HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance APPLICANT 7/1/2009 ~,~, onrHN,"NC~ NO. 11A6f1 "i ~ '1-7 !ill OnDINAI'ICE PI\OVIOINQ rOil, I~ITlmMNIllO FRan :rlJ[~ GLCUliOOD IIr.TER DISTRICT or LhNC COUll'tv. O~COON "TllAT PArrr 01' TilE ,DISTRJCT ^,WRxr.n Tn 'rile CITY OF eUGtNt! DY FINAL OnDEn UD. J~j OP Tile I.Alm COUUTY' LOCAL GOV illNt$NT OaUNOl\R't COHMlSSIon Oll liOVEl'UlnR 4, l!))6', AND DECLMUNc; ^N EI.umatmcy. {j\ "; "., 'j ".:.,~,>:...... . '" '":J,l" ""." - ..,.'.".......,1. , 'n12011 \ .' I i I '.:'j .t, . J! The Common COW1dl of tho City o~ Eugone dt.d 'cy noooluHolI No. 262~ on FobrulJr.y" 14, 1977, proposo withdt'4\fl\l from thu GlonWoud Ii " liatar Diotrict ot" thC\t po.rt. ot tho tH.otr.i~tl)nl)a)(od. ':':0 tho cicyon'" .HQvclll~Qr 4, 1~76" by FiMl ordor No. )74 o( ~ho L~no county Load. GOV'" orn:r.cnt- Doulldary Commiooion, Aa described on Exhibit "^" horeto. 'rho n"ooluti~ Dot Fubrua~y 20, 19'~1 lit. 1130 o'olocJi~P,lt.,Pa~l.uo St~ndClrd "1M, 1n' the Cc:uneU Chl),f.!uol's, City 1I~11, eugeno, 'Oro9on,' A~' tho time 4nd phc~ ~or ;hoar!nlJ. ojbo~tiono to ~hQ w1thdraltlCllJ and II- diroctod that notice of tho time and pl~ce of the hearing be p'Jbl~,Dh" ~, ~! od on~_c oo.ch weo~, for tltlO nuccoua1vCl ....eoko prior to tho hcarin9 4ryd 1.10 po.atc.d' in fO~l:^pu\)1.ic pl.occo in the 'C1.ty for ,tho Dome period, ~ ,The Notico htlfJ boon :10 publi:lhod 10. t~c'EutJunt.. RC/g"iHur Guard " tho hullottn Mtl pOBta>:l in fOlIE' public pl..1can in the City, t.o~\~1t: bO"1rd oJ!: tho Ci~y, Ilull 'in tho Cit}, of Cuqano, OrOlJOnl on 'tho ~ullcitin board Loc~tcd on the r.~st ~ido of Ouk Stroot where Oak und-Park Stroot: inttlror.:ct; tho bulletin bO.lrd on tl!c llorth....'cot corne. ')f tho lnterooe. tion o~ 8th .J.vcnuc .:Jntl O.:ty. ::itrcct; the bullatin bOilrd fr. the firllt >> floor lobby of tho Lall.;! County. CourthoU5o/ ill! in the City. of !;;lH'Jo~a, Lana County, Otcqo~. ,.\',1. :,('..,c:"'~':iho"CJ..ty dcsi rOil (~o...:~ "o- \,:".:.'\;.~/>~' '( .. ....w;:cf1~a.nc:l!. :-'1 ,.~. .1.".... _\ ""!\('i:~:/ to il!'lLJUmO li..1bility of the <1iotrict .proport.{on... ]hDr~by wll~IIh.1llh~' fOllroJn, II. tnl:6 ond ((lnM cen 01 l~.~ orl!!r1.l1 documUlt Ind lh, rr"'~!c l:;~I:.C' ......."...(;) Y7t ~; _ .L , · 1-1111111 110111.40 ~;,,,. i .