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Deed APPLICANT 7/1/2009
,. Ii" L ~: ii, . .... Ijicor-1l7765 '.:.11 . r{, . ,:' /.,!/,,! "':l\."~)".l '":;,' ,.:11 ',,;r" :i1!:\ .~~ ;:j ~~ .. .... ,ro"'ll; ~-t;:~:@~~g~ ::1:?;~~~J .' !f~ftr~~1~1 \~;;jl~.~ . ~1~~ir~~~1 ~,:-~n~t1~;1~r:;;~~ ".~;;~;'''.E::r:::,;"'l:\~,',~-: ; ':':~if~t~. !:?~r;:'/\:: ';~r~it~~~tjij :;~i~l,~~;!~'l J~li." -~ ~. ! '..~. .' 7640388 76-4370919' NAIUWJ'I'Y DEED ~ ^ DALE FISCHER, individually,. nnd as TrusteD for ALEXANDRA i'ISCllE~\.. !..ons~ Gild DAVID DODD FISCHER, heroinafter ,oallod Grantors, .con- vey tO~~NE COUNTY, B politioal' subdiviDion of tho State of 'Oragon, all that. roa1. rroporty Bituatcd 1n Lane County, St,bota ufOrtlgon, utlt:lcril>eG llO followa I -- I ^ ptu.'cul of lcmd, lying, in .tho."South h>llf (S 1/2) of Soc-. tiona 33 and 34, Township '17~South, Range 3, West, Wil1a- DQtta Herldianj eald parcel' boil~g' described un tollows: 8eginning at a point that !~ 639.32 feet South and '203.03~ feet Weat ot the Northaast corner of ,tho Zara Sweet DCmo- tion Land Claim No. 68, Township 17, South, Range" 3 We~t, ; \Hllamette Heridianl run thence South lU4.92,feet, :' thence No~th 400 22' 10" West 30.41 foot, thencs"North 410 02 I 40"West 30.94 feet, thence Nor.th "6~' 36' 55" \'lest. ) 231.24 feet, thence North 25.36 foeetr thence North '570 27,! 5210 Heat. 2J9.GG feet,. thGnce North G20 59' 40"- t.:aat J1.26i feetl th'ance North 63- 40' lOIt ~:Qot :30.63 'feet: thence North 63- 53' 40" Nest 213,; 12 feet, thence North 260 06 t' ,! 20" Eaflt 21.00 factI thance North 63053' liO" l'lest 70.70 ". feet1 thence North 63" 49' 10" West 29.72 feet, thonce I: 'No::th 63-35', 010" :'!c~t29.44 feet; thence North 630 13' 10" Hest 29:16 feet; thence North 590 sa' 10~ \'ieat 290.04 feet; thenc~ South 330 OJ' 03" Nest 27.CQ featl thence North 56~ 01' 48" t'lest !l9.33 feet; thence North 540 53' 10" Weot ;, 29.31 feet I the rice North 540 30' .Jail. West 29.58 feet, 11 th:::mcc North 51 D 17' 10" West 29.79 feet; thence North 54,~ 12' 40" West IB4.01 feet; thenc~.North 02D 33' OS" West ' 224.12 feet; thence North 770 IS' 35" BalJt 249.84 rectI thence North 66D 37' 10" East 43.12 f~et; thance South 16~ 21'. 