HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5820 04/15/1996 1" ,.. ATTACHMENT A ORDINANCE NO. 5820 "(GENERAL) . AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE AND UNIFORM FIRE CODE STANDARDS PRESCRIBING REGULATIONS GOVERNING CONDITIONS HAZARDOUS TO LIFE AND PROPERTY FROM FIRE OR EXPLOSION, PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS AND MODIFICATIONS THERETO, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 - Adoption of Uniform Fire Code. There is hereby adopted by the City of Springfield for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion, that certain Code and Standards known as the Uniform Fire Code, including those Appendix Chapters set forth in Section 101.8.1, and the Uniform Fire Code Standards published by the International Fire Code Institute, being particularly the 1994 editions thereof and the whole thereof, save and except such portions as are hereinafter deleted, modified or amended by Sections 4 and 5 of this ordinance, one copy of which Code and Standards have been and are now filed in the office of the City Recorder and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, the provisions thereof shall be controlling within the City of Springfield. " Section 2 - Enforcement by Department of Fire and Life Safety. The Uniform Fire Code and the Exceptions and Modifications thereto set forth in Sections 4 and 5 shall be enforced by the Department of Fire and Life Safety. . Section 3 - Jurisdiction. Wherever the word "jurisdiction" is used in the Uniform Fire Code, it is City of Springfield, Oregon. Section 4 - Flammable or Combustible Limits. The limits referred to in Section 7902.2.2.1 of the Uniform Fire Code in which the storage of flammable or combustible liquids is restricted are hereby established as set forth in the Springfield Development Code and the Springfield Building Safety Codes. Section 5 - Amendments to Uniform Fire Code. The Uniform Fire Code is amended and changed as more particularly described and set forth in the "City of Springfield 1994 Uniform Fire Code Amendments," a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Section 6 - Former Ordinances Repealed. All former ordinances or parts thereof adopting the code of standards known as the Uniform Fire Code conflicting or inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance or of the Code or Standards hereby adopted including specifically previous adoptions of the Uniform Fire Code and Exceptions and Modifications thereto are hereby repealed. Section 7 - Severability. The City of Springfield hereby declares that should any section, paragraph, sentence or word of this ordinance or of the Code of Standards hereby adopted be declared for any reason to be invalid, it is the intent of City of Springfield that it would have passed all other portions of this ordinance independent of the elimination herefrom of any such portions as may be declared invalid. . Section 8 - Emergency. It is hereby found and determined that matters pertaining to the adoption of the Uniform ~ire Code and Uniform Fire Code Standards are matters which affect the public health and safety A-I r and that an emergency exists and this ordinance shall therefore take effect immediately upon its passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. . ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 1996, by a vote of 6 for and 0 against. APPROVED by the Mayor this 15th day of Apri 1 ,1996. 15th ~L'I ?1J~-Vl4U# Mayor ATTEST: ~ City Recorder ,.. r'~ , " , '. ~ ,.J ~ , . L~ 4i\~~L~r~0;j'2J ~-'~~_::~ ~ ~~= f r~f';. N. ;?~ ~ \ q, ~L t-- t , ! c;;. e:-_L. - , ~ O~:6-:iCE OF err\" ATTORNEY ::re(\!" ~__~~.. ~:~j~~~k\:~:~I~.:~~:-:t.D . . A-2 day of Apri J . . . r CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 1994 Uniform Fire Code Amendments ARTICLE 1 ADMINISTRATION SECTION 101.2 101.2 Scope. This code prescribes regulations consistent with nationally recognized good practice for the safeguarding to a reasonable degree of life and property from the hazards of fire and explosion arising from the storage, handling and use of hazardous substances, materials and devices, and from conditions hazardous to life or property in the use or occupancy of buildings or premises as authorized by ORS 476.030. The provisions of this code shall supplement any and all laws relating to firesafety and shall apply to all persons without restriction, unless specifically exempted. The following governmental subdivisions may have other regulations as long as such regulations are consistent with OAR Chapter 837 Division 39' a water district under ORS 264.342 or a city or county. subiect to consent as required by ORS 478.924. or a rural fire-protection district under 478.910. SECTION 101.5 101.5 Liability. See also Section and ORS 30.265. SECTION 101.8.1 101.8.1 Appendices Specifically Adopted The provisions of the following appendices are adopted as part of this code: I-C( Stairway Identification), I-D (Fire Prevention Guidelines for Haunted Houses and Similar Temporary Installations). I-E (Adult Foster Homes). II-E HazMat Management Plan and Inventory Statement). II-F (Protected Aboveground Tanks For Motor Vehicle Fuel Dispensing). II-P (Public Protection- Dangerous Vegetation). III-A (Fire Flow Requirements for Buildings). III-C (Testing Automatic Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems). IV-A (Interior Floor Finish). V-A (Nationally Recognized Standards). V-B (Oregon Statutes and Administrative Rules). VI-A (Hazardous Materials Classifications) . VI-B (Emergency Relief Venting). VI-D (Reference Tables From UBC). and VI-F ( Refrigerant Groups and Properties). SECTION 102.1 102.1 Existing Conditions. See also [:\ppcRdices I .^. ana I B) Section 103.4.5 and ORS 476.030 (c). OAR Chapter 837 Division 41 and Division 43 SECTION Right of entry.. For additional provisions related to the right of entry see ORS 476.070 and 476.150. SECTION Orders. Notices and Tags. Notice shall be provided according to ORS 479.170 SECTION - Sections through are specifically deleted from the provisions of this code. SECTION 103.4.2 103.4.2 Service of orders and notices.. Notice shall be provided according to ORS 479.170. SECTION - 103.4.4 Sections and 103 .4.4 are specifically deleted from the provisions of this code. SECTION Violations Any owner or occupant of any building or premises who fails to comply with an order to correct any firesafety deficiency or violation of this code not appealed from. shall be punished by a fine as provided by ORS 479.990: or the person may be cited under the Civil Enforcement Act Section of the Springfield Municipal Code. A-3 ,. EXCEPTION: Where other penalties for specific violations are provided for by law. they shall prevail. See ORS 476.990 and ORS 480.990. SECTION 103.4.5 103.4.5 Unsafe buildings. Actions to correct hazards and other deficiencies shall be according to ORS 479.] 60.479.] 70 and 479.] 95. . SECTION 104.2.1 104.2.1 Investigations. Investigations shall be conducted according to ORS 476.210 and 476 220. SECTION 104.3.3 104.3.3 Records and Reports. Reports shall be prepared according to ORS 476.090 and 476.210 to 476.270. SECTION 105.8 105.8 Hazardous Materials Permits. Hazardous Materials Permits shall be obtained from the Bureau of Fire Prevention prior to engaging in the following activities. operations. practices. or functions: . a.2 Aircraft refueling vehicles c.3 Cellulose nitrate film cA Cellulose nitrate storage c.7 Compressed gases c.9 Cryogens d.1 Dry cleaning plants e.1 Explosives or blasting agents f.2 Fireworks. For retail sales. public displays. and storage of fireworks. See Article 78. f.3 Flammable or combustible liquids and tanks fA Fruit ripening. [,5 Fumigation or thermal insecticidal fogging h.1 Hazardous materials h.2 Hazardous production materials 1.1 Liquefied petroleum gases ( other than one or two family residential) 0.2 Organic coatings p.3 Pyrotechnical special effects materials r.1 Radioactive materials r.2 Refrigeration equipment s.] Spraying or dipping t.4 Thermosetting plastics. To conduct thermosetting plastic manufacturing operations. See Article 53. SECTION 105.9 105.9 Fees for Permits; Annual fees for the inspection of occupancies requiring Hazardous Materials Permits shall be set forth as follows: I. For occupancies requiring one permit. the annual fee shall be $100. 2. For occupancies requiring two or three permits. the annual fee shall be $200. 3. For occupancies requiring four or five permits. the annual fee shall be $2 000. 4. For occupancies requiring six or seven permits. the annual fee shall be $3.000. 