HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan Review Notice 1999-6-18 . . SP"FIELO 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX(541) 726-3689 Notice of Decision - Limited land Use - Site Plan Review Date of letter: Journal Number: June 18, 1999 1999-02-0018 Jonny Watson & Martha Dewees 5303 Main Street Springfield, OR 97478 Chuck Bailey, AlA 1740 Willamette Street Eugene,OR97401 * Owner/Annlicants: Deslan Consultants: Nature ofADDlication: The applicants request site plan approval to construct a new animal clinic on the vacant portion of their property, next to an existing building. The proposed site is located at 5303 Main Street in Springfield. Decision: Tentative Site Plan Aooroval with Conditions. Conditions of Approval must be met prior to Final Site Plan Approval and the issuance of Building Pennits. This is a limited land use decision made according to city code and state statute. Unless appealed, the decision is final. Please read this document carefully. Final Site Plans must conform to the tentative site plan approval. Other Uses That Mav Be Authorized Bv The Decision: None. The proposed use is permitted in accordance with SDC 18. 020(1)(b), Uses permitted in the zone but not listed on the application require additional review and permits. Future development will be in accordance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code and all applicable permit procedures, Site Information: The site is a partially developed property at the comer of 53'" and Main Streets. The property is approximately one acre in size. The property is classified as Community Commercial on the East Main Refinement Plan diagram. Property also classified Community Commercial abuts the subject site to the west, a residential zone abuts the property to the south, The subject site has approximately 200 feet of property frontage on Main Street/OR Highway 126, an improved arterial street. The site also has 157 feet of frontage on 53'" Street, a local street. An existing 30 foot wide curb cut on 53'" Street serves the developed portion of the site, the property also has an easement to use the existing residential driveway abutting the west property line for access to Main Street. . 2 DeweeslWatson Site Plan, PJ No.1999-02-o018 . Public Comments: Applications for Limited Land Use Decisions require the notification of property owners/occupants within 100 feet of the subject property allowing for a 14 day comment period on the application. Twenty three (23) letters of concern were received from residents of Santiago Estates, 5335 Main Street, Springfield Oregon 97478. Santiago Estates is a 55+ residential development. The residents have concerns about increased traffic and maintenance costs. Letters were received from: 1. Ms. Sibyl Wright, Santiago Estates #168 2. Mr. Edgar Leveillee, Santiago Estates, Space #161 3. Mr. & Mrs. Lee Jonas, Santiago Estates, Space #156 4. Ms, Marcia O'Brien, Santiago Estates, Space #220 5. Ms. Cara Jones, Santiago Estates, Space #193 6. Ms. Norma J, Fenimore, Santiag Estates, Space #198 7. Mr. Nelo Allen, Santiago Estates, Space #245 8. Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Burke, Santiago Estates, Space #159 9. Ms. Marybelle J. Howard, Santiago Estates, Space #199 10. Ms. Lois Becker, Santiago Estates, Space #179 11. Ms. Lavonne Miller, Santiago Estates, Space # 12. Ms. Nancy Bassonette, Santiago Estates, Space #30 13. Ms. Rosemary Hargrove, Santiago Estates, Space #17 14. Mr. & Mrs. Bill (Hope) Catania, Santiago Estates, Space #184 15. Ms. Lorrayne Cox, Santiago Estates. Space #203 16. Mr. & Mrs. David (Phyllis) Kammerzelt, Santiago Estates, Space #246 17. Ms. Charlotte Peterson, Santiago Estates, Space #206 18. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald (Modeen) Walters, Santiago Estates, Space #201 19. Ms. Wanda J, Heide, Santiago Estates, Space #160 20. Ms. Bette Phillips, Santiago Estates, Space #251 21. Mr. & Mrs. Willard (Frances) Fischer & Friends, Santiago Estates, Space #9 22. Ms. L. Elaine Thorn, Santiago Estates, Space #166 23. Mr. Douglas K. Grass, Santiago Estates Regional Manager 11211 Gold Country Boulevard, Ste, 100 Gold River, CA 95670 The complete transcripts of letters submitted are part of the public record and are available for review at the City of Sprin9field Planning Division. All those submitting letters have legal standing in the decision process and are entitled to an appeal in accordance with SDC Article 14. (See the instruction at the end of this document if you wish to file an appeal.) The issues and concerns are grouped according to the Criteria of Approval and addressed summarily: Access and Circulation.Designs: The Santiago Estates residents raise concerns about parking lot design, internal circulation and the increased levels of traffic on the private driveway owned by Santiago Estates. The residents state that drivers already have difficulties making turn movements in and out of the development due to highway traffic, . . 