05" East 33.06 feet; thence South 710 59' ~ 49" East ' 220.60 feetl thence North 70D Q7' S~" Eaat 157.19 faetl thence North 860 47' 40" East 177.86 feet; thenr:e South 84D .47' ]5" Ea~t 240.54 f~et; thence South 820 12'" 20n East It 148~.88 feet; thence North 640 OS' 40" Eaot"ISO.OO feet to" the po.int of beginning in LaneCoun~y, Oregon. 'I CONTAINING more or lesa 20.41 acres. . II The bearings used herein are based upon Surve~' No. 14246 gn file in the office of the Lane CQunty Surveyor; Ii . r and covenants the Grantors are the owners of the above described'. property free of all encumbrances except: :: Power line easement granted "Pacific Power & Light Co. by instr'ument recoJ:'ded Febr'uary 2" 1962, Reception No. S0394'~, Lane, County 9regon Dead Records; Ji Warranty Deed - 1 Date Re~eived: . JUL - f2009 , " Original Submitt~1I . " " '"-' -0 - 'q1jl~ f@f&~ti~ , '''':r~?.::r.;:"'.j;; I I't'~~ :l~~l~ , ~~"5~~j~~ i~ , (.. c ., ~. 7~4Q~BB ~!~!~~t ~ i c,i -"1 I .', i'l 4~~}&:t~-11 .'0,~~~5:\~i ~i7a~ !. ':~":';':;~:;'.d..l'.fl':f.1;;";;:'.ll:' :.:..>:t.:i~:-",'f:&!.r:l.' ~~~=':'~V.?2?] ~ I~I, . .~I~i~il;~~~Ji&ji~ Z2~~~g8lt .' 1,[:t~..~~~~:]{'-i':~ .;:~ ~'.';;-;,.:7"-'~',~~~;,~'-.'I', f~lTI;s%f~i~1 ...~,...L...,...,\ i1~.' ~~'~l$:~j ': :- .SL'~'~:~ RoBtr1otion.of':i1oc.ario Got..out{in .doad rocorded Soptem-. bar"20,. 195_0, in [,cio'k.'424, ?ag~ '215,' Lana County Orogon. DO,odRacprds i Rost:!:iot1on of. QOC.oOD'.oet out in DeoroQ in condomnation': ,:Suit, ~,rit~~.ad F'9b1'u~.ry :'J~ t, '.l!l!i9, .:,Rea~ption:. Ho ,-51506, . Lana .'~,ounty:;.qr9go~.:.tle~(l ~e'cc;irdlJl ' Rootri-.:Jfi~n,' ot: QCOOoo",'"aot. forth in. dQa'd'to -tho . Iltato , of OreCJon'~ .1'000rc104 1"n .Book .419,. Page..199,'"an<1, ao modified by inotr\DUOnt'.raco~d.ad )\pri.L..2Q;, 1962; nElcopti~n ,No. 667,79, LanG' COUf!.ty .'Orogon .DGed Recorda"J . Easoment for.,8~n'it'Q~Y': ,i~\';E1r,.'.14 'feot '"in w~dth, as' granted to the City. of, Eugone, by, 'instrUment zeooxded August 2, 1972," Reception No.. 11769,'Lano County'Oregon. .roo"cordsl . . . .Ea8eme~t .!or sanitary Bowar latoral, including tho terms and provis1onD.tnereof, as granted'to tho City of Eugene by inot~~ent re~ord~d April 3, 1975, RvceptlonNo. 12233, Lane'~ounty Oregon ~ecordsl Eaaement for sanitary sewer lataralt including the tcrm~. and provisions thereof, as granted to the City of ~ugeno by instrumont rocorded hpril J,. 1975,P~ception' No. '1.:!234, Lane_' County Oregou' ,Recorda I t1'!"~:.a~~;<;:~.:-; .f!~I;:~ ~0""'~fZ..:.g.::.:.; Ii.'.,.y~~.,.""... ".... ..":~ .. ,.