HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-10-1 .. RESIDE.IAL" APPLICATIOn/PER/fIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, OJ'egon Buildin,o Division 726-3753 · .occo:=:' LStt:'//tf?8 :PRINGFlELD ( t ~~;'-- 97477 'vb Location: ~'3S M#/# /}-t::>2-3"'3- '/0 lones.:Jor.= Map Ii ~divi8ior.: ~- <~/JiZ' / ~rs T= Lot # C::O?S6 , h?/Jy Lo..-~TR...e:;#T :ddress: ~.mE :it:" S.?/?/~~ t:?~. , ,WMer: I Y1 I "I ll,...' Phone: -;r.U;-AC'&:/ Zip: 97'7-:"~ Describe h'or": ~~/= "fPP/77~w ~mEj1" /I/<I/h~~ .,X~ ~CC' (/6'8# 8 tfC)/6'? Additicr. Rc!"::x!.~ Z .'!;;h-:'l..~ .:';:;,7;:1 D::.=a of' AppZi=.:::icr. jL)-/-J!!6 :::-::::'=':::[);'': .:r.c!'.:: /?WN~ ""LI.~;l..r-? -Zc~=,:,{.C,lZ .:=r..:::'::.=.::" ::nn: :-'.iC' ci:m Lcr.ar.l' ~ ~,&iV('? ~ #w..Wht:; VaZu.? /~. ...- j,c.::......c:;;; ; is tilE.' rcs:;or.:;ibil.ity c.f' the vcrmi: r.::n(lc:- to see ;~7!~~~~8~~~~i:;~r~;~~~e~r.~,~~~~z~~:;~;~:,,:Z~~=~f.~ zha: aZ: ir.:;De=:ior~ are ~adc ,:~".~r..~ ~l"~~:-~of_ :;~~_pr~p~rt:":f. c~_~c_n~ ~w~~ a~ ~~~t~m~s. , /I \\5) ~ C)\ l\ \-~~ ~ -. , -- ,h,",' '~ Siar.cd: ~~ /r-(~/-~' , Dat.::: .....-:..~c. c.:::7/:.rc.'" r.-;O':: at :-he proper tim~1 t.1:at o:::cn ~es:; is rc.::..:.::.;:': '==.'=:-::':.~= F'c..~ ~:"~?~':':'I':J:'! ,:;E'.:':'E'S7':CALL 72~-376~ (rc:::orcier) [;::c':c !Jour Cizy .iesiqr"::"=f:C!' .1C~ r.:.u.:ber, ::;-.l.:::s:;ca c.."'::: :....~m: ticu. :.::::: ,'e raacy 7":JY> -:'~c::;:=c=:'cr.. Ccr.::rcc~crs or C':-'11e:'t: r.c.~e .;:r:.:: :;r..or.;: r.;..:.':"..?cr. ::; De ~acic tr.~ same day, requests meee cf;.::r 7:0a ~ k~lZ bc r.~ic ::~e r.~: ~ork::r~' i=~. ~l~'''r~ Tr.,~,","-~:~"'.<: ] ~:-:E' I::E?~:::J:.': '10:'2 mace e:ca~c.t::~r., ~ut prier to set forms. c.,'tar up of ] U::D::,~SLt.= F:r...'.'.9I::i;. E:!E':'':'.r:IC,~!. (; :.~CH.~::;;:;':": :'0 02 made vefoT't1 CTlY wor~ ~s covered. ] F';:~':'L':G ! '=-')U:.'D, ~ '!' Ie:.': To be trUce af:c:~ tre~:cr.es are e:::cG.ilc.:.::d and jcr:n,) ere ercct.::ci, but prior to pourir~ ccr.crc=~. ] U,'::J2RG.t:?']:!::J ?:.u....?n:::. SErE:.=? L',1~E.z?, D,~:"Ill:"C~: :;0 DC IT':;;'':;'C prior ~o fi/..- 'Lir.g trer.c;:t~=. ] U!.'DSRFLO~.~ !'Lu.'~r::G .1 ,'..'ECHA::ICA!-: To DC ~~e Drier to in~=aiiat~on of 11001' ir.~u'a=ion or decking. J pas,:, A,'.'D E:;t.,'.~: To bc ~Qc.c prior .... ir.,naii.:::icn of floor in~;.;l.a:;ion. dcckir..; . ] P.O~I,';H ?!..~?.'EI:":J. 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AZ,Z. roofir.g braci~J l cnimncya, ct.=. r.r.J.~t be .comvlcccc., no w~rk in to bc con- - ccc.'lcd until thi~ inspcction has . b€cn made and approvcd. ~o~ c.~~ess, ::~=e 0: ~r.=?c~::icr. ~~~....