5. For occupancies requiring more than seven permits. the annual fee shall be $4.000. 105.9.1 Fees for the inspection of occupancies requiring Hazardous Materials Permits other than annual permits shall be $100 per permit. 105.9.2 Collection of Fees. The billing for the permit shall be done by the chief or his/her agent by sending a statement by ordinary mail. In the event that the person responsible therefore shall fail to pay such statement within thirty (30) days of the mailing to him/her by ordinary mail by the chief. the further and additional sum 0[$25.00 shall be added to such statement as additional and administrative costs and the City Finance Officer shall proceed to collect the same in the manner provided for civil obligations at law. All moneys received by the City of Springfield arising out of these permit fees shall be deposited directly into the revolving fund for the pUl:pose of financing the Hazardous Materials Permit Program or into the general fund of the City. at the direction of the City Manager. '. A-4 . . . ARTICLE 2 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS SECTION 203 - B BUILDING CODE is the Oregon Structural Specialty ( Building) Code, ( adopted by this jHrisdiction. See the Uniform Building Cede. proffiHlgated by the Internatilmal Conference of Building Offieials. ) SECTION 204 - C CHIPS are small pieces of wood by-products that will not pass through a 0.25 inch (6.4mm) screen. Chips are used in the manufacturing of pulp and other wood products. CLEAR SPACE is an area free of combustible materials. COLD DECK is a single ranked pile oflogs with individual logs. SECTION 209 - H HAZARDOUS AREA is an area of a structure. building. or part thereof. having a degree of hazard greater than that normal to the general occupancy of the building or structure. such as storage or use of combustible or flammable. toxic. noxious or corrosive materials. or use of heat-producing appliances. HOGGED MATERIAL is a mixture of bark. chips. dust or other pieces of natural wood by-products. SECTION 213 - L LUMBER is timber sawed into standardized members or boards. SECTION 214 - M MECHANICAL CODE is the Oregon Mechanical Specialty Code, ( adopted by this jurisdiction. See the Unif-erm Meche:'1ical Code, promulgated by the International Conference of Building Officials. ] MUL TIPLUG CUBE ADAPTER are defined as devices that plug into permanent electrical receptacles and allow receptacles to supply power to more than one appliance or fixture than that for which it was originally designed. Multiplug cube adapters shall have circuit breaker protection. MUL TIPLUG EXTENSION CORDS are defined as extension cords with more than two female connectors with circuit breakers or fused protection. with grounded three-wire cords that shall not exceed a length of 15 feet. SECTION 216 - 0 Group SR Occupancy: Group SR Occupancies shall include a building or part thereof that is used for the lodging and boarding of more than five residents who may need assistance in evacuation and receive personal care services. For definitions of Divisions. see the Building Code. SECTION 217 - P PLUMBING CODE is the ~ Plumbing Specialty Code" ( adopted by this jurisdiction. ) PLYWOOD is waferboard. oriented strand board. particle board. fiber board and composite panels. SECTION 220 - S SMOKE BARRIER. See Section 905.2.3 of the Building Code. SECTION 226 - Y YARD WASTE FACILITY is a facility in which yard waste from tree. brush and other natural materials is processed into chips or hogged material. A-5 ARTICLE 9 FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS AND WATER SUPPLY . SECTION 901.1 901.1 Scope. See also ORS 92.044. ]95.065 and 478.920. SECTION 901.4.5 901.4.5 Street or Road Signs. When required by the chief, streets and roads shall be identified with approved signs as follows: ]. Fire lane curbs or road surface shall be painted bright red with white letters. The stroke shall be ] inch with letters 6 inches high to read "No Parking Fire Lane." Spacing for signage shall be every 25 feet. 2. Vertical signs shall be mounted no lower than 4 feet and no higher than 8 feet. 3. Vertical signs shall be ]2 inches wide by ] 8 inches high. Signs shall have red letters and border on a white background. The word NO shall be presented in a reverse color arrangement in the upper left-hand corner. Spacing shall not exceed every 25 feet. ARTICLE 10 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT SECTION 1006.1 1006.1 Ventilating Hood and Duct Systems. A ventilating hood and duct system shall be provided in accordance with the Mechanical Code for commercial-type food heat-processing equipment that produces grease-laden vapors. Exception: Oregon Mechanical Code Interpretive Ruling 92-]3 provides when equipment is limited to a maximum of two domestic ranges in locations such as churches, lodge halls. employee kitchens and similar occupancies where cooking practices are limited to infrequent cooking of meals and/or reheating of limited quantities of foodstuffs which as performed does not create grease-laden vapor. a Class II ventilating hood may be installed in accordance with the Mechanical Code. Note: The use of this exception may be revoked by the chief or building official for due cause requiring the installation of a Type I hood. . SECTION 1006.2.7 1006.2.7 Portable fire extinguishers. An approved [^ sodiHffi bicarbonate or potassium bicarbonate dry chemical type) portable fire extinguisher having a minimum rating of 40-B shall be installed within 30 feet (9144 mm) of commercial food heat-processing equipment, as measured along an unobstructed path of travel, in accordance with U,F.C. Standard 10-1. SECTION 1007.2.6.5 1007.2.6.5 Lumber. plywood and veneer mills. Lumber. plywood and veneer mills shall be provided with a manual fire alarm system. See Section 3004.7. ARTICLE 11 GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS SECTION 1102.3.1 1102.3.1 General. Permission to bum shall be obtained in accordance with ORS 476,380 and 478.960. SECTION 1102.3.2 Section 1102.3.2 is specifically deleted from this code. SECTION 1102.3.3.1 1102.3.3.1 Materials Restriction: Open burning of materials other than the trimmings from trees and shrubs is prohibited. ; SECTION 1102.3.4.1 1102.3.4.1 Restrictions: Open burning shall only be performed during daylight hours when atmosphere conditions comply with the limits set by Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority (LRAPA). Open burning is prohibited on Sundays. . SECTION 1102.3.5.1 1102.3.5.1 Lot Size: The premises upon which open burning is allowed must be a private lot as defined in the Springfield Development Code. one-half acre in size or more. A-6 SECTION 1107.1 1107.1 General. (a) The use ofportab]e electric heaters and fuel-fired space heaters in Group I and SR Occupancies is prohibited. (b) All portable electric heating devices shall have a high temperature limiting device and a tip-over switch. Use of un vented fuel-fired space heaters shall be permitted when approved by the chief. . SECTION 1112.1 1112.1 Fire-resistive Construction. Required fire-resistive construction, including occupancy separations, area separation walls, smoke barriers..... (remainder as printed) SECTION 1115 Section. 1115 COLLECTION AND STORAGE OF COMBUSTIBLE. RECYCLABLE MATERIALS 1115.1 Scope. Buildings containing the collection and storage of combustible. recyclable materials shall be in accordance with Section ] ] ] 5 and shall be commensurate to the occupancy in which storage or recycling practices are conducted. This section excludes commercial rubbish handling occupancies and commercia] paper recycling and plastic recycling occupancies. 1115.2 Definitions. 1115.2.1 General. For definitions of APPROVED: LISTED: NONCOMBUSTIBLE: OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICA nON and RUBBISH. see Article 2. 1115.2.2 Limited Application. For the purpose of Section I I 15. certain terms are defined as follows: RECYCLABLE PAPER AND PLASTIC MATERIAL means any paper or plastic that would otherwise be a useless. unwanted or discarded material, except for the fact the material still has useful physical or chemical properties after serving a specific pm'pose. and the materia] has been kept separate from rubbish and waste material. 1115.3 Collection and Storage of Recyclable Paper Recyclable paper collection and storage shall be maintained as follows: . 1. Desk side shall not exceed] 5 gallons total per desk (maximum of two 9" x 12" x I 6" containers). in addition to collection and storage totals specified for sma]1. medium. and large rooms. Containers shall be noncombustible or accepted containers. 