HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance APPLICANT 7/1/2009 OnnIN^NCe NO. I7RM "itp'1-7 .~ OflDINMICE pnOVfOlNO ran InTlmiV\I~IIl0 I"nau Tile GLCm~OOD. Nr.TER DISTRIC'r OF L~N~ COUW"Y, OJltGCN TIIAT PAR'r OP TIIB "IATRIC' AlHlRXr.o .n 'rllc CITY OP EUGBNB DY PINA!, OHDRn 110. 1'.1. DP Tile J;AllE 'COUIITY LOCA~ COVL'li1lIlliNT "OUUIIARY COMMISSIon 011 NOVEMoeR "4, 19)6, AND DECLARING ^N EHEI\OBUCY. I Tha Common COW'lcll of' tho City .of' Eugone dtd by Raoolul::lon N~. " I 262' On Fabru1Jr.y 14, 1977. propOSQ withdra,\ll\l from thtl GlonwolJcI \'fo.tor Di8:b!ct at thnt port at the dio.tdcl; annoxod ';0 tho city on'" tlovcmbor 41 191G by Final Ordor ~o. H4 ot tho L4n~ ~, . . I , ornmant Boundary Cor.vniolJlon, 4/J describod on ~ho nlBolution Dot fubrullry 23, 1917 ot 7130 o'oloc~ P.H.,PIIC~f!o I , Standud '}'lmo, 1n tho Council Char.lUOfo,.City 11411, Eugono, Or0900'1: Q.~' I tho timo and vtoco tor hoaring ojboctionD to tho wlthdrow~l, and I diroctod that notlc~ of tho timo Qn~ ploc~ of tho hoaring be . 'j ad once ullch week for two lluccaoaivo weoko prior to tho hcarin9 ~n1~ 00 posted in four public phceD in the 'City for tho no.mo padOd.;, The Nbt:l<;:O hft1J beM :It'l p~bli:.Hiod in the' Eutjuno ~cight.~X' GUllIrd <inti p08todl fn 'fo:,r r~blic plo1.con in' tho City, t.o-wit! tho 'hlJllAtt~ bo~rd .11: tho City 11.111 in tho eit.}, of Euqcnc, Or.Jgon_, on tho bulletin I " bOo1.rd loc~tcd on the East 3ido of Ouk Stroot whera Ouk nnd Park Strcotz int~rDt;ctilthO bulletin board on the tlorthwoot corne. .,f \':ho intcrooc~ ticn or 8th uvenue Lind O.Jk ,Streot; thebuUotin hi?i1rd ir. the firot'; . I' Ii floor lobby of the Lun..;! County Courthouse, aU in the City of ELIYC~O, I L~no County, Oregon. .,',1. I ......e""~.:i'tio..cJ.ty desiroH to anliumo ii.ability of tile diotriet proportic:'n. (4a.:~ "."_ \:;'l\ .~. '\. ", k.,. .....\1:'..~ ....,"'.. ,- ",...w;: nance' ;'....1' ", 'f"',,', \. .;j., r.',q\~'" . .\u......_ i' '" .', ,. ",.,. , '';' ~ ! " I I ,:; , '( , L L ,Jill.,. ,.:.;"::.~..,. 'H."'.. '"~,, ,..,::-,.....:;...:','...,,'.-. ":,', ,""''';.';. , 7712011 county Local Gov.' f Exhib1t ItA" horeto. . i " plJbl.loh" I hClcby c~rWt 1~lIlla' fct1lrolnrla ..tnit end cone,;l CCi'7 cllt~ orl~huJ dOCumttll.nd :'.:';'(;2 ~ ~;- ~.ClI1ReCQrl!er. L , · 11T/1\1I ~,.OlllOa Date Received: L, JUL .: 1 2009' Original Submittal' L ~:: " ;' i', .'