HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/1/2009 :' _. . _ x " :City of Springfield I , , , Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 SPRINGFIELD ~- Final Site Plan Equivalent Map . -. . . . ~ - . . . . 682-3761 Applicant Name: \company: IAddress: Patti Hanson . Lane County Waste Management 3100E 17th Ave, 97403 . k>,,,^,,,,,,'"8" Applicant's Rep.: Kerry Werner Phone: 682-6960 Company: ' Lane County Public Works Design Engineering I Add ress: 3040 N Delta I Property Owner: Lane County Owned' Lands Dept Icompany: Lane County IAddresS: 125 E 8th Avenue, OR 97401 IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 1763333444 !TAX LOT NOeS}: 300 I Property Address': 3100 E 17th Ave, Eugene, OR 97403 ISize of Property: 20.4 !proposed Name of Steel I Description of If you are filling in this form by h~nd. please,attach your proposal descriptior to this application, Proposal: The addition of two buildings on this site " I Existing Use: 4855 Refuse Disposal (except industrial wastes) ISi natures: Please siqn and rint your name and date in the a Fax: Phone: 682-4011, Fax: Acres ~ ~: Square Feet 0 I I I I ra riate: box on the next paqe.1 . . - - Associated Applications: '~ WtYlr OUDZq, (~fik PW^ MAI~oY Mol) I Date: 7/1 10 q I Review~d by: G>'L ITechnical Fe~:$ lIS'? OC; I ~ostage Fee: $0 Case No.: D\((/ icOq ~ OVD?f7 IAPPlication Fee: $ 7;1 & I EJO ITOTAL FEES: $ .0'1LtQ. OS PROJECT NUMBER: Pr31 WiN - 0ifD( 0 Date Received: JUL - 1 2009 Original Submittal " Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian. 1 of 4 " Signatures Applicant: The undersigned aCknowledges that the information in this application is correct and':accUrate. ~~~~ Signature , Ik1 H~~:)U\ Date: ,~- \ Ie "-04 Print If tl1e applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to -act in his/her behalf. Owner: Date: Signature Print , I:. Date Received: JUL - 1 2009 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 4 i , , . Final Site Plan Equivalent Map Submittal Requirements Check:,list NOTE: If youfeel an item does ponipply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. o Submitted Concurrently with a Major or Minor Site Plan Modification application o Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for,the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. ~ Final Site Plan Equivalent Map Application Form ~ Copy ofthe Deed ~ Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and Iistin'g a!1 encunibrances. '!V1 Five (5) Copies.of a Map to include the following: o At a scale not less than 1" :, 100' or other appropriate scale' o Property lines o Location, width, and type of existing public and private eilsements o Location of all existing buildings, including their use, dimensions, and date of ' , construction, if known' . o Paved parking areas, including the number of parking spaces [JLocation of all public utilities , o Location arid identification of all outfalls, if there are waterways that abut the property, For properties that abut Water Quality Limited:Watercourses; indicate the approximate location of top of bank and the lSD-foot' required setback from top of bank ' o Existing landscaping along the frontage of abutting rights,of-way o Notation of any State or Federal permits, including type and date of issuance o Arly additional information required by the Director that may be specific to a , particular property , Date Received:-' JUL - I. 2009 . .: Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly M~rkarian 4 of 4 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number DRC2009-00027 DRC2009-00027 Payments: Type of Payment Check cRcceiotl RECEIPT #: Description CTY Final Site Plan Equal + 5% Technology Fee Paid By LANE COUNTY :i'~1~~" , -.=, .' ~."--". Y of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department' Public Works Department 2200900000000000739 Date: 07/01/2009 Item Total: t.:heck Number Authorization Received By, Batch Number Number How Received ddk In Person Payment Total: 775476 , '.: Date Received: JUL -'1 2009 Original Submittal Page I of I 8:29:51AM Amount.Due ,3,761.00 188,05 $3,949.U5 Amount Paid $3,949,05 $3,949.U5 711/2009 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2009-00027 3100 E 17th Ave, Eugene SITE Map 17-03-33-44 Tax Lot 300 North + Date Received: JUL - I 2009 Original Submittal , . . \s-- II)'" 1\- After Roeonll.. Relum 1b Wettern PIoo.., TltI, Co.. PO DOl 10146 Bu..... OR 97ol4O WPTOO 195701 17 03 33 44 300/295780 t: , , .... File 7083 004 Drawing 88-2-15 TEMPORARY EASEMENT LANE COUNTY, e pollUcal aubdlvlalon of the State of Oregon, Grantor, for the true and actual consideration of $ 3.000.00 ,does grant to the STATE OF OREGON, by and through Its DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, Grantee, Its successors and assigns, a temporary easement for a detour road for public travel for a period of len (10) years from the date hereof over and across the property described on Exhibit "A" dated 1110412003 attached hereto and by ..".... this, ,::" " ce made a part hereof. If any portion of the above-described property Is surfaced, it Is understood and agreed that at the expiration of said b temporary easement, or completion of the project, and at the request of Grantor, Grantee shall restore the easemenl area to its exlsllng condition, as nearly as practicable considering the use to be made of the property by Grantee. IT IS UNDERSTOOD that the temporary easement herein granted does not convey any right or interest In the above-described property, except as stated herein, nor prevent Granlor from the use of said property; provided, however, that such use does not Interfere with the rights herein granled. Grantor covenants to and with Grantee, ~s successors and assigns, thai Grantor is the owner of said property, and will warranlthe easement rights herein granted from all lawful claims whatsoever subject to limits of the Oregon Constitution and Oregon Tort Claims Act. Grantor agrees that the consideration recited herein Is just compensation for the property or property rights conveyed, Including any and all damages to Grantor's remaining property, if any, which may result from the acquisition or use of said property or property rights. However, the consideration does not Include damages resulting from any use or activity by Grantee beyond or outside of those uses expressed herein. If any, or damages arising from any negligence. r Dlvl.lon 0' Chlo' Doputy Clork 2003.122514 Lene County Doede end Roeorda lW ll111WI1W ~ ill~ II"" 11111 $36,00 12123/2003 02:42:0& P" RI'R-I!SIlT Cnt.l StnoS CASHIER oa 118.00 110,00 111.00 ., Date .Rec~ived; JUL - 1 2009 11/06/03 Page 1 of 2 . teadetour cew Original Submittal 1-\ .. l. File 7083 004 Drawing 86-2-15 In construing this document, where the context so requires, the singular Includes the plural and all grammatical changes shall be made so that this document shall apply equally to corporations and to Individuals. It Is understood and agreed that the delivery of this document Is hereby tendered and that terms arjd obligations hereof shall not become binding upon the State of Oregon Department of Transportation, unless and until accepted and approved by the recording of this document. Datedthls ~5'1b dayof~ ,2003-> @/~ OUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon '--7if(J/lAM.~ l ~. /~ Commissioner Issloner t=~r Commissioner STATE OF OREGON ss. County of Lane On AM ;~S 2003 ,personallyaPPf.ared ~U- ~Q:YJ, &..tJ1L /lw.,.'t"~; ~df'LD C, Q~,mD<J , who, duly being sworn, did say that they are members of the Board of Commissioners of Lane County, Oregon and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of Lane County by authority of tts Board of Commissioners; and they acknowledged said Instrument to be tts voluntary act and deed. Before me: ...--. ....... , , Suert'J3Ih~) My CommiSSion Expires: ~ '?: d-tJOle, . 0FFIClALSEAL ,.,eLISSAAZlIIIIER , ,;, N,'TAI\Y PUBLIC-OREGON .' ':':>t.1....19SION NO, 858181 MY COMIJ!5~lr," nOIRES JUNE 8, 2008 AccePte:;Z~~ ~zrtment of Transportation -- I.) Date Received: JUL - 1 2009 10/09/03 Page 2 of 2 . teadetour CBW ' Original Submittal . .1 $ '" "\ ~. t- .' \,. EXHIBIT A - Page 1 of 1 File 7083004 Drawing 88-2-15 11/0412003 Temporary Easement for Detour (10 Years) A parcel of land lying in the Zara Sweet D.L.C. No. 68, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, W.M" Lane County, Oregon and being a portJon of that property described in that Warranty Deed to Lane County, recorded August 6,1976 on Ree1806R, Instrument No. 7640388 of Lane County Official Records; the said parcel being that portion of said property included in a strip of land variable In width lying on the Easterly side of the center line' of the Pacific Highway which center line 15 described as follows: Beginning at Engineer's center line Station 563+00, said Station being 613.5 feet South and 494.6 feet East of the Southeast comer of the M. H. H!'Irlow D.L.C. No. 57, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, W.M.; thence South l' 53' 30" West 2,515.62 feet; thence on a spiral curve left (the long chord of which bears South O' 33' 30" West 399.92 feet) 400 feet; thence on a 2,864.79 foot radius curve left (the long chord of which bears South 9' 18' 06" East 717.44 feet) 719.31 feet; thence on a spiral curve left (the long chord of which bears South 19' 09' 42" East 399,92 feet) 400 feet; thence South 20' 29' 40" East 15.13 feet to Engineer's Station 603+50.06. The width in feet of said strip of land is as follows: Station 590+00 592+15.62 to Station 592+15.62 596+30 Width on Easterly Side of Center Loine 235 in a straight line to 223.30 223.30 in a straight line to 180 Bearings are based on an Oregon Department of Transportation survey. See Drawing No. 8B-2-15, dated June, 1956. This parcel of land contains 0.64 acre, more or less. Date Received: JUL - 1 2009 Original Submittal " .' . .-.. ."'C~.. I' .0' , . . 0' , 9507014 OITY FilE NO. ~~~;<"';Y ,trY" ,,"'"' ^" - . ~JJ.<r.<< puty City w.<<Ird.r. Ont CONVEYANCE OF SEWER EASEMEMT LANE COUNTi, . politi'" subdivision of the State of Oregon "GRANTOR(S), conveys to the CllY OF EUGENE, an OREGON HUNICIPAl CORPORATION, GRANTEE, an ea,oment over, across, and under tho foll owing described land and roa' property, " Two 20' wide strips of lan~ in Section 34, Tov.'Oship 17South, Range 3. West, W.M., Lane County, Oregon, said ,trips being. portion of tho, certain ~oct of IllI1d described On Reel 806, Instrument 7640388, Lane County OrcgonDeed Records, said strips being 10' on either side of the. following described centerline: . . B~glnnlng ni a point on the South side of the Pncific High......ay right-or-wD)', South 3 J 031 '. Wcst 51.0 fe~ from a point wWch ill South 740 12' West 649.0 feet from the . Northeast corner of the Zara Sweet DOGalion Land Claini Ho. 68; thence South 01' 00' West 402.6 feet; thenc~ South 82' East i~.76', to II point ora the North boundary of said tract and beIng tho True Point of Begie.ning; thence South 670 19'. West. a distanco of 1?6.48 feet, to,polnt "Alii thence North 860 55149" West, a distance of 365,00 feet; thence South .30 44' 42~ Ea..st, a dIstance of 414.11 feet, the boundaries of the eaSement shall extend to intersect the terminating sewer or boundary line. . Also including 8 20' wide strip which is:l0 feet either side to it's centerline, conimenclng from the above described point "A", thence; South 90 II' 27" East, a distance of 38.79 (eet to M exlsLing sanitary sewer, !lli!fEB.Ol'95HOSREC 10.0 I .!ll!fEB.Ol '95IlD5PFtM). 10.0, Con19.ining .18,250 square 'feel, more Or less. i., .' ':"'.."",:,.J." [f;'f::~' ~~..,!.,,;. ~'~~l~i~t::'~;~' .' for'a 5an1hrY/~";'~'p~~'C to be constructed and located below the surface of the: real : property., as ,the:ame has' beQll' surveyed and locll.ted OVElr said real property by the :'. CHy', :The City and Its contractors, subc~ntrAetors, agents or employees, shall have the '~\..r19ht. to go upon .said real propnty for the purposo.of constructing and maintafnlng :: s'a1d' sewer. The ufd .sewer'shall be so constructed so as to do no damaga tc said real ;', property. After tho coitstructfon of said seWEll' said real property, at the PO'l1tsiwhere ,the,$ewir Is .laid lnd constructed, shall bo left in as .good condition as before the 'construct ton of the sewer. The City shall have the right to permanontly maintain Slid seWllr OYer said real property, and Its agents and employees shall have the ri.ght to go '.' upon said real property at the points where the said sewer shall be located.and. '.constructed. fol" the purpose of mafnhtnlng and repairing the s'ewer With -.the ;'understlnding that the City, Its 'agents or employees, in tllaintonance or repairing of' the sewer, shall do no damage to the real property, and shall-leave the real property In ,tho same condition as bOfere. " ' 'ii.."p ''''No' por~,"ent building ,hall b. .erected or placed In the easement area. ,~":,~.,'.,~;:i"".\,'"',,,:,,,~,,;,': ';';':'SubJect:to the foregOing limitation said easement ar.. may be used,by G,rantor 'for ,"y :., ./:.:.othe~ purpose, not Inconsistent with safd GIsement. _ " " 'A,""", ,NO 0" "'"" """.""", ." lOb ,-, " ,.,,".ooLJat~ Received: ~HM 1-,,;;;;.1'" .", ~'"f' ,,~- JU.. _I 20ll! 'i;'kt.,{.;,:> STATE OF OREGON" County of Lone, Sl:~" . I .l,~J~,';;iTh1s"I.9't'i"ment_w" ackno~l!dped be!lre me thl;f!-~eY of '. .." .i9W~" t'iJIT)ltla ':.~i"""bl\:::P"././/....e..,.., c:1'. t/4.;> IL....~"-.;; A-"A~ .rlI. ..ki,h-:......, ;~:I ;',: " , .. , J4.dii(l i.&,~,:- s;" APr O~-UASl'OI'C'M i/<li.ry ion-r'c,lor Orogon ~ " ''''''''',','',,''''''':. ..",,-, " ",.~,,~'\. 1/'.;'&/,,, !! .,"".:', ''':::'':'''':IIY'l~0"",11~10r, bpfros ..\1~t~_. n;", .....Ht..~.....\ i' ':::L:,J~;I,:.\T-1 (JFr"'~ .' U;,:'I. ~',Il.,.." :, . ,'..:./ ;'~;-'. , ,,_:. ,llC;'Oi,;::..,f)U " ::s:,.~" .. ,\,,':1"0.1, ,j,;," ...... '. ':'.'.'.: ':' ~ 'rl . RECORDING RETURN TO, ,City of Eug.ne, Flnanco Dip'irlmih(,"EO"gone, OR 97401 01/01m Iq '!'/":i , .- :'~ir.i "\I"'~ ',:'1 .,~ . {R'. ' . ' , ..../ 1',1' , , '''J..~: 'j :,'; .~" 1;,',1":"':. ,-' }"'~J I~'~'"'' "'.1 "'/m'I~t;;:; ,,:"i~ .,' . ' : ':j ~ -I ..:,..- -........,.. ('"",,,"U '7.!)~}G'i'.;';1 II ,'..'. .~.l, .?,'~ J GRAN'I' OF f.:ASEME'Wl' AUlhorJ~od for nccol:clln~. by City of Eugene . .' DtlLc -4'..!7..~ <7";;' ~_:\- ~ ~;'.dk: Dlrcclor 01 Fin?n'cc Grant of Easement - 1 JUl-12009. ~, II !~ I I wg; ~ '1' .,'J1 ,"~' ..'tI .~~ ~ 'ij ~ .1:1 ~ ~,~.r ~ ..~ mJ:l I ,t~ ~~""~ . : l\1t~ ''f.m ..":1 ".:H ,.".,1 . ,~ " ;rJJ ~ 1 "": ,J(j! '. r:m I .~, ~{~ ~ ~,q '~!i1:;\<j y::::t:>j ':'~"""', ~.:x::. :>:;>'1' ,O$,'if' ~~., ~ ~~;~, '1J!:,(;:l.~: ~,~ . ~. f~~. .~~~!~~~ ..,... , ,~~.;;., .-'~; .r.::..,"-: .~. '-~.~ ft-';1,9 ~kl 'I" ~ ' ' bi "'~ m?' -', ~';'" ~t.;': TillS INDENTURE W"I'l'NESSE'l'Il: That DALE i"ISCIIEn,' hereinafter called ,"Grantor," .doe6 hereby give and grant 'unto the-CIT'i OF EUGENE, a municipal corporation of l,ane'county,- State of Oreg())1, hf'.:reinafteccalled "Grantee," the dght to lay, construct, m~intain and _replace over the real property "hereinafter de6c.:ribed a sanitary Ii 'sewer lateral, being 14 feet in width and lying 7 f~et left nnd (, right of, ,and parallel to the follo~ling'descri.bed centerline: Beginning at Engineers Centerline Station 10 .t 67. '10 (Glcnwood trunk sewer line stationing), said point being 759.2 feet South and 782.9" feet west of the Nnrth~ilst Corner of the Zara "'Sw.:!et Donati_on Land Claim No. 68" 1'0~Jnship 17 South, Range 3 West oE the lHllamette' I-1eddian,. from sa'id point of. beginning the ccnterlin'e herein described runs North ))0 20' 51" East, 169.82 feet, more or less, to a poiot, selid poillt being South 8'10 47'35" East, 50.0 feet of a point lying 612:75 feet South and 739.29 feet Nest of the North- east corner of said Donation Land Claim No. 6Band thereupon terminates, all in Lane Cou~ty, Oregon. the said sewer to be locai.:ed and constructed'a suffici€!nt depth below th~ surface of the ground so as not-to inteifere with tho free and unrestricted use of the surfllce by' Grantor, his heirs, representatives and assigns; reservj.ng to Grantol:, his heirs, ~j representatives and assigns. the right .of free and unrestricted use of the -sur-face of said land, together with the right to buqd fill or, otherwise 'use said' surface, but only after said sewer line has been installed. Grantor agrees, however, that'the plans for'the foundation of any structure constructed over the sewer line will be subject to approval of the City Engineer and the Building Department",of the City of Eugene "and will comply with, the provisions, of Sections 8.555 and 0.556, of the ,Eugene Code, 1971, as amended by Ordinance No. l715~, enacted August 26, 1974. The Grantee~ its contractors, subcontractOrs, agents or employees shall have 'the right to go upon said real property for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, repairing or replacing- said seweri and'said sewer shall he so _contructed so as to do no damilge to' Said real property, anll after -the construction of the same, the said'real property at t.lle point where said sewer 'is laid and constructed shall be'left in as good condition a5"~efore the construct~on of said sew~r:' Grantee snaIl have the right to permanently In~intain. said' ~ ': sewer over sa': land and its agent, and employees shallD~fe''Rec~ive,~:.J' ;--\ L Original Submittal - ., .~J j ',' /", ./ ( , I - ~ ,.'.... r- ,..,..... '::1:.', " \'\.., , I .~.,~~;~ I i:7'" t.> I I " 'i'5~)l.i'i'4;'/ t';" g I II' - I"-\;J~~~'" :..:J m ,~ 1 1,1 ~ ,~ "" ~ "~ '" ~ \~l ~t ~i~ y"j I ),' ,~ I ...~i ': ~tJ ~ ;1,~ ~I :Mi "',,11 .:~ :" ',~1] , '1..'% \~ "I:Jll '.~l.'1 "'I':fii, .',.--.:m J ,~ ,', 'I f'!:ii '''{~ :,,~ .:,,!,..,.,,; ':'!'~I '"i~:'FIIm . , <~:.~ !it m;1~} i!i"" ~.J'2~ ~ tlI ~~~~~ ~~ :tfil'il'~ ~. I~ ~, ~-:li~ ":,&!,.;, ~;f~~ ;>@d': .' r{ght to go upon Billd real property at the points where the s~id sewe:c shall be located and constructed, .for the purpose of main- taining. repairing or replacing s~id sewer.with the understanding thilt the Grantee, -its 'agents or employees, in the mainten~ncc, re- p/:1iring or replacing of said sewer, shall do no damage to the said real property, and sh.,111 leave the said cc;:al proper,ty in lhe'~sam~ condition as before.. No monetary comp~j)Siltion or consjdCl"iltion has been paid for the granting of this Easement. IN HITN'ESS .J..2...!:.hday of I'iHEREOf, Grantor -hilS executed these presents this December ,; 1975. \ ..-(, '\ ~'Vl,L~ Dille E~scher "GRlINTOR" S'l'A'j'E OF OHEGON County -Of Larle ss. .... .' ~11 . ~';~is f:z!!. pCilr1d,-the above 90ing inst!~ment Defore me: Ii ' dCly of J~"__'("',~.I-M/ 1975, rersona11y ap- named Dale F~scher and acknowledged the fare- te be his ~o~unt~ry act and deed. -,( " 1/"" (.; t;('Ir:v Notary Puo~ic cor Oregon My Commission Expires: ~'''IS-- 79' " ,;... 0, <I.... ~ " o 0 '0. ~ o ,:;;.l) ~ ri ~ , " o i:i.8 ~ " ' ~ .: g -~ ~ ;; 0 U:..: 1.1 ;:J-o,-':o ~ ~ ~.: ~ 0" < ..," : t~": " o ;. ~'\; ~,,'1~'" ~ ~ W . 0 ~ ,;".;l ...l ;: ~ ! ~t~ 0 u:.~~:~ I:> ~_ ~ L_>~ " ., u , l t.- I:, ~' ~;" " . , '~, ..cj . Date Received:\tl '. " r- \!I f. e.o If; If; f. o ,n Q ~ "'" i'~ ::1" ,~ '--:' \L~ .' 10 '1'" !~ a> N i" ',-;10:1.' . Gra~~'1 Of ..~psemep'~ Z i.2i; , : ,I .: ..., ;, . . ~ li. JUL - 1 2009 I L : \':f' i \ Original Submittal ',. ,~ ,. , \~'''~''-O'!. '. " , 11'i'()9 GRANT OF EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That DALE <;; FISCHER and RUTH" I DODD FISCHER, husband and wife, DALE FISCHER, as Trustee for Alexandra Filieher MOrse and DALE FISCHER, as Tru.ltee tor Dodd Fischer, 'do hereby .~ give and grant unto th( tIT,.. OF, EUGENE, a "municipal corporation of Lane' i County, State of Oregon,:"the rig~t tO,lay and conlltruct"an~ rnaintain over th~ following dcscribed real pr.operty, to wit: . i, A perman~nt ea8e~ent located in the Southeast 1/4 oI,Section 33, and Southwest 1/4'o! Section:34, :TOWDShip 17 South. Range ~ West Williamette Meridian, Lane ,COWlty, Oregon; said easement :be'ing a strip oClan~ '14 lee,t in:widt~ an~-lyinB 'seven (7l feet,on each side and parallel to to the following .described centerline, to wit: . Beginning at a point, that is- 751. 41 feet due South of the Northeast corner of the Zara Sweet Donation" Land Claim No. 66, in Township 17 Sotithj Range ~ West,. Wlliamette "Meridian; from said point of beginning run thence North 89- 26' Ea"t 310.47 'feet, thence South 1466.56 feet,. thence SoU;tb 71-, .271 30" East 491. 16 ft. , Thence South 5 - ~531 3011 West _I~. 0 feet mo.te, or les8 to the northerly "right- of-way line of the Southern 'Pacif,ic Railroad.. Also beginning at the aio-.re descr~bed:'point of begip.ning run thence South 89.26' West 784. 7Z fe~t, the~ce North 75- 341 West 581.,93 feet, ,thence South 4P 15' West.310.feet to t~e easterly right-or-way line.o!the Interstate Highway U. S. No. 5,at the SoutherriPaciIic Co. . right-of_way, ~11 in E:ugElDe,.~ane County, Oreg~n; , , . a sanitary sewer, .the said sewer,to,be located and constructed a sufficient d-epth below the surface of the ,ground so ~s Dot.to interfere with the fre~ and unrestricted use oC the surface by' Grantbrs... 'their hei:ts,.representatives and assigns, and~:fi.ir- ther that Baid sewer will be construCted and located within sa..id easement as th'c . .... -' . ... -It_'.. '. .JI' same has been'survey"ed and located over said easemen~ by the City Engineer'.<:?f said city. .,. " ~ . .' : ~ . Reserving Unto Grantor~, ~~ir~heir's;. 'repreBentat~ves and assigns, the'::.~ight of free and un~estricted.use of ~e' surface of said-land'" together with the right'to build.. fill or. other~se use .aid ,surfa,ce. "Grantorl!l"agz:ee; however, that'the'r.p'~ana for the foundation of any 'atru'Ctur'e construCted over, the sewer line will be subJect ' . - . .-_ " - " - '.c.'._ ;' I' to the approval of:tbe City Erigi:neer..;~n~.tbe B.uilding.DepartmeIl:t of'~he City:<?~::', " .Eug~ne and will ,comply with;the.'provislons of S_ectlon 8. 558:nd ,B.560'of the Eu:gene Code, 1'971. . .'. '.' . I~,' . .. , , , "" '. ',-. . . " T.ha~ said City a:C:d its .c~:>>J:~t~~_~to~s,,".subc.ontrac~or8i agen,ts .?~ ernploye~,8_: uhall ha,:"e the right to....go.up_on' ~aJd.r'eal:pr~erty for' the ,purpose of const'ruc~~g and. maintaining- said sewe'r; 8.nd)Jaid'_B~wer-,shal1 be 80 constructed so. as'to' do 'i1o,:dainag'e " --, ..,.. ,. ."... .-' - ,. ..'- ,_I to, said real property." and after: th~'.conutt-ucti~n of the '-same, the':said ',real -pr:op~rty at the poiz;lt wher~ ~esame'''i~-:laid'::a,n4~CDnBt.r,~ctcd shall b~' h:~t ii1 as good co.ti.di~ion. &s before the c-onstx:uction 'o{'said>aewer; '. .:' . r ". 'I; .' .' Date Received:1) i;" ':. i':! ;1'1 ", ...:! Gra~t of Easement::..:_l . ';~. .' ; JUl' ~1 2009 .....J ,.1 :.- . ~". " OrigilJal Submittal" ,. " !' , ~, -, , , ~ . ...;.....61) .JI:.JL.I . . That lI,aid City ehall have the right to permanently maintain Baid lSeWl!r. ov'e r lI~id land and its agents andemployeell shall have the right to go upon said r~al property at the point, where"the aaid aewer shall be located and construc~ed, lo.r the purpol.e of maintainins and repairing said lewer with the underatandinii that the aaid City, ita agent.s'or empl,oyeoa. in the 'maintenance or repairing o:f . laid sewer, ahan do no damase to.,the 'se.id re&1 property, and IIhallleav~ the :said . ~e,al property"in the same: condUlon ~1I: belore. , No monetary compensation or' cO~8ideratlon haa been pa.id for the gra~t at thla easement. . da'yat . IN WITNESS WHEREOF""GrantoTll have executed these presents this m Mav 1972 but effective a8 af.the !at day of July, 1966. - /~~..;, cwv, . . Da\~~. FlSChe~ .' y~ \,~~ iU>\l~J\ Ruth'DatrFischer ~..%,'\..:>~ -~ Date Fischer, at. Trustee for Alexandra: ....... Fischer Morae .:JbL.?~c~ ~ Dale Fischer, as Trus~ee for Dodd Fisct1er .... STATE OF OREGON I.. 'County of Lane) On this the 19th day of . Mav .. 1972, personally appeared t~le above nam~d Dale D. f.ischer and Ruth Dodd Fischer, hus~and 'and wife, and,! Dale Fischer, as Trustee for Alexandra Fischer Morse. .a.ndD<\.le- Fischer, a:~ " '" ,. " , I Trustee for Dodd Fisch.er. llnd acknqwledged the foregoing instrument to be r t,he~:,::luntary act and deed. (~~, _ ~ i \.'.:."..,....;:.Belore me: -Not:'\:~;;tL:r,- (, ~r <>"../ ,_~.......:..,. ''(.~",~''_'(~ "\'~?\'" ' _otar:YPu lie io'r'o-regen!~. . '\)\ , My'.Commission Expires: c-' -/..,] ~ 7d _; ,..,....r~..., .:_: \ . ?\\'II,. ,:<;' .,....... '.:..~~,i si:i'it'ci~" ~ ~ l'o', ' ~ ~ .r .-i! ::J .0.... .~;. '"g .... .:;-'-!-u ..1" :--: :1=" 0, ~ 1 ; . . "'11 co 'tJ ~iH ~ "l ~ . "0 _.. _ OJ ,is li to i 'e:; ~ .0'; t; ~ ~ :'0 ~'u:2" ~ i'~!'-= C; :E. -C\/ g PoD: II ~'U ~ ~ Po .' '....',~ .. -~ ... 0 iO J >S'j;", C\I r-... 0 "'.. ... 'i!'''' ... 0". . \..... ~ Z ~'. ,j' ."~,~ "" ~ ~ ~. _'Ej,oS''''].. ,=:J' L_ 0 !: 2,r"l ""!,t "O'>o">,';o,;;c- ~) U' ... . '.' ,co -. ",.0,':: 'i/.'. N' ,_, ',&1. :;". :~ .C) Do.," ,'"'.(1 . ,.... ." a. e- ' C1~ <'l'~ ~ ~Oat~ REice1v~a: ~ 1[; . - .C..,<,:! ~ \V .~ n;~)! L ~9 S~',<I.;l"-~nv> Grant of E~sern~nt- ~."z. -I: ,">-:' I JUL ., 1 2009 :/- (. '-. , , Qriginal ~\Jbmitta'. ..... . f >">,~~~~;-,,,,,,,,,~;---~ .~ "rr"; :tl..",..:!\t l"- f", ....~ If: !.." ,1'.- . ~~ . ~:I?, -"101" ki ~. ~; f,. ~.: ~ [~; ~~'. ~, ,,' ::, ," ~ ,( ;;--. .~~,... .~. ~,'..'.',',',' .'.' '.':: ":i, L ~'--:'.""':::;"i_.".3;;''''' 7:')1~::3:~ . \ u r h" ri I.' 'il 1'1:" I : ,~, '''rt: ill:; I i.'- Ci I ~ ',I I'~ \1,:':' 10.: GRANT OF E1\SEM8N'1' 1- " "''- 11;;11: :'_~"j;';.~~~____ ---.....~7?_.~~~_ fll. ,- "',1' .{ 71;'l~',' ~ 'rUIS INDEN'fURE WI'fNESSETill That DALE FISCHER, llerBinaffcr .1 called "Grantor," does hereby give and grant unto the CITY OF ~:UGLmE. it municipal corporCltion of LaM County I State of Orogon, herein.o.ft'er called "Grantee," the right to lay, construct, maintain and replace over the real property horGinafter described a sanitary sewer lateral, being 14 feel: in w5.dth and lying 7 fElet lC!ft and right of, and parallel to thr:! follo\\linq described centerline: I~ Beqinnin9 at Engineers Centerline' Station 10 + 28.26 (Glenwood trunk S~wer line stationing), said point belng 759.2 feet South clnd 7D4. 7 feet west of the Northeast corner of the Zara Sweet Donation: Land Claim No. 68. Township 17 South, Runge 3 Weal: of the Willamette Meridian, from said point of beginning the center- line heroin described runs North 33051' East, 170.9 feet, more or less, to a point, said point being South -84047' ]5" East. 50.0 feet of a point lying 612.75 feet South and 739.29 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Donation Land Claim No. 6'8 and thereupon t"ermil1ates, all' in Lane County, Oregon; , " the said sewer to be located and constructed a sufficient depth below the surface of the ,ground so as not-to interfere- with the free and unrestricted use of the surface by Gr.antor. his heirs, representa~ tives ,and assigns; reserving to Grantor, hfs' heirs, representative's and assigns, the right of free nnd unrestricted use of the surfacc/ of said land, together with the right to build, ,fill or otherwise 1, use said surface, but only after said sewer line has been installe'd. Grantor ilgree~, however, thi"lt t.he plans fo"r thc,'fouhdation of any structure constructed'_over the sewer line will be sLlbject to approY"l of the City Engineer and the Dudding 'D!!partment of the City of Eugene und will comply wit.h the provisions of Sections 8.555 and 8.55G o-f the r:ugene CodQ, 1971, ."5 amended by Ordinance! No. 17159, en<1cteri August. 26, 197.1., I The Grantee, i t5 contr,1ctor.S, .subcontractors, agents or cm[.ll'oy.ces sh<lll have the dght tc> gC1 llr-on Raid reillproperty for the lJurposc" of constructing, maintc1ining, repairing or replc1cing said sewer; and said se\';'er shall be so constructed so as to do no damage to said rC<l t property, ;'lnd aiter th~, construction of the same, the said rdi:ll property at tile po'int wh~rc said seHer is laid a'-nd cOnstructed sha'!l be left in .;\!; good cO:1dition as befon? th~ construction of $~id $e'\~cir. Grantee::'"h<lll have the I'ighL La permanently maintain said SCMel' OV(~t" sai.d land and its agents and employeC!s shilll have the right to go upon said rC!ill prop~rty at the points where the siJid Sewer shaH be located and constructed, for the purpose of maintaining, repair,ing or replacing silid seWC1- with the .under-standing that the Grantee, its <:lgents or employees, in the maint:enance,rep~irin9 01' replacing ofr. said sewer"~ sh<lll do no dil.mage t.o the said real property, arid shall le<'lv~ the said re"l property in the same conditionoCls before. I: " Grant of EtlSCtnellt- Date Received: J JUt - I 2009 ( Original Submittal.' >, , , L . " 1,\ \j, .,,{'.;t.Y!t?,L~?;,.[,]Mt~':i:g:.&,:,~:- . ':":\~':~." . .,.'. :-:: '-'~~ ':~~~~.~;l'~ {" "'''j! i ;':i"l ,> , ,P I,'j' rr\, ,If! J. V(~. . l . '1'" ''':~l'fr . ,;, ~~l1' ~",~~~i .., '~ "i!' ~~~~ ';[pm l',~':;, ~~~~~~ j;.~~i ~~~ ".,J ")o!,,;.l ~tJ .iIO...\ ~~:(~. . :~~~1 ':P-~:,i:~ "t..~ jg} "".,'.;, 1....;-.:. ~f''':-:, J;'~.<,_ .~ ,~." ..;:' ...,.-.." ~':;~?~ ..', ~' /....}/. . . ,~, ,,~:\.~ ~ .._.~'t. ~ ~~i. ~t}j ~i :'(r.~~, :. '~',' :., /~t~~ < o~~t~f :'~A.:,-:} ~:~:f~'~: g~:ir I ~'C;:~f ,'..,.</'..., , t~~~~ \.."" \:;'.~::t~~ '<i,.;r -:', :~",7ti: .,J 'J "'~~':;;i~.~7'~'::~_~!.;d~ .:'=,~;" __;<" i~:~'l1l,1:\~;~~~';".;iJt~~~<>,~i'_:~,:;'i;;:~!.!'_~;; 't ';"~,;<; '.~'-6 ., "_,i,...~;,:,,,~~;;,,~,,:.'~,.>,~r.:'. ;' ;'t;~",~.~:;.;5.~/~~:,(::::. ,,,,,,",'-' , . :r 1,V ~' '~, 0,; ""I f: ~ ::'C " '~ " ei jl ., ", .. .'~ :" .of ~ ,I .....' r :~ ., " ':'; :.. :~i ;.1 ;,; . ,,-~ I r~' , ;~:,~ ( ,,' ~"4:."~' '1-, ~"" ~' ''''''';!b~ '~,. "'1" .- , r' ... r , : :"\(~~;;~~::: ,d- . ,f,,,._ ,j .' . '. ,..,. .' ij": "-j'- , ' ...., ,.."J . '.,:_..,.... "n,: L "".'",: 7512233 r:;::'r ".j",' No ml~nctary compensation or conliiidet"lltion hll.s hElGn paid for ~hQ gra.nting of this El:tsement. IN h'I'l'NESS' ~nd day of W!lEREOF, Aoril Grantor has executed these presents thi~ I 1975. I"'''''''''''''' ,.,,\ e .'./ """ .,....).".J "~..." ......~,. '.v;."~ :'J.:~' _ .......',\ ,\,0 1.'\.I:?)-- \:~ .'. -'.... :l\ 1.' .~ua~\C.: j' \~:r~, (1 c: '0 r\.~~~/ " ". 'SI]iATE,"6F OREGON >>... 1=' V> ,MA, Dale Fischer 55. Grantor Count)' of Lane' On thi~7.nd_ day of I\P!::21 _, :i175. personally appeaJ:~d th" a"o~c namcd Da,Ie Fi5cf,er and aCkno~ed the forelO[1'n 9 ,ins,trumel1l to be IllS vOlllntary act and deed. 1, /~. /. ',' t., BC!fore me: / v l.1IVV? rf-..J. ~I <MnEar'l Public for OrCl.jon ~- My Co~niGsion Expires: B-24-~ ,; ;;" .: "' "' ;, Co ~ a: s , 0 '"', I':t: ., u ~ 0: \Q ,- l1i 0 0) .. t"- o " .. .J ;; .l~ L .~ 0 :"'1,;'" , I"l I"l N ('It "- ~ r::.f',': ;; 'Hi~ :~:~~ - ,,". ';.': ~ ~ c " :,~ r:1~' . cd" 1':CI,;,,':;'I:n~ ,... :] !:"; ~ ~ ;5 '\ .~ : .. . o\..' i.; <, 0; '; ~\' ", "\i\,c _.r.,..,:,!;) "" ~.;; '<\\ .~ ,-.: g \.~ .,~' '~,: ~ ~- , Date Received: ; JUl' - 1 2009 L Original Submittal . .'~~ ~> ,;. ,', (i..';"";,!;:.~ ..:';~~,o:.,~'~ilim',;9~J!;,;&i< ,. .', . : " ;.-,;.:~_..i .'~k:rtrn~if#7~t~.(,)j~f"'J"';(!f~'1,Di);}~",;;,jft,JK~~m::,-~:~',-,.:~"~, " .. ;,_~..'~:'-,_::t'~6,,:. i I , ';~S::;l,'T' ''It:i'i'':~~ I t.i\LJI t",: , ',--.' . '.w.-..~___:',J, l " \,,, \' J ;~rj;~ ~..:.. - (.' I:',~ ~~.lo' . ',!if,'," ~~~;':/j .,~ ;..f~1 '~G'g , k,,", ~.~ .~~-:.:; ::..{t~ :f:~~..~~~ . :J~V,ll ~\..'~ 'r ~'..;;:'1; i'- -~~;_~.< ::i ~)/.,~ "~'\J, .~.~',~ \4,/ :'.. ~,... ~~.t:'~ - .~~i: ).,.,. ~.-.:-~:: " ".. ~','- ~,,;, ~ . '"':l':"~ ..,~f:: , ~ "'. . ._~',': ,r'. ."(.\ . ~ .;2. ~"~',-ji' F' .~ ,;'~_;'I: "'J "". ~:7 ~ ~~ I",';: ~:"":_';i.: I I f..., :.. ";,,.. .'!.c___-", :'~".,.' .;-::~~f.: .J i' " . - '. ;.~.j~~1 )~~~ I ;J,;- , or _~" . i~'::;jii, ,~' '< " I I .'~,~~?~ ~ ,.~ J;;'~ <P, . ":~~':i I ll~" ~'t-., ~j:~:')~; 0,' . 'ij~i; ~Jil!l~1 .< "'''i' ,'," , : '/ ....,-.- '']''''; 'r~:;"'f'''''~:'c~ :.' '~:?;.:.~,' ,( '_.~ ',~ I m.""-/ I I '~~..l :,::..~.!., ~.' '~i:' " I,,' , .:... :,.! "C. , ," " " ^ .;.~. :.' ,,' ", ".' 1",', ) h e' ':~ :}/ . :; " ; 'Y 'J ',-1'.". .. " ,> ,"1 L ~-~~~~~c.....'" -- -;-: (.~:.-:,:" .;~l ,,-~;~'i ..'lI'~.,.d,:..:, ,'II I~' .1 --, ;,;. , ' [' ! - ;J~ '-"-;'.1.:. 'r~:,L t~.-})..' .';.; . ,'v - (f; ;;';'", _~ _-;/L"'!.-y <"v..____ "~ [I:,', ..1<11" i,:1 ';'1' 'tf'~'. . I> "" '<':;iI' ~'~f~;~~ ,ir~sf ~~;'t:'~ ;~:~~ ;.tl~ .iY~\-; -(~'j , ~;;;;~~) ~:t);l\ ~ or: ::~~~ ::':1! -, ~., ;> t" }i~ .~fij .~/ 75 \2234 h::l':' GnAN'I' or [.:!\Sr:Mr.NT 'I'HIS'INDgN'rUIH:; WITNESS1::'l'Jl: 'l'llut llALl:: F1SCIIEn, ncroino.ftcr""", called "Grantor, II docs hElroby glvo nlld grnnt. unto thA CITY OF EUG"ENE, a municiPlll carpel-lltion ot Lana County, St~tc 0'( aragon, .hereina~,tGr called "GrantBe," the right to lay, con!Jtruct, maintain and reploce over ,the ralll property hereinaftor dOl:lcribed a l:Hlnltary Bower la~'oraL being 14 feet. in ".lidth "nd lyin9 7 foat left and right of, and paraDel to the follO\~ing described centedine: Beginning at Engineers Centerline Station l~'+ 00 (Glenwoocl trunk sewer line stationing) f said point being 755.49 feet South and 412.96 feet West of the Northeast corner of the Zara Sweet Donation Land. Claim No. 68, Township 17 South, Range J West of the Willamette Meridian. from said 'point of beginning the centerline herein described runs North. 109.1 ~ feet to D. point, !laid point being South B2G12'20" East, 87.6 feet of a point lying 634,58 feet South an~ 499.74 feet Westl~ ~f the Nort~eD.stcorner of said Donation Land Claim No. 68 JI and thereupon terminates, all in Lane' Coun~y, Ore9~n; " :, the said sewer to be lOCD.ted and constructed a Sufficient depth below the surface of th-e ground so as not 'to interfere with the free.D.nd unrest'rieted use of the surface by Grantor, his hcirs,representa- ti~cs and, assigns; reserving to Grantor,. his heirs, representati~es and assigns, the right of free and unrestricted use of the surface of SD.id land, together with the right to build, fi'll or otherwis~ use said surface, but only after said sewer' line has been instal~ed. Grantor agrees, however, that the plans .for thci foundation of any structure constructed .over the, sewer line will bf.! subject to approvnl of the City F.nCJincer u.nd the'Building Department of the City of !' Eugene and'l.,.ill cOr,\ply with th~ provisi'ons of Sections 8.555 and'l 8.$56.oE the., Eugene Code, 1971, .,15' .Jmcnded by Ordinance No. l715p. erlacted August 26, 1.97ti. ' Ii c . The Grantee, its contri1ctor~, subcontractors, ,agents or employees ~h311 have th(~ right to go upon ~aid real prop(,rty for the purpose of constructi.ng,. ~uint<l.i.ning. repai,r iog orreplacinq said se\oler;': and !I<lid sewel. .shall he so constructed SOilS t.o do no damdge to ~said real propcn.y, ilnd .:If.tar the construction of the Silrne, th.c said 'real property at the,point ~lIC[~ sriid ~ewcr is laid aMd constructed shall bOo lef\. j~n as QOcic1 condition as before Lhe construction of 5aid "se\~er. GrantcC'! .,;;hall rh1Vc the right to perma'ncntly maintain said s~\~er over said land \l.nd its agents and employees sha,ll have the right, to go llpon silid real property ,"It the points WhlHC the said..sewer shlll1 be located und cO:1structed, for the purpose of maintaining, repairing or r.cplacinq ::;a\d S0.\,'er .....ith the :understanding that the Grantee, ,its agent!> or cmoloyees, in the maintenance,'-repairing or repLacing ';of said sewer, ~~al.l do no damage to the sai.d real property; and shall leavf:l.the :;<lid rl'),l-l property in the same condittOll as before. Grant of E':"I.;,('Iil(l;-,'_ - 1 Date Reqeived=.J JUL -I' 2009 ! Original SUbmilt~' "," , . L ;'!' " 1,'1..-', , :..~" .,:."..... . ';;," ;--;.,o:-"!..-.:-;,;;~~7:J~~'i,-:;.~~~:,,.c: :.r~;'::'1'~~;i~~'P~i.'i.'~"",","'~.~""':."""''''''';o".".,.".,_~,,"" . .., ',.~," .. - - - .. ~. ':'''''-~..:'';,,:'.,'I;:~.':. 