2. Small rooms (500 sq.ft. or less) shall not exceed three 15 gallon containers. Containers shall be noncombustible or accepted containers. 3. Medium rooms (over 500 sq. ft. but less than 1000 sq. ft. or copy rooms) shall not exceed three 55 gallon containers. Containers shall be noncombustible or accepted containers. 4. Large rooms (over 1000 sq. ft.) shall not exceed three 55 gallon for every 75 feet of travel. Containers shall be noncombustible or accepted containers. Note: Areas completely separated by partition walls in accordance with the State of Oregon Structural Specialty Code may be reclassified as small or medium rooms for the purpose of placing recycling containers. 5. Full containers shall be removed to an outside location or to an approved inside storage room. 1115.4 Accepted Containers For the purposes of Section I I 15. examples of accepted containers include. but are not limited to. the following: 1. At desk side fiber or polyethylene barrels or cardboard boxes or po]ypropylene-bag/rack systems may be used. 2, In small rooms fiber or polyethy]ene barrels or cardboard boxes or polypropylene-bag/rack systems may be used. 3. In medium rooms polypropylene bag-rack systems or fiber or po]yethylene barrels may be used. 4. In large rooms meta] containers or fiber or polyethylene barrels may be used. Note:]n large rooms as of October 1.2002. containers unable to support the contents under fire conditions will be permitted only for use inside a metal can or other approved solid containers. This limitation will be reviewed by the State Fire Marshal in collaboration with the recycling industry in 1997 and 2000 to determine if hazards and fire incidents iustifY its implementation. EXCEPTION: In Group I and Group SR Division I. Division 2. Division 3. I and Division 4 Occupancies. containers used for the short term storage of combustible recyclable materials shall be of noncombustible or other listed material. not to exceed 15 gallon capacity. . 1115.5 Location of Containers in Buildings/Facilities I. Containers shall not be placed near any exit. in any exit corridor. in or under any stairway. or near any possible heat source. 2. Containers shall not be used or stored in any location that constitutes a hazard greater than would be expected in a normal office or classroom. specifically: furnace rooms. mechanical labs. chemistry labs. biology labs. electrical rooms. wood shops. machine shops. or other hazardous areas as determined by the chief. A-7 . 1115.6 Central Collection and Storage Areas 1. Central storage locations are preferred to be located outside building/facilities. but approved inside storage rooms are permitted. 2. Inside storage shall be in areas of not less than one hour construction with openings protected as required for occupancy separations and provided with an approved automatic sprinkler system or subiect to the requirements of the chief. 3. "Hazardous Area No Smoking" signs shall be posted and good housekeeping shall be maintained. 4. Containers made of metal. fiber. polyethylene. or noncombustible approved material are required. 5. Recyclable paper in the central storage area shall be removed from the building/facility on a regular basis as needed to maintain good housekeeping. In Group I and Group SR Division I. Division 2. Division 3. I and Division 4 Occupancies. containers shall be emptied each day. 6. Allowable Quantities of paper stored in rooms. facilities or other areas of storage shall be in accordance with Article I I 7. In Group I and Group SR Division 1. Division 2. Division 3. I and Division 4 Occupancies. containers for long term storage shall be placed outside and a minimum of five (5) feet from the exterior of the building and shall be ofa metal or other noncombustible and listed material with a metal or noncombustible lid in place at all times. 1115.7 Collection and Storage of Recyclable Plastic Recyclable plastic collection and storage shall be maintained as follows: 1. Collection a. Metal or other approved noncombustible containers with tight fitting lids shall be used at all times while within a structure. b. Full containers shall be removed to an outside location or to an approved inside storage room. 2. Storage a. Central storage locations are preferred to be located outside buildings/facilities. but approved inside storage is permitted. b. Central storage rooms shall have a minimum of one hour construction with rated openings or equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler system. Good housekeeping shall be maintained and "Hazardous Area No Smoking" signs shall be ~ c. Outside storage will be posted "Hazardous Area No Smoking" and good housekeeping shall be maintained. d. Barrels made of metal or noncombustible approved material with metal or non-combustible lids are required in central collection and storage areas. e. Recyclable plastic in the central storage area shall be removed from the building/facility on a regular basis as needed to maintain good housekeeping. f. Allowable quantities of recyclable plastic stored in rooms. facilities or other areas of storage shall be in accordance with Article 1 I. . ARTICLE 12 MAINTENANCE OF EXITS AND EMERGENCY ESCAPES SECTION 1209.1 1209.1 Dead Ends. Corridors with dead ends are permitted when the dead end does not exceed 20 feet in length. Exception: Group B. office occupancies may have 30-foot dead end corridors in the tenant space. ARTICLE 13 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES SECTION 1302.3 1302.3 False Alarms. See also ORS 162.375. SECTION 1302.3.1 1302.3.1 Investigation of False Alarms. The fire department shall investigate the cause. origin. and circumstance of each false alarm signal. Ifit appears that such false alarm signal is the responsibility of the alarm user. the chiefmay issue a civil citation charging the alarm user with a civil infraction pursuant to the Springfield Municipal Code. SECTION 1303.3.3.2 1303.3.3.2 Fire drills. Fire drills in Group E Occupancies shall be conducted in accordance with ORS 479 140 and the [a5] fOllow/s]ing;.. (REMAINDER AS PRINTED) . ORS 479.140 is not a part of this code but is reproduced or paraphrased here for the reader's convenience. ORS 479.140: (I) The State Fire Marshal and deputies and assistants shall require teachers of public and private schools and educational institutions to have one fire drill each month and to keep all doors and exits unlocked during school hours. Note: See also ORS 336.072 Fire Drills at Schools. A-8 SECTION 1303.3.3.2 Exception Section 1303.3.3.2 Exception is specifically deleted from the provisions of this code. . ARTICLE 29 REPAIR GARAGES SECTION 2903.3 2903.3 Storage and Use in Buildings with Basements or Pits. When Class I liquids are stored or used within a building having a basement or pit into which flammable vapors could travel, the basement or pit shall be provided with ventilation designed to prevent the accumulation of flammable vapors therein, and electrical and fuel-burning equipment shall comply with Sections 5202.6. 5202.7.2 and 7901.4. ARTICLE 30 WOODWORKING PLANTS AND EXTERIOR LUMBER STORAGE SECTION 3001 SECTION 3001 - SCOPE The storage. manufacturing. processing and sale of wood products and by-products shall be in accordance with Article 30. SECTION 3002 SECTION 3002 - DEFINITIONS 3002.1 General. For definitions of APPROVED. CHIPS. COMBUSTIBLE FIBERS and COMBUSTIBLE DUST. see Article 2. . 3002.2 Limited Application. For the purpose of Article 30. certain terms are defined as follows: Fines are small pieces or splinters of wood by-products that will pass though a 0.25 inch (6.4 mm) screen. Plywood and Veneer Mills are facilities that process raw wood products into finished wood products that include waferboard. oriented strand board. fiber board. composite wood panels and plywood. Raw Products is a mixture of natural materials such as tree or brush trimmings or waste logs and stumps. Static Piles are piles in which processed product is mounded and is not being turned or moved. Timber and Lumber Production Facilities are facilities that process raw wood products into finished wood products. Treated refers to only wood products that have been treated with a petroleum-based product. Unit is 200 cubic feet (5.7 m;!) of solid wood. chips or hogged material. SECTION 3004 SECTION 3004 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3004.1 Open yards. Open yards required by the Building Code shall be maintained around structures. 