.;. ,.-~,;.~;jiLtg .....,;.;, .. .: :::;. "I-:~': -.-.;:., .:.":':-.j '" !. ;. ::,-:.~~/ ....'i:' .._'.~. ',r :'::,.",..:: ;"i'., i~:;~Y . .',.;;'::.". .'... ~~:'.:~-.-::',:,:':3, "r.':::- .\ :~~::~'.' ':':'::'~" ~'.:~:::!{ I ' 1\ i;: " . . ':'.::-:';:,~{,~; .:,j:::i::~~: . ,": ~.~; :'",,\,,:,~ ;/'y.' ...:p, :''' .:',.:,',1:;; .J .....::i..\:.,';.;.: :..,:.~.(~.}: P. I. : " .'~." """'" ''''-~: .' .,....,.,......./'/ :"',;,':,'" ....,." . ~ ' " ":' .:;,' . " j \ .., j ; .I ., I I I I' '7i'12011. ~ . ~. . , ., '7""!':<'.f.~:: .~'_~'~~;-' )!.' .I"~',"''''~'':::I .fl.:,'I.. .":"-',,;') I:,'" :'_'';'!';':'' .. ~_" " !~..:,.....:;...: I1tn to.tho part of th~ die,trict that hAS hoon annoxed to tho:: city. No porty hna objocted to tho withdr~wQl of tho annexed torri- tory trom tliQ aiDtdctj and 1t 10 in tho bost intorosts of tho oity that tho' tordt?ry boO withdra'wn. .NOW,. Ti\CR~roRll, Tilt.: CI~'Y OF &U02Nl-: DO&S ORDl\It~ AS roLLO~Hh ~.~. Tho territory 1n Lanu 'County, O~o9on, ~nnexe4 to, tha Cit.y ot 'BufJcno on Uovombor' 4, 1975, an boundod Llnd deaor.1.bod on tha l1ttnchad' ~xhlbit nh", 00 morxod, rind incorpQrAtaQ h6rQln by oroncc, LeI horeby wltl~drl\wn trom tho Glonwooc1 Watar Dlatdat. [net.ion 2. That tho" fl'lllttorD c~ntll~nod hlJroin concorn tho public;!. W'cUnro end thototora, on cmargon~y h hoX'o.iJ>y doclarod to ad.t, ,11:l'Id this ord1n~nca sholl bacoma affectivo i~odiAtoly upon lta ~Au8a9o,~y. tho Common Cou~oil and approval by tho Mayor. Pas Bcd by tohe COJnrnol\ Council thJ.:l 20th do.y of February, 1971 i\pprovod by tho Hbyor 'thiB ,20th day ot Fobruary, 1977 I~I s. r. r-lon~tad C1.ty Uocortlcr I~I R. A. "Gu$" Kollor t1.:lyor n,',ll"""",,, _ ") ,;j~;~~~ ~!~I ....~ . .. "-.,.:~.~; 1, ' .', ~J\'~f:1:~: :\;i~ll "2r: a,'!i';~'%. :"!: ""i~~'~~~ " ':f:,~t~~~ ;;\.:;:;"i:;~~ L . ed' Date Rece'" ' .lUl - , 10\19 L .__ .' \ submitta\-. . onglna ( t I,:. \ L '" , '~;r;~F~.:;):~~. It~1 /<vr.;.),\ ;,:~~t0c~ .'~\:.: :~:;:.. '. " . .:' ,- . " '.,;' i." 1 I \ i \ , j 'L I,. .. ....nr<'11!'J:~~fl'.:j.~.~.r.~~~~ 1'-,-,,"':""'/O;l ~ ' '1.. ::,>:":~.., _ , " ~ "1 :'.~ :... "_~~"""~'~.