HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/6/2009 .'~"~ :City of Springfield Developmen(Services Department 225 Fifth Street ' Springfield, OR 97477 Property Line Adjustment, Reqlli,red Project Infor n (ApplicajJt: complete this section) Applicant Name: James Hoffman !company: IAddress: 35123 McKenzie View Drive Springfield, OR 97478 1_...<" "'li:\..~...1l'_-<l:<"""':1l.,!lI"";;:""'" .~lOi<~-'.;' ':'_ h"'~"'"""_~~:::",:::"::,:::"--"".,,,,, 4'_'.~;",._-'''-_ IAPPlicant's Rep.: Dan Nelson, LS1 Ic~mpany: Branch Engineerin,g, Inc. IAddress: 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Io,;'-."o~p<".:,._ ..;":m:1>1':d..'!:.... -.""-e'._'''-' _..~.;-:;;&W<: ~lll._"'"; . . 74]-2629 ,.".' .~ >l1<.~~~~ .~ --'~. I ,,~_.=.j 1 1 Phone: 746-0637 Fax: 746-0389 ",~ ll""""- '~:-'I,".."".,.:N>"'c_~'l".. . ~"'.'jI;-'-~ "1.!l"'::r,:"n~, __ .- 1$:\--..,,_.,"" I I Assessors ,M~P'#: '\ Property Address: '\property Owner: Icompany: IAddress: 17-03-34-24 PROPERTY 1 ITax Lot #: 600 571 Aspen Street Springfield, OR 97477 same as applicant Phone: Fax: , .........~..:.-.-!<:;Ii"'ii'...... ~. ~ .~.-_....""!:-=..~, ."""~.....,.,...t:""'\"..,..,. -:_-".,...~~ .w".3'_~OII.''!r.~..w;M;:,.Wllli;:;;;'''''' -_ "'1'?"..;';;..:>>:m.k'-)4:::.::';;:' I IAssessors Map #: 17-03-34-24 I Property Address: 571 Aspen Street Springfield, OR 97477 I Property Owner: same as applicant Icompany: IAddi'ess: I ;g>,_,~',*'_"'!i o"~',,'?'.<:>'_'__,,*,: ,,,...-%.,..._,,,_~<_'~.,,,,.,.''''O''.,",...__.~__J.'O!:<'''.~.i:.. --~ "".M.. >'._ fJ':'_"''''"-iFJifAAIH'..:flI0. I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposai description' to this application. . Proposal: -To adiust the common line between parcels 105 feet west, enlarging tax lot 6(l2. Si natures: Please si PROPERTY 2 ITax Lot #: 602 Phone: Fax: . , ~ ~ Associated Applications: Case No.: Sv!1?;Z..u"V0[, 000 is IAPPlication Fee: $ q~Cj,OO 'TOTAL FEES: $ '11 q;s c; I Date: {'ip'cY( I R~v;ewed by: ~ ITechnical Fee: $ 4-& .q5 I Postage Fee: $0 'I PROJECT N~MBER: Date Received: "~- JUL -6 2009 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian . Original Submittal 1 of 4 , ":--i Signatures The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and :accurate. Applic'ant: Property Owner 1: Property Owner 2: ~ ~ \""', cti~ Signature James Hoftman Print --~. C, -r--. Q '> ..., Y'{' - 1-1 0 I~ ~ 1'0q-y--, Date: 'J/'l/ 09 If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission fo'r the applica'nt to act in his/her behalf. ~..,~ ~ Q.....~___fY~ct:.\_~ {).- Signature ' .. '-' James Hoffinan, Print '~q,~{!.., , ril ~ . J,-/ 0 ~ "r<'> <3i'" Date: 1)~)6~ i' , " If the applicant is ~ot t~e owner; the owner hereby grants ,permission' for the applicant.to act in his/her behalf. ~~~~ Signature' James Hoffinan Print --:it1 r..,'" ? Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian . . Ho~~ Date: i! 1/ '1--) D~ I!- Date ~eceived: JUt: - ,6 ,2009 Original submittal 2 of 4 'I j .~'.. Property Line Adjustment Submittal Requirements Checklist . NOTE: If you feel an item does hot apply, please state the reason wtiy and: attach the explanation to this form., " i " . I ., IZJ Application Fee:: .refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A ccipy of the fee schedule is ava'ilable at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. . , IZJ IZJ IZJ Property Line Adjustment Applica~ion Form Copy of the Deed for all properties involved in the property' line adjustment. . ' IZJ IZJ IZJ Date Received: JUl- ,6 2009 Original Submittal ~evised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian ,4 of 4 . f 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ':y of Springfield Official Receipt uevelopment Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 2200900000000000761 Date: 07/06/2009 , 1 :50:09PM Paid By JAMES M. HOFFMAN Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How 'Received Amount Due 939,00 46,95 $985.95 Job/Journal Number SUB2009-000 15 SUB2009-000 15 Description UGB Property Line Adjustment + 5% TecrulOlogy Fee Payments: Type of Payment Check Amount Paid ddk 14322 In Person Payment Total: $985.95 $985,95 '7 Date Received: JUL - 6 2009 Original Submittal cReceintl Page 1 of 1 7/6/2009 , LJ J r OF ~I'..JNu"u~..LD VI'--Jl~JJ i MAP ~..d.l,...009-00015 571 Aspen Street ,- , f-'- en-DIA a z -g <( cr' ~t;"@ I a: en Z -~--LC !h <( J w' ~ D.~ --.... :i l- W a.: - ALNUIRJ -1 ~ I SITE Map 17-03-34-24 Tax Lot 600, 602 North + l' ~l Date Received: JUL - 6 2009 Original Submittal \L ,. -,' - NARRATIVE PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT FOR HOFFMAN FAMILY TRUST The property line to be adjusted is between Tax Lot 600 and Tax Lot 602, Tax Map 17- 03-34"24. Both properties are zoned LDR - Low Density Residential. 