3004.2 Dust Control. Equipment or machinery located inside buildings which generates or emits combustible dust or fibers shall be provided with an approved dust-collection and exhaust system installed in conformance with Article 76 and the Mechanical Code. Equipment or systems that are used to collect. process or convey combustible dusts or fibers shall be provided with an approved explosion venting or control system in accordance with the Building Code. 3004.3 Waste Removal. Sawmills. planing mills and other wood-working plants shall be equipped with a waste removal system which will collect and remove sawdust and shavings. Such systems shall be installed in accordance with Article 76 and the Mechanical Code. . 3004.4 Fire Apparatus Access Roads. 3004.4.1 Access. Fire apparatus access roadways shall be provided to within 150 feet (45,72111) of all portions of yards in accordance with Section 902.2. EXCEPTION: The requirement for an all-weather driving surface may be modified when approved by the chief. 3004.4.2 Driveways. Driveways between and around lumber piles shall be at least 15 feet (4.572mm ) wide and driveways shall be spaced such that a maximum grid system unit of 50 feet (I5.24m) by 150 feet (45.72m) is produced. Driveways shall be maintained free from accumulation of rubbish. equipment or other articles or materials. 3004.4.3 Access Plan. When storage pile configurations could change due to changes in product operations and processing. the access plan shall be submitted for approval when required by the chief. 3004.5 Fire Alarms 3004.5.1 Transmission Of Alarms. An approved means for transmitting alarms to the fire department shall be provided in timber and lumber production mills. and plywood and veneer mills. 3004.5.2 Manual Fire Alarm. A manual fire alarm system conforming to Section 1007 shall be installed in areas of timber and lumber production mills and for plywood and veneer mills which contain product dryers or other significant ignition sources as designated by the chief and shall be in accordance with Section 1007, EXCEPTION: When dryers or other sources of ignition are protected by monitored fire sprinkler systems. A-9 . . . 30()4.6 Treated Products. Treated lumber and timber products shall be treated and handled in accordance with nationally recognized standards. 3004.7 End Stops. Log and pole piles shall be stabilized by an approved means to assure pile stability. SECTION 3005 SECTION 3005 - LOG STORAGE AREAS 3005.1 General. Log storage areas shall be in accordance with Section 3005. 3005.2 Cold Decking. Cold decks shall not exceed 500 feet (152Am) in length. 300 feet (9IAm) in width and 20 feet (6.096mm) in height. Cold decks shall be separated from adiacent cold decks or other exposures by a minimum of 100 feet (30A8m). EXCEPTION: When approved by the chief. cold decks protected by special fire protection in accordance with Section 1001.9 may be increased in size. Examples of such special fire protection include additional fire flow. portable turrets and deluge sets and hydrant hose houses equipped with approved firefighting equipment capable of reaching the entire storage area. SECTION 3006 SECTION 3006 - STORAGE OF WOOD CHIPS AND HOGGED MATERIAL IN ASSOCIATION WITH TIMBER AND LUMBER PRODUCTION FACILITIES 3006.1 General. The storage of wood chips and hogged materials in association with timber and lumber production facilities shall be in accordance with Section 3006 3006.2 Size of Piles. Piles shall not exceed 60 feet (18.28m) in height. 300 feet (9IAm) in width and 500 feet (I 52Am) in length. Piles shall be separated from adiacent piles or other exposures by fire department access roadways. EXCEPTION: When approved by the chief. piles protected by special fire protection in accordance with Section 1001.9 may be increased in size. 3006.3 Pile Fire Protection. Automatic sprinkler protection shall be provided in conveyor tunnels and combustible enclosures that pass under a pile. Combustible or enclosed conveyor systems shall also be protected by automatic sprinkler protection. 3006.4 Material Handling Equipment. Approved material handling equipment shall be readily available for moving wood chips and hogged material. 3006.5 Emergency Plan. The owner or operator shall develop a plan for monitoring. controlling. and extinguishing spot fires. This. plan shall be submitted to the chieffor review and approval. SECTION 3007 SECTION 3007 - PLYWOOD AND VENEER MILLS 3007.1 General. Plant operations of plywood and veneer mills shall be in accordance with Section 3007. 3007.2 Dryer Protection. Dryers shall be protected throughout by an approved automatic deluge water spray protection system. Deluge heads shall be inspected quarterly for pitch build-up. Deluge heads shall be flushed during regular maintenance for functional operation. Manual activation valves shall be located within 75 feet (22.68m) of the drying equipment. SECTION 3008 SECTION 3008 - STORAGE AND PROCESSING OF WOOD CHIPS. HOGGED MATERIAL. FINES. COMPOST. AND RAW PRODUCT IN ASSOCIATION WITH YARD WASTE AND RECYCLING FACILITIES 3008.1 General. The storage and processing of wood chips. hogged materials. fines. compost. and raw product produced from yard waste. debris. and recycling facilities shall be in accordance with Section 3008. 3008.2 Storage Site. Storage sites shall be on reasonably level. solid ground or other all weather surface as approved by the chief. All sites shall be thoroughly cleaned before transferring wood products onto the site. 3008.3 Size of Piles. Piles shall not exceed 25 feet (7.620mm) in height 150 feet (45.72m) in width and 250 feet (76.2m) in length. EXCEPTION: When approved by the chief. piles protected by special fire protection in accordance with Section 1001.9 may be increased in size. 3008.4 Pile Separation. Piles shall be separated from adiacent piles by fire department access roadways. 3008.5 Combustible Waste. The storage. accumulation. and handling of combustible materials and control of vegetation shall be in accordance with Section 1103. 3008.6 Static Pile Protection. Static piles shall be monitored by an approved means to measure temperature within the static piles. Internal pile temperature shall be monitored and recorded weekly. All records shall be kept on file at the facility and be made available for inspection. An operational plan indicating procedures and schedules for the inspection. monitoring. and restricting excessive internal temperatures in piles shall be submitted to the chieffor review and approval. 3008.7 Pile Fire Protection. Automatic sprinkler protection shall be provided in conveyor tunnels and combustible enclosures that pass under a pile. Combustible or enclosed conveyor systems shall also be protected by automatic sprinkler protection. 3008.8 Fire Extinguishers. Portable fire extinguishers with a minimum rating of 2A:60BC shall be provided on all vehicles and equipment operating on piles and at all processing equipment. 3008.9 Material Handling Equipment. Approved material handling equipment shall be available for moving wood chips. hogged material. wood fines. and raw product during firefighting operations. 3008.10 Emergency Plan. The owner or operator shall develop and submit to the chieffor review and approval a plan for monitoring. controlling and extinguishing spot fires. A-lO . SECTION 3009 SECTION 3009 - EXTERIOR STORAGE OF FINISHED LUMBER PRODUCTS 3009.1 General. Exterior storage of finished lumber products shall be in accordance with Section 3009. 3009.2 Exterior Lumber Storage. Exterior lumber storage shall be in accordance with Section 1103.3.5. Lumber storage shall be arranged to form stable piles. Piles shall not exceed] 50.000 cubic feet (4.248m~) in volume. 3009.3 Fire Apparatus Access Roads. Fire apparatus access roads shall be provided for al\ portions of exterior lumber storage areas and buildings in accordance with Section 902.2 and 3004.6. 3009.4 Security. Permanent lumber storage areas shall be surrounded with an approved fence. Fences shall be a minimum of 6 feet (1.829mm) in height. EXCEPTION: ]. Lumber piles inside of buildings. 2. Production mills for lumber. plywood and veneer. ARTICLE 36 DRY CLEANING SECTION 3602.2.1 3602.2.1 Compatibility. Equipment used for dry cleaning with noncombustible liquids shall be suitable for the type of solvent. [utilized and shall be installed iR accordaREJe with the maRufacturer's recommeRdatioRs. ) Transfer of solvent shall be by a closed piping system. NFPA 32. Standard for Dry Cleaning Plants. 1990 Edition. is hereby adopted and made a part of this code as it applies to the design. installation and maintenance of dry-cleaning plants. ARTICLE 52 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL-DISPENSING STATIONS SECTION 5201.3.2 ]. Flammable and Combustible Liquids: add at end: For permit and plans requirements for aboveground tanks. see 7901.3.2. 