~!i,,:,:.1:;': '. l:lIllllllI ^ 7112011 ~l ^ por of Id Iylnu In th" S 1/2 of $)) .:lnd )~l TI7S 11)111 WHo I ,d p". b'IIlQT" Dop that Is 639.)2 ft S ond 20),0) ft \01 or tho liE cor Of tho la-'ll $woct . . I . OLe 68, T175 R)\l, 'tJJll run lh S l"I~.n fl; lh 11,110'2211011 \I 30th tll I . th'U ~1'011;40'1 \1 )O.~~ h: lh 1146,')615511 \/ 237.2.'. ft; th ,f 2S.J6'.'rtj ,tn.-If. s7.'l7ISl'1'~ 1)~.66 (t: -tl1 II 6Z'S9"!Oll_\l ,JL2.6 f~: ~~'.I~..~_t~?~IO~'~ \I.,. 30.63 (t; th 1/ 6)'5)140" \1113,12 (t:.th II 2G'06'~OI,( 27.00 hi th- tl 6)'53'\0" "110.70 r<: Ih tl 6)'\9'10" 1/ 29,71 r.I; lh tl 63')5'\." ".' 29.44 (1; LA tI 6)'I)IIOll \.I 29.16 ftj In II 59'satlSH 11 290.8/, ft:"~h ))'0)'0)" "j27..0 fl; lh II 56'01'\8"" 89.)) rtO It. /I 51'53'10" \I 29,)7 Iti tn II St.'JOIIIO" ',1 2lj,Sa Iq tn,11 51~'17'10" 11 2~L79 h: lh /I 5"-12'40111/ ISII,OI fq th II OZ'}}'05" II 224,12 tt; th 1117'15').5" f 24~.a!j (I; th II 6!Jf')7'IO" I! 4).12 it: III S"IG'~L'05" E J3.06 ft; tho S 7l'S9.t.9".~ 220.cU hi Lh II 70'07'50" (IS7.1~h; ,tll" B~.t.7'40'1 t In,8G (t: Ih s tI'I"I]'.}," E 2110.~11 ft; th 5 82cl2120" ( 1113.00 (ti th_ II 84'051/.0" E -150.00 fl tu .lli~ pOll,ln L,)IIQ c'o, on: Cont9 + za,~1 ole. The Ilcolrln9s used hcrr.in .:ire thl!>Ctl upon 51Sr 1112./16 on fIle 'In the'orflcc of lhe L.1Il(! C l' Surve','nr, f"lschor Pron: A !>.:lr of ld lot in the S 1/2 of S33 nnd !4, Tl7S R3W; 'n'H. .:Jnd NiUlin It,~- 1/ 1/2 o( SJ, TlOS I\JIl, 11M, sd !I,Jr bcln!j d,J(: C EU 7G . G) P.,,,... I (If 1 , ~:., . :.., , .' '::~j}~:~-\;l ,;....,,;(~~; ::' ~;~.;:/{fg~ ....i:.\!~ . .!L. ;~::-\\!~~~ "";i"'-i~\I?l. '.:::')::{ .;" ,,,' ;-~:" . .." ',Yo 0'._ " /. Date Received; JUl ,..:1 2009 L Original Submittal L :/<')::,:i: ,.::;i('.:',:,..i ,.'m1;;;. ;~J~'.;.. '-::ru\.; ':.: ::.: ~ i' " .' \.'" .... I. I L t'hoJt I:. 6J~.H h ~ (IIltJ 20J.O) It \I IIr tho liE eor or the lori! SWl.:o~ . . ;.Jt~~'~;.:~Ol;C 60; TI7S R)\I, \111: rtlll lh S O~'OSI'IO"~' 150.00 fq lh /I 02'12'20" 1/ :'~::' . li,a.as hi lh Ij 811"17')5" \.j' 2'10.5'1 ft; th S O~'llll/IOII, \I 117.86 rq lh 570'07'50" II 157.19 hI ~Ii II 71'59'~91' \I 220.60 hi th 1116'21105" \.I 33.06 ft to "ho SL,Y r/w or l\eKonzlo 11"'....1 th DlfJ IcJ r/~, II II 66'31'1011-[ 18).50 It: th Ii 16'21'05'1 \.I 21.76 itl th 1/ 7Z'~71351l ~ ~0.~2 ft. th tl'72'12'~S" E 255.'IJ I'll lh II OO"S} I)!)" \I 7~.~4 rLl th tl 7'1'01110""[ 7S6-.)