HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement APPLICANT 7/1/2009 ^ \'S~ . 10"" 1\....... After R....n1I"1l Retum 'Ill ""~ We.tern Plonee, Title Co. PO Dox 10146 Bull"'" OR 97440 WPTCO 195701 17 03 33 44 300/295780 I;,. ~- t ., ... File 7083 004 Drawing 8B-2-15 !' . I . LANE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the Slate of Oregon, Grantor, for thatrue and actual consideration of . . . ~ $ 3.000.00 ,does grant to the STATE OF OREGON. by and through Its DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. TEMPORARY EASEMENT Grantea, its successors and assigns, a temporary easement for a datour road for public travel ior a period of ten (10) years . ! from the date hereof over and across the property described on Exhibit" A" dated 11/04/2'003 attached hereto and bY' Ii b/ this reference made a part hereof, , If any portion of the above-described property is surfaced. It Is' understood and agreedjlhat at the expiration of seld ' . I temporary easement, or completion of the project. and at the request of ~rantor. Grantee shall iestore the easement area to its existing condition, as nearly as practicable considering the use to be made of the property by~rantee, . I~ - IT IS UNDERSTOOD that the temporary easemeni her~in granled does not conveY:' any right ,or interest in the abOVe-described property, except as stated herein, nor prevent Grantor from the use of said property; provided, however. . . ", . ~ that such use does not interfere with the rights herein'granted, t Grantor covenants to and with Grantee, ~s successors and assigns. that Grantor is thel'owner of said property, and " . j! will warrant the easement rights herein granted from all lawful claims whatsoever subject to Iimi~ 'of the Oregon Constitution " , 'and Oregon Tort Claims Act, 11 Grantor agrees thai the consideration recited herein is just compensation for the property or property rights " conveyed, including any and all damages to Grantor's remaining property, if any, which. may r~sult from the acquisition or use of said property or property rights, However, the consideration does not Include damages resulting from any use or . . . . t , . - '. I;' activity by Grantee beyond or outside of those uses expressed herein. If any. or damages arising from any negligence, .' . . r . , I r Dlvl.lon 0' Chi.' Doputy CI.rk L.~ County D..d. .nd ReGord. , ~OO3alml~ III" 11111111111111111111111111 ""11111" " III $36 ,00 005315812003012251,0030037 /2 i: 12 3/2003 02:42:06 P" RPR-ES"T Cntal Un" i CASHIER 08 815.00 810.00 811.00 . qate Received; ",I - ': JUL -" 2009 11/06/03 Page 1 of 2 - teadetour caw , I' .Origimil,Submittl"l i: 1-- \ ;.\ I ,;1 .. . .. ..J. i File 7083 004 Drawing 8,B-2-15 In construing this document, wher~ the context so requires. the singular includes t~e plural and all grammatical changes shall be made so that this document shall apply equally to corporations and to Individuals.' . < . , r. . . , It Is understood and agreed that the delivery of this document Is hereby tendered and that terms lI'1d obligations hereof shall . I . not become binding upon the State of Oregon Deparlment of Transportation, unless and lintil akeptedand approved by the . h l' recording of this document. . Dated this ::lR 5'1b day of ~.k- ',20 03-> 13CL Commissioner ~:NTY. " a political aUbdhii;iO,n of the State of Oregon A. '-71f/J AAAJ ./h1./ . Issloner ;,..---.' ! . )~^.JJ ~. ~ " ~';sioner ' " Commissioner Commissioner '. STATE OF OREGON. ss, County of Lane On /ld'J ic?S. 20193, personallyaP?fared il31U- '~~!~ A-n1'1L/Ju,yy-f'?<1>Il J 1>atdfLo C. iJ~ who, duly being sworn. did say that they are members of the Board of Commissioners of Lane County. Oregon and that .. . ",. said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of Lane County by author~ of its 6<>ard of Commissioners; and they , acknowfedged said Instrument to be ~s voluntary act and deed, Before me: ' ...--. ..."". < \/)1117 ~ !l:;d tnfnj, ) NJ:Ji;Ubilc for oregon U ,:', c My Commission Expires: ~ '6', 'd-oOfo . w, . "FFICIAL8EAL , f" eLlSIA A ZIMMER ':i Ni'TARY PUBLlC-OREGON . "',J",I,lISSION NO, 3511131 MY COMtJ'S.,,'," .xPIRES JUNE 8, 2006 . Accepted o~ be~of the Oregon Department of Transportation . /LA'A<tr- ( / Date Received: ~ , JUL -1 2009 10/09/03 Page 2 of 2 - teadetour cew ' Originalsubmittl"l Ii ,. ; \- -\ '. . ,i,' . f' ..' \.' EXHIBIT A - Page 1 of 1 " File 7083004 Drawing 8B-2-15 11/04/2003 Temporary Easement for Detour (10 Years) '. . "j A parcel of land lying in the Zara Sweet DLC. No. 68, Township 17 S~uth, Range 3 West, W,M,. Lane County, Oregon and being a portion of that property described in that Warranty Deed to Lane County, recorded August 6, 1976 on Reel806R, Instrument No. I; 7640388 of Lane County Official Records; the said parcel being that portion of said " property included in a strip of land variable in width lying on the Easterly side of the center line' of the Pacific Highway which center line is described as follows: : . . , '> -,I' Beginning at Engineer's center line Station 563+00. said Station beingi'613.5 feet South , ". ~I and 494.6 feet East of the Southeast comer of the M. H. Hiirlow D.L.C; .No, 57. Township 17 South. Range 3 West, W.M.;,thence South 10 53' 30" West 2,515.62 feet; thence on a spiral curve left (the long chord of which bears South 00 33' 30" West 399.92 feet) 400 feet; thence on a 2.864.79 foot radius curve left (the long chord of which bears South 90 18' 06" East 717.44 feet) 719.31 feet; thence on a spiral curve left (the long chord of which bears South 190 09' 42" East 399.92 feet) 400 feet; thence South 200 29' 40" East 15,13 feet to Engineer's Slalion 603+50,06, The width in feet of said strip of land is as follows: Station 590+00 592+15.62 to Station 592+15.62 . 596+30 Width on Easterly $ide of Center L~ne 235 in a straight line to 223.30 223,30 in a str~ight line to 180 , I Bearings are based on an Oregon Department of Transportation survey. See Drawing No. 8B~2-15. dated June, 1956. This parcel ofland contains 0.61 acre, more'or less. , 1: .! - D~te Received: JUL - 12009 " , Original:Submitll'" " ,- ,~, I ' '01'. . \0., " OITY FILE' NO, ~P.tDV!O'qA~t~ITYO'~l.IG(HE ^'-rr!-,~ "^' ''''<J'> 'iiPUty CltyRlcorct.r!i ~at. , FES 611995;203b~~ ii ' Ii '950~014 , UN V ~ V A..1' c ~ 0 F 'F W ERE A $ E M ~ NT II lANE COUNTY. a Dol111cal subdivision of the State of Oregon '.GRAN~OR(S) " ' conveys to the CITY OF EUGENE, an OREGON MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, GRANTEE. an easoment over, acrosl, .od uod.r the f0110'fng described land .Od r..l property, Ii, ' , Two 20' wide strips of land in Section 34, Township 17 South.Ra.nge J. West, W.M., Lan'e County, Oregon, said strips being a portion of that certain tract of land described on .R;eel :~06, Instrument 7640388, Lane County Oregon peed Records, snid strips being 10' 011 either side of the'foJiowlng described centerline: . , Ii B~ginnJng at a point on the South side of the Pacific HiglrwQY right-of~wa)', . South 3JD 3J"WC-S1 57.0 fc~ from a point which is Soulh 74012' West 649.0 feet from the . Northe~stc;omer of the Zara Swe;! DOG.alion Land Claim Ho, 68: lhence SOUlhOl~;OO' West' 402,0 feet: thenc~ South. 82.0 East 1).16', to a polnt orl the North bouridary ofa s~id tract and being the True Point of BegiMing; thence South 670 19', West. a :: distance of f?6,48 feet, lo,polnt "A"ithence North 860 55' 49" West, a distance of!:' 365,00 fcetj thence.South.)1I 44' 42~ East, a distance of 414..11 feet, the boundaries!of the easement.,shaJl extend to intersect the terminating sewer or boundllJ)' line, :r . :,1 ~lso incl~dlng 8,20' wide strip ~?h is',I.O feet eilhe:u;ide to irs centerline. 