HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 11 Supplemental Budget Resolution AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: Staff Phone #: Estimated Time: June 4, 2007 Regular Meeting Finance ~ Bob Brew . 726-3698 10 minutes ITEM TITLE: SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET RESOLUTION ACTION REQUESTED: Hold a public hearing and adopt/not adopt the following resolution: A RESOLUTION ADJUSTING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: GENERAL, STREET, SPECIAL REVENUE, COMMUNITY DEYELOPMENT, RIVERBEND DEVELOPMENT, FIRE LOCAL OPTION LEVY, DRAINAGE CAPITAL PROJECTS, DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS, POLICE BUILDING BOND CAPITAL, STREET CAPITAL, SDC LOCAL STORM IMPROVEMENT, SDC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT, LOCAL WASTEWATER OPERATIONS, REGIONAL W ASTEW A TER, AMBULANCE, DRAINAGE OPERATING, BOOTH- KELLY, REGIONAL FIBER CONSORTIUM, INSURANCE, VEIllCLE & EQUIPMENT, AND SDC ADMINISTRATION. ISSUE STATEMENT: At various times during the fiscal year the Council is requested to make adjustments to the annual budget to reflect needed changes in planned activities, to recognize new revenues, or to make other required adjustments. These adjustments to resources and requirements change the current budget and are processed through supplemental budget requests scheduled by the Finance Department on an annual basis. This is the last of four FY07 supplemental requests to come before Council. The supplemental budget being presented includes adjusting resources and requirements in the General Fund, Street Fund, Special Revenue Fund, Community Development Fund, Fire Local Option Levy Fund, Drainage Capital Projects Fund, Development Projects Fund, Police Building Bond. Capital Fund, Street Capital Fund, SDC Local Storm Improvement Fund, SDC Transportation Improvement Fund, Local Wastewater Operations Fund, Regional Wastewater fund, Ambulance Fund, Drainage Operating Fund, Booth-Kelly Fund, Regional Fiber Consortium Fund, Insurance Fund, Vehicle and Equipment Fund, and SDC Administration Fund. ATTACHMENTS: The City Council is asked to approve the attached Supplemental Budget Resolution. Attachment A. Council Briefing Memorandum Attachment B. Supplemental Budget Resolution DISCUSSIONI FINANCIAL IMPACT: The overall financial impact ofthe Supplemental Budget Resolution is to increase total appropriations by $323,159. ... CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FINANCE DEPARTMENT Date: To: From: May 29, 2007 Gino Grimaldi, City Manager Bob Brew, Budget Officer COUNCIL BRIEFING MEMORANDUM Subject: SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST ISSUE: At various times during the fiscal year the Council is requested to make adjustments to the annual budget to reflect needed changes in planned activities, to recognize new revenues, or to make other required adjustments. These adjustments to resources and requirements change the current budget and are processed through supplemental budget requests scheduled by the Finance Department on an annual basis. This is the last of four FY07 supplemental requests to come before Council. The supplemental budget being presented includes adjusting resources and requirements in the General Fund, Street Fund, Special Revenue Fund, Community Development Fund, Fire Local Option Levy Fund, Drainage Capital Projects Fund, Development Projects Fund, Police Building Bond Capital Fund, Street Capital Fund, SDC Local Storm Improvement Fund, SDC Transportation Improvement Fund, Local Wastewater Operations Fund, Regional Wastewater fund, Ambulance Fund, Drainage Operating Fund, Booth-Kelly Fund, Regional Fiber Consortium Fund, Insurance Fund, Vehicle and Equipment Fund, and SDC Administration Fund. The City Council is asked to approve the attached Supplemental Budget Resolution. BACKGROUND: Supplemental budgets may be used to meet unexpected needs or to spend revenues not anticipated at the time the original budget was adopted. In accordance with Oregon budget law, notification of this supplemental budget and hearing is made no later than five calendar days before