HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1991-3-28 r (I IJJ ,'11i6 6,~Wl~ 7ff~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBUC WORKS METROPOUTAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 (503) 726.3753 March 28, 1991-- Catherine H Demcheck Environmental Associate Rittenhouse-Zeman & Associates, Inc, 7409 S,V. Tech Center Drive Suite 135 Portland, OR 97223-8024 ~ VI RE: Land Use Compatibility Statement BP Oil Service Station #11016 5720 Hain Street Springfield, Oregon Dear Hs, Demcheck, Enclosed please find the completed land use compatibility statement with attachments, If you have any questions, please call me at 726-3777. Sincerely, ~~~ Associate Planner v !' , Qual , State of Oregon Dept of Environmental 811 SW Sixth Ave Portland, OR 97204 DEQ Office Use Only LAND USE COMPATIBILITY STATEMENT .Applicant B.P. Oil Co, Address Phone 2868 Prospect park DR. Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 639-3400 DESCRIBE THE NATURE AND LOCATION OF .THE PROPOSED NEW OR EXPANDED FACILITY SITE (INCLUDe APPROPRI~Te LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND ZONING DESIGNATION) T17S,R2W Section on 33 5720 E. Main ST, Springfield; on FACILITY/SITE LOCATION (CHECK ONE) ~ 'NsfoE C~TV o INSIDE-URBAN .G................~ BOUNDARY. OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS o OUTSIDE URBAN GROWTH ~UNDARY STATEMENT OF COMPATIBILITY FROM APPROPRIATE LAND USE AUTHORITY (An equival.ent statement may be provided in Zieu of this fOrm) IP' TH!!:' COMPR~EHSIVE PLAN'is 'not' ACKNO~L.=.____, CHECK ON~ OF THE FOLLOWING: ] THI!:' PROPOSAL I S' CONS' STl!NT .. TH THE" STATEWIDE PLANNING GOALS . . . O THE PROPOSAL IS NOT 'CONSISTENT WITH STATEII'JDE PLANNING COALS ttach additional findings which reference statewide planning goals.and state how the roposed activity is compatible with them. IF T'HE COMP......:.........S.VE. PLAN is ACKNOWLEDGED. CHECK ONE OR MORE .OF THE .FOLLOWING:. ~ rn......r......;JoCJ) ACT IVI TY: 1. I.S':A~O"~.OUTR~~HT BY "r.HE pLAN ".0 I S ALLOWED BY, THE PLAN .BUT, IS, SUB.JECT TO FUTURE .GOAL CONSIDERATION BY AN AGENCY ] IS ALLOWED 'BY THE PLAN BUT IS SUB.JECT TO -;('S 9TA"DARDS IN SITING. DESIGN CONSTRUCTION AHO/OR OPERATION ~ J IS" ALLOWED' By.;...e PLAN .SUT 'SUS..rECT TO ,'.0 IS FUTUR~ GOAL CONSIDERATION BY THE LOCAL JURISDICTION NOT ADDRESSED OR CONTROLLED ".BY "THE PLAN PROHIBITED BY" THE PLAN D DURING THE PERIODIC REVIEW THE PLAN .WAS.NOT FOUND.TO ~E IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE STATEWIDE PLANNING COALS ~ttach 'additional findings which ,reference .the specific plan policies criteria or standards ~hich are relied on, and state why the compatibility finding is, justified. based qn plan 901icies, criteria.or standards and, whether all necessary 'local approvals have been obtained. If the activity is not addressed by the plan, attach additional findings which reference 3tat~wide planning goals and~state.how the proposed activ~ty is compatible with them. LAND USE AUTHORITY ..(1J/2ilV(>F/r:3LO ~~,UgI/T O~e: ~ ;L: A- ,- . ,_A,'~:~~:5 rJI.-MVN fEY< ~ n<E FOLLOW' NG SIGNATURE BOX FOR C. TV/COUNTY CONCURRENCE BOUNDARY AND 0lTTS I DE CITY L I M I TS DATE :'/2-9/9; I F INSIDE URBAN UC"\....... .f' LAND USE AUTHORITY SIGNED TITLE DATE ":0 Ie 1 r 0 - 0.1 r' , , DEPARrMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, LAND USE COMPATIBILITY STATEMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR AIR CONTAMINANT DISCHARGE PERMITS (ACDP) INDIRECT SOURCE PERMITS (AIR) SI'EP 1 SEWAGE FACILITIES PLANS REQlJl:.:>unG GRl\N'IS AND W1U'lS ",,-\,JlHRING DEQ APPROJAIS. SEWERAGE AND WASTEWATER INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION PLANS SOLID WASTE PERMITS AND LETTERS OF AUTHORIZATION HAZARDOUS' WASTE COLLECTION, TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL LICENSES WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY PERMITS (WPCFl NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SySTEM PERMITS (NPDESl NOTICES OF INTENT TO 'CONSTRUCT FOR AIR CONTAMINANT