1 0;;;' ~~ ,. 1.':.';;:' ~?~~.:." ,',: ,'l , ,.~ '.~ ....", ..,...., . q.~-, : f?~~~":; .~;~i~?:. :~~;~:i '7;::<:';'::: ".,' .~:;.:" '~J.~'.;:~~,i rz:: , ,~I ,~,~, ';:,>" - ,..., . ,:.~ !.:~' ~; ~, #' ~>~~J.t: ~I;i3~:;'~ ~,~~~ .t~~~ . ':~:'+i~~~ '<",'.,/r" ~ , I t,.!i j '~J ~". r;~ I... 'll,,' ~c , '.. t .~ . ~, ~: : " ~)\ ' , ,;"f " .',. "-, ':" ~.; ;,' :.r ,f ....; 'I' ;,' ,," ~,::' fJ' '!~~ " .' "", t'f: ~;<' ~f~ '~. i!" 1.:0/-. '-~" . ~l; ~t:i :;:~~ .~. :;'1 "'~ / I ~..""...- ~ . '\"":;J.~.~t'':''h~ '.. 1.' r I~' , ~{ " , ' ~ '.~.J. L 'il:; t;.!;?,J,l _.~ ...... No. mon~tD.ry compf!n~Lition or conflid~rntion ha~ b~Qn paid Lor the granting of th"iIl F.naoHlollt, IN WITNESS WflI::REOF\ Grantor hl\B executed the~c pr(Jsonts t.his ,2nd .dny ot Apri 1975. ,'''';''''';';'',,,,,, /"I.j,'.).J . "ItO""", /:1;-..~.,., ~\ , ;,0.. \~r , ,. ..~ . Ii ~ \~:< :'~ (~:~:.i/ ""'STA~P;"6'r' OREGON \ rL' /' ~[ \/)c~u-'\ Oale"F1Scher 55. Grantor ~:~~'~~:ry::::'~::'k ) County of Lane On this 2nd day of April , 1975, personally appeared the above nam---ea-:Oclle F~scher and a"':kn~ the foregoing instrument to be hcs vol""t.,y act and deed, / ~d~ I Before mo' . b <IT 1-- ' No ary Publ~c for Orego My Comm~ss1On Expne!J: 8-24-76 ~ ~ ~ .- ;e " " 't. :; v " .... .. 0 ~ '" , I,; " 1 " 6 " Q; ~ ~ 0 ~ IX:. " " "., ., , " :~ g 0 II' ;;. 0' " t "" <.0 " , , .. IE ':0 " 0 ., 0') 0 " " " t"'- , .. , " " "~ " ::; c.', I: t .0;' .t:...;;,:~;a':'" \. ':.1 " j.~ ~ . : ~ "-~ ~~ ~J ~ ~. - \ "." '<I ii,~,,, ,~ ~. 3 lY. . "- ~,; ~'\' w... :, 0.1:':\,. ' :i:"i:j i ,-:(~ 1- n' < \; Date Received: I JUL - 1 2009 Original Submittal ...:! l' ~ . i 'II'~ f #~ 0. I ' l ..J ..~'k' ',:,',,':.::.h.":,,';-,',' X'::;:2;;j,-', _ , ,~;~ "'~\': ~ r... ,v.,'''.', ':'!..,.. , .~. . :'1 . '~.~... "...(1,. ~~, I..........f' ~,. ...~.,. ." "~. ~~~J ~".'.~ ~:;t~ I ", ..~,. ....',i:.,; . ~~..L~ ......((.. .' jS~~'~ '.,':" " "'...a;,~.,! '( ';r~:t I't-:'k* ?rl~: ..;.t~,'-J' - ;., ~'." . '4~::!: - ,,1':-'. ~.~, ~'~.ff.., . ':!''''~-~-~ ;,,'~,;~'i( . :>"'2.,.J~ ~~. ..~::.'.: 1~~} ;i0~\ .;,.~. , .-,'."";:' .- ~ ,~ .., ., ~~~ '. >1-\ .,:~_': ',:.1': .~r~~J~:: 'f'. >(...:-::. \5:~~ . ,'~~~;} r~~t:~ ~~ i~~~ e~5~r~ nr;tl!\ ftil~~l~" :t,~$:::~'& ~.~~{~ 11!.>,i~..~,jI,ii -':r:-. -.:-" "i' .~:"ff.j.,.,: i:,~~~: '~-'. \:"1. _: "'~;j\ ~ l";~".. I :,~; I :~::;.~},~ I.'r:~;":' :/,....h:.. '."r'L / ''''r'"=~-- .~~ 't"'\'t Pf.~ ~): . I ~ "'''': . ,I!-V: " l ,/ -i!. ,A 'fJ :"'-";':'.""" 'I, .. ," , ".r.. "J :"1 :'. , I.'.' .~~ ,j,'" ( v ~; ;; ~ : ,,' ..,' ~~: . ",J, :', ., " '''1' "'.~ ;:,' , ~.. ", ~'.J .:,r 'f. . "c. I~~ ~; ~{1 " .','., , L ,~~ ,:" ',.,'L -," 'fl.' ?Y.' .'. .... ..:_"./..l~'!!.<.; i",,::,;... ""~," ,~>.:,':: ":"' -1'1'1:;; 7512::135 1-'" I CRAN'I' Oi" I::^SF.MENT ".:': f ~,,0~,=~~~:i.- , j~/"", ~. '" -I'/" -."r~' 7C...~,o~ uho.'.r':,! ,:1 I.'h'/.r': '1'1115 It/DEN'fum; WITNr'iSSF.TIII 'rhllt: [)M,]':; PISCIIER, heroinafter "'r'" cu.lled llGrantor," does hereby qivu and' giant unto the CITY QIo' BU(H:~P., II municipal corporation of Lane County, State of Orogoh, hereinafter called "Gl';'antco,'U the right to lny, cons"truct, maintain and replace oVer the real property hereinafter described a sanitary sower 1atoral, being 14 foet in width 'and lying 0' fael: left nild right: of, llnd par'alIal to the fOllowing described ccmttl):linc: " Beginning at Enginee'T.s Canterline Station '7 + 50 (Glcnwood truck sewer line stationing), said point baing 6a~.8 foct South and 1054.2 feet Weet of the Northeast corner of the Zara Sweet Donation Land Claim No. 68, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, at the \'lillametteMeridi.:\n, from l:he point of beginning the centerline herein described runs North 17.5 feet to a point, said point being South 70(107'50" West; 146.0 feet from a point lying 622.69 feet South and 916.87 feet '.IQst: of the Northeast-corner of said Donation Land Claim No. GS and thereupon terminates, all in Lane County, Oregon; ..' ~; 'l '~ the said sewe:: to be located and constn\ctcd II sufficient depth belo..... the surface of .the qro'und !>o as not to"interfere with the.free and: unrestricte<i use of the surface by Grantor, his 'heirs; representa-I tives and assigllsi resE:!"ving to Grantor, his heirs, representatives and assigns, t.hc right of free ilnd unr.eSt,ricted use of the" sur~ac~ji of said land, together'with th~ right to build, fill or othen;,ise ,; use said ~ueface, but only after said sewer ,line has been installed. Gr.an'tor agr(i.es, hOt-lcv02r, t.h,lt the plans for the foundation of any .' structure constructed over the sewer line will be subject to approval of the City Engineet. anel the Ouilding' Department-of t.he City of .' r.~gcne nnd.will comply with the peovis'iolls of Sections 8.555 and jl 8.556 of the Euqene Codc,. 1':171, as amended by Ordinance No. 17159, enacted August 26, 1974. Tnc Grtlnteo, it.s cOfltrilCt.ors, subcontractors, agents or employe,es shull have the fight to go Upon Sillcl real property [nr the purpose ,; 'of constructing, maintilining, repairing or replacing said sewer; ~ tlncl said SCI;,c.'r !;hull be so constructed so as to do no damage to suid n\.'ll property, ;'Inti i\fl.~:r the con.str\1ction of the same, the said real prop,""!r.tY.<lt Ull.: l!lli/Il \..'here silit! sel-/er is laid and constructed shall be left in as ']00'.1 condition a$ before tilt> construction of said sC\-lino Grantee.;;ilUll hove the ri'9ht to permanently m..intainsaid se.....er,' over. said land 'and i,ts agerlts andemploye~s shall have the right to. go upon :;.i"id i(;'~'l property ill: the ~ofnt:; 'l'<'here the said sewer fihall be loc,\ted and consLr.\lcted, for the purpose of maintaining, reptliring or repluci.'ng said St)','!cr \...-ith the \\r.<ll2:J:standin9 that the Grantee, its u<)cnts or emp).oy,l!eS, in the maintenance,. repairing or replacing of .said sewer, s!l~ll do no damage to the a~id ~cal, property, and shalll, h~,11!r~. the Sili.(l n2,ll r::op':~n.y in th(~ "i\mc condition 'as before. . Gr':\llt of EilS02'Ii'Cllt - I " Date Received: .JUt -12009 :J Original Submitt~1 I , .. L ,:3 . .: ~,i~.ii-'" '_',";::::' ~ . '~~',; '("',~." ....'--.,."..,,-,""".,.,._1" , .', ..,;.....~' .- '1;> ,"'. ..,~: ,,-: r;"r. ;......,.'". ;;i.,,:o'. ,",. n~'. .;..'" 1;'.'-'_' ;,. :'''..;'.."''', "";~,.,':, , ""~"'1 ,,' .,. \ ;:>~'I.;':' --, ,. '~i.,:;", , . . , l "j Ii ',_ J, .4:" , ,...._~._.,,-... l ., .tt. ",~ ,....,:.1.-k"~...-O' . ..~.. . . .' . ~.'-7t." o. ",~ ..:.....' ~)fr. .)~ .v.,' to ~.. j.::~~~ '::.:t: '.' . .. .':r .. ~ ;.' ...~.rl:; -'. ,,~.. ''l.::.,~ '::--:.,,1 '. '..~:'.:.', 'i~"?, '.i1~~f :~&.~ ~; , ."jT: '''',',:',:''' ';':\~',-~ '. ~1)~: ". -~t~~::,~ ~.". '.-,:'. ~':;"~~;.; "'b' I ; ~~'1": '; .'~;l ''':~': . ..J 'y,":'-',",:": . '~ :';' '.~ ,::, '" ._'~: .... '-<.. .~".... ~: ,:1: ,. ..;, I;; " ;'i~' 'v' ."" ;~ :.,,: ~, ,\, ;~ " J .:>: ~ . ~. " .~ " (. ~ ~ . ~, ~'" . \i1l .-~ "" "i. ~ ): ~~ ~, i. " )~ .'i.l ;~--J ::.:! :'t,; , -kl :~', ii:; (I;' " ~'~''''''''''''''-'~ ..... .V'~.(liJIi'{.1I:~~""~"'il;~.:;.t -' , I ;~1. \. "11\> I '.~ , ..1 :~,. , ,~ , I \:,', " 'I J, \-- . '. ~ II "'\'..._ .1_____ " L _w 7.6J:e:Z35 _n'~ .' .. '~-:'.~~~t~;~~..:;. No monetary compensatLon or conAideration has been paid for the granting'of thiR Ea5QmOn~: .- IN WITNESS WHENE:OF I Gruntor has executed these presents this 2t\~L"day of April ., 1975. """"~;"'N""""'" "., \'~ . 0\'0 "'" ...~~ "",'-. ..~-.. ". : ;' \OT"";1)--' ~ . 't. _... n ~ , . Y' \,Jo ,NUS\,..' ";'", 1 ......~/' .' .}J/ ". (^ n\'. ,.' ". "F no> ~ ........".S'~ATt. OF \"~~'I\~....~ 'bale Fincher OREGON 55. Grantor County of Lane 9n th{s2nd ddyof. . - l\1:>ri'l .' 1975, personally appeared the above named Dale Fische,;. an~ackno~ t!dged tile f regoing ,instrument to be ~is voluntary act and dee~. , ' , Before me!: , .. .' ~ . Not ey Public' t'ar Oregon . My Commission Cxpires': 8 4-1'6 ~ N . N' i .... l!? ,j i ~. f ~ ~'':; ~ .. L " -" ~ E~; -8€ ~:~ i ~ 0.. ".~ JUH O_....cL ...-..-"--,. " J ~ i,.,.J. - ~ "L;:: ::;r~'r(t::of~ E<'l.s\~mQc:~l:. .~ ! ~ ~ , .. , " '0 "f '" ~ <f 2 (.! ..:: " ~.., .. '-' . ~ ;:; L f~ be" ~ 6" -.: I . u :J ~ ." ;;; :'" \..g " If:' 0 e~~, m (Y) ~ '" J""' t:-.. , ~~. \" ~ I:. " . t: \ 10 :;.1 ':;, , - :-;J :'\'~ '.\ " Date Received: JUL - 1 2009 L Original SUbmittpl -....,,:,.. ','.. ..~ :;,...~'-.:_~_},i8~\,:.".,. .;':......,". - ~ "'~'~' I .. - -~'';'''^ ~:~~,f l.;~~' ,oJ I"" _.... ~ " y" --, ~!.:'" I:: >i~;~;" I ~;J f ,,( Y. qft; ~. 11' ,I \I ~ ';.I' :.1", " , >fi.4it ~', !', 0. ; J.' . ~~. " .""'~ .......-...._~ ~..Ftf!,,; tl; '~~:'f. ;gl!,l ~,~ ;~ )'tIl .,.:',_I'::-'~ <~~1 ;f~ ,,::.:.~ , :~~1: ~~" ' ~-: . -1 .';0'. '- . .~,~:~ ,:. ',,\;,,:-:.'" '~l, .: .';. 't-..~ I 'i!:~? ,J; ;";':: J{~J 'I ""'~- I.'};.$.% ", ..,',1' '~'..'..~' , , ,"',e :.", "'1f,".."i Ii] ':'::!'~~~~' : : j-:~~~.;;~.~~ I' , ':':;, ,1 ;~j"~ : ,j: \;~~~~" ''---'- _. ".,c';.,. ':'.'~;~;'1" "'-. ~-;~;~~:'r J .'. ..'i'., ""1 :~', ',.- ,,: ,." ',. :".:r,o:::~^ " '~~':,,:~, ~ T-';)~~/~ .~. . '~-'" --.-' I, ',I':' ~..,-." '::""''-' I _: '.....;:~ I'" ,.:~:".- """~~ ~~.~' ({'t-, d:~t\ ~:I-'...:I}~ mr tr~.l ':::R;'~,,:~~ \J.'i;;,i'll )U.t!i':.~ ;;i~tr r~m,;~ (l;'<1!I,"-'; E~!.':' 1,,;j1.'!I\i " <;p." · ~'ij! 'Ii"-'''' ~il,,_dC ~'t'.",W' i~ L ~~~:'-"It~:~~:> i J . ,'''I~'''''', " !\.,'.. 'I / ':1', 1"'~~~M;: ,i'.fjj""",.....:,..: ;h" ' i i I'\'>:l~'~::" ~ 'i':; ~;t j,'i'f;:) Authurl1ed tor ncr.ul'd(ng by City of Eugtlno I' I Do" Ci;":>-7~ ". .<:J" ''A // _---k::.V.~~..~ Director or Fl6llnce, GRlIN'l' OF EASEMEN'r THIS INPENTURE I..I'.rNJ::SSETIlI .That DALE FI,SCHER, hereinafter called "Grantor," doel:' hp.l"aby give and9rant unto. the "CITV OF EUGENE, a municlpal corporiition of Lana County, State of Oregon, , he!:sinElf ter called "Grantee," the right, to lily, construct, maintain ') and replace over the reat property hereinafter db6cribed a sanitary sewer lateral, being 14.,feet in width, Clnd lying 7 feet left and ' rIght of, and parallol to the !'ollowin(j descdbed centerlin~; Beginning at Engineers Cf2nterline Station 14 + 00 (Glen.....ood trunk sewer line stationing); said point being 755.9 feet South and qSO.) feet West of the Northeast corner of the 2ara Sweet Donation Land Claim No. 68, 'fownship 17 South, Range) .West of the Hillamette Meridian, from silid Point of Beginning the centerline herein described. runs North, 114.52 feet to a point,.sdid -point bei~lg South 820 12' 2U" East, '49.9 fe~t of a point lying &34.50 feet South ilnd 499.74 feet ~Jest of the Northeast corner at said Donation Land Claim No. 60 and thereupon terminates, illl in Lane County, Oregon. _, . , the said sewer to be locilt.ed <lnd cOll~tl.uctcd il suffici02nt depth below the surface of the ground sa as not to interfere with the free and unrestricted liSt: of the surface by,;Grantor, his heirs, representatives and assigns; reserving to Grantor, his heirs, representatives ~'nd i"lssigns, the right: of free and unrestricted use of the surface of silld land, together vlith the right to build fill or otherwis~ use said surface, but only after said seHer line has.peen" installed. Grantor agrees, however, thal: the plans for the foundation_of any sl:ructure constructed over the ~cwer Line will be subject to approval of the City Engineer and the "Building Department of the City of EU'.lene <1nd will comply with the provisions of Sections a,555 <1l1d 8.556 'of the Eugene Code, 1971, as amended by Ordinilnce No. 17159_, enacted ^Ugust 2?, 197<1. The Grantee, its contrilctorsi subcontractors, agents or employees shall have the right to go upon said real property for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, repairilig or replacing said sewer; and said sewer shall be so contructed so as 'to do no damage to said real property, and after the construction of the same, the said real property at the. point'where said sewer is laid and constructed shall be left in as good condition ilS before the construction of said sewer. . Gr-antee shal'-l hilve the right to permanently mainta-in said sewer over said land and its age~ts and employees shall have the Grant of Easement .:. 1 Date Received: Original Submitted JUl - 1 2009 .- J'- I I .., IY i :J I ;', ~ ''" ;~'r" wi l~f~ ~i ~ :it iJ Jfl ,-;::; ," ~~, :, :.~ ~ ~i hl x~ ~ ~ ~~ ~f; -~ ,...~"I?i.l;] ~i ';1: . ill ~ I li '1 .'(%i ..,"~ .','1 . ;"ii ~ .J " I ~ :\"~', '~:!l. ~: '~I: '~,: ;, '1'11 1'- r'~ ~ r" ,I,; ~l tJ,' " \.J .,,~. It' .:: ;'.::-i! . ~'!:~'~;!.'::..':~,; . ;'n"'" .', :I :'1' " "'1': , . ,"=';' "',", 'r55tj7t;[, right to go Up~n said real property at the points where the said S6''ier shall be located and constrUcted, for the purpose of main- taining, repairing or replacing said ~ewer with th~ understandi~9 that, the Grantee, its agents or employees, in tho maintenance, re~ pair~n9 or replacing' of said sewer, shall do nO,damage to the said real property. and shall leave the said real property in the same condition liS before. . ,q- . No monetary compensation or consideration has /Jean paid foi the granting of this Easement. i>!I l1,1 ~ = . '-<;:'.~ 'if' ~~ ,..,'" .,~ ~ ~,.~ ~h. ,~, ,,'i\ ~ ,~ ~ ~5; '?f~- M I I .,,~ II Ail!!! ij 'I'" , .:11 ",,:~ I J ,....,~ IN WI1'NESS WIlEREOF, Grantor has Gxecuted these presents this! !..l.tb.. day of D~cernber . 1975. ~' _1<>..0..:1' '" "-'-"-', Dale F1Schcr "GRANTOR" STA'fE or OREGON 'S. County of Lome Qri,tb,,;s /7/~ day of -1V~.:.,"''''''.0~ ,1975, personally .:tp; pear~q the Cl):lOve named Dale. FlsChe~ and aCknowledged the fore- go~ng lnatD~mcnt to be his voluntary act and deed. 'I' r,', ~;J ~ (,actor. me, lJ'.P..YL ;j( dt;/.".",/w . '/,.. . :.I~' Notary PUbhc ,for oregon ' :'., . Ny Commission Expir~$: tf;-.J.J-: 1{' or 0 11~:~".,' '......"... III ~ ,lIj :~ ):" ~ . '" .. " .. n " .: g ~ ) O'':::;UH 0< , g iJ"~ E o ' 0 ~ 'g ~ t ~ : ~!i._ ~ 1: D.= '" '" 0 0 un"" "2 -.J "tI .::: ~ . r n:'; -;; ~ e ~ ~ -.... t ~j ~~.S~~ ~o p ; .. ~ .~ ~~. ~'~.~ ,~-.] ~j Q~~,~" ,~ I .. I: ,. j()'Y '. Gral)'i.~ol jj:_fl.~eme~~. c: (21i ."j .. :3\ :i ~ ~ ~ ~ . , 'N" " E.:6 ~ CI " " ,.. i:S~ ~:; 0 v ci~~ ;;: 1.(J ~ cJ'~ ~ " 0 I~ " ~~ 0 0 ll.1: . I.~ 0 :.i~ ~ . v 0 . .e'. ... , :1 00 _ctl: U '~\ H .{,'!- (; : ~ . JUL - 1 2009 o '" '" .:1< .. " ~. . R: .~ '\{) Date Received: '-' ,~ Q t', ~ ,L .'[$"; . :l'~:.':: .v. / I, , , Original Submittal ~ u~~:;~.t~.~:..,! I ,i '~ift;' ,,:~,,' . . ~I~ '-".'.~" , .' j .' :',,~ i.,'. '. 1 ....:,i, ~J;T::~;':;':::;: I .. to ,,'''.i . :.; ".~..:: .,. h" ';. .- t," ';c.. "',.'~'l--' 1. . 'i'fj[)ti';'4~t;. J! ,^uLhOTLzcd r"r nc~(}rdllla:' by CHy of l!lulieno ., P,te ....diL;,,,,,g,2;L ~.~(L,_dt2 Djrc,.tl,~Flf:i,;~tQ' . .. GRANT 0[.' E:ASt:MEN1'~ .'~ /'. ;t~" ~ !~}\l :~1A:l~ ~ -f! llITi1 ~~;~i;l .,....".j ~,..-.-,...: "'..btU\ 7f~~j ',<:t'm''"' ;{.,":--'-', \~t.~~ "inll ;ill~:~ ~~~~~r ~i.F ;'~;.~,._, ~"I~I",','" ~~t~~. ~,~ i1.J~ ~~' JJ1~fij ~'}"'"i';'" \~w '~t~;t.~ ~"" r~~:. ~"Nf"" 5tft& .._,,"~~"t ~'I""', ~"li'.. ~ ;,;" .< ~J-~ 1;,'.',','-' , .tf,* ;li'!)j 'Il:\:."b..'li"l '.#~.f1'~'l" "~i~:t:''i: ~~ _/,J , 'rU1S INDEN'l'UnE WITNESSETH: ThilL' DALE f-rSCIIER, tlereinatter called uGranto:r:," does hereby give .and g-rllnt unto;the CITY OF BUGENE,8 municipal corporation of Lane County, ,State of Oregon, hereinafter .called "Graritee,". the right to lay, 'construct, maintain -arid replace oVer tho real property hereinllfter described a sanitary (jewer lateral; 'being 14,feet in width and lying 7 feet left" and - _ right of,- and pClrallel to the followin'.) de~cri~.ed center'line:. Boginning at Engineers Centerline Station 7 + 50 '(GlemlOod trunk sewer line stDtio'ning), said po"iot being 6'80.0 feet South and 1090.2 feet West ot the Northeast corner of the Zara SI'Ieet Doniltion Land Claim 110. 60, 70wnship 17 South, nange J Nest, of the: \Hllilmette~'eridian, from the point or bC!ginlling the centel.line herein described runs North 12.25 feet to a point, !':.<1id point being North 7~o 59' 49" West, 26.9 feet" from a poillt lying 676.10 feet South and 1064.7 feet \'Jest of the Nortlleast corner of said Donation Land Clilim No. 6B, ilnd thereupon tcrminiltcs, illl in Lane County, Oregon. Grant.of Easemen~ - 1 Date Receiveii: ~ ~ ~ iili ~ i" ;; rt~ igi . i~~ Hj; \2 m . 'iii', , ~~~ ~ " ,;" c, ~ ""(~ ,..'.~ , tit ffii .::~ .~!i ,II, ~ 'I g~ ~~(~ ~;l~ \f" ~ the saidsel"rer to be located and Constructed a sufEicient depth below l:he surfilc'e of the ground so as not .to interfere with the free and unrestricted use of the Surface bi Gr'antor, his'heirs, representa.tives <1nd assigns; reservinCj to Grilntor, his'lleirs, reprcscntiltives ilnd assigns, the right of free and lJorestricted use of the .surface of said t'and, together with the right to build fill or otherwise use said surface, but only after said sewer line has been installed. Grantor agrees, however, that the plans for the foundation of any .structure constructed over .the sewer line will be subject to approval of the City Engineer arid the Building Department of the City of Eugene and will comply with the provisions of Sections B.555 and 8.556 of the Eugene Code, 1971, as amended by Or~inance No. 17159, enacted August 26, 1974. The Grantee, its contractors, subcontractors, agents Or employees shall, have the dght to go upon said real property for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, 'repairing or replacing said sewer; and said sewer shall be socontructed so as to do no. damage: to said real property, and after the construction of the same, the said "real property at the point where ~~id Sewer is laid and constructed shall be left in as good condition as before.,the construction of said sewer. Grantee shall have the right to permanently maintain said sewer ove~ said" land and its agents and employees shall have the JUl - 12009, ':',. .., ' \ Original Subl1lltW '. . . .: .;:>,.\l'!fr!~~: ',/) ...., L I / ." i- t;,~"-,~~< . ..-.- , .,. I :"'~" "',, I' Ii- .~ ;"G " I ...;r.r'1 it r ,;; , ,,1ft' ! .H m:~:..;.~,'..~.1 . " l:r '-~, ..... " 1 "',' ".'" .- ~ ",' ;~~,.." 'i'[J:)f;'t'4;\; right to go Llpon Baid real ptoperty at the pOlnts where the said sewer shaH be located and constructed, for the purpose of maln- taining, repairing Or replacing said sewer with 'the understanding that the Grantee, its agents, or employees, in the maintenance, re;;' pairing or repl"cing of' Baid sewer I shall 'do no damage to the said real property, ~nd shall ~eave thes~id real property in the same' condition as before. '" ~JI (J L . ~ -~ ~. ? c;.l " , ,- , ;:LI"O (~ '~ ~' ~ . :: 'fr~~ ~ "0 .:; ~ ,i. ~ :; ~ e ',' .. ;.; .~ :; ~ ~: 0 . :~ ~ '- c .,~ 'n U~~ Q , ~ , , ~ '" \ 0 " " " ". RJ o::l " <, :r~ u u ,~ c c I.t':l ,,, ? ~ ~l t€ 0 I'-- , ,;~~ " I'-< ~ n S ",- , u ~. ~ 0 " " " ,~ ,) " "' u' tl(-.J .\,', '.'. I ;1 ~ ;'1'. t~' :i! ''lll :r.i :u ill ~ ';ll .m Jij i ~ w' ~ ~ I,'" 1< I!!! ~ '~ 'I '" .' \'" ,,',~ ~ ':l'.;:1; . I;~ "11l 'iff~ ....Ji :,')~ '>~ :~ i~"f; l'j~"~"" ,..f;"~':'l ,~ 'Ott"" I lI,,~~ .. ~ ~:. ~:;;:J'; "",tit' ~~. No monetary compensation or considerntion has been paid for the granting of this Eas(!men~. IN -WITNESS WlfEn.BOF, Gl"",nlor has ~xeelJLed these presents' this J-1l.h day of December 1 ," 1975. ,/ ~:'\,-C\r'l-...., 03 te I":i. schG:r "GRAN"'OR" S1'A'l'r:; OF OREGON County of ~ane . op." thi::j; /711. day of 1t/~'t!.,dr.'v ,1975, personally ap- peared the above named Dale Fisclwr and acknoldedged the fore- 9pin~ .i!l.~~t"ument to be his vol.!-lntary act and deed. -{ ,"/ . i/ 'No~a~~"~UI{i~c {LL~2;;:g~~;;V My Commission Expires: t-.<s.--?'? S> . Before lIle: .: f~ ," .~. , <.i:J fe tIS L? !'- o o ,~. '. 'I(}', G.ral\U! qt, EaSe1l18hl! ~L.( 41 $".1. r;: :! i!i Date Receiv~d: L I .( JUL - 12609 ".,/' . '", -I ' "-.1' :~. ,Qriginal'SublTl.i!t~1 ~ . .' 'I " : , : /' .' ..II. ." ..1 1"I"'I.""'I"lll'~~IIJ'~" ,'I' , ~ " ,lr~, .,rS...~. .~I,IrH.r..-ir);j .1.. lI..l".~. ,,~'I ~~.L..lli.r',;~ll~ILII~~il "~ "" ,.:'1~'-'-,J ~~ I \'''''::,i ,."t":,',~'art-~'?:l"':\'I'F ,....,. r',':- ; \.' J" ,.t'rr.'\.II-rIri'~ :\;..i;:,.l". r,t ,Q)'...tJ'J'/,:'J"p,~I" ."1' I ' ~; , .I\~.. ~",... ""':1..~,;.s;.;~ ,"'""t' III ~'.1"'~"jl~'~'~I'l'1 "'~t "", I.'~ I' ~\t .., ~," ,y' :r:;r<" . 0;" ~;p. '1 1 ~"..W'" ,~; ~ . ,~.......".".",it.,~;;.t tJ.!I~'~'.\:I'~''''.'''J ,,i.ilh/"/ii,tJ,'\' .' '"" . r: ~\' ....\'J '" '. >I'n" ..~., \ ' 0' , ":""'~~'?I'J~,~..:\'>I'~...~t... tv ''''T~t...J~'~c.t,t... . . .. ;~T..~j';';'~ '~.'}\~:)'~~~1 ;~' 'l.h,'j4'ifi,i, ~'~~""l' ,I" '. "i~.i'" " J~" It.,,.lo~:. !,.,~;I' r ~"1 r ,l .,_'lI......,''\o.' . : \' t 11" ." ' ..,,~ , J' J '~ll'l -I,,~ " - . , " ," (.tt~ iJ.. " . -,," I ' l ' ,,) , I'~" "I , , . \.~."i~).......~~.~~ I'"~ :.'. .-I':.;-~~, ~'+ll ~ \ ~ I ,'(ll"~;IJl; .1 ,,;. Y(rA /t ~Jl~ > _ ,.... ~:,1 ~ I .'~ ll~,l " ' ,~,.~'!-'''' . , ....... . ,. . . '. ~ " ,,3 _ _', ~ . ~..."..;"~li":l"~:'''~''\:' ,: '~:'.~::..~ '~~' , ~\;tr;I'1".~"'!;tl' I 1,',~,~:")\\,I~,I,'"~_':''''..t.-.:, I I .l)~~ ~1'J't:,: , .. ',"'r~~':'~r,'''r~.:''J~rt~:''r.' 1 I . 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". .'- I,,!: " l:'"',;";1<(::ilt;" ,~;~ .~" ;.-...-...".... 'I ,-, ....":. ,f '~"f!~~3.'~ ' :~. "','; .'i' - '--'.',) .t......, ~ " . tIl' S T'" ", ....:'i,.! '-"'~'II u;'rt'J~"l~"" ,'-...of. :,.' 'I:,\~....;:.: ..~-<....>f:p..~.1'i'.~..~.t.~:~,:~l :},~}.f~~f'"' ,'" ' _. . '.';:''''; ".. ".: ,'. " '.~, ". ".~.., ~.f;\")::t' 1t".1 . .' ,', ,\'," 1}~f~::~?*]H~f~'(.~~ li~~{'~.( ~~ ',.-., ~""..',',; '-,'1~_":~~I/!II~V,~: ,,' ~.., .-"';,,' ':'.',J",'-"l ~A:,'~ 1:~h.~~..;'?1~,',,,- ~\.~'.' c-':. .;;.,;~: \ "':::~~<7'" ~.::/~:,~ ~.'~/~() ~:"~;:1;2-~,:~~~~'?,. .. '::1 ,'. . . ' r, . . ''1 1 ;0- ~f ",,' '.:. y"::-.....' "'-":~_: '~'.. , " ',: " \ ~:{.,:~t-:~'~~\':.. ;-, ,~;.;':iJI'~"" .-,.. _.' ,,'.r ' ,., " (' if, ',' 'I' I < .~ l' ." ,~';;": ~','.~ ''-'''); :::' {.~ . "~' ,I" , ,J'.i- .'.': '\.;'" ".'.,', :1-';</:.-,' :;,'. ';,:;.rtj~;;. . ile\," , ~i~f'~;W',"',I' ! ~lJ ~~i~;;! I~Wil i 'i"', ," ~,aii~ . I:g!".illj'>, ~~1lf\1i h~r:h!. "If''' 'rn"ll .ril,l~. ~it':::'.;:",)i. i!.":'f');,' r~.i.a:'Z.I'; '~Hib;~';A~~'t~ " ~.! }i.~~-"Ijjj,.tt ILl. ~I!lI,,~...Hllj~! .dIILllii:ID~.~ll hi:&llt....oWlIl'lUI.I: ,'." ~'~f-;' '".'.," "'" '~<- - ._..~~~.~.,~~.:-;'.91Il '" / ;/ , (A'" ;j} / ,.~l' r]/ " , I ,;.y .'of' .(,/ ..' .\ I .f"{l\' '. /\\\'.. ,\. /,";.' ..'" ",-{t.") - Of/ . /. '7 :-),.', '< , "~ r'. >1 I~ I'., ; v, ',: ""'-J .~ ;;.,' " r~~ ~ .r.': " ~ r~' "'. ,;. ',1" / , .~-. c, , :.:- ".!. ..:.: ~ ',,-1;, ''-h'' '." ,J>:: '.: .-S";" .. ~-' " :1 . : ..~. i .' (.o, . ,~ 'J ~ " ~, "'I '" ~ l'l '" " " ... ;'l r 0 _IIil ":JI:II;ll7c' . ~ !:Q\l.~ t:-, ~ :':tJ ~ I ; " " \~ :. '~ S I- I. '. I , .....)(') ';:!!~ Vi" '1\ :-.; " ~ !: " .'. ;~ - '- , .~. " :r- iJ , ,~ 1" i',. :'~ j, " .: '" ", h ,I: " '., i,'\ ", . '" " '", , " i ~ ?S; " " i.: ;". JUL - 1 2009 Original Submittal ... '.\ / . .'; <~,-,..' '/.J! ~!......-(, /' '/':" /'" ~, () . "~ ~ " - ,',.- 1- ! g: ~ ~ -.' 11~' f J; "'- '" . <> 0) L': ~ "" lI'\ :;,.. " 0 ,~;' ~ ~'~l ,... .. <;-- '" ~ , j :~ i.; 0[) ~~ ... ~ +. @: ~_. i :e~ ~ ..... " ::-.....<<:. \ X .~'J~ ~ ~ ,~ ~- .,..~ ~ 1'1 " '::J uf~- '" "" " ;~ :',:t 5 " ~ .. ~. .1 I'll ..... t;; " 1 ,,'; ~ ". III "' ffl ,:;1 ";:':: ~>:~ 0 ~ \' <:', > l~ ~H~ ... c ~ 0 ~ ":! II ~"'- ! : 'i. ~ ,~ ~ a~H .~ :. ~ ,.. ,., '1 u h J \ " ,;',_.0>:0'7 I ;,-.;: '" " ..~~; j.. ..~ t; ~, ., ':i '".~ .,. ~ _0 ,..)- i )' " . OJ' ",- : ", , 0 29'Z--BH Date Received: , JUL ...;' 1 2009 " Original Submittal .>/. :;-r' >/~1I ./:.." r.-~' .r.!>' r- ~-':-",~.'l:-i5.:\ " /: ~\'V'. ';' " /...:"~):..,,, C3 \::r~' -I ~_ '0, . I ~ " ':": ,. ',,-' , \\ '''.,''''. ',' ,., ,,:. ., '~ ~ \,,': '.:. ., --.:::....-.:.....-,~7".- . ..; .:., ,. u;.:,';f,:\:f..';~.j;i~';~:,::"(-:.r",;< ~~~.... '... ,~--.,~~ '\ ~'.T "."if- :~.. I '1 . ,;.:r:t; " ~,~,"''1 I ..h';;" ,:t"I!~tl.l ~. ~, ~:'<r......._ .;....j~Ut:.~~ 1 , , "f"'~}L ":i 1", -~ ',,1 ;"',( ~.\ ~' " "~''. '. . ;~ ::,( ')vJ 'I'}.\ ~ 7i1Jj5illGft ,.,~' .;':; '" t( \ ' :" ,', .,.,~, '~.~:" .. 'I "'1.';;1' PEIlHIT AND IlABPHIlIIT ',?;:,tI , " .,,,\ ~ .~ \1,', .- ,'" -~:, ,:~J kllOW ^LL MPoN BY TUBSS PR88BHTS, thllf: LANB CQUtn'Y, a floUtjcal Bub-' .:. :,' division olthe Btnto of Or080n" the Grantor horoin, dODS hllrob;~ covnnant that it iH tho ownor of tho following dlJ8Cdb~d real property in Lune "'''".= ",~'~~.: .,~ '....~ . Bcribed electrical equipment 10 ahown on the ntto.cned Sketch U-IQ438i L, County. Orason to-vltl ,--:"1 That troct of land doscribed by thotdeod recorded' AN InAtrWllQ.nt Humber 1640388 on Real e06-R of 1.ane Ctlunty, Ore8~n Deed Records. ".'" ~ h .Th(intend~d route nnd opprodlll8te locotion of the horeinafter dOT L Illorked ~hiblt "A", ond ~Ade tl pllrt heraof. I} 16 understood Itnd /.lgreed , thot 3ctulll construction ond j,lIstalLitlon of,equipllIent mny uHfer from thc intended cout!!, and npprDJI'lmll~e loention. ,,'. For the p'urpoflc (If furnbhin~ r.lectdc a_crvlee by the Grantee heret.n iI to the. nbov~ dl".r.crlbcd prcOllne:;, the undcr!ligncd os Crontor dOl!s hereby " grant unto the_ CITY OF EUG~:HE. LANE COU~TY, OREGON, for the Ulle B,nd bcnuflt of the! ELlGI::NE \.lATER [, ELECtRIC BO,\RO 115 r.rllntt'e, II pup_ctual pecmit arid '.f., ~ . l'fltu!ment for. nn underground d.ectdc dlstributioll linc Md n1!CC9flary .appur- ;.:~: tcnnnccs thercto. over, under, across and upon the nhovc d~~r.rihed real .' I llS QC,tllally constructed nnd inatallcd. (f.,,~ property along the route and location "" '-;",',", ",'"',." '",0' '~E, ,." ,,'.~;. ~,~.'llr J.~l(-~ ;:i'{: :'\',;':: $\1.~; ,~Jf\~' }~'~~i 11'i;'n' f.:;:"~:' .~:~ ~,lti-, ~" .' I, ;{~','~"-' , The Gnmtor herein acknowledges that any 'aodoll equipmellt or Teplacc~cnt Lhorcof, inst:l.Uccl in or upOl\>t>nid prcm1s(!G by said GronLcc, shall re;nain the 901e prop(,!rty of 8~td Grantee and may, be removed from lintel property 'i . . 'I ut illlY f.lm? ~t th~ discretion of the Eugcntt. \-Idler frr.li'cldr. ROl1c(l.. I'nne of i, Permit vncJ ~;aHcml'lIt Date Received:' ;"'" L:~; . ':',~ ", ~.,,"[O," , :"', 'i/ ,!Vi ~ ~fJ: I ;~\~ ~ !!I.." I ~;~-( JUL - I lUU:l Original Submittal ",,' I I ii, "rl " I" ., . I.'h--~. J '-'-___=;J:::_....__ .... , .f.....,:...,_:-~ ~ .: OO;-.-.----.~.-.-.-~-.i~ " ~. . ~ , '~ I ,'- . .... .'....,~;' . / ,t'- ~l... ';;;;lll.r,.~ ' ";1 ~.."., r: ~'.' 1f.1j,.,.,;",,::,'. . ,-"lj'-......,;,'. ":'"l::.:..I,'..;.' -';. "~""i~:.r.. ....',' ::.r.l,..~f).... 'I" . ...-:,....:'J . .-....1... ,'''' ~ _; :.' .,..../.,. 'i~r,..'. ~ . "I"~ ~ ''''.'''''';. .r. h...I,\\; ';' .' ~ :1 : .. .....,~.~. '0 .' \'"-:~:.~' :":~ :: "'ij'.'./1 - 11.. \ ., ~'-~.l' r' . . :, : ~"";~~'" \", .. ":1 ,;... :,,:. "'\-\":', . i' . , :I~ j. ,1';",' .', ' :! :' /:~' . ,.,::: ....., ~'{ . t '-i.::, ....,1.. , '", I..... :":~'~~..:., ~., '," 6';'= .. "i.",: .'", ," _..-------- ..,,'... ... p.\~.;;;~'~;'#~~".: " . ''I'..~...ii.I.~_,Pf!I!J..;..';.\...':\11-.... ~;.,",",.."",- r;""! ' j";J ',~ I .. ~ i ..1 ;.'K.:, ,',I' " ..,....' '., . ',J..'_ 7~;s;l1fta;Jl , , JUL-!. 2QO~ ".;,. Tosothor with any joint uoor with Wholl.Ql'lIntoo lIliy noncracti:-,und UDO .V'_ 'tho rlnht at inauao and ogron OVal' ,aid proparty f()r tho purpoGo of conatructiuD. maintainlns. and removing such Li""1 nnd appurtonancoo and ".~: ,::1.. o~or~i8inn other rightl haraby granted. II":: " :(":" ',''l,... . ,. ~ t. At no timu aholl nny bulld!D8 bo e~ectod or placed on snid r~ght- of~lol'ay, ,./' CUSJECT to the foregolng ,limitations aoid right-of-woy 1%141 be used by the Crontors ior road, pnrk1ng or. any purpose not inconsiscen't w1th ,ui1d eosemont. ..".:r.'. All ouch rightu hcreumler "hall ceau if and, when ouch Hnc shall ,. heve b~en abandoned. "'" Other than the ngreements hereln contained there is no eonAlderotlon' for thlo conveyance. Q TO HAVF. ..\No TO HOl.D the sn/llC unto thl! Grantee, its sucr:co'snrs' and I allslgn!l fon~Vcri ;II1U tilt: rishtll, .conuitions and prov1111ono of thi[; C:1!1C- moot sholl inure to the benl!t'it of and be bindln& upon the hl!1rtl~ '~XCicutor8, adlllinhtracoro, lIuccnssurs and nssigns of the respective pu'tiea berctll. III WITN~S.S WlIEIl.EOF, the Uliders:1gned "."..... f. 1;11!'" /. .~ ayo .J? ,(hll..MA hilllexecut~d l'Ida lnstrument thls ,1976. '~Qgo 2 of 4 Permit and F.asfilllent '1,':i,,~,7', '".:ltJi' .' ;\~it'r '~~r;' '~~i' ~~~~N.:: :\.;.~/' ,,' '-i"r '~~""~~"J 0.. I.,.! ';: '''. 1 ,I ~S-41,~}~ '" "i', '/ . .,~ ";', '"I,'l " ~~~~;~~';:: . .~ ",'",,.y" ,', ." IL.,u~':J"l~~":': ,'...,~ ~.", '. '~, .~~,!, , " ., 'I. '1\' I \1:Pif:"1il" ~""I"" ',' , , 1 \lil.~IL J 'I' "".~t',.:\ {Pfl/41~}~i~~~{},jf~;~I~fts\JJ'~"I!I'~I'I.'\"" ", ih' ,",\ '",' J, jj,...~~~........ ~. ,{II"J'l:'\"'!""';;.::~~~t~:_::::'~~.1b.;.;..~I"""" ft.J",~ ,-,~L,t_, ~t:f~'" ....'.~' Mo:.),~,~.,,-,~~.. ~.,..~ l~ ' ',1 to '~liV 1',.;\;f:;'''~jJXj~ " ~'I' '.;. .. ";..,/. ::&'~:- T.' ,': ...,,,1 ,_'~':,~. ':f~~~~~~'~-;~~~~@'1~~1W;~~:tf.1~;q~fr!.t)~~:~@.\~.i;~-;.!~1~tff,~.~': :t.{::",'. "+~~\~,.,~.il\~~~:,:(':<i.,~i~d~:: .:;,~i-i. '{:',' "- O~te Received: ,', ,I, ,,' ", Original SubmittaL> ' ',': / /":. ': '.~ 'f )\.-'r,," '-~T.Y- ~<r~,~_." . \ k' '.:~f;,,: .~':j" c:._. ~;:,.:.....::~t ' '. I"~":; :", \y.......... , ~, """1 " ,,', -c:~:(.:., ~~,'~~li':j;\,:"'/""':~' <'," ___r;:,..~J~t\:.~.!f....\~{ '~;~~~;..,;:~...':. "" ,t,-".l , ~"" " ~;{~*,E I"""'~~""j;, ,.., il.,",'" (.'..,..,",,:;.'.." i;,j,,\;,t~\:f..: l"/:c '~t(:_~.:. !;'~ri! .' ......:~,; , . '.;. ..;;.jj;l,:;.',:,. ",.) . ~..I___.......,.........>~,-L .~..,.l )~l~""~''''il~~~'~' ~7:-~;r~~T~~'~~V~,~~.t.:t'':'''''t.:..: . ,........: ,:..:~:;'r..~~~:.;.p.,<z:l\.( /\' 'I; '.' . " ;f~t~:.~~;.,q?Pi,~,~~~~:~;~i~~~M~~fif.i:~..:,~~i;n~\..,.t.~f,~~H.E~~t:..).,~:,:.""". .'::. ~', ""...' I~ t--. ;;,,\:~, 1.. JUL 1 2009 0- .. ~ .'1:>\,':' 7Q!6tASi 'i':' r.:.,.,. ", . . ',.. \:.~~;'" '. ....,.,;.. :0." ','," '1' '"'BOARD D. COUNTY COHHISSIOHB1t8 OP LANE COUNTY J OIl&r.:ON " ... .,.~:~'- I}.'." " " . " .C;orr.m1asionc r . 7 _--;:.. ;Z:~ d__4~~iBBiOller / ~~ G1 /lJ, f/ut~JDD;O..r' ,"',' .c,' "0":' STATB OF OREGON s. . County of Lane " " .On this 29th dny of. Septermer . 1976, beforo 1llC, tho und2['signed, 1I NotAry Public in and for the aaid County and State, personully Dppcarcd the atlove nBlIled Frank A. Ell iott. Nancy' ,.t ~'OOlA.rd- and __'~ _ County CommlaBionor~ for Lane County, and ocknovlcdgcd tho forogoing:lnstrumcnt ,\.\:~~i~!f~ vol..t." .ct, ~fm ~~Jl/;M . ,-~."" OTA' ~):(o \, 'I,)r,B~ry Pubiic 'for Oregon ./ ~, 111";'.\ t. '.. -.. "*' ,,(.oVDL-I"/. ! "./...... ......~..: ,rr- ......... If:..''' ,,' .....~. O'F o~",,"'. ..,..,,,,.,,.. My Commission Expires: 2-21-78 1:;. '" '. "". '~'. '.f~ ,', :.:r.' .r'. , ;";,:. :>,,~~;~}::., ",. .....:r:::--: ~~~'.- . .- .. PDge J of' 4 -. ;-;"'Yx ):-~;: : Permit arid EDsemcnt :I,: .; Do;al..., Rl;'l,;eWeci: 9r!~inal$ypmitta' ,.',< , \ \"'" ., I, ;,;..!/' "I;".: . ~ " ':'ili~;,'~1t;:, ./, " '::~ .:" .;.'~~:;?~~~tqk ~;;:'':i::'~, ~.;~:'r;;;<~:~fj:f i:: :'. " "::ii:>n~~' '. .'1 ~,<' {" ;~ .~?~. t~~'h WJ l ?,./'1J ... ,. ~.~ ~~.~~ _I!}-I:i'P.l.I.E ~-C""C"r' , :1\ PUBLIC UTlLITY EASEMENT P REa. 8~ lUSf.r~o. 76-~3'J3 II lil r l:j ~:: i--IS' P~U~ 1..".........<.lJ-F..rT\'n"'l.t~~ "84-47',s.!:_ _.d,~ '. '_'_ ~."J ,_..... ~ PU~ BOX/ . -_, 4.U M'f'_loCll. .n5'~-rr:"r1)ll1.. . - _80, (10110< __- . .,.,. Fro,,-.... LPF.OX. .. OF lt~. F:O.CILlTlFs--J ' i / / / /,/ / ~ TRANSFORMERS /"/// JUllCl'lO:/B"" / ~ENTRAi.. ': - RECEIVING ~ - " .~ \;" ~, , '!l'i ',I c:~i ~. .SEE SURVET.I'iO..-14246 a;; fILE 1N1le ~ t1F THE t.Ah1:: COUNTY SJR\IE'IOR o '- , .~ . '>9 .~ 'i"l 'i'4 L':l ~ "" ... -'- t I.~,~' .. '-. . t ~ ~ COUNTY LANE ~l Rea. DOG IHST. NO. 7G-~030D t:- ~- ,. EXHL61T "AU .', ~-COPV _. , -, ....:-. TIlE- MAPPED LOCATIONS ARE APPRo/.n.tATE AND NOT INTENDED TO at EAACTLY AS INSTALLED 1-i"t.H+i--: o Q - I "'" .~. --~ ~ <00 ... = >CO ~-;'"""l' ". :.-J ~'" !-:; ~l$ PI F~ " " . ~~-~:~.')''-';. :~~ ~~ ,.-......,.. . .... .~-:.~~- '>;:. ,-,~.. - .. . .~.~~:~; '; ''l; . ",;- e- ^ <<i: ~.\., :.'~~:..i.~.~:<t: ~. . ~.., .f 5F.>'i'f~ -.' '. :-.......: .~.. i:' ~<: ..." ~ot.i'!2 f .~ . :~ l.l., ~ . '-';"':"'1 C'?," ':!):t '. Ji:::,~.' ,..; .;\_ :~:. ~,_i,;~~i.;~(,I~:r]~~!~m!:1)~~~~~~~i' , b ",' 0-.----; ".~ r~(> ,If;' - ~ ,:_'~-!:- , ~~~~?~~~~~~;kt::': . .",:;> ~~ '':'~J~~~~.. .;.... ---- ""i~'~, 10> I .2: 0> >> 0- l" RECOrw I~~~~~AT!~ 0:: -l 0> ::J - ~ m C ~ en = = <"I THIS F:'lKT IS {SOUTH """Ei39.:?2. Fl:l M:D t WEST - 203.03 FT.l ;;"ROM THE NE COR. OF THE ZA.RA SWEET O.Le. NO.68.1N SEC.34.TI7S.R3W.W.M.. ~ " ~ '-~ ,I EUGENE WATEIi .t. ElfCilUC SOMD I;UCl"[ C-"to::~ EASEMENT REOUlRED FOR UG.fACILmES uJ..'E COU~'TY DISPOSAL CEnTER ~, I. co:.o.u:ASSMOWJd B-f04S8 . . _u 9....4/7G I .'.'.,' ,.-;... . -.' .: :r-ci~':.~:.. ..\:._/::",','i'::,.: .':~~,-.V'__ '~;;l~?ii iii -. $ - 5 ::> n iii <:: 6> ;:: ::> ~ff}. J ~ - o ~ o ~ o ~ " r" " .rl j: :':.lH ? ,.',~. :, ~. J '~~~.:~<.. 1:~'t~, ~~f}i' ~':..r.~': .;~ . ,'!_:i\'~ ....: i~mt . '" .~lt ";,0:,;;,7':':' ''''''j' ., . ~'~~Y:"~" ::. "''$~' if"'.)::; ,;,."/:.,,..,. ';) , . "",', ;'I;;.};::-' / ;\," ',' ~:. <';'- .~:. '>I ',,:. .-.... " <,>" ;:1:' ~..::P..!;,f,.~? -I ",:. ::",:-;.r,'.., ... '=10, .. ,",.:,.~.-.,..,. "T1..."""...., ~:"'.... '\: .' ~.~i"',.ll:.~, '.,..-,..,.,..." /':"1:.,:.1"-- .. ~:/~l~' ....,\>~..~:::.~~:.~~~.:~ ',..., "'I~' .,. "" # 'g~~;')~:;.~ ~~-~~! " ,',~'.. " ".,..,,_.., :,"j':," 'i.;'):<]'" !i~~>I; ,:;., . ,he,} - ~ ' . '}",....~.., ,,:;';.,' ',". ';;:-:,;':;"\ .,.;....,..;. .;.....l.. "'\ ~,r';';'F;i;~:<f: , ,:..' (';l/",(/!) . ~ < h. .. ''-1.' :. :f::,',' ,.,,',y,.'\ , \l~f-'~~'~ :,> ,:.; rn-~..... o't. . ,'," :"'" ,\ .,.~ ," ......,. :.\: ,. ,(~< j(I . ~,~'r'!' '<-r~' ""'~"""""""""""""'" ',',,",',,' ,-"j'",;;.:::;-:,. .;'~":'1:''':':'!:' ::7'_<<~'::' " ' , ~" 'F\ ~ '.-4 .-4 If.l ~ f" I ( '~l~~~1;I~~~';;~::i """.",.1 ':",:,":<',-. .,}:.".... lill ii',.;" 'i( ;;:,.-.'::' -'''',',-,''~-,,",.,' ,-~. ~ \of - ~" -,.. "'::-"I~.'I".-:.i':. '~.f,c",,:. . "'" ,;,,~ n ~""'HJ. 'n" , ''... co ;1.;7";,,,:/,";'~:'l:'" ::"~:~:~....;a.._~_ . , '"' ," /., ~ . 9 :~,,\!:,j;~~ ,', . 'f ",. . ~.:\: 'I, ~ ,. '~!,: jl:!t,. .i " t~ ~ ." ?,'o. '0'" " .., ~8 1I .,.." .I:: ".tI " .:: g ~ ~ ~ 'e, .E' ~ ~ ~,g ~ '11"11 ." ~ ~ t' :.:: ~ ~ ~ '; ~ :.: ~ U-r, '0 '~~~.;~ _ct:<'Il " !l, '0 : 1! ~ .: .. ..: ~ " '" ~ .. .. (l . " .. .a:~ ~ 5.2 :'1: ... " "Il ..:~ :- ~ ~ 'rE oS:: ~ '- " " '" '" C\ I , '. ~ ~ . r' 'i! I! si ~ ,~~ , 'lit. \:. f;~',,^ ~ e i'~ ,;:: '(J? ,! a%e ~ d~, >. '1'" .J (/'1 ,U :Tl . ~ ~ ~ &:!tl., < u c "-'11" ~~ OO~ . u ~ ltl ~ ;; , ~ " .JUl -I 2009 Original ~Ubmilta~ / . , }/' ,. .' ..t. f -0 - 76403Btj 76-4370li111 Ifl\RIWlT! DIlllD DJlLlI rISCIlBR, individually" and aB TruBtaB for ALJlXANDM PISCIlB'~B and DAVID 'DODD PISCHBR, he'Binaft.r called GrantorB, ,gon- vey te'Qlnl COUNTY" 0 poUtieo1'oubdivhion cf tho" stato' of 'Or.gon....ll that roal.~I'Op_orty lIitUlltod in",Lane county, State of O.tagon, douaribed aDW~. . Ii IIpor001 of land lying in'~o'~outh' lullf (S 1/2) of so..{ tiona .33 and. 34, T01Ift:'l!Ih1P.<17:'Sou~~, R.a,nge:3 Nest, W1118-' lIIotts lIarJ.dfan, .ea.td parcal"h~~J~g desc,dbod aD follower I; BBginning at II point that'1n 639.32 feet' so~th and -203~03 feet West of the Northeast'cornor of .tho Zara Swoet'Dona- Uon Land Cla.im No. 68, Township .17- South, RLlnIJo3 west,:' IUlllllllotte I!<lridiBn, run thon.e South 1144.92,feot, :; thence North 40. 22' lO~ West "30.47 tootl thence "North 410 021 40" West 30.94 feet, thence North 46~ "36' ~5. West,' ; 237.24 feet, thence North 25.36 'teetl. thence" North '97.'27' 52. West 23g.6G teet, thGnoe North G2. :Sgl 40.'Woat31.26 feet,. thence Horth 53' 40' 10. Woot '30.63 feot, thence :' North UO 53 '40. West 213.12 feet, thonce North 26' 06'~' 20. East. 27.00'teet, thonce North 63' 53' 4DM Wost 10.70' feet, thence North 630 49' 10" West 29.72 teet, thence North' 63. 