2. Liquefied Petroleum Gas: add at end: Refer to ORS 480.4]0 through 480.490 and OAR 837-30-100 through 837-30-280 for administrative provisions pertaining to liquefied petroleum gas licensing and notification ofLP-Gas installations. . SECTION 5202.11.6.1 5202.11.6.1 Standpipes. Piers, wharves and floats at marine motor vehicle fuel-dispensing stations with any portion in excess of250 feet from fire apparatus access shall be equipped with an approved wet standpipe system'installed in accordance with Article 10. Exception: Waterlines shall normally be dry where subiect to freezing temperatures. Hose stations shall be spaced to provide protection to any portion of docks, piers, wharves or floating craft. [An approved and listed hose reel or approved and listed semiautomatic hose rack shall be provided aRd shall be located such that the hose is accessible. Hose shall be enclosed within a cabinet, aRd) Hhose stations shall be labeled FIRE HOSE EMERGENCY USE ONLY. Tests and valving shall be approved by the chief. SECTION 5202. 5202. Access and Water Supply. Piers and wharves shall be provided with fire apparatus access roads and water supply systems. Access roads shall be maintained in accordance with Section 902.2. Water supply systems shall be in the form of on-site fire hydrants or as required by the chief. SECTION 5202. 5202. Sprinkler System. Piers and wharves shall be installed with an automatic sprinkler system when required by the building code. ARTICLE 53 THERMOSETTING PLASTIC MANUFACTURING FACILITIES SECTION 5301 . SECTION 5301 - SCOPE 5301.1 General Areas containing manufacturing operations producing thermosetting plastics using hazardous materials similar to those listed in Tables 530] -A and 530] -8 shall be in accordance with this article. Such operations include. but are not limited to. hand- lay. spray-up. resin transfer moulding. bag moulding. filament winding centrifugal casting. continuous laminating and casting. The storage and use of hazardous materials shall be in accordance with Articles 79 and 80. except as modified by this article. A-II SECTION 5302 . SECTION 5302 - DEFINITIONS 5302.1 Limited Application. For the pUll'ose of Article 53. certain terms are defined as follows: MANUFACTURING AREA is any location used in the fabrication or assembly of materials utilizing polymerization. OVERCHOP is the residue that accumulates from the normal chopper-gun operation during the manufacturing processes. THERMOSETTING PLASTIC is a plastic that. after having been cured by heat or other means. is substantially infusible and insoluble. SECTION 5303 SECTION 5303 - PERMITS A permit must be obtained to conduct thermosetting plastic manufacturing operations. when required by the authority having jurisdiction. SECTION 5304 SECTION 5304 - OUANTITY LIMITS The quantity of Class I-C liquid resins kept in the vicinity of manufacturing areas outside a liquid storage room or storage cabinet in anyone control area shall not exceed the greater of the following: (I) a supply for one day or one shift. or (2) 120 gallons in containers. or (3) one approved portable tank not exceeding 660 gallons. SECTION 5305 SECTION 5305 - FIRE PROTECTION 5305.1 Automatic Fire-Extinguishing System. An automatic fire-extinguishing system shall be provided throughout buildings containing thermosetting plastic manufacturing operations. Installations shall be in accordance with the Building Code. The design of the sprinkler system for the manufacturing areas shall not be less than required for Ordinal)' Hazard Group 2. See U.B.c. Standard 38- .L. EXCEPTION: Allowable temporal)' structures as approved by the chief. 5305.2 Fire Extinguishers. Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided as set forth in U.F.C. Standard 10- I. . SECTION 5306 SECTION 5306 - VENTILATION 5306.1 General. Mechanical ventilation shall be installed throughout the manufacturing area in accordance with the Mechanical Code and this section. ; EXCEPTION: Buildings which are unenclosed for three fourths or more of the perimeter. 5306.2 Design Capacity. Mechanical ventilation systems shall maintain the concentration of flammable vapors in air less than 25 percent of the lower flammable limit. 5306.3 Confined Space. Adequate ventilation shall be provided where employees shall be under or inside the item being fabricated. . SECTION 5307 SECTION 5307 - MATERIAL STORAGE. USE AND HANDLING 5307.1 Equipment. Equipment used with organic peroxides shall be specifically manufactured and approved for use with organic peroxides. Separate fluid-handling equipment shall be used for resins and catalysts. and such equipment shall not be interchanged. 5307.2 Organic Peroxides. Organic peroxides shall not be located where dusts or overspray form sanding or spraying operations can contaminate the organic peroxides. Organic peroxides shall be stored in a cool. dl)' location and shall be separated from all other hazardous materials in accordance with Section 8003. I .9. 5307.3 Initiators. Organic peroxide initiators shall be disposed of when contaminated by any foreign substances. 5307.4 Spills. Spilled peroxides shall be thoroughly cleaned. Absorption of spilled material using a noncombustible absorbent is acceptable. Used absorbent shall be disposed of in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 5307.5 Residues. 1. General. Combustible residues shall be placed in covered noncombustible containers. 2. Catalyzed resins. Excess catalyzed resin shall be disposed of in open-topped noncombustible containers provided with noncombustible bar screens. large mesh wire screens or other means to support individual containers through which surplus catalyzed resin can be poured and upon which other containers can be placed. The containers for disposed resin shall contain water at least 2 inches deep into which the excess resin shall be poured and allowed to cure. 5307.6 Overchop. Paper. polyethylene film or similar material shall be used to cover exposed surfaces of the walls and floor in areas where chopper guns are used to allow buildup of overchop to be readily removed. When the accumulated depth of overchop has reached an average thickness of2 inches in the manufacturing area it shall be disposed of after a minimum of four hours' curing. A-12 . . . EXCEPTION: A single day's accumulation of more than an average thickness of2 inches is allowed. provided it is disposed of before operations are resumed the next day. SECTION 5308 SECTION 5308 - SMOKING Smoking shall be prohibited and NO SMOKING signs shall be prominently displayed in accordance with Article II. TABLE 5301-A TABLE NO. 5301-A - CLASSIFICATIONS OF TYPICAL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS USED IN THERMOSETTING PLASTIC MANUFACTURING OPERA TIONS REGULA TED BY ARTICLE 53 MA TERIAL HAZARD CLASSIFICATION Acetone FLI-B. IRR MEKP/9% AO/DMP OPIII. CLIll-B. OHH. IRR MEKP/9% AO/Glycols OPIV. CLII-B. OHH. IRR MEKP/5.5% AO/DMP OPIV. CLIll-B. OHH. IRR Polyester resin FLI-C. IRR. OHH. UR I Vinyl ester resin FLI-C. IRR. OHH. UR I Styrene monomer FLI-C. IRR. OHH. UR2 KEY: FLI-B FLI -C CLIII-B OPIII OPIV IRR OHH URI UR2 MEKP AO DMP Flammable liquid. Class I-B Flammable liquid. Class I-C Combustible liquid. Class III-B Organic peroxide. Class III Organic peroxide. Class IV Irritant , Other health hazard Unstable reactive. Class I Unstable reactive. Class 2 Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide Active oxygen Dimethyl phthalate TABLE 5301-B TABLE NO. 5301-B - TYPICAL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS USED IN THERMOSETTING PLASTIC MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS REGULATED BY ARTICLE 53 MA TERIAL CLASSIFICA TION Acetone Class I-A Flammable Liquid and Irritant Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide 9% Class III Organic Peroxide and Irritant AO-Dimethyl Phthalate1 Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide 5.5% Class IV Organic Peroxide and Irritant AO-Dimethyl Phthalate1 Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide 9% Class IV Organic Peroxide and Irritant AO-Water and Glycols1 Polyester Resin Class I-C Flammable Liquid and Irritant Vinyl ester Resin Class I-C Flammable liquid and Irritant ~ Class I-C Flammable Liquid and Irritant lAO is active oxygen A-I3 -! ARTICLE 77 EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS . SECTION 7701.3.1 7701.3.1 Permits. Permits shall be obtained to use explosive or blasting agents. See section 105.8. Before a permit is issued. the applicant shall file with the iurisdiction a cor:porate surety bond in the principal sum of$] .000.000 or a public liability insurance for the same amount for the purpose ofthe payment of all damages to persons or property which arises from. or are caused by the conduct of any act authorized by the permit upon which any lega] judgment results. The chief may specifY a greater or lesser amount when. in his opinion. conditions at the location of use indicate a greater or lesser amount is required, Public agencies shall be exempt from this bond requirement. SECTION 7701.3.3 7701.3.3 Standards. NFPA 495. Code for Explosive Materials. excluding Chapter 2. is hereby adopted and made part of this code. SECTION 7701.3.4 7701.3.4 Possession of Exp]osives. These rules shall apply to all persons possessing and/or purchasing explosives as defined in Section (]) ofORS 480.200. ORS 480.200 is not a part of this code but is reproduced or paraphrased here for the reader's convenience: ORS 480.200 (l) provides the definition for the term "explosive". . SECTION 7701.3.5 7701.3.5 Application and Issuance of Certificate--Fees (Effective October 14. 