HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 07 Bid Award for Project P50506: Regional Radio Project AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: June 4, 2007 / Meeting Type: Consent Calendar Department: Police Staff Contact: Michael Harman @ S P R IN G FIE L D Staff Phone No: 726-2347 C I T Y C 0 UN C I L Estimated Time: 05 minutes ITEM TITLE: BID AWARD FOR PROJECT P50506: REGIONAL RADIO PROJECT ACTION REQUESTED: ISSUE STATEMENT: ATTACHMENTS: Approval of the following motion: TO AWARD THE SUBJECT CONTRACT TO DAY WIRELESS SYSTEMS IN THE AMOUNT OF $47,415. Four qualifying bids were received on this communications shelter project, which is one component of the regional radio project. Contract award is necessary to enable work to proceed. 1 - Bid Summary DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMP ACT: /~ This project consists of placing an 8' x 10' communications shelter on Quarry Hill to house equipment for the planned regional radio system. The work to be performed includes the shelter as well as foundation and electrical work necessary to support the building. The following bids were received and opened on May 17th, 2007: GRFC Thermo Bond Buildings DA Y Wireless Systems DuPont $24,000 $24,516 $47,415 $54,945 GRFC and Thermo Bond Buildings provided bids only for the actual shelters, not for electrical and foundation work. DA Y Wireless is the low bidder between the two bids that addressed the shelter and the foundation/electrical issues. DAY Wireless has also indicated that they have the ability to complete this work within the timelines necessary for the regional radio project schedule. This bid is valid until July 15,2007. Account 420-36200-761003 (Radios) has sufficient funds for this project less $1,175, which will be charged to the General Fund. . . H\"\ r:\ C \-\ \,,"\ L ~T 1\ .--~", , I QUOTE I QUOTE # 161 DATE: MAY 15,2007 ' 4700 SE International Way, Milwaukie, OR 97222 Phone 503-659-1240 ext: 261 Fax 503-794-3774 khunter@daywireless.com EXPIRATION DATE: JULY 15,2007 TO City of Springfield 225 5th St. Springfield, OR 97477 Attn: Leslie Wilson . SALESPERSON JOB' PAYMENT TERMS' DUE DATE Kevin Hunter Communication Shelter for Net 30 Quarry Hill QTY .~, -, DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE LINE TOTAL 1 Construction of concrete slab, grounding and electrical $27,415.00 $27,415.00 1 Purchase, delivery and placement of new 8' x 10' shelter $20,000.00 $20,000.00 according to bid specifications SUBTOTAL $47,415.00 SALES TAX TOTAL $47,415.00 Quotation prepared by: Kevin Hunter ThiS is a quotation on the goods named, subject to the conditions noted below: To accept this quotation, sign here and return: Date: . . 1,'_' THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESSI , ":~ ,,'., ,~, " JC\ \ \ P\ C \-\ \'-1\ ~ ~\ A ,ATTACHMENTHon CITY OF SPRINGFIELD . ,tNDEPENDENT CONTRACTORAGREEMENr. rfype~:CPublic Work~Contracts f.or pubUclmproyement Proj\3"~1$uJ'lder$5();O(}Or ( 1/5.1c}7 Dated;> Parties: City otSpringneJd 225 Fifth Street ' Springfield,.Oregon'97477 ,(".elI''!''')