HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1983-10-12 " .1 I " .. ..,.."." I. I . SPRINGFIELD city of springfield 225 n. 5th street INFOR,MATION: 726-3753 INSPECTIONS: 726-3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION I A. LOCATIOIl OF SIC:! (ADDRESS) Sc'/If V /7')/9 //1; .:::7X C?' / LECAL DESCRI~TIOIl / 7 () 2- ('.3 ? "-/ / TAX LOT'~ :3 rYe) r7 OlrnER OR PROPERTY ,4 /6 EI-! T<'(f ^ / '< / AJ C I PHOIlE ADDRESS P () . 6 ex,.? (J i f3() i 5 r-:. I :::C:D . ZIP ~ 3 '7,2 6 OUllER OF SIG:1 (IF OTllER ,mAll PROPERTY OWNER)-k/lellvL 1J1~r.()tLntJ.v ADDRESS ::) ,~,,~ '1////A/7I~ -E~II.I!:.' '77Vd ~-- PHDIlE a ~d- ~c fl7.- NAME OF BUSIllESS, FI?.'1, r:rC.Cu{q/U/;;"~ · R-~/J.EA~a:,. o!/2ITPE OF BUSI!:ESS .eJ<CI'l~~'..~,1.s;p - j 1 1 ,B. TYPE OF WORK: t.-""{Rr.CT _ALTER _RELOCATE _OTHER C. STRUCTURAL TYPE .OF SIGN:. ~L _FREESTANDING _ROOF _PROJECTING _MARqUEE _ONDER l1ARqUEE _OTI'.ER D. USE .AND CI!ARACTER OF SIGN: ......-riiENTITY . _INCIDEllTAL *' ---,.DOUllLE FACE "Oll . ~:;GU: FACE . 'MULTI-FACE . - . . _READER BOARD _BILLBOARD / .< E . . VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: . SIGN ERECTOR /y}J)pI"JJJ ~A~5 '}.DD~.ESS 1/. (J. ~ dlt ..:;)" t'i' CITY LICENSE IIlP.1BER ';;/J-.::J;J c~ . S/'7dJ /4/~ eV~e-,4/:!/cR. - 2' . ,. 3f1;;.~ )'?~Y .ZIP '9 / ~() L- .EXP. DATE .PIlON!: SIGN !-lANUFACTURER (IF OTllE" TF,AN ERECTOR) ADDP.ESS .PI!OIlE I f. DDiE:ISIONS. IlISTALL.\TIOII " COIlSIRUCTIOIl , /6~ ~, r:?' / /tJ /~ ." G. EXISTING SIGNS ~ ARE TIlERE ANY EXIST!!IG ~IGNS? YES _110 InnlBE? SIZE IN SO.FTG. ALL EXISTIIlG SIGNSI FOR BUSINESS, ErC, TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE CRADE VERTICAL DLMENSION OF SICN HORIZONTAL WInnt OF SICN DIHENSION FROM GUDE TO BOTrOM OF SIGN nlICKllESS OR DEPTH DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYO:m . ~ PROPERTY LI:IEl _YES !:::NO IF YES, DUlENSION !lEYOND PROPERTY LI:IE NO'!"!:: IF PROJECTIOn IS :IO,,!: IlIAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY IP.Y. SIGN ERECTOR HUS, FILE WITI! IlIE nU!LDI:'G DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/HF.R LIABILI::Y AND PROP- ERTY OAHACE n~SU?_-\...'lC:': ?OLr::::::S. H. 1IIr:r. SIGll MAVE ELECTRICAL WIRmG? 'fI' 4 ~ , IF YES. \/HIC!! APPLY? ELZCTItICAL SIG:1 ~ILLU!:lINAIED (IllDIP_~cm LIGHTED) ELECTRICAL COtlTRACTOr.. ADDRESS LISC. NUMllER PRONE I. DESC:{IBE TYPE OR ~ATERIALS SIGN IS CONSp/J,';.Xi rI @,c ~ t9 L J'SITE INFOPMATIOfl (LAND USF.) -- EXISTINC USE OF BUILDUIG OR LAND ('lR LAST USE IF VACANT) K'VALUE OF SIG:l: 7f9t1 ().~ vINDOOR BUSINESS _OUTDOO:t l'ERCHAllDISING PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LA.~D, 12/..:::C/t.~A:/U~ C.eNY~/Z;:_ L. I P.AVE CAREFULLY ~"<A.."!I:IE:) the completed applic.3cion for permit and do hereby cercif, that all. 1nfo~acion 1s true and correct, and I further certify that all ~ork performed shall be done In accord3nce with t~e 5pringiield Sign Ordinance. the Unifo~ Sign Code as adopted by the Cicy of Sorin~field and a1: ocher Ordinances of the Cicy of Sprin~fi~ld and the laws of the State of Ore2on ~ertainin~ to C~e worl~ aescribea n~L~Ln. I furt~er certify thac ~y ~~Z~ Co~t=actor Li- cense '.lith the City of S?ri::.gfield is in .Eull force and eifecl: as requi=ed by Sprinr.:field Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). I will request all requi=ed sign insoeccions listed on che approved per::ic.. ~ NAo'lE (PLEAS!: SIC:I.\TURE PRI:rrL f-/.4 "- -;r/n ~. .DATE /0-/2.:-8"3 M. C h.05.J ~ "-,.~._._~ - ..-- ~.."