the public meeting. A public hearing is only required when a supplemental budget request changes total appropriations within a fund by 10% or greater; however the City or Springfield practice has been to process all supplemental budget requests through a public hearing for Council approval and adoption. Notification of this public hearing was published in the Register-Guard on Wednesday, May 30, 2007. The attached information identifies the individual items that are included in the June 4, 2007 Supplemental Budget request. Changes to the budget included in this request fall principally into three distinct categories: New appropriation requests backed by new revenues, appropriation requests funded from dedicated reserves (sinking funds) and new appropriation requests from existing reserves. New appropriation requests include both expenditure items that are funded by new revenue, such as a new grant, and expenditure items that are being requested to be funded out of reserves. In many cases, departments have put aside money over time to replace assets, such as computers. These "sinking funds' have been established specifically to enable departments to replace equipment when it has reached the end of its useful life. This supplemental budget contains some requests to make these types of purchases. Attachment A - Page 1 of 3 Other requests funded from reserves include items implementing Council direction, emerging issues identified by the City Executive Team that need to be resolved immediately, or to meet legal requirements. These requests will not significantly impact reserve balances. SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET REQUESTS New appropriations of$115,009 are requested to be funded with new revenues. These include: Fund . General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Special Revenue Fund Special Revenue Fund Transient Room Tax Fund Descri tion Amount Recognizes pass-through funds paid by other libraries toward $9,027 libra consortium-related contracts. Recognizes reimbursement funds from the State of Oregon for 5,938 specific Fire and Life Safety staff training, materials, and e ui ment maintenance. Recognizes the Enterprise Zone contribution from the 53,000 WilliamsfUnited States Bakery property, and appropriates the revenue to be used toward the down payment on the Carter Buildin and to create a trainin room. Recognize increased revenue from DSD postage fees and increase 3,350 o eratin bud et for ublic notification osta e. Recognize increased revenue from Municipal Court fine collection 33,000 and increase 0 eratinO" bud et for collection ex ense. Recognize pass-through payments received by the Human 765 Resources Department for Police and Firefighter/Paramedic candidate testin , and reco lzm match in ex ense. Recognizes Justice Assistance Grant. Funds will be appropriated to 4,260 Court in the amount of $2,000, City Manager's Office in the amount of $34 and Police De t. in the amount of $2,226. This action recognizes revenue from a Windemere Foundation 1,457 Grant of low-income Utili Assistance. Recognizes staff cost reimbursement for City of Springfield 4,212 assistance durin the Eu ene Marathon. New appropriations of $2,650 are requested to be funded with replacement (sinking fund) reserves. Fund Vehicle & Equipment Fund Vehicle & Equipment Fund Descri tion Increases budget for Fire and Life Safety computer replacement. Funding source is the computer replacement reserve established for this u ose. Increases budget for Human Resources computer replacement. Funding source is the computer replacement reserve established for this u ose. Amount $1,350 1,300 New appropriations of $1,152,354 are requested to be funded with existing reserves. Fund Description Amount Street Funds set aside for replacement of three dump trucks were not $23,575 Fund/Local sufficient to meet the cost of the lowest bid. Additional funds are Sewer Fund requested to complete the purchase. Sources are the Street Fund Reserve ($15,650) and the Local Sewer Reserve ($7,925). Attachment A - Page 2 of 3 .' Fire Local This transaction appropriates funds to meet operating expenses