35'. "'0. :'!oat 29.44 foet, thence 'North 630 13' 10," West 29:16 feet, thence Uorth'59., 5el 10" 'Hoot 290.84 feetl thenco South 33' 03' 03" West 27.CO teot, thance North 560 01' 48" Wost 1:19.33 feet., l.:honce North 54' 53' 10" Weat v 29.31 feet, thence North 54' _30" 40" West. 29.58 feet, thoncQ North 5",' I1f 10<< West. 29.79 feet, thence North 5~o 121 40" West 184.01 feet, thence North 02' 33' 05" Wost J: 224.12 feet, thence North 77' 151 35" .Eaot 249.64 fect, " thence North 66' 37' lO"East. 43.12 feet, thonce South 160 21' 05" East 33.06 feet: thence south..7P 59'49" East: ' 220.60 feet1 thence North 70' 07' SQ" Eaat 157.19 foet, thence North 86. 47' 40" East 177.86 feot, thenoe South 940 '47' 35" Eant 240.54 feetl thencB South 820 12" 20" Eest ' 148.88 feet, then co North 840 051 40~ East. 150.00 feet to the point of beginning in Lane County,_ Oregon. ' \I CONTAINING more or leso 20.41 acres. ~ The bearing8used herein are based upon Survey No. 14246, on file in the office of the Lane County ,Surveyor; and covenants 'the Grantors are the owners of the above described property free of all encumbrances except: y Power-line ~~sement' gran~od Pacific Power' Light Co. by' lnstJ;'ument recorded February 2, '1962, Reception NO. S8394-, Lane county Oregon Deed Recoras, - Warrant~ Deed - 1 i tij}l~li """'''''',,,,,, ."..'..~N "'::':i;:;! , '~l}~~r~ t,,,.,,~.,,,I'~(').~ IWJ~~f,~~~r \,.,."".,.,..,..1 .JI Date Received: JUL - 1 2009 ." ',' . Original Submittal (j) ~ j)~; :r.~J'l...,;..~ ..j~~,F~ ~ ''C~~m ~~~:::S~ ""\;-'-''''''''':''''''~III l.'."'....~' , "''''"," '-,-,""~M: 1il;l'!1'~," ..~.,:~ r.; , ,3) / / I, ~~:~l' ,~l~I~~1 ~-!f.;~ 11 -( I g l WaJ:'ranty ":..,..; .' " '.' !'~~~~~f~~:.:~<i~;i~r:\~'~:'~~'i'~""; . .J:' .. J. ;.:~" .' 7~4Qj~B .. . .' . . 'r'- ao~tdaU9~Qf'Aa.,... .otaut"t;, ,doad ~a.a~d.d Sapt_ ,: '? "l '(S-S- ~;d2:,.m:;tn,aaa~424. ~.ga 215, Land County O~.lIan 'J-,... . ". ' ..~,. . . ".:..:, .' .. . 1 ,RaBu1aUon of, 4C10DDS".8Bt. out, .1n DeoroCt 1n Con4oIDRat1on I sutt:""t~~.d P.b~u~"Y,\~9'..J~59.:n~rU.n',Na., 51506. " Lana :c"unty::Ongdn, '1JeH' 'Ra.",,'a, ~ ' "\ "', .... < . '.' "; <:"<;).""t4- . . ao.tdaUon'of, .a.o..:.ot, fo~tb ilI,dood ,totba Statoof: .Oie9on'~,'Z'oco,r4e4 1'n . BOok .419,.. Page.'lB9,' and. 8S modified " by finat:ri.tmont'.racOJ;'d.act '!ipri.l",20, .1962;, Reo(lpt1on ,.NQ. . : ';:'~ 66778, LenG' Count.y 'Orcqon DBOd "Recorda,' . . .; I" .' -', . ^ .; , . ". 'I 'BQDoment:fOI'.'B-a'riit'arY:'UQwe~~ : 14- .teo't 'in wLdtb, as' . . gr~ntod to 'the ~1ty. ,:,f t~gono. by."instrUmen~ ;:eo~~4ed . ~. AUgust. :2, 1972;- Reception' No. . 11769, . Lano county O~egon .'1' .R.ecordBI '" . ,. I' "',, "1 .Basement ',for BDnitary.s8wer..latero1, including the termB',~- . en4.prov:h1ons.t.hereot, as g.t:anted to the City ot Eugene r by instrument reeorded April 3, 1975, Rriception No~ ' 12233, Lane'~ounty Oregon ~ecords, .teoement for sanitary sowor latoral; inoluding the terms and provision's thereof,. 8S granted to the City of Eugene .-- t 2. by instrument rocordod ^pr!l 3/. 1975, , Reception. No. ? '12:Z34, Lane county Ore9'o~1 Re~or~B' 8 '.'~ 10 I( " l'f . . ERge02nt for onnitary Gewer lateral, including the ~ermo'____, 'and provioions thereof, 88 granted to the City of Eugene' by lnstrUStlent recol.'dad April 3, 1~75, Reception No. ..' 23235, Lane county Oregon Reeor4s1 Easement for sanitary sewer lateral, including the terms and provisions thereof, &9 gr~nted. to the "City of Eugene by instrument recordod Dilcernber 29, 1975, Reception' No. :,' 5676.5, Lane County Oragon Records1' ;---' Easement for sanitary sewer lateral,. lncludin~ tlJe termS'. and 'provisions thereof, CJ9, granted to the City of. . Eugene by instrument =ecorded December 29, 1975, Recep~ don' No..- 5676(;, -Lane County Ora-gon- nE!co'rdG; Baoement for sanitary sewer lateral, including the terms~' anii provisions thereof as granted to the City of Eugcl\C by instrument re~orded December 29, 1975, Reception No. 56767, Lane _~~~X_ ore'iil?~.._~ec?~,d~..'....__._.. I) It,. L.../ -.---' -------:-----"'--."--~--'----_.. Any exceptions ,aridngfrom overlapping descriptions with adjoining properties resulting from U1>e of description r prepared by Grante", C0 d <:. ' t' /)' I " , I...C ~C/ b::; LJ~"t', H'1 Deed - ~ of '0 -(c- 7 (" <;?O Co rL ..-.-...-., .;; ~-::-.,..,.,.,..----,-.-:-;:~...-;:,;",:","::~:;-..~,~ . ,'. I:" JUL 120t)!l Original Submittal - - i . ''L, I '. "" ') . , (--""" .'. "h '( .. ... . . .' . , Oh. . ,. . ~~::,:.' -,~,:.~-~..'"..':,:_:.:?-o:...~' ""_-7..,.~.~:~_ ~......'._::' ~i/~:~~: '::.:: :. -. ., . ..' .',:,::_:~::,:, / ",., , , , .', n.....l'l", ",7.G4~",., " ',':"':'!:,'H':.', '". ." ",,,,-'.'.," .' ili"DQJ:!~t1o~'a cant'a1ned in Uri1'tiI4' StateD patentB, U any, " '. .... ".. .....1.. PzOyl~~,on.a. a:t: lend': uao.:,plAiis . and, 1I0ning' orc!1nona8lJ in . t02G:~.;aR;~...~~,f~(Jt.,. ".' '': . . 1'::" ", . 01\4 w11i' '_'u~~~~~t>~~4'; 'dCit~rid:.tiifr~~ .-agoinot' till poraaRo WhO, may law- fully 01a.tm",th~:::.~.AtI8, :'.~apt':. f),I!. 8h~:"Dbovo. " ,.' ", '~~Y"~i':f..':-:J.:'<<"','. ,', .:1..:,.,_. .,....,::' . " :"" ,.. ,''1'bo truo M14'oo~uii1:ccn814tlr.tion for thla "tronof..., togothor wIth .o.parate'"convcy""a.." ,j,il$259.000: end o,therogrelllllOnto' of , 'Gr,~n~.fJe,:::'but' no'. 'aeptli'8_t((p,art';"Of:.:the purohase prioe has been Dl~ocated .to,~,.'!!\'9,~~:~!~O~~~~~<p"OP.,~f.\~.:;:,:,." ' "" """,', .L.' '. '.~~1~~.d'6tivoyAnoa:;lil.:.~de puroWint to, ond' for ,tiie'.'pUrp_ori'e~_nt ~vi:". , donoi,ng '.tha\agz.e~o,JjtiJ .-of. Grant_or,B. ..GneS 'Gran~Qo aa ,1iI~J~.., ,f,q'r~":l'n':.'Stipula- t~on8. ond 'J\id,91:D~P;:ie:~,t;~U:~ 01\: July 13, ,\'19I~ i~ LM~ .CoUJ:l,t;y, C;l,r6uit Court, C..8o,llo. '7.~lLZgent1~1ed t.n. COnnty;, 0' poUttcn1, etib&tvtsion ;of tho 'Stata .of<Otcg9'zr~:, Plaiiitiff~, "iI.::.OalB "isoher, "'indivfdrial1y And 08 1'i-uotea for -Alfhumitra PillQher :Horse, ond. 'navid' Dodd..Pio'ch'er';:lDo.ten- 'dcs.nto., ' ,".-' ',,',.., " ..'. -, ., ' . . '," '. " , DATBD' this'ltV day of Ju'lY~ ':~~16:. ~---r:..,:.~', -j-'nal~i ,P1B.i:h6r",1h~1Vldua.1J.y'an~ n~ 7- ~ruBtco for'A1ex~ndra'PiBcber:Mor9a and O."vid DodrJ':ll'ie~her /_ STATE OF OREGON )99 t;:,t;'UNTY,: OF: LANE ) ~ ""',.. 'I" , ,'. . '. ' .:;~f.-:<:,t,;j.:.P.n~',~uly '19, 197G, p'3rsonally appea'red. t~e, Q_bovc' n<ll!l~d :;,.g,!!?~'.'~;~';~,~~~, indlvldua.lly and as Tr_uste~_' f~r AlexQ<n'~a' FiuoiliH;:: .:.~Ol"'GC . Jl,"~r~~laJDoad Fischer, and acknowledged th~ foregoing inBtruu~nt to . "~~1!:tlifr~' ~\U1tary oct and deed. ~ (% , ,/"fJ/'l~J';-:RL."iI.'J. ~ '._r.~ ,,~, '!U', ,. 11" _ "J'P. "'V;I~"", ~.. I, ~~.~I.' . ~~Lmel . _ . _. , :g..). 'a ~tl" . ' No tory p 110 tor' oregon . : ~~~I( ',~" My COllll1lhsion Expire.. 2-13-77 "'II ~ III ", . "I'!, "". Il ' ,; 'I '''j,.!~i>J.: " . l&'!.I 1.,-. ", '( e" ~~~ ~'j, ~ ';\:\,)~r~~~tr:'~',:,::,::' ' ,~ jj ',~; Warranty Deed' - 3' . - .' , " , , , , , ., " , , , ,,' ,,~,' , , " , Date Received! JUL ..; I 2009 l,' , Original Submittal ~, 3', i,'" .": "\,.",., .,.,:" . ":-:',".:...", ' .' ..,." ",-'0 ." -- .. '. .', .-- . . .' ' ..' . . -, ,," --, .. " . ,,', .",' . " ~ . ' .'" ' , ',.. . ',/ -.-'---. ~ ,. '. .~:~~:'~~/J~:~::;-'f: ~ - ....-- ',' - ,i' ,. "';:~: :'If" :r...::d~;,I~'I'!'l"'; , 1t':i'\'I' ",:.,/, l ~ : ,,,,''f.. ~"" I. ~, .\ .,~: ~'." : :.t' ~..'; 'l~,'::',' ". .:/ Y\.:;.:1!{'?:::,: (~: '\.' ....,.'.. .764Q~8~ till""".... FII,(.ro"!.'" '::\~::~r~.., . .. ;::~, (\ ./. :\. ~)' ",. "I' "!>L . ;"_'" r "It" ,!}~' ,~ \ I . , , . . :~,;';\;!~:~: " , I J......".. " 'f ~~:iii:".# . . 1'''', . ~....,"" Tt.rj'4.' I I .) ~ , r .F,::;' i"l'j .!.". ,I'~" .~1,r . 'R'o:'" . ;"1'.>',. ~ ''Jf..;'; .1....' Ii , (~l (. ,: !n ,,. ill ;. w .. ~ ReceivEid' : . I I~ .-.:. .-.-",:'.. .J~ffiJ~;,tj(, '. , k"'.#'''._' . :;-:-..- . - Date ".\:",- ..:.,-". .,.,': ':'.;;:':' '1" " "t,'. l,I,:" JUL - 1 2009 Original S~bmiftal '." L Lt ,"'. " :'1 0;; ,:'J .'~' ',t t .~,;,;~..:,~~~{~,t~ .:t:"&/I.::.;,,~-i ";i{..,,,;,~:;.; ; t"..T:,',r;t~- ';i~~ "i~~:\l~~fi;@t .,;\'r.iffiol'; ~0:PMt~ "'~ }.'i~- I,:-Ti .;. . .."/(~ .. ,",)l__:'.,~ ~.:, ':%~ffi.\W if; ~I:'I ~~ " i ,:~b,",#.~l " ~J !W,.~'ifl . ~'~'\:i.~~:'~l , ~.'~"f. ~1';'l~' 't"T~;"L'tI, ,'I'''l::.",m'-;! ':~~f~ . .:t....':>/L,,'t: ;~,\F;;~ .~~tf~.!/;~~ r<:;'~..h. u~~<:: f"'.,",.",'- '1''''''''''''''' li\,\\.'", i',\'" " ',' (' I I I I '.,.'; .r 0\ o ~ cQ' :i' ~ en t: ,~~~ CT '~, , 3 .::;: , - ,l!!. -. '~ }~t'(:~IiI~;,:ill~: 161!03BB . ~.. ,. :":': 7'".'~";~~;~.. :.:.:.;~ -.A-' '::-'1... :.."-" , '. '-'.~~~:~.- .;;~:.--: .~.-: ~ .~!'f.;::.::~ -.,- .~. .j" . ....:.~ -:..-. -'{;:,<' SU.tcolOreg=. County of LlUlIC_3. 1.0.),1. P.,.,!old. Dir.;c:tor~ltbc'.' Depart>nent of Reeords...d'E'e.:i:ioaf, in "Dc! ferr the nill COWlty. do"b.erel:y ,certify tb.J.t the _UhiD:UutrWnEat 'WI'" received. for ...ec:;o'td';at ,.{!;l .~. .- Cl- . ~S": .;~~. '.~ .-tY. ~. : "' - ";...; - -,--,- . -.:....~. ::~ "., -,' ./' ....... 1976 AU6.6 PM 2 09 . Reel 806 "'. .j:, _.:.,6." R "4- '- c:: ...." ,- ' I ft:1=' Co=,y oincuu. R....... , . ~ PENFOLD. Director Cl( the . _ ep;..rtment '~"R"cO:'da Ir. ElectioD., S (\:. ;"',1 //. 'n..';;;/aa _ :. '- -. ":0, .:<t/ _ - ,,-Deputy,. __ ;C~~a3'-05.. . . CD' . o CD :C:" CD ?- . . ~'- ~~.~. ~;. . .- .".... '. -'1--- ..:;.:.(.:';.': . ":j~-" ..... - ~:,e."",~~,,' ~. ' , ",:.~ . ai.d&1idi~; ~ = = tQ ;j:\ :.~[~).,:. ,. . ." .'. ~:...~~ t: ~ ~.~~~~~ i:~::~; .. ".~-"~. ". ..," -~ ~c ~~~8~;t~{~'''::i,{;H~ti1j~7l~~J~1~{~ ~~.t1i )!~I~~ ;1tb.l~~~'''~'-~'~;;~:~l~~'''':-k'1 ~ ?4 "" lid, 'Hl4;.';;I '-""'","',,,,,,, ~~ ~a~': 1~"1~f41/r..m u ./. ~,:,:',"";"'-'" .;...:..:....,: "" \',-: :," . ;.; ~ "- II il I,', , _:.: ':! ;'. ".~ ," "'1"::'t',.';:. ".. .,<:.>~ f :)J:;''-.::,:'.I :~ . "'..' . I..... .".,'~ . "~"" ~. : "..'. , " .,:','.:-;:.",. ,,' ",'J .. , I',.. 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II ..""iW~""> ~1~~\lf~i}f' "lf~~~I!f"f~ ~':.~ ;}~r~\1~i.7::~;:'.:~ ::'-:!;;';~:::::;",::,;:''',\:r.'.'.-,: .:';~2:~~?:!.'? :Si:;;'..C: j~~~~~~;Jl ""'.,,:i1;':"" '. '. : .~ . ,. .~ -0 - 76403813 76-4370g1g' ~'lARlWITY DEED , ..... '~'''i!lf\~.,\)tf~ ~~~;~,g.~;:,\~ "'i!I~~,I"." )~i.i .~~I~~ il~j~ '~f!&~~t r DALE FISCHER, individually, Bnd 8S Trusteo for ALEXANDRA , FISCI1ER~~~nsG and DAVID DODD FISCHER, heroinafter oalled Grantora, con- vey to",lAftN.E COUNTY, n "alttieal eub<1ivioion of tho State of Oragon, 0.11 that taBl ptoporty situatod InLane County, Stflta of Orogon, d~t;c::ribeu QD followa I , . A PQt'Qul Qf lnnd lying. in -:tho""south half (8 tions 33, and 34,_ TOW~shlp'17;South. Rsnge 3 r:1otta r.!erldinn; sald parcol' bol1~g described 1/2) of Soc- Nest, Willa- an tollows: " i. 8eginning at a point thAt 1n G39.32 feet South and 203.03. feet' West of the Northeast 'corner of ,tho Zo.ra"Sweet Dona-. tion Land Claim No. G8, Township_17- South, Range') West, ~'lillamette HeriCllanl run thence South 1144.92 feet,. thence Notth 40. 22' 10" West 30.47 footl thonce'North 410 02' 40" Weat 30.94 feet, thenco.Not"th 46~:36' 55. \-lest. l; 237. 24f08tl thence North 25.36 _ feetl thence' North '51. 21,: 52" Hest 239.6G feetJ t!l6nce north G2.S9' 40". t-lcat 31.26" feet,thDnoe North 630 40' lOr! ~lODt "30.63 feotl thence t North 630 531 40" West 213.12' feet I thence North 260 061 '~ 20" Ea9t 27.00 feat, thence North 630 53' 4_0"West 70.70 ;~ feet, thence North 63" 49' 10" West 29.72 feet, thonce .. No::th 630 35'~40" ~!~~t 29.,11 feet, thence No!"th 630 13' 10" ~jest 29:16 feet; thence_ Horth 590 5(1' 10~ Weot 290.B4 feet, thence South 330 03' 03" I'lt'st 27.CO feat I thonce North 56,0 01' 48" i'leat 99.33 feoti l:hencQ North 540 53',1011 West' 29.37 feetl thence North 540 30' ~o" West 29.58 feet, . ~ thonce North 510 171 10" West 29.79 feet; thence North 54,0 12' 40" West. 184.01 feeti thenc.<;t North 020 331 05" Vlest ' 224.12 feet; thenco' North 77" 15" 3511. Ea(Jt~ 249.84 rectI thence North 660 37' 10". East 43.12,f~etl thance South 160 21" OSl't East 33.06 feet; thence South 7ID 59' 49" East 220.60 feet; thence North 70~ 071 son Bast 157.19 faet; thence North 960 47' 40" East 177.86 feet; thence South 8.'40 '471 35ft E~nt 240.54 feet; thencQ South 820 12': 20" East 148.88 feet; thence North 840 OS' 40" Eaot. 150.00 fect to the point of beginning in Lane County, Oregon. CONTAINING more or leaD 20.41 acres. ':f:~'! !: ~~$~~; - '~,""- .-.....,.-.- '" ,!t~ [""l,.=.m i''-'.. .......u.. o..::.':ti;';':~~ ~~ . 'fi~' '~'''i. ;-!,~: . "-, '.,.'".,~ ~{.,.,.l:.~,.~~) %-,~..!r~.Wfl~ ""o;",.@fl ;~.:~ii:.:")";.J.:~-,:;'~ """';j>"'~ ",W.~~'in@~~ .:1.:r~;m,?~ZS; ',~~<l~';:,J!:~;:,'1i,-;:!:'-'\ :~~11n.-ft:.~. 'I'he bearings used herein ar() based.upon Survel' No. 14246.on file in the office of the Lana County Surveyor; and covenants the Grantors are the owners of the above described" property free of all encumbrances except: '. .11 I, Power line easement granted Pacific Power & Light Co. by I instrument recorded February 2, 1962, Reception No. !:i8394,', Lane County Oregon Dead Records; Warranty Deed - 1 ....~. . , , , , " "'. .. Date Recehied:' JUL - 1 2009 Original Submittal' '., , ~rJ ~ Ef,f.~h?lt~~~\' "'J:"'-"'~'.'tlb~;''j'' ~~ir~~im'~ ~'J-:;:'-;:'.;::',!';~:';:;:C,"Y.':' ~t~j,~\Lf~J{&J!; ;s22~'-;.(2f;~!i, 1.58i,~~fr{'I:~: ,0-:: ~:;:::::"}~:",i:~;"':"" ~rllj~t~ :'~'.- .....~r}; ,.'.' :,:'~,::,;.,',:,;:?;,:; :.:.~-:~~. ~: . ,. :;;~~. \:;J~::i:!l d~!~i~~;i;~~:~: Ii .; \~ (,','. , . I , ,. 1,''':''..-'.,';''..:.,\'II'....'.~".,..~,.,1.:~: 10"" ,~,' f7"~'~~.''Y' I.;..~p; . I', i~}'t~i,,~.:~.w . ::"~I::\~\;:\ ,.:3'~ . ,_', ".1,. ,~ "'~''",.",.-"" ".,.,.."1I';;a;;,,,~ . ~ - .r:' 7~4~~B~ Ro~trlotiQn. of.:aocccia Got", oat::::in '.deed recorded Soptem'" . bQr'2~,. 19!:i.O, in riook.'424, ~ag~ 21S,- Lana County Orogon Oe,i!.d 'Rec~rdB; .Roat~lot1on of. QOCODfJ'-,set out in DecroQ in CondOIM4tion, .Suit '".ri~~:t;'.~H.\ F~b!:u~ry ':,~g ,:.1~S9, :Reo~ptlQn:.Ho.. 51506 f . Lu.ne :C()W1ty::.Ore9cin.>J)e(ld."'~e'oord6' , , . .Rootri..:lti~n_ ot: QOOODO....oot. forth In..doe'd '.to .tho State, of Oretjon'~ .rocO,1'~~+11'n .BOt;lk .418,. Page,:lB9,' and, DB modified by inEltrl.mlent .rac-ord",a :Apr1.1,.20:, .1962; Recoption .No. '. ':':' 667.78, Lana. Coul'!ty :Oregon Doad Recorda, . . , , 'Easomant for._sanitary: ~(nier~ '.14 'feat in width, .os' granted to the' City. of :Eugone, by. 'instrUment i:eoorded August 2, -1972,' Reception' No.. 11769, 'Lano County- 'Oregon. :' J1ecords, .' . , . .Easement .for sanitary Dowar lnternl, including tha 'tGrm8~ and provh1ono. thereof, as gra.nted to the City of Eugene I:. by inot.rurnentre,-:orded 'April 3, 1975, nvcept:lon No. " ' 12233, Lane'~ounty Oregon Re~ords, j Ea3ement for sanitary sewer latoral, including tho te~9 ' and provisions thereof, as granted to the City'of Euger.o by instrumont rocordcd hpril 3. 1975, p..2ception.No. 1.2:;:34, Lane County Oregon Rec:ordo', Ea'3e~ent tor oanitilry oewar lateral, including thetermo I, and proyi9ions thereof, as grentcd to the City o~ Eugene, by instrument reco~dQd April 3, 1975, Rzccptlon Ho. 23235~ L~ne County Oregon RecordsJ Ease-ment for sanitary BC\\"C:r: lateral, including the terms and provisions thereof, AS granted to the City of Eugene~ by instrument rccordod Ducemher 29, 1975, Reception No. 56765, 'Lane County Dragon Records,. Easement for s<Ulitary sewer lat.cral,. includfn':l the tcrrn~' and provlsions thereof, .:Ie granted to the City of Eugene by instrument :ecorded December 29, 1975, Recep- tion Ho. 567GG, Lane Ccu..t::'"Or.:;gon, ncco"rdG; Easement for sanitary sewer lateral, inclUding the terms and provi'siona tbereof as granted to the City of Eugene:, by instrument recorded December 29, 1975, Reception No. 56767, Lane County Oregon Recorch:J . Any exceptions ariaing from overlapping descriptions with adjoiningproparties resulting from,uce of description 1i prepared by GranteeJ . warranty' Deed - 2 .~, . Date Received: JUL -1200~ Original Submittal '" :1r~~ ,,,...,,,,~ "i\,t<,.,,~~. ,,,....-...~~ 111 r.....'..,","".. .',::..z-,;k~,'~ .'3:~~,d)~~lrb ~~~.~ '- p~~~~~ ~:l':_'"\~'_I~_''' ~(i!1j ~:?,:;2S~5i.t l;rl~~ff~ ~L:'!.'.:!.~:::t:>: ~"'''-:',;T''~ ''-':.t.~_~,.[,5lr~ .' .o.:..'!!fB:'i\~r~~'ll ~.t:.d4.\'~'W- 'm ..r~- ~{~i~~~~f~:f~;~R.~~i:.~~-~~"J~}if~~[:~~]~!;~it:~~i:~~~~~i~~t(~1:i~~~~f~~~~t~~~f~~~?f; -' " " i." ._..A~~;:; " 7,!,'if"U; '''~~r.f. I[ .,::'it+:_ <.;..y-:~,!lI' }.~~~~~:~:~~i : i ;f~ la\~~!m"i] ~ ~~iljl IIi Jt:~~J~~~~Jm~'f. .. ," ,'I"" :~itS:. ~~:1:?\. , . ,,~~1] """,;t,;<,\.r."~'l'''l l..."i':.".,....,:~:..... i ~'riIi:h.,.:,_~ii'ijI:.~.:y? :.: "i\;.!~'lit..~~,~;.\\- ,"'; ,",.,. ~ .."..~~~~'] 'S'" :~1 ;\;fiJ :~'. ~;~:.~:~.;,~)~}~j;;~il..:::. ~~:d1h,',';j';....;;.11 ~l~~%ft~~;.j l1:'c"'~..~:r:.;,I.:!].fit ' ~;~;lj~;th):i;;g "I"'~.,t..jl,..'A,~", ll1i"i,fl ;,;... /~~'~:",:-:'.~'T,~_:it:'c'n "'-:.:,:" 76~tmSB. ".:,,' 'n " nQ~or:-':~tion6' cO,nt'a1('!ed in' uni't:c'd ,StataD patonts, 1f any,. 4'. ..~la~D' and aoning,' ordinanoo!) in provic~oncof~iDnd'uco fo}.'co. nnd :9~.fe\Jt,. . , ., ".. ,-",", " anCl \:1111 iUtrrnnt."':~n(f'QOf(lnd:'thei~ilrno" o.gnir\Ot ~11 fully olaim"th\~ '.~ali1tJ'; }HCQP-t'.oq oho~~l'!' c.bovo. poroono ~ho may Inw- The true iUii:i:'aotunl: ooiiijidurotion for th.:l 0 'transfer ,'. togllther with a .DGparat_o- convoynnco, -10 $259,OOO'_cnd a,tlleX' 'agrcomonts'ofl.l.' Gran~.ee':'but' no....oepnra_to. ,pnrt':"'ot:.:the 'purchase price haB been Dllocated ... .t~. t.~'~.,.~,~o~~~:':,~.~~~.~~~,~.~',P:W;~~.~f~t:.~':'~;' "~"" .' ';. . ..;: :... Ttiii3, deliva'yanca:.!c .madepu~ouant to arid for .tha.;'purp_cuie of evi;". doncing tho";e.grecinento .'of. Gr~ntore.,ond' Grantoo 8.0 ,~et fq'r,*" t"n' Stipula- tiono. ~nd JUdgment:.,ente:r.ed OU' July 13 _ ,",1976 in Lon~ ,Coun_ty. Ci,rouit Court Ca.ao No. "1fi;';'1129: entitlod !.nne county~':'n. polit.icnl oUbCi.iv1llion' :of tho St.:\to _ot-:oregO'n';.. Plaintiff~. va.:'.DnlB Fischer,' individually i.\nd llB Truotsl) for Aloxandre p.lar.har'Morno o'nd 'David- Pndd Pitlch'ltir';' PDfen- dBnttl.. ' .. . , .~!\rl'eD th!e ~da'y of July~ :1:976.- ~-'f:.",\....-.' naHI P1BChal',. lnc.J!VlouaJ.J.Y i:ma_' ':11$ Tructoe for'^lex~ndra Fiocher Morse and D.:wid DOdc1'p!e?hcr ,-.;. l' T SThTE OF OREGON ) ~OUNTY:OP LANE )9S '.1." .:--.:;.: .:';'.'~'~j:;)~.-JUly '19, 1976, p'3r~on&lly appp.ared, the ubovi'J n~cl'd .:,:o~]:c.;}};~'~d~hcr~" in01V1C.lually and as Trustee; felr Alexnndt'a' Fiucil.:.L"' :,~o::ic . ':1%ig\~'i,~~:.i~,~dd; Fi6cher, and acknowledged th~ foregoing in~~r\Ul".e!'lt to ,,'b~' ~}':!:l~':"Y)lunta.ry' act and deed. ere" ()f;' , 'I~"""~S""O';"" ft/), ~-'} "1'\:' ~':~':':'."'''~Qf~ roe: _. __ ~ . r~ , :,'1 ~..;.,;'sG, 'ilY J '\:,~:(' Notary pabJ.lc tor oregan ~ ~(\,.,jr:Ji~~'\~.~{::?t:l1'" My Commission Expira9: 2-13-77 .. ~_...-...,~. U'\j\,\,/r.E!:l! I , ," '~,.::.l,l:'~;.l:;d~I' (.: ..~r.~~~l))> . :'! ;7~...:,~~~1'r)"~" :, ~ ' ' Warranty-Deed - 3 . :'~';i'!. \:',' ;;,' JUL - 12009 Original Submittal 'I: . '~ 7- ;~~,~~:l:n1 . ',.~4;f.I~~ ~~iK~ ~ I~" ""',,"!.!ll, :a-?g~~;fj )~'!;;~';?~rlZ .;l;"~;)i\ "..i~1t .m,;q ~~ 'r~~~i .': ~~~~~ ~'i<~., ; 'zlM" :r.-:'~ . ,':,1 .!:~p.:_. . h~1~:~~ ~W--'-" .r~~ '8"~ '''-'''r.:f;"'' -:':' t..,:O'-." .;~~ ;. ..~T~ . r:~~Xlf.:~ . ~*/~!~! 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N"~~_~ ;Ji (.~I; ll~; 1 hi [.~1{1:i~~f~l :,:';~='::";'~:'fI ~~iJfj~1 ~N~~~f.i~,L*;e: :,,1!~1~ Y'lt~~;i't,; il i~{iifr}~;~i~\:j; ,.:; S!!~it;:;~~;'" ".".' . .:l;"i~';]~;:~, ,~:; ,'~':: <.1'_": ,",'j '1 .' :',:.':j " ',i,' Slil<>(lt,n~;', "'1. . ""'U' -\-' ., i I'" I:.... ,.; ;j .. .>Ow ""W... .. .:' g~ ~ ~'~1l : '" gd.se '" \:"Cl .e '" i ~P'j , ie I .1 '~!r i "u '" ~ e 'G'. -e "_ 0 ~ 0:::., U ~ ~ s" p.,~: ~: :3 ::ijj-5..:; ~ C':I . O' T~- 0 0 Q 0.. '0 ~ . ..:..; ~~ 0:5' q l a ':'u ~ . ." ~ ~u o ,S ~ : '- .'-'. " r.!,;,,, !t~A~-,~~~i "'i"",,'1oi'~ fJ:f;t~t.~~ r.":,~~'!t~~':"r.-: n:1:~W~ ..~._,,,,.:..;t'~r' , ")"f;f~!i '\''''''''',"''~ >'-(:.;;'.f~&.'~~ ':"::'.'7"";;:: Y:~~~~i;~.:;, .' '~J:7'! '."~'~r'':::'" ': :.~:. "..~. _., ,"'" . .'j,. ,of .",>~!V,)?( ,. :,",' .. .,,'... ~~~1t ..':..,',: ,. "."~'.-'.;;!""!iJ!i::=\' :~~i~ ., .,.J~~tl~l I r} ~ '~ i~ " . . ~~ ~ >- ~ .... _~ 1 z ~~~ ~ ~ ~ l<- 3 ~ ~ ..;: (,O.~ .~~ o S ~ ~ :~ ~ ,00 ~ ~-ii.'" ~ ,!.~),,~ u ,'.. <...- "" da~ee~ed: JUL - 1 2p09 Original Submittal '. , c./ , , 4. I~' ~ ,~~ ~x~rgI~~}J TITLE INSURANCE SERVICES. ESCROW CLOSINGS , 625'COUNTRYCLUB RD, . EUGENE, OR 97401 P,Q.:'BOX 10211 '. EUGENE, OR 97440 PHONE: 541.687.9794 FAX: 541.61\.7.0924 , 'I , " 1651 CENTENNIAL BLVD, . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 P.O, BOX 931 . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE: 541.741.1981 FAX: 541.741.0619 December 8, 2008 , , Title No.: ELT-56503' PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT Lane County Public Works 3040 North Delta Highway, Eugene, Oregon 97408-1696 Attn: Jon E, Stringer Estimated Premium for: PARTIAL BILLING $200.00 TOTAL $200,00 " Dear Jon: RW No:, 1442-01 We are prepared to issue on request and on recording of the appropriate documents, a policy or policies as applied for, with coverages as indicated, based on Ihis preliminary report, , . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE A Tr ACHED EXHIBIT A , , , .Ii Showing fee simple title as of November 21,2008, at 8:00 a.m., vested in: LANE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon Subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, conditions and:'exceptions contained in'the policy form. No liability is assumed until aJull premium has been paid, , : Date Received: . JUL - 1 2009 CONTINUED. Orig!nal Submittal ,I "IN OUR BUSINESS, YOU MATTER MOST" www.evergreenlandtitle.com Ii , , EL T - 56503 Page 2 SCHEDULE B ." GENERAL EXCEPTIONS I, Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxefl or assessments on real property or by the public recprds; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings,' whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the p~blic records. ;, . . . , 2, Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records;,but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry ofpersonsin::possessi6n thereof. ' ~ !J 3, Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the public records; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing,theissuance thereof; water rights,!plaims or title to water. 4, Any encroachment (of existing improvements localed on the subjeclland onto adjoining. land or of existing improvements located on adjoining land onto the subjeclland), encumbrance, violalion, variation, or adverse circumstance affecling the tillethat would be disclosed by an accurate and complele land survey of the subject land. 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor: material, equipment rental of workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law an'd not showr by the public records. ' CURRENT EXCEPTIONS 6, The real property taxes for the fiscal year 2007-2008 are exempted by virtue of county ownership, The company assumes no liability should the exempt status be lifted and laxes levied. (Map No. 17-03-33-44-00300, Code 04-80, Account No. 0295780) , " ' 7. Right-of-Way Easement for Power Line, granted to Pacific Power & Light ~ori1pany,a corporation, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded February 2, '1962, Reception No. 58394, Lane County Oregon Records. :. 8. Restriciion of Access set oulin Deed Recorded September 28,1950, Book 424, Page 215, Reception No. 2945'5, Lane County Oregon Records. ,". . , . 9. Restriction of Access set out in Decree in Condemnation Suit entered February 19, 1959, Case No. 51586, Lane County. Circuit Court Records. 10. Restriction of Ac~ess set forth in Deed to the State of Oregon, i~cluding t~e terms and provisions thereof, by instrum~nt Recorded in Book 418, Page 189, and modifi~d by instrument Recorded April 20, 1962, Reception No, 66778, Lane County Oregon Recordsi R' . d ' . , ': Date ecelve: CONTINUED " JUL - 1 2009 Ori!ilinal Submittal , ELT - 56503 Page 3 . !} II, ' Restriction for Sanitary Power, 14 feet in width, granted to theCity of E4gene, including the timns and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded August 2, 1972, Reception No, 11769, Lane County Oregon Records. 12, Easement for Sanitary Sewer Lateral, granted to the City of Eugene, incl~ding the tenns and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded April 3, 1975, Reception No.' 12233, Lane, Coimty Oregon Records. 13, Easement for Sanitary Sewer Lateral, granted to the City of Eugene, incl~ding the tenns and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded April 3, '1975, Reception No.-:12234, Lane County Oregon Records, ';' 14. Easement for Sanitary Sewer Lateral, granted to the City of Eugene, including the tenns and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded April 3, 1975, Reception No.f23235, Lane County Oregon Records. " 15. 'Easement for Sanitary Sewer Lateral, granted to~ the Ci1y of.Eugene, including the tenns and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded December'29, 1975, Receplio'n No. 56765, Lane County Oregon Records. ' , 16. Easement for Sanilary,Sewer Lateral, granled to the Cily of Eugene, including the lenns and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded December 29,1975, Reception No, 56766, Lane County Oregon Records, 17. Easement for Sanilary Sewer Lateral, granled to the Cily of Eugene, including the lenns and provisions thereof, by instrumenl Recorded December 29, 1975, Receptio'n No. 56767, Lane County Oregon Records. , ' ;, " . 18. Any exceptions arising from overlapping descriptions with adjoining properties resulting from use of description prepared by grantee as disclosed by vesting deed Recorded August 6, 1976, Reception No. 76-40~88,LaneCounty Oregon Reco;ds. ' 19. Pennit and Easement"granted to Lane County, a political subdivision oftre State of Oregon, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument.Recorded September 30, 1976, Reception No. 76-51161, Lane County Oregon Records, 20. Ordinance No. 17866, including the tenns and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded March 3, 1977, Reception No. 77-12011, Lane County Oregon Records. ' , 21, Easement, granted to the City of Eugene, Lane County; Oregon, for the us'e and benefit of the Eugene Water & Electric Board, including the tenns and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded June 21, 1978, Reception No. 78-42613, Lane County Oregon Recotds. " . : Date Received: CONTINUED JUL - 1 2009 , Original Submittal " EL T - 56503 Page 4 . ,! 22. Conveyance of Sewer Easement, granted to the City of Eugene, an Oregqn municipal corporation, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrumentB-ecorged February I, 1995, Reception No. 95-07014, Lane County Oregon Records, ; 23, Temporary Easement, granted to the State of Oregon, by and through its Department of Transportation, including the teJ1!ls and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded De.cember 23,2003, Reception No. 2003-122514, Lane County Oregon Records.' i: . - . r 24. Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan Notice, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded December 14, 2004, Reception No, 2004-095229, Lane :County Oregon Records. " NOTE: The address of the property to be insured herein is: 3100 EAST 17TH;'A VENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97403, - NOTE: A JUDGEMENT/LIEN/BANKRUPTCY SEARCH was done for the name(s) LANE COUNTY, and as of November 21,2008, none,were,found.' " NOTE: As of November 21,2008, there are no liens for the City of Springfield. INFORMATIONAL NOTE: EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY mills NO NOTICE OF RESCISSION,RECORDED IN THE LAST 24,MONTHS. Very lruly yours, EVERGREEN 'LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE By: Jeffrey K. Walker' Advisory Title Officer .' " NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER uNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED,AND PREMIUM PAID. IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCET T FrI, A MINIMUM' . . CANCELLATION FEE OF $200.00 WILL BE CHARGED. " " Date Received: JUL - 1 2009 Original Submittal ELT - 56503 Page I of I Legal Description', EXHIBIT A A parcel of land lying in the South half (S y,) of Sections 33 and 34, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, said parcel being described as folfows: " ' Beginning at a point that is 639.32 feet South and 203.03' feet West of the Northeast comer of the Zara Sweet Donation Land Claim No, 68, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; run thence South 1144,92 feet; thence North 400 22' 10" West 30.47 feet; , r thence North 41020' 40" West 30,94 feet; thence North.460 36' 55" West 2307.24 feet; thence North 25.36 feet; thence North 570 27'52" West 239.66 feet; thence North 620 59' 40" West 31.26 feet; thence North 630 40' 10" West 30,63 feet; thence North 630 53' 40" West'2\3.12 ...;. . \ feet; thence North 260 06.' 20" East 27.00 feet; thence North 630 53' 40" West 70,70 feet; , thence North630 49' JO" West 29.72 feet; thence North 630 35' 40" West 29!44 feet; thence North 63013' 10" WesI29.16.feet; thence North 590 58' 18" West 290,84 fe~t; Ihence South 33003' 03': West 27.00 feet; thence North 560 01 '-48" West 89.33 feet; thence North 540 53' " , 10" West 29.37 feet; 1hence North 530 30' 40" West 29.5,8 feet; thence North; 540 IT 10" West 29.79 feet; thence North 54012' 40" West 184.oI feet; thence North 020 33'05" West 224,12 feet; IhenceNorth 770 IS' 35" East 249.84 feel; thence North 660 31' 10" Ea~t 43,12 feel; thence South '160 21' 05" East 33,06 feel; Ihence South 710 59' 49" East 220,60 feet; thence' North 700 01' 50" East 157.19 feet; thence North 860 41'40" East 177.86 feet; thence Soulh 84041' 35" Eas1240:54 feet; thence South 82,012' 20" Eas1148.88 feel; Iherice North 840 05' .. ,I. 40" East 150.00 feel to Ihe Poinl of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, :; , :Oate Received: " I' " JUL - 1 2009 II Original Submittal NE COUNTY; n J ~ SCALE 1. - 100' 'YlAP 17- 0 ~ 33 I.J'-I "~'~'.. . -.........--.-;; \'\vo,__=--'~ ~\, '~-'~l<.E.NZ.\E ~" \ ~ il\ ----- -"'6 - tA , . 'I' ~ --- S \c,.. - ....' ~ t ~~ ,_~,.,,~~ _ I). . I:' .1,1", ._..:.~. ,,\.,.i~ at.: ' : 400 'Pl\)\?.\' _ 1~-1 71e- ~ I\N" ~~ I 0.58 N;. ' -, - ," h ..,.....:-, ." n.'.... <=> ....,,-=:-" : ~.' ,......~,..t: .:!:: ~ c::::) f . I't:;~ ',i:\'~~- -I. ---- 1- ~ ~J ~E 700, I 300 200 . -rrr- - . L3J N:..: J 1.77. AC. 1.82 N::. lQt)o1- ~.... ..c 00,,";1' !' : H6.... ,I:::l :" ",: : . \II,,",,,, ~ "',0 "11'- I' . ni' 1;1, UJL~ =9~LlL ~~ ,II ;, ',' " ow" v' -',)'/ 1lrV .r,:1 ".:S.371:;i7 ~~ .... C :., -. ~ .- rt 11'; ~,' f .9 " .., ,~: 'i r': '- <:~~,..~'.l n.~..j. If; r i'; ,0 ..... '^" ~,"...._...~ .... r., -~:---... I ,.... ~ . r~ - ~ - ,n... - "::-l-................ ...,..... ~ ~... ...... ~--.~..',,-,( - - ~ - - ~ .....' - ----. '-\ .=. ,~,. ;Jt:: ~ -rr:~'-<~'~ I - - ..:!.!ou(;'#~~........ ~ __ ~.,~ Z-,(fols.- --j 00':)00 ~ - ~ ...___w ~ :..- I I ~ -t-I ~ _..~--""'-- ..;; III 6.G41lt:;. I TAX LOTTED ON MAP 17 03 33 4 01 'I I. j i II I; - I I. ~ 004=/~ ~, . . h ~ 1,1 /. I: III ~ ~ I i I"J (,...) .._" I i J - <on_') I I' " I 1 jl 1""._.~~.u..1 o,L _ _ ~ ~/'~-"'-"'-'.'. ~ i ~ I' I j I 1 i 1 i , -=.... 1 I l~-.=-- 1 "I t! . -":..-:'-- --.-"- I il7th' AVE. EAST ,1 , ~',_J '''-' -.-.-..-,..... I ' - . ...,.", I I. ":e::"- 1 'l~ 1 I ~ - ~ I ~ I h I TAX LOTHO ON 'J 1 .MAP/7033434 ~ .~:>..., I t:.'\6-": ~,...o'\."l t L : SEE MAP 17 03 33 41 >- .~ <(~......tJ_""--y ~C l&J;,)~ Lot 5 lIJ;jJ IL ~u ~;~ - , ~... --i .. )......t-" ~-:t.;::----~ ~-:- .-;.-:"--""; , ~ \ ..-';-'y \ I Y '\ ~, :<t ~ ~ \,7'''' ~; o -; ~(~- o " "\ "', t j .~.; "-::i.... ~~-. , \ \ I '. --~ .' '<" \ , ~:\ ""il '--:f" , o u' lv, 0, ?- Clei r \. .0 c , \ \\ ,VER ~-- ..-~ R __- e.....u -- S~.. .-~, -: _, - E'~'.' __ -- L':'- ~-- ,.;"~;. ~ ~'-I ~"i _y ,p: _~~\G~"'" .~- *-. ~~."., ~c F~~~ 004=]4 o o '0 6 =o,.=- - o' o <<', ------- '" JOO 004=78 --..::;;.;r.7;.,7.--- I TAll LOTTED I ON MAP 1703334"1 I I TAX LOTTEO ON MAP 17033144 I f ~ --i-- --- ...... 1'\S"<o,,", ~ ......".,. I ............... ............. -.., \. ...... '\ \ \ \ 1 c '. ~ , o , Privacy Policy Notice As adopted July I, 200 I Evergreen Land Title Company Private Policy Notice PURPOSE OF THIS NOTICE Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) generally prohibits any financial inJ'titutiori, directly or through its affiliates, from sharing nonpublic personal infonnation about you with a nonaffiliated third party unless the institution provides you with a notice of its privacy policies and practices, such as the type of infonnation that it collects about you and the categories of persons or entities to whom it may be disclosed. In compliance with theGLBA, we are providing you with this document, which notifies you of the privacy policies and practices of Evergreen Land Title Company. . . We may collect nonpublic personal information about you from the following sources: . Information we receive from you, such as on applications or other fonns, , . Information about your transactions we sec~re from our files, or from our affiliates or others. · Infonnation we receive from a consumer reporting agency. :: . Information that we receive from others involved in your transaction, such as the real estale agenl or lender. . i! " " Unless it is specifically stated otherwise'in an amended Privacy Policy Notice, no additional iionpublic personal infonnation will be collected about you, . We may disclose any of the above information that we collect about our customers or fomler customers to our affiliates or to nonaffiliated third parties as pennitted by law. I, ' , We also may disclose this infonnation about our customers or fanner customers to the following types of nonaffiliated companies that perfonn marketing services on our behalf or with who~ we have joint market'ing agreements: '. Financial service providers such as companies engaged in banking, consumer finance, se6urities and insurance. · Non-financial companies such as envelopestuffers and other. fulfillment service providers. , ,1' ,. i WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPUBLlC PERSONAL INFORMA nON ABOUT YOlJ WITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLy PERMIITED BY LAW, We restrict access to nonpublic personal infonnation about you to those emp'loyees who need !to know that infonnation in order to provide products <;>r services to you. We maintain physical, electronic and procedu'l-al safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal infonnation. :: " " " ~i Date Received: ,. i'l " 'JUL - 1 2009 OriginalSubmittal , . Privacy Policy Notice Stewart Title Guaranty Company, Stewart Title Insurance Company, Stewart Title 'Insurance 'Company of Oregon, National Land Title Insurance Company, Arkansas Title Insurance Company, Charter Land Title Insurance Company; LandAmerica Companies: Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company, Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company of New Jersey, Industrial Valley Title Insurance Company, Land Title Insurance Compariy, Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation, Title Insuranse Company of America, Transnation Title Insurance Company, Transnation Title Insurance Compan'y of New York PURPOSE OF TillS NOTICE Title V of the Gramm-Leach-BHley Act (GLBA) generally prohibits any financial institution,directly or . through its affiliates, from sharing nonpublic personal information about you with a I}onaffiliated third party unless the institution provides you with a'notice of its privacy policies and practices, .such as the type of " . l. information that it collects about you and the categories of persons or entities to whom it may be disclosed. In compliance with the GLBA, we are providing you with this document, which notifies you of the privacy policies and practices of Stewart Title Guaranty Company, Stewart Title Insurance Company, Stewart Title Insurance Company of Oregon, National Land Title Insurance Company, Arkansas T;itle Insurance Company, Charter Land Title Insurance'Company; LandAmerica Companies:, Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company, Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company of New Jersey, IIndustrial Valley Title Insurance Company, Land Title Ins!lrance Company, Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation, Title Insurance Company of America, Transnation Title Insurance Company, Transnation Title Insurance Company of New York. We may collect nonpublic personal information about you from, the following sources: . Infomiation we receive from you, such as on applications or other forms, . Information about your transactions we secure from our files, or from our affiliates or others. . Information 'we receive from a consumer reporting agency. · information that we receive from others involved in your transaction, such as the. real estate agent or le\lder. , . . 