., C I rldepende'l1tQ9gtra~tor") AcJditi()flallrl:<i~p~flcjent.C ontr~c" Jgrlnformati on. : . . - -....., . A, B. C. D. Eo, f~ G; Typ(Z ()fEnt~Y:[]:?~I~P,~)prl~:9t~h!1J . f4~,(I!~',dt~ttj;t ,gLlf11\t(){jth191~~~'S?lllP?Jlyi~G<lfP!}ffl~19.2 '"~.~i" ',' Add rass: ~+ I ()G)< ',,;;;(;..1"+ 10'"'y-..;tC\:\,\(,;;; \1\<'0. ("'\Ji.X......,\\K,l\'.'0i::k \A;.\'.;Xt?:, .' C)\?;,,'\lZ>~;2 ',': "___~'::':"'_-,--" "_._.:-,."::'".,....,--. ",'h'..- '''_''''<-<';~_:-''_). ,._' "." ". -. ".-,...: _u-.-.'_,. '-'-"'_ .." Teleptlone:5lZ:;1 \::t1fl) '.. ' , F <lxNb: =~7:7 (,./, SSN orFed.LD, No.;1:3-0"",,<jtlt.lH;r"'S .,"." ,", .".' Gon$lr~ic.tjQn.Contmr;t9r,',8pard .N)}: .,.ce~\}<4?LIC('s.r), 'ForeignConmJctor: . .,., , ",.[JYes~INo ...' ..'.... ',,>> m ., ,{ F,';OfBi{.jrt rneons/iol' do/nicHed in Of, regIster {;ldto dobi:JsinesS'jfl. dregon)$ee ExhibitB{1l);" . . y"o -- . , . ; " .. ~ity, AccountNun~ber{s) T9B~ C ha(ged(lncludePer~entag<:s): ." -" ..,,, ", ....- . . . --. . .. . - .', . _ ~.,.~, "~~'d~,,=~,~'.~ V'.Y _ 'A~ ~,H,h_~~. .", ~_ .._ .," ~,""., h ,,~ . In consideration ,of the m !Jiua! covencnlscOflzained herein. ,ttleparttesagr~eto'lheJojlpwing, t€l(n1~1 provisions andcondjtlons: 1 ; Paym~nt by pITY. ,CITYshallpat1ndependen!Contractcraccordlng tothe~'~lrllah~$Ghed\Jmre 'described on Attachment "1" ariached: heretcand incorporated nereinbythlS: reference, . . -, - - " 2,SerVlces to,' bePerformed'by I ndepondentContractor. It.oependehrContractor,shaU .per~()rrW the services described on Attachmem 1, . 3, T arm. Tb!sAgreernenils effect'v'a as of !l1e datefirst s.et. fQrth.abOveafldsh~Ucof\tinLlcu.nUI _._.#,,~_ , unless earllcr terrrdna!ec jnaccorddncewithlheprovi~jof1S oflhis 'Agreement or by mutual consent or thepslties: ' 4.lndepemJentContractor Status; ByJts executlcnofthisAgreement,lndependenfContr,ador.. ceriifie.s lIS status as an "Independent Contractor" as thatlCfmisused under thelal,'1sof lhe$tate o1.0regoo;an<:: ltiatfdf pertormanceotany labcror serviCi3s(eqt.lift3d.lp~epe((orinedby lCldepehdentCcmracto( under the terms of th;s ,.a,greerileot shaHbe performed inaccordaric€;l with ifujepf;Jndanl COAiracior Agreement PEiJel 6f5 'ATTACHMENT:1l0" (the sfandardssetforlh 1(}"OR$670;oOO, and as m"respecificajiy $et .forth(.lilJSxhibit"A"aJtpl:';t'l~d hereto CtncJjn~fpor?letJ herem by thiS reJerence. ',' .' ",' ," 5. 'Conform.mcewHhOregon Public. Contracts Law{08SChaptor27$). Indep~i1(HmrCoJilraqt9r 'shall cClmply, with allappHc.:ible j.lfOV1SicnsofOregorrlaw for PllOHc contfa{:ts.jnCl~<Jlng, but~ot lill1itep tOQRS279S,220.. ORS279l3:225, ORS 2796.230. ORS 2798.235, ORS. 2"19C,50;;,PRS 21tlC,515. ORS279C.520.0RS279C,525, ORS27fiC,530,QRS,279C.830.and QRS279C,51Q. and as mort} fullys~l torthol1 Exnlbils"A" and ~a~ altacl)ed rleretoanoinco'rporatedherein by this fl3f(;lr(;lnce. ' ' ' ',' ' , , 6, Work Porformed. The work to be perforrne<Jbylndependent Contraclor inclUdes serv\ces ~leil(~H'aHy porformeAJby Indt}pdnCCf1! contractor in hlslhe,Jits l1su;:jllirleo(busll1t;)S$. '" 7. T axdutlos and UabiliUfis, Indt:PQntliZ!