HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-5-25 .. RESIDENTIAL" , APPLICATIC!.~'/PERMIT 225'North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 . SPRINGFIELD ' Job [.ccati:m: .5'Sr 2. MIPIIl frMer Ta:r: Lot 6 Aaoeaoor.: Map N 1....4 CA-fA A-f~!W r!' A-u-IIW l...€w ( S r~t="" Ib Mwe--ft''1 S f ;Vt/if<r p., e:IJ. D Subdi.vi/Jion: CUneI' : AddreS3: _City: UNPl., n Additicn n Remodel n .'fob~le llom~ Data of Applicatic11 foncraccors General Phon3: ') <-{ (, - fm.... ~mc 1 ~ ~C\<\ \ \ ' ~ A ,N) .aw<C f~f"Ih/l ~7'l'h14v1\11 +- l/l..1m ~/<..- fl.k,u';(r bCroF S~,t.o0K.. u.;ofl-f(.- "~ff.~ -[ ~ oo/€1LI/IrvIl/Ot/A1 - Vallie \ ,l~ - .....--') Siqr:e~~ _" V- Dato:.:-_" )_'S-~~ Zip: Deocribe 11'01'1.:: Address I> 06 Tfl-<f Ul (l... Lise. 11 'Bldrs Board ReI!. Expires Phonf> (,3~ - ~61 2.. Plumbing -r'lechanical -C:J.~"tri"u 1 _SuDervtsing Elec t r,ic Llfl It i6 ~h8 rBDpon~ibility of t}~ permit holder to /Joo that all inopections ara made at thQ proper time, t~at DCoh ~88a is rc~=a~:e ll'om th" utreut, and that the pCl'mi t card is l.xatcd at the fl'Ont of the property. ~!lui!di,'1LJ rr:lJi:;io,': apPl'OI,.'cJ plan sJu:.ll l'emain on t112 Du.:.ld'i~lg :::its at all times. P.70CEDURt: FOR INSPECTION R~QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job nurr.ber, job address, type of in3pec:icll 1'aqucstcd a."":d w,~e" you uill be ready for inspcct~ollJ ContractorB or CUneI'S name and Fhone number. Requests receivsd before 7:00 c:'l ..'iLl be nr:rde tJIC Barne dcy. raqucBtB made after 7:00 am L1'Hl b2 made the n~xt :.JOrkin~ YOUI' City Dcaivr:atcd Job N,unbcr Ia: D '-1 () ~(""A Jlr>mli.,.pn r,,'mf','h:r.'1" O SI.T/.: INsp!:.'r..~nON: 'Po h~ rro.de alter excau.:Jti.:mJ but prior t~ se: up of farms. D UNDERSLAB PLl:N13fNr;. ELECTRIC,1L & NECHA.VICAL: To be made belol'Oj any work is ~OIJCI'ed. D FOOTINC ~ FOU.vD,1TIOI/: To be m:u!e after tr,mches aro excavated and formD arc erectiJdJ but priol' to pouring ccncret.::. o U.\'DSRC.'?OUND P:"UM2JNC. S,r;:J.lF..~. f/.iTt:.'?, DRAINACE,. 7'0 be 100.:10 pl'iol' to lil- ling trenchee. :=], UNDERFWOR PLU/.HJING .~ MECHANICAL: To ba made prior to in:JtaLlation of f!oor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of flool' insi:Lation or decki"!i. nDUGlI Pf.wmT:lc. F:f.F:r:rn!CI1!. .~ MF.'Cf/- AN/CAL: No :.x)l'k. i:J to be cOL'al'cd ur.ti l these inspect:ior.s }I,we beer. made and app!'oue.1. FIREPLACE: Prior to plecir.J] facing matorial~ befol'!! lz'wning in opec- tior.. =:J =:J =:J Nu:;t be rcqucotcd after approu.:1l of l'ough plwr.hing. alectri- caL & mech.:mi::al. Al! rOOfing bracing t chimncyo. et~. nrJst be : completed. No uork io to be con- , coaled until tJlio inspection has 'be~n