'I Unless it is specifically stated otherWise in an amended Privacy. Policy Notice, no additional nonpublic personal information will be collected about you, ',. We may disclose any of the 'above information that we collect about our customers or former, customers to our affiliates or to nonaffiliated third parties as permitted by law. ' We also may disclose this information about aUf customers or former customers to the follo~,ingtypes of nonaffiliated companies that perform marketing services on our behalf or with whom we have joint marketing agreements: · Financial service providers such as companies engaged in banking, consumer finance, securities and insurance. · Non-financial companies such as envelope stuffers and other fulfillment service provider~. > WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPUBLIC PERSONAL INFORMA nON ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOTSPECIFICALL Y PERMITTED BY LAW. We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those employees who need'to know that information .in order to provide products or services tb you. We maintain physical, electronic and procedJral safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information. Date Received: JUL - 1 2009 Original Submittal . l' " .,' . ,::;ORIG'jKKt Jq.;!~r!360 i':,:,;;,);<!,~:,<:;:, "''',' :.. "', · IF; f LED AT'----.O'ClOCK..--.JM rEal DI959 : . ~RRY L. CHASSl ,'_A::ouHTY ClJrRIC 1rv7kt.J~.o I ~.,A ". :1 'oiPUTv.- ':('j) Cue No, 515S6 IN TIll CI/lCRI'I' OOUR~ O~1m 8T A'I'II OF Oll!OOll , , ':."'" ,," ~ , "', '." .' , FOIl, TIlBCOUNrr. OF LAIlK STATK or Oll!OOll.b7 and'throulh 1h 8tah Hismoa7 Ie. Caaoieeion. compo oed ot Char111'H. RI7no1de. K. K. Kclnr and.Rol>en B,'Chu,_i vo. P1aintitt, JAKES HATES Ill<! AUDRY L. HAYES. hubandand ldte. rINAL :;JUQQI:!m Detendanta, I " The obove~ent1t,lld ,CIUllcamo on r.gular1,. ,tor trial In Thureda,., . ',' ,'. . 1: F.bruarr 5, 1959, b.tor~' the Hongrab1e A1tred'T. Goodwin, Judge ;ot the .bov.- '.ntitl.d court: P~.intitt Ippearing br'andthrough 'L..lle B. HOlljpton, ot it. . ~ '.ttorn.,.o; and .d.tendanta. oppearing peroo, ,;a117 ond br And through Ed"ard ,C. " Harm.., Jr., th.ir attorn.ll and A JlU'1'!iaYing b..n call.d, eJt&m1ned and dull empan.led!!and eworn, the partie. haYing IIlI:d. th.ir opening otatementa, a vi..... of the ~ropo.ed 'i acquioition haYing bean hald in the'mannar provided bl 1.", the partiea having adduc.d .vid.nc. in wupport ot th.ir.contention., argumento of tho . , r.opectiv. partieo 'having be.n made to the JW7., and the JW7" haYing been r.gularly inotructed in the I." and liaving r.tired,for d.llbor.tlon., did . '. ,I . on the 5th day ot F.bruary, 1959, r.turn ito v.rdict, ~ich o.id ~.rdict, ,I ,omitting the title ot'the COUM. and ".u.... 1. in word. and tigur.'. .. follows: " . "W.. the JW7, b.ing tir.t dull empan.l.d and eworn to trr.'th. a~v..-.ntitl.d caus.. tind .th.t the Ju.t compenSation 'to-b. award.d to the d.t.ndant. i. in the oum 'ot' $1250.00. ".,'1 "D.ted thi. an, dal of February, 1959.," , "CharI.. K. M.rrill Foreman" Date Received: ,: ' JUL - 1 2009 and which I v.rdict ..... r.guhrly, fil.d by.tho clerk ot .aid court; Hand... . I . Origll')al ::;ubmllta ~t .ppe.ring to th..Court ,~d the Court no" tinde, b..ed on . . ,; h.aring in chamb.r. h.ld prior to the Olllpan.lingot the JW7, that, the r.al ",/'. , .' :1 property d..cribed ,in paragraph IV ot the complaint her.in i. nec...ary tor ] the public uoe, therein oet forth. andtrnit tlie control' ot. ace... b,et1feon the ,/ ' 34 '. '(I ;. " ..~. 3'., 35 ~.11'> , , ct e 1 2 J . S 6 7 8 9 .10 II 12 IJ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26~ 27 28 29 30 31 32 ' 33 .14 .15 ,. . AHl . ""~: .' . . , , , " , pa.iti.~Klcbn7andth..,d~t~h'I,:~~1ii1il, ~ 1ii the lIIIlM.l' Nt l.rth in p&ras:rap/l , 01 the .ClIlIpl4jnt ber.1ii it n....1&J7 lor the plU'JlON' th.riin lOt lorth I ancI " It appearin,t.o th.' Court and the Court. lind. ,that'thll aaaunt 01 the v.rdi.t 01 tll. J1U7 ".. in ex.... ot the t.nder to d.t.ndanh prior to tho tUins ot plaintitt.. cOlIplaint h.r.in, and that det.ndant. are .ntitl.d to a r...enable I1I1II a. and tor th.ir attorn.,. t... in this Pl'oc...d1ns, and tho Court now tW. that $350.00 is a r....nabl. lUll to b. allow.d d.lendanto lor attorn.y 1...; and It turlh.r appearins to. the Court that plaintitt hu d.po.ited rlth tho cl.rk ot thi. court the aaount ot the v.rdict, to wit, $i250.oo,and i. entitled t.o Judpent 1n accordanc. tb.rorlth approprl&tinc the l'Ial propertT and intore.t th.rein, b.r.inalt.r d..clib.d" to tho St.t. ot Orogon, bT and through ito State HJ.&InnoT Ccia.ai.~ion' in 1.. dllpl. and without encumbrance.; now, theretore, IT IS HEllEl1I ORDERED, ADJ1JJXlED and DECIlE!:D bT thio Court .. tollon: I That tho r.al property h.r.inatt.r d.acribod, ba and tha aame harabT 10 appropriat.d tor Public purj>oa.., and tha title to .aid raal propertT, together with ~l rights and easement. therein, po and the ~ame hereby 18 appropriated in tae aimple, tra. and clear ot all liena and encumbrancaa, to the Stata ot Or.gon, bT and through ita State Highway Commiaaion. Said r.al property 80 appropriated 18 described as tollo~: A parcel ~t land lying in the Southea.t quartar (SE~) at the Southeaat quarter (SE~) otSaction 33, Townahip 17 -t; South, Range 3 W.at. WUlamett. Meridian, Lane County, Q) Oregon I tha .aid parcel b.ing bounded on the northerll > .idebT tho.. tract. d..cribod in tholO deed., to the State 'ij) at OreSon, bT and through it. State Highway Ccmn1..ion, 0 recorded in Book 418, pase 189 and in Book 226, paS' 409 Q) ot"Lan. CauntT D.ed Recorda, bounded on tha .outhwe.t.rll CC .ide b1 the risht ot wal at tho Southern Pacitic Railroad Q) and bound.d on the ea.terlT lid. br a lin. which io paralle1(ij to and 125 teet .a.terlT at the center lin. at the Pacitic C) Highwal Ba.t a. aaid hJ.&lnnol ha. been relocated, which cent~r' line i. de.cribed aa tallow.: BeS1nninS at Ensineer" centerline StaUon 58,8+15,.62 aaid atation bein8 1298.3 te.t North and 771.2 teet We.t at the Southe.,t corner at aaid Section 33: thence on a apiral curve lett (the lons ,cho~ ot which beara South O' 33' JO" Weat) 400 te.t: thance on a 2864.79 toot radiu. ~ - iiJ :t:: I 'E -oJ .c :::> ::l -. (J) 1ii c: '0, 'r:: 0 final Judgment - page 2 " ;RW' ~; ," ~> , 11',;, .'."'6\.... . ',",' . f, ~ .'....'.'.',." ,'f, }..'.\., '; '.' . ~. . 2 J. """~ leli:{~h. ,loni' ~hordor lfhich b.ar. Sou~h 9' lSI 05" Ea;,~F719;3l 'rii~ ~cf Shtioi1599+34i93, l14id parAll.i' lin., la~.ri.c~ins ~h. 'ou~h.r11 rish~ or ~11 lin. or.~h. iXi.~ins Mc[onlio'K1&hwa7 end ~h. north.r17 risht or W'7 lin. ,or ~h. 'SOlIth'I'IIPaoUio Il&Urilad approx1ltlato17 oppodto Stationl 591>1-75 and 592~ r..poc~1To17' . , . 5 6 7 8 . -.' jl Tb.be.rins. u..d h.r.in.ar. ba.od upon tho Or.son , Coordinate. S:ra~OII. South Zone. '" " ' The paroel or lAnd to lfhich thit d..orlption appU.. con~ain. O.46,aore. I II 9 That.there .hail be no righto or,acc.o. or anr noturo be~w.en t he right ot ...r ot' th. hcUic Ki&hwar &nd all or tho reo.1 proportr ot tho derendants remaining alter tb.approprlot1on ot the reo.1 prOpezitT deecrlbod , in parogreph I tiereot, which oaid r.....ining reo.1 proportT 10 oituated in .. , . - 1, Lane COWltT. Orogon, and inc1u<l1i1g tho roo.1 proportr doocribed in paragraph . l: 10 11 12 13 14 I hereor, 10 dOlcrib,d aD follOWl1 IS 16 . "Caom.neing' at . point13.85 chains woot and 14~30 chain. South or tho North...t corn.r ot claim No. 68 Notirication No. " .,,-- 32$4 in Section 34, Townohip 17 South Range 3 lIoot ot~"II.LU.aOI- ette Meridian, .run thence Ncrth 10.25 chaino to the North line , ot 'lAid c1a1=, thence South 731 degreeo Weot 14.40 chaino, being on cr near tho South line at tho CauntT Road, thence North 62 degreo., Weot 65 1inko to center at .aid CountT Road, thenc. South 67 degre.o, Weot 1.30 chaino, thonco South 1,10, chain. to north edge or raUroad risht-ot-"'r, thonce I,South 54 degreeo 9 minute. eaot o.1ong 04id right-ot-"'r 8.40 chaino to a point due ....t or beginning and thence Ea.t 8.70lchaino to tho place or beginning, cOntaining 11.30 acro. in :Lane COWltr, Oregon, .xcopt a otrip 60 teet wide extonding I,throush oaid land northw.otorlT and .cuth...torlr and b.ing 3q, r.et on .ach .ide at the center or McVer Sloush. l.aving 10.54 acr.. and exc.pting 0.11 railroad rights or "'r. ' 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 "'''', 28 29 30 J1 32 33 34 .' ALSO. "B.g1nn1J1g at a ,point 14.30 chains South and 1).85 chain. 1I..t ot the North...t corn.r ot the Zara S.....t and rl!.. Donation Land Claim No. 68 in Townohip 17 South, '/long. 3 w..t ot the Willametto M.ridian, running thence North' 4.81 chaino to the c.nt.r or . elough; thence tollowing ,c.nt.r ot 04id .loush North B7 d.gr..o .a.t 3.52 chaino, South ,82 d.gr... 12' ...t 3.98 chaino, th.nce South 14.28 chaino; thence North 62 dogre.. wo.t 2.77 chain.; th.nce North 8.50 chain., thenco lI.ot 5,13 chains to the place or beginning, 0.11 or the above d.ocribed lAnd being .!tu- at.d'in Lan. COWltr, Stato or Oregon. . . ,t -i:j "Excopting risht at ....,.)0 t.et wide on the we.t .ide Q) hereto!ore deeded to the Railroad Company." 'I > I .r -a.; Th.r. i. excepted rrom the abov.-described real prop- () ertttb. portions th.reor convered to the Stat. or Or.gon., ~ br arid through 'it. State Highwar Comml.oion, br tho.. CSr- u- tain deed. recorded in Book 226. page 409, and Book U8, Q) .... page 189 or the ne.d Record. at Lane Countr. Or.gon. , OJ' . 0 3S, Final JudgJllent - page 3 gs J ~ - .l9 , - 'E -J .c => ::J -. rn 'iij c '5> '1;: 0 . .. , 3 , 4 5 6 7 S 10 11 12 13 14 15 . 16 17' 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 JI J2 JJ 34 ,.,,~ , ~,,~fAErt ',i~, 45, ;~G!t~6a '.", ' '~~~i~' I~~ . ~ ,." .': " -').".' ";, 1 "~." t_ ~ .(,~! ~:'.,; ;..'-~~' q '.1,: .1., ,j.-!,,',::, . .. . .' . . .... . . ',. '. ". ~". , The..., 11:, AJ.~;' oxoipte4 trat lale! abon-c1oaor1boe! r.al proportt 'tho: jlortlon"th.N'oIOWrii'~' b7 the State 01 Orison. b7 me! throu&b it. , Stat. R1&l!nr:'COaIIIll.ulcm; IIlOr. partlou- larl1 c1..orl.boc1\al,'loUOw.'j;' ",,:, :<:' . .'., '" -.r'::.. :'\:~,:".., ":; ,:'~.', . ~.),:':',:;; .", . .. , "Bes1zm1JiI!~.,the 'fcriitll' 114"':01 the Pao1l10 Kl&hn7 at a,jiolllt'2G6,1',t.it"Sollth78', 301,lIl1t 01 &II iron p1ll IW'k1IIs Ii 'PolJit:'lj:O$'ohal.iili'Soutli'lNl 13;85 oh&1ll1 'W..t 01 the 1I0rth,lini'ool'iier ot:th,'z.:ra::Swot Dwt10ll Lane! C1&1& Ko,611, 111..1'. 17 S.; R.3 W...; W,K., an4runn1lls thon.. South 16' 301 laat, 120 t.otF'bOllOI, Soutb 72' 501 k.t 40.4 I.itl~thonc. S01Ith 16~:'301"Eaat 24.85, loet, thono. ,Sci1Ith 72~, 11 1 3O"W.et"183. 5 I..t,' tbono. ,Korth 16' 301 lI.at 171;3,.I..t, thoiu;.North 73', 301 East 150 t..t to tho 'plac. ot bopim1nS., oontdn1lls 0.61 aoro. ...". or 1.... in Slot101i,'330t ..1<1 TolIil.h1p me! Rans. ancIin Lan. Count7. Ore'SoD.", ,. :..."" ".... ,. , 2 9 III . . .. ,.' . That th. e!.I~t. .h&ll rlcov.r 01 ane! lroaa ths plaintiU th. 81111 at $350.00 a. &De! tor ,attorn'7 t.... ancI th.ir cost. anc1 e!l.bursem.nt. hersin . .. . , .. in the 0\lIll at $12.00., ",' , . Dat.d thl. ~a7 at ,,. 35 'Fin,l Judgment - pag. 4 ,rYk~~" 1959,,' :?0' { ;iIlJ 7 ~ .v: \1:' C1tcU1t Judg. : . Date Received: jUL ~ \ 2009 Original submittal- " " \ ....m;:m~ -"- ':,;;;;.1...-:';-,;-:::.:..... Ii ",",' Date Received: '" jl. uJuJi 12009 ',' " I'" '; . ,- , ~-0figfm11 Submittal. '. ", , II'" .... " ~ ~ i " e I , ~ , ,! 'II I ~~ , ~ 0 l'l I>- " ~ ~ ;; ,.... ! " .,~, ,~"'l i ...,," '.': j ,! 'I I I ':, .:: L L ."", , , ..i....., . ... ....,..,;,':":...-,..,'...,.... .;......,.. . ", L, , '77i2011 OllnIN,'\NCC NO. I'HIM '7&>'1-7 AN ORDINANCE pnOVInINO ron IUTltnMI'lIIlO rnon Tile GLClIIlOOD IIf.TEn DISTnICT OF L~NG COUll'tV. ORCGCN TlI^T p^R'r 0,," Tile PtElTRTCT ^lHmxr.n Tn 'rile CIT'&' OF EUGI!:N~ DY P'IN^L OnDER II!,!_ .1".!.OP Tile J.J\IU~ -COU:ITY LOCAL GDVL'1i1lIlI'NT GOUNDnnv COHIIISSIO/l ON NDUENDeR 4, LUG, AND DECLARING AN EHERGBtICY. Tho Common COW1CU ot tho City of EU90na dJ.d by Rcoolut:1ol1 No. 262" on Foorullr.y 14, 1977, proposo ....1thdro.\tt\l from thu GlonwolJd wator District ot tnnt part at tho diGtT.ic~ annoxod ~o tho city on~' tlovcmbor 4, 1916 by Final Ordor No. )74 of tho Lon~ County Locd GOV"- orn:r.ont Dounduy Cor:vnieoion, lIB deocrlbod on Exhibit "All hareto. 'rho nco801ut1on Dot rubruary 20, 19'17 ot: 7130 olo'lock P.li. ,poclUo Stondord Timo, in tho Council Char.\bora, City 11011, eugcno. OrolJcn, a~' tho timo and placo for ho~rin9 ojb~etionB to tho withdrawal, and d1rocto.d that notice or th~ timo and place of tho hoaring be pIJblioh" ed once obch weak for two nuccouaiv6 ~COkB prior to ~ho hcorin9 4nd La posted in four public plncco in the City for tho BOomo period.:, The Nol:1co litH! beon :10 publi:lhod in thQ Eugunu RCl9hl;.ur GObrd MtJ postod In rOllr public pl.3CCIJ in- tho City, t.owwit.: tho hulJntin bO!J.rd at tho City 11.111 in tho Cit). of Euqene, Oragon) on tho bullotin board loc~ted on the f,ast 31do of Oak Stroot where O~k ~nd Pork Strcot~ intcrl)~cti the bulletin bOJrd on the tlorthweat corne. I)F tho intcroocw tion or 8th <lvcnuc .:lntI Oay. ~treet; the bullotin hoard ir. the firat, floor lobby of the LOln~ County Courthouse. ..111 in th~ City of Ellt}ono. Lana County, Or090n. .-\'11. \"P~':-rho"C.lty dOGiros to n!H:;umc liiluility of the (liot-rict proportion" (4o.:.~ '-;_ \::i\ .~. \.,~. ',-' .'....'\}:,../j ;-:.. ,"to :;: " ~~ nonco. :"'1 .'~. .,;'...., -\ If ~ !\ r..~~/ I h4U:by tMlt, 1h.:J1 thi rOllroln,lI. tnilI Ind colT~~1 ccrq cllt,c crl!(rul dcr:umtnllnd ~'.""b'~ ~ ' ~,L;"r0; . u- L , o IIT/IlIl 11011100 Date Received: L JUL 1 2009 Original Submittal 1& . ':..',:.::::' ..... ~ ..', . , . ': '~"~':;; I. ",' '. :~':~: "'l'..': ......;:;.,,:. .... ._-......-'r ::...:.;;.;! .. .'~:';'. i;:'':'?J. .:;......,.~;..f,;:.~~ ....,??'r,.,..,.!,'!,~l. .: .':' .........,':. " ::'::-::~,~~~tl~ "",.- ,"~y,;; 'i: ::.:-:,.,..' ;<~(?( j,; \. . :.;).~~. ..-; -.J "i',,-, ,,,'-....., " ..~, L - I, ,.,,;, I .l~:fitLJr.~'::';''';''''~;:~_~::~:':'\''-'' "."",.~,!:>,~,,,i'.,,,::,,!,,r: !.= . '," 11--:-':' ~ " r.<:;::' :.1 ..": i ; .,.1 I / ! 7i'12UU otn t.o.tho part ot th~ cJiD,t:.riet thol: hll8 b60n annoxod to tho city. No p~rty hnD objocted to tho wlthcJr~wal ot tho annoxod torrl~ tory trom tl.o d.lotriat~ and it h in tho boat Intoroota ol! tho oit.y that tho tor:ltory bo withdrAWn. . NOW, . 'l'i1CReroRC, TII~ CIh OF &UO~N~ DOSS OROAIt. AS FOLLOO/S. Sacl:lon 1. Tho territory 1n Lana County, Oregon, 6nnexed to- tha City ot EU<Jcno on Uovombor" 4, 1976, An boundod nnd denor.Ltlod on tho o.hllChacf Exhibit n^tl, ao mor).:ad, Clnd 'incorportll:ad harol" by ui'6f"'" oranco, 1a haroby wlthdrnwn from tho GlonwDod Wator Distriot. Soctlon 2. ThDt tho 'RaUaro c_l:)nta~nod horal" concorn tho publio welfAro and thQtoloro, an emergoncy 10 horoi)y doclarod to axht, ,lJ.'nd this ordinftnca shnll be como offoctive i~odlAtoly upon ltD ~AdSQ90,~y tho Common Co~o11 4nd approval by tho Mayor. Passed by t.ha COltlrnOl\ Council thL:l 20t.h day oC Fcbruory, 1977 "pprovod by tho I-t:.yor tl1.iB .20th doy ot Fobruary, 1977 /':.1 S. r. r:lon:;t~u C1.€Y lIacOrdcr hI R. A. "Gus" Kollor M.ayor 1"l.",11 ,,_,...... ~ ., L . d' . Recel'Je" DaLe jUl - , 1\\09 L , \ submittal-- orig1na . , t, j;.: \ L 1~9\' <~, ':~~fl~l~ f'::/;t~~~~;~ft~" ~ "."" "'I":iI :')i~~.:;'~~ . ,:I:;.:.;;A~' .. ~:X~~';il\~ : '.~~,r~.'.:.i~rJr..\'C I" ' "'j'I;..'~"'Y'1"i ~. ~~'.:; 1\~.r'f~Ji'~ ! :,;.,";':.i;:1i'~~;1~~ i',i;~; , ;-~-&~~I i~i~1 'hk~;::~~.lh~li~ '-~'~'~,'1' ~;: ':,:?'\:~:~:f~% " -;'hi{i:~(1 , '"I.',,,"!&!T, "" , ':).....,,~~ .,' ,,-' t . l'~ ~!t. (,~~ :-.:.1,' ~,t";U.1 ' I ': ~~;r.r1l~ . . ,,' . :}:~:!~f.~t~ :';;';,"}'1fi~~! " , .,., ~;',...i(~ri~ . ::~:\ ~,~1\~?t " '-~,h(W,{j:;, :,l,) ,+,::~;:",::, -t,','ij'!W: : t", ,"I," , :,J:_ i; ,.';~:,;~~~;:~.:~~i,~~;Jtrt'.;~:~..;.r: :~'~' , 7112011 ". .......~~.r~~j~..~~~,...;.:.,....\,....,l';l "'':,'-'' .":~"\. '", '......':.::.. ~ ..';-- .' ......l:;~.,'1:~.. " , " :..~::., '~~"""~'~.~~~.l:j;:'. .............'_... '. 01111,11' ^ 1'".) li,~:\:(;) i :, t-~l"",' ~ ~,!~~~\r;,t! -(/fS7.~;,I' .',",..,...... "'" " !.;~W~\;~;::,::; . ~: Apor. Or It! I,ylnu In thlJ S l/Zof $)) .:Ind )~, TI75 ")II. WK, 1d polr bolnll do'l O~p thot Is 6)9.)2 h S o",d 20).,0) h ...., of tho liE cor of tilt la'fa' Swoat OLe 68, T17s R)UI \Jll: /lIn lh S I "I~.n flj lh /I "0'2211011 ~ )0)0 h: th Il ~1'021.~O"" JO.~4 hi lh 1/ 46"J6'55111/ 237.2" h; lh If 2s.J6<rq . Ch:lI. H~~715~1I U 2)9.6G rtj .t~ Il 6'2'S9"!Quy )I ~26 r~:. ~~ '.I!.~~.~~'OI:IO~~ \J 30.6) It; lh 1/ 6)'SJ'~O" \121),12 ht.th tl1G'06'~O"C 21.00 ft: t~. tl 63'5)'40" U 70.70 It: ~l) II 6)"lj9IJO"11 29.]1 fli the" 6)~)S'~O" \I ;'.' i " , , 2~.~~ hi tk /I 6)-1')'10" \I 29.1,6 ftj. lh II S~-SB'IB" \J.290.0'ljt....."ii S ))-0)'0)" IJ 27.00,rt; th 1/ S6'OI'~81O 1189.)) ft; tit II S~'5)'JO" ,/ 2~.J7 It; th II 5~'JO'/10;' ~I 2lJ.58 it:. tn,1I 511017'10" 1/29.19 rt: lh II S~"I2'~OIl \f 18'1,~,l iti th,II.02: ))'051> 1/ iz~.12 ft"i th 1177'151),5" 2~~.e/j (I;, th II (,6')7'10" l! ~).12 h: th S 1~~21!OS" E )).06 hi tho S 7I'59'~91' ~ 220.61,) fl; tll II 70'07'50" [ 157,19 hi '.th Il 8S'~7'40" 177.66 (Ii lh S 81"'.7'.35" E 2110.~'1. (I; th S 82CI2'2O" [ ll,a.ao (t; tn. i18~'05'110" [ 150.00 r,t tu.lh,:: pob.ln LilllO Co, 011; Conl9 ~ 20.~1 ilC. Tho lH~ilrln9~ uscd,hcrClin .He b.l!.ell tlll"n Sur ]112'16 Of) file 'In tho'offlce of Llle L,lIIe Co 5ur..c;'or. rl!.chor Proo: A Pilr of ld loc in the S 1/2 of SJJ.ofld ~~. TllS R)\I;'\.m, i1nd\~;thin tho Il 1/2 of 5), TlBS RW, IIH, SU pM bolng U,Jr: C EU 70 . oj PM" I-('If 1 II :~. ." ,.:\~~\ ' ,', I'''~) '""n , ':<~ll ''':''('l?i '. :<~:;,./y:~g\ "....'1 ":!\:::'~ '.. :;~ ::.;;::: I" :/:~.:;:~"~~J;; :~ .."" ~'\"f .,:'" ('::.:~\i 'C}!;~t~~ .:'~, ";"~ ": ;'., ..... .':,' . ~ Ii . "!i II . /.' " .. . )". .' , DC!te Received~ ", JUL -,1 2009 'L Original Submittal L I" '. L 'j'" ')f.:::;:.,> '.<' ,'.:h".',/:; ',',,:,w:~;:r ':~,:'>;!.'~-> . ;1;~{:::I":':,., ~ ~ ,~,?i,\; ,',,,. ~.' ' I '~ . ..j I , t ~" , ..~,..... . - . ,~~~.~~i~:.:,. ,.,:;~!~~~'~"?:7~~,t.~ ~:~,~~!,~~~~.t:~.~~"'~-~;l'\ ':~:'''~~,.,. '. '~Dop:"Li;.1l I:. 6)~.)2 h ~.UllJ )O}.Oj ft ,; o( tho liE ,or ur the Zur" $w":Ot .. , . ~It~Mf~.:,'~OL\: '60; TI7S R}\l, \111; run 111 5 O~'05"10" \/ 150.00 fll III II 02'1%'20" \/ ~.,:~,,:',' - lila.as fti \h II all'/IIIW' \.I 2110.5/1 fl: ~h $ 06'/11'11011. \I 111.86 rll lh , ' ~~\'" $ 70'07'50'1 II 157.19 hi \11 II 71'S91~gll \I 2,20.60 hI' th II 16'21105" \.I ~l.06 ft to \ho sr.v r/w or Ue:l<.an:lo IIwYI III oln ld r/~1 II 1/ 66:31'10'1 { 18}.sO (t: th Ii 16'21'05" \.121.76 itl Ih 1172'~71)SII\l40.~2 fll III tl"72'12'4SI' E 255.111 hi \h II OO'S}IJO" \I 74.54 hI \11 il 7'1'0111011'[ 156.)4 fq th !covl,,!) Id rh'/ II $ 00'00'20" E 518.1' hI tll 1/ 84'05"'1011 [ 36.96 ~ti ~h II 79'18"10" E 1)6.05 rtj th II 60"141110;1 E 21.46 f.t: ,~h' . Il _G9.'56~ E J,17./1.1 h: th ,5 ,13.7~,.I,o ft.,; t~. ~I e~'OI. i,".. E )2~SO. ~C:_ ..th II .~~.~~(~ ,,~,~~:' 21S.S0 h: lh H 81'00' [ 111,f11 (t: th S 00.091 E ~8.liZ (t; th'U 8")('5011 E' li)S.60 ft; H. S 0'0.16'Jo" E 11',~~ (lj lh II 89')1'5011 E 20".~J ,h ~o.tho liE e:or of It )2, Clen'tl'lOlS Pk, Oil tho \.I m:.rOII'l nf Itan'dcr~ol\' Avoj tll _.. S 00'16')0" E .119 lIenlSllr$On Avo] J95.12 h to the II I"' of the SPRR r/l1i Ih JII) sd RI'. r/wS 61~2)'J51l \l 212.IZ ft; lh S 01'54150" \113.71 (to th 5 a).I~'50" \129.113, ft; th' 5 8'j.ott.)O" If 2'.n ft; III .11!J the ore: or OJ tt.I~' (./1. Cur A. the ItJ (hortl of ~Ih !Jean II B"'Z8'3Z" \-I ~'S.15 (tj' lh II 16'}1 '06" t 10.00 (l: \11,)19 the .)rt of Il ~'15' (/I cur R, 'tho Ig chord of...11 bOolO /I S7-1.)'17" 1/ 6~~.79 It; th 11,'/1')0"'0"'\1 29.06 (t: th II 110"/,5",(," ~, 29.31 f~: U', II, 1'0'16"10"-1/ 29.c..~ ft; th II '10'(19'''0'' \l 1~".50 ft; lh Ic,'~ln!J ~d AR rlw. II 11'1~.92 it :t., to tho ~ob In lone (.0, OR.' The IlCM i II!JS U,,'~tl here I n ilrc Lolscll IIpon Sur 1112116 on rile j n l~Q of (I (.0 or the L,ilu to Survcyul'. PM Ic~:.> tll(cpn (O'll 3&.9 O( ~, EXCI'II: ^ Yolr of hI loc. ill tho S.' 1/2 or S)) und 3". TI75 n]\l, \/11. ~i;I p.:lr lIe:n!! Uolr: r FI17(, _ (., . ._-"".".,.~ Date Received: JUL;' \ 2009 L L Original submittal L .:1",'.' .\~v1 r~'''' t},~,?'1- """:j'" ."", t,::r''': j. ,t;I~.. ...~ ;:.:" i,:;'~~ '''.I'~J~' ~f.).'t,'fI!. ~,.,... ", j',7'", """"':, V.H,."..l.'...., ' lJiill; 1'IV)'_~~l.i~>~ ,',',', ' ~'>'~I' ,;,~':'v .;""'" 'IH''''''''''''''1 ~~*~:~'~~~:;})~~f~-;{;, :" 't~^.''';,/'i,' '...... ,.. ..,. 'i ~~~~I)Big/; ',' . '".' ........ ,~~.~~,:.::r'Tr1;~~~:!t~:'~~:~~~~.;~.~~::~~c~7~~~~t~,i:~':.:.i::, :~0~t~;'{~:?ff: 7-7/)" '/ I roo"""UI 1/ Ilr ~hc liE tor ur '~~P: th4~ 1 ~ ~)',),}2 (1 S llI'l.I 10).0) (t Lilt'. Zor.l ~"CQL :DlC GO, T175 1\)\.1, Ullj run th ~ 8~'05"IO" ~I I~O.OO ft: ll. II BZ"12'ZOll 1/ Pla.os hi U111 8'I'Jll')~"\I 21.0.51. (Lj th" S 00-'.1"10" \I 171.66 ft: lh 5 10'07'SO'11/ f57.1~ it; tli II 7)'}!;1lJ,9" ~ 220.60 ft; th 11 16-21'0$" ~ n.O(, ft to.tho 5t.Y t/w or McKonzle HwV;' ~h alII !tJ ~/w 1,1 1/ 66')711(111 t 18),50 ft: th tI 16'21105" \l 21.76 ft; th 11 72"171)5" \l 40.42 rtl th tl'12'I2I~SIl E 155,'.) ft; Lh II Ol)'~)')O" \I 74'.54.r\; th 1'1 74'01'1011 E 756.)" rtj ~h "Co'ilng sd rh~ II S 00'00120" E '528.29 hi lh '118"'115140", E J6.S6 hi th /179.'8'4011 [" 11G.oS (tj.i.h II 60'/1~lllO" ( 21.~6 (t; rh .....t:-a'aS61..E 117.~1 It;. th'S li7LltO (t;. th !I'!I~'O""E 12.sa.r!; l!l"."--36~5L"G:.:.; US.~O rt; In 'u 87'~O' E 171.111 fq lh S 00'091 E 48.42, fl: th Il 89')1150'~ E'; .,:."., ..'.,.... 11)5.60 hi lh'S 00'161)0" t 129.6~ rtj th II 89')1150'1 E 10~.2)'h to.thl'l. '., '.,'" :".'., ,..,.... liE eor ur Lt }l, CIf.ltI,",ood Pk, on lht) '\/ '''ilf!) 1,\ ,or Hefll.lll:f!.on AVf;; th s' 00.161 )011 E 0 II) IIclllJurson ^vo )~5. 11. fl to tho Il II, or lh~ $PRil. r/w.. lh 'i119 sd An rl'rl S 67'2~')5" \/212.'12 h: lh S' 02'54'50""" n.71 hi tn 5 83'\!)ISO" \/ 2'J..',3 ft; ~h' S 'CII'04'~o" \I 29,2'2. ft: ~h ..19 lho Me or II 4"51 elL e\lr 1\, \he I.., ehonl (If ~;h bC.:In U a~'28'n" \~ ".95.15 hi ,.'.... .... 1 ..... lh II 16')1'06" E 10.00 fli III .lll)lh~ ,He or ",4'15' c./l cur R, lho 1~ eho~d or ",II lH;Jr~ II 5704)'1]" 1/ 699.]:1 (t;. th tl hl'}Ol/iO" \/ 29.06 ft; ti~ U 'lO'l"S"IO" 1.1 29,)7 ft; III :1 40.181110" 1/ 2!).(.,CJ ft; th II rlo"09'~O" \.' t~I"50 h; lh INvinlJ ~d IlR rIll, r: 111"1.92 ft ~.; to tho tlob in L~l'Io Co, OR. Tho uCMlnlJ~' \.I~CU herein ."lrc 1J.:I!'.ctJ U[lon Sur IJ!Z!16 "1'1. rl ic In the" 01r1tc of the LiJllu Co Sl,rvc)'lll'. I',)r ICH'l.:lICpnCOnl 36.9 at!.. EXCPtl: ^ r.:lr of loJ loe in the S 1/2 ,)i 5)3 <Ii'll.! )1" ,17S R3w, 11M, sd p.lr being d,)f,: r. Fll 1(1 ~ (,~ 't:~:'.-b::':""':-'I "i'~;:';':;":~'~:l:~' '.r~;:.W'~ , '. .':';7! .-" ....' , .....:.... ", ',.': 't:~ : '.,,;.' ;?V!\)~ . 'I~ . . ;'''.'.' . '., ',-'.,' .> '. II; . ?'" ~. . ~;~ ~ '7<. ,~ i;~'"p~ (;:'Y~".:i>.:; 'I' ~ ;tJ'lf~' ;;:u, ~ ' >0 :~i18!7jil(.f1 ~J...'t' \i(,l"l,1jt '.,f,lI '!~'\"''!~~J.,",':N ~~~c . ~~'JrlJ {~f.j:i_:~:15} ::}~~"'~ P;.t;'-JP" ~",'iIifj ,', ;~#Jkifi,;1 1,).t"&~i-]oJ;~ 1,:.T';;":~,d'~r; .". i r,~:'~';':~:;iji~~:~l~ -.. _i..~~~\}.~&:1~:~.rl ';~:.':~i}J~~f~ r .~.~:'~J.~~,~Wk~~.1 f:' ': ~;f'{:;r;/.j}'A~?~~ !':'I~~'-~~/4\1~~f::l~ .;.'.-..'..,....'!::"M IJi~;~~~:Ii~~is ,r~;~:?;,E~~/tJ\~~ 'r ",',....,~.:>l','p '::':"'l:,\O>-!l::0'~':...', ~"';"-:'~17"'. ;,: ~!>>nis~~~.ii. :::~ ~;, .,;...;...;//~I~:.~~?f. :'~:: )}:~i--;:i\~~;:~fJ6h~ '" :. :,\t,......~:'il..b./!f;l " ." ..L.%;}i,~~(!);,;;;i~~~j II ','.:(. \"{:(~' .;-:.1 1,,- . (,'~; ~'I'J "'~' )",."I,./-, "',',1"1 ','?''''So,\,q , . ':"! :';Wi!,~~,r'ifi ~ , ,; \ ~~I /' Y l i\:~ . \ ,f ,;"I('/;iJ , /:i,~':i}f~~~ '...;:.:~1,ij~(:i'i';~,Wf , Date Receh,ed: JUL -1 2009 L Original Submittal L I,. L L :~~,~ ll!l. ;~n !if ~, 'Ii't{ , . ,~hofq...~',:: . :'~',"I;/\"'; :'., I._".r'",~"" ",."..;,. l~fJ~i(.~,:::/ 0, .'. ~~l't/. ~.~if..t\ . !~~tii~~~~{~;':. ! ~~1"''''',,, ~1."" . ~~I~~c:~;t. , ~:trm,;~[?,)l, ;:.".' .- " ;.,!: ~, .. ;~~t\>.::. '.. "J '; !, 1 i I L Ie. lilt.: SLY rll/ II ut 1~(KC:l\llo II~II' !. ,/11*01'10'1 \I 7l';.~~ It "I~II S ~~.~I liE c:or of uici l.,r~ S\~\.!..,l OLI.: !jOt rl7s RN. \111; rUIl IiI S 1.00'>.011 t Ih II OO'OO':i:Oll\.l210,16 l\j tll Ii OO')J I lO" \f 7,4.5'1 r~; th II 7'1'01 '1011 E 11~.U fa ().II) ~ho ~I." \ I of MeKonl.lo lhf.' to n,!'l flob In LOM Co, OR, Por cont oppro~ 1,)2 ftC, , , Ao)' C,' Jonkln, Llfn EUilto SouthCrll r.~cl(le Tr,:IIl!r.llllrt~llf.Jn CO't lhal \'l01' of thD SPTC ,/"1 SLY Dnd eontl,Quous r.o the 101 1I1lsed H. Dog at tho liE eor of Ll )2 at c.lcnwQod Pk os plotted an" rced "In ,I,ha Lone. Co PI.4t Accs, Lime ~\)I \\Rj on tho \I /I~:'lrlJin of tlc:ndarson Avo; t!\' S 00116')0" E illlJ IIcndencn ^vc n5.12 fl to the tl ," of the SPTC' rlw: be/r,g the cpolo; th 019 sd fin r/~I'S 6712}'JS111I zlz.iz:rt; th 5 02~)~IS~1I W 2).71 ft; ,,,'S 8).'915l)1l \I'2~.4B ftj tit 5 8~10~'50" \J 29.22 rq th o]ll the llrc of 0 'j-15' elL eyr R, the 19 cho.rd tlf wh bC')r5 Il G~'2a'3ZIl.Y: ~9!i.IS flj lh:4 16')1'06"( 10 f(; th "'\9 the \Ire. of" 4'15' ell Cur R, Ll\l\ II) t:htHd of \..\1 'Ilcllrs 1157'1.)'17" '01 699.79 It; .th II 11\-)01/10" \/' 2~.lJc. ft: lh II 110'/15111011 \l 2~,)7 hi rh II 40':3'40'1 y 29.6~ ft,',,11 Ii; lJno (0,011. C (U 76 ~ ,(,J PlIlJQ ) of J Date Received: JUL - 1 2009 , ,.. O~iginal Submittal L ~ m2Oti'o,o" . "~.:. ::'.", ".: ," , ",.' ..,'. "'" o" '"'' < r !!I!I!!! ", "-', ", ...,; __~_..<.,.....~"''''__..,. ~ "', ~'..,''''~ "A':""'J.":~""""':"'~"'"__''' ",'.: 1\>~",::, 1.i..1'l&Rt iiM""": :'.""""'-", .,.' ,_,. "";~< ' 1; ',' " ~'/, ~\~~~....._- --------==="'"" ji\\ff .." I ~11'I-. ~/"::..----.~..,<~~.,..... ,.L.O.. ::','l!J. ,QI-' .,. k~~.','i ~ / ~.~ ,,' ~ h"/ .. .1\'" .... ''''"~Ti.. ~ ~W~;!~ =~=-----ij~....". , 4- \', ' X:)lt'! "z"'~ ">"'i(\','t'>'j .-- >,- ~lTf 1;' - --- 1:, wv...;"-, ,,~":p.-',',{,:,;:(.:~f.J~~t1 'lul~ ' , . 'rJI~' ~~ \'1 ,,'~.,'n: 'I .. In ~n. -. ~ ~.~, ',"'li':~,";~1 ,h,(,:~ ' ~ltn-. r .....,t ~.~ ;'r.". ~~'\ ... ~ r ~'"" '_~\I :'::."!~~~~{ .' I " -~" '~t"""""'i, ~ ~. !I: to..... :;'l" " ''',:,'.'~,' -F:~.:<:;";" - ...\,-~ "i?iii1:{~\\~~' - ,- I ~~~~~~faN": 1ln.~\:>J.\'m ~ ....- r.tNAr-..,..w. I~'''''''~ ",. ....- !, .. ~ JC!.t1 L611' i.o~~1"I~i"t",,.~i'f' . '<i,'m,.t',,:,<.,!,~~,;;,' ~..~............ \ WollJ. ~o 6d~"" 1\ . "'-, -- "'......\ ... J --~;'''''f''; ........ "'.. "'.. ", Ea ;'tl~. tttltfrT .. . ~'-'--' . ~~~~~~~~: ~ ~TtlaM "kl"~ rf4'~ . ~'~~',-,'~f",!:..~",'f,r,.,{-t",~~u,' I,' ..... .10."10"'10"'10' ,~ID.I'J<lltaz,l; ~" ~:r." .. ....10 .10",10'.10"''''' t.I :' v., ......_v,.~-l...,' . ..t"'~"."'~Io.Io~.I..Io.1 ~:: :~.;t>..tr'\;"~~'fi.H ,'. 1o~'':'':'':Io:101o 10:10:1 "1 ~ '.V." '.!: ~rT~, I' .. l[~~ " ......'...'.',',' . ,~,""-,!,.,..J~l~ '~~~m~l "'-:""", ;ZiR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~: ,,~,~~~~ ;:":"~;;~w~ ~',: ~~~~~~~f~~~~~~~~~f~~~~~~~~~~ :!':,:?;,;;,r,.,,~,':::,' ':, '.:,':"', :,','" ',~:,'::". ",,'~,:,,~ ',""" :.~:":~~,'.,':,,,~',', ,:',' '.,<"b;..~~,~~~,~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:i : ").. - .- 'Lnrc' , '''101o..'''....S.LL:-\...IoL'''IoIo..Io.'''C. . -...",.~..Io.l....Io.IoL...LI.l\,.....Io......I.l.~_. .. .~. ~...:.,~~~-i .....< r-- "----:-;-1\'3,) j" , " - > , , " , , , ~ , , , , \.I~ ' '.'., ::~ ''":'.c:;n :.:;': ~.'J;; ....:'\.; " .1'. ';," Date Receiv~d: L L JUL - i 2009" ..J' Original, Submitta' .....',. 'j " ", ..:::.~:f~i. L I . , ' .. ~ .," 'i~;tf'fiP'~:'oi' ' . , " .'.,,~ i~ l, ,~ '<~');":'-;::' <",(: ,},,: l!(I'{)';' f:~;d;Ui,~; ,> ~" 'T \i);~.~, ~~jJll ." aa~ ~ .' =1' , \j. Q G' A~ i' UHi d :l~~ ~ ~ ~!~;!!j H .:HI I 'i . 'J' . t F.~~l . ,i.~ a al . e 1~ . Pi~ ~ :l a !~h~ E ,'I: = II! III, " IS ~ tD ~ Ql) .... L L 1.1 ['(:~ :",~, ,....)t . ;~~..; f'i";~ t.~~~.~ f"1'. Po ~:;}:ar j ~ ;.to: 1~.,'_>::\1'1 t;;::~~~~". _ l"'f~.g"?f I'-::.';:',';'.~Jf.:'f/ ", , 11' "~1f?":' :-'l I" F :;"j"I!J.~~';Y. h-o :_~~ .pll ~{} 1-,~:.:~;:~~..';1.;':'-t6i I"""'.'.""""" ,';~))\ml' I"""""'~ ' '/.:~>.s':.t " "..,,>:,"i'<,m, k'~~,,;:.:;~~~ ""~"';,,,,,,,,..,\i!I I: ",,:;,'.'~.J."i';'~:E! ,.::;,.I:'did:11-~ r'.,t)rf~~ I"",,,,,.,...,~t ~: ;'\; ;:/~~:~;J.'.~;~ JUL 11 2009 "",':}i!kot'1ltf:i _ t. :t,,~,;~;~.rJ.Ai\~ ", ".': ~ .,_;_.. _ .:. .. _' !. ;'/~~Y~~i~' ..' ',..,co" ,,,..,,,,,,),,,,",,,~,,,,, ", "," '''u' """',,""ol.>I' . . _ _.' -. .~ ":"",~.'~;,:,,1'II.~!1l'.'; :-.~:7.,";.":i:r.ii~. Original Submittal ',";' ,,; ~,;";'iiil>"~"j , ,', """":6'1- . . ." .." .': :':::!.:~ :~',~~~~~~~J?:~J~~~ -:'.~ ,- ',I ~V~J'} ':.::\~-{:~::-;!);:Y1~~~~ ,:::."i<1 IA,'~ ...".-',:I.,',.,.,.'))J ~;"w:,!'~".tl' . ii, : '1,':.,.,A~~t;\m. ~ . :.:.':.)kl:-':-:~:'i~~ ""; , '...'. ""/'r;""Dll ,,;,i~1 Date Received: 9Ult.. lIt'... a " ,J L .0,,'" " I ~, "',4 . / o Division of Chief Depuly Clerk 200A-09C229 Lane Counly Deeds and Recorda ,_ ~ jJW~JJH Jl H~JlIJHIIII('III" $386,00 12114/200401:50:36 P/'I RPR-NT :Cnlol Slno5' CASHIER'D5 $345,00 $20,00 $10.00 $11.00 !, Send All Tax StatementS To: City Recorder, City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR ~7477 . " , After Recording Return To: City Recorder,City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 , ,,', GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN. NOTICE '!" .\ '~f' Springfield Economic Development Agency 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Consideration: The consideration for this Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan'is other than monetary. Legal Description is attached as Exhibit 1. City of SR~e1.l,b~n ' :.:.,: ..- ,'0. .,\.. .:;.., / ~'~~J:A"'~, ", -'. "'_j':'~ . "-11" '~' .\'\""-~: . '..:;l' . , :, ,.: It " ~ ~'XAtW7C. ',,' ~~rder A '..1" , "" " .' ~ /\ '\, , , ..~. ~: '. (BAR CODE STICKER) Date Received: JUl - j 2009 " , Original Submittal . 1111 . I . , " EXHIBIT 1-2 . , Beginning at the point of intersection of the centerline of the Interstate Highway 1-5 right of way, in Section 33, Township17 South, Range 3 West of the Wi/lamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon with the centerline of the Willamette River; thence along the City , limits line, Easterly and Southerly (upstream) along the centerline of the Willamette ' River, 13,000 feet, more or less, to a point at right angles from a point on lI1e Westerly bank where the Easterly right of way of the Southern Pacific R,ailroad intersect the Westerly bank (most southerly point of tax lot 17-03-02-32-03800); thence Weslerlyat right angles to the Centerline of the river, 200 feet, more or le,ss,lo the last said point of intersection on the West bank of the Willamette River; thence Northerly along ,the Easterly right of way of the Southem Pacific Railroad to a point of interSection with the Easterly right of way of McVay Highway (State Highway 225); thence Southerly along the Easterly right of way of said Highway to a point of Intersection with the Westerly right of way of the S,Q,uthernPacific Railroad; thence Westerly, crossing said Highway right of way to a point on the Westerly right of way which is the Southeast comer o(thallract of land described in a deed from Helene Macauley to Eaward Macauley filed and recorded September 27, 1982 in Reel 1212R at Reception No. 8228958, Lane County Official Records, Lane County, Oregon (current tax lot 1803034000700);.thence Northwesterly along the Southerly line of the last said tract to the Soulhwest comer thereof, said point is on the Easterly right of way of Interstate Highway 1-5; thence Southwesterly at right angles the centerline of 1-5 120 feet, more or less to a point on the centerline of 1-5; thence along the centerline of 1-5 Northerly and Weslerly, 10,000 feet, more or less to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. i' Date Received: " JUl - I 2009 Original Submittal Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan, Exhibit 1, [1 Ii. I . , '. j,:.' , \ , GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN 'PART ONE ~ TEXt November 15,2004 . , , Springfield Economic Development Agency November 2004 . , .' : Date Received: ,,' ; JUl - 1 2009 Original Submittal " . , " Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan Table of Contents I, I . ! . , , I '1 , I I I I .. 100. The Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan 3 200. Citizen Participation 3 300. Relationship to Local Objectives 4 400. Proposed Land Uses 19 500. Outline of Development 21 . 600. Description of Projects to be Undertaken 22 700. Property Acquisition Procedures 25 800. Property Disposition and Redevelopers' Obligations 26 900. Amendments to the Urban Renewal Plan 27 1000. Maximum Indebtedness 28 1100. Financing Methods 28 1200. Relocation 29 1300. Def'mitions 29 , ";. {,. , . . ed' Date Race'" . jUl. - , 1009 Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15,2004 .' \ submitta\~ on9\na , 2 . . , ' " ; 100. THE GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN: 'il A. General , t The primary intentionoftiu~ Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan is 10 assist in ~roviding baSic infrastructure for not only underdeveloped riverfront areas so it becomes ideal for high quality; mixed use, development but also, for underused vacant and und~rdeveloped industrial sites so they can become vital to the economic growth of the City and Lane County. This cannot readily be 'done without public involvement because of multiple . -. " ownerships; high land prices; and parcels of size, shape, and lack of access they are not conducive to development. The Urban Renewal Plan includes projects, acti0ties, and " actions which treat the causes of the blight and deterioration in the Glenwood Urban Renewal Area. ., , " , The Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan ~onsis~ ofpart One - Text and Part TvJo ~ EXhibits. ' , . , " " , I The governing body of the City of Springfield acts,as the Urban Renewal Agency of the ' City of Springfield and is accepted as the, Urban Renewal Agency for the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan by ihe Lane County Board of County Commissioners through the . . . I~ Board's approval of the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan. . I, This ~lan has been prepared pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) Ghapter 457, the Oregon Constitution, and all applicable laws and ordinances of the State of Qregon,Lane County, and the City of Springfield respectively. All such applicable laws an~ ordinances are made part ofthi~ Plan, whether expressly referred to in the text or not. . 11 . . , I . The Urban Renewal Area isa single geographic area with a single continuo~ boundary in which a variety of a<;tivities and projects are contemplated to eliminate blight and the causes ofblighi ahd are intended to create an ,environment in which the. private sector may develop uses compatible with the purposes of this Plan.' , ;' , The Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan was approved by the Lane County Board of ' Commissioners on November ~ 2004 by Resolution No.oil-li-J3.