that 188,023 Option Levy were transferred to the Local Option Levy Fund from the General Fund Fund. The funding source is the Fire Local Option Levy Fund Reserve. Regional Increases the capital project budget for the relining of the 600,000 Wastewater facultative sludge lagoons to meet anticipated bids. Funding source Capital Fund is the Regional Wastewater Capital Fund Reserve Regional This transaction is requested in order to provide for current and 155,000 Wastewater anticipated litigation expenses. Funding source is the Rate Stability Fund Reserve of the Regional Wastewater Fund. Insurance Fund This transaction is requested in order to provide for current and 20,000 anticipated litigation expenses. Funding source is the Insurance Fund Reserve. . , Development This transaction uses Booth-Kelly reserves to fund an Interfund 150,000 Projects Fund loan to the Development Projects Fund. The proceeds of that loan and Booth- will be used for the down payment on the Carter property. Kelly Fund Street Fund This action reverses a transaction improperly recorded In 15,756 Supplemental Budget #2 The following are reallocations of existing expenses, and are requested to be approved. Fund Description Amount Local This transaction moves an incorrectly budgeted drainage project $25,000 Wastewater from the Local Wastewater Capital fund to the Drainage Capital . Capital Fund Fund. and Drainage Capital Fund General Fund Corrects budget transaction processed on Supplemental Budget #2 1,420 and Special recognizing revenue from the State of Oregon for Lead Paint Revenue Fund Inspections completed through the Purchase Assistance Loan (PAL) Program Inspection agreement. Riverbend Corrects budget transaction processed on Supplemental Budget #2 56,843 Development recognizing Peacehealth reimbursement revenue for FLS training in Fund and the General Fund, rather than the Riverbend Development Fund. General Fund Development Moves previously appropriated budgetary authority from the 1,000,000 Projects Fund Beltline/Gateway Intersection project to the MLK Parkway Project. Attachment A - Page 3 of 3 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ADJUSTING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: General, Street, Special Revenue, Community Development, RiverBend Development, Fire Local Option LevY, Drainage Capital Projects, Development Projects, Police Building Bond Capital, Street Capital, SDC Local Storm Improvement, SDC Transportation Improvement, Local Wastewater Operations, Regional Wastewater, Ambulance, Drainage Operating, Booth-Kelly, Regional Fiber Consortium, Insurance, Vehicle & Equipment, and SDC Administration. WHEREAS, the 2006-2007 fiscal year appropriations for the City of Springfield were made by Resolution No. 06-28 dated June 19,2006; and, WHEREAS, at various times dur\ng the fiscal year the Common Council is requested to make adjustments to the fiscal year budget to reflect needed changes in planned activities, to recognize new revenues, or to make other required adjustments; and, WHEREAS, the Common Council handles such requests for adjustment to the budget through Supplemental Budget Resolutions presented at public hearings at which the public may comment on such requests; and, WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing, including information regarding such revenues and expenditures was published in a newspaper of general circulation not less than 5 days prior to the public meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, A Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, as follows: Section 2. Supplemental Budget No.4 for the 2006-2007 Fiscal Year amending Resolution 06-28 is hereby adopted as follows: Estimated Revenues Collections Revenue Enterprise Zone Payment Library Automation Library Services Pass-Through PAL Program Planning Fees Postage Fees State Reimbursement Testing Fees Paid GENERAL - FUND 100 Aoorooriations Departmental Operating: Development Services Finance Fire and Life Safety Human Resources Legal and Judicial Services Library Total Departmental Operating $ 33,000 53,000 6,285 2,742 (1,420) 56,843 3,350 5,938 765 