1-' corrimenclng from the abovo descnbed point "A"; thence; South 90 I}' 27" East, ~ distance of38,79 feet to ml exl1Ung sanita1)' sewer. H1N"EB~Ol'95If05REC !( !lliFEB. 01,~95I1ll5PFtRi1?,.. Conl.3.ining -18,250 square feet, more Or less, I 10,01 10.0 I "for a ..n\t..vtmn.~'.1@: to be constructed and located below the surface of ther"l property,. as .toe 'ame has. been- surveyed and loca.ted over said I'eal property by the CHy, 'The City and Its cootractOl"S, subcontractors, agents or employees, shall have the right: to go upon ,said real proDerty for the purpose of coostructlng aod m'lnta1nlog sa1d sewer. The. utd s.ewe'f"sha11be so constructed so as to do no damagG tc said.real property, AfterthQ construct1on of said sewer said'real property,at the polntsTwhere .the sewer 13 -la1d and constructed, shall bo left in as 'good coodition as before the 'co.nstruct1on of the SC','t'er-. The City shall have the right to permanontly maIntain' said . .:sew8l" over sa1d real property, and tts agents and employees shall have the r1.ght ;to go - '-upon safd real property at the points where the said sewer shall 'be located. and. :-.',constructed. for the purpose of mafnt<lin1ng and repaIring the s'ewer with ..the >understilnd1ng that the City, fts 'agents or, employees. in maintenance or repairfng of. the sewer, sh!ll do no damage to the real property, and shall'laave the real property " ".'" in' ,the same cond1tion as before, " ", ";.:\.:r,;i'NO. p.r~anent 'bUilding shall be ,erect.d or placed fn the easement ar.a, I :;~':;'~' -,:,"SubJect ,to the foregoing llmHatlon said ....m.ot .rea may b. used ,by Grantor 'for any '..';-. other 'purpose, not inconsistent' wt th said easement. _ ",' F',., ""' ,. ,"," ";::t'" Co, ;;~..,-"" ",'\',00 ~at. R, eCe'Ved: Oated this - day of ?1": '"~ '. '19~- X 1""./ L1fZ-u( ~ X JU L, _ 1 2009 il!lUj, ,n." "' 00.." '~:f ';;" "'~~7 _.. ori9'\~~ l=:llbmiltaJ '-"", )J~11 '1 It'i"meot_w.. aCkoow~~ b.!9re me this --1:Iayef ~ g, ~ '~::',::.- b_=-,//____ ? Ci', ,ija.-~ ,_~ '-d~..f~ l~::~ ,:' , ~/;:d;7{;..1.&~ ,I : ~if,' APP OllEDAS10l'r'M ' '--~.ry I()iuflc ~Or or.gon '. ":';", , 5 '''''''','' ,''','i':,,' ..,.... ""'...."'~". jl?P/f? I, 'f ,~,\,: :. , II,' r':::':':,"'l.J1Y'LC0IM111,-lon hpfres I,:, I t8t ',,' II~ \ . .....'..I'.l"rl ' ..{ ;. " " ...' i.:i' ", "" " 'rJtI ~, ' :',:, .'., ,: 0;:::" "';,..,y;";iy;,, !' jl':;'!"AFJER RECORDING RETURN 'TO; City of Eugen., FtnlnceD~~;~;~~rifF-~U~en., OR 97401 ;""":' i J I~ ~, . ,.- ~ " I: ~'.:l~ ~~f ))"~' "",! ~,~(I If! Ii I' II ," , J, -I _. \ \ "'''''"' .~;, 11 ,/ " Ii , ' AULhorJ~od fOr nccordlnlf' by Clly ot Bugeno . Dillo ~?_-_-519'~ 7.1.- ~~L-&- Director at Fl1r:ln'cc I .i!!ll m ~ ,,7f;r. :)l' ,,'jj !.~ ,~ ." T~ . f$; ~ i;:~~ ,~ iT.;' .... ~, .~ f,jf:~' ,,", ~ ~"j I .~ iff.l '.i'.\l :.:t~ ~ ~'rl -~ "I'~ . '! ,.. . ,~ ;,,;- Jj )~ -.'.,., ',.:j[)(j'i'4;'i' Gfll\N'r OF E;1\5 EME'N'l' i TillS '.INDENTURE WI'l'NESSE1'11: That DALE fI,SCIIER," her:einafter ~II called "Grantor," does hereby give and grant unto the "tITY ,OF I~ EUGENE, a municipal corporation of Lane County.,' State of Oreg011, 1: h~reinafter, qalled "Grantee," the right to l",y, construct, me.intain!; and replace over the real property hereinafter described a sanitaryll -sewer lateral, being 14 feet in width i'md lying 7 f~et left ilnd I~ nght of, ,and parallel to the follo~/ingdes~ribed centerliile; :: .h Beginnin0 at Enginl:!ers Centedint:! Station 10 -~ 67.4.0 (Glcnwood 11 tn,mk sewer line -stationing), silid point being 759.2 feet II South and 782.9 feet west of the Nnrth~ast Cnl"ll~r of the I~ Zara SW~et Donation Land Claim No. 68; Township '17 South, Range 3 West of the' \-3illamctte Neddian,. from said point of beginning the cllnterline herein described runs North ]]G 20' 51" East, 169,82 feet, more ',or. less, to il point, Si'li'd point being ,South 84G 41' ]5'" ElIst, 50.0 feet Qf a point lying 6l?_75 feet South and 739.29 feet \-3e5t' of the NorUI- east corner of silid Donation Land Claim No. 68 and thereupon terminates, all in Lane County, OregQn. the said sewer to be locai:ed and constructed."a sl..lfficient depth below th€::: surface of the ground SQ as nQt'to interfere \~ith ,the free and unrestricted lise of the surface by GrantQr, his heirs, II representatives and assigns; reserving to GrilntoI:, his heirs, 1"1:,' representatives and assigns, the right -of free and unrestricted '. use ot'the surface -Qf said land, tQgether wit~ th~. right tQ build fill or otherwise 'use silid surfClee, but only after said sewer II: - line has been installed. GrantQr C1grees, however, that the plClns for' the foundation of any structure constructea over the sewer line will be subject to apprQval of the, City' Engineer and the Building Department ,of the City of Eugene and will comply with' the prOVisions, o.f Sections 8.555 'and 8.556 of the Eug.ene Code, 1971, as amended by Ordinance NQ. l715~, enacted August 26, 1974. i; , , The Grantee, its contractors, subcQntractors, agents Qr II employees shall have the right to go upon said real property for 1; th: pu,\:"pose- Of, con:tructing, maintaining ,.repairing. or replacing ."j sa~d se~...er; and sa~d sewer shall he 'SQ, contructed SQ as to do no I' ,damage to. Said real prQperty, anci after the construction of the t sam~, the said'real prqp,?rty at. t.he'po~nt where sa.id sewer is laid I, andcQnstructed shall be left in as gQQd condition as before the J cQnstruction of' said sewf::!r: 'Ii . Grantee shall' have the right to permanently In.aintain said, '\ ':: -sewer over, sai~ land and it, agent~ a,nd employee, ,'h.10~fet'Receive~j: I ,. 'Grant of Easen'lent - 1 JUL' - , .12009 " Ii Original ~ubmiltal , " ,II' , , '.-. ';:, ,., '.': -'-' .j.l. L .~J '" ., ';~~.~~:':~:il1 '.' 't. . or. ( J .,' 'i' t .- .1 If" ," .." , _~"~I' ,,,' .1, .< , ',,,, i':: ,~, i I , , r~t ' , . : ','I<i Ii "'i '\0.'1 - ";"1; - ;'1"'" 1,.1 "'''-'1 . . ~off.' ::" . '.. J ;'1' '1. 'f"".'.,:' ,,'\:\ r;,~"j" n")!H~)""'. ".:~mi.. , ..I, '."1 T' ~T .. ~..i:.:; ,.\. .. " \'\.., . ,',." .~@ 1," '. ,'3 j,.~-;O I'" ;l' It " .' I' 1': h ! '1~ It. " 'f5~~t.i'i'f;'i' .~' ,:,t. ,.t,~ ~~ B~ ~~ .......--!1 I: ~"'~.." ~."'" '., ;;.,..\.~ ." ~~;';;J' ~~';':l mil'.." ,:~: ~ 'i;'!,.;. ~~,~ "t'I;W:c, ~. }~~'i ;'",,;.li" '.' FI"":.: ~, i;""~; ,"iJh~ """"" 10 ~~~i ri'ght to 'go upon silid real property at the pointa where the said sewer shall be located and constructed, for the purpose of main- taining, repairing or replacing said sewer-with the understanding' that the Grantee, its agents or employees-. in the-maintenflnce, re- pl:l.ir inq or replacirig of said' sewer, shall do no damage tathe said real property, <l:nd shall leave the said r(;:al -property -in the',samt.: cond~tlon as before. . il' ,~ OI- I '~ ':r;. ~ 1;' ~ !:,n .~ i ~ ~ gf I ~~ i ,,~ ~;,,~ ~ ..:! ~'~ ~ .r ~ il ':"~ !'t -. .~ .... . ti 1-1 j.~ ;:;'-.;.t:,li " ",) 11 2J;'[' ~, .- ':'1:' !iii ,:ij .i:ii1li .,,,~ tho No monetary compl.!nsulion 01' considCl"ulion has been paid for granting of this Easement. IN tHTNESS WHERIWf, ~hday of . December , Grantor hi'S executedtlwsa prcs~nts this '. 1975. \ ~Vl,LL~ Dale F~Scher "GMN'l'OR" S'I'^,J'E OF' OllEGON Co~nty-~f Lane ,~.,. On this L:z!:. dilY of ,((j."f/'..f-~'/ 1975, [)crsonally ap- pcarTd the above named Dalc Fischel' and acknowledged the fore- ~oing inst!~mcnt.to be:! his vo~unt"!l'Y act and deed, -,( ,; ,> 1/.."., (j, ((,V..-.:(,..l.,,/ Notary PUbLic ror Oregon My Commission Expires: ~.,lS. 7e' ,ss. Oetorc me: I): i ~, ~ " " 0'5 "0. ~ ',,;; . , """. 'r. u .~ ~. .n 1H i ~~l~~ n 0 U '" 1,) .~r~r:,~ ~~'-~~'~ ~~ .