mad~ and appro~ed. D lNSUf.ATfON/VAIJOR HARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all inaulati,n and reqt6J'ed vapor barriers are in plaoo but before any lath~ gypsum board or wll ooucI'ing is applicd~ and beforB any in:!ulat' 11 is concealed, Y1IAU, IfJSPECT!ON: To bo made artel' all dl'ljlJQll in in place, hut prior to any tapiTl{]. o location, bond or vCI,ticalo in V,B.C. Section DnlOLITION OR !lOVED BUILDI/lGS ~ Scini!;Q.l'Y smJer oapped :it p~op&rt:i lir:e :=J Septio tank pumped, and fi!led lo1ith .ra,.! :J Final - fthen aboue items are ccmplotcd . ar.d !Jhen demolitior. is complete or Btru~- turD moued and pr&misBB oloaned up. Nobile /lemes =:J Blooking and Sat-up =:J PlwnbiniJ connoct~ons -- SCUOl' and Wa~el' ~ Eleotrioal Conneotion - Blooking, sot-U? ~ and plumbing connections nrJst to app~o~ed bofore ~equesting eleo:rical ins?ec:io~ .=J AoaBs30rj,l Sui lding ---, Final - Aft~r p,rcr.es, skirting, decksJ ~ otc. are oompleted. , - I D MASONRY: Steel boam:!J g1'OutinO accordallca w-i th 2115, WOODSTOVE: After installation iD campleted. [] 'All Pl'ojC(:t eondieiom'J stich aD t}IO l:nstalZat~on of s-:roct troes. co.-:rpZoti.:m of tile' . required l cepiT:!]J cto. J m1l8~ be satisfied before tho BUILDING FINA4 ,:on .be 1'~quo8t~d. D CURB & APPROAClI APRON: AftOI' forma are cl'o.::!ted but pr.ior to pouri1l{J ~on~l'ote. o S/Df.:rIAl.K ,( DRIl'f.'fr'/;Y: FOI' all con- CI'ete pavino withiTI atr'Bct l'ight- of-LX:.Y, to bc made after all exca- vating canplete & fom oork .{ cub- ba~e material in pla~e. [] !'F.NCf.': ~'her. co:npl~te -- Prouide gate,; 01' mouablc aoctiona tJlrough P,/I,E, D o FIN,lL NEe/lANICAr, D FINAL ELECTHICI.L o FINAL nUJr.OTNC: 'J'}w f'blal 8uildirlg Inapeotion must bo requestod after tJU1 Final PlwnbillJ Elcctri....alJ am! NecJulr:ical blspectio,!D havo been made and approl1ed. 'AU MAII/lGLES AND CU:,1/I('U'rs IWS!' m: ACCESSIDLE, ADJUSTIIENT TO BE ~L1DE AT NO COST TO CITY I P'l'C of~' ---- i JOO NO. I Zon",: Lot Sq. Ftg. ~ .f lot Coverag< N of StOriOD Total Height Topography 1- IrTF-1I I "'hi,. I CrJ'(Jr.a I en rnC1' t 1/1CCCD:lOr"" I Sq.FTC TOTAL VAWE Is,o.c. (VCLUC) 1.$ x Building Permit .Stat6 Surcharge SOLA.CCESS Occupanc~ Grou~: LOT TYPE Interior' Total Chargee lITEM I NO, I FEE I fixtures I R6Sidft11tial (J bath! I I I Sanit.1ry St1LJer I I I Wctcl" 1 I I I Plwnbing P"nr.i t StatB Surc1-.arge Total. CMf.oos I In" I NO'1 FEE I Rf!:J. Sa. rta. I N~/F.Xt6~ Circuits I I I Temporary Seroiell I I I I Eleatrical Pe~it seats Surcharao Total Charr:;dS I ITEM I F'urn.'1CO ETU'S I &1:hauo t Hood I Vent Fan I I W:JOdn to:J6 I Permit Issuance HB::Mnical PSl'nrt"t Stato sw>chamc Total r.Jtgj:pAfJ" I I SCC:lrit\/ D~oo3it I Stor~'a(j .... ,...,-"",,,,.,,,,-, I Uain tt!l1an;:e I Permi t -- ENCROACHMENT -- .:,., , .....,.1'. Total CharaoB I Curbcu.