()! C~)(l!ractof $haH berespOfISiOIl::lfq(aUledClfal,state.an<J, local tm((iJ~>.if amy. apphcabJ(;! to HnypayrnenISr€ceivo)l pUfSllsnt tottl(s:AgfOJ'HIHJntincludlngbLll nOl1\lnl1o,<1 to incon.t;; tax, payYolll.:1X;SQCi;;{lsecuntyandself-erl'lployrnf}f1lts;(, qlTYsllalll1Qt WIUlholej, pay. or in anyOlherm,:mnerporespOlj$ll;lC forpaYD'lG1il9famf t(jXf)S onbeh~j.f(.;lf' ,lndcIJ0ndGntC.Onlr<:,ct()~, ., ' "',, ' . ,',. ' . . :f$~ Rcimburs.ern~nt. Ofl:;xpon$cs. ,loo<:pcndenl 'Contractor' shall.hotp()l'!ntltlf:jd to~elrT)butsement~y Cllyror anyexp'on~(;$ jnclJrredbylndepQI)d~n! q{.\mr~f.:iOrull!eSs'othe('~ise ,;;lgrae(jlr\"Yrili()~J. ," . . .~. Materials and Supplies. Indep{;ndl}nrComract(lt$hi,1l!suP~)ly anmatar~alSilfld su~)pliesnbeded loperfoqn Ihe()cf\ilc(!sreql,Jir~d,wllles~olher"lis(ltlgre{l(~jn wr!ihl~,," ' " , 10. No Authority TO,,61nd CITY" ,lnde:per;der1t C9nl(a~torshtJ~I,haye no .a9tnorily, toofltorilJto COlltrach.(ln.bobalf 'olG I TY <,Wsofl;cers;l:lgon!sancemployees. 'This, A~]rel:.!meN t;h;.;U notcmate ~lpg(lnt,'lr$llip'or,jcirlt\feml.ire.otanysurtt:ehYi:i~nth~parties " , . ' 11. 'F adoral EmploymohfStatus, lntl1el,1yent,pMme.mtmade jJursuanno !illS Agl'eJeroefll ,is lO be charged <Jgajnt~J lederalJunds. .lndepencenlCbnlfijctor' hort7lby, Cfiltilles JMlitlsnOl cUlrcrlUy '. clnpioyed by the l=ederalGovemmenl anti ,. lhtlamquntchargeddoesflorexceedlndependelit . Conlraclor'sflPf111alcha,garcr the typo <?fser',/,cespfovldad; " . ' .12. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. T ol.her~mest e;.:tenl.6f the Jaw, ,Independent Contractor snail defend. Inderrll1ily and hO;d fl(jrr1'ltess CITY, its omcials;emptoyaes.servl'.l/1is,andagents~ from and against aflclairns, deH'lanos,andjudgrrlems (includingattome)lrees), made or recovered 'agaJnst th(;lm including but not hn-Ilted 1.0 darnases to tealer tangJbie personal property or for bodily injury or deaihtoal1yperscn. arising out of. .(jril"l any marmer ccrmected witillhe perlormanceof Y thi,s Agreem<:nt Dylndependent ComtaClOt,itsottlcers,emplcyees. and <ilQenls, 13.:lnsunmc~. . .13.1. Generallnsurance.lndependentContractorshalJ maintain inforceiorthedutaliOn of this agreementa,Cornmercial Genera/Liability insurance pDHC1"NriUenon an occurrence basis with limits not less that.$1 ;000;0;)0 per occurrenc.eafld $2,000,000 in the aggregate. 'Automobile Liability{qwned, non.owned and hired) insurance withllmitsnotlessthan$1;OOO.OOOper occurrenCeshaU be maintained,' TMCitvof SDrinqiiekl, its officials. e-mpJoyees, servants <md' ammts will be named as an additional insured as respects to work or sarvicesperformedunder this agreement Thiswmapply tobo~,wOfkjn progress and comptetedoperations. This insurance shaH be primary ,me, shaH be paid and applied first in its entirety prior to any application of insuri'.mce the City may carryon its own. 13.2. Workers' Compensation.. independent Contractor shall provide and maintalnworkers' compensat1on coverage for its employees.omesrs. agents, or partners; as required by <1.>plicabJeworkers' compensation lav{s. <-;-:~~""'''''''~-'''''''''''''"'''''''<<'''''-<''''-'''~~'''''''~'.'''