3 DeweeslWatson Site Plan. PJ NO.1999-02.0018 Staff Response: The applicants have an easement for ingress and egress over "all" of the driveway (LC #7772256). The easement language does not exempt the applicant from the need to design safe parking and internal circulation areas. The applicants have agreed to provide revised parking and circulation areas. The applicant's parking lot designs are approved, subject to required revisions for a) additional spacing between the parking lot entrance and the highway, b) a reduction of the number and type of parking spaces designed to allow backing into the easement area, c) a reduction in the amount of landscape island removed and directional alTOws to reduce circulation confusion, and d) signage to direct traffic away from the interior of the residential development. (See Criteria 4 of this report.) Easement Use and Financial Responsibility: The Santiago Estates residents raise concerns that increased traffic on the driveway easement area will result in increased wear and tear and maintenance costs. Staff Response: The financial concerns are valid, but must be addressed by the parties to the easement. There are state statutes goveming the financial responsibility of parties to an easement in the absence of specific language that may apply to the situation. The City of Springfield recommends that a private attorney be consulted to resolve the issue (See Criteria 4 of this report and the City Attorney's letter to Follet Properties, contained in the file.) Criteria of Site Plan ADDroval: (These are the criteria the Planning Division must use to make the decision. The criteria of approval should be the basis of any public comment or appeal of the decision.) Section 31.060, Site Plan Review Standards, of the Springfield Development Code states: "The Director shall approve, or approve with conditions, a Type II Site Plan Application upon determining that criteria (1) through (4) of this section have been satisfied. If conditions cannot reasonably be attached to satisfy the criteria, the Director shall deny the application.' _ (1) COMPLIANCE WITH THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS OF SECTIONS 3.050 AND 31.050 OF THIS CODE. The site plan application was accepted as complete on March 1, 1999 and contained all information required to initiate Type /I Site Plan Review procedures in accordance with SDC Articles 3 and 31. This decision is issued within the required 120 calendar day review period. Finding of Fact Criteria 1: Criteria 1 has been met because the applicant has complied with all submittal requirements and the decision was issued within the required 120 days. . 4 DeweeslWatson Site Plan, PJ No. 1999-02-0018 . (2) PROPOSED ON-SITE AND OFF-SITEPUBLlC AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS ARE SUFFICIENT TO ACCOMMODATE THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AS SPECIFIED IN ARTICLES 31, 32, THE APPROPRIATE ZONING ANDIOR OVERLAY DISTRICT ARTICLE AND ANY APPLICABLE REFINEMENT PLAN. Subcriteria a. Conformance with Article 32 IPublic and Private ImDrovements ~ Water and Electric Service. SDC Section 32.120 states: "Each development shall be provided with a water system having sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines to furnish adequate supply to the development" The Springfield Utility Board (SUB) provides water and electrical service to the development area. Water service will be extended to serve the proposed building from a four inch line located along north property line. The proposed building will require water development fees for connections and metering. Backf10w prevention devices are required for the new development. Bart McKee of SUB Water Department, (726-2396) is the contact person. Utility vaults that house fire and domestic water meters, check valves and backf10w devices must be screened with earthen, planted or structural screening (SDC 31.160 (1 )(b)). Water service will not be provided until a backf10w plan is submitted to SUB for review and approval. FINDING: SDC Section 32. 160(1)(b) requires that all outdoor equipment be screened and the submitted site plan did not include the location of outdoor utility vaults. The following condition of approval is applied for full code compliance: 1) Prior to the submittal of final site plans, the applicant must coordinate back flow plans with SUB and the City of Springfield. The approved size, type and location of utility vaults and screening must be shown on final plans. SDC 32.120(2) states, "Wherever possible, utility lines shall be placed underground." SUB electrical service is available to serve the site from an existing transformer located along south property line of the site. Service must be extended underground to the new building. Services will be installed upon the collection of development charges, Ed Head of SUB Electric (726- 2395) is the contact person, FINDING: SDC Section 32.120(2) requires utility lines to be extended underground and the site plan does not show the proposed location of electrical services. The following condition of approval is applied for full code compliance with the SDC: 2) All utility lines must be placed underground in accordance with SDC 32,120(2); the final site plan must show the location of underground utilities, . . 