~s::s r2cei~~= ~~:crc 7:~~ ~ Y.?Ur [;ity De:;ip-.atcd job Numoer Is: B~O 7/;;2. o ::::;~'L,:'~J():;/Vt.?0.=: P.-i.=:.r::I~:~ T.','S?~C':'!C:.': To be r.:aie after aLL insui..:;:ti.;)n a:""..a requi.red vapo"!' bxrriers are in piace Cut ccfc"!'e any lath, gypsu.~ beard or waZL coverinp is ~pZied, ar.d before ar.y ir"sui.ar;ion is conceaZca. .. ~:...'::::'I':':C:: C_~ ::JL:.: E:':I:'::::~3 :=J Sani:c.:r;j se'..Jer =C??ed ::t P-:OPCT:-:-' Zi:o:e :=J Septi:: tc:n.k p:",",,?~d a::".c f:.ZZed I:ith ;;r::::0!.. :J FineL - r\-'her. c:.b.:ve i-:e:7!s are c~le=c.= a~d ~n~n i~CL:.tior. is ca~i~::c or s:~~~. :U~e ~cvei ar~ pr~3es ~ie;nei U? 11.':Jbile ii::r.:e::; =:J BZocking :=J PZWi.bir..g :=J ar.d Ser:-:.Lp eonne=:i~ns 6::1.)C1' c:r..::. to'e:e,. [L5J DR~';.';'LL n!SP~::'1'ro.':: To be r:lade aJter a..... cry~...a~.. t.S in pLace, but prior to ar.y tapir~. M,~SmlPY: SteeZ Location, bor.d D':~~, grouting or vcrr:icaLs in accordance ~th V.B.C. Section 241E. WOODSTO~'E: After instaZlation is ecmpZeu:d. Elcer:riccZ CC7l~cetion - BLoekir~, 8Ct-U~ ani vLumbina ecr.nections ~~st tc ~~r:J~~~ before requ~st:ng electrical i.r.s?e==ic~ =:J Aec-es.:or:..... Build:nq :J Fin.::lZ - I.fter ;':J1'cr.es, etc. are c~ple:cd. sk~rting, de~ks, o o to or D CUH3 tJ APPROACH AP,r::D,",': Afte-:- forms w'e ~re::tcd out prior to pouring concrete. EIDF;W:'LK t DRIr'F:l/,:y: For aU con-' crete paving. within street right- o.f-lX.y.. to .be ma::la aftcl' aU r.xqa_ vating, complctc'& .form work & ~ub- ba~e .material in pl..a.C'e. D FI/JAL PLU!!Bl/IC A~t proJr.ct conditions.. such as the instaZla~ion of S:l'eet trees, co~Zc:ion of tne required "landscc.pi~g, etc., must be satisfied before the Bl..'IW],','C FI:.'AL can be r2qtJ.est==. FIN;'L I.!E~H/..:.'ICAL (g) FINAL BUILDING: The-Final Building Inspection must be requeatcd cftcr th~ Final PZ~bir~ ELectrical, and Mcchar.ical InspectionD nave been made and approv~d. FIN/..L E!.r:::RICI.L D D !'F.';'.':E: ~'her. comDl~te -- Provide gates or movablc. scctions through P.U,E, o -ALL f.lA.!:P.CL!S AND CI.EANClJ'!S ,"..m' BE ACCES=rB!.E, ADJl/S':?!S."l'!' TO BE /!.1D! l'!' rio ~~ST TO C~Y I tJ......c ! of 2 J06 NO, SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- ="'c: OcC'".J.'::ianClJ C1"O"..r::l. LCT TYPE: .. at Sq. Ft;;. :Jf Z-ae C.::nJera;~ of Stories :I:a l Heigh: :;pogrc;hy -:.::.'-! I I I ;;;;;~~W UWh'L S~.F'I'C -::in :racp .7r=crt ,D,C, '!'OTAL VALUE 1~'::'''UCJ 1,5 = Build:.r.? Permit Stat.: S:.a'cn.arge Tote! Cha.....ges 1,','0. j -=~.J'es 'si.C~tiaZ [j ::::;r:J --:':>::':::1"".J Set..'c-:> ':r:o Pz.u..*:':=:.~; Pe~t Sta=~ &:.<!"cr.arpe '!'=t=~ ~~.=:,.,,:c~ t;,..," I :::. <:'t::. ~/E=:er~ Cir~~:.