit(s) will be designated as "HOME-assisted units.# (b) 'All HOME-assisted,units shall be sUbject, to the affordable rental 'housing requirements of the HOME ProQram for the term of the' Declaration. Ic) The units will be available as Hom:-assisted' rental units for occupancy by qualified low-income families and subject to all other applicable affordability requirements of the HOME ProQrarn for the full term stated herein. (d) Subject to the requirements of the HOME program'and this Declaration, Owner may sell,. transter, or exchange the project at any time, but Owner shall notify in writing and obtain the agreement of any, buyer or successor 'or other person acquiring the Project or 'any interest therein, that such acquisition i. subject to the requirements of this Declaration and to the requirements of the HOME Program. Owner agrees that City may void any sale, transfer, or exchange of the project or any HOME-assisted portion of the 'Project if the buyer or successor or other, person fails to assume in writing the'requirements of ,this Declaration and the affordability requirements of the HOME ProQram. (e) owner will, at the time of execution and delivery of this DeclaratiQn, have good and marketable title to the'premises'constitutinq the Proj~ct, free and clear or any lien or encumbrance (except encumbrances created pLJr~~ant to this Declaration, any loan "documents relating to the Project or other permitt~d encumbrances)." . (t) Ownor warrants that it has not and will not execute any other Declaration with provisions contradictory to, or in opposition to, the provisions hereof, and that in any event, the requirements of this Declaration are paramount and controlling as to the rights ~nd DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE coVENll.NTS Page-2.Date Received: JUL - 8 2009 Original Submittal . I. ....,.....L....L.JL..J , , conflict herewith. SECTION 3 TERM OF DECLARATION (a) This Declaration, and the Terms of Affordability specified herein apply to the Project i....ediately upon recordation, and Owner shall ' comply with all restrictive covenants herein not later than the first day after Project Completion as defined in the HOME Program. This Declaration shall terminate Ten (10) years after project completion, unless HOME Program affordability restrictions are earlier terminated due to the occurrence of any of the following events: (1) forectosure, (2) transfer in lieu of foreclosure, or (3) assignment of an FHA insured' mortgage to HOD. SECTION 4 RECORJ)ING AND FILING/ COVENANTS TO RON WITIi TilE LAND '(a) Upon execution of this Declaration by OWner ,and City, owner shall cause this Declaration and all amendments hereto to be recorded and filed in the Official public Land Deeds Records of the jurisdiction in which the project is located. city shall pay all fees and charges incurred in connection therewith. (blOwner intends, declares and covenants" on behalf of itself and all future Owners and operators of the Project during the term ofithis Declaration, that this Declaration and the covenants and restrictions set forth in this Declaration regulating and restricting the use, ,- - occupancy and transfer of the Project (1) shall be and are covenants - running with the land, enclllbberingthe Project for the term of this 'Declaration, binding upon Owner's successors in titie and all subsequent' OWners and Operators of the Project; (2)' are not merely personal covenants of OWner; and (3) shall bind Owner (and the benefits shall inure to the City and any past, present or prospective tenant of the Project) and its respective successors and assigns durin9 the term of this Declaration. Owner hereby agrees that any and all requirements or privileqes of estate are intended to be ~atisfied, or in the alternate, that an equitable servitude has been created to insure that these restrictions run with the Project. For the term of this Declaration, each and every contract, deed or other instrument hereafter executed conveying the project or portion thereor shall eKpressly provide that such conveyance is subject to this Declarat~on; provided, however, the covenants contained herein shall survive and be effective regardless Of whether ~uch contracts, deed, or other instrument hereafter executed conveying the Project or portion thereoC provides that such conveyance is subject to this Declaration. SECtION 5 ENFORCEMENT or AFFORDABLE HOUSING'REQUIREMENTS (a) OWner covenants that it will not knowingly take or permit any action that would result in a violation or the affordability requirements of the HOME