~ .:;: ~ n. ,~ 2l v' '., r- '~ f. '" lJ: ~ f. o ,0 9 , e "'" ~ "- , ...,. li') I.- I~ g; u , i t :..: ~; Date ,), " , , '';Ji] ReceivE~d:'{) " Ie: " ~ : pIP.' Gra~~:lor ,~~sel1lep''i i\~2fJ .',),. JUL - 1 2009 I L , : hr-" J / I Original Submittal~,' ", .'~:';-":'~i " 11 L .. \q;-o'.~-, .. ' " r " !; i I, I! ,;.--- > .;. : 117()!) GRANT OF EASEMENT , THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That DALE E;; FISC'HER and RUTH!; ~ DODD FISCHER, husband and wife, DALE FISCHER, as Trustee for Alexandra Fiacher Moree and DALE FISCHER, as ~rulltee for podd Fisc,her, 'do hereliy .: give and grant unto~' CIT~ OF. EUGENE, a 'municipal corporation of Lan';';; 'I County, State of Oregon, ~the right to lay and construct and maintain over the following dcucr'ibed" real 'property, to' wit: - Ii . , II Ii A permanent easement located in the Southeast '1/4 of.Section 33, and Southwest 1/4'oISection:34, :TOWDlIbip 17 South, Range ~ West Williamette Meridian, ,Lane ,COWlty, Oregonj said easement :be'ing a. strip Deland 14 [oo,t in:widt~ and lying "seven (71feet'~n each side and parallel to to the .rollowing .d'eecribed centerline,' to wit: ,Beginning at a point that is 751. 41 feet due South of the Northeast corner of th~ ZaraSweet DomlUon"Land Clai~ No. .68, in Township 17 South, Range ~ West,. WUiamEl:tte:Meridian;from ~ald pOint-of beginning run thence North 89- 261 East 310;47 feet. thence South 146l~. 56 feet., thence So~ih 71-; ,Z 7' 30'" East 491.16 ft. '_ Thenc.e South 5 - ....53' 3011 West I? 0 feet ":lore or less to the northerly -right- of-way line of ~e Southern '~acif~c Ra~road. Als_o b~ginning. at ,the 'a{o_re described-point of beginning run thence South 89. Z6' West 784.72. fe_ct, thence North 75 - 34' West 581.93 feet, thence South 41- 15' Wel5t.3l0'.feet to the easterly right-ai_way line of the Interstate Highway.U. S. No.5 at the Southern Pacific Co. right-of-way, all in Eugene.. ~ane County, O~eg~n; .I I j;' Il !" I:; I" " c , . a sanitary sewer. .the said 8e~er to. be located and constructed a ~ufficient d~'pth below the surface of the, groundsoas ~ot -to interfere with the free and unrest'ricted use of the surface by Crantors.....their heirs.. representatives and assigns. and 1fhr_ ther that said sewer will be construCted and located within said easement as th'e s~e has been'survey:ed a.n'd:loca~e'd ov~r said"easement,by 'the City Engineerj\cif Bald c:ity. ' . . .. I:. Reserving un~~' c.rantors, 'th_eir~'heirs; 'repre8en~ative~ and a~~igns, thJ:')ight , ; . .. ..,J,. , of free and un.restricted,use of the s,ui'face of said land... together 'with the riglit'to build, fill or otherwise use said.surface.' 'Crantors.'agree, however, .that-the~,~p'lans for the, foundation ~i any ,'struCture constr~Cted over. the sewer line. will be subJbct to the approval of.the City Engineer,and,the Building.Department of'the City'o'f1' . '.. .'oo - .'_ " "_' . ."_.' "Eugene and will.comply with;the.proviiHons of S,ection B. 55 and.B. 560 of'the Eu'ge'ne , Code, .1971. _' :,. _.' ' ..... ".' ,.'. ' " '!,;.:;' '. j " , ' , ,,' ".. , " , " I, That said City an;d its.co~tra_ct9:r!l,''Bub<?ontract~:rsi agents or e~ployees_ _ . shall haye ',the right t~,-:go . upon' ~~~(r~~~: p~~pe'rty ~or, the ,purpo'se 'of c_6nst1i'_uct~g. an~. .mainta~ng said sewer: an,d:},ai.4jEi~er ,s~~.be s.o. c_on8truc~ed so. as. to:.do p.o~Hjam.ag'e to said real property" '- and after' tJ:1e',coDstruction of the '.same, the<sa1.d '-real 'pr:op~rty at the p~ilJ.t wher~ '~esarne.'-i:8",ta:_ld":an4 :conBt_r,~ct~d shall b~"left ii:1 as -gOOd c:oiidi~ioD. as before- the c.onBt~uctlon"of ,-Baid"8ewer'~ '; :.,> . ",-" .;" , 'r, . it' Date Received: J Grant of EaselI\ent:'...~' "."'., 1" 'II) 1':: 'j ,j2 1 ; "../;..'t. 'JUL' 1 2009 '., -Original Submittal Ii II Ii , " ii . ' ,~~ . -, , " '. " " :tl 'i'6!~ , That said City, ehall have the right to permanently maintain aald lIeWtH ov:e r sald land and its agents ilnd ,employees shall have the right to go up_on !iald r~al property at the points where the laid sewer shall beloeated and con8trlJc:~ed. for thepurpoa8 of maintaining and repairing laId aewerwith the under.tanding" that the said City, ita BgenU'or employees. io the"maintenance or repairing oJ . aa:id sewer, .hall do no damage to, the 'laid real property, and I!ha1l1eav~ th,e ~8aid ~eal property"ln the 8ame conditIon ~8: before., No monetary compensation or' consideraHon has been paid for the gra.nl of this easement. .' " da'yof, . ~ IN WITNESS WH~REOF._. Grantors have executed ~he8e presents this i21h.. Mav 1972 but effective a8 of 'the.. !at day of July, 1966. ' .t.::36.L. ~...;, cW<-\ ' yD~. Fl.~~e~LH~ Ruth DO~Fi'Cher ~'\="w.~ -~ Dale Fischer, as Trustee for Alexandra; ....., .FlacherMorse .:Jb.L.'Y~,,~ ~ Dale Fischer-, as Trustee for Dodd 'Fis~!ler v STATE OF OREGON) , "" County of Lane) '. On this the 19th day of' Mav , 1972. _personally 'appeared t~e. ab:ove nam~d Dale D. F.ischer and Ruth Dodd Fischer, hus?~nd 'and wife, and] Dale Fischer, as Trustee for At"exandra Fischer Morse, ,and Di!le' Fischer, a'5 " " '. I Trustee for Dodd Fisch.cr, ~nd acknqwtedged the foregoing instrument to be , their voluntary act and' deed. . ~~"," ..: '. Q'" ' ""RQ",~ "(7;0,'" "''', ~.. ,j . ,.'.:',~'''''',;:.Bef~re rpe: ( ..J'~--... -.r _~ .~~..., '<t~...~':('.' "'\.~'\ ,.ota~y'Pu61ic fO"rO-regon.( . . . '" , - My ,Commission Exp' ires: c?-:-,;/..} ~ 7,J, _: ,y,r"~. .:_: , . ~II~'" 'e,'" .,.\ -: .;.-.....~J .. .... ' ii':i:iE"~~'" ::'l ~ l'o" 'I"j 'I"j .,r .'5 ! :03' .0.'0, . . "~ 'i? i-' .... '9' "-; :'.....!8. J- - >.'-. '.. g'~ ; II .- Ci:: ~ ... -S g: \ i . U J: Il . ....:: >: '" CI .. "0 CJ C,I ~... ~r.1-8~ ,"l 3~.l' f~ aHl ~ .~ ~~; ~ U-:,S.C1:t :l iSl-;~ L ~ ,,~.~~~.~ :E, ~/~. .~: : "lie(" -0 Q:; ~.... Q , ...,..... v v Iao ~ I. :i'OJ:-S;~_. ('\I. f'..,<;.e.... ~, 'c'''' .. 0' ... Z Cl t ll'I d'l~:~';' <~ ~ ~ ti! e : ~ - . ,v.. _ l.j _ ~'1: "I:J, ~',> , u ... , ~ . 41l ~ ......' .:i It ; C) lH ~Dat~ RJc~v~a: ~i ,B - \:,x' < , . :'..i' ';'1 n~H}j Gra~t of Easement I L~BS'~,' -,2, ( ,zt'z~-~nv " "y': JUL ., 1 2009, " -.. , . , 'Original ~\lbmiJ!al . \. \' ,~ : ;:.. " ~, J~ h ----.... ..~~.. ',.,~~'~" r:.-..:.... ~: '.':'~~"..:~" . " IIJI i '. I .\1I1Ih,riz"d 1'1: 1:')"','1"':111:; :".. Il " I,,' Cil v ',I J'~\I::,':h': , ,f! ~ # ~ . ~~ !i{ ';. Ill" _~'I-;;j/.~_._- Vf., --'I~~-7r;~~' , '!f" :'......'l~~r. ~;-,,:"""':~-,-_.:... . r3 '~~ ; -.. ~ ~>~ ~ II' ",',( .../ it .1 ,J , !~ t.",~.6r 7:)1~::J:i ,\ ~~ ;"" .~,. ~~~' ,j', .~.. I.~ ;'.~ ~! ~; ~; I:.. ~:.: ~, (:,: '" . ~;. .>, . GRANT Of' BI\SEMEN'l' THIS INOEN'fUI1E I'II'fNESSETill That DALE F'ISCHER, her13inat'tcr' .1; called "Grantor;" does hereby givQ and 91:ant unto .the CITY OF ~:UG1'\NE, a mllnicipal corpor<<t!on of Lana County, State of Orogon, hereinafter called "Grantee," the right to lay, construct, m4intain and replace over the real property horeinnfter described a sanitary sewer lateral, being 14 feet in width and lying 7 feet left and right of, and parallel to thl'i! fOllOWing described centerline: 11 !' Beginning at Engineers Centerline- Station 10 + 28.26 (Glenwoo~ trunk sewer line stationinql, said point being 759.2 feet South <md 784.7 feet west of the Northeast corner 9f the Zara Sweet Ii Donation Land Claim No. 68, TownShip 17 South, Runge 3 Weat of the Wi11amette Meridian, from said point of beginning.the center- line herein described runs North 33051' East, 170.9 feet, more 0:: le6s, to a point, said point ,being South 84047' 35" East, ~II' 50.0 feet of a point lying 612.75 feet South' and 739.:29 feet, West of the Northeast corner of said Donation Land Claim No. 68 and thereupon terminates, all in Lane County, Oregon I J\ I' the said s'ewer to be locat'ed and Constructed a sufficient depth be:1aw the surface of thc ground so as not to interfere' with the free 8p.d unrestricted llse of the surface by Gr.antor, his heirs,' representa~, tivesand assigns; reserving to Grantor. his' heirs, r.epresentative~s and assigns, the right of free and unrestricted use of the surface of said land, together with the right to build, fill or otherwise ~ use said surface, but only ,after said sewer line has been installed. Grantor i:lgrees, however,' that t.he plans fi;r th~ foundation of any i: structure Constructed OVer the sewer line will be slwject to approval of the City Engineer <'lnd the Building Di~partment of the City of 1\ Eugene and will comply with the pruvisions of Sections 8.555 and 8,55G of the r:llCJcne Cuq!2, 1971, as <lmendcd by Ordinilncc No. 17159,1' cnacted lI11qust26. 