HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-10-28 1'\,:)1;* FJ:R 2 Q 1980__ CITY UF SPRJ;IGFIELO COMBI;IATION APPLICATION/PERMIT E!lERGY SOURCES: Heat rhl+5 a EL~ Water Heater . I Ranqe ValuE of Work: ~.~.LJ' $28,889.90 BuilGiM Permit Info: nre Phone 7-17-7 )fia1l1ilv ~esidence Hith 747-75641 Construction lender Veterans of Foreian T,'Trtr~ I 53'1 . S " .' f. 11747-7%41 Address ~. HaJ.n t, .,nrJ.ncr. J.e C PHone O!:~IGr~ TEArI (namel {address} \ , -II1ISPECTIorl,-~ ' 726- 37 69 Job Address5344 Main St, SnrinQfie1d. Ore. Legal Oe.cription ~ax Lot 6506 , Map No, 17 02 33 3i Owner' ve~erans of Fn:r:~5. o:rn War!' 5~4~sMain-St. SnrinQfie1d. INFORJIATION Ll;k 726-3753 Sq. Ftq. Hain-'7.:l.7 ~q. ~tg. Access. Sq. Ft9. Other UewJ(Add Alter Rep. ~FenCl Demo Change/Use Other - - ~ --- Build Single '-----' interior' finish) (1 ics. no.) (exnires) Structural Primary Vet~rcni~ of F':'.'.~~_i_~n t'lars SDrinc;rFip 1 n, nrp("1("'H1'i, C::ane Electrical . C.t~Ii'RA.cTG.~S (narr:el Genera J C1!j:::bir:o: ~j~~.trical "~<:"~~~,=~1 PLWmWG ':.i ) CHARGE A 7 ,n- 'hC.I --' L- "i~ y", (exnires) (ohnnp nn , ~;}mp (addrpss) nino no. ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL .. ~ i r SQ. FT. I I I I I I I I I I '. ISSUANCE OF' PFR'IIT TOTAL CHARGES J TOTAL CHARGES I TOTAL CHARGES / WHERE STATE L'H REQUIRES that the Electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this penilit shall not be valiJ until the label has been signed by an Elect~ical Supervisor and returned t~ the Building Division IEac" singie fixt~re :?eioca~ec ~ui'd;n~ I <new fix. additional) " S.F. ?esioence n bath \ IDuplex (1 bath) each _____IAddit1onal bath ~Iater service Sewe r . Storm Sewer Residence of furnace/burner to BTU's 'I L iUl IUl I~ j , New circuits alts. or extensions I Floor furnace and vent Recessed wall ~n~r.p hp~tpr ~nrl (ohone no. I I. L.EEL.! J:liillilil ./ I I I I I I I . .1 I I I I HAVE CAREFUllY EXAtlINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct. and I further certify that any and all work oerformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Soringfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to. the work described herein, and that rw OCCUPAIlCY will be made. of any structure without the permission of the OUilding Division. I further certify that my registration with the Ouilder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055. that if exempt the basis for exemption is noted ~e~eon, and that only subcontractors and em~loyees who are in comaliance with O?S 701.055 will be used on thls,P~ct. < . NMIE(please print) Le..;;J(", If; r::h".,-J. f-. m;IATURE 1(:~c1 fYo~ OATE,d -"-,2~--yO .......,. FOr! OfFICE USE DillY . .'- .- . Tyoe/Const. V-IJ Units I So. Ftg. l14in Ji?,'7. x Bedrooms Occy load !$:.D Sq. Ftg. Access x Stories Occy Group ~-?, Sq. Ftg. Other x Zone (' - 4- Fire-ZC;-ne -rrr Flood Plain_^ I () BUILDING PERMIT Charges anc Surcharges <. '~t-QA6-- I SERVICES I I I <~ I I <' vpnt I 1 Appl iance vent I seoarate Stationary evap. I cooler Vento-fan with I sinole duct Vent systeJ:! apart from I heatino or A.C. Mechanical exhaust I hoort itnd duct. I I I I I~ Temporary Construction Change in existing rpc;irfpn('p mul'tir"ami ly, comm. or 1I1dustriitl Of IC0I1fl.IIND. FEEDERS Install/alter/relocate rli~t.rih^ fpprfpr, amps Wood stove/heater Of amps.! <. ~ .~? TOTAL Value Value Value V ALUAH OII---Z..