1983). Any person desiring a certificate of possession of explosives as prescribed by ORS 480.230. shall apply on the forms provided by the Office of State Fire Marshal. The,_ applicant shall obtain the signature of the respective chief or designated assistant in whose jurisdiction the explosives will be purchased~ stored. or used. indicating that the chief has been notified of their intent to purchase. store. or use explosives in the chiefs jurisdiction. Upon receiving the signature from the chief. the applicant shall forward the completed application form to the Office of State Fire Marshal. accompanied by a non-refundable $15.00 fee for a three-year certificate or $7.50 fee for a 90-day certificate. Upon receipt and verification of the completed application form. bearing the signature of the chief. and the appropriate application fee. the State Fire Marshal shall proceed with the investigation prescribed in ORS 480.235. Based on the findings of the investigation. the State Fire Marshal shall either issue or deny the certificate of possession of explosives. Upon issuance of the certificate of possession of explosives. the State Fire Marshal shall forward notification of the certificate's issuance to the chief who signed the application and the appropriate county sheriff. Upon denial of the application. based on the findings of the investigation. the state fire marshal shall notifY the applicant in writing per ORS 480,275. The certificate shall be in effect from the date of issue for the time periods specified in ORS 480.235 (3). ORS 480.225 and 480.230 are not a part of this code but are reproduced or paraphrased here for the reader's convenience. ORS 480.225 and 480.230 define eligibility and requirements for an individual applying for a certificate of possession and the fees required. ORS 480.235 is not a part of this code but is reproduced or paraphrased here for the reader's convenience, ORS 480.235 defines the waiting period for issuance of certificate; investigation of applicant; term; assignment or transfer prohibited; and records required. ORS 480.275 is not a part of this code but is reproduced or paraphrased here for the reader's convenience. ORS 480.275 defines the rights of the applicant in the event of a denial, including: Hearings; notice; representation by counsel; decision; and judicial review. SECTION 7701.4 - 7704.8.3 Sections 7701.4 through 7704.8.3 are specifically deleted from the provisions of this code. . ARTICLE 78 FIREWORKS AND PYROTECHNIC SPECIAL EFFECTS MATERIAL SECTION 7801.1 7801.1 Scope. Fireworks and temporary storage, use and handling of pyrotechnic special effects material used in motion pictures, A-14 . . . 'J television, and theatrical and group entertainment productions shaIl be in accordance with Article 78 and ORS 480.] ] 0 through 480.] 65. ORS 480.110 through 480.] 65 are not a part of this code but are reproduced or paraphrased here for the reader's convenience. ORS 480.110 through 480.] 65 define the regulations for the foIlowing: 480.]] 0 - Definitions for Oregon fireworks laws; 480.120 - Prohibited uses for fireworks; 480.122 - Use for repelling birds; 480.124 - Use for controlling predatory animals; 480.] 27 - Sales penn its for certain items; 480.130 - Penn its required for sale or public display of fireworks; 480.] 40 - Requirements for fireworks displays to be under supervision of police and fire department chiefs; 480.] 50 - Penn its for fireworks sales or displays; 480.152 - Publication of advertisement for sale of unlawful fireworks; 480.] 54 - Requirements for records; 480.156 - SeIling of fireworks to out-of-state residents; 480.] 58 - Liability of parents for the costs incurred in suppressing fires caused by use of fireworks by minors; 480.] 60 - The effect of local regulations on state law; 480.] 65 - Civil penalty for fireworks law violations. SECTION 7801.3.1 7801.3.1 ( Fireworks) .Pyrotechnic special effects material. For regulations governing the wholesale sales and storage of pyrotechnics. retail sales and storage of pyrotechnics. public display of fireworks. and agricultural use of fireworks. see the foIlowing administrative rules: OAR 837-]2-500 through 570 are not a part of this code but are reproduced or paraphrased here for the reader's convenience. OAR 837-12-500 through 570 define the laws and regulations for wholesale sales and storage of pyrotechnics in Oregon. OAR 837- ]2-600 through 675 are not a part of this code but are reproduced or paraphrased here for the reader's convenience. OAR 837-]2-600 through 675 define the laws and regulations for retail sales and storage of pyrotechnics (all owed fireworks) in Oregon. OAR 837-]2-700 through 970 and OAR 837-12-021 are not a part of this code but are reproduced or paraphrased here for the reader's convenience. OAR 837-12-700 through 970 define the laws and regulations for public displays of fireworks including special effects. OAR 837-12-305 through 330 are not a part of this code but are reproduced or paraphrased here for the reader's convenience. OAR 837-]2-305 through 330 define the laws and regulations for agricultural uses of fireworks in Oregon. OAR 837-]2-]000 through] ]60 are not a part of this code but are reproduced or paraphrased here for the reader's convenience. OAR 837-]2-1000 through] 160 define the laws and regulations for civil penalties for violation of Oregon's fireworks statutes and administrative rules as referenced in Article 78. SECTION 7802.1.1 7802.1.1 Temporary Storage. Temporary storage of fireworks shaIl be in accordance with Section 307 of the Building Code. SECTION 7802.4 - 7802. Sections 7802.4 through 7802. are specifically deleted from the provisions of this code. ARTICLE 79 FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS SECTION 7901.3.2 7901.3.2 Plans. Tank instaIlations for the storage of flammable or combustible liquids of 1.000 gaIlons (3785 L) or more require prior -approval by the Springfield Department of Fire and Life Safety. Applications for such plan approval shaIl be made to the Springfield Fire Marshal and shaIl be accompanied by three copies of the plans and specifications. The plans shaIl consist of a plot pla~ showing the location of any buildings. structures. or tanks with relationship to the premises and the pertinent distances. piping and valves. tank capacities. diking. details of the design and construction. and fire protection. The plans shaIl also indicate the method of storage, quantities to be stored. distances from buildings and property lines. accessways fire-protection facilities. and provisions for spill A-I5 - . . '.' cOlltrol. drainage control and secondary containment. along with any other information requested by the fire marshal. (In the event an installation includes buildings and related equipment in addition to tanks. separate construction plans. specifications. etc.. shall be submitted to the building department having jurisdiction. SECTION 7902. 7902. Walls. Add at end of the first paragraph: Diked areas for tanks located in extremely porous soils may require special treatment to prevent seepage of hazardous quantities of liquids to low-lying areas or waterways in case of spills. ARTICLE 80 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SECTION 8001.1.1 8001.1.1 General. EXCEPTIONS: add 3. Oregon Revised Statutes 466.605 through 466.680. 