1971. I' ~' .' i'.: .;. ,.... i!; ;t'. , ",.',/ ~':~., ,'~' ~." ',.,...' " The Grantee, its COntr,lctOr.<>, ~ubcontructors, agents or emplay'ees shull have thc riCjht to go llran said 'real property for the ~urpase'l . of const.r.ucting, maintilining, repiliring or replacing said se\~er; :' and said SC....'er shall be so constructed so uS to do no dilrnage to sa'id rCil.l propc::rty, and after th\?, construct.ion of the_ same, the said rc'.)l property at the po"int whl2rc silid sel~er is laid i1nd const.ructec1 shaJl be left in as lJood conditio!! as before the cC'nstruction of said sc:'...-er._ ' . . .;;\ Grantee !)hull have the l'ighL La 'permanently maintain said sC!.l...-cr over,'said land .and its agents and employees Shilll have the right: to go upor, said reuI prop~rty at the points where the said sewer shall be located ilnd constr-ucted, for the purpose of maintaining, repairing or t"cplacing silid5ewcl' with the understanding that the Grante~, it.s agents ,or employees, in t.lle maintenance, repairing at.' replacing of~'; said'sewer, shall do 'no damage to the, said real.property, and shall. .le<'lv~ thcsil~'d rc,ll pr.operty in the same condition as before. I, Grant of EilS0ment - .1 . . '. I Date Received: J" I, JUt -1 200~ I, Original Subl'J'litta/' L'li p I' .!\ " '-"1.' 'f l "11.:;;"'. .f.~.';i .~ ~.':., """rttf' ~".,}';<f:1i i., '.. " ~ :O~j; ~,.,.. .~ r:';,:.~: .;~~~-.~ ~.,. ..... :1....,.;;, I.t.',~.~ "'~--.. , ~~ ,I ~~~ ..:t;.~'1 ., ~;.-:'_flk4 ~l~.:;;~ ..--r'_:".. i2~ '1,'.";. ~: ~f'.;-.", ;:~J. ': ;,;~::--;-,'; '~::;~I:~i ,," , ' ,'~.:,f: . ' i~~! .. ~'.".~'.I' ~;:::~+. ~t{ ..~ >,~; , ".-.P:'; '~,'-'"' '.. ~'''.i -, C~~;;1 \:2';t! ~ -.-..'. ~. "." 'f,),'f:; ;~~ .~\~fi t.;:(.~!}~.i ~ '~%3i{:: ',;,<-~ . .'~:i': '..,,;-:\, "..,~,~"""..E:{t, '. .. ~ ::;~-:,.", ,i~~~lll,-?_.~::2'~~~:,:~i::Llt~'::.;:;'€;.:~:;-ii.';\,<i_~c_~;",_'i.: >X"'-":.~1.-tl""";.~"'~;;-::'':~~:';'~~!I':'. ;~ I; , .. -., . ,'.,' ,..-, ,- .'':...; ..~ ;\::::~,.-.":' ."~ , . f ',,' ',j.' 1} '~, 0,; ',.1 r.: ~ :~ '( -i '.. " ' e~ ~i .- ~:: .':; ~~. " if ..;' e ;~f .. ~ '. [7" '~"~ ,: ~ :L!. r\ .,;; j~) t" " 't~;~,:ki1l rt!:~~~ -"I.:. L , :. -:!',;,: ~~l, . . ",;..," .' i::l- . ~ l1: " ',,;.I',{ -..;~..",... ''''', L .~~~-:';;:". :- r - " r;1 ;-:;-.....~ "... ' " ~. 'I,,~'l .~t" -, , ,'. I ;/,' ';j 'Il", ,'. '. .'....; . f....: ; ;2..~,_~:,;. '!Zl:II__" 7512233 No mnnctary compansation or cOlHddet"lIt!orl hlls hean paid for ~hG granting of this Easement. IN h'I'l'NESS ~nd day of. "..,""~'''';:'''''''''", "'~~' '/,,y,.,,, ...\~" . ,'J;"'~ ,/J..:\' \OT.,\.~~..t\.,. \' ...~ i,'d,' \ ..'JlJa~'C'; r \~~~; n~ ~~~\:.~~:/ . '. ''S'lil\.T.e'''6F OREGON WIIEREOF, April Grantor has executed these presents this _,1975. ~"rVi'~ Dale Fischer Grantor Ss. Count}' of Lane' On thi.s.7.nd_ day of lIpri 1 , rns. personillly appeal~ed th~ abo,:,c named Da l<.'! FisCher aild--,] c~ed the forelO[1' ngins, trumcnL to be IllS voluntary act and d,ecd. 11~ / L /, ',' 1- Before me: / v'--VVII"J ~ '\( ~otar'r' PuhLic for (Jrcyan r:xt--- My Comml:;sian Expires: B-24-~~ I"'l (") N ~ "" III t'- ;~I :1 r:: (:1" (':,I,;r.':''''::,I:': . " ;,,;,t:~'J~.~: ... '..\;i. oi!~fllJ,g',:;)j:j~;'$J~~ :.J - ;;.: 0':; ~ ..:'.1' " .~ 0 : I.; v '" , , ..... { 0 '" , 0 " 0 , 0 i;i '~:.: ~ ~ '. ",-" " ' '. ~ " i '" ., - u .~ \-: ~ 0: " " '\ ~ \!:) 0 , '; .fc , 0, en - /:'-. 5 " " " \~~ ~ c :;;." "\) ::; /- " '.\} : :'l \ " >- - I~~ ~. ~, ~ ~ _i o lHh .~ ~!! - r:.. , , Date Received: ( JUt - I 2009 L Original Submittal :.!fe,': '. '. 'i:~~_'~Hr.l~~'ii~~;;i;1~i:~:~;],~}s.;?,'j:P:f-f;i:' J!jAA;~.t-{;:~:::';iii<,-;; '1<', :~"~',".i:';.:,~:' :,,~;'l:'".~::.. l J "-"~~~ 4ff "lj..... I~::.~ "".: . .~~~'. .~" l\::, .~".: I ;.~;. ~, '.::,~'ii ~l""! ' .', tf.i'~/ ~J--t.: ;/".),., .~~;.;._: ~. ~-Woir.1' "~~:i~ ,,~n~ . ~...ttf\ ;r.\ ,;~ (W:~i ""',!J ~~~'.~ lot;/ '-~~r, . j,~:;:,~; X" ~'!:c-~>~~ ',' ~ ~.' I .. ~ ". ~',:' ~I':. ~ . ".:;':"~ ._.~t:; ....,,,. ."~ '.~ ~~~!: "'-. ~~~~; ''-,.' -,.,t'!.; ,. .' ..:::..c:..:::.~ i .~, .J " '."'-,. :,.;,r. ~~~.~ . t\.':~~J'~'~ i: ':J.""'., ~~.:;~~-f ')~~ .::;~?:.tk.' ;'"v"~!.;;~:: ?i%iit x,<e.-> ~:t~ .:1 !~~~~:r~ :~ ~J:':.'~~~ ..- ~> ';,'...f,,~ ;~I;~~;":{! :~;';&-::~: ,?"~'.'.,:~ \'~~.t1 ::::~t:::' ""I '/ , ,,~T"" Fl:~:';'i"~~~~ ~ : l' 'll'J' ~ .;.,,, '1 II , I'" / I ' f' ," I . '.. ,~.~ '~.l, :"~~' ~, :l' '-~ .,,~ "l-' :~~ " ~~. :'.>- ~~. ~', :) ~,~ e' ,,~ ::t.", ',' , , -t-..~' '." , 'Y 11 Ii ,.. '.._ .0. .'..- . ,:,~.. ~~~~~: I>~"~" I':-'~" A ",.';:)-, ':I~ :"II'!'"d:" I' ,I . ~ I .. If;J':' .":<"" '! I ' ':"', ~""/.:I(;-:"L_ '!i,<t j ,){ " ,I ' f ' ",,~ '. .,.;~-:~d~; "p._~_ fJ..:...".. ~.'.f'-: II:I",ItII'i,I,1.,"',-I' '-r~ " . ~~ 'l l:~'~:[ 'l'HIS 1 NDI:::N'rUIH:: 'IHTNESSt:TlI: 'I'hut l)J\L~: rtSCIlER, heroinafter..-!: t,'~.'~(~,." called "Grantor,'" doce h(lIOby givo (I11d ':II"nt unto the CITY OF" EUGENE:, CI a municipal corporation of Lana County, .State of oragon, herein<1ttGr. .~.~~:f. called "GrantHe,". tho right to lay, conatruct, maintain and rapioca ~ over ~hc real prOpBrty hereinaftor doscribed a snnitory .sewer l~~~rall ',:.:~,~.',~~,"~: being 14 feet in Hidth and lying 7 fc~t left and right of, and paro.llul _'~ to the foll~:lNillg described canted'ine: J1'1". ;,'~,:~,;",~,~".'~~.~,.:.' Beginning at Engineers Centerline Station 1" '+ 00 {Glenwooc1 , . , trunk sewer line stati'oning), said point baing 755.49 feet I'i' "".'11'~' South and 412.96 feet West of the Northeast corner of the ",g. Zara Sweet Donation Land, Claim No. 68, Township 17 South, r;;~7k~ ~:~I~nin~e~~eO~e~~:r~t~;a~:~;~~M~~;~;~~~df~~~ss~~et~~i~ri9~i 1~ ~:~~ fect to a point, !>aid point being South 82012'20" East, 87.6' ~oI~ feet of a point lying 634 .S8 feet South and 499.74 feet west; -,.~';~~.. of the Northeast corner of said Donation Lnnd Claim No. 68 :~Jr -~nd thereupon terminates, all in Lane County, Orcg\Hl: i~ I' -,':,1 t[ the sai'd sewer to"be located and constructed -a sufficient depth below the surface of th-eground so as not to interfere with the free and ,~ unrestricted use of the surface by Grantor, his helrs, repre5enta- ;.~,~,~;",::,:,:i,f"',, tivcs and assigns; reserving to Grantor',. his heirs, representatives :: .. and a55ig'\5, the right of free and unre!:itricted use of the surface -;'t\~ of said land, "together with the right to build, fill or otherwis~ , ',,!,'.:.',:i,j;,,~, use said surface, but only after said sewer' line has been installed. ~- - Grantor agn:-e!>, however, that the, plans for the foundation of any' : .<~/,:,'..~{ structure constructed over the sewer line willb'f.! subject to approvnl .:!t~.;:?- of the CHy F:ngincerand the 8uilding Department of the City of 1\ ~,";~'"'' Eugene and \~ill cOr.1ply wit~ th~ provisions of Sections 8.555 and:! ~..."" 