-''''~'---'-<-' , lnoQpendenl CCl'1tr<.lctor ;\gtf:e..,,3!1tTyP\t 2 Page ;n~f ;; Cour~e9f Construction" andlor Ins la I JaH on F loatQr.!n<;!ependent Contra,c~or$h,all maIntain anal! r'iskin:surancepClicy covering ihe (I~placementcostofthe'Wbrk,duilngihe'coul'seQf '.,'... c:onstructlon. 'The pOlicy sllallinc!ude the interest of the9wn,orandarchill::cL . The amoun\;of insurance shall equal 1M compieted va!uf.: pfthe ~onira~t.. '" , ' EvidenceofCov~rage.Evider.ce of the above coyeragesissued bye i;()mp~nysatisf~ctOfY to Cilyshall be prbvidl:d loCHy by way ota certifjcateof insufanCt) b~fon~anyW()rJ<Qrs~~(vices commenCf.:L A 30-day noUce of canv,1l1alio:i ormater~aj c:hange,i(l,Covera~JeClall$e SMlII)fl' included, FaUure to rnaln,tain ihe proper insurance !:ihall bq'g(()iJods fot irnmedi?teJermination of this (x;n(r1.lcl " " Equipment and Matotial.ln{jepE:r,dt'~ni Contraclor shcJll boresponsible tor any loss, dall1f3Q~" or deslnlc!i<mofits ()wn.property. eq1,lipmellI.ami malt~rjals w,odin cC1rlJl.1I1ctionwith the w(Jrk., Subcontractofs.lndependent Cor'llrac.!or sli:all reql.lire all $Ub(:(jl1tractorS.10 pr()liide;;md maintain gonOf'BJ EBbi\ity, mll() liab1liiY, professionalliabililY (as applicabJo), and workers' compliwsaUon insufnl1ce ....li!il coveragest:Jquivalelll It) thoslJ re.quli'od of It'legenen':llconlractor in U1is conlra<':L indt:)pendenl Conlractor Sl"lua :eqoifecert;f!cales oUnslIl'ance frofll..<;lll . ,< $ubCOfllrBct<)rSas f)'';fdence of coverage, " ' " Excoption orWaiyors, ArlYJ:J"copticnor 'waiver ofU1eso J(tqulrerrjf:)n,lss~1i!lllbc>s\Jbje9tto review' ,and <3pptoval korn,theCilYs Risk ~,It:li\ag~r, ' ' ' , 14.'Torrnination. The. perfornlanCf) <:fworKun(j(!( thiS Agreol11t;tot ,m~yM:te(mln~ltf;Oby~ITY; ,In 'whOleOI' in part, whenever lor any reason CITY Sl'aildete[rnlne',ltl~lt sucl1 terminatiOl1is.lfl'tl1obest inl~ri;sl of.CITY, f\ny $uCh termil1aUot!shaH he effected bydu!iYl:ry IOtllO lildGPondanl COnlft:lctO( ,~OhlN9l1ceof Tcnnination Spt;Cifylngthoe:XH:mllo wllie/) porforfrl':lrtCe of thewori< llnder.tl)e A~reefnOn\ l"sterrnlnall3d and il1edale orlwhich'SGCi)'~ormlnanOll'i${Jfft)GtivfJ; Upon dE)liy~rY"QJho' II1l:H;p~ntS\'}nt CqDI(~:Il~(brof a NOlicei)f Termini;lliuni..m(jer Ihisp(]~lrirapii. tlw1ndep\fjndol'!t ' . C()n~raCI()( a'f1dClTY shall, by agreement. (flake anapptopriatO'wrilten modification 10 thiS "A~feemell\g6vernjns cOlnpl6tior~'ofporiions of lIiOlt10e'jjt;ng(;ini,C9Dtraclof'SwOtkiind paynl{1nt 'u"e.i~efore t>Y'CrfY~ " "., ,,' '.', '.. ." .',' 13;3; 13.4, 13.5; , 1~.6, 13;7. ATTACHMENT HDlI '1S..Rlghts.ln O,ata, AU original wriltunmaterial. !ncludil1g programs, card deCKS.. tapes; listjnfJs,and t>Jher do\:umunli3tion originated and prepared for CITY pursuantJothis Agreement $h~lnb0<;ome exClusively tile property of CITY. The ideas, cOncepts, know-how" ortecholquesdeveloped during lhe co~mse of tllis Agruemenl by Indepericent ConUaclcf'i perstlltrlGI ctlt\by used, byeithar p:;lrtyhl'" any vJayit may deem appropriate. Material already li'\ lhdependenLContractor's possessIon. indepelidenUy developed 0)' fndependent Contractor outside lhe sc.opeof ttlisA9reCl11enl, or ri9f1trl.lHy obtained by Indepencenl Contraclor frem t:1ird parties,shall belong Independent Contractor, Tliis