\ " Date Received: . . , L JUL -: 1 2009. L. I,.,~ ~i.l' t . .' -,' :'~\ Original Submittal . /& '. . . ,.~ " L L .. ..-.......'r .-J. :'J: "4~~~ :\7f~~~~~\~:, " "~ t\'J '(f._1. J\~,'{~,~ L'"~<i,\.'~~.f r.:"-l"" 'l~.. ,,:~;.;.;!.~. .. ~;'~.\;~{tf ...; . "'J'~l,~l',i,~"i,~ :(- :: "~'i~.:;:;c3'O,,~!'f;; ".w~ t::~Jji;~~~ l..:' ,:,;::c.t.".Ir:;J:":.,] r ...:..'(;\\';*~. ! .....'r,....1 .1 , ;:.i~;R1~* }::~:i,;j;JSiig :.; ..-.,;'.... ....;.,..1_.('. . '''-. ~ .:"'. .:..'i ,..' I. , ..,'..:.1:.': .. . ':"~-~I. ...:.".. ~ . "::. ;,'.....~ ''"':-'',' ;~;::F .."...'....... . .. :,' ~,:'~.~.\~N~; :',:;,<<'U1 ". ,', ,....:~:.J;:, ,:;(:?~r . . ~ " ,::....,.;'. "r .' .',. ",'." ':l';'c" .;, i 1 ., i. ; ., I I i ':, . :,::;:-:,:l~<.,~,~:: ,:.~~ .:.... '.'" ...h-;.. ~,.~: :Il'''''~ 7712011 J:"~: . Gtt) t.o tho pArt of th~ d1IJedC:"tth:Jt hAIl b&on .annBxod to tho' city.. No pliny hM objected to t.ho withdrawal of tho annoxotl 't.errl.. tory from <<:.1;0 dlol;.dct, aneS It 10 in tho bost tntarouts of tho oity that tho tor~itory bo'wlth?rawn. )~OW, '1'i1CRe.ronll, v TII~. CITV or ~UO~N" DOES OROAIIl h5 FOLLOijS. .Saotlon 1. ~ho t.erritory in Lana County, O,ogon, annoxo4 to, tha City of Euycno on Uovombor 4; 1976, IIfJ'boundod dnd de8od~od on tho atcQcnad Exhibit ~^~, UQ mD~kad, ftnd incorF~tAtad h~toln by oranco, La hereby wlthdrnwn ~rol\\ tho GlonwoooWGtor D1Sl:rlot~ Saction 2. Thot tho fI'l5tt:~ro ct)nta~nod h"re1n concern. tho publio. ....eltnro lInd thoreforo, ~n cm~u~9'oncy 1r:J hor;el>y doclarod to a:dsl:, .'snc.1 thlB,OtdJn~nco~h~ll becomo :offacttvo t~edi<<taly upon its rau849o,~y tho Common Cou~o11 and ~pprovQi by tho Mayor. PQ9ged by t.he Commol\ CoullcH thJ,o 20th clDY o( FcbruDry, 197~, "\pprovo<1 by tho. n~i'oJ:' t.his .20th day of. Fobruary, 1971 hI S. P. 1l1op.:a::lI.l C1.ty ltacorut:r /'J/ R.A. "Gu'J" Kollar M:lyor "r.,'I"..."..... , /. L' Date Received:.. JUL::- 12009. L . "na\ subm. ittaL QnQI , L. . . I '~ ,. . :;t '.~. . I!~ l',.., ..r:v. ..f'. ,\; fr":'. ~.~~. ':'?!::;..t~" ':'::!?~Cf~~~ ~ I ::;r':'~''<;'t"l \~I {T~'tri{~l~ ,.' .<.r~'I~" ~;i L ~.~ ~:I :~S~;;'t}i~~ -., ~;!II ........:!;....,;',~,;:l~r~ .'.J';""'~* ...... .......\i}i~~r~~ ~', ., .,;..~r;i~ . , .. . CXUIIlII ^ 7112011 I i'lt '{:~)r;..