'Tax Lot 602 'is currently vacant and Tax Lot 600 is occupied with a single family residence. The purpose for this property line adjustment is to adjust Tax Lot 602 from an unbuildable strip to a buildable lot. The proposal is to adjust the west property line of Tax Lot 602 104.89-feet westerly. The approval criteria set,forth in SDC 5.16-125 are addressed as follows: The Director shall approve" approve with conditions, or deny the Property Line - /1 . Adjustment application based on compliance with the following criteria: A. Create a new lot/parcel No new lots or parcels will be created B. Create a landlocked lot/parcel The adjoining neighbor to the sauth has agreed to grant a perpetual, non- exclusive easement for access and utilities to Tax Lots 601 and 602. C. Reduce an existing lot/parcel below the minimum size standard or reduce setbacks. below the minimum established by the applicable zoning districts in SDC. After the adjustment Tax Lot 600 will still exceed the minimum dimensions and orea. Alsa, no.structure setbocks will be reduced below minimum. D. Violate any previous conditions the Approval Authority may h~:ve imposed on the lots/parcels i,nvolved in the application. . , 'The properties are not known to be subject to any previaus conditions. E Detrimentally alter the availability of existing public and/or pri~ate utilities to each lot/parcel in the application or to abutting lots/parcels. Date Received: JUL - 6 2009 Oridn"!1 ~1J",,,,i!tp! ',. ~' Utility service to surrounding lots will not be impacted by the adjustment. Utility service to both adjusted properties will be improved. Neither property fronts on a public street or benefits from a utility or access easement. As mentioned above, the neighbor will be providing an access and utility easement as part of this property line adjustment. F. Increase the degree of non-conformity of each lot, parcel or structure that is non-conforming at the time of application. No non-conformities are known to exist on either property. Date :Received: JUL - 6 2009 Original Supmittal 'yr \~ Grantor's Name James'M. Hoffman and Debra J. Hoffman. hus~and and wife, as tenants'by the entirety and Address: ,571 Aspen Street Springfield, OR 97477 Granteets Name: James Michael Hoffman and Debra Jean Hoffman, as Trustae of the Hoffman Family Trust. UfflA dated September27,2005 and Address: 571 Aspen Street Springfield, OR 97477 , AFTER ~ECOROING. RETURN TO: Howard F. Feinman 975 Oak Street, Suite 700 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Until a change Is requested, all tax statements shall be Bent to the following address: James M. Hoffman and Debra J. Hoffman 571 Aspen Street Springfield. OR 97477 i .......L bOt:' '( r Division of Chillf Deputy Clerk ' 'lM~-^iflieG Lane County Deeds and Records I.UU~IJ w gg 1111111111.111'1111111111111111111 j $31.00 ,(1,....921>2 'e':uJ 970800..0\..... 10/06/2005 03: 58: 13 PM RPR-DEED, Cnbl Stn=8 CASHIER 01 ;' $10,00 $11.00 $10.00 R?:C0R~~R'S US:= I I ! I , I I WARRANTY DEED. STATUTORY FORM I , II James M. Hoffman and Debra J. Hoffman, husband and wife, as tenants by the entirety, grafltor, conveys and' warrants to James Michael Hoffman and Debra Jean Hoffman, as Trustee of the Hoffman ~ali1i1y Trust, UfTlA dated September 27, 2005, Grantee, the following described real property free of encumbrances except as. specifically set forth herein situated in Lane County, Oregon, to-wit: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A Commonly known as 571 Aspen Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 Tax Map Key 17 03 34 24 00600 I Tax Account No. 0299055 The said property i,s free from encumbrances except easements, conditions, and restrictions, and liens of record. . ! ' The liability and obligations o(the G~antor to Grantees and Grantees'heirs and assigns under the warranties and covenants contained herein or provided by law shall be limited to the amount, natLite, and tenns of any right or Indemnification available to Grantor under any title insurance policy, and Granto(shall have no liability or obligation except to the extent that reimbursement for such liability or obligation is a~ailable to Grantor under any such title insurance policy. i, ( , I >I The true consideration for this conveyance is other than money. 1m.~;:-';'~\ ~W1' I \ \L-1A' . 1 ./ Debra J. Hoffman ' . 1. - THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPUCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE :: ~:I:Fo;::::'S;:u::s:;::~~:s~R FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. '! ' This instrument was acknowledged before me on September 27,2005, by James M. Hoffman and Debral, . . Hoffman. , . ~ _ f;.. Date Kecelved: OFFICIAt. SEAL ~ I" , HOWARD F FEINMAN Notary Pub IC or Oregon I '; NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON My Commission Expires: 1- /1} -og' JUL - 6 2009 COMMISSION NO. 381412 , MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 15. 2008 I I , Dated this 27th day of September, 2005. Original Submittal I i ',;;; Exhibit A Tax Map Key 1703342400600 Tax Account No. 0299055 , , " Beginning at a point 429.53 feet North 00. Q8' 20" East of the centr~ SO~J:hea:lJt eii~..et of the Ro~ert E. Campbll1l Donation Land Claim No. 59, Township j7 South, .l\t!nge } \le~l! . of the WUlalllette Meridian; thence on a bearing of South 89. 