HomeMy WebLinkAboutCode Enforcement Complaint 1983-1-18 " IlESIIlEtlT: OlitlER: r:n~.~~~. ._ 'Ia~, if - . ~.Il\\t.SS: - . i'liO:~E: . '. PIlONE: 77.t.~~" u/(~sf. 'TYPE: F"'n~ ~+:" J!>.,.b ': . . / I. " DATE RECEIVED: / - / Y ~K";:; ZOllE:~'(2C .\IHlIVlI>U^L COIII'L^INT DATA , . gg~ ~ -~'::. " ~~RES~:<" 57 {} / , lIATURE: REHIIRED TO: ~. I>AIE INSI'ECTlOI1 FINIHlIGS , :2- ud -'I '3 ~.;., AI fA' - (j{!-l-:J ,",,-I rr~ D /~ / . ~/--j}<</.L::. " / (:) :n r ,Jf (J J~j · ..... \~/ (7l/u ~C;, 5? - ~,.,1t/~r ,~. - ,,\\. '!It~ JJ - ~ ~ (~~C~) ; ~ -14 -<)("7- j) a..~// /~ce.. .t{;r~.h d). Q /~~ 711.f}--<.{, /)p/tl./L{/lAJ ~ (}yn{un ~/ CS-(A~ ~ k~~~~~ //~~t.-~..~A'-!:/M_./, s, <-?'7 .-- Sf. ~.! do - /.. ~ llOTES: j ,', COI.IPLAINTANT: , .At? aJ J-Q 11 pp1ltt/ ADDRESS:. I /. .12 __ d... ~(/'Tf PIIOllE: , '. Vo~. 0 . . 'llOTIFIED: ~dh ~/{7 . (j - - / OATE:,A'-/?I-,R 1l0T! CE AI10 ORDER o/-2?-g3 - {/or ~3-~-~~ ' .~' - ct ?~"C:Z-- ~ n---A.. u ~/./. // 3-~I--K3, ~,c-\-~--?6) - .-/" REfERI:AL TO CITY ATTORNEY ", .. I'HOSEClJTI NG ATTORNEY f. -X ." - --.. ---.,"- ACT/UN l'cNuIlH.. 0'\ / I l<j'F;;,:,," ~~/~ I filiAL ACTlOII: o INVALID .' 0 REI'EHRAL '. ' O,IIOLO ,0 RECIIECK . 6utcq . '-t-'o '""W.. ",fj ~ "0 SENDER: eoniPIeiS items;. 2, 3, and 4..- .~. ~ i Add your address in the "RETURN TO" space " ~ ; on reverse. I .. I , J , Ii' : ;'. (CONSULT POSTI\IASTER FOR FE711 !. :: ' i : '1. The following service is requested (check. one). j' ," .: i . Xl Show to whom and date delivered ....................: 1-4 , : 0 Show to whom. date, and address of deUve-;y.. '1' .:...J .. D RESTRICTED DELIVERY. ~ . (The restricUd dtJiPe;,/et is charged in addition to ,: I . the "rum IT<<ip.Jes.) . . . . : ' , ;rj f-! " , . ! 3. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: '" Resident ~. PO Box 1026 ~' Springfield. Oregon ~' 4. TYPE OF SERVICE: ~;' DREGISTERED DINSURED :;;: [J\:ERT1I'IED DCOD 329965037 :", DEXPftESS lWL ' ) :D' ~ i (Alwayo _ signature 01 addressee or agent~ en l ~~ave received.the article descnbed above'- - ~ i\ R .:. DaD Authorized .,gen g: I '~. MAR ~ ~ ! 6. ADDRESS.a:S DRESS(onIYi/"'/Ui!$l\-( Ii -: "'" 1983 "'I , ~ I" UH<BLE TO DEU,VER aECAUSE: ~~~ ~ I r-. __. ,,~~_:,--::~.:.~~'~~.._~~.'_::. -_."- ..' - TOTAL s , " , f ' , 97477 f',,; J .1 ARnCLE NUMBER' ----J,'\.." ., J ~ GITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works February 28, 1983 'CERTIFIED LETTER / Mr. James L. Roberts " PO Box 1026 Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear' 'Mr. Roberts: Your property at the address referenced on the attached notice is in violation of the Springfield Code and/or City Ordinance. Rather than issuing a citation or im- mediately instituting Municipal Court proceedings, it is the CityOs standard prac- tice to inform citizens of the violation and request that it be corrected within a reasonable time. The attached fOr8 specifies the violation, the required corrections necessary in order to comply ~Ji th the appl i cab 1 e Springfi el d Code and/or City Ordinances and the date by which your corrective action'should be completed. The City very much appreciates your anticipated courtesy and cooperation. If you have any questions regarding this letter, the violation or the required correction, please feel free to contact the Springfield Building Division (726-3753). . I In the event that your corrective action is not completed within the time specifie'd this matter will be referred to the City Attorney's Office for further appropriat& action consistent with the Springfield Code and/or City Ordinances. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Si~Sllrely, ,) r /J/ ( // .A':7 ///.t,,\ /,,-, _J-.. _ O~"""'1./ (j"" ~"---~........----.~ ... Sa 11y Johnson Environmental Inspector ~ cc: Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney - . ./ I attachment SJ/l h 225 North 5th Street · Springfield. Oregon 97477 · 503/726.3753 ~ l Springfield Building Division Department of Public Works 225 North 5th Street DATE:February 28. 1983 /. , , LOCATION: 5701 Main Street SPECIFIC VIOLATION: Section 14.06 of the Sorinnfiplrl 7nnin~ rnrlp rpht;\Ip tn required fence height and setbacks in the Community Commercial tCC) District. The recently erected fence at the above referenced location does not conform to .,' the required 10' setback. A Dortion of the fence on the South 57th Street side is located in the Dublic right of way. Please refer to :the attached map. RE~UIRED CORRECTION: The fence must be removed from the oublic riqht of way, if the fence height exceeds 3~o. the fence must be setback 100 from both' South 57th Street and Main Street. " IDEADLINE FOR COMPLIANCE: 'I March 31. 1983 (30 days \ , INSPECTOR: Sally Johnson -. ---' .-.--