HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit House Move 1993-6-4 ./. . ~~'~~,. '" ,. INSPfCTIQUS 726-3769- . q3-0 to9 fa .ITY Or SPRINCf-lELD 225 North 5th Street BUSINESS 726-3753 BUILDINC MOVING PERM['I'/BUII.IlING DIVISION Lega I Description / ')() Q 3-::3 &J ,~?6::~ hxYi~~~;~; LE, 1:B-qfl)f fuL/Yi-J'" !JI/O~ 1~';0J,f}7 ~_ S;Zo'2.~ '1- ytf <;,w P6~;:' OLD ADDRESS !J;;5Y Legai "Description -1!1()~33 21 DllOJ._ J'bpfl 31- Building Owner 1 ~C ~ c.ro:S6 ''"( M~ng Firm . . L/(,;(j -S ~CI(W Description Of. Intended Use . S, t ,{j, Description of ~1 ftI (\J Route <-f ~ fA C::, 2t. by Building Div.) NI'IV ADDRESS Crurnished 5/,/0 (; CITY C\~D~t\ToR --A.. '-. A.--' ~ 5;("'1. cs, &-. Oescription of Bui1dinR :Square Footage ,=C9 Moving Length <fa Moving Width 20' Height On Dolly Ol.:z I Number Of Sections Being ~Ioved I Type Of Construction ~_ VALUATION NOTIrICATION OF MOVE: The Building Division will route copi~s of this application to all appropriate divisions; departments and Agen- cies. HOWEVER, the applicant must contact property ownel's if trees are involved in the proposed move. IN ADDITION, the applicant must secu~e the approval of all appropriate municipal', county and state authorities should the move originate or terminate out- side the City of Springfield. SEWER CAP: Buildings moved from within the City limits shall have the sewer capped at the property line and inspected one working day prior to the move. If. the inspection indicates that the sewer has not been prop- erly capped, the moving permit will be revoked. PLANS, FEES, AND CHARGES: Prior to recei v- ing a permit to move a building to property within the City, the applicant or his/her authorized representative must: 1. S'~mit 2 copies of site or plot plan for new site. 2. Submit 2 copies of foundation plan for the relocated building. 3. Obtain a permit covering the new founda- tion, as well as all plumbing/mechanical and electrical work relating to the re- located building. 4. Pay Systems Development Charge if appli- cable. . SEPT! C TANK REQUIREMENTS: Prior to moving, owner sha 11 have all sludge from the septic tank, seepage pit or cesspool removed by a person holding a sewage dispoa1 service li- cense, and shall fill same with clean bar- run gravel or other material approved by the Director or his authorized representative. .' I CERTIFY THAT the above information is true and correct, that all required contacts have been made and authorizations obtained, that the move will begin at ..S':fY),'c10ck(aill'tpm on... \,1\\1 \'=\ \QC\':2., and will be completed by ~;tY)>'c10ck@/p~\2f)~ ~\C{:l-<., and that no changes "in the route will be made without contacting the Building Divisihn. -g also certify that I have been informed that NO PERMIT. WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 5 WORKING DAYS HAVE ELASPED. I further certify that my registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055 and 701.070, and that if exempt the basis is noted hereon. Basis for Builder's Board Exemption:_ NANE 61Z\~ 0~i':(':) SIGNATURE (jjv~l- \s> DATf9~ (-(tS Zone \ f)~ Flood Plain FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Type of Const ruction V f\) Square rootage \MD Stories r ' Living Uni ts l Occupancy Group ~~ VALUE. Application fee $18.00 Date Paid tel \JJCL; Receipt Number ...o:r8<j Permit fee $60.00 -- Date Paid 0- \t ).q~ Rece);,c,t_Number ~C\q Number of Blocks ovy,. 6 @ .60~ -l~L\~+rI:ol2 Am~t'$ ~~.~, Sewer Cap $~;11lP1 ~OState Surcharge -- Date Paid,- ~ ~I \ Qr0D f> \Y\1 r\ D\\ ,'---;-\fl":tQ[) ~Police Department _Wi 1~ama1ane. Park and Recreat:io~,~ XRalnbdw" Water / ~r;)j ia=<. ~F1re Department, 1'-6€'i'-.__ :,:. u:H Group W Cable "\.