25' Eil;st'.. d':l.6~l1ce of 240;00 feet: to the TRIJE POINT OF BEGINlIING of this ilescrip.tion; thence ;i,,:utll $~.,25r . East a distan~e of 472.17 feet: to a point/thence ona be.ar~g' of South OO~' 08,I,'tQlA< ' West 8 distance of 117.28 feet to a point; thence ~na, bear:li1g, ofllor,th 1\9,"', 2S:~' Me'll't;. a, distance of 472.17 feet to 'apoint; . thence on a be!l1"lng of."North' 00' 08" 2:()!' El/:!lt:' a: distance of 117.28 feet to the true point of begmning, all in Seet1o~:'3lj of.,safd:'- . Township and Range, in Lane County, Oregon; ". , . Exhibit A Warranty Deed . Date Received: JUl - 6 2009 Original Submittal ., .,,, '",.'''''''.''',_" " '''$''( 7-. 'TL bDL " F Division of Chief Deputy Cle~k Lane County Deeds and Reco~d. , Grantor's Name James M. Hoffman and Debra J. Hoffman, husband and wife. as tenants by the entirety and Address: 571 Aspen Street Springfield, OR 97477 Grantee's Name: James Michael Hoffman and Debra Jean Halfman, as Trustee of the Halfman Family TrustUITIA dated September 27, 2005 and Address: 571 Aspen Street Springfield. OR 97477 A.FTER I3ECQPOING. RETURN TO: Howard F. Feinman 975 Oak Street, Suite 700 Eugene. Oregon 97401 Until a change Is requested, all tax statements shall be sent to the following address: James M. Hoffman and Debra J. Hoffman 2005.0'~7'1 1111111'llllllllnllll'll"llllllllllIll . $31.00 ,a,..3J34:t,,501797' 002'0=010/061200503:58:13 PM RPR-DEED Cntc1 Stn=8 CASHIER 01 $10.00 $11.00 $10.00 r-OR R:'::COR:JER'S'US:= 571 Aspen Street Springfield, OR 97477 WARRANTY DEED. STATUTORY FORM James M. Hoffman and DebraJ. Hoffman, husband and wife, grantor, conveys and w~'rrants to James Michael Hoffman and Debra Jean Hoffman, as Trustee of the Hoffman Family Trust, Urr/Adated September 27,2005, Grantee, the following described real property free of encumbrances except as specifi~ally set forth herein situated in Lane County, Oregon, to-wit: ' SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A Tax Map Key 17 03 34 24 00602/ Tax Account No, 0299071 , The said property is free from encumbrances except easements, conditions, and restrictions, and liens of recoro. i . The liability and obligations of the Grantor to Grantees and Grantees' heirs and assigns under the warranties and covenants contained herein or provided by law shall be limited to the amount, nature, and terms of any right or Indemnification available to Grantor under any title insurance policy, and Grantor shall have no liability or obligation except to the extent that reimbursement for such liability or obligation is available to Grantor under any such title insurance policy. ' The true consideration for this conveyance is other than money. Dated this 271h day of September, 2005. t~jM~~\ti ' ' ~ ~~^- ~~,~j Debra J. Hoffman I, - THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY OESCRlBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO niE PROPERTY SHOULO CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING OEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES ANO TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. ' STA TE OF OREGON, County ofLane"ss. This Instrument was aCknowledged before me on September 27, 2005, by James M. Hoffman and Debra J. Hoffman, . OFFICIAt SEAL HOWARD F FEINMAN ...., ..' NOTARYPUBUC-OREGON '.,' COMMISSION NO. 381412 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUty 15, 2008 _ r-' N ublic for Oregon My Commission Expires: ? !:late Received: " 7-/5-Ljf JUL - 6 2009 I <?riginaJ Submittal ..'~. - .. " ... Exhibit A Tax Map Key 17 03 34 24 00602 Tax Account No. 0299071 , A parcel of land lying in the Southeast one-quarter of the Northwestone-quarter (SE V. NW V.) of Section 34, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the WillametteMeridian, Lane County, Oregon, and being all of that property descnDed in that certam deed to LANE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the Slate of Oregon, recorded A\lgust 24, 1960, on Reel 158, Recorder's Reception Number 8209, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS, being more particularly described as follows: '''Begiilning at a point 429.53 feet North 00. OS' 20" East of the Central ~outheast ""',,"" oithe Robert E. Campbell Donation Land Claim No. 59 in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the WiIlamette Meridian; thence on a bearing of South 890 25' East a distance of 712.17 feet to the true point of beginning; thence on a bearing of South 89. 2S' East a distance of 30.00 feet to a point; thence on a bearlDg of South 00. 08' 20" West a distance of 117.28 feet to a point; thence on a bearing GfNorth 890 2S' West a distance of 30.00 feet; thence on a bearing of North 000 08' 20" East a distance of 117.28 feet to the true place of beginning all in Section 34 of said Township and Range, Lane County, Oregon." . , This conveyance is subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth in that certain deed conveyed to Lane County, a political subdivision of the Stale of Oregon, recorded August 24, 1960, on Reel 158, Recorder's Reception Number 8209, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS.' Date Received: Exhibit A Warranty Deed JUL - ,6 2009 Original Submitt;:>1 ...