},\\ -:;'\:\"":'J. . . ".';" ~OIlO to: ^ por 0' ~d !,yioU In thlt S 1/1 or SlJ .:!nd J~, T175 R)Il, WH, . sd polr bCllnlldllfl O~p thot 15 6)!:I,)Z hS Gnd 203..0) h \J of tho liE cor of th~ '~j1rti $woot OI.C 68. T11S RNI \.1111 run lh S 11114.n ft; th 11,,0'22110" \I 30,li? fl; th.U !t"Oll,liO" \I, lO.94 It; \h II ~6')6IHI\ \l 2)1.21. rt; lh II' 25,)6....'t: . t".II'S7.~~7IS2'1 \,/ 2)~.6G' rtj th Il 62'S9I'jOUW )1.,26 ,~; t~ .f!.~j.~~O.~IO~~ \J 30.63 ft; Lh /I 6)'SJ'~O" \1 213.12 (qith II 26'06'~ol. (27.00 hi th /l 6JI5)'~O" \I 70.70 h; tll t1'6)~4911011 II 23.72 ft; th II 6)~)S'~O" u 29.~~ hi tk II 6l.1)'lO" ~ 2~1.16 ft; lh 1/ 59.S811SH \I 290.0/1'.~l:".,:ti S )).0)10)" " 21.00 It.: th" 56.01148" 1/ ~9.)J rll th ILS4'5J'W~'i, 2!LJ71ti th II 54-JOII.O" ~I 2lj,S3.ft: th II SI.j"17QO" \I 29.79 ft: LII It 54-\1141)'1 \1 \911.0\ n. \\1 II 02.'n:05" \/ 22~,)2 "ti th 1117'151)5'1 ~~9.e~ (I: th 1166')7110" ~ ~3.12'fti th S lG!21'OS" E ~L06(lj th s 1"S9'4911 E 220.60 fl: lh II 70.07',50" [ 157.1' fti .lh ,,'B5'~7f4o" 177.e6f~: 11\ S f:l'I"17')S" r. 2IfO.~11 (Ii In S 82"12'20" [ 1I11J.aO fli th.'. ".':.,. 1 I !. ! \ .j, ,. .'j I il e~.OS"'O" [ 150,00 fl II,) th~ pob In ~.1I'C Co, OR. Contg.:: 20,ld.ie. : :,,.: .,:,\, ",;...\ . ',,~iJ~ , 1.6"" . .:;~;:..:,:t.~?~! ...j'r~~ .~;~~~i ',.~;- :.: .. ,I' .'~ ., of llfl~ ~,)IlC Co' 5ur~cj'nr, Tho uCMln!lS used hcrr.in .1rc 11,)~c() upon 5ur 1/12'16 on 'rile In the'offlce " rl~chor "roo: A Pilr of ld Ice in the S 1/2 of S~) and J~. T17S RJW, \-Iii,', ,)nd Nilhin ,the 1/ '/2 of 5), TIOS RlII, \111, su.p.1r being u,J(: , . C EU 7. - 6J P:",.. I t>(' }", . . Date L L . ~':'L ., JUL- Original submitta'~, ',. " L d:/::'" .. ;'.-1.\...;'.... ~i:J,':i;': j...... ;~:1~,.:.:. ~~.~:~~~~\.: i';;".'.,. , .~. '.'C <'~;,... '.~QP: ,tll"l I:. 6J:l,)2 rt ~ ,11\U 20J.OJ h \/nr tho liE c;or or lhc lor" swt.:o~ ,- ." ~~~~'~;,,~cilC66; JI7S A)Il, \/11; run tl\ S O~'05"IO" \/150.00 ,r1; III 1) D2'12,'lO" II Y~~r...;.'~. '_ . , :. '. 11la,Q8 rl; \h II 8Ij"17'W1 '" 2'10,511 h; \h S 06-/171'10". 1/1"17,86 rq ~h S 70'0]'50'1 II 157.1~ hI th II 71'S~'49u " 220.60 hI III 1/ 16-21105" \I )).06 ft to tho SLY r/w or hcKonlllo IIw"'l th ain,t! r/~1 II It 66'31'10'1 t 18).50 h; th H 16'21 i05u U 21.76 ftlth II 7Z-~71)5" '" 40,42 HI th 11'12-12'4511 E 255,'1) fq lh" OO~5l')(llI \I 7",~4 (L1 ~h ,'I 7'1-01'IO'I'E 156,)4 hI ~h !covln!) .d r/\i II S ~O-OO':lOIl E'.528,29 h; ~h II 84-~SitIO~I.E 36.96 (t;' ~h IJ 79-18I/JO" [ 136,05 Jtj th 11 6D"I~1/10" f 21,~6 f.t; .th .1l_0~-5t..