-, '. . Co ,;.....-N'..~...a-... :-.;rr......... !?' JUL i~~(j~ 'W-=-~., .' ..._~,,:._llh.l'."'"~ .,'!.,:;:::.::;I'\",;\'r: ~>~E;~1;:1 . f;.~~~,~*~ ~~~~.i0~'t:1 ~~;:y~ ~4~~ r:;,7i'~'j~o;~r~s I~:~~{J~ ~il~~ ~.;::~~.!~71~~~ ':'::t.:.;';_~'-~l'~ . .;:;im~~"'!c.~::! . ii:.tl1jl~iJ1fi: lo:' .,.... M! ,W Ert,geflcnt for EJanit~ry oewer lateral, including the term a and provisions thereof, as grentcd to the City of Eugene by instrument reco~dQd April 3, 1975, Rcce~t!on No. 23235~ L~no County'Oregon Records1 ,. " Easement for sanitary ae\~cr lateral. including the terms ii and provisions thereof, AS gt"anted to the City of Eugene ,: by instrument recordod D~cemher 29, 1975, Reception No. 56765. Lane County Orogon Records1' Easement for sanitary sewer lat.eral,. lnc.1.udiny the term9 i: and prov1sionsthereof, as granted to the' Ci ty of " Eugene by- instrument =ecorded December 29, ~975, Recep~ tioo :Ho. 567GG, Lane ccuntz'Orcgon Rcco'rdGi Easement for sanitary sewer'lateral, in'eluding the tarmG. and provhiooa thereof as granted to tho City of Eugene ,~ by instrument recorded Docember29, 1975, Reception No. : 56767, La~e county Oregon RecordE1 Any exceptions ariaing from overlapping descriptions with adjoining properties resulting from une of description prepared ~y Grantee1 ~arranty Deed - 2 .::/ti:?::; ;f.~{,~ .:(:i ~i<i~.~'~;l :}~~~~:~:;. 'i'm;j~~;\.:K"~,'~: ,,~;":'" . ;'.', ;i,;!,,~'i 1 . '." Date Received:' 12009 ." Original Submitt~' ,..-.-:;. " L. N.~f~~~~'~~::~;~;ti~~0~~~~1?~{&#!~;~~;~Gi~J~t~~~ti;,iJ1:~:~~~~*~~7J{rJl~~t~t~~~~~~ :"1' " . ,~l , ::'rt ~~jwj~:(\ """""''''''''''.jl \~~i;~~ill ' ~~gi1@;ir:! ~~:::'.S.~:7,". ~~r;',l ;: 2:%7',~~Z;.'.'::~t1': ~ ""r."""'''''''~'i''U' ~yf.~ill~ [' ~"L:::.l:;.."0" ;:;:~:,...- . II, ti&~~J.?, Sli.:'lJ;f~sJ'ill~' F. .. ;l~~i;~:~ i'i:?...lI~.f;;;#\T.{~~ '~ifi~i~>: ~:?l~~1m~~ji ',=; ~~~~ffB[:~~~.1.' ~, _~J:~,~/'i'(,'_;~;""'; ,;'11 ;i~~~~ii~\~r;,:i' ( " 6',fj""~'~')i,."I.,I.).I~l ~~wk~~~j;I~J: . h:', ~\,r.~, ,/"., ""1 ~if,~~,~~~t~],~ ',"," c....:.'. ":',1: " 1"" -----,~ ,:; :-:;:7.~:.:.:,~r.. ...~,,;:2~:;~;~~~~.~Xy~~~~!.....~.':.70:~~,~:~~t,~r~~r::~\;~~~~~:t{t:~~ ~. ::.~~::.~.::/~"T'~~\o'oc.,'-":~~~.. 'I' '. .76<10088. '.- " .,,' .. ncoo~~tion[i co.ntai~ed i~:,un~'~'~d ,Stateo Pa.tents, 1f any, ueo ,Pl~'~~ ll~(i, Proviaj,on,o of'land" ~O,1:CQ':,[l"~, 9~,feat,- , , . ."