5 DeweeslWatson Site Plan, PJ NO.1999-02-0018 Fire and Life Safety. SDC 32.120(3) requires an applicant to provide a water supply sufficient to protect the proposed development. The Fire Marshall finds that existing fire lines and hydrants located along north property line have sufficient volume to serve the development area. Sanitarv Sewer. SDC 32.100 (1) states, .....sanitary sewers shall be installed to serve each new development and to connect the developments to new mains. Installation of sanitary sewers shall comply with the provisions of this code, the Standard Construction Specifications, Chapter 2 of the City Code, and the Department of Environmental Quality regulations..." The City Engineer has determined that a 18 inch public sanitary line in the Main Street right of way must be used to serve the proposed development. (The connection is shown as Alternative #1 on the tentative site plan.) All new sewer taps will require permits from the Public Works Department prior to connection. Ken Vogeney of the Public Works Division (726-3688) is the contact person. All construction within the Main StreeVOR Highway 126 right of way will require construction permits from the Oregon Department of Transportation. Finding: The proposed development plan conforms with SDC 32.100 because the City Engineer has determined that public sanitary facilities exist to serve the site and connections can be made in accordance with applicable construction standards. Storm Sewer. SDC Section 32.110 states, "The Approval Authority shall grant development approval only where adequate provisions for storm and floodwater run-off to the City storm water drainage system have been made as determined by the City Engineer." sec 32.110(4) states, .. A development shall be required to employ drainage management practices approved by the City Engineer.... In order to relieve demand on the City's piped drainage system and to alleviate future costs of treating the piped discharge; to promote water quality, to preserve groundwater and the vegetation and rivers It supports, and to reduce peak storm flows..... Storm water drainage systems: There is a public storm drain within Main Street, and this system has the capacity to carry the runoff from this proposal. The topo survey provided by the applicant shows two existing curb inlets connected to the Main Street storm drain. The applicant shall design the site drainage system to connect to one of the existing inlets, . 6 OeweeslWatson Site Plan, PJ NO.1999-QZ-Q018 . Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant shall provide a plan showing the existing and proposed grades on the site and the parking area, and also provide a drainage system to direct all of the site runoff to the public drainage system, with one point of connection, Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant shall provide hydrologic and hydraulic calculations to support the design of the proposed drainage system. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant shall obtain an OOOT Facility Permit for any new stann drainage connections and volumes. In the event that OOOT requires on-site detention of runoff, the Final Site Plan is required to show the proposed detention system. Pretreatment and Reduction Measures:. SDC Section 32.110(4) requires an applicant to "relieve demand on the City's piped drainage system and... alleviate future costs of treating the piped discharge; to promote water quality, (and) to preserve groundwater and the vegetation and rivers it supports". Storm water quality measures apply to this project because the storm drainage system that this site will discharge into flows directly into the McKenzie River near Weyerhaeuser. With the recent listing of spring Chinook salmon as a threatened species under the ESA, all stonn water discharge to a public system must employ best management practices from the list contained in SOC 32.110(4). Prior to the approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall submit an engineered drainage pian that incorporates Storm Water Quality Measures. All of the proposed site catch basins must be a multi-chambered design and must include an oil-filtering medium in the inlet chamber of the basin. All of the inlets must be connected to a single connection point with the public storm drain system. Finding: The proposal does not meet this criterion because adequate provision has not been made for storm water runoff or adequate pre-treated run-off to the City's storm system as required by SDC 32.110. The following condition of approval is applied for compliance with Section SDC 32.110 of the SDC: 3. Prior to final site plan approval the applicant shall submit a storm water system design stamped by a registered private engineer and approved by the City Engineer. The design shall meet the following guidelines or suitable altematives approved by the City Engineer: lJ The applicant shall design the site drainage system to connect to one.of the existing curb inlets that connect to the Main Street storm drain system. lJ Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant shall provide an engineered plan showing the existing and proposed grades on the site . . 