HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1981-12-27 - . . ,---t'<-:r?' ._ " . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 I~FO~~TIO~: 726-3753 CITY OF SPRI~GFIELD SIC:< CO~STRUCTIO~ AND ELECTRICAL I~STALLATION CO~tBINATIO~ APPLIC'\TIO~/PER.\IIT I~~PECTro~ P~QUESTS: 7t6-37t LOc,;TIO,~ OF SIG~(AOOi<ESS) !:' t/ Jq . LEGAL OESCRIPTIO~ / 7 ~';::z.~ ? ;; m'SER OF PROPERn' ADORESS TYPE OF BUSI~ESS loQ l~ o ~ , . Ii) SIG~ C/!.\R.J..CTER rCHECK APPUc.\aLE ITE~!Sl: ~ IOENTln' NOS-IOE~TITY PROJECTING SECO~OARY INCIOES'TAL SI~GLE FACE X DOUBLE FACE MULTI-FACE TAX LOT' c:... CJ7'.) .M P,IZ/ <; T. 4- 5/tJ,R, /-./Q F/rL /) ~ ,~\\ PHONE ZIP OI.');ER OF SIGN(IF OTHER ntA.~ PROPERTY OI;~ER) 77?~. 01. Rt?/JI~,R15 ADORESS ">L//9 .hUI/W.<:,7;- ('.P.tf',:-vr.;F_"'-/A'dd> NA.\lE OF BUSI~ESS, FIR.'I, ETC. M#. rjJ;'/u;-,(JTt; PHO~E "726- f?/t:" y Ffi.r.#ht"r/f" TYPE OF ;,ORK: ..J!.. ERECT RELOCATE ALTER anlER TYPE OF SIGS: WALL K FREESTA.\;OING .:... ROOF PROJECTING flARQUEE READER BOARO OTHER BILLBOARD VENDORS. COS'TP.\CTORS: SIG~: ERECTOR 9-?A' €<:' or; ',. -. N ~;'1). ADDRESS 70::1" ~wv '7tQ ALAA-.-// ",/f. 97721 cm LICESSE NlN~ER / SIGN ~1A.WFAcruRE~ (IF onlER TILt~ ERECTORl A.DORESS ELECTRICAL CO:,tRACTOR \/ PHONE q.!2 ~ - -:,-'I{__9" .EXP. OATE ADDRESS /' PHONE PHONE .LICENSE NUNBER Dnl=~SIO:-:S. I~ST..\LL;7IO:--; ..\..~o CO~STRUC TION /8' INFORJIATlm:: PROVIDE UL NU"BER IF APPLICABLE VALUE OF SIC:< ./l/,t.'Pc? SITE INFOR"'ATION (LA.'O USE).--EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (PR LAST USE IF VACA.~f): I -'" ?r7Pi!~-,~ ~A,;<-~, L CI7?-?AA-.f ~ /".-/4L -" f"~ / "'_, \; PROPOSEO USE OF BUILDING OR lAND: 7T7/(, IE /-,.~ .:!. '?7?"'-.'- ,'_:L. .~.:....-:- ,>"""",~~ ~ CHECK ONE IF APPLICABLE: ~NDOOR BUSINESS _OUTDOOR /IERCHA.~OISING EXISTING SIGNS (S.GN COOE): ARE THERE EXISTING SIGNS? :K!ES.-NO IF YES, DESCRIBE ~.EXIS:r.ING.SI~N~..F9R ~~S.I~ESS, fIR.\!, ETC."_.~ ~ J7.L..."--)-;.,~ ~4-Y..~ ,-,,~ -::;?".-'?":.~"~'.~L/-'...u . - R' " .p' . A~ t.7 ",?_-:_~ LL::...~';:"~~~- r . ALL EXlSTI1IG SIGNS ON PRE~IISES(SA/lE .TAX LOT): I HAVE CAREFULLY E~\IISEO the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct. and I further certify that all work perforned shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance. the Uniform Sign Coce as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the 1aws of . the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify th3t my Sign Contractors License ~ith the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Springfield City Codes S-2-6(~1 and 9.]-20(21. I will request aU l'equired sign inspections 1 isted on the approved permit. /7 . . NAME (PLEASE PRI:rr)yb'"L.fl /1//,( M,bI2C(' SIGNATURE ~./.,(?,n h-?-V ":"'::":'::DATE/~:'=-::J "T~( FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SIGN DISTRICTV(fH 1-7. ZONE DISTRICT r.- ~ TOTAL SQUARE .FOOTAGE OF SIGN ''$/O.ct:J (U#X. \ INSPECTIONS REQUIr.ED: _SITE/LOCATION .-FOOTING OR flETIIOO OF ATTACIi\IENr ). ELECTRICAL - I .~FIS^L J _OTHER FEES: rZl6..c; t)".~ d-'C1 ~'J~~~' TOT,IL FEE FOR PER.'IIT: ~., , - -4;2.~O CHARGES: SIG~: PER.lfIT: ELECTRICAL PER.\IIT: CIIARGES: STATE SURC~\RGE: ?/O./}0 . <!7J -, ...."........-.., "~ PLEASE ;"2.