HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1982-11-9 y," , ..... .,.11 '. SPRINGFIELD '. INFORMATION!'_,726.3753 .' city of "springfield 225 n. 5th street INSPECTIONS: 726.3769 ! SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION "r__ :::::: ~ ,.C::- ,40 / 1/1. / A t ~ -rp /., 7 , A. LCCATICN .oF SICN (ADDRESS) McK~-;;-~i: P;:;~a S'~O~;i~g: C'enter':' ~ain ;~et and South I LrCAL DESCRlnICN (Spp :>:~~~r~E~)~&,r~:p, ?ur.l;}on~ ,TAX LCT",:'!m"., ,~" ~ I , C~1NER .oR PRCPERTY ,T~np R r,rqv~n{l ,PHCNE_'41-17.00 (r.Rpi tR 1 j ADD~ss.2iBnC~pilVal!:~~NUH~~~~ ~ bJ:!~u~"r1 nrPJn" ,ZIP Q7?nl Consul tan I CIINER .oF SICH (IF .oTHER 11lAll PRCPERTY .oWNER) ", 'J ADDRESS ,PHCNE : ~ ~ I ,~ ~ NAME .oF BUSIllESS. FI!U1. ETC. McKenzie Plaza Shonninl' Cente1TYPE OFBUSn:E~S retail Shopping rpntp.T ,B. TYPE .oF \lCRK, C. STP.UCTURAl. TYPE .oF SICN" D. USE AND CI'.Al\ACTER .oF SICN, _ERECT -.JLAL7ER _RELCCATE _.oTHER _UALL ....X.JREE~TANDI/lG _RC.oF _PRCJECTING _MAR~UEE UNDER llARClUEE - , LIDENTITY _INCIDENTAL ..!-DCUBLE FACE _EWCll FACE _~\.1LTI-FACE _READER B.oARD _BILLB.oARD "~, . 'T ~ ; _OTl'.ER E. VENDCRS. CCNTRACTCRS, SIGN Ei\ECTCR ~'Curi-t;y-S'i'1!1l" Fvc; "'" /lJp- ,<V'<::"h",\rHOm: ~ <a C- ~S-<-t'...t.. ~~2"""401;7;2;' I I ~ . ~ I I I ,.nDn._~s,. 1:{~. ~.:-:. '~'I ~ ,. J .... ~nn "o4.J ,~ - _ _ _ -..II. 4~ ',: L"~' :. '.'... ........ a. II t V J. 0 r CITY LICENSE 11L~IBER 8 -? 0 -V / ..:? SICN 11ANUFACTURER (IF .oTHER TI'.AN ERECTCR)' -.SeCUl'-i-ty-Sign- ADDRESS ,EXP. ZIP . 9 7 DAT~ 6 - 3CJ- a </ / / F. G DD1ENSICNS, !IISTALLATIClr & CCNSTRUCTICII '. EXISTING SIGNS TCTAL HEICHT Ascn GRADE 28 j ARE TIlERE A.'1Y EXIST!!JG ;IGlIM ..x..YES 11.0 VERTICAL DIMENSICN .oF SICN ~[l~" I~ n' eA"I-, I1UlIBE~. SIZE IN SO. FTG. HCRIZCNTAL \lIDnl .oF SIGN ~~3' .;T.,r::; ALL EXISTING SIGNS I DIHE:-lSICN FRCM GRADE TC .~ .. FCR BUSINESS, ETC. 1. b ~ing added to BCTTCH .oF SIGN . ) ( .\ se 'era1 . wall mounted nIIC!GIESS .oR DEPTH 18" '1.1 :J'" ~ I~ ' ,be: ~I~ r-/. -fr:, ) , /C":XJ<, TI... Jr':, ;:;."j.# .-<,1 ~ ~' H . / . I-TILL SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL IlIRInG? yes / IF YES, \/HIC!! APPLY? X ELECTRICAL SIC:I _ILLL~!NATED (INDIPJ:CTrY LIG!!TED) ELECTRICAL COIITP.ACTCR exi ~tin" nowp.T ADDRESS LISC. NUMBER ,PHONE DOES SICN PRCJECT BEYCND PRCPERTY LINE? --:"'Y!:S IF YES. D!HENSICN BEYCND PRCPERTY LI::E NCTE, IF PRCJECTIOll IS IICRE TIlAN 12" OVER ?USLIC PRC?ERTY Tl!R SICN ERECTCR fruST FILE \lInl THE BUILDINC DIVISI.oN CCPIES .oF HIS/IlER LIABILITY AND PROP- ERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE POLICIES. ~NC j J. DESCRI~E TYPE .oR ~ATER!ALS SICN IS CCNSTRUCTED .oF. metal and plastic " I pI:om: ../ fJ ~-.-, 17 .......17) K .:;;::. t . I . VALUE .oF SICIL tt:-5-oO-:-00~(d(jj'ililfi='~;'rled-)- ~ J'SITE INF.oPMATI.oll (LAlID U;E) -- EXISTING USE .oF BUILDIII~ .oR LAND (/,)R LAST USE IF VACANT) r'~ M, /-t.~L./?'9'..!..-) <; fftJP;:?/^J t; (~/..,-h I / / _:::::::INDC.oR BUSINESS _OUTD.oC? l'ERCHAllDISIlIG PROpOSED USE .oF BUILD!NG .oR LAIID, ) NA.'1E (PLEASE tur:T) Cani ~~ 1 Cons~l tants, rnc., Pronertv Manal!er SIGNATURE _ \) /\;."",'1" ( c -""' ~,~ \ DATE ~ vaJut1" J'. \..oJ: UJrl!JC1Cl\er,- AS~t. VIce yreSlaent . for Jane 11/9/82 R. Gravson . 'I '~ I ~ 'j J j . ) . L. I HAVE CAREFULLY E.:<A.'IIIIED ehe completed application for permit and do hereby certify thae all 1nfo~ation is true and correct. and I further certify that all work gerformed shall be done in accordance with :he 5pringfield Sign Ordinance. the Uniform Sign Code as acopted by the City of "\ SDrin~field and all other Ordinances of the City of Sprin~field and the laws of the State of y Ore~on ~eitainin~ to tie work describea ~~4~Ln. I furcner cerc!!y tha~ ~~ =~Z~ Co~tractor Lt. cense ~ieh ehe Ciey of Springfield i. in full force and effect a. requi=ed by Sprinp.field Code. 3-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). I will reque.t all required .ign insoections listed on ehe approved permit. " .';:"',I,,'Io.""'h~l- , i ( SICN .oRDINA.'lCl:. /7 ,,) Pt~'/t..;-( /,,,,.... ""d ,Ci.