HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 14 Annexation of Territory to the City of Springfield (Nepute, Case Number LRP2007-00017) Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: June 4, 2007 Regular Meeting Development serv71' es Steve Hopkins ~ A~ x3649 ~\ V 10 minutes YJV' AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE: ACTION REQUESTED: ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD (Nepute, Case Number LRP2007-00017) Conduct a public hearing and adopt the following resolution: A RESOLUTION INITIATING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND REQUESTING THAT THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPROVES THE ANNEXATION BY EXPEDITED PROCESS. ISSUE STATEMENT: ATTACHMENTS: DISCUSSION: The Property Owner, John Nepute, has requested annexation of approximately 1.03 acres of property located at 1540 Kellogg Road. The subject territory is described as Assessor's Map Number, 17-03-34-22, Tax Lot 800 and more accurately described in Attachment 1, Exhibit A. The site contains one residence. After annexation, the land owner intends. to subdivide the property into lots for single family dwellings in conformance with the LDR (Low Density Residential) district. Article 6.030(2) of the Springfield Development Code requires that' territories considered for annexation must be provided with "key urban facilities and services", as defined in Metro Plan Policy 8.a, Page II-B-4. Among these key urban services are water, sewer, storm water facilities, streets, electricity, parks, fire/emergency services, and schools. Based on analysis and comments from the service providers, staff finds that all key urban services are available to serve the territory. Attachment 1: Resolution Attachment 2: Informational Attachment Attachment 3: Vicinity Map Attachment 4: Detailed Area Map Attachment 5: Submittal from Applicant The City Council is authorized by ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B) to initiate annexation upon receiving consent in writing from a majority of the electors registered in the territory to be annexed and the owners of more than half of the land to be annexed. Consent from all the property owner, who is also the registered elector, has been given. . Two sanitary sewer laterals have been stubbed to the property line to facilitate future connection, pending annexation. The property to be annexed is located within the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) and is adjacent to the Springfield City Limits on all sides. The site already has most city services, including SUB water and electricity. The site can be served with the minimum range of urban services including but not limited to police, fire protection, library, parks and recreation, and schools. Acquisition of right of way along the subject site's southerly boundary can be acquired when the site is partitioned or further developed. At that time, the site will be improved with curb, gutter and sidewalk. No annexation agreement is necessary. The City Council Resolution will be forwarded to the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission. The owners are requesting the Expedited Annexation procedure of the Boundary Commission. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION INITIATING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND REQUESTING THAT THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT . BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPROVE THE ANNEXATION BY EXPEDITED PROCESS. . WHEREAS, the City received an application to annex 1.03 acres into the City of Springfield on April 19, 2007, said territory being described as follows: Township 17 South, Range 36 West, Section 34, Map 22, Tax Lot 800 and more particularly described in Exhibit A of this Resolutipn. . . - . WHEREAS, the territory-proposed to be annexed IS within the Eugene-Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, aI}d is adjacei1~.to th,e City Limits; and . WHEREAS, the City'Council is authorized by ORS I 99.490(2)(a)(B)to initiate annexation upon receiving consent in writing from a majority of the electors registered in the territory proposed to be . annexed and written consent from owners of more than half the land in the territory proposed to be annexed; and, WHEREAS, the property:<)wners of the certain territory described in Exhibit A signed a consent to annex (Exhibit B); and, . .. , . . WHEREAS, one registered voter resides within the territory and has signed a consent to annex (Exhibit B); and, WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by Springfield Development Code 6.030(2)(a) and ORS 222.111 