~ E 1.17./1.1 itl th ,$ 1),7,1."0 rt; th.!1 e.l'OII','..EJ~.SO,JU...th 1I.~~~~1.~..~.~': 275,50 (e; lh H 87'00' E 171./11' (1; th' soC.-OBI E 48.42 rq th'U ~~')".'5011 E' Li)5.60 rCi lh S 00-'61)01,' [ 129d)~ rti th II 89')1'50" E 20~L~) h ~l),th~-, liE tor o( It )2,Gh:nw.}QiJ Pk, on tho \l /lI;)'oln or I!on'dor-:.ol\ Avo; th J -,. S OO'1G'JOII Eill') lICllIhlr.on Ava )95.12 rL to tho /I Ii' of tho SPRA r/li; Ih III') sd RP. rll,l S 67.2)')5" \.I 21.~, \2 fc: th S D2'5~'SO" \J 2).71 h: tn s 63'.1'150" \1 29.113 ft; th' S 611-0LiI~O" \I 2~.22 ft; Oi' il'!J I~O "Fe of O,!.lj'l!j' ell Cur A, ,the I!J e,hor~ of tIll t;co" II B~'2a')2" ~ '~95,15 ft..... tll II 16')1'0611 (10,00 rlj tll i:ll!! the Me. of 11 4'15' e,rt turR, tlto 19 c.hord of wh uo,H!.1I57"I)'17"\/6n.79 It; th 11./11')01/1011\1 29.06 (t: ~h II '1I')'/,S'I,c," \/ 2:).)7 rt; th II ',0-18'J10" \/ 2~.€.~ rti 111 II 'IO'Cl9'LiO".., 1~4.S0 It; to le,wlr.~ ~d M r/w"tl Itll~.92 ii :.' tl>tho'flOb, II'l LOM Co, OR.' The liCMitl!JS U~j:t.I herein Me L03~Ct.l UJ1QIl Sur ]I,Z116 on rile in lr.o ofrleo or the L.1f111 Co SurvcYlH, PM I C~:> l.!Jtcpn con l 36, ~ ac 1.. DCI'll: ^ pur of III loe. ill lhn S. 112 of $)) U',d')'I, Tin 'lOW, I-/H, -:.11 pur hcl('l!J' uo1,f: r f"ll 7r.. (" ".',':' ","''';''. ~~::';S:~~i.; .""'-;j~~ ',.' ~:".":/:" :,'.:'.:/.\Y I' . , '._'''''', ."'.~ ..!:I~,~~r, ;. .c. " :; L L Date Receive~: JUL.; 1 2009 .'-1"':: Original Submittal L . , , , 1 '. ! , 1.;\ . .)),0(, ft ~o lho SLY',r/w o(HcKonzlc Hwy; th 01" sd r/'ft .111160"'11011 ~ .,,;"7';::',~?i~~~~ ..18),50 hi th Il 16'21105'. \I Z~.16 hi..to II 72"17'3S" \l 40.42 Itl tho i; :;';::~\~L ::~::~:: ::':::,,~;;:'::~ ::~ ;';,::: :::\:::::I:\:~~'::~:~~ :,:~ '; ,': I ::;: ~:: ~~:~ ~O"'. E ;.,..,..-:...,'..:...':.. :::..:';~..:".'.:...'_..,..:...'....:;..:....'.,..:..".!':,.;".i.,',..::~.;.t:"'i,..,.,.,.,::.:,.'\,,.. ' .....:,t:.6'~S6...! )17.41 ft;, ~h'5 Ij71-.~O (~:::h u.!la'o~1 ~'IZ,SO,(r: th:,/I-36.'51:,- ~. _ ,.._~~ US.~O hi ,Ih II-U7IOO' E 171./11 ft; th S 00.09' E ~8.~2 h; th II 8~')I'50'; E:' .' ..:;::.:';;1 " \':/'~....;\ _\.v1 r'iil.'t 4}'~4 't:!:'I~l '~~\",.t'" .,.~(~~ "t"'''',''.l. ~j!ffi;~~1f; . tI'^~'J" ;o;:~ i,'~':' ~'.. !')