~/tf~ SEcnCN, '. ADDITICNAI, INFCR.'!ATIC/I NEEDED BEFORE PER.'lIT MAY' BE ISSUED. S /'1 AJ /5' AJ()Al Co iU FOIU-II AJy /1 A-P /lJcJ T /~e 11-L--/~C::'7c-Gt) oe FUI'2--IYerc H-lJVEP, / 0", APPRCVED BY:~P O~) I ' - t:9- 7- h SPRINGFIELD h, U,J p,~ ~"'U'.'': --"..,..' , -~ 7 - J DATE / I ji{3b ~ 0'0 I! - ! '0 .. 3'3RECEIPT (() I qq-r I (!! ^' i\\\ I l' 'X: 1 ~\I\ \1' ~ I V SPECIAL CCNDlnO:IS TO BE SATISFIED BEF.oRE ERECTION .oF SIGll, CLERK DATE , TOTAL, " , 47. STATE S~CIlAR~ " JOB I. X' Z) 0:5 5" SICN PE~T FEE: ' T 3 0 . tJ'V.. I '. ELECTRICAL PE!U1IT FEE, . -'j f?'\ '.' ~.u Fccn:;G .oR HETHCD .oF AnACIlHENT ~NAL _SITE/LCCATIClI _ELECTRICAL _.oTHER, / : , , J 1 " ~ ;, i I J I , ," .1 .t'-UR Ulr-it.;~ U~" Ul\jLl SIGN DISTRIC,.DVT Slid? ZCNE DISTRICT (2 c?. TOIAL SQUARE FC.oTAGE OF SIGN /.<-":< REQUIRED INSPECTICNS, CALL FCR THE REQUIRED I/lSPECTICNS .oN THE 24 HOUR INSPECTI.oN LINE AT 726-3769 3) Plans Required, This application is to be submitted with two complete sets of plans showing di- mens~ons ana ~eight of sign; advertising message on sign; location of sign on property with di. mens ions to property lines, structural decails of support framiftg, bracing and footings; materials of construction for sign and sign struceure; electrical equipment and liehting: size and location of eX1stin~ signs on property for the same busienss. all as required to detercin~ co~liance ~ith the Springtield Sign .ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also.. show the follow- ing lnfor:n.3tion on, tha"plot plan (plan showing property lines and loeation of signs): a) Show the loc3tion of all existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s). b) Show the length' of the street frontage taken up by the business or bUilding. For wa'll signs, show ene length of the building frontage. . c) Show the locaeion of entrances open to the public and driveways. 4) When required. bec3use of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculation. must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at the Building Divi- sion .office. S) Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to'the applicant with no permit being issued. 6) Signs must ceet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive. Zoning Code. 7) NCTE, No sign cay be erected which is Ie.. than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overhead electrical conductors in eXcess of 750 voles, or less than 5 feet in any direction froc overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. B) If a sign is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the permit shall be void., .' ," ':. ',,_,' 9) Insaections, , . .:. a) Site Insoectio~ . to be made before the sign 1s placed. Usually, the Footin~ tns~ection \~[ applicaole) may be made at the same time as the Sit. Inspection. Tne FOOtlng lnspec- tion is to be made after h91e(s) is e~avateci, but prior to the placement of concrete. 1 ' . b)' Final Insaection - to be ~d~:upon'c~mpletion of all work. c) olectrical - all electrical signs must be inspected for electrical hook up after the sign is ereceea and before the sign is turned on. ' 1) ~eparate S1~n AooliC3tion: A separate application is required lor each se~arate sign 3S defined In ene ~Lgn ~oa~. 2) Electrical: Any permit issued under this application Yill includ~ wiri~g in or on sign struceure. tfie supply wires for connection muse be covered on an electrical per~t. Electrical connection muSt be made only by a State Licensed Elactrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both intern~lly and externally) ~st conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-16 of the Springfield Sign .or- dinance. PLEASE READ 1".