HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1982-12-27 I . .1 ". ., II _"" ~ " ,'. "". I.. "'" I _..... ".......".,.."."..... ,,,,,,,., ... "."".,,, I.. '" ,V INFORMATION: 726-3753 city of springfield 225 n. 5th street SPRINGAELD INSPECTIONS: 726-3769 , SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION I I ~ . A. LOCATIO~ OF SICII (ADORESS) S' 5 3 I h? IU 1-/ LECAL DESCRI~TION 17 () 2.. 3~ 0:../ TA.':: LOT"" c::.. .:' 0 O~mER OR PROPERTI PHONE ,./' ~ I l , ADDRESS OlmER OF SICII (IF OrnER l1lAlI PROPERTI OWNER) kelJ , ADDRESS NAME OF BUSIllESS. FIll.'l. ETC. I/-{OR<;Tl:;N' CL~A/U2S ZIP OT// Nt::; ert- .PHO~E ,TIPE OF ,EUSWESS c.L.~~r B. TYPE OF WORK: "'-tR.F.CT _ALTER _RELOCATE _OTHER C. STRUCTURAL TYPE 'OF SICN:, ~ALL _FREESTAllDIllC ____ROOF ____PROJECTING ~MARqUEE ____UNDER l~qUEE ____ O'l1'.ER D. USE AND CP.ARACTER OF SIGN: ~IDEIITITI ____INCIDElITAL ____DOUBLE FACE _~INGLE FACE *, , , , ...,' I -,~ULTI-FACE ____READER BOARD ____ B ILLBOA.'Ul /' , ' E. VE~DORS. CONTRACTORS: SIC~ ERECTOR k- t:. N OTT/IV'l l/l. - 0 t...J '" 6-ft.. .rllC~'I: -; '17~ I"I~ 55 .f.!lD!''':::SS CiTY LICENSE IIU:1BER "I / [j" SICN tiANUFACrJRER (IF r!';iE:~: TPJ..NERECTOR) ADDPJ:SS ZIP .EXP. DATE ,PEOIIE f F. DD1F.NSIONS, WSTALLhTIO:I " CONSTRUCTION TOTAL HEICHT ABOVE GRADE VERTICAL DIMENSION OF SICN HORIZONTAL WIDnl OF SICN DHlC:ISION FROIl CRADE TO BOnO:1 OF SICN G. EXISTING SIGNS :";,1 I':;:; .- /..?l ARE TIlEP.E AlfY EXISTI!IG ~IGlI~? _YES LllO InR1BER SIZE IN SO.FTG. I ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR BUSINESS, ETC. TIIICK:IESS OR DEPTIt DOES SICII PROJECT BEYO:ID PROPERTI LINE? _YES XNO IF YES. DnlENSION BEYOND PROPCRTI LI::E NOTE: IF PROJECTIOn IS Il0RE THAN 12" OVER PUSLIC PROPERTY Tc.:. SIGN ERECTOR l'lUST FILE WITIl TIlE BUILDWG DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/1W,R LIABILITY AND PROP- ERTY DAHAGE INSURANCE POLICIES. H. HI~ SICN HAVE ELECTRICAL llIRIllG? tltJ IF YES, \lHICP- APPLY? ELECTRICAL SICII _ILLU'!HNATED (INDIP.r;CTL? LIG!!TED) ELECTRICAL COllTRACTOl\ ADDRESS LISC ./lUMBER PEom: I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR l'ATERIALS SIGII IS CONSTRUCTED OF. l.Uoo r.;> J...e.-.-rU r J'SITE IIIFOPHATIOtl (WID USE) -- EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR ~~ (~R LAST USE IF VACANT) 5:1-1"1'17/""., U,..T'E.1!... K 4~ . VALUE OF SIC:I: :lOO- )'oINDOOR BUSI/lESS _OUTDOO? l'ERCHAlIDISING PROPOSED USE OF BUILD!:-lG OR WID: ,/()yVo..!!-<-l'rl' /;;.1 ~ /J' ,-h/ I L. I AAVE CAREFULLY E.:Wrn:ED c:he completed application for per:nir:: and do hereby cercify that all info~acion 1s true and cor~ect:. and I further cercify that all work performed shall be done in accorcance ~it~ the Springfield Sign Ordinance. the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the Cicy of Sorin~field and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and che laws of the State of Ore~on geit:ainin~ to tie work desc=ibeti ~~~~~n. I further certify that my ~~Z~ Co~tractor Li- cense ~ith the Cicy of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Sprin~field Codes 3-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). I will request all requi=ed sign inscections listed on the approved pe~it. J ~ :~:~:!