7 DeweeslWatson Site Plan. PJ NO.1999-02-OO18 and the parking area, and also provide a drainage system to direct all of the site runoff to the public dreinage system, with one point of connection. o Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant shall provide hydrologic and hydraulic calculations to support the design of the proposed drainage system. o Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant shall obtain an ODOT Facility Permit for any new storm drainage connections and volumes. In the event that ODOT requires on-site detention of runoff, the Final Site Plan is required to show the proposed detention system. o Prior to the approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall submit a revised drainage plan that incorporates additional Stann Water Quality Measures: o All of the proposed site catch basins must be a multi-chambered design and must include an oil-filtering medium in the inlet chamber of the basin. o All of the inlets must be connected to a single connection point with the public storm drain system. Street ImDrovements: Street trees are required (See Landscaping, Screening and Ughting.) No other street improvements are required or proposed on the development site. All construction within the Main Street/OR Highway 126 right of way will require construction permits from the Oregon Department of Transportation. All public sidewalks and streets shall be repaired in accordance with City of Springfield Standard Construction Specifications prior to occupancy of the new development. Subcriteria b) Conformance with standards of SDC Article 31- Site Plan Review and Article 18- Commercial Zonina Districts. Setbacks: The submitted site plan complies with the setback distance standards of SDC 18.050 because the structure is set back 10 feet from the south property line meeting the standards of SDC 18.050 where a commercial property abuts a residential district. (Note: Where minimum setbacks are used for building setback, the Building Division will require property lines to be established by a licensed surveyor during construction.) Finding: The proposed building footprint meets the applicable setback standards of SDC Article 18 because 10 feet is maintained from the residential zone abutting south property line of the subject site. Buildina Heiaht: SDe Section 18.060(2) states: .. When a...ee District abuts an LDR District to the...south...the building height limitation shall be no greater than that permitted in the ...LDR ..District(s) for a distance of 50 feel" . 8 DeweesMIatson Site Plan. PJ NO.1999-02-0018 . FINDING: The proposed structure is setback 10 feet from the residential zoning district located along south property line, The building height proposed on the tentative plans is 22 feet, 8 feet less than the 30 foot height standard allowed in residential districts. LandscaDina. Liahtina and Screeninq. SDC 31.140(1) Site Plan Review- Planting Standards states, "... the areas of a lot which shall be planted include: (a) All required setback areas and any additional planting areas as specified in the appropriate zoning district The required rear yard planted setback area in accordance with SDC 18.050 is 1000 square feet. In accordance with SDC 31.140(2) the south setback area requires two 2" caliper trees that are 6' in height, and 10 shrubs that are 5 gallon size. The rear yard must also be screened in accordance with SDC 31.160 to reduce the audiolvisual impacts of the commercial use on the adjacent residential zone. The screening shall be planted shrubs that will form a continuous hedge at least 6 feet tall, or a solid wooden fence. In accordance with SDC 31.140(5), the applicant is exempted from tree, shrub and groundcover requirements if a continuous hedge is provided. If the applicant chooses to provide a solid wooden screen, two trees are required in the rear yard setback. (The existing Douglas Fir tree should be saved and can be counted as one of the required trees, reducing the required plantings to one tree.) The front landscape area is a 500 square foot parking setback that requires five 2 inch caliper trees and 20 shrubs in accordance with SDC 31.140(3). Shrubs shall not exceed 30 inches in the parking area. The required plantings can be distributed throughout landscaped islands between the front of the building and the street. In addition to on site landscaping, street trees are required within the public right of way along a development site (SDC 32.050). The site has two existing street trees, In accordance with Section 32.050, 3 additional street trees (2 inch caliper, 6 feet tall) must be installed on 30 foot centers beginning from the existing street trees, FINDING: The landscape plan submitted does not meet the standards of SDC 31.140 for the number of trees in the parking lot area, or the amount of trees, ground cover, shrubs and/or screening in the rear yard setback area. The following condition of approval is applied for full compliance with landscape requirements of Article 31: 4. The final site landscaping plan shall be revised to meet the planting standards of SDC 31.140 and the following minimum guidelines: . a the south setback area requires two 2" caliper trees that are 6' in height, and 10 shrubs that are 5 gallon size. a The rear yard must be screened in accordance with SDC 31.160: a Planted screening shall be shrubs that will form a continuous hedge at least 6 feet tall, or a solid wooden fence. a In accordance with SDC 31.140(5), the applicant is exempted from tree, shrub and groundcover requirements in the rear yard if a continuous hedge is . . 