~' h: lh !covln!J Itj r/l~ II S 00'0012011 E '$18.29 ft: th 1/ 84'951'10", [ 36.96 (tj' '.11 II 79'181/10" [ 1)6.05 ftj tn Il 60",41110" [21,46 f.tj ,th ..1l_0~.'56: E 3,1.7./11 ft: th.5 ,13.7~.'IO ft...t~.1I e.l~ollj,..E..!2'.SOJc:...th "_~~.~$i.~,E 275.50 fti \h H 87'00' E 171,111 ft: ~h S 00'09' E 48.42 rq th'11'89,),'.'50" E' 4)5.60 ft; th 5 00'161]01' E lZ9.~~ fl: th tl 89')} '5011 _f 209.~) h ~o.thQ liE cor of II )2, GlenwllolJ Pk. on tho \f m:)rOln of IlQndor~ol\ Avo: lh S 00'16'30'1 E ill!) Jlelltll.:rSOn ^V<J )~5:i2'.fL to tho /l' Ii of tho SPRR rNI th >ll~ 5d RP. rl'<l S 67-2)1)511 \.I 212.12 ft: Lh S02'5~150" \J 2).71 ft. th S a).l~ISO" \1 2~.lt5 ft: lh' s 6'I-041~01l \I 29.22 h. Lh DI!) t~o ore of il q'I~' ell. eur R. lhe IlJ chord of ~lh Ileors /I 84'2813211 '=f 49S.IS Ct;_ th II 16')1'06" t 10,00 h; tl\ i)I'J tl\l;. i)rc of II 4'15' ~/l cur R.. tho '9 c.hord of...h lloJn II 570113'17" \I G,)~.79 It; tll tI,/II',OI/IOII,\/ Z9,06 ft: th tl 'lO'/15'I.C" \1 29.)7 ft: lh II '10'18"10" \/ 29.'-9 rt; ~h /I IIO'(I91~O" \.I 154.50 ft; lh le,1~11\!J ~d RR rho II IPI~,91 fl :':,. tn tho pob In Lone Co. OR.. The llc'lfin!l5 U5':U herein ore LJ'.icU upon Sur 11121di. on n Ie ill It>.o orrIco or thl.: L,illJ (0 Surveyor. P,:lr I l':5 ~ ~"cpn con l j6, 9 DC !.' EXCr't/: A poJr of III loc ill tho S, IIZ of S)) ,)lltJ )11, TI7S R3\ol, YH, !od p.3r tJcin!J d,:d: r PI 7(. _ r., 'd,:, ., ",,: "., ,_:>'. . ,,';:':}:'l . '."::.'.-~'~l ~\..~t~ ".,' I. , Date Receiyed::> L JUL"'"1 2009 Original subrnittal- L \.i):", r'~ 1'\."'7.'1.;: ~,f(;~ " ~:r' ~1 l,t;I:.. ~';:O\- {~j~~:\~,,:t,~\:::. ~.r.(f'~r::'~l;"/."";'I II~t~~ 1'i~('.~~"\~\;~ .:...;,' I~!!~, ',.::".,':" ..:.,,:. .;.. lit.>. ~ ^l.~:"'~l':""'t~;f";:;;tjs~\?1.*1'.~;;":"'~!,,o;':;'"joA,;,.,..;"~,, C, ':..':.:.~,.: ~ -, . ..:".:;.:::;.","" .1..:.........:.::..... ..:..._......,.:...~.';.:..:.>;....:~':.~~i t . ~-7J) .. '/ .'t.' (,lro--U1 ;.:.~~)')~':,.J~}~P;lh~l It ~J:l,)Z rl S nl.1l 1~).O) rl \lllr tho liE ,or of thr. Zor" 51.col ;..rl:,,~.,..;.)/,J :ole GO Tl1S n;\J 1111' rUIl th S 6~I051'lO" ~I I~O.OO ill ll. If BZ"12'ZO" II ;'>+,'" I i( J I , ~;>:.. . lila, OB fl j ; III " S','li]' 35" \.I ~i~" S 10'07'50t,~ \I lS7. I!) fq th II 11'S9145" II 220.60 h. th II 16"U . OS" II . . .:..;.\'?) )),ot. ft ~ci "10 Sl.'t t/w or McKonzle Hwy; th 01" sd,~/w 111/66'17'1011 E .'1 ''"'''7 \&),50 fn\h tI 16'21'05" ~ 21.)6 In lh" )l"'7'l5" ~ 4..