~' . Recorded at the request of and after recording return to: for Lands described in Exhibit A Send Tax Statements to: for Lands described in Exhibit B Send Tax Statements to: Branch Engineering, Inc. 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Jim Hoffman 35]23 McKenzie View Dr. Springfield, OR 97478 Jim Hoffinan 35123 McKenzie View Dr. Springfield, OR 97478 The true consideration for this conveyance is other than monetary. PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED The parties to this transfer are (I) Hoffman Family Trust, UITIA dated September 27, 2005, hereinafter referred to as Party I and being a Grantor herein and (2) Hoffman Family Trust, U1TIA dated September 27, 2005, hereinafter referred to as Party 2 and being a Grantee herein. This Deed is intended to adjust the boundary line between a parcel of real property owned by Party I and an adjoining parcel of real property owned by Party 2. The parties are entering into this Deed to agree on the property line separating their parcels to comply with City of Springfield Land Use Regulations andthe provisions of Oregon Revised Statutes 92.190'(4). The legal description of Party I's property prior to this adjustment is all of those lands conveyed in that Statutory Warranty Deed recorded on October 6, 2005 as Reception Number 2005- 079768 in the Lane County Oregon Official Records, The legal description of Party 2's property prior to this adjustment is all of those lands conveyed in that Statutory Warranty Deed recorded on October 6, 2005 as Reception Number 2005- 079771 in the Lane County Oregon Official Records. The line being adjusted herein is the entire common line between the lands owned by Party I and the lands owned by Party 2. : WHEREAS the Parties desire to adjust said common line and WHEREAS the Parties are agreeable to execute a transfer of property through means of an approved Property Line : Adjustment and this Deed. THEREFOR, for purposes of accomplishing this Property Line Adjustment: Party 2 hereby transfers and conveys all of its right, title and interest in and to the property described on "Exhibit A" to Party I as said exhibit is attached hereto and made a part hereof. And Party'l hereby transfers and conveys all of its right, title and interest in and to the property described on "Exhibit B" to Party 2 as said exhibit is attached hereto and made a part hereof. , ' The description of Party lis property after this adjustment is described on "Exhibit A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. The description of Party 2's property after this adjustment is described on "Exhibit B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. . Before signing or accepting this instrument, the person transferring fee title should inquire about the person's rights, if any, under ORS 195.300, 195.301 and 195.305 to 195.336 and Sections 5 to II, Chapter 424, Oregon Laws 2007. This instrument does not allow 'use of the property described in this instrument in violation of applicable land use laws and regulations, Before signing or, accepting this instrument, the person acquiring fee title to the property should check with the approprjate city or county planning department to verify that the unit of land being transferred is a lawfully established lot or parcel, as defined in ORS 92.010 or 215.010, to verify the approved uses of the lot or parcel, to determine any limits on lawsuits ag<!inst farming. or , wate Received: Property Line AdjustmentDeed Page 1 of2 JUl - 6 2009 Original Submittal forest practices, as defined in ORS 30.930, and to inquire about the rights of neighboring property owners, if any, under ORS 195.300, 195.301 and 195.305 to 195.336 and Sections 5 to II, Chapter 424, Oregon Laws 2007. ' Dated this day of ,2009. Party 1 & Party 2 James M, Hoffman, Trustee Debra J. Hoffman, Trustee STATE OF OREGON ) County of Lane )SS On 2009 personally 'appeared the above named James M. Hoffman and Debra J. Hoffman, as trustees of the Hoffman Family Trust, VITIA dated September 27, 2005, and acknowledged the foregoing to be their voluntary act and deed. Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires: EXHIBIT A LANDS OF PARTY I AFTER PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT SITUATED in the City of Springfield, Lane County, State of Oregon in the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 34, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian and described as follows: BEING all those lands conveyed in that Statutory Warranty Deed to :James M, Hoffman and Debra 1. Hoffman, as Trustee of the Hoffman Family Trust, VITI A dated September 27, 2005, recorded on October 6, 2005 as Reception Number 2005-079768 in the Lane County Oregon Official Records. EXCEPTING therefrom the easterly 1 04.89 feet, by,perpendicular measurement. ".. "",'" EXHIBIT B LANDS OF 'pARTY 2 A.J!TER PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT , SITUATED in the City of Springfield, Lane County, State of Oregon in the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 34, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian and described as follows: BEING all those lands conveyed in that Statutory Warranty Deed to James M. Hoffman and Debra J. Hoffman, as Trustee of the Hoffman Family Trust, VITIA dated September 27, 2005, recorded on October 6, 2005 as Reception Number 2005-079771 in the Lane County Oregon Official Records. ALSO the easterly '104.89 feet, by perpendicular measurement, of those lands conveyed in that Statutory Warranty Deed to James M. Hoffman and Debra J.Hoffman, as Trustee of the Hoftman Family Trust, VITIA dated September 27, 200,?, recorded on October 6, 2005 as Reception Number 2005-079768 in the Lane County Oregon Official RecordsO' t R . d a e ecelve: Property Line Adjustment Deed Page 2 of2 JUL - 6 2009 Original Submittal ,.. 10:/2009 7: 59: 45 AM PAGE . 1" 1,2 Fax Server " First American First Amelican Title lnstranee Company of Oregon 600 Country Club Road Eu9ene, OR 97401 Pho - (541)484-2900 . Fax - (541)484-7321 FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE: 06/30/200907:59:26 AM ALE NO,: 7199-1432791 TO: Branch Engineering Attn: Dan Nelson FAX: 1(541)746-0389 FROM: Deborah Forstrom Special Instructions/Comments: I ", Date Received: JUL - ,6 2009 Original Submittal Thank You For Your Business! We Know You Have A Choice. IMPORTANT NonCE: Should any of these papers require an ORIGINAL SIGNATURE and your fax machine produces the facsimile on thermal paper, please PHOTOCOPY then sign the photocopy. We will "not" accept an Original Signature on THERMAL fax paper. . Thank you for your w...t-'<;"Q~;,)n in this matter. IF TRANSMISSION OF ALL PAGES IS NOT COMPLETE OR IF AN ORIGINAL IS NEEDED, .' PLEASE com ACT THE SENDER. ," ',' r '0/20097:59:45 AM PAGE 12 Fax Server SUbdivision Guarantee Guarantee No.: 7199.1432791 i Page lof4 <( .1ol1.lil, .,~ First American Fim American Title rnsurilnce ComJNny of Oregon 600 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 91401 Phn' (541)484'2900 Fax - (54L)484-7321 SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE For the Proposed Plat of: Aspen Street GUARANTEE NO.: '.7199-1'432791 FEE $' 200.00 YOUR REF,; Hoffman First American Title rnsurance Company of Oregon reports to The Oregon Real Estate CommisSion, and any COunty or Oty within which said subdivision or proposed subdivision Is located. That, according to the public rerords which impart constructive nOtice or matters affecting title~to the premises hereinafter referred to; we find;' " That the last deed of record runs to: James Michael Hoffman and Debra Jean Hoffman, as Trustees of the Hoffman Family Trust, U/T/A dated September 27, 2005 We also find the following apparent encumbrances, which Indudes "Blanket Encumbrances" as,defined by ORS 92.305 (1), and also easements, restrictive covenants and rights of way prior to the effective date hereof: " And: Recorded: Recording Information: (Affects Parcel II) Covenants, conditions and restrictions, Induding terms and provisions thereof, as set forth or referred to in the deed but deleting any covenant, condition or restriction indicating a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial "status, or national origin to the extent such covenants, conditions or restrictions violate 42 U.S.C3604(c): Between: Hanold l. ChristoffersOn and Dagmar E. Christofferson, husband and wife Lane County, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon August 24, 1960 Reception No. 8209 1. Date Received: JUL - 6 2009 FirSt Amer'ican Title Original submittRI I '10/20097:59:45.AM PAGE 112 fax Server Subdivision Guarantee Guarantee No.: 7199-1432791 Page 2 of <4 2. Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof. Grantor[Trustor: Chester S. Kingrey and Iona 8. Kingrey Grantee/Beneficiary: Henry L. Bauer Trustee:. Far West Federal Savings arid Loan Association Amount: $75,000.00 Dated: November 13, 1980 Recorded: November 21, 1980 Recording Information: 80-59275 (Affects Parcel I) I 3. In order to insure a transaction Involving the herein named trust, we will need to be provided a Certification of Trust pursuant to ORs 130.800 through ORs 130.910. 