HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-10-6 .. RESIDE_IAL" APPLIC,1TIOil/PERlJIT 225 Norotiz 5th Str>eet Springfield, 01'egon 97477 Bui Zdi':e Division 726-3753 ( \ \I V\-tVufl.. "' en'Ll, S~15 ('1\Cl \l\ 8-c 151-'1 S'~-iJ.;(:, 141- 014--1 ~ J Zip: t1141?) , IlL ~ /ctb ::~:~:o~~~_ ~r.ul ~\~~ ,b Loc,"'a": 53~r1lV\ ~t 'oaeoaoro Nap # Il - D1- -?J3 - 0 b ~ditlisior.: :.mer: .dares:;: 'it'!.I: :=1...JJ""" .1 A.dtiiticr: , j Rc",o".," -rJJ .'!.-:;,.;. l.."! ~--.. ~t~ of Appii~~ticr. ~ t.L,:,:.?-:..r.; ~c.:'::""::c~! flf I) I\U Je.--- ;==r~:.=.=;, ~r.s:r-.icti.:rn !..-:r.a(!r' SPAINGFlE1.C Sp:<'_P ~&IIQ T= Lot # 0 \ 3CX.) Describe /i'or}c 14- '/-761 ~t>~ \\\~ Va!ue : is :;11;" res:;or.cibili:u of" the vC1'r.Ii: r.ou::.c:" toO see 'O.~ the BtJ"'CC:. ard. that tile pcrm...>: c:2'i is Z:;Jc::::.t.ed :u::!.:i-:'~~ i:.-:.:r:.:::ic!': 9?rol.:ed p;'C;1Lsr-=~~: 'r"'~<," _ ~". .....:"'"':..~:- rr..":' ~"C"::J:"'''''''I''.': ~:"''''':'''S-.CA:. L 726-3769 (n .:.-~~:'": ':: :,>.":', .':'..,..:.c. 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S:::','E:.~, 1""7'':.9, prior ~o fi i.- ] pas,:, A,'.'V EEt.!-!: To be mace prior ir.s:a~iar;ien of fLoor ins~La:ior. d.eckir.q . ] P()fI.';.:! ?u..'!_'?I:.'~" ::!.::':."!"T~;c,~:" ,~ ,':::CH- ;'::J-CAi.: ,',0 :.JOri: is 'to DC COf)ereC. ur.:il thcs~ inspec:icr:s have beer. made ar.a. approve.:!. FI:~EPLACE: P'rior to materiaLs and before tior.. p lacir.g framina feeing inspec- FRA.'!I~~: ~~~t be requc~tcd af:er apprav~l of rough plumbing, eZcctri_ c.::1.l & mccr..:J.l1ica7., AlZ. roojir.g bracinr t cnimncya, etc. ~~nt be ,comolcrcd.. .'/0 L)~rk i:: ro be cen- . ccc"led until thit: inspection has 'b€en made and approved. :ha: ar! int:occ::ions are ~ad€ ~:.~~~ fr~~:" of tr.c_pr~perrd. l;::J:'L-c:.n.= ~:.:.: c: ~z.{.. .1:U7l.-;t:. h<O(Z/~ ~.ccc:o, ' N \ l'1.,) (:tJ ~\ l / ) ~N \; uJ-- trU Siar.cd: ~'~ 1(\-("', Xb Date: ....-:.;30. " i:,;:::jirc:" :-....c.:: , ..fi ~/i 2v~,#> ':'''''\\ I ,'I , aO " :r.e proper timz, t~a.t ~~ch =idres~ is rc~:~ reer} c:c:c uou~ Ci:~ jesior~=cc ~o= r.~ber, Cor.:rcctcrs ::y:.. C..,.;-t'IC:'S~ r.c-me ~r.:i ::;-r.or.e r.:..::-0cr. ~ t,r~ 1. Z DC r..a.ie the r:c=r; :JOrkir-:?' JCD a~ftcss, :~=e ~equcs:s recei~~~ -' , o. :.r..:=-e:.-;:.cr. ::;~:c:,r;" 7:~':: =: ?;b~-rZD j :;~:::::'I'::C::. c.:> :-:Jl'~: -..-- ------ ::"-'J.~;"_..__'':: .l-"au!' !:i~' Det:igr.a.tcd Jab Number Ir;: o ::::;i.:L....':IC:;/I'.i(?':I.~ FJ,P.r:;I~.