{pand th~ City CounCil of the City of Springfield on December ~, 2004 by Ordinance No,; {p 103 ~, The Renewal Plan Area Boundarv , The boundary of the renewal, area is shown in (Map) Exhibit I - Page I, attached to this plan. A legal description ofth~ project boundary is ~hown in Exhibit I - Pagh, attached ~WsPIM.: ri .; " -';1 Date Received: JUL - 1 2009 'I Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November IS, 2004 3 .O~jginal Submittal '\ , } '. . 200. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: This Urban, Renewal Plan was developed WIder the guidance, of the Springfield Economic Development Agency, Springfield City Council, and Lane County Board of . Commissioners. In formulating the plan, City siaff and Lane County staff cond.ucted 14 public meetings, inviting the general public to discuss urban renewal concepts,andthe renewal plan. All meetings were open to the public for discussion and comment. The Lane COWlty Commissioners met to review the concept of the Plan on September 22, , 2004. ' The Springfield Planning Commission met tO,review the Plan on October 12 ilnd 19, 2004. This Urban Renewal Plan for the Glenwood Urban Renewal Area was reviewed ' by the Springfield Planning Commission on October 19,2004 after a Public Hearing. The Springfield Planning Commission recommended the Springfield CitY Council approve the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan. The Lane County Board of County Commissioners met to review the Plan on November 10,2004 and considered the adoption of this Plan on November 23,2004. Special notice was mailed on October 22, 2004 to registered voters in Springfield and within the area of the Glenwood Urban Renewal District Plan as required in ORS 457.120 for the Public Hearing to be held in Springfield City Hall on November 15,2004 at 7:00 p.m. conducted by the Springfield City Council to consider adoption ofan , , ordinance approving the proposed Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan. The Springfield City Council held the Public Hearing and heard testimony concerning the adoption of an ordinance approving the proposed Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan. SpringfieldCity Council also received comments from affected taxing districts and considered them in . approving the ordinance approving'the.Plan for the Glenwood Urban Renewal, District. r ' Date Receive~: ~;%; JUl - 1 2009 Original submittal Glcnwood Urban Renewal Plan November .15,2004 4 ~f' . " 300. RELATIONSIDP TO LOCAL OBJECTIVES, '; The pwpose of this Urban Renewal Plan is to eliminate blighting influenceS found in the Renewal Area, to implement goals and obje~tives of the Eilgene-SpringfieldMetropolitan Area General Plan, Glenwood Refinement Plan, and Glenwood Riverfront Plan and to implement development strategies and objectives for the Glenwood Urban Renewal Area. o , '. The Urban Renewai'Plan relates to thefollowinglocal goals and objectives! , , " ". 3D!. GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL GOALS:, ' :f, The goals of this Plan are outlined below. , A, Promote Private Develoomen! Goal: To promote private development; redevelopment, and rehabilitation'\\(ithin the' 'urban renewal area to help create jobs, tax revenues, and self sustaining, villi! and vibrant industrial and commercial areas, , , ~ ~ ' - Objectives: ' , , '. 'I 1. Enhance the environment for develorment and investment through irhprovements to streets, streetscapes, parks, and public buildings and spaces. ,: I, , , '2, . Assist property owners in rehabilitating buildings so they can acco~rilOdate ~ore intensive and dynamic industrial and commercial activitY; " , , 3. Help create' eco'nomic vitality,by creating activities and encouraging Uses that, ' , bring a significant number of jobs, employees, potential shoppers and investors throughout the renewal area. . , B. Rehabilitate BuiIdine Stock Goal: To upgrade the stock of existing strucfures in the renewalcarea which contribute to its unique character, but which are tun down or do not meet current State Building and Specialty Codes' requirements, " " Objectives: , i , , , I, Improve the appearance of existing buiIdings'in order to enhance the overall 'aesthetics of the renewal area, " , ~: '. . . 2. Help in improving the safety of older buildings in regard to seismic stability, fire, safety, building code compliance and a,ccessibility to persons with dis#bilities, Date Received: Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan' November 15, 2004 II " " JUl - I 2009 5 . Original 'SubmittaL , , ... . I 1- ," ,,I . 3. Redevelop buildings and areas that are inconsistent with the goals and objectives of this plan in ways that benefit the entire economic development effi)rt and the , property owners, C. Imnrovements to Streets. Streetscanes. Parks and,Onen Snaces Goal: To improve existing streets and construct the missing or needed streeUinks'to improve connectivity within the area, including on-street and off-street pedestrian and bicycle connections; to improve and enhance parks and open spaces, like multi~use paths, ' , , as an integral part of the area, wid to enhance livability. , Objectives: I. Enhance streetscapes by installing street lighting, street furniture, banners, planters and other amenities, 2. Reconstruct existing roadways and sidewalks where needed and ina manner meeting the objectives of this Plan. 3. Construct new streets to provide surface transportation connectivity arId encourage private investment especially along the WilIamelte riverfront. 4. Address and improve pedestrian safety along heavily traveled streets through the urban renewiU area. 5_ Create on-street and off-street multi-use pedestrian and bicycle access to and through the renew!li area. Create additional open space areas and pedestrian spaces that are altracti ve areas for residents and employees, and that stimulate economic activity and enhance livability. D, Utili tv Imnrovements I I , i ! 1 Goal: Improve and repair utilities to allow efficient development of the areas. Objectives: I. Construct new; reconstruct, or upgrade existing utilities (including watler; electrical, and sanitary and stonnsewers) as necessary to encourage and permit developme~t of private properties and public amenities. E. Parkin~ Goal: Develop conv,enientaltractive parking facilities close to shopping, entertainment, and business destinations, Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November IS, 2004 Date Received: JUL ~, 2009 6 Original submltt'" . w . \ Objectives: . . I. Construct public parking to support businesses' and activities in the Glenwood ' , Urban Renewal Area, especially, a major development critical to mixed-use development on the riverfront. . F. Public Facilities , , ."' II Goal: Maintain, acquire and develop public parks and open spaces, and public safety, health, and other facilities, to maintain and enhance public use, safety, and enjoyment of the renewal area. ' h. ." Objectives: . , , . . - . -' If ", I. Ensure that public safety facilities within the renewal area are adequate to support and protect exis'ting and proposed development in the renewal area. !; . , . 2, Evaluate the adequacy of other public, faciiities serving the renewal area, In particular Lane County's Glenwood Central Receiving Station for solid waste collection would be evaluated to ensure its compatibility with the surrounding development and proposed ~edevelopment in the area,' , , . , . " 3. Ensure that public parks and open spaces Me adequate to serve existing and proposed development. G. , Housinl! ,II , Objectives: I. Provide a wide range of housing opportunities to accommodate households at all income levels, including low-, moderate-, and upper-income rental wid owner- occupied housing, which support prospective residential markets in, aojacent to, and near the renewal area, , 2. Provide assistance io help maintain and assist in the rehabilitation of the stock of existing housing in thi renewal area, " ' ;; , , 3. Assist inthe development of quality housing for a range ofhouseholdiincomes that are representative of the City as a whole, ~ Date Received: !I :! JUL - 1 2009 Glenwood Urban.Renewal Plan, November IS, 2004 7 qriginal Submittal '4J " , w --- H. Public Silffial!e and Entrance Imorovements Goal: Assist in funding for a program of entrance beautification and signage indicating , cultural, historical, natural, and tourism landmarks'within the renewal area. Objectives: I. Provide urban renewal funds for signage and entrance improvements in spaces within the urban renewal area reflecting the conuriunity's history, culture; natural ' areas, tourism opportunities, and welcoming attitude. ' 302. EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA COMPREHENSI~ PLAN i I i , r ORS 457,085 requires that an Urban Renewal Plan relate to definite local objectives. The Metro Plan, the area's comprehensive land use plan, considers a wide range of goals and policies relating to land uses, traffic, transportation, public utilities, recreation and community facilities, economic developmen~ housing and environmental protection. Citations of relevant goals and policies are mcIuded as Attaclunent "B" of this Plan. o. . . , J I i Springfield's controlling land use document is its comprehensive plan: the Eugene- Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan). It was adopted locally and acknowledged by the Land Conservation and Development COrnnlission (LCDC) in 1982 ' and amended in 1987. As used in this document, the term "Metro Plan" refers not only to the Metropolitan Area General Plan as a document in itself, but also those adopted neighborhood and special purpose/functional refinement plans which implement and are subservient to the Metropolitan Area General Plan itself. Mid-period review of the Metro Plan was completed locally and approved in accordance with the post-ackno~ledgment p~ocedures of ORS 197 in 1986. Other portions of the Metro Plan which affect the Urban Renewal Plan, such as the Willamalane Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan, Lane County Solid Waste Management Plan, Lane County Parks and Open Space Master Plan, and the TransPlan (special purpose/functional refinement plans of the Metro Plan) and the Glenwood Refinement Plan (regulating land use in all of Glenwood included in the ' Glenwood Urban: Renewal Plan) were adopted by the City Council, and approved in accordance with state post-acknowledgment procedures. The projects in the urban renewal plan also address g~als and objectives set f011h in other adopted plan documents. These findings are outlined here. Projects listed in th,: " . , Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan project list are supported by poliCies from the Metro Plan and the Glenwood Refinement Plan. .The following is a list of the supporting policies for each of the projects and indicate the conformance of the Plan to local land use plans and policies. (Projects are referenced by line ,item number according to ,the project list spreadsheet in the Report accompanying this Plan.) Date Received: Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November IS, 2004 8 JUL - 1 2009 Original.$ubmittsL,.. . . Line 7 Prenare sites for industrial develonment . - ~~.' , Glenwood Refinement Plan Policies: "General Land Use Poli~ies and Implemimtation Strategies" section (p. 16) ':, . 6.. Recognize Glenwood's strategic location in the metropolitan area for industrial ' development, in particular for distribution.~elated industrial uses. ' ",' 6.1 Seek industrial. incentives such as enterprise zones in order to strengthen the area for industrial development. ' , , Metro Plan Policies: , ~I . Economic Element Policy 6: Increase the amount of undeveloped land zon~~ for light industrial and commercial uses correlating the effective supply in tenus of s\litabilityand availability with the proje9tions of demand. "! Economic Element Policy 7: 'Encourage inaustrial.park development, including areas for' warehousing and distributive industries, and research 'and development activities. . . . .r Economic Element Policy II: Encourage economic activi;ies which strengt~enthe ' metropolitan area's position as a regional distribution, trade, health, and service center: , " , .; , . , 'I Economic Element Policy 25: Pursue an aggressive annexation program and ,servicing of designated industrial lands in order to have a sufficient supply of "development ready" l. land. ' '. Line S ' R'l.,i....~~~ facade and landscapinl! imnrovement nrOl!ram , Set uo industrial and business nronerty rehabilitation loan' orol!ram . " " Metro Plan Policies: Economic Element Poli2y's:' Encourage the improvement of the appearance of existing industrial areas, as w~ll as their apility to serve the needs of existing and potehtial'lillht industrial development. . . :' '. u ." t Line 10 Clean uo industrial sites, ;, Glenwood Refinement Plan Policies: "General Land Use Policies ahd Implementation Strategies" section (P,16) ,: , Date Received: " Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan ' November 1 S, 2004 JUL - 1 2009 9 Origirtal Submittal ., . 6. Recognize Glenwood's strategic location in the metropolitan area for industrial development, in particular for distribution-related industrial uses. " 6.1 :Seek industrial incentives such as enterprise zones in order to str,engthen the area for ,industrial development. ' Metro,Plan Policies: Econoniic Element Policy 7: Encourage'industrial park development, including areas for warehousing and distributive industries and research and development activities. Economic Element Policy 25: Pursue an aggressive annexation program and servicing of design\lted industrial lands in order to have a sufficient supply of "development ready" land. Line 12 Redevelop parcels! buildinl!s through'ontions_ nronertv acouisitions( disnositions. assemblv. resale. conveyance. and leas~ Rpmove! ReDlace substandard commerCial buildinl!s for mixed-use redevelonment Line 16 ,Metro Plan Policies: Residential Supply and Demand Policy A.1: Encourage the consolidation of residentially zoned parcels to facilitate,more options for development and redevelopment of such parcels. ' Economic Element Policy 16: Utilize processes and local controls which encourage retention oflarge parcels or consolidation of small parcels of industrially or commercially zoned land to facilitate their use or reuse in a comprehensive manner rather than a piecemeal fashion.' , Design and Mixed Use Policy A.22: Expand opportunities for a mix of uses ill newly developing areas and existing neighborhoods through local zoning and development reglllatio,ns. ' , . Line 19 lJ'ill!rade public utilities and infrastructure (stormwater. 'water; electric. etc.) Metro Plan Policies: -. Growth Management Policy I: The urban growth boundary and sequential development shall continue to be implemented as an essential means to achieve compact urban growth. The provision of all urban services shall be concentrated inside the urban growth ' boundary!' Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 Date Received: 10 JUL - 1 2009 Orialnal submittal i I i I I ! I I ! I , i I i , , I I I w . Growth Management Policy '8: Land within the urban growth boundary may be converted ,from urbanizable to urban only through annexation to' a city when it is found. th~' . I " a. A minimum level of key urban facilities and services can be provided to ,the area in an orderly and efficient manner., b. There will be a logical area and time within which to deliver urban services and facilities, Conversion ofurbanizable land to urll'anshall also be conSistent with the Metropolitan Plan. ., Growth Management Policy 9: A full range of key urban facilities and services shall be " provided to urban areas according to demonstrated need and,budgetary priorities, Line' 24 Mitieate for wetlands & riversideirinarian im!lrovements: bank stabilization_ etc. Glen wood Refinement Plan Policies: Storm Sewers and Drainage, Storm Drainage and'Wetland~ Policy I: The City shall design a storm sewer and drainage plan for Glenwood to accomhJodate stOrol runoff from growth and development in the area that is alsos.ensitive to other wetland issues. !! Environmental Design Element Policy I: Significant wetland areas in Glenwood shall be protected from encroachment and degradation in order to retain their important functions and values related to fish and wildlife habitat, flood control, sediment and erosion control, water quality'control, and groundwater pollution control. Franklin BoulevardIWilIamette River Corridor Policy 2: The City shall ensure that new development,and redevelopment in the Willamette River Greenway is sensitive to Greenway concerns.' , , " , 2,1 Use the WilIamette River Site Development Guidelines beginning on Page 37 in reviewing development pr.oposals within the Willamette River Greenway until such time when Springfield establishes a Greenv.;ay Setback Line for all Glenwood properties, Metro Plan Policies: I' EnvirOnmental Resources Element Policy I: Springfield, Lane County, and Eugene shall, consider downstream' impacts when planning for urbanization, flood control, Urban storm runoff, recreation, and water quality along the Willametteand McKenzie Riv~, , ',/, . . ;'Date Received: JUL - 1 2009 , Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 II Original Submittal 'j . ., " .. J,ine 28 A.ssist siting malor development (civic center'. tourism/snorts, facilities. etc.) Metro Plan Policies: Economic Element Policy 13: Continue to encourage the development of convention and tourist-related facilities. Economic Element Policy 16: Utilize processes and local controls which ell<;ourage retention oflarge parcels or consolidatioilof small parcels, of industrially or r.ommercially zoned land to facilitate their use or reuse in a comprehensive manner rather than ' piecemeal fashion. Line 32 Line 35 Sanitarv sewer laterals Sanitarv sewer remediatio~ Glenwood Refinement Plan Policies: General Land Use Policies and Implementation Strategies Policies: 2.' Develop programs that will stren~hen designated residential and mixed-Use areas, , including the Central Residential sub-area, " 2.1 Pursue programs to provide low~interest loans and other services designed to help improve housing stock in Glenwood. 2,2 Explore the feasibility of creating a tax increment district. Consider"using the revenues .from the district for such rises as constructing essential infbistructure improvements, increasing housing resources for low !ll1d moderate-income households for sub~areas I, 8, and 9, and reducing the financial burden of infrastructure improvements on low and moderate-income households. Line 38 ~~~eloD low/moderate income housin!!' and other housine tvnes Glen wood Refinement Plan Policies: . General Land Use Policies and Implementation Strategies Policies: 2. Develop programs that will strengthen designated residential and mixed.-use areas, including the Central Residential sub-area. n::lte Received: 2,1 Pursue programs to provide low-interest loans and other servi1:t:s-designed to help improve housing stock in Glenwood. JUL - 1 2009 Glenwood Urban Renewal PlaJi November 15,2004 . 12 Original Submittal ( .. '. ![ -\ 2.2 Explore the' feasibility of creating'a'taxincremenl'district. Consider using the revenues from the district for such uses as constructing essential. ' infrastructure improvements, increasing housing resources for i~w and moderate-income households for sub-areas 1,8, and 9; and redJcing the financial burden of infrastructure improvements on low and moderate-income. households, 2.3 Explore innovative' housing options for designated residential afeas in Glenwood, including provision for manufactured dwellings on ihdividual lots. 2.4 Consider development of a low-interest loan program to upgrade manufactured dwelling parks through use of Community Development Block Grant funds. 2.5 The City shall consider ~dopting a Manufactured Dwelling Park'iClosure ordinance for Glimwood in order to provide protection to manuf~ctured dwelling dwellers in manufactured dwelling parks that convert tb other uses, . . 'i Metro Plan Policies: '.J . Growth Management Policy 14: Both Eugene and Springfield shall examine' potential ' . '. ". , assessment deferral programs for low-income households, '. Residential Land Use and Housing ElemelJt Policies: Supply and Demand Policy A.I: Encourage the consolidation oftesidentially zoned parcels to facilitate more options for development and redevelopment of sucn parcels. Supply and Demand Policy A.S: Require development to pay the cost, as determined by the local jurisdiction, of extending public services and infrastructure. The cities shall examine ways to provide'subsidies or incentives for providing infrastructUre that support affordable housing and/or higher density housing., Ii I' Housing Type and Tenure Policy A.I7: Provide opportunities fora full rang~ of choice i,n housing type, density, size, cos_t, 'and location. Housing Type and Tenure Policy A] 9: downtown core areas in both cities. , , . Encourage residential developments in or near ' Housing Type and Tenure Policy A.20: Encourage home ownership of all housing types, particularly for low-income households. ' ' 'I Date Received: , II ~UL - 1 2009 " Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 ]3 Original $ubmittal " > ,&, ,. I. Affordable, Special Need, and Fair Housing Policy A.27: Seek to'maintain and increase public and private assistance for low arid very ,low income households that are unable to , , pay for shelter on the open market. Affordable, Special Need, and Fair Housing Policy A.28: ,Seek to maintain,and increase the supply of rental housing and increase home ownership options for low- and very low- income households by providing economic and other incentives, such as density bonuses, to developers that agree to provide needed below-marke/and service-enhanced'housing in the community. Line 40 Bousinl!ineil!hborhood rehabilitation /home renair nrOl!rams Metro Plan, Policies: Residential Land Use and Housing Element Policies: Supply and Demand Policy A.7: Endeavor to provide key urban services and facilities required to maintain a 'five-year supply of serviced, buildable residential land, Existing Housing Supply and Neighborhoods Policy A,25: Conserve the metropolitan area's supply of existing affordable housing and increase the stability and quality of older residential neighborhoods, through measures such as revitalization; code enforcement; appropriate zoning; rehabilitation programs; relocation of existing structures; traffic calming; parking requirements; or public safety considerations. These actions should support planned den~ities in these areas. . Existing Housing Supply and Neighborhoods Policy A.26: Pursue strategies that encourage rehabilitation of existing housing and neighborhoods, Line 42 Provide mandated expenses of relocation or disnlacements of firms or residents '-i ! i i I Glen wood Refinement Plan Policies: General Lapd Use Policies and Implementation Strategies Policy 2: Develop programs that will strengthen designated residential and mixed-use areas, including the Central Residential sub-area. 2,5 The City shall consider adopting a'Manufactured Dwelling Park Closure ordinance for Glenwood in order to provide protection to manufactured dwelling dwellers in manufactured dwelling parks that convert to other uses, ,I I I I ! Date Received: , , 'I ! Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15,2004 14 JUL - 1, 2009' Original Submittal Line 4~ Line 4~ , Line ~~ \ --,' " , !mprove roads to urban standards (Franklin. McVav. and utilities) ACQuire land for and do intersection improvements Re-all':J)l and bUild roads and connections, , " Glen wood Refinement Plan Policies: Transportation Element f1:ransPlan}Policies: ,Policy I: linprove the major transportation ,network within and througll Glenwood to urban standards, with emphasis on improvements to Franklin Boulevard! McVay Highway; Glenwood Boulevard, Henderson A venue, 19th A~enue, 17th ' Avenue west of Henderson, and 22nd Avenue between Glenwood Boulevard and ' '" I Henderson Avenue, , . I 1.1 The City should consult with other metropolitan agencies to uMate TransPlan, addressing the need fOf improvements to Franklin Boulevard, including policies concerning mass transit and Nodal Developrrient. 1.2 'The City should consult with the Oregon Department of Transportaiion to . .. - Ir identify needed improvements and a means of financing them, Items to ' consider when improving Franklin BoulevardlMcVay Highway ,~e the following: , a. Side~alks along bolh sides oflhe highway with apriority 6n developing sidewalks on the soulh side of Franklin Boulevard when Franklin Boulevard is improved (Note: Consideration should be given to extending sidewalks on the north side of Franklin from the Springfield Bridge to the intersection With Glenwood Boulevard. , However, the most westerly' extent of sidewalks on the north side of Franklin Boulevard will be'd,ecided upon at the time Franklin . improvements are designed. Jbe design should consider 'th~ need for pedestrians to travel on the north side of Franklin Boulevaitl westWard from Glenwood Boulevard as well as the physical and topographical restraints for placing a sidewalk north of lhe highway at this location); . . - '. ~ '.' .. ~ ";, b. , , ,Bike lanes connecting to Eugene, Springfield, and Lane Community College; ': , '1 Intersection improvements io allo>>, better differentiation of: the local intersecting streets, such as providing curbs and gutters and better signage to make it safer to turn off Franklin Boulevard onto' local , , streets; , c: ,d, Improvements to traffic flow, especially during commuting;hours, through challges in signal timing and other appropriate mel\il.s, ReqJ.lest , , , .' Uare KeCelVed: . . i Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan " November 15,2004' ~ '. -, ., . . 15 " JUL -I 2009' , Original Submittal , - . I i .. that the Oregon Department ofTransportation analyze signal timing at Brooklyn Stteet and Henderson Avenue.; e. The possibility of reducing the speed of traffic entering Glenwoo~ from Eugene and the McVay Highway; and , f, Improvements to stonn drainage, including maintenance as well as reconstruction where needed. ' , 1.3 The City should consult with Lane County about urban transitio~ agreements, TransPlan, and abutting property owners to identifY needed improvements and a means of financing them for collector and arterial streets in Glenwood, However, certain streets were transferred to the City !hat included Lane County payments through urban transition agreements to , defray the cost bringing them up to standard. Lane County considers its obligation for those streets completed, Items to consider when improving streets are: a. Street improvements appropriate to the street's classification, including sidewalks, bike hines if appropriate, improvements to stonndfainage; , and adequate street paving width; and , i I I b. The possibility of controlling traffic traveling along Glenwood Boulevard to arid from I~5, including deceleration lanes for the Lane County Solid-Waste Facility and LTD. 1.4 The City and State Highway Division.should consider combining access points along Franklin BoulevardlMcVay Highway and Glenwood B'oulevard when reviewing new development proposals. ' System-Wide Policy F.Il: Develop or promote intennodallinkages for connectivity and east of transfer along all transportation modes. System Improvements: Transit Policy F.18;.1mprove.transit service and facilities to increase the system's accessibility, attractiveness, and convenience for all users" including the transportation disadvantaged population. ' Transportation System Improvements: Pedestrian Policy F.26: Provide for a pe~estrian environment that is well integrated, with adjacent land 'uses and is designed to enhance the safety, comfort, and convenience of walking, Transportation System Improvements: Pedestrian Policy F.2?: Provide for a ,:ontinuous pedestrian network with reasonably direct travel rout~s between destination points. ' , .' '.' ." r Date Received: Transportation System Improvements: Pedestrian Policy F,28: Construct SIdewalks along urban 'area arterial and collector roadways, except freeways. ~;> JUL' _ 1 2009 Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 16 Original Submitt~1 -./ . . '. , . M;Uro Plan Policies: , See TransPlan nroiects list~, Line 5f'; !!lIprove City entries and landmarks Glenwood Refinement Plan Policies: I General Land Use Policies and'Implementation Strategies Policy 8: Recognize Franklin BoulevardJMcVay Highway and Glenwood Boulevard as important entrance corridors for both Eugene and Springfield., " , ',.. "!:." 8.1 Apply applicable Springfield Downtown Refinement Plan Desigo Element policies to the,FrankIin Boulevardi}.1cVay Highway and Glenwood ' Boulevard entrances until such time \I~ speCific Glenwoodbeautification policies are adopted, ' Franklin Boulevard/Willamette River Corridor Policyl: The City shall ensUre that'new development and redevelopment will aest1)etically and functionally enhance the Franklin Boulevard and McVay Highway corridors,' I , , 1,1 On a strip '100'feet deep and parallel to Franklin Boulevard and 'ihe McVay Highway use the Franklin Boulevard or McVaYHighw~y Site Devel6pment Guidelines (whichever is' appropriate) through the ~ite plan review prqcess, " Line 58 Line 1i1, Line 61 ' ~- Relocate: remediate. re-use Lane County s~Ud waste facility Lane County courts/sheriff substation Provide other city/county DubUc service facilities Glenwood Refinement Plan, Policies: Public Facilities and Services Policy I: The City sh,all provide public facilities and services to Glenwood in a timely fashion and in response t'o requests for se:"ice. . 1.1 A variety of sources for funding public facilities and services should be ' , ideiltifiedand explored as to their feasibility, including but not limited to tax: increment finanCing, local improvement districts, block grants, and public/private partnerships. ' i' Public Safety I'olicy 2: Eugene and Springfield shall continue an enhanced joint response program in the Glenwoodarea, even aftercompleteannexationo~"I!f~a,\g . d' Springfield, and shaIl maintain Current levels of fire response time to the ~'8o~arPa~IVe . . ..'. , . ~ " ", Glenw.od Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 dUL - 1 2009 17 Original Submittal , '- '\' Public Safety Policy 3: As additional Glenwood properties annex to Springfield, there will be a need to construct a new fire station in the downtown area that can serVe all of Glenwood. , i I I I , I I I Metro Plan Policies: Growth Management Policy 1: The urban growth bouiidary and sequential development shall continue to be implemented as an essential means to,achieve compact urban growth, , The provision of all urban services shall be concentrated inside the urban growth boundary." , Growth Management Policy 8: Land-within the urban growth,boundary may be converted from'urbaniiable to urban only through annexation to a city when it is found ' , that: , i i a. ,', A minimum level of key urban facilities and serVices can be prOvided to ' the area in an o'rderly and',efficient manner: ' b. There will be a logical area and time within which to deliver urban services and facilities, Conversion ofurbanizable land to urban shall also be consistent with the Metropolitan Plan, Growth Management Policy 9: A full range of key urban facilities and services shall be provided to urban areas according to demonstrated need and budgetary priorities, Line 67 Line 68 Ex~and and imorove James Park Aco'uire and develon a neil!hborhood nark to meet the needs'of Glenwood residents' Acouire and develon a'multi-use communitv-scale nark. alonl! the WilIamette River with off-street oathwavs'. amonl! other ame'nities. Historic landmark oreservation and identification Prol!ram I i , I I I I Line 70 Linen Willamalane Parks and Recreation District Comprehensive Plan, Map & Policies: See Plan Diagram Map 2, Existing and Proposed Park and RecreatiQn Resourees Glen wood Refinement Plan Policies: Parks and Recreation Element Policies: I, The City and Willamalarie shall work with property owners,along those portions of the Willaniette River within the Glenwood area in recognition of the area's role as ' i part of the Willamette Greenway system and the community-wide resource o ate Received:1 represents. 'I GleilwDDd Urban Renewal Plan JUL - 1 2009 i November IS, 2004 18 I Original Submittal I , J', . 'it w '. 2. The City will consult with Willamalane and other public agencies ang private , landowners to coordinate acquisition of property and development of,public access and recreational facilities with preservation and enhancement of significant natural ' ,habitats and scenic conidors and with economicuse of those lands,ali::mg the river. 3: The City will defer to WillamaJane to consider the following park acquisition and development priorities in developing par~ and recreation services forFhe Glenwood area listed in priority order. See the Possible Park Site Map, Page 76. 'B. Explore the feaSibility of acquisition ofOlie or more parcels within or adj acent to the central residential area for redevelopment as a srhall neighborhood park. '. ":: .'.' ,. -.,. 'I ' . ' Consider future hind uses in determining ongoing use and devel9pment of James Park for Glenwood residents and investigate acquisition and development of alternative sites east of McVay Highway. Consiller the possible purchase of the old Glenwood School site for an expan~ion of James 'Park, thereby increasing the parks access and visibility from McVay , . Highway. ,', , , C. ., " If . Historic Qualities Policy I: The City shall recognize poten.tially historic ~esources that exist in.Glenwood and support historic preservati6n,efforts., :!. Metro,Plan Policies: ~' . I' . Historic Preservation Element Policy 1: Adopt and: implement historic preservation policies, regulations, and incentive programs that en'courage the inventory, ph:servation, and restoration of structures; landmarks; sites; and areas of c~ltural, historic,lor archaeological significance, consistent with overall policies.' Historic Preservation ElemehtPolicy2: Institute and support projects and programs that, . . '~ increase citizen and visitor awareness of the area's history and encourage citizen participation;in and support of programs designed to recognize and memorialize the area's history. ' , ij I, - Ii , ,. " ' . , . :1 Dat~ Received: " J, JUt- 1 2009 '., . .:;Ienwood Urban RenewalPlan Nov~berI5,2004 " , Original SUbmittal " 19 . 400. . PROPOSED LAND USES The'Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan confonnsto the Glenwood Refinement Plan. The Refinement Plan's Land Use Element (pp. 9-46) describes in detail the existing and proposed land uses (Zoning Map and Plan Diagram are Exhibit 2 of this Plan). Excerpts of the Refinement Plan relating to existing land use follow. Proposed land uses, policies, and implementation strategies are described in detail (pp. 21-46) for 10 sub-areas in Glenwood (see Plan Diagram). !'. . 