~()'.)::frn:,i? \./~':', : ,~~'{I;l.... .~t'.: ,. I':,ir ~-IJ)" 'j /,/"....(1/ \I'II( tho liE tor u! (1\.:11 Is. ~J'),)2 (l S nl'd 20),03 rl lh('. Zor" SI.CO\ :DlC 60, TI7S: n~ll, \111: run ,lh ~ 6~'OSI/IO" ~J I~O.OO rl: 1I1.11 62'\2'%0" II II,a,OS hi ~h," all"']'WI 'II 2/10.5" rl; \h S 66:"'''10'' tl \71.8!>Jt; lh S 70'01'SO" '''157.19 rU th II 71'59149"1l 220.60 h; th II 16"21'0511 ~ ~l5.G.O. ft; \h S 00'16')011 ,[ 129,6~ rt; th II 69")1'5011 [ 109,2)' rt to.Lho ,,,,.,.;. ..,...". liE eor of. Lt HI C.'t:lnwoolol Pk~ 011 ~h~ \.Ilni)r!llllor H.c~Janon Ave; th S 00'161)0" E ~.I!llIerulllr50n Allo )95..12 ft \0 'the II II 01 thl1 ~PRi1 r/w: tk IlIIJ sd RR r/wS') 67'2'~1l5" U 212.\2 ~h: lh S 02'5~'SO" \.I n.71 ft, th,.5 8)'19'150'1 \.l 2',1,3 ft; th',S OI,"O~'~O"_\.I 2~.22 ft, th OJI9 Lllo Me of 1I ~'15' elL Cur, II, I tt\~ \1,) (.hcrd of \',-'11 bCi1rs II a~'2S \ )211 '~l 1'95.15 f t i tl1 II 16")1'0""E 10,00 fl; thO OJ1!) lh~ Me,ol., ~'IS' ,i1 tur R, tho IS! (.horu of~":'h u(:ur$ 1/ 57'1t)'1]" \1 6".7:1 rt;, th .~I /H"}O"tO" 1129.06 rt; III It IjO"I,S",O" \/29,)7 'ft; III :1 1,0'10",0" 1/2').69 ft; (h II IIO'09'~O" \.I ','..;h \,0;- -,. ~ r 1!i'1.50 ft; lh lNllin'J ~d ItR rl>/, I: 11I11,.n rt 7.' to Lho ~ob in l':lI'lo Co, OR. Tho UC.1rlll!J~ 1JseLl hereIn "re 1J"~ctJ lip on Sur l'i2~!6 Ctll (lie In' lh(' ol'rlc;.c ,. 'or the LlI1l!.Co Surveyor, P.:Jr Ic~s I.:"Clln 'cont )6.~ lie 1... J EXCI"U: ^ p>lr of l~J 10c i,l the S I/z 1'( S)) .:JnJ JI" ;17S R)"IJ" 11M, sd pOJr beinl) d.d: r: FU1I, r,~ L Date Received:.-'. L ..f. JUL - 12009.' , t.. ,. .,' Original submitt"" L '. L f l:.:-,b.~;' r":".~, t i:':'i~:!;:~'~ . ~, '~~~I: Ij' Il , !.'.'.', " .")'1' ...'''''''''1:. . .':".' ,n:' .:: ::~". sv ....i~r;>'i1,.~ ~'1~;~~~l}J%~S.: ,. ~k;o;bll1r~& I ",~,.,J~..,I.',,! ~~~t, . .ttii", ~~~;';,lr.~,,;;o;.. ':-fj'.J. i".:~r.:JIJ.W..'!I;~~;o., i~;#~'j~ ~'~tff2i~:dg .::'.:::'~:~~~~~ .."."'.."il~M". . ..:;::..i/,0&::~:$ ';~:.'::i}5~~;~ 1'" . ,.,..,il-I1'.'\:~'t.i , . ~'~:I'~'~S'\\\'~~\""'. f0;;~I~ rrf1.~':~~;r.tJ\~~ 'f:,"\;':~f\~N'iWJ~;,t'": t~<1.:::.~J~: '. '.' '."'TmW"r'jM ..:;.:; i,,:~..{{i~~?J,~~f:11 ','. :.' "'T'J"I""'.(~7f. . ':'/~\,~B{(~;;t'i}'~ .. P, /'r.~:llt>"~, '. _ ";':.1 \ j,J (~. J. 'I~ ' " ~r ","~,},,! , /, ) "~br.