8.S~6 of th(~ Eugene Code, 1971, ,15 .Jmendcd by Ordinance No. 17150, '~~.:'~,:~,:. enacted AUl)ust. 26, 197<\. I; The Grilntee, l,ts contr,lctors, subcol\tractors, uCjcnts or emoll6yees shall' have th(~ riCJnl to go upon saig real prop{!rty for the purpose of constructi.ng, T:\iJintaining, repai,rinq or replacing said sewer;1i and !:laid ,sewer .shall he so constructed',so <IS' to do no damdge to ,I'said rea~ proper-ty, <lnel il::tcr the construction of the Sel/ne, the said [real property at the point \-i1ler.:- siJ.id !:icw0.l: is laid and constructed shull bp. left. in a!> ,qaoo condition as before the construction of !:iaid j'sewer. ,1 , It Grantct'! .o;;ha11 nilVe the right to permanently maintain said s~wcr over said land .:lnd its <lCJents and employees sh.J 11 hilve the right: to go upon said real ~roperty ,1t the points where_~ the said--sE!wer s~'lll1 be located and co",,,tructed, for the purpo!>e of maintaining, repa:iring or 'Ccplaclnq Gaid ~~\"'er .....ith the 'underst<:lnding that the Grantee)l its ugents or e_mploqi'('!~s, in the maintena,nce," repairing or rcplacing tof said sewer, s~all do 'no damage to the.; sai.d.real property; and shall leU-VI::- _the ~,l'id r8,11 property in the same condit.ion as before: ,Ii ----"". 7512234 GR^NLl?.E: [,:t\SF.MF:NT .~, .~ r~~{..~~ ,.,.....:, ^. 'l,~, . ~ c:---- 'f??~~:,~~ ;~f ~;~;~ .~::r.~..:." , :,':~::;.~;, 1. ~... ,,- ,'.,." , ~;:;!::~ ~{~:'~~i ',;', Gr.,lr1t , , of f.<l':.;C'rllf.,:-.'~ - 1 ":';'.'." !,~; ~~ ~- ; ; ~';~:~;:-t: ',r;i;:~:: '~~'::J.~1 ! Date Re6eived: I II :.J (, JUL '- 1112009 Original SUbmitt~1 I; 1:- , "I 'Ji~1 t~f~~ .J ;!~,t;t1, i:~f~;~ ,:'.':?,:'(;'~ f,~~~~~5 ,,' ..;. ': -,.,..,~~,,~,.,~.:;:~,~. s< ::t::~;..~~ ./4. . L '''." , ,1:1-- .,'..','.... ..~~ ~~~'t,'S,~g;~:;:.G;;'i.;:;:;;~:,,:~ :;1'::'.',:.m~~1J~:':-~~;~m';;'''!;":J~''~,<'~,~,j'.il-'J;;:'?' ,':,~;:" ._~_~i), , . (ii, ~-~ ~J ~". r)~ '., .~ ' " " '" ' ~' :~{ ~' ' ?c: '. ", ~: ,,., ; ~ " i; .....' :1 :..r "., ;J;I :'? .' :,~. 't.' ,j>;; i,l; i.~\ i~ '." ~r~ ~~ ;'f ;f~ :g(~ '~. I', ~~ :--" ~1 .~: I I '~r~;~IH~ ""<,~I'\T: ' ' . .'. r~'"'''' . ":':,../" "i'. ... 'y".'i , " .'.;. . .~.......:=_, " L " the No. mon~t:ary granting of compcn~utlon or consid~rntion huu bBon paid (or tnh BD.BOl1lon{:, IN WITNESS ,~"day of --~ ';':-) t~~.~.3.1 ~~~}.~'::':~~~'.~ WHEREOF \ Grantor haa executed the~e prC!SOllts this ^pri 1975. ' ....~';,;;)":'~t'#;..,.. ,~~' ,.''lo~ j"','" ", "" \ , ',\O"\~r 1 ....,. ;lif \~\ ..::'J;lUG..+.... "..'i, 0 , .:;:.,,,,.:1,,'.:,:',...... ", S'rATE-"OF OREGON \ ~ \ ~r ""c~~ Dale Fischer SS, Grantor County of Lane On this 2nd day of April , 1975" personally appeared the atlove named D.J.le Fischer and 8/fr"knOWI ,0, the foregoing instrWllent to be hi, voluntary act and deed~_,_ ; / . /. J~' I, Before me' L_ / ~~~~ ~ No~r~ Public for Orego My Commission Ex'pire!l: 8-24-76 ~ ~ i\l ". ;e .,~:, I:t .OJ' ',' t:.:.:.o5':~:i\ ..: :..ii ';I.;e E 1 ..,. .... '" , ,.' 0 if , ''l IX: " " g: Q "'< ~ " ~ -0 01' I:"'- g " ,~ ~ . ::;'^ I: ; " :,\) :,~ roS :~ , o -~ :. >'. o .., Co .:.!;" '.;.: ,,-;t i-~ .~ . 0 '-~ ~,w '\) g ~ ~; . ~ -. " c :"" .:. 't;; ~ lY. .J... ., o , ""~"\" 101.. " ().I:':\.. . :i ;'\D j :':(~ )- 7:- '(; Date Received: ( JUL - 1 2009 Original Submittal :-Q.:I.-.::". ""',,' ::'''.;O'::;;''i.,.'I:'' :./,' i 'I' I J '_,,' 'j" #~b:, ; ~_.,.. l to ~ .J ~~''1e:.\ I:n';;~'" ''''~'';': '''1', .r. .'., , ''!'_'''''.'' . '. ~". . .':.t:'J ...~, !'"t:_~' J .' ~", \,",....t' ~;. ........ ~,'..,..~\) ,~~.,t ~i.'..<.. ='..~,., :.,...i:, ~~,I.~ ::' :i~;~~~ ~I' :.'~tJ.:.! .:,:a, ~":;.-," ,I'::" .0;:: :f~~~ \;,..~?~. :~t~,>fJ1 - ;-,~';,J . '.'1~~f: f?::'fl:~ , };~~~- " . ~~.'.:J..: .~S~.: ',::,:'i: ;};::.; '~i::'; . .: 4t?~~ .--os::. ..,'~f1 :;;,;: I,' 'r'. '-.J .:"(...:.::' ~~:~:1~ '. 'M'~~;} rf~.i ~!~ i,~~.t " ,.,:l~ :.:~;~~:.. .:: ~~i~~ t,.~,'"l~ ",:'11,' , :.."f,.'-'-~' .:":1,' ;',.,_', " :'",:.f.~~, j: ~Jt~f~ ::,~:;::},~~ l ' "f;>:'~:":~:' .1' ;~~~>,'i,:. <, .,:j~.:'/ '-'~"'''''-''.'~''',,~, ~::;i.;'~ ';;1":. .-~' d::,'~~~~~~}j '1 / '. ""'. l\' ~",,!..-.;j r;:1......"".' ~---".,~ ',....h~ , . :1 '::t.1_.:.;J:.~..". ,,--", (~, ~): .. ,of ~ii . " ," , "~ ,i: 11:' '.cr .J ,t:j \, i: \. 4: :r . :j " '", : ~ ~ .~l, , " ~ " .i~ ..,f ~. . iE 'J ~-" Y'; ':i. !"~ fc.;, .~;- " i1 -'" ::;j l:t;1 .'. o ":;' w ," c:r:: ;,~;':. . ~:,;~ . r:~~ ..,,: .~,'"I; /:la' L . .'.- '<';:~'~:!",.., I', '~ '- ..~...:. ,'IJ~~..., _,. . . ~c' j; " /' '. ~~_OP_~^SEH~NT '.i'~I:;; I.;; -J _,' ",- .,' .:r: / ..........,:::../.>.:;t. j'/', ~-""Pfl ;:.:'""'~,~. uh,:.r.:.l' ,:\ I'"h/.rr: 751:t:l35 1"- '? '1'1115 INDEWrUrm WITNr'$SF.TIII 'rhlll: Dhl.r. f'ISCIlER, hcroinMtor: "'I'" called "Grantor," does hereby q{vu and' gr..1nt unto the CITY OP IWG~NF::, a munioipal corporllt!onof Lane County, Stato of Oregon, hElrOLno.ft'er c.l11ed "Grantee,'" the right to In}', cona-truct, mt,intain and repIne'a over thr;!' real proporty harcinaftor dcscribC3d u sanitary sower 1ato'ral, being 14 feet in widthanrl lyIng 7 f(let left: and right of. and parDUel to the fOllowing described centtll.'line: 1; i: II II " II, 1', II , Ii ,I the said sewer Lo be located arid constructed u sufficient: depth below the surface of the grOund so as not to'.interferewith the .free,and1~ unrestricted use of the surface by Grantor,: his 'heirs,- representi1:-\ tives and assigllf;i rese!"ving to GrantC'r, his heirs, representatives and as:;igos. the right of free and unrestricted IIse of the. snrfacer of said land, together with th0 right to build, fill or othen..ise f: use said surface, but only after said sewer linc has been installed. Gr.antor agrees, ho\~cv(,'r, t.h,lt the plans for the foundation Of any f structure constructed OVer the sewer line will be- subject to approva.1 of th~ City Engineer and the Building Department of the City of f 'F.C1gene i'lnd will comply with the provisIolH; of Sections a.555 and ,~ a.556 of the Ellqene Code, 1971, "s amQnded by Ordinance No. 17159, cnactftd August 26, r974. , , Tile: Grilntc0, it.s contrilCtors, subcOnt_r'lctors, d'len.ts or employees Shilll have the iig_~'.t to go up.on Sc'lLCJ real property for the purpose I': of c'onstructlng, maintaining, repdiring or replacing said sewer; j ilnd said .:;e\~(:r'~11.11-l be ~-o constructed 50 as to do no damage to sai'd n~i'I1 Inoperty, "Ilei i'lft.~r the construction of the oame, the said rea'l prop~'"!r:ty .:n: lilL.: i!ll.i.nt \..'here said sel'/er is loJid and constructed shaH Le left in ilS good condition as before thC" construction of said sc....'er,. . h ' . Grantee Shill I have the r i{Jht to permanently maintain said sewerj' over said land and'its agents and emplO}'e0S shall have the right to". go upon liaid r<O'cd property" ,1l: the [Joints \"here the sa:id sewer Rhall' bc 10c<lted and constructed, forth~ purpose of maintaining, repairi'ng or r0.[ll<1ci.nC) saici sr!'.'Icr ..dth the ur,c!I2;J:slandin<j that the Grantee, it's ag.:'nts or err.ploYl~es,. in the mili.nt~li';nC:02" rcpairing or replacing of $cliJ ':Sewer, ~;h,'11 do no dam"l]e to the ;,<Iid real property, <1I1d shall! h:,lVf:' the sid(; i-c'<ll propr.~rr.-.i' in the :;<llnccondition "a~ before. . . , Beginning at ,Enginee1:s Centerline Station 7 + 50 (Glenwood truck sewer line stationing). said point baing 6a~,BtaQt South and 1054.2 feet West of! the Northel!.st corner of the Zllra Sweet Donatioli Land Claim No. 68, Township 17 South, Range .) West. of the Willamctte Meridi.:\n. from the point of beginning the centerline herein described.Clms North 17.'5 feet to a point. ~aid point ,being South, 70Cl07'50" West; 146.0 feet from a point lying 622.69 f~et South and 916. a7 feet 11cst of the Northeast.