~ I Sidewlk l,t"cn::n Electrical Label Mobile Home I NO. I i 1 I I I I I " ,.,....,'..:'./..J, Corner . '. Panhandle CUl-de-.dc x I I I I I I I -, Valuo (R~ \ . '-tD ? ~,I...'O CI/AIICE FEE I I I 'n -- ItSG_~1 I 7- ,GQI I f).~ ,l:?-!. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CHAI/CE CI/AIICE I,l",,,.,,,, ""1"". I I I I _..--, I 'CL\,09 R EQ,- L-COCt . T~'ne/Cor.n t: Bedroor.;a: I ell.qraIJ So;u'r.r.n I Heat I Wat.c}' !/Mtr,' I Rallrjf? I FiJ'Cfllr1r:<! I I Wood:;t()l;e II TlIl'c I Lot Face. - I I P.L, Worth lEant ISouth Want Setbackn ~ Hou.nt? I r;m'aqp. I I I I I I I I I1cccl'l!J. Fann I I I I I I I, I I I Building Value & Permit Thin pr.nnit t:n (Jl'G1It.(:d 011 ala na:praDn conditl:,:m thnt. thn II,lLtl COIl::tl'l.lC"tiO nhl11.1., ill all rt111/lcct.'1, cO/I[Ol'm t.o the o,'d':Il'lI:t:r. ::dort.,',1 IJ!I dlt? CLt!f of Springfield, inr.!ud~'19 ~h(! Zolli'l!1 Crd~llrlllt:c, I'C:lI11,,=t,i'I~1 till: CCII::tJ'lIcl.iCIl and lice of }mildi"(jl;, (2m!',i1,.y }n\ llIu:p(!IIrl.:d 01' I'C1Jokcc <II, ':'::1 t~I:!~: II[JO/: vi, lation of allY prouiOliO/:n of naid 'Ordi,:r1llC(!:J, I Plan Check I Cate Paid, I Raccil't 11: ISi!1~od: , I ~ Fee, "-..J ,~ Plumbing Permit No pf1J'COll nllnLL conntl'lIct, inotat!, alter 01' chall(1e ~lly !leW el' c.:i.'itillg plumbina OJ' dJ"aina(1o nyntc.71 in ;Jho1.o or ill part, w:lc:l.'i :H.ch PCI'OO'I is the legaL pOGncr.nOl' of a vaLl:d plumber'6 licl1llae, I1,rCt1pt tJ:c:t a 1'r.:-r.OIl ma~1 do plumlJing work to P"OI'(!!'/;y which ill ol..'Iled, leaDed or opcl'atlul ~lY the aiwli. cant. Electrical Permit Whara Stato !,mJ 1'r-quiJ'cs tl:at tho cLectrical 1.101'':''; b'2 do.'le by 011 !:lr.dl'ical, Contl'octor, the alectJ'ical portioll of :"11(';:; pennit G;1tlLl r.ot be uaLi<! until tho label hllo bean Dianed by the Electrical ;.Olltl'actor, I 1 I , . I I I Mechanical Permlt . 'r ~ .:;.., --........... \'la;~d'Ci' "-- ~~ ~~ c:2t),..~_ '" I I. I I I HAVE CARr.FUl~~Y EXAMINED rJuz completed application for pormit, and do JU1reby certify that alL iy;[o;'111Qtion hardon is Crull and correct, and 1 further certify that any ar.d an work porfoJ':Tlod shall be d0:16 in aecor- dancs with the OJ'din3.ncoo of tho. City of Sprinafidd, and tn:: W.JIJ of tho State of Orcgo" p~rta.i'lina to tho IJOrk coscribed hGro~n, c.1td :1l/.1.t NO OCCU- PANCY rJilL bo Tr11do of ally ntructu)''' withO:lt p3l'TTlio,7io."l of tho SuiZdiJ1(1 Di- vision, 'I furt;wJ" cnrtifii that o~ly contl'o.::to1'o a;:d c71pl.Jyot;s who l1rQ ill ccr.zpliance witil ons 701. OSt wi.LL be used on this proisct jJ~. sfzx/~ Out,: