HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1992-7-14 (2) SIGN .i>[III~IT API'L1CA"IO~ :~/~) Idlll ::.ilr<:c:l SplIllulield, on D7477 v/AU,... S "iJ ~ @ 70iU~OEil q ~/~4 Inspection Lino: 726.3769 Office: 726-3759 ( M'-DoJ-lAL-D5) 1.0C^TION OF PI10POSED WORK: '570/ MAIN ST. .'\,;,;r.,:SOI1S M.I\I':_.__!Z.."3 0 Z. 31 4-1 TAX LOT: 3/00, "32-0'::>, "3)0.0 OWi'lEn: M...[)ttJ,/A-W5 ~~. (S,.,J./S ",fe.. f.,'f: GII~~",rf IrK.)pHONE: ^DDI1ESS: 4-"i 4-"'1 <;. 110 T H 5,. erli' ...__6-:.M&!::Lfl E;U/ " 4/4--'52.'-7'" STATE: lJr. ZIP: ~32.z..o - 002..0 1I11,;INe;S N^ME. F11IM ETC.: M c..DONAL.05 IJE~;CIIII'T10N or: I'flOI'OSED SIGNIS): (please check and complelO all approprialO information) ..;<. W"II --X Single Face Freestanding _ Projecting Roof Marquee ~ Double Face Billboard Other . 5qll;Jrc F()otaUI~: 1~441 Total Height above Grade: //-0" Vtr\iCill Dimension of sign or enclosure: @' Horizontal Width of sign or enclosure: J4.J Dilllt:llsiUrl from Gr~lIle 10 botUlIll of Sion: 1:/ Electrical Installation: K V,es _ No (If yes additional permit is required) VALUE: 2~,80 Mall:rial SiUIl is constructed of: AL.VA>'I'N(h....,. f7Lf:1,c(.::,Ur5 I ':;LVCJ7 ~k~T /L-/-v;-.. List ALL uxiSlinO siU/lagc (lml attach a photograph of each sign: (;o) Type __.._ Sq. Fig. Ibl Type Sq. Fig. Ie) Type Sq. Ftg. Id) Type Sq. Ftg. CONTlI^CTOI1/1NST^LLER: c:l.At, eN E:. $/4,.1 &.- Av,..l/r-I<1 ^DDI1I:~;S: /2/ C> OA, ~PA\l-H /Z...p. CITV_____ C:..u'iM& PHONE: +f1C; - <;" '5 <f-Io STATE: oe.. ZIP: 9740""2- EXPIRES: /0- 1-" 3 EXPIRES: /,.- 18:" '] COI,ISTIIUCTION CONTJ1^CTORS J1EGISTI1A TION NUMOEJ1: b 2'? 0 7 CI rv BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER: ~~ O__~.20 OFFICE USE ~;i~JII DiSlriCI:_~f<\ llflJ...t !;('Lapd Use: 5~m Ouad Area: 3C JS~ Zoni,,!! (\ J~/ \) Code Section: . (\ -:-1 - \ "\- Cl ~ Si!lll I\,""it Fec .--'.rf,) ,CD Approvod By: \ d:l\:J ~~Qf'J DATE: 'l- \4 -C\IJ--, 1II:0UIIIEIJ INSPECTIONS: ._______.. Site III Ill: ItI:Hlc prior 10 SI!.)rl Jllaccfllcnl. FOOlinO prior to placemenl of concrete _?5:_ ^lwclullcnt aller fJslcners are installed/prior to cover V Electrical prior to energizing '>< Final completion of sign installation ^rJllilillllal COInnwnts lJflU/or Conditions: lly SitlllHture, 1 slall: and agree, t11<lll have carefully cX.JrTlined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herein IS IrlH~ :Hul,corruct, ilnd I further certify that ally and all work IH;rlormell shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances 01 the City 01 Splinulidd, and tile LilWS 01 the SWtc of Oregon pertilining 10 the work described herein. I further certify that only contractors amI (~lllploy(~es who tlfe in compliance with QAS 701.055 will be used 011 tllis project. I further ;lorue to l~nsurc tlint all required inspcctions arc requested at the proper time, that project address is readable from tllO street. that tile peol\il card is IOCDlcd at the front of the properly, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during the installation nf tile Sigll(S). ' V;llid;llioll: Amount Received: A~k iO()W ~Slo ({ < , Date 7-S-1'2- SignalUle Ev~6#f. S/q-v .$.- AwJJ/~ Fleccipt Nurnber: '1 Dale paid:':L~t ) ,y!y Received By: H ({'\(/\..) : ~ . . SIGN PERMIT AI'PLlCATION TIH~ ilPflliGillioll on llll: reverse side needs to he completed entirely. If you arc the siUn contractor/installer, or il you arc hiring a contractor, you need to make sure that both ttlc City 01 Springfield Business License Number and the Registration NUIIl\)CI frum tile State 01 Oregon Constructiun Conlrn.ctors BOllru arc listed on the application L1long willI the expimlioll . dilte of c~J(:h.'