'The Land Use Element addresses the population, housing, land use, and zoning characteristics of the Glenwood area. It provides direction ,on the way future growth and development should occur based on existing development patterns and zoning,and based on the goals and policies contained in the Metro Plan and related policy documents. i In general, diversity in type and ~ondition characterize the existing land use patterns in Glenwood.... While there are distinct residential and industrial areas, there are also other areas that are mixed commercial and industrial areas. Sites and structures are found in a range of standard and substandard conditions. I , I i The GIenwood area's unique combination and pattern ofland,uses are due in part to its central location between Eugene and 'Springfield and in part to its location along major transportation corridors. In,particular, the transportation corridors of Franklin Boulevard and the McVay Highway cater to automobile-oriented commercial/industrial uses and travel-oriented residential uses, such as mobile home/recreational vehicle parks, ' Glenwood's centrallocation'has also prompted large regional services to locate here;' such as the Lane County Solid Waste Facility and more recently Lane Transit District's (LTD) bus maintenance and operations facility. Much of Glen wood's development has occurred without benefit of City services and a ,majority of the area is still outside the Springfield city limits, This largely non-urban fonn of development has also affected Glenwoo'd 's,land use pattern. Most development ' has had to oc~ur without sewers, resulting in land-intensive rather than labor"intensive ' industrial uses. Also, because of sewer unavailability, much of the 618 acres ofland in Glenwood remains vacant or underutilized. ~n fact, there is more vacant land (27 percent or 167 acres) in Glenwood than in any other single land use category. ... , I ." The community of Glenwood has a population of approximately 1,330 people. Most of the residents 'are found either in the Central Residential subarea or in the eight mobile home parks located along Franklin Boulevard and the McVay Highway. Glenwood has a small average household size (1.82 persons) and a high percentage of . d' one-person households (43 percent). Glenwood has a significantly higher proPID'ttAecfKecelVe . elderly persons than Eugene or Springfield.." JUL . , 2009 Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15,2004: 20 Original submittal It il . "----' " ., .Glenwood serves an important function in the metropolitan area by pro~ding low-cost housing, including manufactured dwellings. Residential development in Glimwood . generally consists of single-family houses, manufactured dwellings on individual lots, and mimufactured dwellings in parks. The density in the residential area is ~.9 units per acre, .withinthe low-density residential range of 1-10 units per acre.... 'ii '.. .Glenwood has a very high percentage of manufactured dwellings compar~d with other tyPe:s of housing, There are 744 dwelling units in Glenwood. Of these, 72 percent are manufactui"ed dwellings, (66 percenlin parks and 6 percent on individuallot~) and 23 percent are single-family residences (See Figure 3 Page 12, Number of Residential Units' by Structure Type). There are 46 manufactured dwellings on individual lots 'in Glenwood, , , . These were established when Glenwood was under Lane CountY's jurisdictio,n. The City allows Type I manufactured dwellings on vacant lots, outside of manufactur,ed dwelling parks; andType land II manufactured dwellings within rrianufactufed dwelling parks. ... . . '. .,"" ::, . ...There are 167 single-family res;dences in Glen~ood. Of these, 42 percent1lare owner-occupied. Eugene's windshield survey conducted to determine genen\! housing quality has indicated that a majority (62 percent) of the residential structures'.in ., . . . II Glenwood are in need of major repair. ... . ",:, '" . Over the past 30 years, industrial development has gradually become, the single most predominant fonn of development (14 percent) in Glenwood. In line with this "industrial orie~tation, a majority of Glenwood's tolal acreage (59 percent) and 6(Glemvood's vacant acreage (65 percent) is designated in the Metropolitan Plan for light-medium industrial use. Industrial park sites and freestanding ihdustrial sites are'available for development as well. A majority of the land (68 percent) in Glenwood isals9 zoned for industrial'use,' " On the other hand, there is very little land developed (six percent), designated (eight percent), or zoned (two percent) for retail commercial uses. These commercial uses are located mostly along Franklin Boulevard.!. . f, About 116 acres of industrially zoned land in Glenwood is vacant. Of this total,a majority of these pafcels 'are five acres or lessin, size (There are 73 ac~es in .6:'7 parcels). Conversely, there are 43 acres, in five parcels that are six acres or larger (See ,figure 4 Page 13, Industrially Zoned U!,!developed Area). These figures indicate that most of the industrial land"in Glenwood is best suited for small to mid-~ize industrial use~." ' . .' . . ij , . ", ' , t, '.~ " " , " Date Received: '. ,I JUL;- 1 2009 i, '. GlenwoodUrban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 '. Original SUb~ittal .21 " , I;' 500. OUTLINE OF DEVELOPMENT The key component 'of this Glenwood Urbail Renewal Plan is to assist in providing basic infrastructure for not only the underdeveloped riverfront area so it becomes ideal for high quality, mixed use development, ,but also for the underused vacant and underdeveloped industrial sites so they can be vital to the economic growth of the City and Lane County; , This cannot readily be done without public involvement because of multiple ownerships; high hll1d prices; and parcels of size, shape, and lack of access that are not conducive to development. The Urban Renewal Plan includes projects, activities, and actions which treatthe causes of blight and deterioration in the Glenwood Urban Renewal Area: Project activities to treat these conditions include: '. , 'I, Assist in improvements to streets, curbs, and sidewalks to encourage new development in the project area, !IDd to address pedestrian and vehicular safety problems. 2. Assist in improvements'to water,'storm and sanitary sewer infrastructure to encourage new development in the project area: 3. Assist in activities to improve the visual appearance of the renewal area and provide a safer, more attractive pedestrian environment, including stieetscape and landscape improvemenls, and development of public parks and open spaces. 4. Authorization to consln!ct public parlGngJacilities, 5. Authorization to assist in the rehabilitation and renovalion of residential and commercial properties in ,the renewal Area, 6 Authorization to lend financial assistance to encourage property owners or potential redevelopers to undertake new construction projects within the project area. . 7. Authority to acquire'and dispose of land for public improvements, rights-of-way, utility improvements, and private development. ' 8. Administration of the Renewal Agency and Renewal Plan. Section 600 provides further description of each urban renewal project to be undertaken within Glenwood Urban Renewal Area. ' Date Received: JUL - 1 2009 Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15,2004 22 Original Submittal " I I I I I I i I ~ " . 600. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECTS TO BE UNDERTAKEN, In order to achieve the objectives of this Plan, the following activities will b~ undertaken on behalf of the City by the Springfield Economic Development Agency (SEDA) the City's Urban Renewal Agency in accordance with applicable federal, state, 'county, and city laws, policies, and procedures. The Urban Renewal Agency may fund these activities in full, in part, or seek other sources of funding for them. The description of projects her.ein provides general authority to undertake these activities. These projec\ activities may be modified, or expanded upon as needed to ineet renewal plan objectiyes. Changes will be undertaken in accordance with procedures for amendments to this, Pl:m, A. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Public improvements include the construction, repair, or replacement of sid6walks; streets, parking, parks and open spaces, pedestrian amenities, water, sanitary sewer and stonn sewer facilities, wetlands and riverside/riparian improvements, and other public facilities necessary to carry out the goals and objectives of this plan, , , ~ " , I. Street, Intersection, Bicycle, and Sidewalk Improvements. There arei'deficiencies in streets, curb, and sidewalks within the project area, including the lack of access to several large areas between Frankiin Boulevard and the WiIlamette River that need better public access to allow development to occur. Major deficiencies also exist along almosfall arterials, collectors and street corridors througIloutthe renewal area, To remedy these conditions, it is' the intent of the Rene~aI Agency to participate in funding sidewalk, roadway, and access improvements including design, redesign, constructio'n, resurfacing, repair and acquisition ofIight-of way for curbs, streets, sidewalks, and pedestrian and bicycle ways. i: ' ' 2. Stonn and Sanitary Sewer Systems and Electrical!Water Systems. City staff has identified a list of missing sanitary and stonn sewer systems that are needed ' throughout the Glenwood area and some imprpvements to electric arid water' services for potential industrial users. It is the intent of the SEDA to assist the utility providers in building new links and repairing and upgrading s~lected portions of these utility service systems to enhap.ce opportunities.or s,ecure development. ' , , 3" StreetscapeProjects. This activity will enable the S.EDA to participate in activities improving the visual appearance of the project area, To cariy out these objectives, the Renewal Agency will undertake a variety of improveinents to the ,appearance of key locations within the urban ~~newar area. These improvements may include street lighting, trash receptacles, benches, historical markers, street trees and landscaping, signage, or removal of trees that pose 'a safety hazard. ..: , Date Received: " ' " JUL - I 2009 , Glenwood Ur~anRenewal Plan November 15, 2004 23 Original Submittal .. . . .' 4. Pedestrian, Bike, and Transit Facilities. These activities will include pedestrian, bicycle and transit connections between the renewal project area' and the Downtown core and residential areas in Glenwood and across the Willamette River. Activities may include bikeways and paths, bicycle parking and storage, transit stops and pullouts, and other related activities which will promote pedestrian, bicycle, and public transportation uses in the renewal area. 5. Public Open Spaces. The Renewal Agency may participatein.funding the design, . acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of existing or new park sites or other appropriate public spaces, or parks or publi9 facilities within the urban renewal area, including improvements listed in the Willamalane Parks and Rec:reation Comprehensive Plan or Lane County Parks Division. 6. Public Safety Improvements. To achieve the objectives of this Plan, and to iarget public investments in a manner which benefits the Renewal area and Glenwood and Springfield residents,. the SEDA is authorized to improve, acquire or construct safety-related, health, and public-service-related. facilities within the . urban renewal area, including those in partnership with Lane County. , . . , 7. Public Parking Facilities. It is anticipated that development of commercial property in the renewal area may create demand for additional public parking within the renewal area.. Accordingly, the Agency is authorized to participate in . funding the acquisition and construction of new public parking facilities within the renewal area. . 8. Public Signage and Entrance Improvements. The.entrances to the Glenwood and Springfield communities have deficiencies in indicating the locations of tourism and oilier attractions of economic significance. The public face of the community is first reflected by the entrance signage and then by the acknowledgment and , recognition of natural, cultural, and historical assets and landmarks important to the'conununity'squality of life, development, and economy. The Agency' is authorized to provide suitable signage, markers, art and related improvements to signifY the major assets in Glenwood and the entrances to the City. The projects would.be developed'with recommendations from the Springfield Arts and Historical Commissions. ' I' i I I 9. Major Community Development Improvements. The locational qualities of much of Glen wood (bounded by Interstate-S and ,theWillamette River and between Springfield and Eugene) have not been achieved because of the lack of public . infrastructure and the difficulty of capturing an initial z,najor facility (like a civic center, conference center, athletic facility, hotel, etc.) to launch development or redevelopment that would anchor mixed-use development on the riverfront. The Agency is authorized to participate in providing public improvements, public parking, housing, and other public facilities as it deems necessary to ar:hieve the intent and objectives of the Plan. Date Received: Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15,2004 JUL - 1 2009 24 Original Submittal \ ,.~. . .~ t.., 6 II " 'w " J~_:~~~; l' II. REDEVELOPMENT THROUGH NEW CONSTRUCTION, , " " I. It is the intent of this Plan to stimulate new investment by public, private, non- profit, or community-based organizations on vacant or underutilized property to achieve the goals and objectives of this Plan, and in particular to assure that new investrnentsserve to benefit the existing residents and businesses in.;the area. Redevelopment through new construction may be achiflvedin two ~ays: (a) By public or private property owners"w(th or without financial assistance by the Agency;: (b) By, acquisition of property by the Agency for redevelopment':or resale to others for redevelopment. 2, Redevelopment and Rehabilitation Financing. The Renewal Agenc~1 is authorized to set guidelines, establish loan programs and provide below-marke\,interest rate and market rate loanS and provide such other forms of financial assistance to property owners and those desiring to redeyelop, rehabilitate, and acquire property, as it may deem appropriate in order to achieve the objectives of this Plan. These loan programs could include both rehabilitation assistance for residential;commercial and industrial structures 31)d sites. The obligations of the redeveloper, if any, shall be in accordance with Section 800 of this Rlan, The obligations of an owner-occupied reSidential structure will be develd'ped to assist primarily low_ and moderate income households in correcting health and safety problems. ' , C. PRESERVATION, REHABILITATION, DEVELOPMENT AND, REDEVELOPMENT This acti~ity will enable the Renewal Agency to carry out Council: Metro Plan, and Glenwood Refinement Plan objectives for improving the appearance theprdject area, and encouraging infill and reuse in the project area. The Renewal Agency may participate, ' . through loans, grants, or bot!)., in maintaining and improving exterior and interior conditions of buildings in the renewal area, The Renewal Agency also is authorized to provide loans or other forms of financial assistance to propertY owners, or persons desiring to acquire or lease buildings or. land from the Agency. The Agenc~;may make this assistance available as it deems necessary to achieve the objectives of this Plan: " D. PROPERTY ACOUISITION AND DISPOSITI01'{ I, In order to carry out the objectives of this PIal), the Renewal Agency is authorized to acquire land or buildings for public and private development purposes. The procedures for acquiring and disposing of property are described in Sections 700 and 800 of this Plan. Date Received: E. PLAN TECHNICAL STUDIES AND ADMINISTRATION, JUl - I 2009 GlenWDod Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 25 Original Submittal It is the intent of this Renewal Plan to provide for the effective and efficient administration of the Plan and to plan for the various activities contained in the PlWl in a financially responsible manner. Project funds may be utilized to pay indebtedness associated with preparation of the urban renewal plan, to carry out design plans, miscellaneous lWld use and public facility studies, engineering, market, and other technical studies as may be needed during the course of the urban renewal plan. Project funds may be utilized to pay for marketing materials and programs to assist in carrying out the objectives of the redevelopment plan. Project funds also may be used to pay for personnel and other direct administrative costs incurred in management ofth(: renewal plWl. ' 700: PROPERTY ACOmSITION PROCEDURES, Acquisition of real property may be necessary to carry out the objectives of this Plan. Property for public or private preservation, rehabilitation, development, or redevelopment may be acquired by gift, eminent domain or any other lawful method for the purpose of the redevelopment. The purposes and procedures for acquisition under this Plan are: , I The Renewal Agency. is authorized to acquire property within the Area, if necessary by any legal means to achieve the objectives of this Plan, Property acquisition, including limited interest acquisition, is hereby made a part of this Plan and may be used to achieve the objectives of this Plan. All acquisition of property will require an amendment to the plan as .set forth in Section 900 of this Plan. A. ACOUISITION REOUIRING CITY COUNCIL RATIFICATION. City Council ratification is required for Renewal, Agency acquisitions for the lollowing purposes: I. Assembling lWld for development by the public or private sector. Such acquisition, shall be undertaken, only following completion of an amendment to this Plan as set forth in Section 900.C of this Plan, The City Council shall ratifY the amendment to this Plan by resolution, 2. Where conditions exist that may affect the health, safety and welfare of the Area and it is d~termined that acquisition of ,such properties and demolition of the improvements thereon are necessary to remove substandard and blighting conditions, acquisition shall be undertaken only following completion of an amendment to this Plan as set forth in Section 900.C of this Plan. The City Council shall ratifY the amendment to this Plan by resolution. ' I I , , , , , , 3. Acquisition for any purpose that requires the use of the Agency's powers of eminent domain. Such acquisition shall be undertaken only following completion of an amendment to this Plan as set forth in Section 900.C of this Plan. The City Council shall ratifY the amendment to this Plan by resolution. : Date Received: ' I, JUL- 1 2009 Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15,2004 26 Original submittf>\ ~ 'i , '-, ) ~:" . . ~ .~. " Ii " " I' , B. (' ~. ,. . .' . . -. . , . .\ ACQUISITION NOT REOUIRING CITY COUNCIL RA HFICA TION., . . 11 Land acquisitio~ not requiring City Council ratification requires ~ amend~ent to this Plan as set forth in Section 900.D of this Plan. The minor amendment to the'Renewal Plan may be adopted by the Renewal Agency by Resolution. Th~ Agency ~ay acquire land without Council ratification where the following conditions exist: " I. Where it is determined that the property is needed to provide public " improvements and facilities as follows:, ," , :it a. Right-of-way acquisition for streets, alleys or pedestrian ways; ::' . b. Right of way and easement acquisition for water, sewer, andothef:utilities c, Property acquisition ,for public use or for public buildings and facilities 2, Where tl)e owner (>f feat property within the .bound,aries of 0e Area ~ishes, to convey lIUe ofsucp property by any means, mcludmg by. gtft: ;, ' C. PROPERTIES TO BE ACfllJIRF.D " " At the time this plan is prepared, noproperties.are identified for acquisition!jIfplan amendments to acquire property are approved, a map exhibit shall be prepafed showing the properties to be acquired and the property will be added to the list of properties to be acquired. The list of properties acquired will be shown in t,his section of the Plan. The map exhibit shall be appropriately numbered and shall be included in Part Two as an official part of this Urban, Renewal Plan. ' ,I ' 800. PROPERTY DISPOSITION AND REDEVELOPERS', OBLIGATIONS'" A, PROPERTY DISPOSITION AND REDEVELOPMENT The Renewal Agency is aulliorized to dispose ofacquired properly by sale, lease" exchange, or other appropriate means for redevelopment and development u~es and purposes specified in this'Plan. Ifproperty is identified for acquisition in thi~ plan, the Agency proposes to comnuince disposition of property within five (5) years froin the date of identifYing those properties in this p13l), and to complete disposition within ten (10) years from such approval. Properties shall be subject to disposition by sale, lease or dedication for the following purposes: ii, .!f 1. Road, street, pedestrian, bikeway, and'utility projects, and other righi~of-way improvements listed in Section 600 of this plan. " . '; 2. Construction of public facilities in Section 600 of this plan. Date Received: 11 JUl - I 2009 Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan 'Novemberl5,2004 27 Original Submittal .r.., 3. Redevelopment by private redevelopers, for purposes consistent with the uses and objectives of this plan. Such disposition will be in accordance with the terms ofa Disposition & Development Agreement between the Developer and the Renewal Agency and with the Redeveloper's obligations in Section 800 B of this, plan, The Renewal Agency may dispose of any land it has acquired at fair reuse value arid to define the fair reuse value of any land. B. REDEVELOPERS' OBLIGATIONS Redevelopers within the Urban Renewal Area will be subject to controls and obligations imposed by the provisions of this Plan. Redevelopers also will be obligated by the, , following requirements: " I. The Redeveloper shall develop or redevelop property in accordance with the land- use provisions and other requirements specified in this Plan and in thfl legally applicable local land, use plans for the Glenwood Urban Renewal Area. 2. The Renewal Agency may require the redeveloper to execute a development , agreement acceptable to the Renewal Agency as a condition of any form of assistance by the Renewal Agency. The Redeveloper shall accept all r:OIiditions and agreements as may be required by the Renewal Agency. 3. The Redeveloper shall submit all plans and specifications for construciion of improvements ori the land to the Renewal Agency or its designated agent, for review and approval prior to distribution to reviewing bodies 'as required by the G~ ' 4. The Redeveloper shall commence and complete the development of such property , for the use provided in this Plan within a reasonable time as determin"d by the Renewal Agency. S. The Redeveloper shall not affeCt any instrument ~hereby the sale, lease, or occupancy of the real property, or any part thereof, is restricted upon the basis' of age, race, color, religion, sex, marital status, or national origin. 900: AMENDMENTS TO THE URBAN RENEWAL PLAN It is anticipated that this Renewal Plan will be reviewed intermittently during the execution of the Project. The plan may be changed, modified, or amended as future conditions warrant. Types of Renewal Plan amendments are: A. SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENTS Date Received: Substantial ,amendments consist of: .JUL - 1 2009 Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan Noveinber IS, 2004 28 Original. Submittal .' ,,/ " . , I, Increases in the Glenwood Urban Renewal Area boundary in cumul~tive excess of I % shall be a substantial amendment requiring approval per ORS';457.09S and notice as provided in ORS 457.120. 2. Increasing the maximum amount of indebtedness to be issued under:the plan shall be a substantial amendment requiring approval per ORS 457 .095 and notice as provided in ORS 457.120, . " " i! 'I: B. SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENTS NOT REOUIRING SPECIAL NOTICE r - .'. ~I , The following Plan amendments will require approval perORS 457.095 bul'will not ,require special notice as provided in ORS 457.120: '" 1. The addition of improvements or activities which represent a substan;tial change in the purpose and objectives of this Plan, and which cost more than,~SOO,OOO, shall be a Substantial amendment requiring approval per ORS 457.095, but not requiring notice as provided in ORS 457.120. The $500;000 amouni1will be ' adjusted annually from the year 2004 according to the "Engineenng News Record" construction cost index for the,Northwestem l.!nited States. ( j. 2. The addition of improvements or activities that substantially alter the goals ,and objectives of the Urban Renewal Plan, .' C, OTHER AMENDMENTS REOUIRING COUNCIL APPROVAL " The following Plan amendments must be approved by the Renewal Agency by resolution and presented to City Council for required approval by City Council: resoluti~n: . Ii I. Acquisition of property for purposes specified in Sections 700A of this Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan, ' . ~ D. OTHER AMENDMENTS , " Minor amendments maybe'approved by the RenewalAge~cy in resolution form. Such amendments are defined as: I. Amendments to clarifY langua~e, add'graphic exhibits, make minor J!odifications in the scope or location of improvements authorized by this Plan, or other such modifications which do not change the basic planning or engineering 'principles of the Plan.' I, ' i' 2. ,Acquisition of property for purposes specified in Section 700 B I and )32 of this plan., " ;1 , 3. Addition of a project substantially different from those identified in S~ctions 600 ' of the Plan or substahtialmodification ora project identified inSectidh 600 if the d' " "addition or modific~tion of the project costs less than $500,000 iIO~4)di5tfafiF,l\Ve ' qlenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15,2004 29 , JUL - 1 2009 Original submitt"" - ""' ,I , 4., Increases in the urban renewal area boundary not in cumulative excess 9f I %. .1000. MAXIMUM INDEBTEDNESS The Maximum Indebtedness authorized under this plan is thirty-two million !light hundred s~ty thousand dollars ($32,860,000), This amount is the principle of such indebtedness and does not include interest or indebtedness incurred to refund or refinance such indebtedness. I I I I, I 1 I 1100. FINANCING METHODS A. GENERA~ The Urban Renewal Agency may borrow money and accept advances, loans, grants and other forms of financial assistance from the federal goveriunent, the state, city, county or other public body, or from any sources, public or private for the purposes of paying indebtedness incurred in undertaking and carrying out this Plan. In addition, the Agency may borrow money from or lend money to a public agency in conjunction with a joint undertaking of a project authorized by this Plan. If such funds are loaned, the Agency may promulgate rules and procedures for the methods and conditions of payment of such loans. B. TAX INCREMENT FINANCING It is contemplated that the project will be, financed in whole or in part by tax increment 'financing, as au!horized in ORS 457.420 through ORS 457.450: C. PRiOR INDEBTEDNESS Any indebtedness permitted by law and incurred by the Urban Renewal Agency or the City in connection with preplanning for this Urban Renewal Plan shall be repaid from tax 'increment proceeds generated pursuant to this section. 1200. RELOCATION The Agency will provide relocation assistance to all persons or businesses displaced temporarily or p~rmanent1y by project activities. Those displaced will be given assistance in finding replacement facilities. All persons or businesses which may be displaced will be contacted to detennine such relocation needs. They will be,provided infomlation on available housing or space and will be given assistance in moving. All relocation ". I activities will be undertaken and payments made in accordance with the requireplents of i ORS 28 1.045-28 1.I 05 and any other applicable laws or regulations. i ' Date Receive:d: ' f' " I 5-1' , JUL - 1 2009 Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15, 2004 30 Original Submittal " .' . ., Relocation payments will be made as provided in ORS 281.060. Payments made to persons displaced from dwellings will assure that they will have available to them decent, safe, and sanitary dwellings at costs or rents within their financial reach. PaYment for moving expenses will be made to residents and businesses displaced. The Renewal Agency may contract with Oregon Department of Transportation or other pfu:rles to help administer its relocation program.' , Ii If " :; 'I '. 1300. DEFINITIONS The following definitions will govern the construction of this Plan unless the context otherwise requires: " , "Agency", "Renewal Agency", "Urban Renewal ,Agency", "Springfield Economic' , Development Agency", or "SEDAn means the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Springfield, Oregon, i "Area" means the area included within the boundaries of the Springfield Uroan Renewal Plan, " "City" means the City of Springfield, Oregon: "City Council" means theCit)< Council of the City of Springfield, Oregon, "Comprehensive Plan" 'means the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan and its implementingordinances, policies, refinement plans, and development standju-ds. "County" means the County of Lan~, State of Oregon. .;1 '''Displaced'' person or business means any person or business that is requireq, to relocate ' as a result of action by the Urban Renewal Agency to vacate a property for public use or purpose. 'I , "Disposition and Development Agreement" means anagree~entbetween'theUrban Renewal Agency and a private developer which sets forth the terms and conditions under which will govern the disposition ofland to a private developer. ,: , "Exhibit" means an attachment, either narrative or map, to the Urban Renewal Plan for the Springfield Urban Renewal Area, Part Two -Exhibits. "ORS" means Oregon ~evised Statute (State Law) and spedfically Chapter~'S7 thereof.' . I~ "Plan" means the Urban Renewal Plan for the Springfield Urban Renewal Area, Parts One lind Two. ' , ]', - Date Received: Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan November 15,2004 ;1 JUL - 1 2009 31 ,Original Submittal r I, i q "Plan Area" means the ,area included within the boundaries of the Springfield Urban Renewal Plan. ' . 1 I- I I 1 "Planning Commission" means the Planning Commission of the City of Springfield, Oregon. ' , "Project, Activity or Project Activity" means any undertaking or activity within the Renewal Area, such as a public improvement, street project or other activity authorized, and for which implementing provisions are set forth in the Urban Renewal Plan. "Public Safety Project" means projects intended to assist police, fIre, ambulance, and emergency services in the City of Springfield or in Lane County within the Plan Area. "Renewal Area" means the area included within the boundarieS of the Springfield Urban Renewal Plan. "Report" means the report accompanying the Plan, as provided in ORS 457.085 (3). "Redeveloper" means any individual or group acquiring property from the Urban Renewal Agency or receiving financial assistance for the physical improvement of privately or publicly held structures and land, "SEDA" means the Springfield Economic Development Agency. "Text" means the Urban Renewal Plan for the SpringfIela Urban Renewal Area, Part One " Text. "Urban Renewal Area", "Springfield Urban Renewal Area", "Urban Renewal Area", or "Renewal Area" means the geographic area for which this Urban Renewal Plan has been approved. The boundary of the Urban Renewal Area is described in Exhibits made apart of this plan, Springfield Ur1:ian Renewal Plan Exhibit 1 -Boundary Map and Legal Description Exhibit 2 -Zoning Map and Plan Diagram ! " Date Rec:eived: JUL -1 2009 Original Submittal Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan No~~ber 15. 2004 32 11 .. _/ ~~ GLENW'OOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN - EXHIBIT I, PAGE I ; Orioinal SUQmittal ,J. "" . . " " EXHIBIT 1-2 1 I 1 Beginning at the point of intersection of the centerline of the Interstate Highway 1-5 right of way, in Section 33, Township17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon with the centerline of the Willamette River; thence'along the City, , limits line, Easterly and Southerly (upstream) alon.g the centerl[ne of'the Willamette. River, 13,000 feet,more or less, to a point at right angles from a point on the Westerly bank where the Easterly right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad intersect lhe Westerly bank (mostsoutherly point of tax lot 1,!-Q3-02-32-03800); thence Westerly at . right angles to,the Centerline of the river, 200 feet, more or less,'to the Ipst said point of intersection on the West bank of th,e WilIamette River; thence Northerly along the ' Easte~y right of way of th,e Southem Pacific Railroad to a point of intersection with the Easterly right of way of McVay Highway (State Highway 225); thence Southerly,along the Easterly right of way ,of said Highway to a point of intersection with the Westerly right of way of the S,o,uthem Pacific Railroad; thence Westerly, ,crossing said Highway, right of way to a point on the Westerly right of way which is the Southeast comer of that tract of land c;lescribed in a deed froni:Helene Macauley to Edward Macauley filed and recorded September 27, 1982 in Reel 1212Rat Reception No. 8228958, Lane County Official Records, Lane County, Oregon (current tax lot 1803034000700); 'thence Nmthwesterly alon9'the Southerly I,ine of the last said tract to the Southwest corner thereof, said point is on the Easterly right of way of Interstate Highway 1-5; thence Southwesterly at right angles the centerline of 1,5 120 feet, more or less to a point on the centerline of 1-5; thence along the centeriine of 1_5 Northerly and Westerly, 10,000 feet, more orless,to the, point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. i I ,', 1 I I i i , I , {. I ,I L ~;. Date Received:' .... JUL - t'2009 ' . , I I ! i .' Original Submittal ,.", Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan, Exhibit 1, Page 2 , " . = '--J ' ZONING July, 1999 ZONING o Commercial, ~: _J Light Medium Industrial Low Oensity Residential L'l Medium Density Resldentiel _ Public Land and Open Space o General Office - City Limits N A , NOTE: IUF 10 Urbanizable Fringe ~Jay Di.1frict at/ached 10 zoning ouu/rk t'!e c!ty Ilmltr J o 500 1000 ,Fee, l G. L' .0 te O'D Jl1 - 2009 Orig~. I 51 bmuta,_ E o N w GLEN WI 000 URBAN RENEWAL PLAN - EXHIBIT 2, PAGE 1 " r " " @ ~. '. -R":', I.,.... ,~ PLAN DIAGRAM N lilly, 1999 A Plan Designations ~ Commercial , ,Commerciallndustrial/Mixed Use "(:' Light Medium Industrial , c:J Low Density Residential D Commercial/lndusl1ial/Mulli.Femily Resipenlial Mixed Use . Parks and Open Space ~ Public Land o 500 1000 Feet G L E N w o o . " -----' , D ---.- ---- .----,.-.. -VI~ GLENWtOOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN - EXHIBIT 2, PhGE 2 . ~ , " ',' . GLENWOOD URBAN' RENEWAL PLAN , PART TWO EXHIBITS: . >' REJ>ORT ON THE GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN:: 'November 15, 2004 Springfield Economic Development Agency November 2004 ' l' '..,~. : Date Received: , JUL -'1 2009 .:. .," '...!. ,.;." I'V' -- .,.....~,..