--- __ 0..' . . PLEASE READ 1) Senarace Stzn Ao~11c3tion: In tne. .;)J.gn !.:,JQe.. Electrical: Any pe~~c issued under chis application will include wiring in or on sign structure, the SUPPLY ~ires for connection muse be covered on an electrical pe~t. Electrical connection muse be cade only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both intern~11y and externally) mu5t confor.n to Section5 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-l8 of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance. . A separate application 1s requi:ed for each separace sign.as defined 2) 3) Plans Reouired: This application i5 to be 5ubmitted wi~~ two complete sets of plan5 shoving di- menSJ.ons anQ neight of sign; advertising message on sign; location of sign on property with di- mensions to property lines, scruceural details of suppore framing, bracing and footings; macerials of construction for sign and sign struceure; electrical equipment and lighting; size and location of existing signs on proper:y for the same busienss, all as required to determin~ co~liance with the Spring:ield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also,.shov the follow-. .ing information.on the plot plan (plan shoving property. line5 and location of.5ign5): . ". . ".". "..: . ... .' a) . Shov the location of all. existing sign(s) as vell a5 proposed sign(.). b) , Shov the length of the street frontage taken up by the business or bUilding. For vall 5igns, shov the length of the building frontage, . c) Sho~ the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. When required, becacse of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be-pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at t~e Building Divi- sion Office. . Plans of insufficient clarity or detail vill be returned to the applicant vith no perrdt being issued. Signs cust ceet co~er vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Cocprehensive.Zoning Code. NOTo: No sign cay be erected vhich is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from' overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction froe overhead electrical lines whien are energized at less than 750 volts. If a 5ign is not installed vit~in 60 days after the date of issue of thi5 permit, the permit be void. , I I 4) S) 6) 7) 8) 9) Insnections: shall // : /' , e) Site !nsnection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footin. Insnection (~~ appi~caole) ~~y be cade at the same tice as the Site Inspection. The Foot~ng Inspec- tion is to be cade after hole(s) is ~v~t~ci. but prior to the pl.ce~nt of c~ncrete. b)., Final Insnection, - to be made upon completion of all, work. c) ~lectrical - all electrical .ign5 must be inspected for electrical hook up after the sign 1s erectea and before the sign is turned on. CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 SIGN DISTaIC~~/~~~ ZONE fOR OF!,'l(;t; US::: ONL'i DIS'IRICT C-- c.- 7~r JOB,51321-3 IOIAL'SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN REOUIRED INSPoCTIONS: SIGN PEl\.'lIT FEE: II}, ()() y i _SI1'E/LOCAIIO:1 V"i""UCTIUCAL _ OT'dER _FOOIING OR MEl'liOD OF ArrACllMElIT ~lAL ELEC'IRICAL PEl\.~IT FEE: /,0, C' () 4~ STATE SURCHARGE: .,.yO ~O' -<10 TOTAL: DATE IO-i...i-~3 RECEI?T6c./fr33 L ji.., CURK SPECIAL COND!TIONS TO BE SATISFIoD BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: .J.; ADDITIONAL INFOl\.".ArICN NEEDED BEFORE PEl\.'lIT ~y BE ISSUED: , . APPROVED BY: Atz/-. -- /",,.- '-. ~ . < DATE It) - /1- Y 3 SECTION: 7'-7 - 7 , SPRINGFIELD SIGN ORDINA.~CE , , . "'0.11 ...,