. . . . , . If tile sign you ure proposing is illuminated, an electrical permit application also needs to be completed and signed by either a supervising electrician, limited sign olectrical COIHroctor, or it you Dra the business ownor who also owns tl10 bulltJlno III which you arc occupying, and you will be perlorming the electrical installation' yourself, you may sign the electrical ;]pplication. If there <:Ire existing wall and/or freestanding sigr,ls, a photographlsl of each existing sign needs to bo attached to tho application. Tht~ size 01 cnch existing sign also needs to be listed on the application. PLANS To submillor a sign permit, you need to prepare lwo complete sets of drawings showing all dimensions, total height, and a plOI pl<lll indicating where the proposed sign will be located. If you arc insttil!ing a freestanding .sign which exceeds 20 feel in tOlal height, th'eJootil.lg detailnceds to be prep,::ued and stamped by a registered engi~~cr. After the plan review process is comPleted, and, if your sign(sl is approved, one set will be returned to you. The aPProved set of drawings need tu IJ(; al tlw site WI.lCII ~Hl inspection is requested for the inspcctors reference. INSPECTIONS ~. ~. ~:t\.~ ~ 0;:' Dcpendin!J .on your si!JlI{s}, you may be required to request onc or all of the following inspections during the installation . 01 your si911: ~. ":. ':- ~ '. . Site: To be rCQues'ted alter indiGating on the lut where the proposed sign will be located but prior to any work being pcrformed for the installntion of the sign. This inspection is required if there is a Question on lhe location of the proposed sign. Fooling: To he requested after excavation and the forms are installed, but prior 10 pouring concrele. If there will be electrical conduit placed in thl! looting, it must also be in place prior to rCQuesting this inspection. ^lll.lchrnent: To be requested when all fasteners are installed but prior to cover. Tlectrical: To be requested after the electrical connection to the sign is'made, but prior to energizing. Fin..l: Alter all required inspections aro conducted and approved and the sign installation is complete. " The inspections that are required for your specific siUn will be indicated on the application during the plan review process. Failure to request ANY.ol the required inspections could result in sign removal in order to inspect the sign al the required intervals of work. TO request an inspection, phone 726.3769. This is a 24 hour recording. On the recording you will need to leave your-City Dcsiunatcd Job Number, location of where tlie sign is being installed, the type of inspection you are requesting, and when you will be: ready for ttlC inspection. All inspections called in to the recorder prior to 7:00 a.In. will be made .t~e S[lIllC wt)(kinn day, all insp.cctions phoned in after 7:00 a.lll. will be made tile following work day. If you have Jny questions regarding the application, required plans or inspections, please feel free to phone the Building Safely Oivisioi1.at 72G-3759. ' -I' Cily or Sprillglidd ,Bllilllillg Safely Divisioll 225 Fil'lh Street Sprillylidll, OR 97477 '..~ ro.