(Yj() PLUI1B I NG PERl<lT Charges and Surcharges ElECTRIC,<L PERI~IT Charaes and Surcharges /1ECHANICAL PERMIT Charges and Surcharges Plan Ck. Comm/Ind 65%/Bldo Ppr Fpp Plan Ck. Res 30%/Rl1n P~r ~p~ I Fenc;--- -- I D~mo I S~de~~~ -- ~-,--. I A/C Paving Curb Cut ISystems Development Charae (!.5~) Total r.o~b. rermit I iOTAL I to. SO t ._.. ... . _. ,_._ __ .0__"'_' ------------ 0/'\ : r' - . . ...... if. Applicant to furnish A. Job Address B. Legai Description 1. examole- Tax Lot 100. lane County Map Reference 11 UJ 43 2. exomole- Lot 1. Block 3. 2nd Add'" ~Dr1ngrield Estates . C. Name. etc. of owner and construction ,~~ O. Energy Sources 1. examole- heat/electrical ceilino/l 2. exarr.JJe- waterneater/electrlcal/ot p= E. Square rootage or valuation. etc. 1. eXdMo.le- 1250 sq. foot house. 500 ? e~amoje- if new project, check-nfw cneel: add. ete. F. Building perolt information: 1. e:.:ar.:~le - cons:ruct :;.ingle:'family h .H::~c..~ea garJge . . e~a~,Je - remodel existing garage if exaiiiJie - convert single family res; re~t~UrJnt (ch~nge of use) u. Value of work as defined in Section 303 Structural Specialty Code H. D~S;: G:: TEM-l AiiO CONTRACTORS To ;void design or construction delays. S Divlsior. Staff must be able to contact ao. per~cns regarding design information or J( corrections. etc. ;'bbrevia!.:d ?lu:::bing. :'lechanical, oS Electrical A. :::(ce:r~ ,<:here biank soaces occur in the des, =:r: i on "f ~:-:e :'lecr.an i ca 1 and E 1 eetr; ca 1 S<. IV, tne ao~:ll Jcant need fill-in only the No. Bo}!. \dt"- :~ ~~e aooro~riate item(s} to be installed B. Full !'lu;;.oing. ~'lechanical. and Electrical S, are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permit fonm thE ~hp__ have been abbreviated Z. ~f ~he i~em(s) to be installed are not e, ~he Jbbrevi~ted scnedules you should con! (' full schedules __ C. aUILali:G ~IVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEE CHA;;GES 0:/ THE SCHEDULES D. As notad'on the CAP. the label must electrical contractor for signature suoer"':isor. The general contractor to sian the electrical label. Applicant~to sian and date Whenever possible. the"initial application will be a worksneet only, Where possible. Building Oivisio will prepare a type written copy and return it to tl applicant at the time the actual pennit is issued fe signature. Fees and Charges Plan check rees are due and payable at the time of tl application. and no p-lans will be processed ur.til thE (' fees are paid. All other rees and charges are due an payable when the penmit is issued. "1'" , ~ J ~ .. _.0. ..~ .... ...' COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. PERMIT VALIDATION r c\TY I Of ( \ " ( 55033C ( (~~.;'''''~___ -:jOeJ) C-~_~'qn .5,0 - ~(( , '. ~ ' .~ j l I .Qole i'- ,t. I ~ I J I I 2. 3. c:" .!!.ec'd r- Address ..- -" - ( - l.' ( be deliver by his e], is !!.2l aut =c G~ _.~-._ . ..~. ~a --.-.-- (' ., ~ --- - . d _. - . G AmounlJl-ecel~- --' <II I I I. IV. C~1 ::-(' - s..~\.to..,t..."......\.\. f f 1-- . ~ Permi t Cl erk '. .1 _' .." . . . .._ ~ V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY I I PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: '. l I "- i I , I 1 , Permi t appl icant exempt from regi stration with the Buil der' s Board because: Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY: -.9 name signature date .. .."n '_.L' d ...