\2 It, lh .>:<f:~. Ij'72'I2.'~SI~ E 255.1,) hi lh II 00'.$)1)011" 7~.S~ h;-'lh II 7~'OI'IOll t '. '.':\:.:,'_;,~f . .:~::::: ::::::' ::: ::;':: :'::: :::.:::::::':;:::::; :: :~::':::: ::;'::,:.,. ,;i~;~1 17S.~o rtji'th'll 81'00' E 111.111 ft; th $ OO'OSI E ~8.~2. rl; th U 89')I'Stl'!,t: 415.40 fq lh S GO'\6\)\}U t 12'9.69 It; th II S~')IISO" E 109.2)'h to.thl'!. ... .'....:?-:..:... 1 ',c. " , L " L i \~ ft'. (" -' di;~"'r;i; . . r.:rSff5f:'l.. .. . ."",:k~~'I". \'-'1:.]'2 l~~,1 .. '. W.\1 ,5:: 1i?r ~ iI~(;,~(~~,(.l",.;N : ~.~'g,"' .t<~1i~,ij . ~~r.~~~~~~ ..."...1r.~'I1:1 'r~~>i;. '~~1'S:?R'tfj...t,-~-~ :f.!..:,...-tt't',' '1'i"" . ?i'ifit1~ ~~,~ . 1'::';::'~~:~~!fJ~}~~fj """",.ifrJ!$:~i'J' '_ .i.~.~~\}.~ui::~..cl 'F:'?(~!?3~~~ , ....'H'\J'J!n\.. F'<;:).;~:1~i'l~~~1 !'~":-'-~'!'.,.~..r~:::l3.. ""':'''N'''.''''!:9l l~i~'~~~-'.li~~1S rn?;{:A~{~\~~ . '1'J::~:).~ti:~~i{6. -:.'j.,-.~. '. Date'Received:' ....'::~;)!i.i\l~~N. .. ';, .-; ')""/fll...~~?:~1 . :,:', >:i( ;~'~;':":'1:~~ff. '.;: ::/: ~;:;~;,g~,~;~;,~;'(('~Qt1 . .' .. ,Ai......, l':$~da ::' :;;;<}i;~::/'(;;.\lt::~~! ...."..,-;.....,,~ . ......,tEr)~~fij,i~l~! ':':.";:':'I'.::'.C""l\!filt,..~l ........ .'.?;1. >Mti/iiJJf! \ ..." '1" .\..\~I'h.Y.f.t.i'l. " : ".L.:,~,,:.~)t:~.'.~~5.t.';~~.~ J ...... '.";"'i'il!(,l':l.1 ............:;:,.;.,;:(;:t;~:~~: 2110.S/. flj \h. S au"II}I/lon \I 117.06 ft; th liE eor or Lt, H, C\"nwood Pk, Cll ~h~ 'ri Illolr!lln of HCliuQr~on Ave; th S 00'16' )0"1 E a l!l HClllJur,on Ave )?5. 12, ft (0 tna II ~! of lhll SPRi\ r/w; th 1119 $d'RR r/w S 67.2~'3S" \/212.12 ft: th S 02'S~~S~" \.I 0.71 .rt; th S a).I~i'so" 'ri 2~.IIS ft; th' S al.'04'~O" \.l 29.22 hi th .:J19 tho Me; of u ~'IS" ell. Cur R,' the 19 chon! (If ~,h beolr$ 1181.'28'):11 \l/19S.IS fti lh tl 16')1'106" ( 10.00 (l; th oll!} lh: M' of ., 4'1,' (./1 cur Po, till) II:; ,hord of ~;h ll{:Jr~ II .- th U '.O"t.S'/,O""\j 29. , 5i"It)'I1" \I 69~.7') ft;. th tl /lI'}O'/tO" II 29.06 ft; J7 (Ii III II 40'16'/!0" II 2g.69 ft: ~~ tlIIO'09'~O'1 \.I 1::;'1,50 hi th lr.olvino:l~d JlR r!il, 1: 1111'1.92 rl '!:; to tho' pob in l;:na Co, OR. Tho. uCMI'~9S u)ct.! hcreln ilrc lJil~CtJ. U[l:Jn Sur IJ~i!!16 (11'1 fl ic 11\ till" o!rlte of ttle Lill~U CD S"rvcyur. I'ur ICH l))I,qm conl )6.!) II'!.. Excrll: A~:r,] r or j'J I DC in the S 1/Z oi S3) ,]nll )11, illS 1\)....., I.IM, sd p03r being ~.::d,: r: FlJ 1(, .