\0 1) Se~~r3t~ Si~n A~plic3tion: A separate application is required for each 5c;J.lr'atc sign as defined in the Sign Code. 2) Electrical: Any permit issued under this, application will include wir- in~ 10 or on sign structure, the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection ~t be made only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both internally and externally) must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4)&(5) and 9-1-15 of the Springfield Sign Ordinance. 3) Plans Required: This application is to be submitted ~itb two complete sets of plans drawn to scale, showing dimensions and height of sign; ad- vertising message on sign; location of sign on property with dimensions to property lines, structual details of support framing, bracing and footings; m3terials of constructio~ for sign and sign structure; elec- trical equipment and lighting; si%e and location of existing signs on property for the same business. all as required to determine compliance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also, show the following info~ation on the plot plan (plan showing property lines and location of signs): a) Show the location of all existing sign(s) 3S well as proposed sign(s). b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by the business or buUding. c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. 4) h~en required, because of design, 5i%e, etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be prepared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at the Building Divisio~ Office. 5) Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the ap- plicant with no permit being issued. 6) Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Fig. 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. .7) ~OTE: No sign .mar be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or-vertically from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts. or less than 5 feet in any direction from overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. 8) If 3 si;n is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this perclt. the permit shall be void. 9) Inscections: a) Site Insoection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footin~ Inspection (if applicable) may be made at the same time as the Site Inspection. The Footing Inspection is to be made after hole(s) is excavated, but prior to the placement or concrete. b) Final I~spection . to be made upon completi~n of all work. c) Electrical - All electrical signs must be inspected for electri- cal hook up after the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on. elLL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3169. SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: : ;'i:i{~li'i \...~i.iLI;~7~~:\ ~ ~ CLERK DATE ADDITIONAL INFOR.\lATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: /2J (3 rg' ?~f1-c67:? ~ tV. ~ 15 77 AJ 7 .-------..-, ,PLANS REVIEWED BY: /,/J/j ~ ..(-j!-f?lA~~ I' ) , . . DATE . -:l! 5~35 G.. L/9u 3d-C6 /OOD ,'/0 -'-fd' L/ 0 // ~~ 4--7-[' 2J S(~. I~ 15 ~9 "1 i ! . . ,A r- E:. VV II-l . 5419 MAIN STREET . . 5419 Main Street , . . i.-~' '~ ~/' r CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 INFO~~TION: 726-3753 CITY OF SPRI~GFIElO SIGS CO~STRUCTIO~ ~~O ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION cmIBINATIO:.l APPLrCATIO~/PER.