and other applicable Oregon Revised Statutes to initiate annexation when the territory in the annexation proposal can be provided with the minimum level of key urban facilities and services in an orderly and efficient manner as defined in Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan Policy 8, page II- B-4; and where there will be a logical area and time within which to deliver urban services and facilities; and WHEREAS, minimum level key urban facilities and services are defined in the Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan, page V -3 as wastewater service, stormwater service, solid waste management, water service, fire and emergency medical services, police protection, city-wide parks and recreation programs, electric service, land use controls, communications facilities and services, and public schools on a district- wide basis; and ' WHEREAS, the 'territory proposed to be annexed can be immediately provided with a minimum level of key urban facilities as described in Attachment 2; and ' WHEREAS, the City Manager is authorized to forward this resolution supporting the applicant's request for expedited processing to the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission; and WHEREAS, the City supports the applicant's request for expedited Boundary Commission processing. ATTACHMENT 1-1 NOW THEREFORE BASED ON THE FOREGOING RECITALS, THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOESRESOL VE AS FOLLOWS: Section I: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby recommend approval of the annexation of the subject territories to the City by the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission, Lane County, Oregon, said territories being described as follows: . Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Section 34, Map 22, Tax Lot 800, and more particularly described in Exhibit A of this Resolution. Section 2: . This resolution shall take effect upon' adoption by the Common Council of the City of Springfield and approval by the Mayor. . .' .0" ..' . ,_'c., .,.-.:. ,__."_" . Section 3:. The. City Council recommends that the Boundary Commission approve the proposed annexation authorized by ORS 199.466 by expedited process without the study, public hearing and adoption offimil order required by ORS 199.461. Section 4: The City Manager shall forward this resolution supporting the applicant's request for expedited processing to the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission. ADOPTED by the Common -Council of the City of Springfield this _th day of June, 2007 by a vote of ..~ for and _ agamst APPROVED by the Mayot of the City of Springfield this ~ th day ofJune, 2007. Mayor ATTEST: City Recorder f ", ~ 0 >~-" '<'<- ~ ~ \..~\~~_.__... ::;- J 2. '1. 1 C l .... 1-2 EXHIBIT A-1 EXHIBIT A PROPERTY DESCRIPTION , . Beginning at a point on the east boundary of Oak Breeze Estates as platted and recorded on file 75, slides 6J 7 and 618 of the Lane County Oregon plat files, in Lane County Oregon, said point being the. southwest comer of lot 13, Oak Tree Subdivision as platted and recorded on file 73, slides 781 and 782, of the Lane County Oregon plat files, in Lane County, Oregon; Thence along the "southwesterly boundary of said Oak Tree Subdivision, south 89 degrees 57' 45.0" East : 173.17 feet to an angle point in the said southwesterly boundary; thence continuing along said . ; southwesterly boundary, and its north margin of county road No. 307 (Kellogg Street), said point ,'being 20..00 feet from, when measured at right angles to, the centerline of Kellogg Street; . Thence along said north margin, north 79 degrees 04' 20" west 167.88 feet toa point on the east 'boundary of said Oak Breeze Estates; thence leaving said north margin, along the east boundary ofsmd Oak Breeze Estates, north 01 degree 16' 39" east 2436.57 feet to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. ,-~~~~"- - \ - ~:. 7e.u'-' ~ I 800 1& ~ _ ~ ' 1.02 AC. t ~I l t. I ~ ~ in) ~lf" "" "'., ~ ,ll I~ __I lJj;=;\Jtj ~; ~I ~t' Site ~) :1 /' ,,>.t-.,~ II [' . - "8 LOG-' ~- --..-----.. - '~ . '" - -RD - - : - . ( ,. , . __~ ...tu..~ '~~_, ,~' o 2 : ';~~~~J~r;;---;' ,.}'I, COUNT;;~ ~c!:."'-"'~(~~J' ~ 905 1 1200 - .:. ~ T ""hI"( D . '-----".... .... . ~ ~~ f 10 ~ NO~,. \ ,,,^!.;~.<H""J( ! 8.0 ~ I.". . ~".30'" '! <P~ 3400,. '" T~ '"'r (Was ~ 43 c._.I,-. \"1::. cbr/J "'6e-1-' ~ '0,04' .. ~;"'5of'sJi'. 1 . 3500 ~ 44 1,.\,. ~o.1l'45 ""'.'4 . CJl 0 ~ f 3600 .., 3700 3800 ~ ,'. 33'00'0. . . ~ ~:t' _.., 1 ~-'- . ~: a /(~s ::1i((~1I " 100.0' 2 t.',l.>': ~ l~4.cry U \.J)~- i~ ~_ _ 3~ \ I-- 1:.'1.<) '''1.0' "'1,<)' - lLJ 5000 IV.,."'~:~~ 6 ...