-corncr of said Donation Land Claim No. 68 and 'thereupon terminates, all in_Lane County. Oregon; . "',.' . Gr':ult of EiI~Cli,<.~\ It - I I' " - Date Received: " I' ,( JUL -1; 2009 :J briginalSUbmitt!, Ii " 'L' . ' 13 .,-:;, ,',.: >,... ":':;;,~ :';' .~- ',-,I> ,",>,. -.,'?:'. ~'..: :,-:,~<.;,--;:'~"::' ~. "..I' , <.~~,,' ,,;;,,,,,.. "u'",.,.-,-" .:s":,, . If': .,~:.;.;~,~-'., ,,,3;,' '''~',~ ,,"'-''''''''"''\;,;'' '-;' ,'."""-.. " '",' . :! ,:;;;,1 'I ',c~~: ~( . '.~;<</~ 'l.'~ i . J,' ij, ~.. :/-:.1 ; ~4! "~'--".."'''' I, I ..''''.'-. ':........' ,~ .:', .,,-. ;..:..Eo;:. ~.-.~,{,. :~; ,~. ~ _......,;~.; ".V;,.: 1 ~.:1: ':;',r. '/," , . ,:./! ..J .. ~~.' \~"1:; , ~;;~1 ,.-I'f;:"'t '.,:~~i~~;; \%~.;;~ 1.;:(, . ~ ,'. ,~~i( _..'.i.":.., ~/,~:~j ~~.:~::: ~;'.I:<J' , ~. ::.: :~'j,. ;..~~; ~~t~.~~. :"',''''.~ "~ Jis ~. i;3Z: ~;. r;;;~;:~~ : '~'~<~Jk .~PJ.f'~ ;J:i:lli ~t1i. . j. ~Jrf;~ . ~~;f~;! ~ tf~;;~; -" . ':c.~ ,'_L. .. 1i,'1;~'~,,] "/.t,~:C',i . ,,1):~~!A ." ~r~' . ~'k~~'~ I ..' -I:~~t ~~J .. ;;~~::i )>~ :.;--~~'~-;-: . .. ~-. ,: \ ...~'. '.0. .:~..::... '~"~:,'ii'~~ ~<~T'~\I-' . J"~' '...' , .:.~,,;.:..,~t!.'i ; ( I a, :(. ,.' .. \;. ,;i~' ,,. \~' ::" ,~. :~' "", .'-.:. . :,.., ~} ~. ,< . '~ ~. ).. .;, t, I> ~r .~; . ~~, . \ill :~ -. n' ~ ~~ ~ (~~ ~j :-, I 7512235 the No monetary compensQt1on or conRt'datat1on 'has grDnting of thiB Eascrnont. _._.-doC . , . n_:'~.:.~t~,-!~.' ~. ,. "" bean paid for IN WITNESS WHERI.::Dr, Grantor has executed these presents this ~~_ day of April , 1975. ,0.,,0''''''''''''''''''';' ,',' \,~5 H..yo ..... .......~tJ ~~'J,:. " T'~ . : _,'.0 ""ry '" .n ; ; ^' Ie.;',:, '.,r." ,Ut:1\... ':-i-- i \'.:~/'..... '. (.",}J,/ "'." 0, n~ ',,' . .."..,"'....TE OF \.' ""i...... "V '.^ ~\....-" ~Fischer-- . OREGON I' ) S5. ) County af !--ane Grantor On this 2nd clay of ' Aori'l , 1975, personally"appeared the Qbove named Dale -Fischer an~a,Ckno~' Gdgcd /lhe ", regofng instrument to be his vOluntary act and deed. ... / " Befor'e me, ;;;lL',j- , , 'lhrw:->. ' Not ry Publlc for Oregon My Commission Expires: a 4-76 t.!l N N .... ~ ~ ~'1 ~' J-':; ,.. L ~ .r: ~ ~ w .g ~ HiL ~ou:;:... ~~~.~~ .~ X "i 1 " -. - '" ~ 0- j jn~ . -- '. Gr~'n:r.:'of~ Eil.sl~nv~:~t .; ( .'.,..,,".;\:.;;''<:i :~.;:n."AiS~:'. "{i'- :;~.:,..',:::,:~;, .;C ""." ~ " '" iiO o o '" . " OC":s u ;;; 1...9 ; "" " "'. " ~8 r~ ,< '" K! !!l ; ~ 1!~1 i s~11 t~o~,~, ~'~ ,'< ~ :~~ f' -l; ;;:" ':> . ~ ~.:\,:~ . Date Received: JUL - 1 20ml L Original Submittal :': /I. ~": ~ '--;,:: '. rt>:" I , 'F'''''' '1, ~,~\, ~" ;t:~-",.~, '~~'. ,I~ " :i'f. .. ." I", .\,rr, "I " 'l~,,; ~ t't~" ~... r.1 v" ~ 'j." ~ e4~P .". 4:- ~(: f,.,]: ~.." 11~.'. :;..:&.~ ..,~,....,~,_oi..I r,~'f' ,~,~.""" ",','ill,' -v,:;;;'; ~..;:...i ~;;t; t6.: fi}" "r~~ :"I'~ ',,' ,,' :j:l":f'S}J "~':'G. 'f':-.,!,. "':I"~ .:-;-~ .,'.'\.Ib....::. ~~,; -1 ...... :'~,~ :'~..' -, ~~. .;'-:~.:'; ~ t~~ ~:.:: ,(', '('~:'~ '. . }J~'):';. -';. ~~ '1"";$:"/ "--.":;;..p"" -" ~ ~ - . ~:":.. . J- ;~~:i;? j' '~:i;: '1{ii!:~L..: ~".J~ [, "". ~ I ','r.o' ,I ji'?.i'i J ~~~~ I ~_~ j i:;~~.\ I ;-i'.:: ,,_-<;.r_-:: ^.-i,!..;~t-t.; '( ~~~:; '1,"'/.:' f ~~~~: <lj'H\ ""i,"~'~; \ .....;, 't'. J " f!:(";Z. I:. .. . : :~;~~~(~ I "..'h'i... I:<~: :JJ:'I',,~ : -' ,', (" AuthorLtell for ncr.urd~g by CHy of EUB,me]/ ". Dato LC?::~r? -:7S- (,""/~4--/'Aj/ J.)Jreelor of Fh'iuncel Ii " I: THIS INDENTURE WI'rNli:SSETIII That DALE FISCIIER, hereinafter ~, called "Grantor ," doe$. hp.L"aby give and grant unto_ thE! '"C1TY OF il EUGENE, a municipal corporl:ltion of Lalle County, State of Oregon, II he!:'elnafter called "Grantee," the right to lay, construct, maintainll and replace over the real property hereinafter db8cribed a sanitary I sewer lateral, being 14 -feet in width, ilnd lying ,7 feet left and ). right of, and parallCll to the fOllowing described centerline; ~: , Ii , 'i'~,):;'j'i'f i:.. I i',,\-;,. '!),~.~::, I!\ :, '! ,~ ....'-'"'~ ' r-- ,I, ~~;i.'i I' :1' i!;,~_,,! . ~ '. f/I... -Jr.(..:.", 'r 'N'" " 'I ~ -,I': .1 :."'''~ GRAN'!', OF EASEMEN'l' 'f"'!'"'1' ,,,,,.,", ~j'.r "'%~' f~{:~~'~l ~:f'...::I.~:~ ~iIT m [t~ ~~~} ;i~~~. r~~:.'t ~1~,"!.f. V",1;;~;l ~1h~;' "~-"'- ~ ~.~~ ~.;<.1', I>,f',~~' ~ Beginning at Engineers C~nterli~e Station 14 + 00 (Glenwood trunk sewcr<line stationing),- said point 'being 755.9 feet South and 450. J feet \~est of the Northeast corner of the ZaraSweet Donation Land Claim No. .68, Township 17 South, rtllnge ] West of tht! Ihllamctte Meridian. from suid Po.;.nt of Beginnilig the centerline herein described run's North, 114.52 fCl:!t to a point, s"id point belli\) South 820 12' 20" East, ~9.9 feet of a point lying 634.50 feet South and' ~99.74 feet .Hest of the NOCLhcust corner of said Oonution I.and Claim No. 68 and thereupon terminates, i111 in Lane County, Oregon._. . . L Original SubmitteR ~" 'ilo i '" ~V~ mj ,'!:f.j' jk 'H ti! ill ~ g ~ i:'.iI. ~ B;~ ,i::; hi ~>:' :w ~ ~~ ;.I,j-~ hl t,,1l t:a .~ m 'Ey ~ ),1) is! .~ l~ _?~' 'I ;~ .-:'j1 ".'1 il1 ~ ,fj i!\i ';'::Ir ~ , the said sewer to be locilt.cd <J.nd con::;lru-clcu iI sufficient depth below the surface of the gt"ound so as l\r)t to interfere with the free and unt'estricted us~ of the surface by Grantor, his heirs, representatives and assigns; reserving to Grantor, his heirs, representatives und uSSigllS, the right of free and unrestricted use of the surfilce of said land, together \'Iith the right to build fill or otherwise usesuicl surface, but only after said sewer line has ,been installed. Gl"<Illtor .:\grees,however, that the,plans for the foundation of any structure constructed over the 'sewer line will be subject to apinoval of the City Engineer and the Building Department of the City of EUgene and will comply with the provisions of Sections, fl. 555 und 8.556 of the Eugene Code, 1971, as amended by Ordin.:lllce No. 1?lS9, 'enacted ^ugust 2~, 197<l. The (jrantee, i'ts contractors, subcontractors, agents or employees shall have the right to go upon said real property for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, repairing or replacing said seWer; and said sewer shall be 'so,contructed so as to ~o,no damage to'said real property, and'after the construction of the same, the said real property at the point where said sewer is laid and constructed shall be left in as good condition as before the 1 construction 'of said sel.'or. - . e Grantee 5h<111 h,1ve the right to permanently maintain said' .sewe'r over said land and its agen.ts arid eml?loyees shall have the Grant of Easement - 1 Date Receiv~d: ,.. j ;'\ I JUl - 1 2.009 1: .' I I > .~ IY " \, ~,~:., l!1";,n ii'1l!'~"" '"" J) -,t.,.f]; ~~~' I: ~ ~I" ~~,~ lE..i.~~-{~ ~~ ('; -'.: , .. l~:f#' ~1i.: I~~ .~ 'Ji'.~~ Ii)'" "' . "l,\ , :tit ~~ ~ ..''';" :'( ,.i.: '7[) [)t,'i'fi [, right to go up~n 8~ld real property at the points where the said sewer shall be located and constructed, for the purpOse of main- taining, repairing Or replacing said sewer with the understanding that the Grantee, its agents or employees, in the maintenance, re- pairing or replacing' of said sewer, shall do nO,damage to the said real property, and shall leavQ the G3id, real property in the same condition as before. /1 .'! No monetary compensation or consideration has been paid for the granting of this Easement. IN WI'l'NESS WHEREOF, Grantor has executed ,these presents this !..l!.h. day of D(!C(!mb'~r 1975. ii!l D ~ := .,~.~ :~~ f~,.: . :J11 ~ ~i' ~t;f ~i ~ '~ ~ ~j~ ,].~ t*,( "~ I ,,'~ l~ jj hi I <irE "['Ii :'.'I':-.'~ . ;',~'; I ",:1 .:, ;'J,:: )( _1lI.-o..:y "" "-'-"'-'. Dale flSchcr "GRANTOR" STATE or OREGON " , County of Lime Qil> tn.;l:S /7/~ d1lY of A(;:""'!h,j:':~ ,1975, person1l11y ilp- peOlrg~' tlw. 