\IIT IXSPECTro~ REQUESTS: 7:6-3769 LOCATION OF SIGN(AODitESS) !:' 4 Jq / 7 t:I~ ::2 ~ .M P/IZ/ ~ ; <;7: S/tJ,RI";t/$l r;'rL /) TAX LOT' L 07J!:) PHONE ZIP loQ l~ o 9:;. ~ '-6"'" I ITD!Sl: LEGAL DESCRIPTION mINER OF PROPERTY AOORESS OI,');ER OF SIGS(IF OTHER ntA.~ PROPERTY Oh,);ER) 77?~. tB. R/?.nE.,R/''i AOORESS ">L//9 ~.-1~/W _<:,7;- ;',61/p.:-vr.;F:'A-Lr-f dd> ~A.\lE OF BUSINESS, FlR.'I, ETC. M#. tP~hF,(J*(" PHONE "726- 8'/ t:" .r TYPE OF BUSINESS_Ffi.rNh?~( TYPE OF :~"QRK: ..J!.. ERECT RELOCATE ALTER anlER TYPE OF SICS: IjALL K FREEST~~DlNG ...:z.... ROOF PROJECTING flARQUEE REAOER BOARD OTHER BILLBOARO SIG,"l CIfAR..\CTER (CHECK APPl!C.\BLE ~ I DENTI TY NOS-IDE~TlTY PROJECTING SECOSO.'RY INCIOE~TAL SINGLE FACE X DCUBLE FACE fIULTI-FACE VE~DORS. COS'TRACTORS: SIG~ ERECTOR 9r?A'€<;<; <;,,-..-v~;'1) ADORESS 70::1" ;HwY'7tQ ALAA4--;/ A/f. 973'~1 cm LICEXSE NIr.I~ER / SIGN ~1A.'UFAcruRE~ (IF onlER TILt~ ERECTORl ADORESS ELECTRICAL CO:<TRACTOR V' . /' ADORESS PHONe q.!2 ~ - -:,-'I{__9" EXP. DATE'. IT\ ~~ i/J\Y .. ,.... ~ PHONE PHONE LICENSE ~lr.-IBER OI~J=:\SIO~:5" I;-';SV,tr_;.IO:~ :\.'W CO:-;STRUCTION INFORH-\TIO:-.l: TOTAL IIEIQIT ABOVE GRAOE /9' VERTICAL OUlENSION OF SIGN ;t;f/! pi HORIZONTAL WIDTH OF SIGN ~ '. DI:IENSIO:I FRO;I GRADE TO BOTTO~I OF SIGN II?' THIEK~ESS OR DEPTH OF SIGN /0" DOES SIG~ PROJECT BEYOSO PROPERTY LINE _ YES -X NO IF YES, DIHENSION BEYONO PROPERTY LINE :;OTE: IF PROJECTION IS :.;QRE nlA.~ 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TIle SIGN ERECTOR ;llJST FILE IHTII TIle BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF' HIS PUBLIC LIA3IlITY ~'O PROPERTY D~L~GE INSUR)C~CE POLICIES. :; "ILL SIGN HAVE ELECrRICAL IHRISG? )6ES -YO IF YES, h'HICH APPLY? X"LECTRlCAL SiGN .....;ILLlr.-llNATED (INOlRECTlY LIGHTED) DESC~IeE TYPE CF ~':,\TE:tI:\LS SIG.~ IS CQ!-!S'!'?lJCTED OF ~5Z;7 &!.. ~ .. EXISTING SIGNS (SIGN CODE): FIR\!, ETC.~.~ A~.J2. PROVIDE UL NlJ"BER IF APPLICABLE V';LUE OF SIGN $/,t.' Pc? SITE INFO~\~TION (lA.~O USE)--EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR ~'D (PR LAST USE IF VACA.~f): .. .....?!'.7/" )! ~-r_~ f ...:. '~i1"~- (C~__CX?/-#4-L -" ~n~/ "'_ \: PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LANO: "7T}/t, e....k~ .L '?r?J-. );.;. __~~J -?"n/.A~ ~ CHECK ONE IF APPLICABLE: ~NDOOR BUSINESS _OUTDOOR ;IERCHA.~DISING ARE THERE EXISTING SIG~S? 2f!ES -YO IF YES, DESCRIBE ~.E.XIST!NGSI~~~.F~R ~~SI1iESS, ~ - t7 -' . --"...,. . ., ... .- -7 . ......... . ,. ~. ~ . . '..~r_~ .Lf-~ ~ . ~i/ .;;'..,.... _.-...- __ .~ ~J~~ J. .,,/? ;,r ... ~-"""""-I'-"''''''''~- .. ALL EXISTING SIGNS ON PREmSES(S~'IE TAX LOT): SIGN D1STRICTC--(JtV{ rt . I HAVE CAREFU~LY EXA\IINEO the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct. and I further certify that all work perforned shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance, the Uniform Sign Corle as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the 1~ws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that my Sign Contractors License with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Springfield City Codes 8-2-6()} and 9-1-20(21. I will request all required sign inspections liste~ on the approved pennit. /J.. ..... .......:. NAME (PLEASE PRI:rr) DEL 1'1;1/;,( A/r?R",(' SIGNATURE.