4. Loss or damage by reason that there appears to exist no Insurable right of access to and from the land herein descrIbed to a pubiic rIght-of-way. Unless this matter is solved to the satisfaction of the company, any forthcoming policy/endorsement will contain an exception to coverage for loss or damage by reason of lack of right pf access to and from the land. NOTE: Taxes for the year 2008-2009 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount: $3,558.91 Map No.: 1703342400600 Property !D: 0299055 Tax Code No.: 01903 (Parcel I) I , I: 'tJ NOTE: Taxes forthe year 2008-2009 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount: $6.73 Map No.: 1703342400602 Property !D: 0299071 Tax Code No.: 01903 , (Parcel II) -NONE- ) We have also searched our General Index for Judgments and State and Federal iiens against the Grantee named above and find:' . . The land referred to in this report is described in Exhibit A attached hereto, I I , ' Date Receive'd: , ! JUl - 6 200~ The premises are In Lane County and are described as follows: Original Submittal I I , First Amen@n Titte I ( r ~0/2009 7: 59: 45 AM PAGE '12 Fax Server Subdivision Guarantee Guarantee No.: 7199-1432791 page 3 of4 THIS IS NOT A TITLE GUARANTEE since no examination has been made of .the title to the above described property. Our search for apparent encumbrances was limited to our Tract Indices and therefore above listings do not include additional matters .whlch might have been disclosed by an examination of the record title..' We assume no liability in connection with this 'Subdivision Report and will not be responsible for errors or omissions therein.' ' Oated: J!lne 24,2009 First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon, C~0N..L~ ~O:ah Forstrom, Authorized Signatory OAr/OAF '. Date Received: JUL - 6 2009 Original Submittal Fi~ American Title \:;cJJ ,L- ' ^ L.- bdl-- \ r '0/2009 7: 59: 45 AM PAGE , '12 fax Server Subdivision Guara~tee Guarantee No.; 7199.1432791 Page 4 of'" Exhibit "A" Real property in the County of Lane, State of Oregon, described as follows: PARCEL I: BEGINNING AT A POINT 429.53 FEET NORTH 00008' 20' EAST OF THE CENTRAL SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE ROBERT E. CAMPBELL DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 59, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN; THENCE ON A BEARING OF SOUTH 890 25' EAST A DISTANCE OF 240.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THIS DESCRIPTION; THENCE SOUTH 89" 2S' EAST A DISTANCE OF 472.17 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE ON A BEARING OF SOUTH 000 08' 20' WEST A DISTANCE OF 117.2B FEET TO A POINT; THENCE ON A BEARING OF NORTH 89" 25' WEST' A DISTANCE OF 472.17 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE ON A BEARING OF NORTH 000 08' 20".EAST A DISTANCE OF 117.28 FEET TO THE lRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, ALLIN SEcnON 34 OF SAID TOWNSHIP AND 'RANGE, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON, . , " PARCEL II: BEGINNING AT A POINT 429.53 FEET NORTH 00008' 20" EAST OF THE CENTRAL SOUTHEAST CORNER, OF THE ROBERT E. CAMPBELL DONATION LAND CLAIM NO, Sg IN TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN; THENCE ON A BEARING OF SOUTH 89025', EAST A DISTANCE OF 712.17 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ON A BEARING OF SOUTH 890 25' EAST A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE ON A BEARING OF SOUTH 000 08' 20" WEST A DISTANCE OF 117,28 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE ON A BEARING OF NORTH 890 25' WEST A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET; THENCE ON A BEARING OF NORTH 000 08' 20" EAST A DISTANCE OF 117.28 FEET TO THE lRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING, ALL IN SEcnON 34 OF SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE, LANE COUNTY,' OREGON. Tax Parcel Number: 0299055 and 0299071 , , Date Received: JUL - 6 2009 Original Submittal F;rSt Americi1~ Title ~~~. 2 ~I.; ..",' J!J 51;""~ ~~([J.~'&J" :c '<!,';';",f >~?_~:~::.::,.> . :~" 1404 (!)L //J ~"" ~ &J~~ lLel!' ~~~. ~~~",...>"" 17 .~ ~ 1405 , ~ ~ . - I~::~~~~~~ ~~~~ tY.~,.. .5p' eA~;;:.~~~.16" ~ ::>~::~~_ ~+ ~ '% R~ ~ 15 ' ~<n'~ r~~/, ,~~j:'"' 220 1 -f ~ .,,'.' ,\Q]Q~16 r:" I \ Oed" .:'./~.;.:r 213 '~~ ~ 217 O.li ....c. ~ ~,....;~' ,. "~_ '11,,' ~ ~,; T~opr "'J,''''"_'3''~' ~11('! 212 .'@...-Oft^1 , ~ ~:: 209 21~1I 04 ~ ~ 5 "(g~~'8i 9 .; =:.~:" €: f~~";:'.:@'~''''''::~''1':~~ , I ~ ' ,211 ~ i<i ~ '~::1b. '_<<\'\\ _,,,e ... ..,. ~0.- , 'I' i~ 1 tl . l:! ~ !il~ _' ,,~ "~Td;:'~ ~ot'JJ'iW .' ";:'407 . 140~",,'~o. 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'- ,f ._ ;Ql~ ~'~.~,_ ;:_\N-..~-..;...l~. ,....... :;0' I CD en 0 "-> CD g <' c.c CD a. tYil'~-I('pI'J '"., o " c.. :i o ..., cQ' 5: ~ .E. cd.lf. ,..'DDCOla 3 := '!t UJ UJ tIl JJ (P~""T\ 71. --<:I' ~ . aCl,.o' 'r" ~ THrS MAP IS PROVIDED AS A COURTESY I BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON TO ASSIST IN LOCATING SAID ~REMlSES AND THE COMPANY ASSUMES NO LIABILITy FOR ;" ITS ACCURACY OR FOR MA TIERS' THAT MAY DE DISCLOSED By A SURVEY. --' o ..... N o o (0 ..., (}1 (0 ... (}1 :> 3: '0 :> o tT1 .... N .." .P> X CIl CD " < CD " , --,-,...... ----"-- f 0/2009 7:59:45 AM 7 PAGE ~ {l 821m llIlIIlAm DIllD 1>>01 ~ WBI BY. TRBSI I~A~~, Tha\ Horntd L. ChristoffersOD aad D.~r I. ehrlltoffar.an. bulb.nd and vife TIlo_.. __. ~. ~..