~... ''''''<.''o.o~o:1iO?c. i i cclLJ g ~ 4900 ~ 4800 4700 . ...~ 1>-"" 908 i ~ ~ \QQ.O' f-- }o. ': (J') 42 "".1" , " \ ..I e"'50lla.. , .8 I ,; ~ . ~ J , ~ { 814 . 100,0. l<::u.o' 815 1-3 EXHIBIT B-1 EXillBIT B CONSENT TO ANNEX ~,':' '"..,,' ~ '.'r'-, ,- '..1 . -.,'. ". 1-4 EXHIBIT B-2 FORM #1 PETITION ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. TO: LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION We, the undersigned, constitute the owners of at least one-half of the land area of the property described in the attachment marked "Exhibit A" AND: ._. We desire to be annex~d to the City of Springfield. Amap is attached marked ';Exhibit B," sho'fVi~gth~ affected territory and its relationship to the present cit/ limit boundaries. . .. , .. - . The annexation constitutes a minor boundary change under the Boundary Commission Act and shouldtherefo~e be considered by the Boundary Commission and, after study, a Final Order should be entered by the Boundary' ' Commission. . . By ~ Date ~.~.~. , --'. By Date By Date By Date ~AP# 17-03-34-22 LOT# 800 ~AP# LOT# Willi the ab~ve Slgn~Verirying that I have the authori~to consent to the annexation on my own behalf or on behalfof my firm, agency or trust. Revised 12/28/00 5 1-5 ATTACHMENT 2 Informational Attachment . for the proposed annexation of ::1:1.03 acres of property located at 1540 Kellogg Road. The area is described on Lane County Assessor's Map 17-03-34-22, TL 800. Zoning The Low Density Residential (LDR) zoning of the subject property and uses are consistent with the Metropolitan Area General Plan. The property meets the minimum requirements for parcel size and frontage on an east-west street (4,500 square feet and 45 feet of frontage). _ _ n+ Sanitary Sewer", . The existing residence is not currently connected to the city sanitary sewer system. Two sanitary sewer services lines are extended to the subject property from the existing 8" main on Kellogg Road. A 4" line is directedt'oward the existing residence and a 6" line is stubbed to the southeast comer ofthe property. '.'"";"-~ '.- -~.. Solid Waste Management .The City andSanipac have an exclusive franchise arrangement for garbage service inside the city limits. Upon annexation; Sanipac will serve this property. . Water Service: The Springfield Utility Board (SUB) is currently serving the site with water and will continue to do so. The water line is in the same easement as the sanitary sewer. .. Electric SUB (Springfield Utility Board) is currently serving the site. Fire and Life Safety . The Fire Marshal has reviewed the application and hasUdetermined that [lIe and emergency services are available to this site. The parcel is within the 4 minute response time of Fire Station #4. There is an existing fire hydrant located on Kellogg Road near the intersection of Oak Meadows Place. Police Protection Upon annexation, the area will receive police protection from the City of Springfield. Police protection and response to priority calls can be provided to this site upon annexation consistent with service protection throughout the city. Parks and Recreation Programs After annexation to the City of Springfield, the subject property will be within the Willamalane Park and Recreation District boundary. City residents receive park and recreation services from the District. The District operates two aquatic centers, a Community Center, an Adult Activity Center, and 31 parks containing a variety of outdoor recreational amenities. A complete listing ofWillamalane's parks and programs can be found on-line at www.Willamalane.org, or at 736-4044. Land Use Controls The City of Springfield Development Services Department has provided all planning and building functions for the citizens and property owners of the subject property. The City of Springfield Development Services Department will continue to provide land use control for the site after the annexation. ATTACHMENT 2-1 ATTACHMENT 2 Communication Facilities Qwest and AT&T currently provide communications in the area for cable service and an array of wireless companies provide different communication services. The City has no exclusive franchise arrangements with telecommunication or wireless c<;lmpanies. The field is competitive and therefore guarantees a wide selection. Public Schools, , ,. Public School services are available through School District 19. Centennial Elementary School is located just to the north ofthe subject property. Stormwater Control - Any future development or redevelopment on this site will require appropriate stormwater management techniques in accordance with City standards. . . .'j, : ~'., '.' -' ~-, ' . Transportation and Right of Way , . . . The city Transportation Engineering Dept. is recommending acquisition of right of way along the site's southerly boundary. Specifically, the right of way line along the southern portion of the subject site , .'