--UL".~A:::;::;~/~V .....DATE /2'-;J9"~( FOR OFFlCE USE ONLY , ZONE DISTRICT (~- ~ TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN . '7't>4j { )(ELECTRICAL ,KFlNAL _FOOTING OR ~tETf!OD OF ATrACH.'rENT (MI4X. ) _OWER INSPECTIONS REQUIREO: ___SITE/LOCATION FEES: ~I ~ ' C O",S)!!3. .~ $ ,'L-,4:7J ~. TOTAL FEE FOR PE~'IlT: ~' , - ~2.40 SIGN PE~\!IT: CHARGES: ELECTRICAL PERMIT: CIIARGES: STATE SURCHARGE: J/O.tJo .t/7) '. ~~... '.>'." -'. ,-,. _. --- '. PLEASE h..:.AO 1) SeOJrJtc Si~n Application: SCrMrate sign as defined in A separate applic~tion is required for each the Sign Code. 21 Electrical: Any permit issued under this. application will include wir- ing 1n or on sign structure, the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connc~tion must be made only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both internally and externally) must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4)&(5) and 9-7.1S of the Springfield Sign Ordinance. 3) Plans RC9uircd: This application is to be submitted with two complete sets of plans drawn to scale, showing dimensions and height of sign; ad- vertising message on sign; location of sign on property Nith dimensions to property lines, structual details of support framing. bracing and footings; materials of constructio~ for sign and sign structure; elec- trical equipment and lighting: size and location of existing signs on property for the same business, all as required to determine compliance with the Springfield Sign. Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also. show the following information on the plot plan (plan showing property lines and location of signs): a) Show the location of all existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s). b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. 4) When required. because of design. size. etc.. engineered drawings and calcul~tions must be prepared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file.a~ the Building Division Office. " , 5) Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the ap- plicant with no permit being issued. 6) Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as described in fig. 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. . 7) NOTE: No sign 'mar be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or-vertically from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction from overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. 6) If a si;o is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit. the permit shall be void. 9) Insoections: a) Site Insoection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually. the Footin~ In~pection (if applicable) may be made at the same time as the Site Inspection. The Footing Inspection is to be made after hole(s) is excavated. but prior to the placement of concrete. b) Fin~l Iospection - to be made upon completion of all work. c) Electrical - All electrical signs must be inspected for electri- cal hook up after the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on. CALL FOR ruE REQUIREO INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769. SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: PERl'lIT \':\LlO:\TIO:\ ~ ~ CLERK OATE ADDITIONAL INFO~\IATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT flAY BE ISSUED: 72J 13,g ?tA4--C-b V ~ AJ ~ 15 71 A.J 'Z PLANS REVIEWED BY: ------ ) .t' f , It ....... . . .