-. , Ilo1lAn tor and 1n cOM1~ratlon ot the IUIII at to ~ paid, da _ hen"" barsa1Jl. uU And c:smrvoy \Into t.dI COIJI'I'f, 'j, POLITICAL 5'oJII1)MBIOR OF ?HE mim mr 0BE00If, the hlloC.D8 de"ol'ibed pt"Om:1.'eII, \0-.1", .8118iIUlo1nS at . point 429.51 feet Horth 00'08'20" Be.t of the Ceatrtll SO\ltnuet camel' of the Robert 2. Cll1lpbell Dw.Uon Laac1 Cb1m 8059 in TlnItI.lhLp 17 South, l\mse 3 Welt d tbe Will_flue Kertdlanl thal1ClII on . bearing of S~th 89.2~' Eant a di_tlnce of 712.17 feat to the ttve paint ot'bugfnnlnSJ thlnce on a b..rins of South 8"25' la.e I dlltaGeI of ]~.OO het to . point; tbenc:tl oa 8 baarl'PB ot South 00'08'20" 11111' II dt_bnel! of 117.28 felt to 0 potnt; thence on II be'Ting of north B9'ZS'.Ye.t . dll1tonalt ot"JO.OO faet; tbcpee on /I bentng of Korth OO'08'200l11llt . dieuu\C1I of 111.28'to, tlla true rhea at HatQIJinl 011 t.o 8eettotl 34 of ea1d 'IOWltlhip.ond lImao, L(lGe Couuty, Ore.1m to BE 1lBZD fOR ROAD PUIIPCSKS OXI.Y. TO JfAVE AND TO HOLD,. t-hll abaft deearlbed and Irantlld. prude. unto the ea14 UD COtlm, A. rotI'l'IOAt 5lJBDmSION OF TBB STUB OF CJml'DOI, 1t. IWlacaaeol'8 IInd usSp.o torovor. .,'. III W1'11lESS WHER!O', the snnt.or above nlUrlld, ho:reunto lot~blUd. Imd eNl thh t?!!!. 4ay of 4'y---~ . 19~. ". ' . ~L~~,.,.) , ~..... .!. sw,) ~ ~: , ~. i. t , , f. II " i i-" " mm010111l1lO11l /.. COUlll'l' at WIll I 'ClD t.h1e: ~,"Y ot~~, 19..l.!,. betON a, tlm. UIldel'lt1inod. .11lI\.v1 I'IJlb10~ ai10r .dd Co~ . por..n.u,- .ppo.....d tho 1d.tll1u IllIlIIlII ~..d. . ~'~ llho _ .. .. to bo the 1...t~ pelOn ne . and 0 .ue tw; v1~1mrtJ"UlllDllt, aM. aak1lO1l'JAdpS to .. tbat ~ IIx.oU...ri t.tle III1Jll8 hlIaly &ad yolunt-lU'Usr. "0. n ~ WEltBOP J I hay. bsnnmtD nt iv blU1d: <<nd &t!lud lIlT att101e1 Nil t.hct 4aJ aDd 1"'Z" lut above'mt\ea. .:t~"t!.f."j{ ",fE-r(-... IIy 00lII010.1oo 1lIpi... ik";" .-1/ /~ .(.' / . r i-' '" ~ ~..: '. .1'1.':,11 'IA. ,,:~,:... 1/"'; -. /Of"'J .: .~'V; _ ._ .1.: Jescription: Lane,OR Doc~ent - rear.DocID [-I9~JJ 1960.82Q9 Page: 1 oL 2 'Jrder: d. Comment: 12 Fax Server C)C', . , , I, ! ~ ;' ~ " ,,< " ! I I I I (iate Received: - JUL - 6, 2009 Original Submittal .'0/2009 7:59:45 AM PAGE 'l' ___.____ t ! , ----- , ( ~-,.~~ --~ i i ; ! .' -.. -.~ lescription: Lane,OR Document - Year.DocID _(-19931 1960.8209 Page: 2 of 2 lrder: d Comment: f '12 n_ _ _____. _+. _ , " Fax Server --- - . ' Date Received: JUL - 6 2009 Original Submittal ....,.....f f 0/2009 7:59:45 AM PAGE ~ 12 fax Server .. " ... ~~ I. 'Jf Grantor'. Nam\) James M.Hotfman and OebrB J. HOffman, l1usband,and wife, as tenants by the entirety ilnd AddrQl5: 511 Aspen Street Springfield, OR 97417 Gnnleo'& Name: James Michael Hoffman and Oebra Jean Hoffman, as Trustee of the Hoffman Family Trust UfT/A dated September 27, 2005 and AddrASs: 571 Aspen Street Springfield, OR 97417 AFTER RECORDING_ RETURN TO: Howard F. Feinman 975 Oak Stree~ Sulle 700 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Unlll a change 15 requestod, all tax statem_onts shall be 50nt ta tho following address: James M. Hoffman and Debra J. Hoffmal1 / '\ ~OO~~191~ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $31.00 j~743S282 '\.36.1787680020024 10/06/20OS 03:56:13 PM RPR-oEED c"l=1 Stn=8 CASHIER 01 $10,00 811.00 810.00 alvlelon 0' Chle' Deputy Clerk Lane County a..d. and R.cords RF-CGR.Jl::f1'S US:= 571 Aspen Street SprinSfield, OR 974n , WARRANTY DEED. STATUTORY FORM James M. Hoffman and Debra J, Hoffman. husband and wife, as tenants by the entirety, grantor, conveys and, warrants to James Michael Hoffman and Debra Jean Hoffman, as Trusteed the Hoffman Family Trust, UfT/A dated September 27, 2005, Grantee, the following described real property free of encumbrances except as ' specifically set forth herein situated in Lane County, Oregon, to-wit: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A Commonly known as 571 Aspen Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 Tax Map Key 17 03 34 24 00600 I Tax Account No. 0299055 . The said property Is free from encumbrances except easements, conditions, and restrictions, and liens of record. ' The liability and obligations of the Grantor to Grantees and Grantees' heirs and assigns under the warranties and covenants contained herein or provided by law shall be limited to the amount, nature, and terms of any right or indemnification available to Grantor under any title insurance policy, and Grantor shall have no liability or obligation except to the extent that reimbursement for such liability or obligation is available to Grantor under any such title insurance policy. ' The true consideration'for this conveyance is other than money. Dated this 27" day of September, 2005. . 1-;M~ ft!i . \ lL'1L. .., Debra J. Hoffman' , , ,-- . THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOlATlDN OF APPUCABLE lAND USE lAWS AND REGUlATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING TlfIS INSTRUMENT. THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PlANNlNG DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY UMITS ON lAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DERNED IN ORS 30.830. . STA TE OF OREGON, County of Lane, 55. . This instrument was acknowledged before me on September 27. 2005; by James M. Hoffman a~d DebnDate Recei red: Hoffman. ~ I . OfFICIAL SEAL' .,:"" . .- , NOWARD F FEINMAN Notary Pu Ie or Oregon '. ,JUL - 6 20)9 ," NOTARYPUBLIO-OREGON My Commission Expires: 7-11j -orl COMMISSION NO. 381412 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES,JULY 15. 