HomeMy WebLinkAboutCode Enforcement Correspondence 1989-9-11 , . .... DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PLANNING I BUILDING PUBLIC WO.'J~:S METROPOLITAN V/!.,STEV';ATER r"iAt.!;'GD~.:Etn 225 FIFTH SF<EET SP.'JINGFIELO. OF, 9"!:n (50:,)} 726-3753 September 11, 1989 CERTIF lEU LETTER John's Gas and Groceries 5390 Main Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 *' Dear Business Manager: The property listed on the attached for~ is in violation of a Springfield City Code and/or Ordinance. Rather than issuing a citation or taking im~ediate legal action, it is the City's standard practice to inform citizens of the violation and request that it be corrected within a reasonable time. The attached form specifies the violation, the corrections necessary in order to comply with the applicable Code/Ordinance, and the date by which your corrective action must be completed. In the event that you have not taken corrective action by the assigned time, deadline, a civil infraction citation will be issued to the resident/and or property owner. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions regarding this letter, the violation, or the required correction, please contact the Springfield Development Services Department at 726-3759. Cordially, ~LJ)'v'UU~ J 1J~1.kl1..{}Y'- Cynthia L. Harmon Development Permit Coordinator copy: Jackie Murdoch, Code Enforcement Officer Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney , , , . . .~ ,. . City of Springfield Development Services De~artment 225 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 DATE: September 11, 1989 SPECIFIC VIOLATION: 5390 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon Section 37.040(9) of the Springfield Development Code (copy attached). The use of a portable sign. LOC'; TI O:i: . REQUIRED CORRECTIO:~: oecause portable signs are not permitted the sign m~st ~e ~ermanently removed. INFORMAL CONFERENCE: If you wish to meet with the Development Permit Coordinator to further discuss the violation, you may attend an informal conference on September 21, 1989 b~':'leen 10:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. at the Develov ~nt Services Department, 225 North 5th Street, S~ringfield, Oregon (726-3759). If this time is not convenient and you wish to schedule .another time, you must do so prior to 4:30 p.m. of the day of the scheduled conference. DEADLINE FOR COMPLIANCE: The sign must be removed immediately. INSPECTOR: Cynthia L. Harmon CASE # 326 " .... . , . .. . ../~ . - ~f I~.' 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97~77 (503) 726-3753 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PLANNING I BUILDING PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLITAN W4STEW4TEFf f,1.4.l\'AGEMEia WARNING CITATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD NAME JOHNS GAS AND GROCERIES D.O.B. ADDRESS 5390 MAIN STREET CITY SPRINGFIELD STATE OREGON 'ZIP 97478 DATEIO-IO-89 TIME 8:00 a.m. LOCATION 5390 Main Street VIOLATION(S) : Section 37.040(9) of the Sorinofield Develooment Code. The use of a oortable sian. Potential Scheduled Forfeiture $150.00 ,uy\ .. days from the date of this warnin9 'lJ--IdJu~ ~~L-/cJ ode Enforcement Officer If compliance is not achieved withi citation, a citation will be issue. f 3f}.fr; , . _." <1 . ~'-~ .;;. .... . .CASE # W.CIT. # CIT. # A.I.R.S. # COURT # DOCKET # PLANNING & BUILDING COMPLAINT INFORMATION & INSPECTION FORM ZONE: RESIDENT D.O.B. : l~~a9&"'''-ffli1'1:i'\.' ~L.yJ-_~~ CASE NUMBER 3.;l(f, -. ,. __J , __ I. .~j,. ~<:;" OWNER: . '. - . '-<itfi~ I", (j , &)(011 " tfUi1JLfJ1.LL) ADDRESS: PHONE: D.O.B.: '/-),')..,..50 PHONE: ADDRESS: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// COMPLAINANT: ADDRESS: NATURE OF COMPLAINT DfJ!t.h1.MJ ~'CVYlLJ I U PHONE: NOTIFIED: DATE: ~////////I////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DESCRIPTION OF OBSERVATION . 1st Inspection VALID VIOLATION? YES NO CODE SECT! ON: IN::'l'tVIUK ::'HiNAI UKt UAlt COMPLIANCE LETTER COMPLIANCE DATE DATE CONFERENCE DATE TAPED VOLUNTARY COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT NOTIFY COMPLAINANT REVISED COMPLIANCE DATE ~,lV////////////{~//// ///////////////////////////////////////////{//////////////// /'. ~ D CUM t1) '" - 5, 'jJV .~ ~it4U , . I~,r{\ - ~ !)r\\ ~ 2nd Inspection COMPLIANCE . ....",.. . , -'. . . UfllC /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WARNING CITATION # COMPLIANCE DATE: !N~YC~IUK ~!bNAIUKC THANK YOU LETTER DATE NOTIFY DCA ACM W.C.DELIVERED F.1. MAILED ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3rd Inspection COMPLIANCE CITATION # - VERIFIED COMPLAINT NOTIFY COMPLAINANT DATE PHOTOS AFFIDAVIT NOTIFY DCA DISPOSITION REPORT . !N~Yt~IUK ~!bNAJUKt UAlt THANK YOU LETTER ACM F. I ALL INFORMATION FORWARDED TO POLICE DEPARTMENT (5 ITEMS) ARRAIGNMENT DATE TR IAL DATE \ JUDGMENT NOTIFY DCA Form #214 PLEA, NOTIFY DCA ACM COMP FI REPRESENTED BY COUNSEL ACM FI COMPLIANCE COMPo COMP .' ... '. .LO . CITY OF BPRINlilFIELO 225 5th Street Springfield. Oregon 97477 Dear Business Manager: Thank you for your cooperation in removing all portabls signs from your property. In response to citizen complaints the City will maintain an ongoing program of identifying and ensuring compliance with the City's sign code. ~, . , . ,', '.:{::-;.. .' '..,.,' ." . ". '.:' . . . '. Johns Gas and Groceries 5390 Main Street Spfld OR 97477