..', ,..,,; "", .. and ,/ill ~'/~r1:nnt,."a~(i"dof~rid:'tii~ :Dil~~'a9ainot ~ll p.oraono '../ho may law'" fully cla1~",~~~~~ '~Limil'; :'~~,CQPt",09 sho~"~' Ilbovo. ., ' ";' The true 'Md-i'QC!tuo.l~ooil~idurntlonl for thJo 'transfer" toqether' with a ,DGpBrata convoyanoo, 10 $259,000 and other ngrcomGnta ofl G~e.n,~,ee":,but'no':aepl:arat:c' part, of tllo p\1rchB.Elo-prJ.ce has beon allocated . t~. t~I,t,~~"~Y~,:c1,a~~;~b~,d' ',P~OP'~f~y<'" :," >-" ' ., ,,:,,' ". , ,~J\i~,'cfbntJo'yan~'f lc"tM~e pUJ::Duant to Qri~ for .thE/'ijurp"oa:e:'~f' ~.~:i:.. danoing thi:f'..e9ree.i11cnl:o, of Gr01ntore and GranteD '00 .~~,~ f.Q'rtJ'l', ii' Stipula- tiano, cnd Judgmenl:"ente:r.~d 01),' July 13 /197,6 in wno County Circuit Court ,cauc No. "7ti':"~,l~,9' entit~,E1d :(,~m~. C,ounty;' ri politlci\l Dw:uS.lvlsion :of tlJ,o St:1to ,of",orcgon'i'_ Plaintifj;" vs.',Dnll'l pischer,' indivldu-l'Il'ly and ao TruDtel) .for AJ,oXttndr'8 P.lo17har'MorDe o"nd 'ni)vid- D(.)dd.P'il.lch'~r';',Do'fen- dBntDo_ . " ". , , ~oning'()rdlnDnooG ~n .DA'I'ED this '19;' day of July; '~916. -r ~~:~.,w-..:' nalti" pischel:;, inalV1.duaJ.J.Y ;:mti Trustoe for'hlex~ndra Fincber una D~vid Dodd'Pie~her j___ ,. Horse i: ) SThTE OF OREGON ) ~ ~OUNTY:O~ LANE )95 " ',.I' " " I ;::": >"OA July 19, 1976, p'3rsonally appp.:ared. the! iJbov~ n~c.d D:l;19,"R~!..riCj:hcr', iii"iJIVId'ual1y and asT.ru:Jtco for Alexandra' Fiucilui, go~.:;c 'il'na~1u..t.'i,,&d IDodd Fischer r and acknowledged tho foregoing infit.rwr.Gnt to ;;,'b~-'~J:!][.:.y...nl,1ntary act and deed. ~ ~ ; "I'Y"'{S; "On"":: 'T-' ./'/J. ~. Jj -:'l":'.'!-t,:~'::r"-"~2ie me: I !. _ ~ . r~ . : 1 tf:>'1.:r:::, il.Y ,,' f Notary P b.llc tor oregcm ?'?1';6l:~~~~~,~\~';:~t:1 " My Commission Expires: 2-13-77 .. 11"""~J..:'X'liQ\\ 'irJ1~ l""" _':.,,~~~~:1l$~1:l '.~;":~~i~i~~~/!li;, ' . :';I!;~;~~r~(/<:':',~~,:' "<:'~\';\{~';~",r>: " J' " Warranty Deed - 3 ,f ~,,,/:;,:""" :.:,,';,', ...,..... Date Received: 1-: JUL -,,1'2009 '. Original Submittal , II" ," '~;.:~:"-i.'~a ' il\'?i~;;...:tU., ";'j,~\'~~!t;rr'" l!"(-X';fk~4 ~f(i .=."'.~ "i",,~ r~.u.~ ~*$~ ,___ .:~f 'r~:t~ .~~ ,,~i.~':~~ 'ff::4t~ ~}ftJ; II "~'.j']'B:]' , j);."".... :'/;f.l;,t;:~ ~:f~ ~~~l~t~~,~ ~rr";";;.!\;. d)~;lfut;l~ hl~,'''"_'~ r~~~i~t~ r":",-::/i\:"H~: fH~~Z~ i .'~ ", ','4 f.i;)if~ ,>~ji' 13,,:,:, ,'\It;_~~t' ':~.': '~'.-"/~: ,';':;; ,(;:. .;~\~/E?~~'?::J:; . "::::",=,>::".:,,., :. :::/y{~; ..!