SOURCES AND CONFINED ANIMAL FEEDING OR'HOLDING OPERATIONS (NC\ ,:: . A Statement of Compatibility with"applicable local cOmprehensive land use pl,lO~ ,and.Statewide Planning Goals is required for new or. expanded facilities/sites.. . . The local statement must certify that proposals' are compatible with LCOC- Acknowledged local comprehensive' land. use plans and imp1.ementing ordinances, or Statewide planning ,Goals. . The Department prefers that its.Land Use Compatibility Statement form be' used, however, it will accept an equivalent' statement in lieu of the form. In .urbanizing.areas between' city limits and urban. growth 'boundaries, applicants must provide' evidence of both city and county,'concurrence, as ,to the land use compatibility of the proposal. This evidence must be: 1;.. Sign-off by both jurisdictions on DEQ's Land Use'Compatibility Statement form, or 2. A copy of the city/county management agreement included in the 1Jrban Area Plan acknowledged by LCDC, or 3. A:written statement covering the applicant'S proposal. If DEQ receives ,a negative local Statement of Compatibility, ,an application for a permit or approval will 'generally not be considered complete; DEQ would. then expect the applicant to work with the local juriSdiction to obtain' the needed plan or zone change, conditional 'use permit, variance, or other modification to 'produce compatibility with the'Acknowledged Plan and ordinances or the Statewide Planning Goals. ' . Applicants must submit a completed Statement of Compatibility or equivalent. along with their application or request. an approved' '10" '. -"'; ~ . >' '-'. ".' ....;. .' . l";-'!:' - hi J.l,. '.\ ."~, h. 't". , ~. . I. ' . C ~. ':,: ".;".. MJ'93.AD-3 10/8.1 ~ , , Response to the Land Use Compatibility Statement: The Metropolitan Area General Plan is, Springfield's comprehensive plan, This Plan has been acknowledged (see Attachment A), The BP service station is located at 5720 Main Street (Assessor's Map 17-02-33-41, Tax Lot 01901). The property is zoned Community Commercial; the Plan designation is Community Commercial, Therefore, the zoning is in compliance with the Plan designation, The service station use is not specifically addressed in the Plan, The use is listed in the Springfield Development Code under Section 18,020(2)(j) (see Attachment B), Since there is no expansion or change of use, no Development Code review or approval is required, An application for underground storage tanks has been obtained from the Springfield Fire Department (see Attachment ,C). . "\ , ~, . ".; . J. ;', ".~. ". I 1 , U I I . I I . I . .. IJJ ~ , ATTACHMENT'A'- "'I , PREFACE In 1980, Eugene, Springfield, and Lane County adopted updated versions of the Metropolitan Area, General Plan, The ~'etropolitan Plan replaced the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area 1990 General Plan which was adopted in 1972, The Eugene City Council and the Springfield City Council adopted identical versions of the Metropolitan Plan in 1980: Eugene City Council--July 28, 1980~-Ordinance No. 18686 , Springfield City Council-~August 4, 1980--0rdinance No, 4555 The Lane County Board of Commissioners adopted a different version of the ~'etropolitan Plan in 1980: Original adoption--Au9ust 27, 1980--0rdinance No. 9-80 Amended adoption--Octoher 14, 1980--0rdinance No. 9-80-A The two versions of the Metropolitan Plan and supporting documents were forwarded to the Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) with a request for acknowledgment of compliance with the 15 applicable statewide planning goals, In reports dated June 25.:26,1981.. and September 24-25, 1981, and adopted by LCDC on August 6 (amended version of June 25-26 report) and September 24,1981, respectively, LCDC outlined the requirements necessary to bring the August 1980 versions of the Metropolitan Plan into conformance with State standards, r I I I I I From September 1981 to February 1982, Eugene, Springfield, and Lane County cooperated, with coordination and technical assistance