(l, ~ "-': l~,\ '~~'/"'fr.j[\ft.,~,'i .'" <;;; :~:;Jilfj~I"~i, 1 .\' \ I~" I ~1,~t: ". ~:.:;.,;~~ :""~(f,t5: l . :.:'.,:,:,:::;,;:;;:x~;:;..t;}~,(~ri1-~ " .. M~ ';!{: ~'i.t 'I, ~1~'~' f..~' ~i I'(~\<\('(; I.' Iff.:!t.~"l '.,..;, f~I'"~''' .11,;.., v!.i;~tfic ':'~\} '~I.;"'.i"\:'t'\""I'-~ .. }.1\';:'/J(".'J.:L.:~:\ . .~, ; '~.' 'i,_:.:.l~, 11~;":..t:,'.,, ~~l~rrilJ.J. 1'.......,.,.",..\ ~!i,f~,?>::7:.: ;~-.i.\.. :.:~);!; ,; ~';/::\;! ; ~.:.:,.: SLY ;/11 II IIf licKcnzla lIilY ~. I'I.UIIIO" \', '7'~.'l~ It"ll,.IS ~.~.~I liE cor or tho Z...,o S~~CI:\~ OLe 'un, fllS RN, 1m; rUII III S I.OO'~O" t Ih II OO'OOI20"lJ- 2)0.16 'ti lh /I OO'JJ'JOII \l7~,5'1 hi lh 1171"01'1011 E 11~,22 fllllg ~ho SLY II of MeKcnllo Il~,',' to !t,C! poll In Lana Co, OR, Por ~OM DpprOll 1.l2 lie, Rot' c. Jonkln', Lifo EU13to South(U'll (I,~d(le Tr~ll~lItln"Llun CO,I '(hill flOr of Lha $PTC I/W SLY ond cont 1,91.10\1" t.o tho (01 dosed II. Ucg at tho liE cor of Lt 12 or ClcnwClod Pk u ploUed and reed "In .tho L(lIIC to Plat nees, LOlle ~I). l\R; on tho \1 n:~r911'l of HCl'ldo"oI'lAvo:. th.' 500116')0" E iJl!1l1cndertofl Ave J3~, 12 ft to tho ".11 of ,the SPTC' r/..,: I J '; l. ., ...;\,; "!;,:(~,,y ::H, . . .:.:'":"-..' " ....:.:.1 m2<iti .., '," "'.. _i~n~~~ :. .~. :.~... '~:~.:.~~~: .. "':::\::{.;. ..,' bolr.g the tPot..~ th alu, sd R1\ r/~J'S' 6712)13511 \I ZI~,'12'(t; th.~ ~2~;~l5~1' \.I ".' 23.71 it: t"'S 8JII~lsaU 11 29.48 ft: th 5 8~IO~ISO" \.l 2~.~2 hi ~h alp thCl .:Irt of " 'IllS' elL C.llr R! tho.lU chord tl( wll bC,){5 I~ G~'2.al)2u.~ ~Sl~.IS 1t; Ihll 16'))'06" E !O iti ell .:1'ri Lhc ,J(e of.) ~'rs' ell Cur I i I I R, th'l III e:hord of I.h bean 11 57'/1)117" '01 693.73 (t: th II '''')OIIJO'1 1/ 2!1.0C. ft; lh II 110'/1$1110'1 U 2!1.)7 hi fll II ~OI:3'~OJI'\.I.2~.69 reI "II In lilou (0,011. c 'Ell 76 - 6) PiJ90 ) of J L L Date Received: JUL I, . L Original Submittal 'r.'. ....... 1 2009 : ~ > " & , , I I .......... I t 'CU';t,{) I \// I I'. (I-) " \ I, 0";, I.LIMI;' I \ .\ "H~)I \ \ G) \ \ I \\ I \ \ I \ \ I '- ) I " ... , ..... I f6;1t1'h",JfoJl:, -':-"~"'t..lG' c.cUt-lrY . .......... jlll.e "'0,_;...4..16...,. '\.'\-~~ ......1 'W HC.~I1'C""~'r.,III-" ~ :l;l:g: ::: ..:z:t. . i' .".. '~ t:.. P"'T4~ '!oIL:.- 2~.1'tI1e. ..~...:..';....:%og~.-400Ff. Op ,.u'.. 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