~ I.':S?::C':'T::.:: ~o De r.:a.:ioa after aZl ins:..Z.:::t:i.:n"l c-.c l'cou~rcd VaDO:' tarriers are in place Cut calere any Lar;:, gypSU"il Dcard or ~ZL covering is cppZie:i~ ar~ Delore an:! ir~uZation is cOllceaZed. t=J Sani ::r:l BeJel' =cppec. .::t p:op.::r:-i li~e -"ll '. k -. ~."".J .. - ---15e;:r::1.= tan '" p:.:.7"?.-:a C".c J :'L-~e... t..-:.:r. ~.:::.'~~ ~ Pinal - h~er. ch~ve i:e~s are c~~lc:c~ ~ c~c. ~nar. d~cZ~:ior. is co~ic;c or s:~~:- !, ~u~e caved ar~ pr~ses =~c.:::r.c; ~? 1l-::J'Qi Ze iicr.:es ~ Bl.acking and Set-up ~ Pl.umbir~ eonne=tions 8cwe~ ar~ ~a:er Elecrriecl. Ccnr.cction - BZockir~, 8C:-U~ a~ pZ:.unhinp c~r.cc~ions ./'i,..;~t .t"C C?;)1~:J:'''~': bc:orc reques:~ng e~ce:~~=a{.. l.r.spc=:~c~ ---, Ae.:l'cs::or-... Buildina --.J . - "\/1 Fin.:ll - I.ft:=r ~:Jrci:cs~ ~ et.:l'. arc eompl.c:cd. sk~rting~ dc=ks~ .. D DR~'j.";~L I:.'SP:::C'J':!O,~': Te be made cfur cL'i c:ryr.:cl.i. ir; in pZacc~ cut: prior to cr.y tapir~. ~gSORRY: Steel. Zo=ation~ bond D'::~~, grou:ing or verticals in accordance with V.B.C. Section 241&. WGODSTO!'E: After instaZlation is ccmp 7..e ted. D FIliAL PLU"BI/IG All. project conditionD, r;uc~ a3 the instaZlation of s:reet trees, co~l.c:ion of the required lantisccpir.a~ etc., mu3t be satisfied beJore t1:.c. BUILDI,','C FI!.'AL can be r2quest~d. FJt,'';L 1!!!:H:':.'1CAL o , . Fl~AL BUILDINC: The Final Building Ins~eetion must be reque3tcd after the Fi~l Pl~bir~ ELcctrical, and Mechar:ical lnspeetiantJ "nave berm made and approvd. Flh':'L E!.r:::SICI.L o D to or D CURB r. APPROACH A?r:;ON.. Afte-:- forms (ll'C Cr'C::!U:i out proioro to pouring concrete. EIDEWALK 11 DRn'Er,',~y: For azz. can- cre~c paving wi1:nin street right- a.r-LX:.Y~ to be made after' all e.xqa_ vatinp complete & fo~ work & zub. bat:e mc.terial. in pla.::e. aALL f.1A....eCr.rS AND CLEANCU'!'S !lUST Br AC~~IBLr~ ADJtrS7':~"''!' TO BE, t:'1DE t.'! '"'0 ~~s; TO C1':1 I D"'-e ! of 2 D D !"E:.'::E: J.'hcr. CO,'1ll)l.~te -- Provide paLes 01' movable. sections t~l'ougr. P,U.E, D '01'lC: 1 _ 1 J06 No,>rJo,olWsOLAR ACCESS REQ,- L-COC'" ".at Sq. Ft;. ;,f lat CJUera;~ of Stories 'o:al Heigh: '''pogrcphy OC'C't.H:;:~nC'u C1"O".J~. LCT TYPE lr:terio1" COT71er Panhandle CuI-de-saC' '-:'E.'.f s:;.r:c '.::~n ~-:rt1CP ~::r=crt _:::C'csscrr:J ,D,C. ~OTAL t'ALUE I VC..UC) 1.5= BuiZd.ir:;J Penrrit State $:.aocnargc ToteZ. Cha:oges ;.'D. ~:-"..Tes :3:.c;:r.:iaZ ,. ::.::;i:) ~':,":.::!,,:.J $el.,'(;:' :::~~'!' I, VIIJlMhi\o. WU_ Plu~ Ste:e S:L.'''cr.:zrpe '!'ct=~ C!-.:::-::c~ x 1"..-. i I;;~..~ .... I 0'-.' I I I I I ?~l'C=-U 50:"0'"0 I I J) e..d... ~ Lll ~::. .-:~. -..:/Z=:er..i ~ir::-.Ji:s Elc=t~i:::cl Pc~it St::te Su."'cr.a:roe Tot::l Cr~ces ~ ... :"."