HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1986-12-1 .. RESIOEWrIAL.. APPLICATION!PERI1IT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Loaation: 6?)q::; I\I\CL\'Y\ 9- As.aesQor.: Map II Subdivision: SPRINGAELO ~ Tax Lot # ~er: CH Ic\g \'-+ C).;* r\S) h Address: <;Z/V1IS ( K"-1WPV\\lW:d City: lpt'i! v\u,~ ,?\~ () , I I I I Phone: Zip: C\l~ .cce:p: ,", \~bl%~/ I' r qCi.c:t~ ~I..(,) \ . ~c) . .De~I"_~MG4 ~Q~ .~ "('1.' Addi tier. Remodel ::obi le Homi! '(2-\~~ Date of Applicaticn :.'onrrc~;o:'s General ?ltm'.bir.g Electrical. ,'.feci1ar:ic::.l Value Adci."'es:; Siar:ed: (IV IlL-i-XI/? Data: Lisc.Fi i::==-irocs rr.or:.: Constl"..Icti01t Lender [t; is ths responsibility of the permit holder to see that an im:pections are r.:ade at the proper tim~# that cc.ch .=ddres8 is rea.::a1iz'c -loom the 8treet, and. that the permi t ctu"d is Located at the front of tM property. . 'Bui!.dir-.g rr;vi:;w'!": approved pLan sh.cZl. l~"""''''''''~ ~ tha Bu.i'Z.ding sit:; at aU times. )nOCEDUR~ FOR If,1SPE[:7'IOrJ REOUE'ST:~726- 7 Q ?;6corderJ state yOW' City desigruzted job nw;;ber, job adircss, type of ir.3pec-;icn 'equcs~ed a~~ when you wi~Z be ready for inspection, Contractcrs or ~ers nc~e end phone number. Requ~s=s received cejcre 7:0D ~ :ill b~ Trade t;u; same dc.y, requests made afta' 7:00 am LJi,ZL b2 made the nz:rt :.JOrking '?5<fO t?c:: c:' Your City Desigr.ated Job Numb~r Is: 010 D~ 'Rml1:"P2_ T'J/;TJ(O~t1:r.1'I.Q ] STTE I/.'SF2C'J'IO:'!: To be made after e:rcav.2tian, but prior to set up of forms. ] : ~!lDER~~A~. PLl}I.gI~/G. E~E:C'!R~C,1L & . XECHA,..J. C"L..: To De maae Delore any LJOrk is ~ovcred. ] FOOTING ~ FOUllD,1TION: To be rrade after trer~hes are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pourir~ ccncret~. U!.'D"ERGROU.'.'D P:'Uf.~INC. SEr..'EH. W.1TER, DRAIllAGE: To be nnie prior to fil- .Ur.g trenches. ] ] UllDE,f?FWOH PLW:3IiIG & MECHANICAL: To be rr4de prior to in3ta~Lation of j100r insulation or decking. POST At.'D BEA/-!: To be madc prior to insuzl.Z.aticn of floor inst.:Latior. or decki"fj . ROUGH PL(P.~I.'}G. ET..ECT.r?ICA!. " MECH- Ai/lCAL: Ho :.JOrk is to De covered ur.tiL these insoectior.s have beer. made ar~ approve=. FI.r~EPLACE: Prior to pZacir.g facing materia~s ar~ bcfore framing inspec- tion. FRA.'~I!IC: f.tu~t be reque3ted after approv.::;l. of rough plwr.bir.g, eLectri- cal & mecr.anicaZ. AU roofing bracing & chimneys, etc. nr~st be . completed. I/o w:Jrk is to be con- .. cec;led until, thia inspection has 'be~n made and approved. ] ] ] ] o I!ISULATION/VAPO.r? BARRIER INSPECTION: To be rr.ade after all insul::tum CI!".d required vapor barriers are in place but cefore any Lath, gypsum bcm-C or lXltl coveroing is appliedj and before . any insulation is concealed. , DENDLITIO:.' OR .~:OIfE:; E:JILDI;;t;S ==:J Sanitar'!J Be'.Jer capped ~t p:..opcrt":j l.ir.e ~ Septic tank V~~~d and fitle~ uith ~a~e: ~ Finc;l - rl'hen abcve ite.'."1s are cc::rpletcd ~ ~ '<0-" ~ ... ... ar.d when ~emc~~~~or. ~s c~~e~e or sw~~- ture moved and premises c leaned up. , Nobile Hcmes ~ BZocking and Set-~p ~ Plumbir~ connections s~er ar~ /Jater ---, Electric~Z Connection - Blockina, 6et-u~ --.J and plwnbing cor.r:ections nr.:.st .t~ appr:J:"cc be;()rc request~ng electrical ir.s?ec:io~ ~ AccesGor;,' Building ---, Fi1UJ.l - After' p:Jrcr.es,. ~ etc. are cample:cd. skirting, decks, o DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after aU drywall is in place, but prior to any taping. ftMSONRY: Steel location, bond beam:;, Q1"Outina or verticaLs in accorddnce with U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: After instaZZation is ccmpletcd. o FI/IAL PLU/.fBI/IG All project conditions, suc~ as the installation of street trees, co~lcti~n of the required La:ndsc~pir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDII,'C FI.'