9 DeweeslWatson Site Plan, PJ NO.1999-02-0018 provided. If the applicant chooses to provide a solid wooden screen, the two trees required by the code shall be provided. a In the front parking area, fIVe 2 inch caliper trees and a minimum of 20 shrubs must be provided. The required plantings can be distributed throughout landscaped area and islands between the front of the building and the street. a 3 additional street trees (2 inch caliper, 6 feet tall) must be installed on 30 foot centers beginning from the existing street trees. Screening shall be required where a commercial district abuts a residential district, for outdoor storage areas abutting residential zoning districts and for trash receptacles. Screening shall be planted or structural and shall be designed to minimize audible or visual incompatible uses from adjacent properties. (SDC 31.160) Servicing of commercial dumpsters occurs at off hours and creates more noise than standard garbage service. To protect the adjacent residential district from audio and visual impacts of the commercial development, the dumpster enclosure at the south east comer of the property adjacent to the residential zone must be moved. The enclosure must be re-Iocated to the central area between the buildings and adjacent to the north parking area. {The first parking space west of the building requires drivers to back up into a travel aisle with their vision obstructed and should be deleted; the area can be used for a screened dumpster enclosure. The building arrangement, distance and fencing provide the best available sound attenuation from heavy vehicle traffic (garbage trucks). Visual and audible impacts of rooftop or outdoor mechanical equipment must also be mitigated with sound barriers in accordance with SDC 31.160. The final site plan must locate outdoor heating and ventilation equipment on the ground with screening or demonstrate that roof top sound barriers are provided. Outdoor perimetef lighting is shielded and located to reduce impacts on the adjacent properties in accordance with SDC 31.3'1.160(3). Finding: A commercial dumpster and associated heavy vehicle traffic are uses incompatible with residential districts that must be screened and located on the north west comer of the proposed building to minimize audio and visual impacts. The submitted site plan must be revised to comply with SDC 31,160: 5. The site plan shall provide the following screening: a the dumpster enclosure must be re-Iocated to the northwest comer of the proposed building adjacent to the north parking area; a At grade outdoor heating and ventilation equipment must be screened and located as far away from the residential zone as practical or roof top sound attenuating barriers must be provided. . 10 DeweesJINatson Site Plan. PJ No. 1999-02-0018 . Parking. The applicants own both lots at the development site, Reciprocal access and parking easements are proposed for existing and proposed parking areas in anticipation of the lots being segregated in the future, therefor the parking is reviewed comprehensively. Shared parking shall be allowed only where provisions for joint maintenance are provided in accordance with SDC 31.070(5). The site plan submitted provides 26 standard, 7 compact and 2 handicapped accessible vehicle parking spaces, the amount exceeds the parking requirements of SDC Sections 18.070(2&4) & 31.180. The break down parking required by the code is: o 7866 square feet of gross floor area (gfa) @ one space per 300 square feet = 26 spaces required by code, One space at each structure must be ADA accessible. Finding: The number of vehicle parking spaces provided on the proposed plan (35) exceeds the number of spaces required for the site (26). Finding: The on site parking and circulation areas are designed to serve both parcels at the subject site. The following condition of approval is applied for full compliance with the code: 6) Reciprocal joint access and parking agreements for all shared parking and circulation areas shall be filed at the Lane County Office of Deeds and Records prior to occupancy of the new building. The easement language shall be submitted to the City of Springfield for review and approval prior to filing. Subcriteria c) Prooosed on-site and off-site Dublic and Drivate imDrovements are sufficient to accommodate the nroDosed develooment as soecified in anv aDolicable refinement olan. Commercial Element Policy #4 ofthe East Main Refinement Plan (pg.12) states: "Provide buffering between commercial and residential uses through Article 31 of the Springfield Development Code, Site Plan Review process." Finding: The East Main Refinement Plan policy to provide buffering between commercial and residential uses through the site plan review process has been met because landscaping, fences, sound barriers and site design have been used to mitigate impacts of the proposed development on the adjacent residential district. Finding of Fact Criteria 2: This criterion is met because the plan, as conditioned in Sub criteria a-c, meets the standards and policies of the Springfield Development Code and the East Main Refinement Plan for the provision of public and private improvements. . . 