agreerru:;nt sl~a1f not jlfeclude Independent Contracwrfrom developing materials. which are corripetitive, irrespective of jheir simtlartly to materials \vhich might be delivere(lto CITY" pursuaI1l1o this Agreement 'Incependent Contractor shaH I1ctllowever, usa anY'Ndtten materials ,developed under this Agreement In developing materialS for others, except as provided in Ihis secti9fL 16~ Confidentiality. During the course c{ periormance ,hereunder, Inc'3pendent Contiactor or its , agOl'it. employees, or comractcrs. may receh'econliOemial iniormation. Independent Contractor 'agrees to use its best efforts to maintajnthe cO:1Menhallty of such jnforrn~tionandto ,inform ,each agent and employee performing seNfcesof tria confidenualityobligaticn,lhalpertains to suer.. information. ' '17. <AssignmentJSubcontract Independent Contractor shall not assign, sell, transfer; subcontractor subletrights,or delegate responsibilities under thiS agreement; Jrlwh6teorinpart, wilhoutthe prior wrJttenapproval of CITY. No sue.''l written approval shall reiieve Independent Contractor of any 'obligations of this Agreement. and any transferee crsubcOOlr3ctor.shaHbe considered the agent of Independent Contractor; IndependentCcnlJactor shall remain liable as betweentMorigir.al parties to this Agreement as if no such assIgnment had occurred. ,...___....."....,,_A->;Z;_ Indopendent ContraciorAgreemllrilTYPjl2 Ptlse31Jf5 ATTACHMENT' no" 1~.Suce(t$~ors .'nfntarost., .ihepiovisions!if thfsAgteementshaU be bln(jln$} lJpolland$hatIJn:u,(~ tQ ,th~bt;lnefjt otthepi;1.rties .to 11'llsAgreemenlan9tf1ElirrElspective(iUccesSQfS and iil$~fgn~~ '19.Complial1ctl With All' Govo,mmoot ~agulations.lndepepdentContractorsha.llCOrhplYWith aU Fed€!f~I, State and lqcal lavis, COdes,. regulatlons and ordinances ,applicablotolhe YyOrkper:f9(m~d ImderthisAgreemenL Failure IQccmplYW11h sue:. reqwremen!.sshaH (;Onstittlte atireachot conlfactand stJallMgrounds for termin?tkm of this,AgrUIJment Oarnages oropsfs (t}:)ulting from; /1oncornpliance snalloe thescle responsibilHyof Independent COfltr;:lctor ' , ~O,:Attorn()yFecs. In the'\:JventaiawsUltofany kirld islnslih,itedon behajtof<::lrY,tot1ri(()rCJ1~ny provision of lhis Agn:emenl.lncepend~lnt Conttactor Shall pH?, suchaddltlcnal ~urnsasthe~C(jlJrr "may adjudge JO<lsonable for attorn,,)' fees plusaH ,CO$lS and t1isburs~rnOnl$at yMI and olt:<.'lny ,appeal. ' " ,,"" 21. Force Majeure. NoHher p8fty io If)ist\grocmont shall os held respol1sfblefordelny <j(<ltJt~ult CDus(~dby lire, riot,B(;ISof (;OOi:H\(j]o(war W!liCft IS bo~ond :hal party'sTeas(miJbl(~ conln'jl, ..crr~ 'rnaYlerminall$nlisl~grptJn'(lnt1JFon wri!.tGfi notice aHur\i!1ltemllning such deiay or dera\'llt~'{IH ' :U/lfCt:H.iOnablYf)reyent s\)(;ce$~fulp~rtQnn(l(lceQftheAgfl:.lc;Inent ."", , 22,Ali~lstancc ,Regardlng. PatuntAnd Copyrlghtlnfrlngomantlnthe~'ivorltofejl'ycl~llJn.o($~llt .uUHlr1St Cny on,accounLofanyaUegedp13t1imt<Jf copynghnnlrip~Je(flilmU(j~;in$J(jLJtoru)~ " , (>f1r(()UnancoQ! Ihis ..