Program. City, together with Owner, may execute and record any amendment or modification ot this Declaration and 5uch a~endment or moditication shall be binding on.third-partics granted x19:tlt5 under th;ie: Declaration. . . DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Page -:Cate Received: JUL - 8 2009 Original Submittal '" 1111. - ,I . -- , ' (b) ~er acknowledges that the primary purpose for requiring compliance by Owner with restrictions provided in the Declaration is to aSSUre compliance with the affordability requirements of the HOME program, AND BY REASON THEREOF, OWNER IN CONSIDERATION FOR RECEIVING HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP FUNDS FOR THIS PROJECT HEREBY AGREES AND CONSENTS THAT CITY ,SHALL BE ENTITLED, FOR ANY BREACH OF THE PROVISIONS HEREIN, AND IN ADDITION TO ALL OTHER REMEDIES PROVIDED BY LAW OR IN EQUITY, TO ENFORCE SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE BY OWNER OF ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS DECLARATION IN A STATE COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION. OWner 'hereby further specifically acknowiedges that the beneficiaries of OWner's obligations hereunder cannot be adequately compensated by monetary damages in the event of any default hereunder. (c) This Declaration may be enforced by City or its designee in the event OWner 'fails to satisfy any ,of the requirements of'this Deciaration. If leqal costs ~re incurred by city, such legal costs, including attorney fees and court costs (inclUding costs of appeal), are the responsibility of, and may be recovered trom, Owner. SECTION 6 MISCELLANEOUS (a) Severability. The invalidity Of any clause, part, or provision of this Declaration shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions,' thereof; , (b) Notices. All notices to be given pursuant to this Declaration shall be in writing end shall be deemed given when mailed by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested," to the parties hereto at the addresses sot forth below, or to such other place as a party may from time to time ,designate in writing. To Owner: John Tamulonis City of Springfield 225 Fifth street springfield, OR 97477 ~1\1tl6 IIJne6,44~~~ C.\!!IJ.~ :'F-:;~;': ~~ 1(\'7~ Mll~ '~~*'1'1 To City: (c) GoverninQ LaW. the State of oregon of I\!ller.ica. This Declaration shall be governed by the laws of and, where applicable, the laws of the United States IN WITNESS WHEREOF, owner has caused this Declaration to be siqned by its duly authorized representative, on the day and year first ,above written. OWNER:G.w~ OF1'\Ioi au~~ By: fS}u it A .If. , A.~iJ /. - , ( Title: 6".Co6 ~ CITY("v.. I I IA. ' ' By: \ I \.l V'-(Q-. ~, Title: City Manager ,~ DECLARATION OF, RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Page ~ - uate Received: JUL - 8 2009 "":_:~~'IiIIL ..' , - 11- 1I1!1. II II 1/ S~A~E OF OREGON ) as. County of L.ane ) ... UI",-h..~+'o.IIIl'.';'..~ I" Personally appeare~e!oreJe ~is '~~~ day of 2001, tl;le above nam.eg'~L~' ff rrf""A:.AJ , and nowled foregoing instrument to be hfs1her voluntary act and eed. -~~'" ~~ Notary ~Ub11C for oregon My COllllllission Expires: '!i'644 _ OfFICIAl.SEAL RIllH REED " , NOTARY PUBUC.QREGOO " COMMlSSlON NO, 336361 ' MY COMMISSION ",,"IllES SCPT'o.- , the 5TA~E OF OREGON ).. ) County of Lan~ Personally appeared the above named ,Mike Kelly as City,Manager for the City of Springfield and acknOw\~d the foregoing instr~ent to be his voluntary act and d..ed on this day 'of ~ ' " 2001. <J .' OFIlCW.SfAL , JUUI A. WlLlD>> M)T1IlY PUIlUC-OllWlH COI.lM~ NIl. 3lI2U3 1M CllI.'MSSUl ElI'RS JUIl' 1,lOO1 I,\DOCS\DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS.DOC . Date Received: DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Page -5-JUL - 82009 Original submittal' oJ., I.. III' . , " 1.0111 ~ ~ "I ~ ~ ~ ! ..J ' ~ 2300 ~ g ~ p ~ 2400 ~ 2500 ~ ~~O 2900 3000 3100 3200 ~,~ <',\~~~l r) r' ",S\ <.;,\ w, ... "i 30' I ~\.:)'~ ". ,,"' - .,. I .~ , ~. t ~ 520~~\9)~ 5000 ~ 4800 4700 4:0 4500 4400 ~; ~ f I I' ::: 60.61' i I +- ~,,""" "'Cl. ~_ ~1516''["';~... 4_:..'23' t ~ ,- '~'li:1l'~ 19 21 'oj....' ~ ~ ':S""EC03"'! ,1..'1"4>> ,,~'7:--.-5 ~ , ~.,J_-4-~l""_ ~~.., I I, J I :lO I 2&" ~27 n ~ D,L.C. 63 .~.~ -=-'__"'J___/~'''' '4Y:' ii/l'<a~lOi- ... Ee-lffI-~IIJ.I-.I/~ -- - ' ~......"M loa.... -.f-fIII----#l.L.-:-H:~---I#J.-=fH',.-#ff"":!,-,~;a~"~ ~gol9 - -:- - ~':i a ,I :- i-';'Y": 'i 5400 . ~ 5700 !l ~g g 6,801 l1 7100 i . 5300' , ~~ i Ill" III I ." II ~ I a . I (\ ~~~ ..".~ \~ -, ! . 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