. should be extended to coincide with the right of way on the adjacent parcel to the east. This acquisition can be acquired when the site is partitioned or further develope4. At that time, the site will also be .',. improved with curb, gutter and sidewalk. ., , 2-2 . ATTACHMENT 3 ATTACHMENT 3-1 ATTACHMENT 4~1 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street. Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 726-3759 c._ _,_Fa)(; (541) 726-3689 SPRINGFIELD ..-- .- """,.,.;",;c;""Annexation .Application Socation of the Property 1540 Kellogg Road .'''';,~~~'' ':"". '. .,. :.- -,-.~~ " ..,~' " ?&~,s~ssor's Map(s) and Tax Lot(s) of the property inciuded in the request, (please indicate if only a portion ..~Qfa lot is inc1udedin the request and attach any additional map and tax lot numbers on a separate sheet of ,,"'~ !. ....... < ;;R~R~r.) :C:., ';~ .-': ';~fVj'ap# 17 - 03 -34 - 22 Lot # 800 Lot # Map # :;:\rt::;:~ti';' '. . . ;',;,,'-:-;', ';~' -.:::~ : : }~tap# Lot # Map # Lot # .,- "v" ." -:-,"... "..""l.," '. 1.03 44,834 Square Feet or. Acres i~?~~pfRequest .l:,.,:..; _ '." - ;~ ." " .. {i:~lst}ng Use(s)ofthe Property . . -"-~':t.~~ .~":' ""'Ct .., ,~'!'.~!:;". '.':.: '- Residential ProposedUse(s) of the Property :.~",?::::'~': Applicant Name Address John Nepute 1491 Wimbledon Place Springfield,OR.97477 Phone: 726-0299 Owner N ame( s) Same as Applicant Address Phone: The undersigned acknowledge that the information in this application is correct and accurate. Applicant Signature Date Date :''' h . D\ \ If the applicant is other thaJ:\j . Owner Signature !" i!t ner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in hislher behalf ! tJ () )m;7 ..-NIo11?f Office U~e Only: (). -~/ll ,. Journal No. t.AL flcfW W. . ReceIved By, 1'\ V[ ~ Map No., l 7-03 -3'-1-"-22 . Tax Lot 8QO Date Accepted as Complete Revise .. ..../~O!VU ATTACHMENT 5-1 -It '" .'~ ~., ~/"'; -, .. - ~.\+ .."';;;" . Written Description ofthe Project and A Summary of Key Urban Services Available to the Property Assessor's Map 17-03-34-22, Tax Lot 800 . . . ,The~subjectproperty (tax lot 800 of Assessor's Map 1703 3422) is located on the north side of K.~l!?gg Road, west of Aspen Street and east of Oak Meadows Place. The subject site contains .'.. appr;Q0imately 1.03 acres with one existing residence that is vacant (1540 Kellogg Rd), and se~~raloutbuildings as shown on the attached plan. All ofthe existing structures on the property at~:j6:r~main. The surrounding property is fully developed with single family residential . .'. ! h~'U~g, zoned low density residential, and all within the City of Springfield with the exception of~fne~area to' the southeast. The area to the southeast and across Kellogg Road contains :' prpperties that are developed with single familyresidential housing but. still remain in the. Cc;>llnty. The Plan designations for the area to the southwest is for low density residential use, After annexation the owner intends to subdivide the property into lots for single family resI4~ntial housing and will require services from the City of Springfield as identified below. No .. ,sp~cific development plan is available. Although no specific development plan for the property .. j is.Av.~ilable,no extensions of public streets, w'ater, sewer, or storm mains would be required to 'sery.~_ :fu.ture develppment on the site. Tneapplicant is also the owner of the adj acentstrip ofland to the west known as tax lot 7400 of A~'~~;s.pr's Map 170'3 34 22 (detail map no. 1). .Tnis strip is already annexed and is a comnion ar~~dor the Oak Breeze Estates Subdivision. Any development restrictions associated with this strip, being a common area for the residents oithe Oak Breeze Subdivision, are.not relevant to the. annexation of tax lot 800 as all urban services' necessary for annexation are currently provided or can be accessed from Kellogg Road as will be discussed below. Although tax lot 740'0 may be included with future development proposals for tax lot 800, this annexation proposal can be processed knowing that tax lot 800 can be further developed without including tax lot 7400. At the time future development applications are made, the development restrictions associated with tax lot 7400 can be evaluated with respect to the specific development proposed. Without a specific development plan at this time, restrictions that may exist for tax lot 7400 canl1.ot be evaluated with the annexation proposal. There are no special features (wetlands, watercourses, steep slopes, etc) associated with this site or adjacent to it. The si.te is located in an area determined to be outside of the SOO-year flood plain. A summary of key urban services available to the property are listed below and are shown on the attached plan. Sanitarv Sewer - Two sanitary sewer service lines are extended to the subject property from the existing 8" main in Kellogg Rd. One is directed toward the existing residence at 1540 Kellogg, while the other is stubbed to the southeast corner of the property. The existing home is served by an on-site septic system (tank and drainfield shown on plan) and is not connected to either of the . . public service lines stubbed to the property. Sanitary sewer service for any future development 5-2 ":"~"- . .. of the property can be provided by the existing stubs to the property. If the stubs are not . adequate to.serve future development of the property (size or depth issues) then services for additional development would logically come from. the 8" main in Kellogg Road. The 8" main in Oak Meadows Place may also be available should, or both. Service from the 8" main in Oak Meadows would cross tax lot 7400 which is to be included with development plans for this site, and is also owned by the applicant. As stated above, no public main extensions should be required to develop the subject property in the future. . Stormwater - A 30"stormwater pipe is available to serve the site in Kellogg Rd. and also in Oak Meadows Place adjacent to the subject property. Additionally a curb inlet is located in the north curb line of Kellogg Rd: near the southwest corner of the site. Tnis curb inlet also connects to the public storm system in Kellogg Rd. which drains southerly to the Willamette River via a piped system in Poltava S1., Oksanna St., and Aspen S1. As stated above, no public main . extensions should be required to develop the subject property in the future unless needed to accommodate the requirements of Springfield for'stormwater treatment. . ' Water - According to the Lane County Regional Land Information Database (RLID), the property is within the Rainbow Water District (RWD). The existing residence is currently served by R WD. An 8"water mains is available in Kellogg Rd. and a 6" main is available in Oak Meadows Place that could provide service for future lots to be developed on the propertY. As stated above, no public main extensions should be required to develop the subject property in the future. Future water service for the site will be per agreements between the Springfield Utility Board (SUB) and RWD and may be dependent upon the actual date of annexation and/or when water service is requested. . Power - SUB currently provides electric service to the subject property from overhead lines on Kellogg Rd. After aooexation, StJB and will continue to provide service for the existing . residence and any future development on the site. Streets - Kellogg Road borders the south side of the subject property. Access to Oak Meadows Place to the west is also available for future development as the adjacent property, tax lot 7400, is also owned by the applicant and will be included with any future development plans. Oak Meadows is a fully developed street, dedicated to and maintained by the City. The maintenance and jurisdiction status for Kellogg Road along the subject property is rr..ixed. i\ccording to RLID, Kellogg Road has been annexed into the City along the entire length ofUl.e subject property. Per Phil Fields at Lane County, the portion of Kellogg Rd. from Aspen S1., westerly approximately 720 feet to the northerly extension of the westerly boundary of the Uke Village plat (also northerly extension of westerly boundary of tax lot 3400, Lot 1 ofUke Village) was surrendered to the City by BCC order #88-2-24-17. He also stated that the City was responsible for maintenance of this section. The remaining section of Kellogg Rd., west of the northerly extension of the west boundary ofUke Village, remains under the jurisdiction and maintenance of Lane County. Any future development plans will require improvement of Kellogg Rd. adjacent to the site to City standards, including curb, gutters, and sidewalks. Exact needs for street improvements for Kellogg Rd. will be evaluated by the City during the review of future development plans (partitions or subdivisions, after annexation). Also see 3-26-07 e-mail from 5-3 Phil Fields of Lane County Trllilsportation regarding adjacent roads. Schools- According to RLID, this sIte is within the Springfield School District #19. The ex:isting schools which will provide service to this neighborhood are Springfield High School, . '. Hamlin Middle School, and Centennial Elementary School. Annexation of the subject property . does not increase the need for additional student capacity within any of the above mentioned schools. . Fire and emenzency - Primary Fire and emergency protection services are currently provided by .the Rainbow Water and Fire District. After annexation Springfield Department of Fire and Life Safety will be the primary provider of these services with R VVD providing backup assistance as necessary . . Police - Police protection can be extended to include this site consistent with the service provision throughout the City. After annexation, this property will receive police services on an equal basis with properties inside the city. 5-4 Property Owners Request For Expedited Procedure for annexation: ORS 199.466 I (We) understand that a study, public hearing, and adoption of a final order may be required if request,edby any person or governing body receiving a copy of the executive officer's analysis and recommendation as required ?rORS 199.466. .This request is made in addition to and supplements all other requirements for filing an annexation pe~1i9iL . Tax Lot 800 , Township 17 .S,Range 03 W, Section 34 ,Map 22."~ ,..0. -<.. Tax Lot , Township S,Range W, Section ' ; Map Tax Lot S, Range ... , Township W, Section ,Map Tax Lot . , Township S,Range W, Section ,Map - . . . Example: Map number 17042130, Tax lotnumber 3000 Tax Lot 3000, Township 17 S, Range 04 W,Section 21, Map 30 Name: (Print) John Nepute Phone: 541-7-29-0299 Q},,,\\, q~). 1.{\,\ '\) PROPERTY OWNER Address: 1491 Wimbledon Place City/State/Zip COde... ~:k'.~R 97477 Signature. ~ Date: 1 -y{,\>\ I PROPERTY OWNER . Name: (Print) Phone: Address: City/State/Zip Code: Signature: Date: Note: With the above signa , Vwe verify that Vwe have the authority to consent to annexation on my own behalf or on behalf of my firm or agency. 5-5 INFORMATION SHEET. .. LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION .' . NORTH PLAZA LEVEL, PSB 99 E. Broadway, Suite 400 Eugene, Oregon 97401 PHONE: 681-4425 John Nepute (Petitioner's Name) 1491 Wimbledon Place J~ddress) . Sprmgfie1d . (City) 97477 (Zip) 726.-0299 (Phone) The attached petition is for (annexation to) or(withdrawal from}the._ . Sprjirgfield (City) or (District) PLEASE SUPPLY THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION REGARDINGTHE AREA TO BE ANNEXED OR WITHDRAWN. . Estimated Population (at present): None Number of Existing Residential Units: One Land Area: 1.03 Acres or Square Miles Is the area within a Domestic Water Supply District? Springfield Utility Board _illame) Is the area with a Rural Fire Protection District? No (Name) ANNEXATION TO CITIES OR WATER DISTRICTS ONLY A. If the property is entirely or substantially undeveloped, what are the plans for future development? (Be specific-if site or development plans have been prepared, please submit a copy) Single-family dwellings B. Can the proposed development be achieved under current county zoning? Yes X No Ifno, has a zone change been sought from the county either formally or informally for the property under consideration? Yes No ' - Revised 12/28/00 11 5-6 Please describe outcome of zone change request if answer to the proceeding question is "Yes." . . A. Does this proposal include all contiguous property under the same ownership? _Ifnot, are you in the processofa inajor~ or minor _ partition? . ~(No) . If you are not in the process of a subdivision, pl~~e state your reasons for not including entire ownership. . ... -, Additional parcelS owned.by applicant are already within city. co. -'--,.::~~-' .'" B. ORS 199.462 of the Boundary Commission Act states:. "When receiving a boundary change, a boundary commission shall consider economic, demographic and sociological projections pertinent to the proposal, and past and prospective physical development? of land that would directly or indirectly be affected by the proposed boundary change." Considering these points, please provide the reasons the proposed boundary change should be made. Please be veryspecif1c.Attachadditional page if necessary. To provide public services to the property allowing for future development. C. Names of Persons to Whom Staff Notes and Notices Shall be Sent Poage Engineering (Tom Poage) JOM Nepute (Name) (Name) p 0 Box 2527 1491 Wiillbledon Pl. (Address) (Address) Eugene 97402 Springfield 97477 (City) (Zip) (City) (Zip) (Name) (Name) (Address) (Address) (City) (Zip) (City) (Zip) Revised 12/28/00 12 5-7