--I _Northwest Gas . ;)(Lane ,Transit District ~Lane County A & T _OTllER 'n 5[ledf~'( ....1'\~ ~ ~ It... 7 . . . BUILDING MOVING PERMIT I. Applicant to furnish (except as indicated) A. Old address for building B. Legal Description C. New address for' building (Building Div. will furnish) D. Legal Description E. Name, etc. of building owner F, Name, etc. of moving firm G. A description of intended use H. A description of proposed route I. A description of the building I I. App 1 i cant to contact property owners if trees involved, and secure authorizations from other jurisdictions as necessary. UI. A site or plot plan, and foundation plan must be submHted for the new site (2 sets) . IV. Plans must also be submitted for any other work relating to the relocated building. V. Fees & Charges: A. Application fee due and payable at time of appl ication B. Moving permit fees due and payable upon permit issuance C.' FEES & CHARGES TO BE CALCULATED BY BUILDING DIVISION STAFF VI. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY A. Plan check data collected B. Copies of application to appropriate divisions, departments and agencies BUILDING DIVISION REPORT: PERMIT VALIDATION (AoQ ~~ .r) \ ,/ CfJ~ 0' ~ '*' PERMIT CLERK ~\nt~ - \ ~ ~ f\r\f)*,-CJf\ ~ f!LV\'f\-,a: ~C''0l1 1\ O,e\)\ ikbo ~b\1))flQtf) ~\1CJy- to ~ 7)~ 7D S/Gv'M.-- I 51 ~ I /1 . f2rft;€- /lS-~ ere- ~ -, B\f ,.,;;~ Date -,.-.",' . TRAFFIC DIVISION REPORT: <2 O~(1 h It; tV;7hrJ I NC. Ce-~/ _ 1jJ ~r_ MvJ7h- If' Of r.;r ./hJ '1 pdJuc p~ c./ ffkS /Z) ENGINEERING DIVISION REPORT: M~ DAMAc.~ wl-\lC.l-\ (X.Lue~ <<:AAu.. e.e... {l.€.f'I'-IR..E.D AT OWNe:es : ADDITIONAL PROJECT I FORMATION: :----n txV!#-f( ./ . rJ a.L-~\ :.":U'!J .. ( l " ~../__.~. t ~. ,-<">;- , . ". , / IS B1 ~WQfrJte~ A.CB ~f7{"N3 t15t-e nrL 'i>JI3(4-C- . S4-r.t:F7 7tvffi..J- t'/f- b/~9-) VJI'T"'HIN ~IE elG>.rr - o~ -WA~ C.05T. By 1':' "\Au.IsTJ"'~ate <&/3/93 . Date ,. I I ACIAl TRANSPORTATION _RMIT FOR HOUSE MOVES PERMIT NO. o..."on'~dT..,......"" -~I;'HWAV OIVISION 1r jl-'CHMIt Il:.e NAMl::. Chris Scho~p Bldg. Movers rU~~";' W. 27th IC'~~'~:'~:'~ OR 97405 ItjU~L~~3H;UI~ I HA IIUN NUMI:il:.H. t'l::.HMII IN~I-'l:.(; IIUN Ul:..-u::ilt 000589 IfLl:I-'HU)l::. UVVNt:H NAMt: It""H")" AUUHt;::;::; l,;lIf.::iIAlt:,LI'" .1l;Ht:li/\ NUMtsI;H ''''AIUH~~??) tf/4-- ICH"OR ~UM."H VVIUIH * IUA,. 6/7 /93 COMMODITY ""HM"?'"j 8.~0 Lt:.NUI H'1t' Ht:IlV1I* UVt:.HAl..LLt:NtJIH 2 LANE: 0 NONE 4 LANE: 0 NONE 36'0" 30'0" 1 1 2 2 3 3 de.I.:i,l'lJ'iIl'lu I'\LlL.lHt:~ iD FRONT [jlREAR iDFRONT QREAR 5759 E. Main 22'0" 75'0" 1 2 3 Wood Frame NO. OF SECTIONS 1 2 3 ....Il.U'IIt:Mrvl.C REQUIREMENTS Ut;::i I IN'" IIUN AUUHl:::>::i 48th Street, Springfield Ifl::.;;~N; M;~;~ I;;UUIt"Ml::.NI STREET I HIGHWAY IUNU. t"Ul;NU. LII,.;t:N::it:NO. N17606 YCPJ631 ROUTE FROM MP TO MP 5759 E. Main 6.05 48th S t. 5.29 CUM". NU. Ar.ENCY McKenzie Highway HIGHWAY TYPE OF PAVEMENT WIDTH OF PAVEMENT USABLE ROADWAY lOWEST OVERHEAD STRUCTURE IHAUL"~;7H~~";~:~;'~y 7:00 a.m. IH~~~~U;~::;tHI;;~I~~~l:U ~~, 1993 r~/~~~N;;'" *SEE REVERSE S/DE OF TH/S PERMIT FOR SPECIAL PROVlS/ONS * THE PERMIITEE SHALL NOTIFY THE DISTRICT MANAGER. OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVE, OF THE MOVE AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE MOVE. I 'meH;~"6_2552' 734.2006 7.00) WI1!.'! !ftlill!V.l~-"""'" .....it'r' . '... ""'.~'.":"'.' ",- ~_!l'Il '. 'h,,''''-'' .." "...~..; " .~... . . . llI'""'f.~n:,,'''~A~, ~.. :t,..~lIftlfl: " -,' q . - "'!.. . '--'-i.. . ,.~, . ",_, ~. ,~ ';- , ~';:;.' I (, . . : ; I i~.:. ' , ... I!, '" ,;1 . II' . . ?R' !fIG~ ,,~AN1<S RD . .,.,,' Ii; JST ... . - . t' '" I- . ii --. ~ :t: ~ Springfield ST ~~'T~J~T;~~ ~ THU~ / /' G ST , ~~~-' -f (' - IE~";::' ~' G~ , . J . I '" 51 '" '" '" It). F l' ....,1 ..... '" x E CflST ~P, li;l tli;\ST Ii; __~1J.i ST ~ 'e 1.;:',';.\' e;,'V lOST ,. ~ ~ trST ~ . 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