~-::' .;"-,,, ."'" "0' ,.., "":h'. -:,: \'-:;':i~:'::" ~!//}' ,,-: .:::,.:~,.~t;:\"h~::;.;; . "',, ,"";-:."-'-,, :d'~~h;r.. .' :.. ':'~Y~He>.::.' 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'/~:.\j.:.'~ ~.~.i.::: ;:.: ~V:: f:;' ";:;ic,~;.',~~i';:~;~:f~: r&\:i?~~~~ti/.$~~,~i~; ;}~:J~it(~B.;~ ,:..,~:. .J.C"',r'\i-"' ')'#.f ~~~~ii~ : r....~~ ....",~-.=/:-:;~ t-. ~. ~.. . 'r.'iJ,t'~. '~."l' '''rl.\I;~'~' ... ~'r_~.. i!;~~~.!;.lr\~<i!i~ ~:i,l(\: ~:;;~~,;~;~nl;,i~~frlij .>:'_.I':<1....~~fl....~~,'!..f: :. .:~~ :. :.~....! ;,1 i~fJ "Iti~ "',~', -:.:. .p ~1~!~ ;';.:,:~,W'~. ~t0~~ il-;,"-~4" l\~}'j;gf;~ ~~l'~ /'" , , <' ~' 7640388 76-4370g19 . IIl\IlIWl'lY DBBD f llALB rISCIlER, 1ncliv1du.11y" and'... or.uote. io. ALEXANDRA ,P1SCHB'jIOftSB and' DAVlDDDDD PISCHER he..1n.ft.. called a..rito.s, ,qon- vey te~"BCOUN'lY, . pol1tl..1 suboiv1.1on ot tho St.t.'ot'O.ogon~ll that roal'1"rOp.Qrty aituatod in'.La~e COWlty, State of Oregon, dUIJaril,)e4 AS -fo11owa. y ^ ~.'o.l ot land'ly1n9 In':th. 'South'hclt (61/2) ot Sooe tiODS 33, and. 34, ~8h15t,':17:'Sou~~:, ~nge 3 West, Nilla~ mDtte tterJ.d.iani ,ea.t~ parcBl"beil~9' ~eBCribQd. An tollows r:: Beginniri'g At a point that.ls,G39.3a feet' Sout:haru! '203~03 feet Wost of the Northeast. corner of .tho Zara SWcot'Dona- tionLand,Claim No. 68, TownShip 17. South, Ranq8 3 West, IfUlamatt. Heddhn, run th.no. South 1144.'2 t.et, thence North 40. 22' 10. West '30.47 feotl thence 'NOrth 410 02' 40. West 30.94 lest, thence North 46~:36t 55. Weat.~ 23'.24 ,feet, thence North 25.36 test, thanoe-, North '97. 271 '52'" West 239.66 teetl thonoe North 62. :SSP 40".l'lo0t 31.26 feet,. thence North 63. 40' 10" Woot '30.63 feot, thence North 63., 531 ,40" West 213 .12 feet, thenoe North 26. 06~, 20llEDst 27.00 feet, tbonce No"rth 63/1 53' 40" Wost 70.70' feet, thence North 6311 49' 10" Weet 29.72 teet, thenoe.' North 63" 35'.40. Ucet 29.44 feet, thenoe ,North 63.13' 10," West 29;16 feet, thence North..59. !i8' 101; Heot, 290.84 fe'at, thence South 3311 03' 03'" West 27.CO leot, thonoe North 560 01',48. West a9.33 feet; t:hGnee North 5411 53' 10" West. 29.37. feet, thence North. 5411 30" 4Gb We8t:'29.Se feet, thonco North 54. 17' 10" West 29.79 feet, thence North 540 12' 40" West 184.01 feet, thene., North 0211 33. 05" West,:, 224~12 feet; thenco North 770 IS' 35" Baot, 249.84 reot, . thence North 66. 