11 DeweeslWatson Site Plan, PJ NO.1999-02-OO16 (3) INVENTORIED NATURAL (INCLUDING REGULATED WETLANDS) AND HISTORIC FEATURES OF THE SITE HAVE BEEN ADEQUATELY CONSIDERED IN THE PROJECT DESIGN. The site is identified as Tax Lot 7303 on Lane County Assessor's Map 17-02-33- 31. The East Main Refinement Plan, the Draft Natural Resources Special Study, the Springfield Wetland Inventory Map, and the list of Historic Landmark Sites have been consulted. No wetland or other natural resources have been identified on the site. There are no inventoried historic features or archeological sites located on the development site. If any artifacts are encountered during construction, there are state laws that could apply, ORS 97.740, ORS 358.905, ORS 390.235. If human remains are discovered during construction it is a Class 'c' felony to proceed under ORS 97.740. Finding of Fact 3: This criterion Is met because the aforementioned resources were consulted and no natural or historic resources have been Identified. (4) PARKING AREAS AND INGRESS-EGRESS POINTS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED SO AS TO FACILITATE TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY, TO AVOID CONGESTION AND TO MINIMIZE CURB CUTS ON ARTERIAL OR COLLECTOR STREETS AS SPECIFIED IN ARTICLES 31, 32, THE APPROPRIATE ZONING ANDIOR ZONING OVERLAY DISTRICT ARTICLE AND ANY APPLICABLE REFINEMENT PLAN. The parking plan provides a pedestrian connection to Main Street, a bicycle rack and handicapped parking in accordance with the federal Americans With Disabilities Act, Oregon Administrative Rules TPR 12, SDC 31.180,32.070 & 18.070. The east and north parking areas proposed on the plans are accessed from the east over a private driveway owned by the Santiago Estates Mobile Home Park. The applicants retain an easement allowing ingress and egress to and from the development site over the driveway to Main Street/OR Highway 126. The easement area will serve commercial and residential vehicle traffic as well as pedestrians and bike traffic. The Planning Division has determined the following revisions to the tentative plans are necessary to accommodate the proposed development's traffic on the residential driveway abutting the site (based upon revised parking designs submitted to the City of Springfield on April 24, 1999): Q the north east access point shall be setback from the highway far enough to allow vehicles to leave the highway and public right of way before making the turn into the applicant's parking lot. A sign shall be provided to direct customer and service traffic into the north parking lot; . 12 DeweeslWatson Site Plan, PJ No. 1999-02-0018 . o the north opening in the Santiago Estates landscape island for egress shall be limited to 20 feet in length and shall be located opposite the north parking lot to discourage use by drivers leaving the east parking area; o the east parking area shall be revised from 11 perpendicular parking spaces to 7 angled parking spaces to reduce parking congestion and improve visibility; o the east parking area shall be signed and painted as "employee only" to allow use by drivers familiar with the site; o the south opening in the Santiago Estates landscape island shall be 20 feet in length, the applicant shall provide a sign to deter commercial traffic from proceeding south (ex: Santiago Estates Residents and Guests Only, No Through Traffic, etc.) and a 6 inch tall asphaltic speed bump shall be placed across the south bound lane; o directional arrows shall be provided with reflective paint on the pavement at the locations shown on the plans. Vision clearance shall be considered in all landscape designs; all parking and circulation improvements shall be installed prior to occupancy. Finding: The north and east parking areas take access to a state highway from an existing residential driveway by easement. The following condition is applied to facilitate parking and traffic safety for vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists in the easement area and buffer the residential users from commercial traffic: 7) The Final Site Plans shall provide the following traffic safety features or other suitable substitutes approved by the City of Springfield: o the north east access point shall be setback from the highway far enough to allow vehicles to leave the highway and public right of way before making the turn into the applicant's parking lot. A sign shall be provided to direct customer and service traffic into the north parking lot; o the north opening in the Santiago Estates landscape island for egress shall be limited to 20 feet in length and shall be located opposite the north parking lot to discourage use by drivers leaving the east parking area; o the east parking area shall be revised from 11 perpendicular parking spaces to 7 angled parking spaces to reduce parking congestion and improve visibility; o the east parking area shall be signed and painted as "employee only" to allow use by drivers familiar with the site; o the south opening in the Santiago Estates landscape island shall be 20 feet in length, the applicant shall provide a sign to deter commercial traffic from proceeding south (ex: Santiago Estates Residents and Guests Only, No Through Traffic, etc.) and a 6 inch tall asphaltic speed bump shall be placed across the south bound lane; o directional anuws shall be provided with reflective paint on the pavement at the locations shown on the plans. . . 