Non Departmental Interfund Transfers Total General Fund $ t 60.503 Total General Fund Estimated Revenues STREET - FUND 201 Aoorooriations Departmental Operating: Public Works $ Non Departmental Reserves Total Street Fund $ Total Street Fund Attachment B - Page 1 of 4 $ 1,930 19,850 62,781 765 33,000 9,027 127,353 $ 33,150 $ 160.503 $ 31,406 $ (31,406) $ SPECIAL REVENUE - FUND 204 Estimated Revenues Appropriations Justice Assistance Grant $ 4,260 Departmental Operating: PAL Program 1,420 City Managers Office $ 34 Windemere Foundation Grant 1,457 Development Services $ 2,877 Legal and Judicial Services $ 2,000 Police 2,226 Total Departmental Operating $ 7,137 Total Special Revenue Fund $ 7,137 Total Special Revenue Fund $ 7,137 TRANSIENT ROOM TAX - FUND 208 Estimated Revenues Appropriations Staff Reimbursement $ 4,212 Departmental Operating: Public Works $ 4,212 Total Transient Room Tax Fund $ 4,212 Total Transient Room Tax Fund $ 4,212 RIVERBEND DEVELOPMENT - FUND 222 Estimated Revenues Appropriations .' Planning Fees $ (56,843) Departmental Operating: Fire and Life Safety, $ (56,843) Total RiverBend Devel. Fund $ (56,843) Total RiverBend Devel. Fund $ (56,843) FIRE LOCAL OPTION LEVY - FUND 235 Estimated Revenues $ Appropriations Departmental Operating: Fire and Life Safety $ 188,023 Non Departmental Reserves $ (188,023) Total Fire Local Option Levy Fund $ Total Fire Local Option Levy Fund $ LOCAL W ASTEW A TER CAPITAL - FUND 409 Estimated Revenues Appropriations Capital Projects MS4 Permit Requirements $ (25,000) $ Non Departmental Interfund Transfers $ 25,000 Total Local Wastewater Capital Fund $ Total Local Wastewater Capital Fund $ Attachment B - Page 2 of 4 . DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS - FUND 420 Estimated Revenues Appropriations Interfund Loan Revenue $ 150,000 Capital Projects Transfer from General Fund 33,150 Beltline/Gateway $ (1,000,000) Carter Building Purchase 183,150 MLK Parkway 1,000,000 Total Capital Projects $ 183,150 Total Development Projects Fund $ 183,150 Total Development Projects Fund $ 183,150 DRAINAGE CAPITAL - FUND 425 Estimated Revenues Appropriations Transfer from Fund 409 $ 25,000 Capital Projects MS4 Permit Requirements $ 25,000 Total Drainage Capital Fund $ 25,000 Total Drainage Capital Fund $ 25,000 Estimated Revenues REGIONAL W ASTEW A TER CAPITAL - FUND 433 .Appropriations $ Capital Projects Biosolids - Line Lagoons $ 600,000 Non Departmental Reserves $ (600,000) Total Regional Wastewater Capital Fund $ Total Regional Wastewater Capital Fund $ Estimated Revenues LOCAL W ASTEW A TER OPERA nONS - FUND 611 Appropriations Departmental Operating: Public Works $ $ 7,925 Non Departmental Reserves $ (7,925) Total Local Wastewater Operatious Fund $ Total Local Wastewater Operatious Fund $ REGIONAL W ASTEW A TER - FUND 612 Appropriations Departmental Operating: Public Works $ Estimated Revenues $ 155,000 Non Departmental Reserves $ (155,000) Total Regional Wastewater Fund $ Total Regional Wastewater Fund $ Attachment B - Page 3 of 4 . BOOTH - KELLY - FUND 618 Estimated Revenues Appropriations $ Departmental Operating: $ Non Departmental Interfund Loans $ 150,000 Reserves (150,000) Total Non-Departmental $ Total Booth-Kelly Fund $ Total Booth-Kelly Fund $ INSURANCE FUND - FUND 707 Estimated Revenues Appropriations $ Departmental Operating: Human Resources $ 20,000 N on Departmental Reserves $ (20,000) Total Insurance Fund $ Total Insurance Fund $ Estimated Revenues VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT - FUND 713 Appropriations $ Departmental Operating: Fire and Life Safety Human Resources Total Departmental Operating $ 1,350 1,300 2,650 $ Non Departmental Reserves $ (2,650) Total Vehicle and Equipment Fund $ Total Vehicle and Equipment Fund $. Estimated Revenues Total Supplemental Budget $ 323,159 Appropriations Total Supplemental Budget $ 323,159 Section 2. This resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Adopted by theCommon Council of the City of Springfield this 4th day of June, 2007, by a vote of against. for and Mayor- Sidney W. Leiken ATTEST: City Recorder - Amy Sowa Attachment B - Page 4 of 4