'tlpove named DaJ,~. t'J.scner and acknowledged the ,fore- go:U'tg lnstnumcnt to be his voluntary act and-deed, 1'1,': __Ii - 'aofor. me, lJf'~(L II ~(v . (, !, J '.. NotarYPublJ.c tor Oregon v-:", l>ly COllUnission Expires: &-,).J-:--Jf" () F" 0 ll,~'l. '"....",., l!l J '!I'l ,~~ ~ ';" oj "'''.n", .: g :: ~ o'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~] ~;; '! .. ~ ,S._ ~~t3:2~ <1 " 'tI ,~ .. n: ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ 'O,~ -:S : ~nH dl': ~ .~ "j I r I ..;; '\' ~ g . (; 'E '\ ,; ...e ~ ~ fN~o ". A~ o :1.~~' ~ ~~.. ~ ~g ~ ~ '" ~" <<', r:i q _01: U '-~ .~ e ~ " ~:!i u ;;; in ~ i:---- ~' , l'" u o '" 9 ,:!i j: i ~ ' j ".. 00 " , ~" 0- _ 0 ~ ~ ", '0 u;U ; ~ Rl ~ '~ Date Received: t!,. '" 'u Co ~ o , " , ,fry ?ral"!;l,~of [;:.fl.::;eme,!ty" r.21i !: I ' r, 'I - '(: : ~ . JUL - 1 2009 L Original Subniittal .:'1 ,~ I /, ,::::1: I: ~ .- . 'i'~jf)t';'i'f)t; . L /..ulhO'/'12CII rl,r nccvrdllllf by CJly of 1!1ll!ll.!il1.l1; D"" '~- ""1'.-j",- ~ '1/_ ~~ ~ 'Dlrctlllf ur FI ,lneel I~ i f GHANT OF' EASJ:;MEN'l' ~ r tt ;jj ~. " Zl, ;~I i~ '~~~~ WiiI ,.s,"fflg f~l i'~~J :1ff;~~.~ ~~~~H ~t~l ;~;,)2,~ :',~L:t1:.t. ~~;~! 'fllIS INDEN'l'URE'.WITNESSETfl: That DALE'rISCIJER, hereinafter called uGrantor." does hereby give and grant unto the CITY OF r EUGENE, a municipal corporation of Lane County, .~State of Oregon, e hereinafter called "Grantee," the right to lay, construct, maintaili I~ -snd replace over the real property hereinaft~r described a sanitary flewer latert\l; "1]8i09 14 feet in width and lying 7 feet left ilnd right. of,- and parallel to the fOllowinCj described centerline; , Beginning at Engineers Centerline Station 7 .;: 50.(G1emlOod ,trunk sew~r line stiltio'ning)" said po"int being 680.0 feet South and 1'090.2 feet West of the tlorth'east. corner of the Zara, S\~eet Donation Land C1ilim 110, 60, ?ownship 17 South, ,llange ] '~est, of the: IHllamette Ncridian, from the p.oint of 'beginning the centerline herein described runs North 12,25 feet to a point, silid point being North 7P 59' 49" West, 26,9 fect from a pojnt lying-676.10 feet South and 1064.7 feet \'Iest of the Not'tlleast corner of said Donation Land Clilim No, 68, and thereupon terminates, illl in L'ane County, I Oregon. ! the said sewer to be locuted and consU"ucted a suffi(;ient depth below the surfClce of the CJround so as not 'to interfere with the free and unrestricted us(! of the surface by', Grantor, his 'heirs, representa'tives and assiyns; rese1"ving to Grantor, his heirs, representCltives c:md assigns, the right of free and lJnrestricted use of the surface of said land, together with the right to build fill or otherwise use said surface, but only after said sewer line has been instulled. Grantor agrees, however '.' that the plans for the foundation of any structure constructed over the sewer line will be subject to approval of the City Engineer and the Building Department of the City of Eugene' and \~ill comply \~ith the provisions of Sections 8.555 and 8,556 of the .Eugene..Code, 1971, as amended by Or~inance No, 17159, ~nacted August 26, 197~. ~* I",", " " "'""'~/',' " ~\' " "~ m:~:~8 ~%; "~~ ~~" ~~' @',i~ ~I.~, ..;'lI::h,~, >\l~ ~). ... ::1;t>lf.""'" ~I~",~i~ .'h.:' 1I~c,;.,~,i1\,'\' ~ .\'~!. 'lli~~" 1"~ }~~ - ~n\'#W: r~~~~,", ii"'" ~ 'J .K!!, .~ "~i!!li' :\Iih,' ~r~'i "'~:" ,!I.>~ tt ,~;n , ~, ,;< ,'*' , . Thfl Grantee, its contractors, sLibcontractors, agents 01. employees shal_L have the r'ight to go upon" said real property for the pur.pos'e of constructing, maintaining, 'repairing or replacing said sewer; and said sewer shall be so contructed so as to do no' damage to said real property, and after the .construction of the same; the said real property at the point where said sewer is laid and constructed shall be left in as good,condition as before the constr~ction of 'said sewer. Grantee shall have the right to permanently milinta~nsaid sewer over said" land" an'a its agents. and employees shall have the ; Irr,~_ji::'> I:-'''''';~S'i~:: --; 1 '$::; ~ ' i ':If,t.:',:,: :i; .h'" .' :) "-..:~\. -'. ), ..i " '- ',-- ll' " . ':l~ " !L,~ .'ft'! ~ ~ iili ... ~~ ',--~ ":~ ~ Ii ,~j\, 'icl1 '"" ~ !~ "gj ...,.~ . t1:th -. ,~ ~ ,.1i j;~~i ~~I ,i #!'ol ,,, 'fl ~~~ I I: " ii, " I' I' Ii 1'-- , -, ~rant of Easemen~ - 1 Date ReceivetJ: I' ' JUl 1'12009, 1.'.... I I Original SUbm:~aj ..,..,' ::}fi;11~J L '. ( J) l J ~ ": ':" "i'-~..: I ", p;;.4:~;r.:r;,j . "'II ,,"ft. . :':"'~"'::"""'-j " i:.:.~:,....< .,. ,'?!'.:~~~:~~:_~): .T.." , \q'.. ," "- ".:'. ....,.:....J :"';;,...... 'i'[j~)f;.i'f ;l; right to go Upon Baid real pt'operty at the points where the' said sewer shall be located ana constructed, for the purpose of main- t",ining, repairing or replacing said s~wer with 'the understanding that the Grantee, its llgenta or employees, in'the maintenance, re'- pairing or replacing ~f said sewer, shall 00 no. damage to the said real prop~rty, ~nd shall leave the said real property in the same condi tion,. as before. " ,?_'i "' \J. ;)1 \O:~ i ill '~ '~l:" E,!i'. 'ij FA I I 'Jll l'<i i I Ifi' I ,Ii'! I~ ~ I )~ 'Jl! ~ ~~ ,Ii, ~ .Uj ~~ , ~~ I~ .I~ No monetary compensation or considerution has been paid fOr the granting of this Easemen~. IN WITNBSS J..1l.h day of WIIEREOF, Gi-c.ntor has cx~(,;ut:ed t:hese presents this Decemhf!~ ,1975. .../ ~:'\"-t\r'l~..., Dale Fiscllcr "GR1\N1'OR" STATE OF OREGON County of Lane ,>, )~~.~. i!Olmq ~ ~iit fI~"jJ On' thi!? /7d day oE oft;.:., "...div ,1975, personally <l[l- peared' .the above named DalC! Fiscller C1nd acknowledgC!cl the Eoi:e- g.oin~_ .~r.~~rumC!nt to be his voluntary act and deed. f' NO(~;~-'Iiu~~(c (t(~~~i9~f v My_ Commission ,Expires: t.-~!.-. 7'1 Before me: "'\ ". .~ , ...fJl of." , i ,,' ~' .:i o ,,";1;' ..gr. I)'':: .. ~,.'f ~ ;:: ~l '0 O'\'> '. ~ ~. r~ " ;:; ~ .'!tr~~ ri.r;;'~ e " ;; .g :g ~ ~ ~:~ c '" 9 , o , " ~:;! u ;;: Ino 1"-, !'- ,j u~~,~ E~ ~o ".. ~~'~ ,;;?;~", " ~" ~ '~ ~ 0, <I:> [€ <.c ItJ ,lJ) '1" '" Rl u .u c I<> (!> ~ ." :'-'. ;;. IJ(J'''' , Gral\t!! OlE. Easemeht ~'-( 41 ~1. I.;': :! Ui Date Rec:ejv~d: L I ,( JUL - 1200$ . ..I .:....J :~. ,9riginaISubtrli!t;,i, :~ .' ",' , .. . .. /' I " . -oF J"I.;," '!/J'l ('.4.1'....... J',',\l '~".'~I'I'mh'l 1.1, 111,L!IlI'IIlj.i'loll. IL,,~j~,,;,l.IM':ltl.'J.1i1 . . t~" ..':..,:'l\~ tjf'T(.1fP" ~"t~,,:.~~~~t:;\'rr;; ...". ,,;.;, . ~~ J' ".j:~\"ltJ~.r....I6I'. .c..... ,.f"l~ '.IV"t".~,,~~S'W" ll" . ,;' ',\ '.. ..', ;,ft/.", ,.1--~,\'If.~~,II~"'kii, 'o~,"'t't lobY1:~\-~J.:e:,~:,,'I,,~~{. ,,,,' '~j,. .,' :.I-/~,:,,;,,:..,/t'!:t~~~ ,'~'l-;'."',':\' ;,:-'oI,lrAi.. .~..~~..I.,~:'R\? ~~!,"..' '. . '" "":-'~'r./;}.~~t,,.,.~..,~ ':.l' u!\ ,.....t: I~l...~<, ,..'It " . , "':"'!';>j',J:(..\;.~\,Wj:;":~'" '1"'II'i! ''''~ .',j;! ,,"'" ".",.. .F~;.'tt.....1.1.::; Ll~L\~" [. "~ f!1~1.1I~..,......,'. :., ')' ~/~l~ ,"', '. .~:." 'I' I ~ ~ 'I I', f':' .,"~ ", . '. ,...."'J~\r.~..~~~> \~.~:.' .-:r,'~f} -3',\0 1 \~~ ~ i :~~1,1:,'); , I ,;,~(",~ /1.':".,:' . "...l".:""IJ.'" "7.'\~',~ , " 1.,.;.11", . .', 1/ j ,j " '" ' ~..' '~,l:\''':'''~'\' , .:'.'''-'"r! '1(<1 'I'\~ '~~"'!;'I' I , , i~.,.~~I.1.;:: , '," . ,:"" I' I '1'>l1~ " \'0)1.\., \~,; i :{-. '. i,' ~ I.' \.1 ,-;;, , . 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J; L~ !.; '() " ~ '. ~ J~ r:', i:J ~ i-'; "1 '."., '.1" ~, "'~ <:"-.... ~ ~~ Sf \:....~ ";:) ~ ~' l';-, ::; .... '" o ~ u '" " '" ~ i " 'j "." '(j '- ',,; -,' I:::--. ~ ~ ~, ~. "t I- ll!, ~.~~ i i'li~ ~ i ~1 Ur ;1 I:J! r.l -1:' 0'0 lI.~ii'E "h. Q n ~ ii ..;.su 2 -:I J::2:l ~~ -"; '.5 : , ! , 0 29'2-,9,jJ C) Il'l ... ~ '" !!! ~ ~ 1 .; t ~ ~ t ;0 , ,~jt ~~; ':; ;~j;j ~i~~ll ',~~ ,.' tn~! .. 