=s ~='f'c::r!:, Sc:"",;:.ce EZc~t'f'i==Z Pc~t 5t::te SlL",::,..a.roe Tot::: Z Cr..:::!"ces '. 'r-~cc !!TU' ~ 1;:~'4 ~ -'I Q' :.:::use Ho02 :: Fan 'is:o:Je Pe1'T:":"~t 13suanc~ Me::;...:lr.ic:::Z Pc-rr.i.t State Sw-cfu:rac TO::CZ Cr.:1ra(>~ -- ;;;,'C.,'QACH1..'E!.'J' ::~::I D::::o:;:.. t :"t::oc -::r.I'tCr.~" Tota Z C"r.cY"nr" :'C'",.l: _~.2l.Jc :r 7tl'ical Label ~le H::Jme Interior CO'rner Panhandle Cut-de-sac x Valu" ) I I I I I/~~ COZ:>I I I I I. I /7.5PI ,701 I/B.~ol jE~ i I I. I I I I I I C;';;';P::::: , 1 ! ! I I I I -'1':: I I 1 I ) I I I. i j 1 I I I :!. ANOU,',-:' DUE:- d1 /8. :lO I Lot Faces - I I p,~, 'Norell lEast IsO'~ tn IWeet . J I II Il.ccas:;. l I II II II II L -CO C"l' '7'::.,oeICo'f'.st: iJe:=roor.:s: F'r.21''7:J SO"Jr-:....:; ."Iea:' T:J~r Sctna6:t: I h'OI.4[;p. I Carone Wotl',!, ,lJr.'".ltr" haru::: Fircoiacr:' Wcoc:.:::o:,..! Fzp.s Building Value & Permit This permit it; g1'a71tcd on the e:rpl'ess condition that the said. con.::tructioP'l shall, in all respect::;, confor.m to the Ordinance ~dopted by the City of I Springfield. incZuding the Zoning ordinance, regulating the ccn::;tr~~ticn I and u::;e of buildings, and m3Y be suspended 01' revoked at cr.y time upon vie-, Lation of any prolJi.::ior,s of said Ordir.ances. . I I I I , I PIc,,: Check Fer.: I Ca'c Pa;,d, 'jRecdpt II: ISig,:,:~c.: PlumB.ing Permit No pcr~on ::;r~ZZ cons~ruct, instal!, a!:e~ or cp~nge any "eu cr c=i::;:ir.? pZu~Dir4 or drainage syste~ in ~hoZe O~ in par;, unLess s~cn FC~$or. is the Ze9aL posseasor ofa valid pLumber's license, exce?t tr~t a pe~scn ~~~ de plu~bir.g ~ork to p~oper~~ wilich is u~~ci, leased or operatec b~ the a~~~i- c.=r.-:::. Electrica I Perm it "~ere S:.=te Lau reouires tr~~ tne clcc:ricaZ wor~ be aone ~~ er. ~~c=:~:=~~ Cor::r~c:cr, tile ei.ec:ric~'i Fc~=ior. c:' :;::'3 pe~i: sr.clZ r.Ot ~i: :...~:~ :,i/::i.: the Zabel r.cs D~er. ~ignc~ ty tile Elec=ric~~ ~cr.:r==:=r. .- -- - Mechanical , Permit ~ ~ /~,... I~'-'-' ~~xcm~ner * - ~ - /C>-/-~- L'ctc I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA~!INED t.1u: completed application for perr.:i.:., crod de hereby certify that all i~fo~=-:::ion hereon is true a~4 correa:, cr-i I fU'l'ther certify that any ar..i all /Jork pcrfoMlcd sh:;ll be dO'.'1e ~'.'!'t nf!cor- dance :..rith the Or.iin::mccs of the City of SpringfieL.d, and th.: Lc_'s of tr.c State of Oreg~n p=r~ininr to the uor~ described hC'l'ein, cr~ :.i~: ~J ccc~- pI.nCY will be made of any structure witr.o~: p2r.missio'.'1 of the Euildin? Di- vision. I further certif;; tr~t o'.'1ly contractors ~:d ~pl~yecs ~r.o are in c~prianee ~ith CRS 701.05t will be used en this projzet . g~/~ Si.gnzd {;, /pj -t'b Date