- ". , , ..... Ori~inal Submittal 'I" . w .' GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This urban renewal plan was prepared with funding assistance from the City of Springfield. Springfield citizens participated in 14 workshops leading to the preparation of the renewal Plan ' and Report. Staff Assistance Michael A. Kelly, CitY Manager Cynthia Pappas, Assistant City Manager William Grile, Development, Services Director John TamuIonis, COll)l11unity Development Manager Urban Renewal Consultant Charles Kupper, Spencer & Kupper r Date Received: " JUL .'1 2009 Original Submittal Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan-Report 2 November IS, 2004 .. , I I I I i 1 1 I 1 ' ! , I I I I , , , , I' " '" . '.....~- .. . . y REPORT ON THE GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN ,0 , TABLE OF CONTENTS , ,'; i;, i: ,11 ,Page PROJECT BACKGROUND.............................................................................;..........,~...................,..... 4 -. Jl INTRODUCTI()N TO ANALYSIS OF BLIGHTING CONDITIONS ....................;......................... 6 100, DESCRIPTION OF THE PHYSICAL, SOCIAL'AND ECONOMIC . . -, . I' CONDITIONS IN THE RENEWAL AREA ............................;.................................;......................... 7 100R SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CONDITIONS...........................:..........:.~...........:.........................11 . d . . ,'- ,', . r , . ." , 200. EXPECTED FISCAL, SERVICE AND POPULATION IMPACTS OF PLAj\/..:.....................ll 300. REASONS FOR SELECTING THE URBAN RENEW AL AREA ...................;...........:............13 - -'. '. . . - ., <, 400. RELATIONSlllP BETWEEN'EACH PROJECT ACTMTY AND EXISTING CONDITIONS IN THE PROJECT AREA ................................:.....................................14 ' , , . 500. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS, OF PLAN .............................,....................................~..........................14 , : SOOA. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST AND REVENUE SOURCES.........:......:.....L......................14 ' " I~ SOOB.ANTlClPATED'START & FINISH DATES OF PROJECr,ACTIVITIES...:...........:............16 , SOOC.ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND YEAR OF DEBT RETIREMENT ....:.........................16 soon. IMPACT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCIN9.................................;............:~.......................21 '- ',' ,- 1 SOOE. FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY OF PLAN.................;.......O:...........:.............;.................................2S ' . '. . I 600. RELO,CA TION ...............:..;...................................:,...:.;..:;.....:...................:.:......,.:;...:............,:.....25 . . "'~ . I: Date Received: ',; ,; JUl ,. j 2009 I ;.t . Originall?ubmjttal , , , . Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan-Report 3 .,....., , .' November!IS, 2004 -. '. , . REPORT ON THE GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN PROJECT BACKGROUND The primary purpose of the Glenwood urban renewal plan is to revitalize the emerging industrial , areas of this western part of Springfield and to redevelop the Willarriette River-front areas along the north and easterly portions of Glenwood, The intent is to create jobs by attracting new industrial business, building housing, and attracting commercial businesses to the mixed residential-commercial zoned areas of Glenwoo.d along the Willainette riverfront, The renewal plan builds upon other work and study efforts focused on Gle~wood. They include the Glenwood Refinement Plan (1999), the Glenworid Jurisdictional Study (1997), the Glenwood Riverfront Plan (2004), and the Willainalane Parks and Recreation Comprehensiye Plan,(2004). , , The Glenwood urban renewal area is larger than the Glenwood Riverfront Plan project area of 2004' and incorporates that area within its boundary. The General Introduction to Land Use (p. 9) in the GJenwood RefInement Plan forms a good general summary of the current state of conditions within the Glenwood Urban Renewal area. It states: "In general, diversity in type and condition characterize the existing land use patterns in Glenwood (See the ExistingLand Use Map on Page 14), While there are distinct residential and industrial areas, there are also other areas that are mixed commercial and industrial areas. Sites and structures are found in a range of standard and substimdard conditions, ' , The Glenwood area's unique combination and pattern ofland uses are due in part to its central location between Eugene and Springfield and in part to its location along major transportation corridors. In particular,the transportation corridors of Franklin Boulevard and the McVay Highway cater to automobile-oriented commercial/induslJial uses and travel~oriented residential uses, such as mobile home/recreational vehiCle parks: Glenwood's central location has also prompted large regional services to locate here, 'such as the Lane County Solid Waste Facility and mOre recently Lane Transit District's (L TD) bus maintenance and operations facility: Much of Glen wood's development has occurred without benefit of City sl:rvices and a majority of the area is still outside the Springfield city limits. This largely non-urban form of development has also affected Glenwood's land use pattern. MO,st development has had to occur without sewers, resulting in land-intensive rather than labor-intensive industrial uses, Also, because ofsewer unavailability, much of the 618 acres ofland in Glenwood remains vacant or underutilized." A general lack of urban services has restricted development, hindered redevelopment, and constrained widespread improvement in the quality of life in Glenwood. With a strong s~~ Received: residential community and neighborliness, the residents have an ambitious vision aD.d direction' : . . . I outlined in the Refinement ~lan. However, most of the problems are physical and need fund~\jL _ 1 2009: Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan-Report 4 , , I Novembe; i S~al Submittal-+_,-- i I '. Jl "- ' be built or thal'vision will not be realiied. The Glenwood Urban Renewal Pl~ is intended to be the combination' of projects and funding to riverco!lle the problems and achievel!he vision in the . Refinement Plan (pp. 7-8): l. 2, 3. 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. " 9. 10, II. 12, "II. COMMUNITY VISION Glenwood as an area tliat provides a strong sense of residential cOlnJmInity and ' neighborliness and affordable housing. ' , :: , Glenwood as a prime industrial location which allows industrial and re,sidential development to be compatible with one another, " i, Franklin Boulevard and the McVay Highway as attractive commerciallcorridors with safe pedestrian and bicycle access. , " j The Willamette River frontage as an,area that is accessible to tlie publi~ arid is de~eloped with a compatible mixture of uses that take advantage of the river's aesthetic and ., 1r 'recreational assets.. " ' :' Glenwood as an area that is easily accessible for pedestrians, bicyclists; and motorists to both Eugene and Springfield.' , Glenwood as an area in which full urban services will become available over time, with panicular attention to provision of sanitary sewers. !. m. COMMUNITY DIRECTION Maintain and improve Glenwood's sense 'of identity and community as!it tr3nsitions ioto ,the City. " Maintain the viability of the residential area within Glenwood by con.s6rving and upgrading the quality of existing housing wherever possible while retaining its affordable cbaracter. '.' Ii ' , Promote'Glenwood as an attractive'industrial area because of. its easy a"cess to 1-5 and rail service, its convenient location between Eugene and Springfield, and the availability of a !,ariety of sizes of vacant industrial parcels. ,'" " Reduce conflicts between industrial 'and residential development throu@. use of ~ite, review procedures. " Foster Franklin Boulevard,and the McVay Highway as a desirable commercial location while impr()ving its visual quality. ' . ' \" Encourage a variety of commercial, industrial; and residential uses as ah integral part of the Glenwood community. ~ it , Promote use of rail service as a viable method of transport of industriaFmaterials and goods. ' - , . . -'. . O. '..' .. Improve bicycle and pedestrian access into, .out of, anci withinGlenwo~d and along,the river. . 'j., Provide urban services in a timely way, including providing sanitary sewers to those who need them, improving street drainage, ensuring timely public safety resPonse, and" " maintaining the viability of James Park or other park' facilities, ' , Be sensitive to annexation concerns and provide for voluntary annexation wherever feasible, ' " Pr~vide access to the river and promote development opportunities alo~g the river, which take advantage oflhe river's natural assets and are sensitive to the riverenvironment. Improve the community's quality of life by addressing such issues as litter and noise Pollution. I: 1! '. -' . . , The ~xistence of blighting conditions extends throughout the larger area covered.:b.v the R " d" Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan. " :pate ecelve.. , , ' " " 'i ' , Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan-Report . "'I"" " 'c......\ 5 '; JUL - 1 2009 November 15, 2004 Original Submittal I' 'W . DEFINITION OF BLIGHTING CONDITIONS ORS 457.010 defines "blight" as follows: (underlining is added for emphasis) "Blighted areas mean areas which, by reason of deterioration, faulty planning, inadequate or improper facilities, deleterious land use or the existence of unsafe structures, or any combination of these factors, are detrimental to the safety, health or welfare of the community. A blighted area is characterized by the existence of one or more nfthe following conditions: "The existence ofbuil~ings and structures, used or intended to be used for living, ~ommercial, industrial or other purposes, or any combination of those uses, which are unfit or Unsafe to occupy for those purposes because of anyone or a combination of the fOllowing,conditions: "Defective design and quality of physicalconstru~tion; "Faulty interior arrangement and exterior spacing; "Overcrowding and a high density ofpopulation; "Inadequate provision for ventilation, light, sanitation, open spaces and recreation facilities; or "Obsolescence, deterioration, dilapidation, mixed character or shifting of uses," "An economic dislocation, deterioration or disuse of-property resulting from faulty planning; "The division or subdivision and sale of property or lots of irregular form and shape and inadequate size or dm:ensions for property u~efulness and development; "The laying out of property or lots in disregard o~ contours, drainage and other physical characteristics of the terrain and surrounding conditions; "The existence of inadequate streets and other rights-of-way, open spaces and utilities; "The existence of property or lots or other. areas which are subject to inundation by water; , "A prevalence of depreciated values, impaired investments and social and economic' maladjustments to such an extent :tbat the capacity to pay taxes is reduced and tall, receipts are inadequate for the cost of public services rendered; "A growing or total lack of proper utilization of areas, resulting in a stagnant and unproductive, condition of land potentially useful and valuable for contributing to the publichelllth, safety, and welfare; or ' "A loss of population and reduction of proper utilization of the area, resulting in its further deterioration and added costs to the taxpayer for the creation of new public facilities and services elsewhere. " , , . 11 ' '. , rI!:lt' RecelVea:! Note that it is not necessary for each of the cited conditions to be present in theren~Wlll'1it~a, or i that these conditions are prevalent in each and every sector of the urban renewal area. JUL _ 1 2009 i Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan-Report 6 NovembeICh5glw@,pubmittal t -,/ 100. DESCRIPTIONQF THE PHYSICAL; SOCIAL AND ECQNOMIC CONDITIONS IN THE RENEWAL ~A !: 100A. PHYSICAL CONDITIONS , 'h 1. Land Area ,: The Glenwood Renewal Ai'eacontains approximately 618 acres ofland area, ORS 457.420 , provides that the total land area of a proposed urban renewal district, when add~d to the land area oJ existing Renewal Areas may not exceed 25% of the City's land area. The City's current land' ' area is approximately 9791 acres. The total of all acreage in renewal areas repr~sents 6.25%of. , the City~s land area. Totalrenewal area acreage is 'within the 25% limitation prescribed by ORS . : . '..... i' 457.420. ' '2. Existing LandVse and Development The Glen~ood Urban Renewal Area consists primarily of industrial land uses. The next largest landuseis for residentiaf purposes. There are a very limited number of residential uses scattered ' , throughout the project area. Commercial development is concentrated alongFrimklin Boulevard' that runs through the project area, This development is mostly strip commercial i and serves Glenwood and surrounding communities with a range of services, converiience, and comparison,' shopping opportunities, The'Glen~ood Urban Renewal Area c~ntains about 3ri'0 tax lots. The ' , " I' zoning of the tax lots is shown in 'Fable I, below. ' , , '. , I GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN I TABLE 1 I RenewalArea Zoning Breakdown I I Zoning Clllil~ I Light-Medium Industrial I Low-Density Residential" Community Commercial Public Land & Open Space I Medium-Density Residential I General Office I TOTALS: I I 1 I ,. Aooroximate I ' Acre~ % of Total 312 I 62.7% I 871 17.5%1 48 19.6% I 381 7.6%1 71 1.40/0 I 6 I 1.2%1 498 I 100.0% , , . - ~ Table 1 shows that industrial zoned land is 62,74%; commercial zoned land is 9.6% of the uses planned for (Henwood area; while t~tal residential uses are zoned, for about l8.9~. The renewal area boundary was drawn'tocreate a project area, that wa,s primarily industrial in nature,. the bulk of Glen wood, and mixed residentiaVcommercial along the Willamette riverfront ~in sc~ertd ived: ,pockets south and west ofFranklm Boulevard. " ' ~'uate e e ~ ,. '.A' Glenwood Urban; Renewal Plan-Report ; I:;;; I ;.( ~. . 7 JUL - 1 2009 NovemQFi~~~o~~bmittal "I" I WI ,.-...., Actions undertaken in the Glenwood Urban Ren~wal Area will help make more productive use ofland in Glenwood, 3. Building Conditions There nearly 400 buildings in the Glenwood Urban Renewal area, excluding manufactured homes. As a side note to Table. I , most buildings in the area are zoned for industrial and ' commercial purposes. Visual inspection of building exteriors in the area shows the overall level of building conditions and upk~ep is good for nearly 90% of industrial buildings. However, in scattered pockets, a significant number of industrial and commercial buildings exist in poor condition on Franklin Boulevard and Concord and Brooklyn Avenues; 'on Henderson, Seneca, 14th, 15th, Lexington, Mississippi and 19thAvenues; and on Nugget Way. The condition of some of these properties may make it economically infeasible to rehabilitate or repair them. 'The renewal area also contains vacant buildings in various states of disrepair; industri,a1(sub-areas' 4, 6,7,8, and 9); commercial (in sub-areas 1,6,7,8,9, 10); and residential properties (in sub~areas 1,2, 7, 8, and 9) in evident need of extensive exterior repairs to roofing, siding, foundations, ' steps, and exterior trim. A high proportion of the area's housing stock is in need of repair based ' on a windshield survey completed in the mid-1990's, 4. Conditions - Streets, Intersections, Sidewalk, and Storm I)Tainage The general level of this basic infrastructure in the project area is more consistent with a rural area than with an urbanized one. The following discussion includes a summary of these conditions: Most of the Glenwood area has been developed without an urban level of street improvements. This means that many of the streets are not well-defined by curbs and gutters, making it difficult I, to tell where the street stops and private property begins. Many of these streets are improved only to rural standards, have substandard rights-of way, or exist only on paper ,and are not developed at all. The existing improvements lack definition 'and- have inadequate drainage due to their many types of construction. ' In particular, there is no suitable, adequate, storm water drainage system for nearly the entire Urban Renewal area: In one of the few places it does exist~ the'Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) has indicated that its storm drainage pipe from Mississippi Avenue to I- S is old, undersized, and needs to be replaced. Existing intersection improvements do not readily allow differentiation oflocal'intersecting streets, through sidewalks, crossings, curbs, gutters, or signage, except with recent improvement near the Springfield bridges. There are few sidewalks. The few existing sidewalks are along Franklin Boulevard. They are both narrow arld discontinuous and at curbside, immediately next to that ~eavily used highway. Streetlights exist mostly along Franklin Boulevard and on streets that have annexed and at very wide spacing (below 'urban' stS!J.dards) elsewhere in Glenwood outside the city limits. Two intersections in Glenwood have inadequate lighting: the intersection of Glenwood Boulevard and 22nd Avenue an'dthe 1-5 on and off ramps. ' Date Received: JUL - 1 2009 Glenwood Urb!U) ~enewal Plan-Report 8 NOVel!lpl!fiAal ~iltal i " . - -- ~i . ", . , Except for the bike path connector to the Knickerbocker Bridge and on-street bike lane along .' I. Franklin Boulevard west of Glenwood A venue; Glenwood does not have bicycle'paths either on- or off-street for safe bike connections to and from Glenwood or for safe bicycle' travel within the . '. . .1 .' . Glenwood area. ' The' following are key areas in need of infrastructure assistance: From Henderson Boulevard on ilie west and easiward between Frank1in.Boulevardl McVay Highway and the Willamette Riv~: Deep lots with many older buildings, houses, and manufactured homes needing'lrepair," , rephicemeni, or upgrading; infrastructure in poor condition or non-existent; few, or no street improvements except aSphalt mat pavement in most of these areas and lack of roads providing suitable off-highway, internal access and circulation. ' 11' , , , 6, Conditions - Water and Sanitary Sewer Services and Other Urban Servi~es Water and sanitary sewer service ili the r~newal project area is in need ofrepair,;upgrade and maintenance, and are barely adequate for existing levels of deyel~pmenl. New dfvelopment ' would likely require additional sanitary sewer infrastructure or service improvements for looped ' .- 11 systems, pumping, or valvirig to meet greater demands andlortiming of new industrial uses. . I~ Springfield Utility Board (SUB)'is installing a major water linefro.m Downtown"Springfield to Glenwood to provide water fromSUB sources. The Glenwood system is in transition to SUB sources from the Eugene Water and Electric Board and the Glenwood Water Dis'trict as . . " annexation anddevelopmeIit Occur;' . Willamalane's Park and R~creation Comprehensive Plan (March 2004) notes th~; 'Glenwood residents have limited access to close-to-home parks (within a service area of \4 i~ y, mile , considering major barriers to access: major Streets, railways, topography). WillatnJ;)jete Received: identifies the diffi<;ulties in Glenwood and indicates a need to expand the WilIam,ette River park , ' , " i; JUl - 1 2009 ,; Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan-Report . :,-j'." .. ,. .,', 9 . b Novem~i!f,n~pmbmitta! I 1 I I i , I I . , 1 system, active recreation areas, river access, and expand recreation opportunitH~s for Glimwood ! residents. 7. Conditions - Visual Appearance The commercial core of Glen wood is aligned along Franklin Boulevard (called McVay Highway south of the Springfield bridges and,plirt of the State Highway system under the jurisdiction of the Oregon Department ofTransportation (ODOT)). Franklin Boulevard is characterized by a mix of strip commercial development of-varying styles and quality, most fronted by parking lots, ' and a mix of older, "main street" commercial properties on very small lots, with o'n1y oncsite parking. The "main street" area.has several vacant storefronts ilhd generally'shows more need of repair, There are overhead power lines throughout the area, adding to the visual clutter. Attractive street furniture, signs" banners, trees, landscaping, or other visual amenities are non- existent, rare, or scattered. , The Lane County Central Receiving Station is a transfer site for solid waste from,the metropolitan area. Solid waste is received and deposited in the facility's pit where it is compacted and then trucked to the Short Mountain landfill. The site also has a recycling station and a Composting project for yard waste. Because ofthe'riature of the activity, the facility does affect surroUnding areas in Glenwood. Physical appearance is not specifically listed as a condition of blight in ORS 457, however, appearance of modem industrial sites including green space, plantings, improved business frontage and parking areas, low extemal impacts, etc. are important to economically productive industrial and commercial sites and nearby properties. Economically underproductive sites are considered blighted.' As development and recteveloprrlent occurs in surrounding areas the Lane County Central Receiving Station should be ' evaluated to see if the facility may be redeveloped for other uses that are more productive economically and that enhance the area's overall redevelopment. i 8. Conditions - Land and Building Values . It is anticipated that the 2004-05 tax roll will establish the initial base of assessed values for the Renewal Area, The figures are not yet available for the total assessed valuation for the Glenwood urban renewal district for that year. The total assessed value of property within the Urban Renewal Area for the 2003-04 tax year is calculated at $74,480,444 in land and building values. The total assessed value of the Glenwood Urban Renewal Area represents about 2.9% of the total property valuation within the City of Springfield. Total certified values within all renewal areas therefore are expected to be well within the maximum 25% of total valuation allowed by urban renewal law. 9. Conditions - Investment and Utilization' of Land Real property values within the Renewal Area'llre largely concentrated in indu~trial and commercial property classifications, The overall vallie ofland to improvements in the Renewal Area is extraordinarily low for an urban area, especially an area that represents a major concentration of industrial uses and is developed to nearly urban densities. The real market value ofland in the renewal area is $50.07 million arid the real market value of improvements is , $74.48 million, The ratio of building value to land value is just under 1.5:1. Mature ur~eceiveq.: especially those that include so much commercial and industrial building, are expected to exhibit i ' JUL -1 20GS ! Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan-Report 10 'November l~riWl1411 Submittat . , j, . " " improvement to value ratios in the 4:1 or 5:1 'range. While this ratio C,an notbe expected in a redeveloping community like Glenwood, it is most unusual for building valuesiin a substantially developed part of an area to barely exceed land values. The data point to a laCK of investment in the renewal area, depreciated values; and a loss of tax producing ability for the1'olenwood project area. 'I tOOB. socIAL AND ECONOMIC CONDITIONS " t il Census d~ta for the renewal area itself,is not availalJle..However, according to the Glenwood " , Refinement Plan (pp. 11-12): 'i '. , "The community of Glenwood has a population of approximately 1,330rpeople. Most of the residents are found either in the Central Residential subarea or in th~ eight m'i:Jbile , home parks located along Franklin Bouleyard and the McVay Highway;" Glenwood has a small average household size (1.82 persons) and ahigh'percentage of one-person households (43 percent). Glenwood has a significantly higher proportion of ' elderly persons than Eugene or Springfield. Glenwood serves an import.int function in the metropolitan area by providing low-cost housing, including manufactured dweilings. . '. ,,' Residential development in Glenwood generally consists of single-family houses, manufactured dwellings on individual lots, and manufactured dwellings 'in parks. The density in the residential area is 6.9 units per acre, within the low-densitY residential ' range of 1-10 units per acre. . , Glenwood has a very high percentage of maimfactured dwellings compaj'ed with other types of housing. There are 744 dwelling units in Glenwood, Of these, 7?c percent are 'manufactured dwellings (66 percent in parks and 6 percent on indi viduaI:1ots) and 23 percent are single-family residences Number of Residential Units by Striicture Type). There are 46 manufactured dwellings on individuallo\S in GIenwood. These were established when Glenwood was under Lane County's jurisdiction. The City allows Type 1 manufactured dwellings on vacant lots, outside of manufacl11red dwellitlg parks; and TyPe I and II manufactured dwellings within manufactured dwelling parks. " , " . ...~. . '.. '. j' . '. , 1i There are 167 single-family residences in Glenwood. Of these, 42 percent are owner-occupied. Eugene's windshield survey conducted to determine geheral housing quality has indicated that a majority' (62 percent) of the residentialstrucnlres in ' Glenwood are in need of major repair." , , ' !: , 200. EXPECTED FISCAL, SERVICE, AND POPULATION IMPACTS OF PLAN ' :i ,Urban renewal plan activities are aimed at alleviating traffic, parking and pedestBan safety , problems, at repairing and, redeveloping property within the area, and at upgradin'g lighting, streets, sidewalks, open spa~e conditions and providing new or'upgraded infrasttiicture in the Re~e.'r~,1 ,!'-!..7a. The Urban R~newal Plan is expected to facilitate planned, orderlr _ Received: anliclpated 10 the Eugene-Spnngfield Metro Area General Plan and Glenwood Refinement Plan. o _ . Ii 'Ii ~i Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan-Report . .... " :"~ . " II JUl - 1 2009 .,Nbvemberhs, 2004 Original Submittal , .j: 'j" ., . The Plan is not expected to result in a need for any additional police, fire,br other emergency, services beyond those already contemplated by the City and other service providers. The Renewal Area boundary includes some proposed housing development. Carrying out the Renewal Plan is expected to result in population growth in Glenwood, with perhaps as many as 815 new housing units. But that growth is included in the overall population growth of the City' of Springfield over the next 20 years and the fiscal iinpactsare not significant relative to growth in other parts of the much larger Springfield city liJ?its. Renewal Plan activities, however, are not expected to influence the timing or scale of these developments. And therefore, carrying out the Plan is expected to have no impacts on School District 4J, given Gleriwood small size relative to the size of School Dis.trict 4J. Carrying out the Renewal Plan is not expected to have shy additional impact on water and sewer service needs, since the, utilities' planning include providing services to these and other utilities inthe urban renewal area. Project activities are not expected to require ,the relocation or removal of any residential or commercial properties by the renewal agency. _, ' Carrying outthe Renewal Plan will require the use of tax increment revenues. The tax impacts of the Renewal Plan are discussed in detail in Section 500 D of this report. The Renewal Plan is expected to produce positive fiscal and service impacts for Glenwood. Among the public benefits of the renewal plan are: . ,Street and circulation improvements will improve public safety and corive~ence. . Infrastructure improvements will provide better utility service and decrease public maintenance costs . New businesses will provide additionaI shopping convenience and reducl: vehicular trips and time. ., New development that enhances the river -experience will improve environmental conditions along the Willamette River. . Rehabilitation programs will preserve and renew,properties in residential neighborhoods and in commercial areas along Franklin Boulevard in Glenwood. . An increase in construction'expenditures and purchases kept in Glenwood will create secondary jobs. . The J3.enewal Plan will help the City of Springfield fund a number of projects listed in the City's Capital Improvements Prograin in the Glenwood Refinement Plan and in the ' Glenwood Riverfront Plan'for the Urban Renewal Plan Area. · The Renewal Plan will develop the opportunity areas between Franklin Boulevard and the Willamette River, now without suitable streets, public access or infrastructure for tourism, mixed commercial,residential, or other major development by providing urbBl1 . standard roads, supportive urban services and utilities, area-wide storm drainage systerrm and allowing public access and protection of the riverfront areas. '.> · Construction of a Lane County Sheriff substation/court facility and other city/county ~ public service facilities will help to provide a full complement of public safety, health (\) and other services thereby maintaining and enhancing safety in the renewal area and a::: ensuring that the proposed and existing development in the renewal area aresupported f5 and protected by adequate public services. ' ", 0 Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan-Report 12 November 15, 2004 , , , ! ~ . 1 I 1 I I , '~ = ~ , , !"'f., , .~ , -- 1..- , ,- I t: ..tl OJ i,,:f) , ' I~.. (iJ 'e 1.._ I .9.> ~ !O -- I -J ::J -, . The public and private investments made in the renewal area are likely to encourage new investment in areas adjacent to the renewal area. The value thus created can not,be quantified; but observation of renewal programs around the state indicates that there are spillover investment effects from a successful renewal program. There are other positive e,ffects of a renewal program that do not lend themselves easily to quantification, for they are quality of life issues. Retaining Glenwood's neighborly atmosphere, maintaining the Franklin Boulevard as the ilrtery of the area, improving housing, expanding cultural, and shopping opportunities along fue riverfront, and improving the appearance of Glenwood all have value to this area's sense of comrriunity. In fact, these qualities have been expressed as important community values and directlypnfluenced creation of this renewal,plan and its projects. ' , ';"', , " , The expenditure of tax increment funds is expected to produce new property values fo~ the City of Springfield. The renewal project is estimated to be completed by the year 2025. During that " , . period, property values in the renewal area are expected to increase,by approxiclately $254.3 . . . " million. At current property tax rates, the new property values anticipated in the renewal area will contribute over $4.07'million in property tax revenues in the first year after:the project is ended. Of that revenue, approximately $] .32 million will return to the PtY of Springfield. That . " , property tax'revenue will continue to grow thereafteras a result of increases in ~ual assessments. 300. REASONS FOR SELECTING T.fIE URBAN RENEWAL AREA . , The Urban Renewal Plan Area was selected based on Glenwood Refinement Plan and the Eugene Springfield Metro Area General Plan goals, objectives, arid policies and':'on the existence of blighting conditions within the area. The project area evidences the following characteristics of blight: . A lack of proper utilization ofland planned for tax producing purposes, . Deficiencies in streets, curb, sidewalk, water and sewer services in the project area. · ' Deficiencie.sin public recreation and open space opportunities. . Poor,visual and aesthetic conditions, contributing to a low level <!finvestjnent in the p.roject area. . . Poor building conditions in the .project area. . A prevalence of low values and lack of investment in the project area, and reduced tax receipts resulting ihere.from. Conditions within the Renewal, Area exist and satisfY the definitions of blight in pRS 457.010, Treating and curing these conditions are r~asons for selecting this renewal area. . 'Date Received: .',. .,;1 "JUL- 1 2009 , .,' I' '0' . -'I ~u""m'lt!'-' ngli1d ~ ". ,.i;!,______,__ " Glenwood Urban Renew.al Plan-Report 13 November, 15, 2004 ..L: 1. ~ .~ ' 400. RELATIONSIllP BETWEEN PROJECT ACTIVITIES AND EXISTING' CONDITIONS IN THE PROJECT AREA " 2. Unpaved streets, or those lacking curbs and sidewalks will be improved throughout the Renewal Area. Assistance for rehabilitation and new development will attract new investment to the area, 'and improve the building conditions and blighted appearance of the area. " , Streetscape activities will improve the Visual appearance of the area, and provide a better climate for new investment in the project area. Parking improvements will make it easier for tourists and visitors to shop, or take \' " , advantage of recreational O~portunities, thereby encouraging expenditures and new investments in the area. Improvements to parks, public buildings, and open spaces will treat deficiencies in thos'e areas. Administration and planning activities will assure the plan is carried out effectively and in conformance with applicable managerial and fiscal requirements, I I " 3. 4. s. 6. '500. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF PLAN SOOA. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST AND REVENUE SOURCES Table 2 shows the estimated total costs of the Glenwood Urban Renewal' Project. These costs are the total anticipated costs; allowing for 4% inflation during the life of the project. The principal method of funding the project share of costs will be through use of tax'increment financing as authorized by ORS 457. Revenues are obtained from anticipated urban renewal bond proceeds and the proceeds of short term urban renewal notes. Table 2 shows that the total costs of project activities are estimated at $23,600,000 in . 2004 dollars. Table 3 uses the costs in Table 2 and 2a and assumes inflation of3% annually of the project costs. The Maximum Indebtedness authorized under,thisplan is thirty-two million eight hundred sixty thousand Dollars ($32,860,000). This, amount is the principle of such indebtedness and does not inClude interest or indebtedness incurred to refund' or refinance such indebtedness. . , , " Date Receivei~: , 'I The capacity for urban renewal bonds is based on projections of urban renewal JUL _ 1 2009 i revenues. Anticipated annual revenues are shown in Table ~ of this Report. Table 3 anticipates there will be five long-term bond issues during the life of the plan. '1 S b '11 I ' , Oflglna u ml a Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan-Report 14 Novenloer 15, 2004 w " u " Bonds will be issued as revenues, project requirements, and overali 'bond :market . conditions dictate. In addition, the Renewal Agency will apply for, and ITIflke use of funding from other federal, state, local, or private sources as such funds become " available. " - IGLENWOODRENEWALPLAN I Table 2 I ESTIMATED COST OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES' I Develo'Dnient and RedeveloDment I PreDare industrial sites for develonment i Industri~ & business rehabiiitatioo loans I Clean-un unused and under-used sites I Redevelon narcels & buildin~s thru ontions. lease, etc.. Remove/renJace substandard buildin~s for mixed-use' I Public utility infrastructure I RiverCront.Imorovements .1 Mitigate wetlands. riverside/rioarian imorovements . I Malar Reeional Development" I Assist maior development (c.g.. civic center. holel. etc) I Neighborhood Safely & Heallb I Public sanitary sewer laterals/seotic system remediation I Low/moderate income housing I Relaca-tion assistance as needed I Transportation Improvements I Franklin Boulevard to 'urban"standards' I Intersection improvements I "Rights-of-way aCQuisition and urban.road consiru~tion ' I Lane CountY Project; I Study relocation of Solid Waste facility, decommission. c1ean-'up and re-use site . . I Sheriff substation/court facilities . Other County public services. -like medical clinic I WilIamalane Parks Plan Prolects I James Park improvements I New Glenwood Nei~bborhood Park ,[ New multi-use Community Park along WilIamette River I Glenwood historic, natural area, & landmark sil!Oage I Preservation & Rehabllltatlon I Housinwnei~hborhood rehabilitation oroll11UDS I Urb~n Renewal S~Dpori Market.g!"'t~cbnical, planning and other studies; appraisals, eD~ineerin~; etc. Progrnm Administration , TOTALS (2004 dollars) 1 I' , Glel1wood Urban Renewal Plan-Report 15 I I Estimated cost' ;' 1 Completion Date I 54,550.500' I 2015 1 I I I I , I I I 5875.000" , 1;1 52,000.000,1 " "~I 54.480.000' 1 ,I " I I 56.145,000'1 ;,1 ,I :I 51,900.000 ,I ;1 ,/ 51.050.000 :1 1 5550.000 I I I I 5350.000 I I I I 51.750.000 I 'I $23,600,000 I ::'1 :11 . . I 2010 I 2012 2015 I I 2014 I I I 20131 I I I 20131 I I I 2012 I I 2025 Date Recei~ ed: 2025 I JUi.