2008 . , . Original Submittal e 6 1/2009 7: 59: 45 AM PAGE 10' '.2 Fax Server . Exhibit A Tax Map Key 17 03 34 24 00600 ' Tax Account No. 0299055 Beginning e~ a \>OInt 429. ~3 feet North 00. 1)8' 20" East of'tbe cencral So';J;'~~llt ""r....t of tl..; Ro~ert E. Campbell Donation Lanl! ClaiJll 110. 59, 1:o....shlp P South, ,1i4nge 3 'IIe~t of tbe Wi1limotte Meridian; thence on a bear1ng of Soutb 89. 25' ~st 'II dlstll~ee of 240;00 feet to the TRIJE POINT OF llEGINNlNG of thi8 ilescrip.tion; 't'bence li~)Itl\ IW',25' . East a distan.e of 472.11 f"et to a pomtj thence on a bear;li1g' of Soutll 9ll~ 08', 't(l\\,~ ' lIest a distance of 117.28 feet to a pomt; thence ~n'8 bear~ of .1I0<,el. 119" 2S? JIl!€t; a.. distance of 472.17 f....t to a ,point! thence on a be!"'tng of: North' 00. ell' 24' Elf't a dist"""e of 117.28 feet to the true point of beg:lIining, all,~ SllCtloli"34 of"B8id . Township ao4. R.nge, 111 Laoe County, OI:egou; c",' , .' Date Received: ExhlbitA Warranty Deed JUl - 6 200g Original Submittal e 1/2009 7:59:45 AM PAGE 11 '2 Fax Server 1'( , Division of Chis' Dsputy Cle~k . Lane County D~.ds end R.co~d. '200~m11l , Gran~orJl Name James M. Hoffman Bnd Debra J. Hoffman, husband and wife. as tenants by Ihe entirety and AddreliB: 571 Aspen Street Spnngfoeld, OR 97477 Grantee'. Name: Jamus Michael Hoffman and Debra Jeem Hoffman, 8S Trustee of the Hoffman FamilyTrullt.UlTfAdated September 27, 2005 and Ackfre88; 571 Aapen Street Springfleld. OR 97477 AFTER RECOROING. RETURN TO: Howard f. Feinman 975 Oak Street, Suitu 700 EU9en.. Oregon 97401 1111111111111111111 ""111111111 """11111111111 $31.00 0074393420050078771002002010/06/2005 03;58: 13 pn RPR-DEED CnL=1 SLn=8, CAstlIER 01 $10.00 $11.00 $10.00 FOR. R~COR~r=R'S lJS~ Until a change l8 reques\ed, all tax atalementG shall be s8nt to the following addreas: James M. Hoffman and Debra J_ Hoffman 571 Aspen Slrecl Springfield. OR 97477 WARRANTYDEEO.STATUTORYFORM James M, Hoffman and Debra J,.Hoffman. husband and wife, grantor, conveys and warrants to James Michael Hoffman and Debra Jean Hoffman, as Trustee of the Hoffman Family Trust, urr/A dated September 27,2005, Grantee, the following described real property free of encumbrances except as specifically set fonh herein situated in Lane County, Oregon, to-wit: . SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A Tax Map Key 17 03 34 24 00602lTaxAccountNo. 0299071 The said property is free from encumbrances except, easements, conditions, and restrictions, and liens of record. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY OESCRlBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLAnON OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND ~GULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRAcnCES M DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. ttL~'1 : Debra J. Hoffman '\ ~ STA TE OF OREGON. County of Lana, 55. This Instrument was acknowledged before me an September 27, 2005. by James M. Hoffman anDlB.e -Rece,'ved' Hoffman. ~ . , .,' OFFICIAL SEAL N~u~ for oregon' JUl - 6 2009 HOWARD F FflNMAN '" 7 /5 f ' NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON My Commission Expll'BS.' - - L) '. . COMMISSION NO. a81412 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 15. 2008 Original Submittal. 6 1/2009 7:59:45 AM PAGE 12 2 Fax Server Exhibit A ., Tax Map Key 17 03 34 24 00602 ,Tax Account No. 0299071 A parcel ofIand lying in the Soutbeast ono-quarter of the )[.. J." ..1 one-quarter (SB Y. NW Yo) or Section 34, Township 17 South, Range 3 WC51 oCthe WiI!ametle Meri~ian, Lane COlUlly, Oregon, and being all of that property descn"bed in thaI certain deed 10 LANE COUNTY, a political subdivision orthe Slale.ofOregon, recorded August 24, 1960, on Reel 158, RecOrder's Reception Number 8209, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS, being more particularly described as follows: ''BegfuniiJ.g at a point 429.53 feet North 00' OS' 20" East of the Crntral Southeast comer of the Robert E. Campbell Donation Land Claim No. 59 in Township 17 South, itange 3 Wr::st of the Wi/hunelte Meridian; thetlce on a bearing of South 89" 25' East a distance or 712.17feet 10 the troe point of beginning; thence on a bearing of South 89" 25' East a distance or30.00 feel to a point; thence on a beanng of Soutb 00" 08' 20~ West a distance of I 17.28 feet to a point; thence on a bearing of North 89" 25' West a distance of 30.00 feel; thence on a bearing of North 00" 08' 20" East a distance of 117.28 feet to the troe place of be ginning all in Section 34 of said Township and Range, Lan. County, Orcgon." . This cOnveyance is subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth in that certain deed conveyed to Lane County, a political subdivision of the Slale of Oregoa, recorded August 24, 1960, on Reel 158, Recorder,'s Reception Number 8209, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS. Date Received: Exhibit A Warranty Deed JUL - 6 2009 Original Submittal