37' lOb East 43.12 feet, thonce South 160 21' OS" Eaat 33.06 fect, thence South. 710 59' 4910 East ., 220.60 feetl thence North 7011 07' 50. Eaot 157.19 faet, " thence North 8611 47' 40" East 177.86 feot1 thence South 840 47' 35" Eaflt 240.54 feet~ then co South 820 121' 20" East I 148.88 feet, thence North 840 05' 40. Eaat.1S0.00 feet to the point of beginning in Lane County, Oregon. CONTAINING more or less 20.41 'acres. .-/- ! The, bSDririgs used herein are baeed upon' survel' No. 14246,: on file.in the office of tbe ~ane County Surveyor;' l and covenants the Grantors are the owrier~ of the above aescribed property, free of all encumbrances except: 0)' Power line easement' granted Pac~fic Power' Light Co" by,.!' instrument recorded Februa4X Z, 196Z, Reception No. $8394, Lane county O~ego~ Deed Re~or~s; Warranty Deed - 1 ."..." Date Received: JUL '~ 12009 , ", .~: .:1 .. Original Submittal .'t, ~ "J .;;i: ,k >v~f' "',1('" "x n~'" , 1, ,~,,, ..~ ' ~ ',l ", \ ,~ ,[ ,'.., '"",\" I,",' 1,%.,. 1-'\~"'"t.~.W"-,~ 1:~~Lrl':'.ti1~li ,,,,' """~T' 1"",,,;,-,,~,.. ~'.:'!:' ;":';~;ii; ~'~,'I"j .1)' ':-;'("~I""';';~ , .?;'i;:~~8:)1~ htr~;"\ll.,,:t(,i.~ (;'.";~'l-l;'l'll)~ ~:?:r~,grt:1~&J ..",I".",I"'''.',j t";;;"l!l~l~ J,.."""'d, '.. '.~' ,>.(::~(~{.'('.~ -----~- "Aily- exceptions arhing from overlapping descriptions -with -... adjoining properties resulting from une of description prepared by Grantee, (J.::> d . (-. /'). 'I :'. ''>;- ~C/ bJ tJ~ 1'"'r'1' ~ 0 Co (L 71(;, - C{ 0:?j':~ Warranty Deed c/ / I, ~ ~,:, ''>!' ~~~)t ,t', >./.W,%...'\JJ:Ul."", .(;':...;,,':itr;~_,~: ~~'l~~'~i:fY~i:"~~ ,(.!}$i~X'::~~;[i ~~;~}ilij~!; , '.~I;l!~:.' W'%~~J\ :;"";:;:~.. ,)/ '( I g l ",';t-:'\<')I~ !:,;.. , .' . - - IloBt~1ct19~,ci~,Qoo,.,.. oot,oat"1n 'doad, ~.o.~d.d s.Pt.....:, " 'l '(s-s- . b., 2h 115,0, in &ook 424, ~.90215, L.nti County O..gon ~ ;- Oo,.d 'Re.,,~dli i ..' ,,, " .. , ,..,'.' , ' '.' " ' . ',", . .,~. . '. . ,Rolilt.l'iaUon of. aQooos'.,aet. out ,J.D Deoroe in COn40lllllGt1onJ S.1F'01it~~~d V..b'.Ary,\~9."J~5!l,.:~rH.n:,No., 51506, Lon.'CCwi~Y'.'()""9<1~1.~,M~"ord~' C""<.... ' ' Roat.r1otion:of. aoaooo:'oot. forth, 1n..doe-d ,to .tho. StAto .Of:,. 'Ore9on'~...reao.r~~!S 1n ,BOc;tk .419,.; page,:lS9,' and, De modified', ..