13 DeweeslWatson Site Plan, PJ NO.1999-{)2-{)018 Driving surface conditions affect vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle safety. SDC 31.170(5)(b) requires reciprocal parking and access agreements for the subject site to include provisions for continuing maintenance. The applicants must include maintenance provisions in the proposed joint parking agreements to meet the standards of SDC 31.170(5), Finding: SDC 31.170(5) requires that maintenance provisions be provided in shared parking and access agreements approved by the City of Springfield. The following condition is applied for full code compliance: 8) Joint parking and access easements for the applicant's properties must include,provisions for ongoing maintenance approved by the City of Springfield. The applicant is also strongly encouraged to revise and add maintenance provisions to the existing ingress and egress easement between themselves and Santiago Estates prior to construction at the site. Section 105.175(3) of the Oregon Revised Statutes provides that even in the absence of a written maintenance agreement, parties to an easement are responsible in proportion to their use. The statute may apply to the site because ORS 105.185(1) makes the language applicable to all easements existing on or after January 1, 1992. Finding of Fact 4: Staff finds that the plans facilitate vehicle and pedestrian safety because the designs, as conditioned, provide features to minimize congestion In the public right of way, reduce driver confusion in the easement area and minimize customer traffic passing through residential areas. Sufficient off-street vehicle and bicycle parking Is provided, a pedestrian connection from the building to public sidewalk is provided. DECISION AND CONDITIONS: The Director's decision of Approval with Conditions is issued in accordance with Site Plan Criteria of Approval 1-4. What Needs To Be Done Bv The Aoolicant To Obtain Final Site Plan Aooroval? Three copies of a Final Site Plan and any additional required plans, documents or information are required to be submitted to the Planning Division within 90 days of the date of this letter showing compliance with SDC Article 31 Criteria of Approval 1-4, as conditioned: 1) Prior to the submittal of final site plans, the applicant must coordinate back flow plans with SUB and the City of Springfield. The approved size, type and location of utility vaults and screening must be shown on final plans. 2) All utility lines must be placed underground in accordance with SDC 32.120(2); the final site plan must show the location of underground utilities. . 14 DeweeslWatson Site Plan, PJ No. 1999-02-0018 . 3. Prior to final site plan approval the applicant shall submit a storm water system design stamped by a registered private engineer and approved by the City Engineer. The design shall meet the following guidelines or suitable altematives approved by the City Engineer: D The applicant shall design the site drainage system to connect to one of the existing curb inlets that connect to the Main Street storm drain system. D Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant shall provide an engineered plan showing the existing and proposed grades on the site and the parking area, and also provide a drainage system to direct all of the site runoff to the public dreinage system, with one point of connection. D Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant shall provide hydrologic and hydraulic calculations to support the design of the proposed drainage system. D Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant shall obtain an ODOT Facility Permit for any new storm drainage connections and volumes. In the event that ODOT requires on-site detention of runoff, the Final Site Plan is required to show the proposed detention system. D Prior to the approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall submit a revised drainage plan that incorporates additional Storm Water Quality Measures: D All of the proposed site catch basins must be a multi-chambered design and must include an oil-filtering medium in the inlet chamber of the basin. D All of the inlets must be connected to a single connection point with the public storm drain system. 