- I lUU~ ;: Original Submittal Novbber 15, 2004 l. . 500B. ANTICIPATED START & FINISH DATES OF PROJECT ACTMTIES The proj'ect activities shown in Table 2 will begin in 2005. The sequencing and prioritization of individual project activities show.n in Table 2 and 2a will be done by the Urbail Renewal Agency and any citizen advisory bodies that the Agency calis upon to assist in this process. The priority of projects and annual funding will be as established in the annual budget process. Completion dates for individual - activities may be affected by changes to local economic and market conditions, changes in the availability of tax increment funds, and changes in priorities for carrying out project activities, especially with public partners like Lane County, Willamalane Parks District, and others. ' It is estimated that all activities proposed in this plan will be completed and projeci indebtedness paid offby 2025. At that time, the tax increment provisions of this plan can be ended: ' 500C. ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND YEAR OF DEBT RETIREMENT It is estimated that the Glenwood urban renewal district will collect tax increment revenue between the years 2005 and 2025, It is estimated that the district wiil produce'$36.7S million in tax increment receipts in that period, These funds will be utilized to finance project activities and pay debt service 'costs, including interest, associated with undertaking these project activities. ' It is anticipated that available project revenues and ,funds accumulated in a special fund for debt redemption will be sufficient to retire outstanding,bonded indebtedness in the year 2025 and terminate the tax increment financing provisions of the project. After all project debt is retired and the project closed out, ids estimated that there will be surplus tax increment funds, These funds will be distributed to, taxing bodies affected by this plan, as provided in ORS 457. Table 3 of this Report shqws the anticipated tax increment receipts for each year of the project and the use of those receipts, Table 3 follows on the next page. ,r Date Received: ~L r~' JIJL- 12009 Original submittal I, ! ,Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan-Report 16 November 15,2004 ~ GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN Table 3: RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS- Year 5 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009, 2010 RESOURCES Beginning Balance $5,213 $17,275 , $30,599 $52,471 $0 $10,929 Tax Increment Revenue." ,$145,943 $224,709 $307,611 $394,866 $624,228 $728,105 Delinquency 'at 3% average ($4,378) ($6.741) ($9.228) ($11.846) ($18,727) ($21,843) , . Proceeds of BorrowIngs $0 $922,000 $0, $0 $0 $0 Investment.Eamings at 2;5%,', ' $3,849 $5,748 $7,984 . $10,304 $16,371 $19,514 Total Res6urces. .J,. ..~; , '$145,213 $1,150,929 $317;275, $410,599 $652,471 $778,247 REQUIREMENTS Outlays on Projects . $140,000 $940;000 $100,000 $180,000 $400,000 $550,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total proJect costs funded In vear I $140;000 $940,000 $100,000 $180,000 $400,000 $550,000 Total Debt Service $0 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200;000 : Tolal Outlays $140;000 $1,140,000 $300,000 $380,000 $60n,00O $750,000 , T olal Resources $145,213 $1,150.929 ~31!.p5 $410.599.~ $652,471 $778,247 . . -- -~---...- --- --- ,Ending Bala'nce' , $5.~13 $10,929 $17,275 $30,599 $52,471 $28,247 o -. -0' ::r Ql (I) ~', .." t,-,., c:- 0- ',r-- :3 " ;:..: ~, ~ i I j - o 'Q) -+ , ~(I) :;:0, (I) o (I) <" '(I) a. ~ -',.'- ~ = to )Ienwood lhbau ReocwaI PIau 'RfO.nnrl Page 11 GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN Table 3 contInued: RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS RESOURCES 3eglnnlng Balance - fax Incremenl Revenue )eflnquency at 3% average 'roceeds of Borrowings nvestment Earnings al 2.5% rotal Resources REQUIREMENTS Outlays on Projects Total Drolectcosts funded.!n vear J Total Debt ServIce Total Outlays, , Total Resources Ending Balance o :3. lC 5' !!!." CIl C 0' 3 t1 ~ : "'''~;~~~~~:i~ o Q) .... (I) ;0 m - .-.0 CD <" Q) ,a. '- C r- ' '" c::> = tD I enwood Urban Renewal PIBil ' 2011 $28,247 $853,753 ($25,613) $6,600,000 $22,050 2012 $28,438 $987,os7 ($29.612) $0 $25,387 2013 $11,270 $1,128,490 ($33,855) $0 $28,494 Year 10 2014 $34,400 $1,409,311 ($42,279) $0 $36,093 2015 2016 $6,850,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $600,000 $600,000 $7,450,000 $1,000,000 $1,100,000 _p'.~8.438 _~.0~270~1.1~4.400 $28,438 $11,270 $34,400 $675,000 $6,600,000 $475,000 $~OO,OOO $1,350,000 $1,350,000 ${275,OOO $7,950,000 $1,825,000 $1 ,437.52:'_~8.()29.29fl ~.B56.16~ $162,524 $79,298 ' $31,169 $162.524 $1,590,665 ($47,720) $6,280.000 $43,830 $79,298 $1,783,807 ($53.514) $0 $46,578 . ,$7,478,438 $1,011,270 $1,134;400 $1,437,524 $8,029,298 $1,856,169 $6;850,000' $400,000 $500,000 $675,000 $6,600,000 $475.000 ~ ~ ro ~ ~ m Rennr! P.gelBI,~.-,-'---' " GLENVvOO() URBAN RENEWAL PLAN Table 3 continued: , RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS Year 15 2017 2018 ' 2019 ' 2020 2021 2022 RESOURCES Beginning Balance $31,169 $36,505 $51,713 $47,288 $25,006 $48,148 Tax Increment Revenue $1,9~9,504 ' $2,225,423 $2,334,957 $2,589.483 $2.861,826 $3,153,233 Delinquency at 3% average ($59,685) ($66,763) ($70,049) ($77,684) ($85,855) ($94,597) Proce.eds of BorrowIngs ' $0, '$0 $4,621,000 $0 $0 $0 Investment Earnings at 2.5% $,50,517 $56,548 $59,667 ' $65,919 $72,171 $80,035 Total Resources $2,011,505 $2,251,713 $6,997.288 $2;625,006 $2,873,148 $3,186,818 REQUIREMENTS Oullays on Projects $625,000 $850,000 $4,850,000 $500,000 $725,000 $1,000,000 $0 $0 '$0 $0 $0 $0 'Total prolect cos~ fu~ded 'In vear I $625,000 $850,000 $4,850,000 $500,000 $725,000 , $1,000,000 Total Debt ServIce $1,350,000 $1,350,000 $2,100,000 $2.100,000 $2,100,000 $2,100,000 TolalOullays, .$1 ;975,O~,O $2,200,000 $6,950,600 $2,600,000 $2,825,000 , $3,100,06~ Total Resources ,~2.011.505 $2,251,713 $6,997.288 $2.625.006 $2.873.148 ~~3~186.B~ .' Ending Balance , $36,505 $51,713 $47,288 ' $25,006 $48.148 $86,818 ') o -,' 10' ~. en. '-- c C .0' r- '3,' ;::;: ~' r , ! r- - o Q) (j) :::0 CD ~ <' CD 0., ....., 8, u:> lenwood Utban R""ewal PI~ , Reonrt Page 19/ GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN Table 3 continued: RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS Year 20 2023 2024 Total ora/ect c~sts f~~d~d In vear J $1,350,000 Total Debt Service, $2,100,000 Total Outlays $3,450,000 Total Resources $3.536.702' ,Ending Balance $86,702 0 :::!. (Q 0 5' !!!. '- ft C/l ,C; c r-: CT AI ~ ::> CD a - g !!!. ~ :;::' ~ CD 0- . . iJenwood UIban Reoewal Plan Year 21 ,2025 J $1,700,000 $3,450,000 $2,100,000 $750,000 $3,800.000 , $4,200,000 $3,868.546 $4,205.137 ----~_._- $68.546 $5.137 . _ .l!s>ort P.~ j, ,: " .' '500D. IMPACT OF TAX INCREl\iENT FINANCING The plissage of Ballot, Measure. 50 (BMSO) has changed Oregon's property iax system, and the impacts of urban renewal on taxpayers; and other taxing bodies. Prior io BMSO, collection oftax increment revenues for a renewal agency resulted ' in anincreasein the taxpayer's property tax rate. Taxing bodies suffered',no revenue losses, unless there was overall compression of property tax revenues, Under BaUot Measure SO,collection oft\lX' increment revenue can impacfthe potential property tax revenues received by overlapping tax bodies. These taxing bodies will not be able to apply their permanent BMSO tax rates against tIle'new ' values added within the urban renewal area. As a result, the taxing bodid will forego revenue they otherwise might have had if there was no renewal plan in effect. In addition, the presence of the urban renewal program CClu]d imp~ct the tax rates for future local option levies, or exempt bond issues by taxfug bodies, for the tax rates for these bonds m1d levies will be' calculated without the incremehtal values within the urban renewal area. HB 3215 " ( House Bill 3215, passed by tlieLegislature in 200l,will result in gradual loss of bond rates and that is taken into account in the revenue projections for the Glenwood Urban Renewal plan. For new renewal plans such as'this in Gl~nwood, the provisions of the bill remove the tax rates for voter approved bonded :: indebtedness from the formula for calculating tax increment revenues. Thes'e tax rates will be ph~sed out of the tax increment revenue forimila gradually as':current bond issues are retired, " Revenues Foregone by Affected Taxing Bodies Table 4 shows:the anticipated cumulative incremental values in the Rene"':,al Area over the life of the Plan and the anticipated property tax revenues foregone as a result oftaxingbodies not being able to apply'their permanent BMSO tax rates to'those values, '; Pres.ent Value of Revenues Foregone The revenues foregone in Table 4 are expressed in constant 2004 dollars. The 'dollars foregone shown in Table 4 therefore are misleading; for they do not take inflation into account. Clearly a dollar twenty years from now would be worth less than a dollar today'as inflationary effects occur. In'order then to put the revenue foregone into current day perspective, Table 5 provides a Present Value calculation of the revenue foregone over a twenty year period. In this calculation, the;annual 'revenues foregone by ,the taxing bodies are discounted by 3.5%. That produces a lower, but more realistic picture of the present.day revenues that might be foregone by the taxing bodies over the life of the plan. " Two additional not~s should be made about revenues foregone by affected ,taxing '. bodies. One, Tables 4 and 5 both assume that all the new values in the G1enwoqQ)ate Received. Renewal Area would occur, even without the investment of urban renewal funds. In 'I fact, however, a major part of the Glenwood Renewal Area lacks even the basic JUL - 1 2009 Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan-Report 21 0riginal Submittal Novemoer 15, 2004 1 , . infrastructure needed to allow new development. It is more realistic to assUme, that the public expenditures on renewal activities will have some effect on the:giowthof values within the urban renewal area. If one makes that assumption, some: oflli(: valties'which are used to calculate revenue foregone would not materialize at all. ' This assumption is not made, here, but if it were used, it would further reduce the revenues foregone by the affected taxing bodies. , Two,. some will look at the total revenues foregone, and assume that the todl shown is lost immediately. As the,revenue foregone tables show, these revenues are foregone annuallv, over an extended period of time; not all at once. Given the size of the total budgets of the taxing bodies, the annual.revenues foregone usually represent only a minor percentage of their total budgets. ' , Impact on Schools Under the current methodoffunding K-12 level education, the urban re,1ewal program will not result in revenue losses for those educational units of government. .Financial Impact of Plan after Indebtedness is Repaid. When all the projects contained in the Urban Renewal Plan are \;ompleted, an estimated $254.3 million in assessed values will be placed ba~k on the tax roll. In the following year, property tax revenues generated by those values are estimatcd to be approximately$4.07 million, Given a 3% inflation of values, the revenues foregone by the overlapping taxing bodies will be repaid in a period of six years after the district is terminated. ' , The tax impact on each of the overlapping taxing bodies is shown in Tables 4 and 5 on the following pages. Date Received: JUL - 1 2009 I' : 1 Original submittal Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan-Report 22 November 15,2004 Gltmwood Urban Renewal Plan , ,- -Table. 4- Taxes-Foregone bY,Affected Taxin?bodles , I ~lntv TaxR~te !;itv Tax Rata. "51.270 54.74 WillaniaLan~ 52,01 . l' . WiJlamalane . Parle: foregone on-- new values FISCCilYear Cum~lative New lner.amental Vab!~~ in area Lane Co tax fort}gone on new values Springfield lax foregone on ", . new valu'es '" ..... II> " <: o o 0. c:: .., c:r "' " '"'" II> " II> <: "', ..... 2005. $8,S80.467510,897 $40.674 517.247 2006 513.2,11.438 5,16,.n9 562,626 526,555, 2007, 51a.085.534 .'522,969 5a5.731 536,352 2008 $,23,215,520 $29.484 $110;049 ' $46.663 2009 $34,614.831 ,$43.961 '$164,085 $69,576 2010, $48,112,605 $61.103 $228,068 $96.706 2011 $54,819.013 569.620 $259.859 ,$110,186, 2012 562,891,975 $79,873" $298,127 ' $126,413 2013 '571,454,708 590.747 $338;717 5143.624 2014 $1l1.;275.11~ 5103.219 $385,268' 5163,363 2015 ,$91.733,850 5116.502 $434,646' 5184.385, 20}6' 5102,872,402 $130,648 $487.646 ,5206.774 2017 5114,734.000 ',5145.713 "$543.878 , 5230.617' 2018 '5128,340,401 ,$162,992 $608.372 5257.964, 2019 5142.898,224 5181,481$677,3aO 5287.225 2020 515a;475.094 5201.263 ,$751.219, 5318,535- 2021 ,5175,142,344 ' $222.431 ,5830.221. 5352.036, 2022 '$192.976,303 5245,080" $9,14,766, 5387,'882 2023,'$212.058.638 .5269.314 51,005.222 ' $426.238 2024 5232,476.737 5295.245.51,'102,009' $467;278 ,~[, '$2~324.1Q;l 5372 997'~1205 57~ 5511191 Totals ',52.a22,314 $10,S34,341 ,$4.466.811" Present.Value . $1.7:00,155 $6.345.864 $2.699.797 ..., ~ fl.lis pOrtion of.renewal area'assumed to be ahnex~.in.to'Sprjngfielp in y~ar. 10 '" ..... "' " '"" II> '" o .., ,., '" "' OQ, II> '" W ...,,,."- -..,.,-.' " 0 ..... .c' 05" !!!. (J) ,<:: c:r 3 := !!!. , ~ c: r- o III CD :::0 (1) 0, (1) <' (1) a. '..... <=> <=> (Q " Sch~l Oisf 4-.) $4,75 yV;',er DJst, 1 ' , , $3.19, ' Lane ESD 1'- 'I' $0,72, -j . Lane c~ $0,62 " 4J S'O Lane CC ESD lax Gienwood Water plst . foiegone on foreg~re _ or tof~,:>ne on Water Oist fOregone- on .new values new .values new values Values in area'- new values . $40,744 $5,312 $1.915 53.813.395 $12,148 562.735 $8.179 52,949 55.871.525 '518.704 $a5.a79 $1'1.197 $4,037 $8.037,707 $25,604 5110.239 ' ,514.~73 .. 55,182 510.317.613' , ,532.86?' $164.369 $21.430 $7)26 512)17,215 S40.51'1 522a,4~3 $29.787 $10,739' '$15.242,796 $48.556 5260.308 533,938 , $12,236, ' ,$17.90a,969 $57.024 $298:643' $38.936 514.037 $20,698,697 "565,936 , $339.303, , $44.238 515;949 523,643,305 575.316 .. , 5385.935 550.317 .$18.141 :$26,'742,506, ' $85;188 5435,598 556,792 " 520,475 0"" 0- , 5488.490 $63.688 .522,961 $0 ,50, $544.819 571.03Z $25.!i09 ,'$0 50 " 5609,424 :579.456 " 52a,646 $0 '$0 $678.552 588,46a $31.a95" So $0 : 5752.519 " ,5,~8.112, 535.372 $0, ,$0 5a31:663 5.108.431' 539,092 $0 $0, $916.348 $119.472 ,$43.07'2 $0 50" $1.006;960" $131.2a6' $47,331 ' $0 $0, 51,103,916, $143,926 ,551.889' '$0 50 ,~1207f;58 $15V 452 $56 765 lQ lQ $10.552.5~ $1.375.a22 ' .. 51.061,814 .,.. , 5461.852, , 56,356.a41, $a2a.792 '5,298.799 ' 5365,086 ."",~..-~ : . ~.- ,-.- , i. TABLE 5 PRESENT VALUE OF,REVENUES FOREGONE BY TAXING BODIES Revenues Foregone In Table 4 are discounted at 3.5% ' Glenwood Goshen lane County Springfield Parks District SD4J ESD lCC Water FD, Year ForeQone F, ~ Ifegone Foregone Foregone Foregone Foregone Foregone Foregone . $10,529 ' - 6,336 2005 39,299 16,664 39,367 $1,850 5.133 11,737 2006 $15,663 58,462 24,789 58,563 $2,753 7,635 17,460 9,425 2007 $20,716 77,324 32,787 77,458 $3,641 10,099 23,093 12,466 2008 $25,693 95,901 40,664 96,067 $4,516 12,525 . 28,641 15,461 . '" 2009 , $37,014 138,155 58,581 138,394 $6,505 ,18,044 34,109 18,413 I-' 2010 $49,707 185,534 78,671 185,855 $8,736 24,231 ' 39,500 21,323 .. " 2011 $54,721 204,246 86,605 204,600 $9,617 26,675 44,820 _ 24,195 " 0 2012 $60,656 226,401 95,999 226,793 $10,660 29,569 50,072 27,030 0 p. 2013, $66,584 248,527 105,381 248,957 $1.1,702 32,459 55,261 29,831 c: 2014 $73,174 ' 273,124 115,811 273,597 $12,860 35,671 60,392 32,601 ... <7' 2015 $79,798 297,846 126,294 298,361 $14,024 38,900 0 0 .. " 2016 $86,461 322,716 136,839, 323,274 $15,195 42,148 0 0 '" 2017 $93,170 , 347,758 147,458 348,360 $16,374 45,418 0 0 l> " 2018 $100,694 375,841 159,366 376,491 $17,697 49,086 , 0 0 l>' " 2019 $108,324 404,322 171 ;442 405,021 $19,038 52,806 0 0 .. .... 2020 $116,070 433,233 183,701 433,982 $20,399 56,582 0 0 '" 2021 $123,939 462,606 196,156 463,406 $21,782 60,418 0 0 .... .. 2022 $131,941 492,474 208,821 493,326 $23,188 64,319 0 0 " 2023 $140,085 522,872 221,710 523,776 $24,620 68,289 0 0 '" 2024 $148,380 553,832 234,838 554,790 $26.078 72,332 0 0 'l> 2025 $156,835 585,391 248.220 586,404 $27,564 76,454 0 0 . "t:I 0 $1,700.155 $6,345,864 ' $2,690.797 $6,356,841 $298,799 $828,792 $365,086 $197,081 ... " - '" .. OQ 0 'w .... N <8: ~ ::J 0 !!1.. ID en '- ..... c c:: CD 0- r- ;U 3 I := - CD !!1.., 0 ~ CD 0:> <' 0:> to CD - ~ ~~~ - - --- --~-~--- a..______ uo_ ____ u____ ..- ~-~~-----_..- ,,- - ., .' 500E. FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY OF ~LAN Table 3 (Table 2a shows estimating detail) in Section 500 of the, Repoit \,0 the Plan shows the estimated costs of project activities at $22.6 million. The prini.:ipal source of revenue to carry out project activities will be annual tax increment revenues of the Renewal Agency. Anticipated tax increment revenues are shown in Table 4. The tax increment revenues shown in Table 5 are based on, the following assumptions: I. Overall assessed values in the renewal area are indexed upward 5.25% annually until 2012, 6,5% annually from 2013 until 2018, and 7% annually from 2019 until 2025. This is mostly below the recent growth rates in Glenwood: Note that these applied growth tates include a combination of increased value of existing development {below 3% maximum increase in assessed value a110we(!> plus the added property value of new development. . : 2. Assessed valuation of$lO million is assumed to be added in 2010 from a new major development in the Plan area, 3, Bond rates are assumed to drop by $1 in year 10 of the Plan and by anadditiorial $1 inyear 15 of the Plan. ',[ The revenues shown in Table 3 are expected to be sufficient to carry out aJl project activities currently shown on the Urban Renewal Plan, and to retire project ' indebtedness within a 2 I-year period. It is financially feasible to carry out the Urban Renewal Plan for the'Glenwood Urban Renewal Area. 600. RELOCATION: 600A. PROPERTIES REQUIRING RELOCATION No relocation is anticipated at the adoption of this plan. " 600B. RELOCA nON METHODS If in' the impleIJlentation of this Plan, persons or businesses should be displaced by actjon of the Agency, the Agency shall provide assistance to such persons or businesses to be displaced. . Such people and businesses displaced will be c()ntacted to determine their individual relocation needs. They will be provided information on available space and will be given assistance in moving. All relocation activities will be undertaken and payments made in accordance with the requirements ofORS 'ved' 281.045 - 281.105 and any other applicable laws or regulations. Relocation Date Recel . payIDents will be made as provided in ORS 28 i .060. 600C. HOUSING COST ENUMERATION. The Renewal Plan does not anticipate removing existing housing units, Ori~inal Submittal Approximately 384 units of new housing are expected to be developed in tile mixed use zones of the Urban Renewal Plan Area. Of these about 40 units are expected to , , JUL - 12009 l Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan-Report 25 November 15, 2004 . .. , G . be rental housing units with Willamelte River views for low- to moderate,.income ' residents. In addition, private development may build upwards of384 net additional units (allowed under existing plan designations arid zoning and at an average density, of 15 units per acre). These would likely be priced for sale or rent to upper middle' and upper income households as described in recent housing market analyses. Date Rec~ived: , JUL -. 1 2009 Original Submittal Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan-Report 26 November 15, 2004 , ! I I t I , I , i ~. . , I A I 8 I I, Table 2a:profosed Glenwood Urben Renewel Prolects rr- Novemller 1~. :.mo : !;:8t1maled COlli, stan & completion l I 3 8fDA COST Ex..e..tCllId ': I 4 fo'KOJeC I UnJ.JJH1.lU Campl.lIon 1-; ~!,:,"~?_n?'~!'t" ~ .Rl!.~!,~Il!~_o!!,~~!. I 7 ?t81!lIre 111811.rOr IndUltlr18\ dovelOt!.mont h8g Sel up_lfIduSUlal and bUIlnelS4 'p'ro~ r&t\Bb'Alla\lon Joan ~r0!1~8m If&Cad8a.landlC8D.ll. 8le.1. 10 Gleen-1JOlnemedla!e unull8c1 & undeNIed aile. H1 \2 113 11. I~: Ramov9JRal?lace lubslanclard commercial buUdlnas r,7 lor mlxed.ule redeveloornenl'. 118 119 UP.sra<!8 water. electrical. lanllary aewer1'p'ump f20 .IaUona. slormwaler rllc1UUes. and other public Ri InrraatnJclureallneeded 23 ~~m'{~"\MJ 1.24 MIUaBIS forwellanda & r1VersldeJrloBrlan f25 Improve mania. bank alablllzaUon, elc. 1.,6 127 H: 130 ffi ~~i~t~r~~i;:~ ~na~6~:;t-~nua', I JJ and other develoomenl 34 -35 Develop prOQram lor lanllarv sewer and seotic -36 svstem remedial/on 37 38 DevaloD Low/Moderate-Income HouslnQ -39 \ ~40 HouSlng&nelQhborhood reheblhoma repair programs " <' 42 Provide mandated ox~enses 01 relocation or 143 displacements ofnrrns or resldanla 14. 145 146 , " 148 49 AC5J~lfa land & asslsl buildlnJl.InI&l1lecbon Imorovements I 50 al Franklin/McVay InlarsecUon L552' I.: Ac.quire r1~hl.s-Of-wav lor re-aliQnmanl 01 roads ~;; Construct and build roads I.~: Imorove City Entries & Landmal1l.l L57!-a.na.j:;~V-!r~~ rse Stud)' retoceUnR Lana Coun!'l SoUd Waste faclJHlea ~~ Dec.ommlSlllon. cleanuo. and r&o(Jse ~61 Build Lane County SIleoff substation/court lacl;.tv ,62 tl3 ProYldeOlhorcl.ly/coun.!yPUbtlc..rvlc8facIIIUes 164 llikeCountv'aFQHClJnlc\ ~ ~lIIa!'l~af!llr:.!.II_n_ ~r_ol~cta ./ m E~and & 1.~_roV8 James Pal1l ~~ AC9..ulrefdoyaloe e nel,9hbomood park to meelthe t<~ I\A"'08 01 ulenwoOCl rsaldenlS 70 A.~ulreJd8veIO'p' multiuse communllJ.scale I?llrJI along: I I 71 WlI1amelte River with ollStreel oathways & olher IImeOltJea H'~ UlenWl"ltllJ ""tooc. naluralaraa. ~ lanomO/l( smnaoa 73 74 lfrhlln RnnllWll1 mAlrl~_!_~I~~P.~tf_ 175 MBrJlal.'p.aotechnlcaI1a'p'prallalll,plannlt!O, ennlnearlno. r 76 IIndolharll!udleaelllocleledwllhjlro/ecl! Ilr,J 1-77 nllclllll!f)' loca_f!Y oullhe p:rolecla /8 DllllcUActual Admlnlslre\lve costs (<$65k/yaar evaraQe\ "' '180 t~~ ".r:: Redevolop t'afCllla/BUlkllnqa IhroU~h O~!!.GO!l, {)ropaftl{ BC9UIBlUon8Jd1BpoalUonB, nnmbly, (Gsalo. conveyance. and leaao ~.:')~~ f!YlP.P~~ ~!v!~!!:n~!-lH Assllltln oovalott!!".R Civic Cenler or ma~r davaIO~rn"n( (e.Q.. 101 10urlslattractlon. holel, lSecru venue, ele.) IJ.antll.Od:il1lgn.lm'lli1'tl./U:nl.l im~;:Ov9 k9~ ~i1ions oi Franklin Boulll\l.:Jrd to urbsn 1Ilandardll for Dedelltrtan. bike. & lltreeluWllles fOTAL e;STIMA(f;D PRQJ~Cll.;\J8T8 '800 $6001 1300' .6001 51,100', $1,050' ~IH::' 52.0001 , , I 52.1301 I SBSO,! 51.0001 , 5550.' , I .soo , E :[ 'leosT DETAIl. (S10001 ~~ $_~~A She;'. Do."el~,!o,1 :ll.l..b.Il:1ta Tolal t.Ii:il.ilWQj Own.r Shar. c 200B\ , 20151 2009 1 I 2016 2011 2010 ""1 2012[ , , 20101 20151 20101 1 20121 , , 2015 2ooB) I 2009"1 201il 2014 20081 , , 20071 :.10131 , 2010-1 20121 , 200S.1 201il 20121 ., :i!Y'IJI , 20251 , , 20251 . o F , , G H $1.750 $900 51.2001 52,2001 , '.S951 , , $2001 51.1001 , ~3001 , , $3001 . , , , !il0DI 53001 , 5575l , "'I .li3001 , , $1.750) $23,600 Othor ......, . 2.100 . 800 . 1,200 I I . 1.200 . 800 . 600 , i 150 . 300 . 450,1 , 1 , . :.1,100 ,600 . 1.500 I , , . 2.300 . 1,100 . 1.200l " 1.800 . 1.050 . 750 I , ,I .m , 1,075 . S2JlO.o . 34.000' . " " e.OJJi I , . 4.1301 $ :, . 1.200!,:15 1.1 . 5.000:1 S , . 5501$ \. " , 500;1$ , , 1ti.1!5, . 5.300 S 1,800 . . 3.700 . S 4.200 I 5 " . 1451$ " 11.90.01 : " 35015- 1.60015 , " S 650 I S . ;oul; st.ml IS 15- 850il:5 I-~I 1$ 70011:5 I :1 I) 1"0'1 ~ , S2JI~Q.1 ,. , 30011 $ 450"1 $ , , . j , Not,: COlt osllmlltos Ir. tn 2004 dollars. Cllah flow analy'laln Tabl, 3 ...um.. a 3% Inn.tlon annuallv. Wllllmal8nl orlorltlzo. Drollell.. fOllow..1 tllt.llme: L1na 70, LIne 611, LIne 87. L1n. 72 , W&D.II $ 79,900 rotal ProleCI. Glenwood Urbln Ran.wal Plan - Rlport, poge 27 IH5 5 2.000 $ 2.130 $ 850 1,000 $ 550 500 I 1.7501-S I 900 , , 1.200 I $ .2.200 I 5 , '" 200 1.100 300 3001$ 100 I 300lS 575l $ ,. , , 300 I , 1.750 $ 23,800 SEDA f". II 200 I , 32,000 I I , 2.000 I. 3>0-1 i 4,000 I I , , 1 I , I I , I 2.050! S ,.5001 , I " ""'I 2500 I , 2.000 I , I " '0 I I. 150 ,. SOO 1 " 350 , 200 I' 20Q , , 1$ 200 250 $ 300 1--- 12515 575 ~ li . au l , , I 150 I I I J I " 0.210\ OtMr snare t J I. , " , 51,020 oeYa!OP.9~ Owner Share Date Received: JUl - I 2009 'Original Submitial ,/ " Ordinance No 6103 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD APPROVING THE GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN '. WHEREAS, the Common Council has determined that,there is need for a Ghmwood Urban Renewal Plan for the foliowing reasons: I) The existence of inadequate ;stfeets, rights of way, open spaces, recreation facilities, and utilities (including, for e),ample, storm water systems and sanitary sewer trunk lines and laterals); 2) the existence of buildings and structures for industrial, commercial, and resideniial use with problematic exterior spacing, design, and physical construction (including obsolescence, deterioration and mixed character of uses); 3) Properties and lots in irregular form, shape and dimensions limiting usefulness and development; 4) Lack Of proper utilization of areas resuliing in a stagnant and unproductive condition of lands potentially useful and v'aluable for contributing to the public health, safety, and welfare; and 5) Economic deterioration and di~use of property. ' , . WHEREAS, given the preceding information, the area within the Glenwood Urban Renewal District Plan is blighted; , WHEREAS, the rehabilitation and redevelopment outlined in the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan, incorporated herein by reference, is necessary to protect the public health, safety or welfare of the municipality; WHEREAS, the 2001 Springfield Charter, Section 49, requires voter approval before the City Council can approve an Urban Renewal District Plan that includes allocating property taxes; WHEREAS, Ballot Measure 20-92 presented to the voters of the City of Springfield on November 2, 2004 for their approval the question ofthe allocation of such taxes before the City Councii approval of any Urban Renewal P13l); . WHEREAS, the results of that election overwhelmingly approved'Ballot MeasUre 20-92 so that the City Council may comply with the provisions of Section 49 of the 200 I Springfield Charter and state law; WHEREAS, Oregon']aw also requires that adoption ofan Urban Renewal Plan be approved by the City Council in the jurisdiction included in the Urban Renewal District; , , , , , WHEREAS, a portion of the proposed Glenwood Urban Renewal District Plan extends i beyond the boundaries of the City of Springfield, yet within the City of Springfield's ! Urban Growth Boundary, and is in Lane County, The Lane County Board of Date Received: Commissioners, as the governing body of that area, has approved the Glenwood Uroan i Renewal District Plan by resolution on November 10, 2004, subject to certain revisions JUL _ 1 2009 1 and final approva~~~o:~~ber 23, 2004; ____ n___~ .ttal I Ordinance No. 6103 OrigiP'hyubml ~- ., WHEREAS, the City of Springfield is a municipality and political slibdivisi~n organized and existing under and pursuant to the laws of the State of Oregon Sl}d the 2001 . Springfield Charter;, ' , WHEREAS, the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan and Report was fOTWarded:to the governing body of each taxing district affected by the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan and the Springfield Economic DevelopmentAgency shall consult and confer with the II , . taxing districts prior to presenting the Plan to the City of Springfield for approval;, WHEREAS, the Springfield Economic Development Agency has consulted' and , conferred with taxing districts; WHEREAS, the'Springfield City Council, the governing body of the municipality" received the proposed Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan and report from the Springfield Economic Deyelopment Agency, the City's urban renewal agency; " WHEREAS, the notice was sent out to the'electors registered in Springfield':andwithin ' the proposed Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan area on Oct?ber 26, 2004, that. the, Springfield City Council would conduct a Public,Hearing on November 15, '2004, at 7:00 p.m, in the Springfield City Council Chambers of Springfjeld CitY Hall, 22S;Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477, to accept testimony on a proposal to consider an ord,!nance adopting an urban renewal plan for nearly all the area known as "Glenwood'] within Springfield's urban growth boundary; , [' WHEREAS, the maximum indebtedness that can be incurred under the proposed ' Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan is $32,860,000; WHEREAS, the Springfield City Council determines and finds that the urba,n renewal plan conforms to the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Comprehensive'Plan :that includes the City of Springfield as a whole (along with the Glenwood Refinement Plan and the several individual adopted functional plans) provirlesan outline for ac~omplishing the urban renewal projects the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan proposes; . ' , , ,1' , .., .. WHEREAS,provisionhas been made to housedisplaced persons within their financial ' . means in accordance with ORS 281.045 to 281.1 05 and, except in the'relocation of ' elderly or disabled individuals, without displacing on priority lists persons already waiting for existing federally subsidized housing; WHEREAS, if acquisition of real property is necessary it will be provided f()'r through later'amendinents to the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan; WHEREAS, adoption and carrying out of the urban renewal plan is economically sound and feasible based on the information included in the Report incorporated in the Plan; and WHEREAS, the City of Springfield, as the governing municipality of the Plan, ass\llllell 'R eived' and shall complete any activities prescribed it by the urban renewal plan. i. U8te ec . " , Ordinance No.'...2J.Q3 ---.JUL - 1 2009 " Page 2 , , Original submittal , .....~ I. . . NOW, THEREFORE, BASED ON THE FOREGOING RECITALS THE' COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, ORDAINS A~ FOLLOWS: ' SECTION 1. APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING Al'i1l,JRBAN RENEWAL PLAN ALLOCATING TAXES FROM GLENWOOD PROPERTIES TO THE GLENWOOD URBAN RENEW AL,PLAN. The Common Coun,cil of the City hereby, approves the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan allocating taxes from Glenwood properties to the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan. , SECTION 2. PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSION TO LANE COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR Not later than the 3rd day after the Ordinance is approved by City Council notice of the approval shall be published in'the newspaper, as defined in ORS 193.010, having greatest circulation in the City of Springfield and which ispilblished in the m.unicipality. . SECTION 3. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATIONS. The City Manager, the City Recorder, the City Finance Director, and the City Attorney, and each of them acting individually, are hereby. authorized, empowered and directed, for and on behalf on the City, to do and perform all acts and things necessary or appropriate to cause \he Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan set forth in Exhibit A to and to otherwise canyout the purposes and intent of this Ordinance, including notice of adoption of the ordinance approving the urban renewal plan, and the provisions ofORS 457.135, shall be published by the governing body of the municipality in accordance with ORS 457.115 no later than three days following the ordinance adoption. SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCE. This Ordinance shall take effect after its second reading and upon its adoption at a regular meeting of the Commo~ Council of the City and approval-by the Mayor. " ADOPTED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ON DECEMBER 6, 2004, AFTER TWO READINGS AT REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS HELD ON NOVEMBER 15, 2004 AND ' DECEMBER 6, 2004 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTES:' , AYES: 0; ~.j) Sidne~. Lt(!Jleo, Mayor "0 CD ~> '" U CD 0:: . CD .- ro ,- ~ NAYS: 0 ABSENT: ATTEST: . flr.u.L~OW ZL Amy-S~;~Cit;: Recorder Ordinance No, ..6JJl3 Page 3 I . ,I ." <:> <:> "" iii: - -, I. ~i -' .a' ::; ~ en: iii co' 'OJ 'C Ci i , 1',," .... ,001., LI,~,': . . .. , , PASSEO , THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, LANE COUNTY, ORE;OON ORDER NO: 04~11.23-6 IN THE MATTER OF APPROVING THE ~ GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN' WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has adopted Resolution & O'rder 04.11. 10-17 selling oot recommendations and coridltlons related 10 lhe Glenv.;ood Urban , Renewal Plan, and " " ' , WHEREAS, the City Council of the' City of Sprlngfield and the Sprlngfield Economic Development Agency have ImPlemented the recommendations and, otherwise, committed 10 meeting the conditions set forth by the Board .of'County Commissioners, anil , WHEREAS, ORS 457.095 and 457.105 provide thai no Urban Ren~al Plan be carried out until It has been approved tiy the governing jurisdictions Incluiled In the Urban Renewal, District: the Springfield City Council and the Lane CountY Board of Commissioners, and " , . WHEREAS, the City of Springfield has pieseiltedthe Glenwood Urban Renewal ' Plan, incorporated herein, by reference, 10 the Board of County Commissioners for Its conSI\leration and approval. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: That the 'Lane County Board of Commissioners approves the Proposed Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan (November 15, 2004) wherein the CIty of Springfield 'is the municipality that activated the Springfield i,Economlc Development Agency, the urban renewal agency that will cany out the ('Ian. b"".;'~e4:.s. " , Bobby Grmrn, Chair' \ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS .lDate Received: '1 , JUl - I 2009 Original Submittal APPROveD AS TO FORM . . ~i 0... 'f-I'r-.;I4o.Jt ~.co'nly ~ J.(J,..; lea O"'UlOAL COUN~L