\gmemenl(JrouIOflheu$eof~nymat('irl~llJurrtlstled orworKo( Sef\tlCeS Pt:i'formedhereundt:1f, Inr.epeI1dent,Conlractor$h~'1I defend CI'rY;;i}J\;lI/\$i 8nY~UGh',suifor,cj~lm and hold CITY 'hzl/JTlless Jro/nony' and alL&XpenSes, 'coun CO$ls;.and'('lttorngy's'rt:ie~:irl'(:~I\nOctitm with StiCh claIm Ofswt . , ," ,.,' , 23. · Sov (l rabi II ty. ,Ht:m)~. pmvisionot thiS Agreement ,sdetlared' by <1.. courit6t)em~1jn~ttJnnconflie;t , .' '....lthany law.,IJ't;valioHy of .ihe J"Jfnaining ,h:/msand.provisions~balr nQt~~aHeCied;.artdth14dgl1ts ,~uld obliQatlo.Hs' of Illepariles shail.'becon,slrUe9andJ:nfofced'as.'i.f\heAgfe~f)1CmL{jldJlot,coritain the particuisrpr<Nisio,o beIg IO.lJejnvali~: . ", ' , " , '" ., ' 24,AC~O$$. To ReeOi'ds.CrrYanq its duiyauihor1zecrepresenlaUv(1s sh()ll naveaccessto,lJJ?o~s! :(IQcurnenis, pr3rJ(~rs and records of Int.teperHj~l1t COljliactor which ata directiy peft1nenttoll~js Agreement tpr thCipurposeotrm:1i\ing O\l(jII,exarnm\ltlon, exci?rptsandIHlnscripts~, ' , ' , .25. ,Waiver. ,FaihJro,ofCITY'to enfotce'any' ~)fovjsiQnofthisAgreementshallnot constih.Heawaiveror. rEiHn9uisnn1ont b)-I CITY of the rig!'!t tos~c~periofmancein tne futuro' n,or' of tharig-hi to e-nrorceany other proVision of this Agn1ement. ' ' '.' 26, Amendments. The term$of this Agre~ment st'ililllnofbe waived, altered, modified, supplemented' or amended in any :mml1er v/hatscever ,witl1out'priorwrittenapproval of C fTY. . No mo~jfjcatlorrof this AgroementshaU bind eilher party unless recticed to 'miiinsand subscribed, by both parties, or orticled!>ya C:ourl. . ' 21, Nondiscrimination. hloependeni Contra~toJ' shailcomplY'o'1U1aU appHcablerequlrements,of Federaland State c1v~1 rightsanc rehabilitation statutes, ruh~s andte~ulaUons, ' <28, Dual Payment.ll1deP.elident Contractor shall not be compensated for work pertormedunderthis contract from any CITY agency other. than theagenc'fwhichi~' a party to' this contract 49~ Remedies. ThiS Agreemel1tshail be,govemed by and construed in,acco(dal1~e with the laws of, the State of Oregofl, and any lIUgalicnarising out oftilis Agreement sr1aH be conductediri the cQurtsof the State of Oregon, County of Lane," ' 'Indep~Ment,Contr;sctQt Agtuemenl.TyPJ3 2 Page 4~f 0 ;ATTACHMENT'"OU "30. "1: otire,Agreement. ,."ThisAgreerneI11signedby.oolh parti~s '. is th.~: parties'fil1alcll1~.eritlre , ;Agreement. and.stlpe[s~destlUpriot and conlemporaneous oral. orwrittep cpmmw11CaHpfl$ betweenU10 parties. :lhoiiagenis end representativas, There ,are ,no JcprescriWtlons. Q(()fnises, 'terms, cofldflions or.obllgat1onsQiher.tnantho;;econ tainedh erein. IN, WITNESS WHEREOF the partiesl1aveexecut~d this Agreement to be effective. the dale' first setforth aboye, ' , ,', 'CITY OFSPRINGFIEL(): INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: , ;\ ."" '. . ," '. 8y: Name: ~ Tltl~: Date: .l3y: N<lm,<~: Title: [j<lle: ~'N"'*""",,,,,,,,,,"'<",,*,,,,,,,-,,,,"_____M_~~_@'^""-_'_M"W."-."'" .'N:9IWc'(jilln~si$!ln,~~t1Q!)dHtllq9ntr2S-1~i9\j~r\lnl!tldi;ip\j(\11il~t~c:ntr;h:t5fhl'e2 REV!EWED 1ft APPROVED AS\.TO FORM,- \ ~ ..... '-~ .J I.... ~ ,,"'" DATE: S-d.: 2,.~ ] (.)/ : ()FFIG~ Qf QITV ATTORNEY ~:":~-~""''''_~1M_<<<<_~'~_~_~-''~'''''''''<;_<<.';''<''' InGuj:Wnd~DLCbntt<retOt.A)4teemellt Typa2 , P,19fJ501 5