(,~ ..' -JUL -I 2009 '. Original Submittal L "L .t.:',h:_o. :'r'~"'r'r '!!'::::;:':~::<.~ ..' ;t!~~.; ':~",' .-..:t'I., "..:,.; ...... '" II .C).'i-*l'~: . ,'~'~h~\'i ';.:'., flf,_:t~..~' ,.;.;" ~~~~,{Y;',~ '.. ?~~~.i ,~~.'.;jI;'~'~ 't\) h1'!U~k ~",;",:;'~!'j I).t, ,.f,~,/:dt('::::~ .- . ,;";.'v't~~~,,',':{;:i ;")tJrrj,:\ ::.1, ~~~.~: :~~~: :' I'i./,'.."...,.,l.... . liN'~~im ;~~/:,:;~: ''': I',' .1 \ l. I i lilU SLY-;/II II u( ,icKcllzlo 11,,'1' )1.'01'10" \I 71~.'J.~ It "",/1 S ~~.~I liE cor of tho Z"fb SH\:....~ OL'; liO, fl7S.RlW. \/11; rllll III ~ \'00'),0" [ th II 00'00'20" \.I 2)0,16 rlj tll II 00'))')0" U 7~,5'1 hi Ih /I 71"01'10" E 17~.22 h aiD tho SLY II or Mc.Kcnllo Ib',' to Lt,t1 flot. In Lona Co, 01\. m20ti ..... .' '::"r:',: flU CO'I\( Ipproll 1.32 lie. Ro., C.-~Jonkl'" Lifo Eu..to , .:: :';.-. Southcrtl r.lclrle. Tro1tl!oullrt~llon CO,I ln~t !'lor of tho SPTC I/W SLy'and c:ontl,guou'$ t.o the (01 closed II. ....' ,~,,1::i~~1 ' '.::ry,: llcg .st tho 'liE cor o( Lt )2 o( cthlnwoOd Pk u ploUed ollHI r~,1l "In ,tho LOllQ Co Plat ne:e~. lime Fj), tH\1 01'1 tho IJ .fI:M~in of Hcnd~I"/)n Avo;. thO' S 00-16')0" E dill Hl:ndOf6on Ave H.5~ u it to tho 11.11 of the SPTC'rlw: bolr'9 the: tpo!,,; th ill!! ~d nn r/~J'S 67-2)"35" \I zlz.iz' (t;th S 02~;ljIS~U \.I 23.71 Itj VI'S 8)-Il)'SC)1I \I .z9.1(6 fti th 5 8~'O~'Sou \J 29.22 hi th 0.111 ~ho ilre of iI 'I'IS' elL C.ur R, the I!) cno_rd of wh be,)r~ II G~'2a')2Il.~ ~~~.IS h: ~h II 16')I'O()" (. 10 h: t:, ;)19 lhe \Jrt of.) ~115' elL Cur , R, thtl 1/jI chord of \Ill u~on 1157'/,)'1]"'11 69~.]9 hi th /11"')0."'0"11 2~,Ou ft; lh 11110"/'$"10" \l 29,)7 fti 11\ IIl(o':at~o'l Y '29,69 ft, "II In L"no Co.Oll, C (U 16 - u) P.)oo.3 of J Date Received: JUL - \ 2009 Original submittal L L ,'; i I, .,t,', I I 1," I ~ le:2 ~('~.:, ~'/..\~~i- .;.~- ------==" 'i$.;J< . :' , ~11~-. ~:;;;:;,./ 1.1. j~~fi .,'~ I, hij..~,\""ta.",~ '1 1/~/~~ =f=-~-_-~~"" . 4-~U~1{'\ .jrI1~ ,,- -'IT'I . .,"'" 'i. ~ ,).'t '1(~,f,'M .~IMI1'~'"""" ~Wt1;"___." .-,r . :;r {:it,:.:~;::*~.:~ ~!tn -r ' 1 e- ~~ ' ~~li. ~!~~t~~' :1 - I .~, .'kili\'ii. .:,,;\"1 ' - ':~') _~.. . ~., v;:,':'"ii~',.'\ ..........!.,., {!'i ',. r;! . . -{,,,,.,,,::.':,, - Pf/."P"li>~Cl . .... . 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