-- by .J.nstl'\lD!,Ont .re~o.t,"d.Bd :AprJ.,l..:2Q, ,1962; Reception.,No.. : '~:,,>. e;6~7B, LDRB. Coun.ty:Oregon Dood Recorda, , .,:' .... ,.;.;:to,.:, 7,$4t;.3SS ";., .... '.., 8 "'~ 10 I( ". ' '.B1180nKnlt':for,'B'ariit'G~Y:'UQt~er~ '.l{'~~ot"i~ W,idt~1 GS'., . .gr~ntod to.the ~J.ty, ~f B~gQnG.by. lnBtrumen~ ;eoQ~de~ ' ~ AUgUBt.2, 1972, RecepUon' No.. 11769, ;Lano Cou~ty Orogon,: :, .Records,."" . ..BQ8~nt .for san.1tcry.sewcJ:'.,lateral, inoluding the .t'Gt'It!s.~- . and pro~h1ons, thereot, as gt:Mted to the City ot Eugene r by instrument recorded April 3, 1975, Reception No~ 12233, Lane'~ounty Oregon Recordsl EAoement.for sanitary sewar lat~r81i inoluding the tQrm~ and provision's thereof,. 8S granted to the City of Eugctno __ by instrUmont roc'ordoll lLpril 3,',1975, :~cept:.ion., No. '12234, Lane County Oregon Recorda, . . E~ge~~nt for onnit~ry Dewer lateral, including the ~erm* ~ and provioions thereof, as granted to the City of Eugene by instrument reco~dQd April 3, 1975, Reception No. 23235. LAne County Orc9on RecordsJ Easement for Banit~r~ Hewor lateral, includln9 ~he ~~~~ and provisions thereof, AS granted,to the City of ,Eugene by instrument recordod Dacernber 29, 1975, Reception-No. :~ 56765, Lane County Orogon Recordsl' .---- I > I 'f I) It,. Easement for sanitary sewer lateral,. includin'9 the tCrnl:J a'nd provJ.aions thereof, as. granted to'the City of . , Eugene by instrUment :ecorded December 29, 1975, Recep- tion' No.. 567GG, Lane CCl.Oilty Or02gon' nE:!co'rdG; !, Easement for sunitary sewer lateral, includin9 the terms; llnd provisiona thereof as granted to tho City of Eugene ': by instrument recorded December 29, 1975, Reception No. ~! '56767, Lane _C~un:x_ ore~.C?~.".!l~cords, i ~of - 2 ~-(.,-7(., ,'.,-.:-;----,.-::'".,=,----;;-:~:~::"'";',,~;.;.~:_,~:::' e---. ." OateR~ceiv~~: JUL"-12oo9, ," Original Submittal , "._J~~~Jj~ '2- ,/ / / , , ' -;:) ;...;: . '. ..' ~ " . ". v ., . - ". . '.... -. n .. \ . .. . ~ . .... ' . n . ,""~ _" _ ,'..,.,__ ?: ..:-, - . ." ~-....." . .' :,. - '. ~ '.' , . " . ~-: ";': . - ~ . . . -. -, .. - , , . - . . -'-~-1-C:;~__"?,---':::;;.ii";' ;:-.-.~ --:;.:: :";::" . ~. -:,_,7.':.~:~::"'.:-~ ~-'r _ .~___ .. ~ _ _ _ ".,(". .....~~..oI-...u.^. . : ,~''::',;,~:~",''-' .. . c, ,.. "'>ClS'", , , 764~p. ,... ",' , . , ~, , '.. ,.', ," ....,.' . ..; .". , RaDoryatlono'oonta1ned in Uri!tod.StatDD patonta, 1f any, ", , . ~ . " . . . P.rOvJ.a',Oha of:: lDnd" urio': pl,ms " ind , IIC:inin9' ordtnonCBfJ in fo~c.~',: D.n~ '.offeot,' "',' "'':.. :-: ; . .. . . I . 