from the Lane Council of Governments, to amend the August 1980 versions of the Metropolitan Plan, The three general purpose governments used the Elected Officials Coordinating Committee (two 'elected representatives each as voting members and one ex officio Planning commission from each government) to work out informal compromises and provide policy direction to staff, In response to LCDC I S requi rements, ten worki ng papers were prepared and draft Plan amendments were released for public review. After a joint public hearing by the Eugene, Springfield, and Lane County Planning Commissions on November 17, 1981, and joint pUblic hearings by the Eugene Ci ty Council ,Spri ngfi el d Ci ty Council, and Lane County Board of Commissioners on December 15, 1981, and January 12, 1981 (GoalS), the three governing bodies informally agreed to the amendments in this document, Following the January 12, 1982, joint meeting, each governing body adopted the mutua 11y agreed upon amendments contai ned in thi s document: Lane County, Ordinance No, 856, adopted February 3, 1982 City of Eugene, Ordinance No, 18927, adopted February 8, 1982 City of Springfield, Ordinance No, 5024, adopted March 1, 1982 i ~ · ATTACH~ENT , B CATEGORIES/ USES DISTRICTS . ,NC,t~Cl/;.~C..~O, (e) Garage, repair, ( f) Mobile home and 'RV sales including campers. . canopies and other accessories, (g) Motorcycle sales and repair (h) Pri va te parking lots and garages .,.,:', I,:'" ... (i) Rental, automotive and truck SO' "'.1 S , , p S' . ";' """ .'., 10".: ,.':: P::, , p ,':..! .... .'.';':',,' S (.j:) 'serv'i'ce'{s,fati~n!1r.' !\:I. s ,\l'~; ,'S 1:- :'" I:' :..:.....1 S , .'\ ;, 'IP:, " ' ,S "..'" ~ .,:,;J . (k) Tires, batteries'and accessories (3) Business and, professional offices and personal services (Section 18.110(3): ; :',' (a) . " " n. : . ;:.; . :' ,~, \\!;. ~_: '.', Accountants, bookkeepers'and auditors P " ("':!'." '\' ;" I" P , 'p (b) Advertising/marketing agencies P P (c) Architects, landscape architects and d~ipe~ . .! "" "' .. P . P -. ~ ,'; ~~ : " .' (d) Art studios, fine ; : P P 'p "p "p P, (e) Art restoration (f) , Attorneys .. .. , ;' P P P .,!,. " , \p P P ", ~ ; , (g) Audio/video production studio j ."" Ii P P " " , ; P P P ; , .. (h) Authors/composers (i) Banks, credit unions and saving~,and ~oan~ (j) Barber and beauty shops : i f ('; (. ~ i ,;; i" i'.. i " P p.., ;'p (k) Business schools ,:.':;t.:;!'t;...::......,.;. I 1,,"" ,., - ".' '.'..: ,~.f.' ,". p' .i/ P ,. .; ,,~ .i ',:: ; I. ::.!; "i ',Ii r! J r,:: \ ~': .l.';;'''\ f"l-' , ! .., r:: ~"" 'i !,'J j::, '~~.:l' t !', ':: J 'I ',.,: ,: ","," . ,. . ..:!I' ',H',: .': . ~, ! .: 18-3 '":'-". " P.' "; ,.1 p ,'.' .,r:,.:'J ,"',:;,," p :,:pl "-..,:, . . , ~ P p ,,"',", " .\ P p -, P -' . ,:. " " ,," . .. . ".>.~ ' " :i~ ...\.l.....:'...) . .' . , ATTACHMENT C e , .:.T'il-{.''t A~~a~aA aAaaAa~~~~a~~~~~~ p t.. r' ~ p t:>' )-" ~,. ~ ~. I;. , . ~. ~. ~ ~. p. ~. 'J. ~ ~ ~ <.~ Q 4 ,~ 4 ~ ~. 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ 4 jfire ~ep[{rtlltent ~erl1tit City of Springfield This permit shall cons\i:u:e per mission to main:ain. store. use or hand~e rr:c::~ria:s. or to conduct processes which produce cond;:ions hazardous \0 life or prop~r:y. c.r to , install equipment used in connection with such activities. Article 4, Section 4. i 01 - Uniform Fire Code. Nothing in this permit sha!! be held to authorize any violation of the Uniform Fire , Codes of the City of Springfield. Pe:r:-;it For: INSTALL FOUR (4) UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS AT 5720 MAIN STREET 'J. . :l- . 'J. :. . 'e . ~~~~~vv~vvv~vvvv~v~vvvvvv ? SPRINGFIELD ( 3-12,000 and 1-550) Artic:e Number: 79 Section Number: 79 Fee; no fee Busii"iess ~cme: Prmit Consulting Services, Inc. (236-6000) Business Address: 122 S,E, 27th, Portland,'OR 97214 Business Owner: n/a Date Issued; Januarv 25. 1991 Date Exp;res; Upon Comp 1 et ion By IJ.~(m~ SPRINGFIELD ,......'.-.=J Dennis D, Shew Deputy'" ,......,,, F-~S'i.o,; CC~5~IC:JOVS Pl.....CE 503/726-3737