~ ryATE -:# 5?f35G 49v 3d06 '000 / . ,<;0 :;;).40 / ~ 4-7-[ 2J Sf~. /-:- /5 ~B -:1 , ~-"'r'" T -'-~.''''r;''''V;.il.~ . -~ ~l ..~ SPRINGFIELD "..~ '" ,.. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works " Harch 22, 1982 CERTIFIED LETTER '. Mr, Del and ~'ord ". Foress Si gn Company 30255HWY34 , Albany, Oregon 97321 " Dear Sign Permit Applicant: Your sign permit appl ication # . N/A was approved by this office on January 15, 1982 . It has been observed that the sign has been erected, but. the sign permit has not yet been purchased as required by.Section 9-7-20 (2) and (4) of the Springfield Sign Ordinance. Your sign can not be approved by this office until the permit is purchased. . '. . :'// ./ SUBJECT: Sign for Mr, Roberts Fashions . 5419 Main Street. Springfield, Oregon Section 9-7-20 (4)(b) of the Sign Ordinance also requires that work started on a . sign prior to obtaining a permit will result in the payment of a double fee. . Your . : permit fee is $ 42.40 . The permit must be purchased by ten (10) days from the date of this letter ( April 2, 1982 ). If the permit is not purchased "by this date, you sign will be considered an illeqalsiqn in violation of the Sign Ordinance and will be required to be removed, Your. anticipated courtesy and coop- eration is appreciated. . Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753. . Sincerely, '4~A "~-J Sally Johnson Si gn Inspector * cc: .Ronald B. Clark, . Superintendent of Building Joseph J. Leahy, Assistant City Attorney SJ/l s .~ l"'_~,:: .....-..,..._:. :c : ?>".:I-'t ~ :::~".:-,_::~:'~:~, !::"-;::~:; f.?'i'A'77 . ~.03/728-~7~~ _._'" ",'C _ '.. " -,. ::::::..;~====--==-':':=:'-=-======-=.-..:.-~---~~-_.,--~:~--'- ,. _../,,:' L \; J /I -, 1: :/i \, '.' :'"' ---. .-1 1 ~ j '. : 1 ....--......-..,' -. J _-..... I: I :-:-.. : I (CJ' ' . '/ ,f (, ! ',. I, \1 I.. . . "'.: '-- ' I , _. :--, .......__. ,~ .! '~......l.... /1: ,"-- ~- IJ --~/i , ~" ,-. .... " . " t.. . ~', ., ~ . . , i l ii \: I- i ,I 'I !/ -.' / . . .- .'-; I' ! I., !0 ; ..' ~ I." . .',:; '/" ~. hi" \, _ I . ..._ l'iJ!' . j : (c~ i ':\ \ ;;; -:r~ t:7 ,-1 ,";;i', . '. " ~,. '. ,"", f I ' ;' / ; I (. :......J /J . ,,' 7,' I \ " '-/")' :, .. '4 'J v) . .J .._~' ~ _~ ~" .._" ",___/..--. ~_.. ..._..... ;... \..... . ~ - ,..-----------...! k _____- ! I ----------- J . r.__ ----- : ~.... ..........---: -'- 'f, ','/' : to' , 'J. I; : 'I \ ; ~ . ; , I J ; t ~ : : ;! I : \; j ~ I ! / ' . '. ". .... ,. ,., ;.;:.,' .~' 'f I ~~~. iD /-\ n \\ \Jl \ ^ I I \ \ f' \f I \ .! '\ 'v I . ~ ! J " . I'. 1 t '. /' \ .{ 1.,'-. -- '.-- -1? !~ / ----.- . , ;__....____1 , ", ~.' '.~ ":' .~~.... ::. ".:: . . . . .-..- -.. ~."' . .' "", ',_ '.,0,_.. '." . - , ~!~~:~,~~~~~;~=~=~c~~~:~~~:~~::::==~:~:~~<~,,~:~i~::~,~] :i ",' - -~ . . '': :~ i. ! !I .~ , , I ' I ; II I~ ~l (\\1 :" II : 'I ..r Signed , i I -1-. .. '~I-~- ) . , " {' . \ I \ . > i.f . I ~---:'