-=cc !!'!'U'S _;'.::ust Hoo:!. -:t Fan Jcsto:Je Pe1"r.';"~t ]:;SU:rrlC;J Me::;...::r.ic.:: 1 Permi t State Sw-C'hcrae Total r:.r.;rr(]r~. ;;;;CRDACHl..'E.'.'T -...:r-:.t:J D::'Co;;:..t r.::ae .::tm....'1r.;;r iit Tcr-a! C"r""::l"nr" ;'C"'.Jt ~-'.:2Zk ~r ::trica Z Label \ iI. Hame S, ~ ~ J 1 )i rlo _ A!. ANOU.".":" DUE:. Valu!: Ci-:;",:o" J I I I I 15CfD I ~bO i ,1001 Ie::, ;l. 6 I i I I I I I I I 1c;.eD I 1~_50j .&0 I ISbn I 'J";"'De/COr.3t: - J I j i I I II II Wat('!" .OJra~r!" ffor/.!."t': f"{.T'c:,iacro Waoe.;:; tO~'J , "- -'-1 - I I I I I J I I. ;'c::..roor.:s: I Lot Faces - I I P,L, INOrth IF.a:;r ISotOtn IWent fr.:!r'7:J Sa:JT"~t":': ."lea: r:/~r ScthaC'o:" I iiol.i.sr. I Caraac : I I I ll.cces:;. I Fzp.$ Building Value & Permit I I I. This permit i:; granted on the express condition that the s~id.con:;truatio" shall, in all respccts, conform to the Ordinance ~dopted by the City of I' Springfield. incZuding the Zoning Crd~nance, regulating the ccnst~.J:tien and use of buildi7lf1s, and m:zy be suspended or revokcc at cr:y time upor: Vie.1 lation of any provi.:;ioT:8 of said Ordir.ances. " , ~ I I . I Plar: Check Cate Fa~d: I Receipt II: ISi~~ed: Fer.: Plumbing Permit No pcr~on sr~Zl constr~ot, install, aZ.~cr or c;.~r.ge any new or c=is:ir.g pZu~bir~ or drainage syste~ in ~hoie or in par:, Ur.L~SS s~cr. pe~:;or. is tr.c ZegaZ possessor of a vaZid pLumoer's license, exce~: tr~t a pe:-scn ~~? ce plu~bir.g ~ork to property ~hich is o~~ci, leased or opere~ed b~ troc c~~~i- o.::r.:. Electrica I Pe-rm it h~ere S~:e L~ reauires ~r~: tr.e elec:ricai.~orK DZ ao~e =:J C~ ;~c::ri:=: Co~::r::c-;:cr, tr.e ei..ec:ric.:::. ~o!":iOl: (;7' -;:r.is pe!":':';-:': s;-.::::.:.Z 7':0: ::e :,,'=~::i :.:,::i: ~hc ~beZ r.::::.s D~en ~icnci ::y ~r.e E~c~~ic~L ~cr.-;:!"=c:a!". .- -- - Mechanical Permit PUI/1 i::.xcm'l.ner L.'at.: I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the compLeted ap:Jlicar.ion for pcrr::-:'t, and de hercby certify that atL i~jo~~~ion hereon is true ar~ corrcc:, cr~ I f:.lrther certify that any ar..:i all work perfoMlcd shall be dO:1f? ...."'!"I n~~o7'- dance ~th the Or.:iin::nces of the City of SpringField, and th= Lc..:s of tr.: State of Oreg~n p=rt~ininp to the worK cescribed herein, cr~ t;~: ~~ ccc~- PJ.llCY wilL be ma~c of any struC'ture without p~rmissio:1 of the EuiZdinp Di- vision. I furthe7' ccrtif:; tr~t o:1Ly contra::tors ~~d c~pZ~yecs ~r.o arc i~ c~pZiance with ORS 701.05t ~iLl be usea on.this proj~ct ,'LO I 1..~, OD I I ! 'I (Z~~ ~ ~.tfD i I 's.~ (@Y 10-(}; '8"1:, !ute