4. The final site landscaping plan shall be revised to meet the planting standards of SDC 31.140 and the following minimum guidelines: D the south setback area requires two 2" caliper trees that are 6' in height, and 10 shrubs that are 5 gallon size. D The rear yard must be screened in accordance with SDC 31.160; D Planted screening shall be shrubs that will form a continuous hedge at least 6 feet tall, or a solid wooden fence. D In accordance with SDC 31,140(5), the applicant is exempted from tree, shrub and groundcover requirements in the rear yard if a continuous hedge is provided. If the applicant chooses to provide a solid wooden screen, the two trees required by the code shall be provided. D In the front parking area, five 2 inch caliper trees and a minimum of 20 shrubs must be provided, The required plantings can be distributed throughout landscaped area and islands between the front of the building and the street. D 3 additional street trees (2 inch caliper, 6 feet tall) must be installed on 30 foot centers beginning from the existing street trees. \ . . 15 DeweeslWatson Site Plan, PJ No,1999-02-0018 5. The site plan shall provide the following screening: Q the dumpster enclosure must be re-Iocated to the northwest comer of the proposed building adjacent to the north parking area; Q At grade outdoor heating and ventilation equipment must be screened and located as far away from the residential zone as practical or roof top sound attenuating barriers must be provided. 6) Reciprocal joint access and parking agreements for all shared parking and circulation areas shall be filed at the Lane County Office of Deeds and Records prior to occupancy of the new building. The easement language shall be submitted to the City of Springfield for review and approval prior to filing. 7) The Final Site Plans shall provide the following traffic safety features or other suitable substitutes approved by the City of Springfield: Q the north east access point shall be setback from the highway far enough to allow vehicles to leave the highway and public right of way before making the turn into the applicant's parking lot. A sign shall be provided to direct customer and seNice traffic into the north parking lot; Q the north opening in the Santiago Estates landscape island for egress shall be limited to 20 feet in length and shall be located opposite the north parking lot to discourage use by drivers leaving the east parking area; o the east parking area shall be revised from 11 perpendicular parking spaces to 7 angled parking spaces to reduce parking congestion and improve visibility; o the east parking area shall be signed and painted as "employee only" to allow use by drivers familiar with the site; o the south opening in the Santiago Estates landscape island shall be 20 feet in length, the applicant shall provide a sign to deter commercial traffic from proceeding south (ex: Santiago Estates Residents and Guests Only, No Through Traffic, etc.) and a 6 inch tall asphaltic speed bump shall be placed across the south bound lane; o directional alTOws shall be provided with reflective paint on the pavement at the locations shown on the plans. 8) Joint parking and access easements for the applicant's properties must include provisions for ongoing maintenance approved by the City of Springfield. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT: In order to complete the review process, a Development Agreement is required to ensure that the terms and conditions of Final site plan review are binding upon both the applicant and the City. This agreement will be prepared by Staff and upon approval of the Final Site Plan and must be signed by the property owner ,Drior to the issuance of a buildino Dermit. . 16 DeweesNVatson Site Plan, PJ No.1999-02-0018 . THE APPLICANT MAY SUBMIT CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDING PLANS TO OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH SDC 31.080 AT THEIR OWN RISK. ALL CONCURRENT SUBMITTALS ARE SUBJECT TO REVISION FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FINAL SITE PLAN. A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SDC 31.090 WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL ALL PLANS SUBMITTED BY THE APPLICANT HAVE BEEN REVISED. CONFLICTING PLANS CAUSE DELAYS. Additional Information: The application, all documents, and evidence relied upon by the applicant, and the applicable criteria of approval are available for free inspection and copies are available at a cost of $0.75 for the first page and $0.25 for each additional page at the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon. SIGNS: Signs are regulated by the Springfield City Code Article 9, Chapter 7. The number and placement of signs must be coordinated with the Community Services Division. The locations of signs on a site plan do not constitute approval from the Community Services Division. A separate sign permit is required. Lisa Hopper (726- 3790) is the contact person. AnDeal: If you wish to appeal this Type II Limited Land Use Site Plan Review Approval decision, you must do so within 10 davs of the date of this letter. Your appeal must be in accordance with SOC, Article 15, Appeals. Appeals must be submitted on a City form with a fee of $250.00. The fee will be returned to the applicant if the Planning Commission approves the appeal application. Questions: Please call Jim Donovan in the Planning Division of the Development Services Department at (541) 726-3660 if you have any questions regarding this process.