.'AL can be r3quest.zd. ] ] ! FINAL f.!E~HA,','ICAL '^~\ FINAL E~~~--:C~L o FINAL BUILDING: The Final, Building Inspection must be :requested c.fter the Pin:zl Plur.:binJ Electrical, CD'Il1 Mechar.ical Inspectiono have been, made and approvad. o o o CURB & APPROACH AP.r::oN: Afte:o forms are ~reated but prior to pouring c01'lCrete. -ALL f.lAllHCLES AND CLEANOUTS truST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!!E:r!' TO BE 1,~1()E t.:: /:0 C'~S'I' TO CI'!'Y I PaFe ! of 2 o SIDEWALK & DRIl'Ef{AY: For all con- creTe paving LJithin street right- of-ux;y, to be made after aU exca- vating campZete & fo~ work & &ub- base material in p~e. o :'EllCE: Wher. co.'1Tplozte -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. ' o JOB NO,~S SOLAR A'eSS Zane: OCClAr;anC:J GrO'.J.':J,' I I I , 1 ~ I \G'DeV \Jj!h~ I i J}l S,'OO Lot Sq. Ft,;. : :)f Z.::;t: C.;n.Mrc.g;: # of Stories Total Height Topography I'!'~:,! S~.F'I'G Mc.ir: ~a:::c CC:r::'.:':'t. .-1CCCSSOI'U S.D.C. 1.5 = TOTAr.. I'ALUE' IIX::'t.:,,,;) Building Permit State S:.a>cn.:xrge Tota! Cna.:>gcs Il:O. :i:::~es 3esiCznticl (1 beth) 5c:7:i ~~J S(!'.J.'cro :iater PZu:~:b:.r.g Perd t State Surcr.aI'pe Tct::! Charoes "-:"1 I :i~', I I -=?es. Sa. ft::. i~/E=tend Cir~~its Tempcrary Service ~~r' P~J(1. Elec~r~cal Pe~~ St::te Sur~r.arae Total C"f'.a:rces ',=".' iiC., FEE -urr..::rce ETU'S ::::hau8t Hoo~ "ent Fan ::::;odsto;;e Pe~~t Issuance Mecr..::r.ic::.Z Per>r.dt Stcte Surcnc:l'oc Totd. O.cral'!:J -- Ei.'CROACH/..'E;'!T CC".J.ritu D;:-:x;:;it :orc.ce ::irtter.ar..::.:,,- ;~-t Tete 1. Ci:crncs a"bC".l.t :de'..J.:llk .~r:cc :ectrical Labd ~bi ~e H:;me Q\p{ll 'rAL AN:JU:,": : LeT TYPF: Ir.tericl' Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac x ~'aluc I I I I I Cr..:.-l:~(;.: I I I I I I I I -I. ,,::....:......:.. I I I I I \S,60 I .00 I liS ,fao I. C!;"R~i:: J.:2o R EQ,- . I I t.ccess, I i II T;J~t! L -co G'" T;...pe/Cor.st: 'Be:iroo~!J: Lot Faces - P.L. /!Iort;l IEnst ISouth IWest Sl'!tbacY..s I House I Caraae E:nern~ SO:a'~p.3 .'iea:; Watc!' H(?r!t,~'" Hanpc FircPLace Wooa:;:ot,:e F2es Building Value & Permit This pfZrnr;t i::J granted on the express condition that the said construction shall~ in all re8pects~ conform to the Ordinance ~o~ted by the City oj Springfield, inc!iuii.ng the Zoni.na C'rdinance, regulctil!g the ccnst1"'~cticn and use of building5~ and m=y be suspended or revokec at cr.y time upor. vie. Zation of any pr:Jvisior.s of said Ordir.ances. I. . I Plan. Check Cate Paid: IRee~ipt U, ISig>:ed, Fec: Plumbing Permit No pereon shall construct, instal!, aZzer 01' change any r.e~ c!' c=i~~ir.F plumbing 01' drainage syst~ in ~hole or in part~ unless 5~cn person i3 :r.~ legal possessor of a valid pLumber's Zicense~ exce;;t: tr.at a pe:oson r.:a:, co pl~bing work to property which is ow~ed, leased 01' operated by tr.e a~?ii- cant. Electrical Perm it Where State Law reauires tr.ct the electrical /Jork be done bu an Elc:::ric.::: ContMctor" the elec!;rical por!;ion of this permit sr.alZ r..Ot~ be v.::.ZiC w::il the Label has been signed by the Electrical Contr.::.ctor. ~ I I I I I I I I I I. l I I I Mechanical Permit Pum Exc:nrz-ncr Llat:e I HA VE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application for pe1T.:i. t, end do hereby certify that all i~fo~.at;ion hereon is true ar.d correct, cr.d I f:J.l'thcl' certify that any ar.d all lJork pe1'for:ned sh::.U be do':'l.c i:-: accor- dance :Jith the Ordin:mces of tllc City of Sprin{]ficZd~ and the L(:"..;s of tha State of Orcg:J'r1 pcrt.2ining to the lXIl'k d.escribed hercin, cnd =r.at NO OCC:.J- Pt.NCY will be nnde of any structure witho:J.t par:nis3io':'l. of tile 3uildir.g Di- vision. I further certify that o':'l.ly contractors m;d ~l~yees ~r.o are in compliance with ORS ?Ol.{l.';S wn.Z br ~,,,~~d (l:"1 this project . I I I I ;'-1 I. '. ~(Cn3ii ?/' fute