1:: .. '" '" ~ \ " r'.-" c;' ~.~ ~ ~ ~- ;[ ,-.. ., "'-' ,. , ~ \'~ ,; .,.IX..... I . 0 '1. ~,~ '.~ ) " ,"" -- ,:;-I "! " Date R~ceived: JUL -1 2009 " ,,' Original Submittal ? ~ , . ,/ ,/ ;.~i; ,'i:- ". \ -' -,' . :' ;~ :.r ~ )}-';"'~""tci=-:s.' , / ~~\j, '; \ /:,:!l ~....~. :..- [.3 \!..;'~ . I ' ~- "', . I' '0, ,," \\::';i. 'If,:.:.' ':: ','.\ :.; ,;, : ~ ~ \'; . "~~~~~J~.,7'~~:?, ,.Tl"":'Y:'~ '; ,'~ .' c"'"'",-- '-eI ,;,... ' " " .....~....J-_"....J~~.,~~ '..J;. , , ' ':~"~:}L ",' ';;:v: __"'.':,I'~ .,.",.1,.:: .,'.., r'~~; ,-, ' :~'.:. .. ..I".,...' -- -~.~~t::'.J?;;.~:i~'~~:,.~~r",:-:,:, ::: '.r,': ., ';' . ..... ').Y rri'> ~' '(a>>SJhlGil .,.. . .. l~.. ,.: ! ;', ,..' :..~\:: ',: . \, PEI1IUT AND ,,^SI>II!NT 'I;;;" '1 "7('''' " ,I ,',\ 'U... KNOW ".u. HRN BY THH8B PElBSBNTS. thnt. LANltCOUm, a political sub- division of tho .8tnto of Dragon, the Grantor harein. doaahVrQ~Y covnnont lhat it iH the owner of tho following doscribed reo! property in Lane County, Oragon to-vitl ,~ II:, '"'~,, .,"it-' '.::" ',~,~,'i ,-~7 I' That troct of lond dnacribod by that deed rocordoJ l' AN Inatrument Number 7640388 on Reel 806-R of I.nnu County. OrcRon Deed Records, . ,,-. ~ '; .~ t_" nl€i~lntended rOllte nnd opprodlllate location aC the horeinafter do;: ":':-' .n:" .',.'$J ,:\l -.',-! ecribed electrical equipment- 10 shown on-the tl.ttoched Sltetch U-lq438, Illllrkod 'E.xhibit "All, and ~ade II port heraef. It. 18 undurstood i\nd 1l8\'e~d t.hat <let.ual con8truc~.ion and lnatallation DC c,quipmel1t ~ny dHfcr from' the intended route nnd npproximate locntion. , , ~ ,,, " r.', For the purpone (If furniHhing r.lect..-lc gervl~e by the Grantee her-et.n ',"':,'; to the nbuv~ dt':f:crlbcd p.c1l11:le~, t.he undct'lIisncd as Crantor docs hereby gt'Jnt unto thl') CITY OF EUCENE, LANE COUNTY I OR~:GON, fot' the URt! nod bcnuUt of the EtlGENE WhTER & ELECtRIC BOMW ns r.rnntce. !1 pC\'fJ.ctusl pei-mit arid :1:>'_. .,..... ~.:.. l!nflCment for DR underground !'lcctrie dlstdbutiulI line i\nd ncccsRsry ::lppur- , ",';, .tenIlReC!!! tlll.~rclo. over, under, across and upon thl! n~ove d:Hlcribed real , property along t~c roult! lint! loc,iJtion os oC,tu>lUy ~onst,uctcd nnd installed.' The Gra.nta, hl!rcin acknowledgell that any and illl 'equipment or replacC!lIlenl Lhcrcof, installed III or upon Hold premiSeli by'soid Gl"onlcc, shall remain the sole pro\lerty of sntd G.ontcc nnd may, be removed from flni,i property ri , ,t',_ .r. ';,'( . ,~;, :~~;~_: ' .:-F ut'llllY time at ,the diac.retiun of the EllgcneWatcr [, P.l~elrfl~ !\ollrtl. ;;:~'~, ~;.~l~:; ;\:.]~'. ,'A~'~ ;k1'f;: /,:(:{t ~~i~ ~'~~ "io,Ii,,: {~~,;(~ ,~ ." t\~;~\" , ~-ili', .'(;'/'/ Png~ of', permH Dllt! t<1!lCml'ut Date Received: JUL - I LUU:l ~~,?,",,' -, i< ~;~i' '!'! i' ~~~: :It,_, ,1,';," !:.I.,"; ~;;~,( Original Submittal <: ',,' C,':;,,: .: '" ~ '. I I n~ ~t :~' '"'/ '~I . ' I', f . r1:S=_ ,. ......_.:__~L.. . ." ~.-'---_.~._.~._-_..\ -J' (, '.,--~ , ~ ". .. " .',1 -.' '.'.1',.' t,,, <.., ," .~' 'I '. 'I~' " 'f,,:.'. "".".= .;". -'. / ,C( r,; 1,;~:1~~ ':., )~,.;,~,)~~1:d" . ~.! '" 1.' ~._ \., _ :_F' ':.;t.1 f. .,;,r',','b,..,. '\-1\,,:--,. ,." . , " ";:":~~ ,;~~ \::':::;'"'<,:';" ,7:''', :i,' ,\1"':': :,. 'ie', I " .. , .-; '"ro I;'.. .,.:'~., :~~:' . '.,'t,... .... t,' o .h <,~ ,j,",.,.. .. 0' '" ~~--~~-~,,'''r', t..: ~~'~~~~:~~~~. w"d ; ""'1 \. ~ , .'.,...., ,.::.,+\ . ,I{ ,~ .- . ' , ',I ,..1' .' ~! 't . ", 7~;liiilj],$Jl Togctther with J:l.:, '.I- lUIy joint uaor with whoG Oranteo ..y noncrDollt,,: dnd uoo 'h. 'rtaht or ,inBrull and ogrol\' oval' -,aid property for tho purpo~o of , .. conotructinu, maintatnias. 00' rlllDOyt~B neh liMB nn' oppurtonDncoo on' o~er~totn6 other rightD horeby arant.d, .f':' ;!'I' ',' ' DC1te Received: ' II!~~;.,: 4Ul~ 'l-2QO, [t~J~::,~; , :~~/ ~,,,, "':',"\';')' Origina'I$~bmitlaJ"'1 ":i;sxSY#:",,:,. :~ 'jl" . ,:...' ,J~ ',.' _, .t.' ~,,~\:;"it~.,'~.: .'\'y '. I', 1"..,!~.\)j"J.,. ,':' ''',l. i'., .. ".." ';:~~N' ~,,' "" . '\.' .. t '1'1 :~l'.RI;lllj" ...1, ,.. .".'. .-- .' . . \q:l.(i~;,:" ;,.'.' ',',.l(",: \'.}',,r4~y,i1~ikr~,Jf~;~I~~~'~~'!f111'" . ...;.,:!t.>';',':':"';'I,:":1:.'S' I," ~.;~:1~~:,~,. .;,..~.T~.:;~~~~~ ' /0 ~"~;7t.~~~.:/~'~-:b.~M . ~ .:.:;'.:>:'.T.~.'~:;: ',~'.~,I.;'~;"::_:,.:.:". ~'tE~~~~lff~i~~{:kt~~~~t'~f.~<<~~r.t:::~~~~*~~4~:tJ~.~~'~~:tr{~~::,...:;.~.~,..~~\i{~,~~~},~:~';~';~;~[k~~~. 5:j~(1--: .. '-- .f:i.~'c:'b';:':liii:,~;;''''\::'~~''~':"' ~.tIl.'Ci(,-,f." ':;'T~ .4~'~\~~' ~\"~\'-~:~f.~r~{~;;:%~' :.~t;r:~:p,. ~'!I."~ r-"~.~.~:t. ,,::-t,)..,,~~w '. .Tt..'r.~"'!\~~*" ....!w,,~~ Il,if;1,,~,'\'i:,~"!I\!~'" ,,;, '''''''W'\''''''~'''' ". ".:' f,,~': .,(",Hb",.:',!',;, ;"'Y:"'" ""'. ._". " 'I At no time aha11any buildlaa bo erectod or placod on Qo1d r~oht~ of-,vay, SUBJECt Lo the foregoing limitotions soid right-of-vay may be uoed by the Crontors ior road, parkin,; or any purpollle not inconBiatentwith ..aid. eoe~llI.ent, All ouch riShh hereunuer tlhall Ce8f;1l if and when such line shnll have been abondon8d, Other than the nsreell\Cnts herein conta.lnQd there ts no- conRldcrotton for this conveyance. TO Hi\Vf, AND TO 1101,0 the. 6nIr\C unto 'thl! ~rontec. its. BUcr.C060rs and i.lllsignl:1 fon'y\'ri illlU till:! rlghts, contlltions IInd provioiona of tllle' e.1DC- lIlcnt shil1.1 inure to the benefit of i1nd be binding upon the h'i!1rll,cxecutors, ,od~inll1trDtors. RUcccssuro and nssigns of the respective parties hereto. Il~ WITNESS WUEREOF, the undersigned . "",,- . .177:1'. /, ,~day of.~'.nuJ.l,f hall executed 1'Ilie inotr~ent thiB ,.1976, Page 2 of 4 Permit and F.o.stl~ellt ,';' ;,': // "C,r- " ~':;;~ ......... '" .:~ '" " I}. "'i.''' ". . ~ 'I .~ '<0':' '",- ~~~;, ~:L"', . ; .' ...., ":', :~ T;:'~ft "" ...;. . ,,'r,..:'. .",;''' ,( 'L:,-r .-~p"\ ,--,,_.-:.",:-- "" .', /'\}\", ," - -,~\ \ .../<'1"': 'O\C':....l >,:.-w.:~1j; ", , '\,','.'",,,,.,, ',;, ':', . .:",.;: \>: "'..., 7Q!6tAEJ:9. -~ - ...... ;:'. ~,; ; "I" :"j ".:..... ".- \,', b' .' '0: :"'::;;'1" ", .'~:" ~BOARD or COUNTY COHHISSIONBAS OF LANB COUNTY. 01U!110N I.,,' . ":;'. h' ~L;.~:~:.~::.~:'~'~:~',~~;:u(/ :~\,:"~.>.: ;:~ , :;,:~:::}:, ' " '4;,",,1 '. . " , ~... ('.,', ,"";'" 'I' C;orr.mlu1.orict' . ., -----::> " /-~"=-Q./ " .,~... .~; .~.~ ~~~i081oller I ~!W C,? /lJ, 14~~Do1DnD" On this 29th dAY of Septenber . 1976, before 1IlC, thcund!!ro1gned. n Notnry Public in and for th~ laid County and State, personally aprcarcd the ahove nsmed Frank A. Elliott.' Nancy f.l,.l!A>>.La.r:d- nnd 'I County CotMIiosioner>> for Lane County, and n.cknovlcdgod the foregoinG', inotrument t-o b~,\'f~~~.~' vo'~untllry net. ~ror(!~m': '~ ' \;;,;;~~~H~;' . ' I/-0 . //F ~ I j J... ,..,..-rt,lil'I.,(( \ "lJ(~,.. JLf.41- '- ..', 'T.A' 1:J\ a \. . " or.sry Public Ifor Oregon f ~O "~l-'\ \ .'!; -- ':11';' Hy COl!lmlssion ExpLrcs: 2..2)..7B "'...."'UDL.\"i. .' "'~""'" .....~../ I'ro...."....l(..t,,,. """~ 0 F n ~,.,.". >J'~ ....;...""."....' ';':" ;.1'. ", ST^'l'B OF OREGON DD County of Lane \:;0 :;;. '"' .; Page .3 DE' 4. Permit Q~d &osemont .Dlill~ R~v~iv~ci. ;it~~/ ' "'~)~;j; J U L -1 2009 '~~:;:'~;~~L I." !"::)IY:':" 9r!~ina, J'$~b" mittal ',",' , ~, JIlt I," y,:;, , \, ,\ ' . ,,<,,, , 'I "",..1",:'\',.',. ' -.y "<'!Al~:':: I' . ;;". "'1 (::' I, ;" {. ,....,i. """,:, A"" l <.' . '.". J ',,-1 1,.1,,' '~{ , "I ' . ". .,"~~. \ /." j , I ' ",' 'l' i, !I ",'~"I,:. "'1' , .,' .' ,. ,. \. ...;!.~... ",' ,::, "".: "" 'I 1:r',"I'II'I'~': "~ /\,"1 ,:,,':~:.':;~'>J,,:,:;.',:..,;,,:1.'.",.,:,i,_::;,i":""" ^"J ~...._~ ,~.,.~".'.ua.'...il.tllClil!:.'t~. "~ _,,"_ -\=-: ':;~T.i~~.'~~:.7.(..;......:t',~ :,.':r..:, .,.::.7~~~'~'i~:~'..;..,:f.;,.~;,,\. 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