~~:;JtiM :: M" IN~ h ~. '1'0 .r~ Ff - '. -" PLEASE READ 1) Seoarate Stzn Aoolicacion: A separate application 1s required for each separate sign.as defined 10 ~~e ~l&n ~OQe. 2) Electrical: Any permit issued under this application will include wiring in or on sign structure, tne SUPpLY wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must be made only by a State Licensed Elect~ical Contr3ctor. Illuminated signs (both incern311y and externally) must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance. . Plans ReQuired: This application is to be submitted with ewo complete sets of plans showing di- menSlons ana ~eight of sign: advertising message on sign; location of sign on property with di- mensions to property lines, structural details of support framing, bracing and footines: ~aterials of construction for sign and sign struceure; electrical equipment and lighting: size and location of existin~ signs on property for the same busienss, all as required to determin~ com~liance with ehe Springtield Sign Ordi~ance (Article 7 of the Springfield Ci<y Code). Also,. show the follow- ing info~<ion on,thecplo< plan (plan showing properry line. and location of signs): .,1 3) a) Show the location of all existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s). b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. For wall signs, show the length of the building fro~tage. c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. 4) When required, because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at t~e Building Divi- sion Office. S) Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned <0' the applican< with no permit being issued. " 7) Signs must ceet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive. Zoning Code. NOTE: No sign may be erected which is less than 12 feec horizon<ally or vertically from' overhead elec=~ical conduc:ors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction froc overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. If a sign is not installed within 60 days after ehe date of issue of this permit, ehe permit shall be void. . Insoections: ,./ 6) 8) 9) a) Site Ins~ection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, ~~e rootin~ !nsoection ~lt appJ.1.caoJ.e) may be made at the same time as the Site Inspection. 'Ihe ,t"oot~ng Inspec- tion is to be made after hole(s) is e~av~t7ci, but prior to the placement of c~ncrete. Final Insoeccion - to be made upon completion of all w~rk. ~lectrica1 - all electrical signs must be inspected for electrical hook up after the sign 15 e:ectea and before the sign is turned on. . b) c) CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 i'UR. UfF-ICe; USE ONLY SICll DISTRIC. CC~M ZONE DISTRICT cC-- JOB U r 2... '3 0 '-I 't ~ _SITE/LOCATIOll l. i . TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGll REOUlRED INSPECTIONS: _FOOTIllG OR METHOD OF ATTACHMENT XmlAL 9'~ SIGll PERMIT FEE: $.5 00 ELECTRICAL, ELECTRICAL PE~~IT FEE: -& OT'rlER 47. STATE SURCHARGE: %6'_ nl> TOTAL, 5C() l? :n-X7_RECEIPT In Ollw C\ 'no. l Q J r DATE CLERK SPECIAL CONDITIO liS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGll: . ADDITIOllAL IllFOR.".ATIO:1 NEEDED BEFORE PER.'llT MAY BE ISSUED: SECtION: BY: .~2 (J--;L-- '7-7- 7 ~-:::::> lJATE I? ___ ,;> ~-8.:?- APPROVED SPRINGFIELD SIGll ORDINA.~CE t ~,... ..."... . ".., ... ". "."..., "........ ,...".,,, ".MO', "..-"" .". . .. ... oI' ......" ...... "'... ........-..'"' '-