'and ~j111'~A~rAnt~"An4"dijfc'n4:'tIiEr~.o.mo"ag:4inDt'.Ql1 pOJ:oono ~ho. ~y lo.w'" . fully QIB..t~"":~.~:'.:~:am8,..:.~XqoPt':.~.~.j;h~.:'D.bovo. . " . . j. ":1.: '.-i",'~ :,' ..r " ," .' '. ,.:' . . '. ., '.,'. The tril8"Ai1\cf'4.aotual:,oofltiido:ration fol' thia.:tl'sns!er" tOQ'ether . '.wi_t;h a .~lipa~~~e.'.:!=9nv.e.Y~o.o,.\.t.B :$2~9,OQO:.QI1:4 o,thfi)r'D9r:oomont_e,'of..' ", Q~,~n~.ee)b~~ ..no. .EJepo.~a.top_Qrt:;.Ol.'.:the p~Cho.e8 prio€) has _ been allocated " ~~. .:~,~ ,~.~~~~~;:..~.?:~..~.~~~~f~~,~~~~..\~~~~.:::X..,:__~.:;~,.,~'.; ::,:: ': '.~'. ._ .. :.:..... " ,.~.~. . "'. ':'.'~~ , ":':;"<: .~~i~.:.c(jnvoyiinge:,i8..'~ill:Je purD~nt to. and' for, .tii~.:.PUrP.oa.e.:.nf ~vi~, . donoJ,ng ',tho_\e9~eementB :of.'Grunt_ora ,4nc!' GrantCQ ao ,l1et, fqrth'":ii('Btipula- tions. and 'Jud91:D~~~.,'EI!.n.t~.t~ 01\.' JU~Y' 13. ,\.'19J~ in LDnq' "Coun~y, c;~r6ui~ Court, C.,.~, ~o,. ':7~~U29..ntitl.d ~.n., county".' palitii:.l,.liIl&ivhion ;of tho 'Suto .of-":'ot(fgo'n'~', Plaiiitiff';. ,Vs.::.DalB 'Piacher, "!iu!1vidLially and as ti-,uDtee for :A1Ef,ulni:tr,i.'p!ocher :H6rae. anCl 'niwid' Dr.a1d 'Pis'ch'ur';:' Doten,:", dllntlll.. ......:.i.;. .':':. .':.,: ':. .':.'- '.,' .':...' .:' ",_, ..', . _ . ". . .' , DATED' t:h!~.'~'19::" d~y' of July; ':~!)16'. l~ '.~--r-'..\i..-. ;'-'paltt P'fB.Cll~', lndJ.v1dual.ly. 'Qind 11~ 7- 'lrustcB for'llJ."exanara' Piscber!1HorBEiI . ond O~v!d Dodd~PiB~h~r ,__ STATE OF OREGON )ss ~.ol1NTY. OP LANE ) ..' ._.1" .;:f~>:::)~'~.:O..A~:~uly 19, 1976, pl3rsonally appp.a'r~d_ th.e. abov,;) nwne.d :~,g-!l?/;Ji\*-~'9~~;', iOCSlvldually and as '1'r.u~te~. for AlexQ.ndra' Fiucilvi:' .:.:0::00 ~.tn~l~~~lDCdd'FisCher. and acknowledged thri foregoirig intit~~nt to ' '1~~~-'!li:it~.:it~,~\U1tary act and deed. rre' (% ,:~w.. ", ~,R I~'{( CtZ;. ~ "Jt~) "'~ ;,~..,. 'lif.j,~-r;..' . ~ I ~~.~I.'. .f"->~~Lrna. . _ _, : 'i.t1= R Y'f'''~~i''' .: Notary PQb.d'C tor' oregon ~{~~~;"~~Jk~~ ~~,~ . My Commission EXP,iresl 2-13..77 'i:!lt~I' ~ ~L " "'~ll~"""~i>;., . . '~1.I:'1..,. '-~i';~"~'f';i .,', ";-'~:\:~~~~fr~rf::' ~":"" Warra~ty Peed - 3 . "...:..... . .''''.~1r.:,..~' '. .... :,.,..' ....:."v.,...... Date Received; .. . . JUL - t .2009 Original Submittal 3', "'g",. J . ~. . ,; ~':'.r':':''';:;;'' "'~"''"m''''::- , ~lo~ {:iI::1 ""i.~""~ '.'X-H~~nq,r '~~~ .';.... 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