4688.300 through 4688.335 and 466.200 through 466.205 and administered under Oregon Administrative Rules 340. Division 108. as described in Annex 0 of the Oregon Emergency Operations Plan. SECTION 8005 Section 8005. Transport Vehicles. 8005.1 Vehicle Placards. Vehicles that require a hazardous materials placard by Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations shall display the required placard for the regulated cargo at all times. 8005.1.1. Unattended Parking. Vehicles requiring placards in accordance with Section 8005.1 shall comply with the requirements of Section 7904.6.5. _ ARTICLE 82 LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS SECTION 8201 Section 8201 - SCOPE Storage, handling and transportation ofLP-gas and the installation of equipment pertinent to systems for such uses shall be in accordance with Article 82. For determining properties of LP-gases, see U.F.C. Standard 82-1, Appendix A. Refer to ORS 480.41 0 through 480.460 and OAR 837-30-100 through 837-30-280 for administrative provisions pertaining to liquefied petroleum gas licensing and notification of LP-gas installations. ORS 480.410 through 480.460 and OAR 834-30-100 through 837-30-280 are not a part of this code but are reproduced or paraphrased here for the reader's convenience. ORS 480.410 through 480.460 are the regulations establishing minimum general standards for the design, construction, location, installation and operation of equipment for storing, handling, and transporting LPG, and establishes standards and rules for the issuance, suspension and revocation of license and permits. OAR 834-30-100 through 837-30-280 implements the standards, policies and procedures for liquefied petroleum gas, including: Fire and Life Safety Requirements, License Requirements, Examinations, Tank Installations, and Penalties and Fees. SECTION 8204.3 8204.3 Container Location. See Section 7902.2.3.3. for separation between LPG tanks and flammable or combustible liquid tanks. ARTICLE 90 STANDARDS SECTION 9003 n.2.2. 46 Recommended Safe Practices for Storage of Forest Products. A-16 APPENDIX I-D FIRE PREVENTION GUIDELINES FOR HAUNTED HOUSES AND SIMILAR TEMPORARY INSTALLATIONS. . SECTION 1 Section 1 - Scope Haunted or Fun houses or other similar installations set up for 90 d(lys or less inside a structure not designed for this specific use, shall comply with the following requirements SECTION 2 Section 2 - Permits When a permit is required to operate a haunted house or similar installation it shall be obtained from the chief before the facility is opened to the public. SECTION 3 . Section 3 - General Requirements Haunted houses and similar temporat)' installations shall comply with all of the following: I. There may be no dead-end corridors and there must be an obvious exit out of any maze every 50 feet of linear travel. All stairways must be illuminated at a level of at least one foot candle 2. Groups shall consist of not more than 20 persons. Each group of children age 12 and under must be accompanied and supervised by a staff person who is 18 years of age or older. The staff person must have in his/her possession an operable flashlight and be completely familiar with the facility. 3. There will be no smoking allowed at any time inside the occupancy as noted in Article 11. 4. All electrical installations shall meet the Electrical Code. 5. The chief shall be contacted for an inspection and the plalU1ing of an evacuation procedure prior to opening the facility to the public. The evacuation plan and occupancy shall be approved by the chief prior to public access. 6. The total number of occupants in the facility at any time shall be limited to a number determined by the chief. 7. No open-flame devices or temporary heaters are allowed in the occupancy. 8. Use of untreated combustible material is prohibited All combustible material shall be treated or protected so that it is essentially rendered and maintained flame proof in a manner acceptable to the chief. This includes all harvest decorations such as cornstalks dry branches and hay. 9. Blocking. locking or in any way impeding reaoy access to any marked or required exit is prohibited, All exitways shall he kept clear of any obstructions or storage. 10. Sufficient numbers of fire extinguishers shall be provided to insure that the maximum travel distance to any extinguisher does not exceed 50 feet. The minimum acceptable rating (size) is 2A: 10BC. All fire extinguishers shall be mounted in a conspicuous location. Staff members shall be instructed in the proper use of the extinguishers. APPENDIX I-E ADULT FOSTER HOMES SECTION 1 1. SCOPE The purpose of Appendix I-E is to provide a reasonable degree of safety to persons occupying adult foster homes by outlining minimum requirements necessal)' for continued licensing of the home. SECTION 2 . 2. DEFINITIONS ADULT FOSTER HOME (AFH) means any family home or other facility in which residential care is provided. for compensation. to five or fewer elderly adults or adults with a physical disability. mental illness or developmental disability who are not related to the provider by blood or marriage. MEANS OF EGRESS is a continuous and unobstructed way of exit travel from any point in a building or structure to a public way and consists of three separate and distinct parts: (l) the exit access: (2) the exit: and (3) exit discharge. A means of egress comprises the vertical and horizontal travel and shall include intervening room spaces. doorways. hallways. corridors. passagew(lys. balconies. ramps. stairs. enclosures. lobbies. escalators. horizontal exits. courts and yards. PRIMARY MEANS OF ESCAPE shall be a door. stairway or ramp providing a means of unobstructed travel to the dwelling. (The most common used entl)' and exit.) PROVIDER as defined in ORS 443.705 means any person operating an adult foster home and includes a certified resident manager. RELATIVE FOSTER HOME means a home which provides care and services to only a relative. by blood or marriage. A-17 . RESIDENT means any person who is receiving room board. care and services in an adult foster home for compensation on a 24-hour ~ RESIDENTIAL CARE means the provisions of care on a 24-hour basis. SECONDARY MEANS OF ESCAPE shall be an alternate to the common primary exit and shall be a door. stairway. hall or an approved window. SELF-PRESERVATION means an occupant who is ambulatory. unrestrained and possesses the ability to perceive a life-threatening emergency and take appropriate physical and mental action to preserve his or her life. SECTION 3 3. CONSTRUCTION (a) Construction of general buildings shall be of sound construction. meeting all applicable state and local codes for fire and life safety in effect at time of construction. (b) Mobile home units must have been built since 1976 and designed for use as a home rather than a travel trailer. The units shall have a manufacturer's label pennanently affixed to the unit. which states it meets the requirements of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) or the authority having iurisdiction. SECTION 4 4. EXITS AND EMERGENCY EGRESS All adult foster homes shall have approved exits. the use of which are within the capability of the persons they are intended to serve. (a) Every sleeping room shall have at least one operable window or door approved for secondary means of escape or rescue. Windows must have a minimum net clear opening of5.7 square feet or 821 square inches. The minimum net clear opening height dimensions of windows shall be 24 inches. The minimum net clear opening width of windows shall be 20 inches. Where windows are provided as a means of egress. they shall have a sill height of not more than 44 inches above the floor. EXCEPTION: Windows with a clear opening of not less than 5.0 square feet or 720 square inches with sill heights of 48 inches may be accepted when approved by the authority having iurisdiction. . (b) Exterior exit doors shall have latching knob hardware. All doors in the means of egress shall have an obvious method of operation. The means of egress shall be maintained clear and unobstructed. Hasp. sliding bolt. hook and eyes. and double-key dead bolts shall not be permitted. . . . . (c) Only ambulatory residents capable of self-preservation shall be housed on a second floor or in a basement. (d) Hallways and exitways shall be a minimum 36 inches wide or as approved by the authority having jurisdiction. (e) Split-level homes shall be evaluated according to accessibility. emergency egress and evacuation capability of residents. (t) Lifts or elevators shall not be used as a substitute for a resident's capability to ambulate stairs. ., (g) Ladders. rope and chain ladders. and other devices shall not be used as a secondary means of egress. SECTION 5 5. FLAME SPREAD AND SMOKE DENSITY (a) The maximum flame spread of finished materials used on interior walls and ceilings in sleeping rooms and exitways shall not exceed Class III (76-200). (b) Smoke density shall not be greater than 450. SECTION 6 6. SMOKE DETECTORS (a) Smoke detectors shall be installed in each sleeping room. adiacent hallways. common living areas. basements. and in two-story homes at the top of each stairway. (b) All detectors shall be connected to a sounding device or interconnected to other detectors to provide. when actuated. an alarm which is audible in all sleeping rooms. (c) Ifan occupant is hearing impaired a smoke detector(s) for hearing impaired shall be provided. (d) Smoke detectors may be battery operated when installed in existing buildings. In new construction. smoke detectors shall receive their primary power from the building wiring. (e) All smoke detectors shall be approved and shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and the One and Two- Family Dwelling Cede or other nationally recognized standards. (t) The facility shall test and maintain all smoke detectors as required. SECTION 7 . 7. PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS At least one 2-A. lO-B:C rated fire extinguisher shall be visible and readily accessible in a location on each floor. including basements. and maintained in accordance with Unifonn Fire Code Standard No. 10- I. A-I8 . . . SECTION 8 8. HEATING EOUlPMENT (a) Heating equipment. including wood stoves. shall be installed according to manufacturer's specifications and in accordance with applicable fire and life safety codes. and under permit where applicable. (b) Approved and listed protective glass screens or metal mesh screens anchored top and bottom shall be required on fireplaces and solid-fuel-burning appliances. . (c) Unvented oil. gas or kerosene heaters shall not be used. (d) Sealed electric transfer heaters may be used when approved by the chief. (e) Portable electric heaters shall be listed and have tip-over protection. (0 Portable electric heaters shall not be used with electrical extension cords. SECTION 9 9. ELECTRICAL EOUlPMENT AND WIRING Electrical equipment and wiring shall be in accordance with Article 85 of the Uniform Fire Code and other nationaIly recognized standards. The use ofUL approved multiplug extension cords with circuit breaker protection is permitted. SECTION 10 10. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES (a) An emergency evacuation procedure shall be developed. posted and practiced with occupants. Drills shall be held at least once every 90 days with at least one drill practice per year occurring during sleeping hours. (b) Drill records shall be maintained for three (3) years and include date. time of day. length of time to evacuate the facility. and names of residents requiring assistance. (c) Within 24 hours of arrival. new residents shall be shown how to respond to a fire alarm and how to exit from the facility in an emergency. (d) Providers shall be required to demonstrate the ability to evacuate all residents from the facility within three minutes to a point of safety which is exterior to. and away from. the structure. and has access to a public way. If the facility fails to meet this requirement. the authority having jurisdiction shall notifY the licensing authority. (e) The provider shall provide. keep updated and post a floor plan containing room size. location of each resident's sleeping room. resident manager or provider's sleeping room. fire exits. smoke detectors and fire extinguishers. (f) There shall be. on each occupied floor of the facility. at least one plug-in rechargeable flashlight. readily accessible. or other approved emergency lighting. SECTION 11 11. SPECIAL HAZARDS (a) Flammable and combustible liquids and hazardous materials shall be safely and properly stored in the original labeled container or in an approved and listed safety container in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code. (b) Medical oxygen cylinders in service or storage shall be adequately secured to prevent cylinders from falling or being knocked over in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code. (c) Areas where oxygen cylinders are used or stored shall be posted NO SMOKING. Oxygen cylinders shall not be used or stored in rooms where woodstoves. fireplaces or open flames are located in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code. (d) Smoking regulations shall be adopted to allow smoking only in designated areas. Smoking shall be prohibited in sleeping rooms. Ashtrays shall be of noncombustible materials. A-19 -.. APPENDIX II-F PROTECTED ABOVEGROUND TANKS FOR MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL- DISPENSING STATIONS OUTSIDE BUILDINGS . SECTION 5.1 5.1 Separation Distances. A protected aboveground tank shall be separated from property lines, important buildings, public ways and other tanks in accordance with Table A-II-F-l. TABLE A_ILF _1-MINIMUM SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS FOR PROTECTED ABOVEGROUND TANKS INDIVIDUAL TANK MINIMUM DISTANCE MINIMUM DISTANCE MINIMUM CAPACITY FROM PROPERTY LINE FROM THE NEAREST DISTANCE gallons (liters) WHICH IS OR CAN BE SIDE OF ANY PUBLIC BETWEEN BUILT UPON, WAY OR FROM THE TANKS INCLUDING THE NEAREST IMPORTANT feet (mm) OPPOSITE SIDE OF A BUILDING ON THE SAME PUBLIC WAY PROPERTY feet (mm) feet (mm) Less than or equal to 15(4572) 5 (1524) (914) 6,000 (22712) Greater than 6,000 (22 50 (15240) 25 (7620) (914) 712) . EXCEPTION: Where there are practical difficulties in providing tank design as specified in Section 4 above. the chief may approve the use of unprotected tanks provided that the tanks are located in such a manner that the distances are equal to. or greater than. the distances required for protected tanks greater than 6.000 gallons as specified in Table No. A-II-F-I. Unprotected tanks containing Class I motor fuels shall not exceed a 6.000-gallon individual or 18.000-gallon aggregate capacity. unprotected tanks containing Class II or III-A liquids may be of greater capacity as approved by the chief. For the purposes of these distances. the aggregate quantity of all product(s) shall be considered. NOTE: For tanks and dispensers located at commercial. industrial. governmental or manufacturing establishments. and intended for fueling vehicles used in connection with their business. refer to Table No. 7902.2-F. APPENDIX 11- P PUBLIC PROTECTION DANGEROUS VEGETATION 1. . DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this Article, the following definitions shall apply: a. OWNER shall mean the record owner of a lot or parcel of real property, or the purchaser under a recorded land sale contract. b. GRASS shall not be construed as including any annual growing crop. c. NOXIOUS PLANTS shall mean plants which are harmful or injurious to the public health, safety or welfare; such as poison oak, poison ivy and other similar plants. . 2. OWNER RESPONSIBILITY The owner of any lot or parcel of real property shall be responsible for the duties imposed by the terms of this Article, and shall be liable for any costs incurred as a result of a violation of the terms of this Article. A-20 . . . -.- '3.. NOXIOUS PLANTS AS NUISANCE Noxious plants are declared to be a nuisance. Property shall be maintained in a manner which shall not encourage the growing of noxious plants. 4. VEGETATION AS FIRE HAZARD NUISANCE The unchecked and untended growth during the summer months of grass, weeds, shrubbery, brush and bushes on vacant and other lots and parcels of land, and on the streets and alleys butting thereon, constitutes a fire menace and increases the fire hazard in the City and is hereby declared to be a nuisance. Property shall be maintained in a manner which shall not constitute a fire hazard. 5. REMOVAL OF FIRE HAZARD VEGETATION--RESPONSIBILlTY THEREFORE The owner of a lot of parcel of real property shall be responsible for the cutting of grass, weeds, shrubbery, brush and shrubs growing on property within the City or adjacent thereto on adjacent streets, alleys or utility easements, and shall not allow the same to exceed 10 inches in height on and after June 15th of each year. In case of failure to cut such material as covered in this Article, the owner shall be subject to the penalties hereinafter provided and the City may cause the same to be cut and the expense incurred to be charged against such owner of the lot or parcel of real property in violation and to be made in lien against the property as hereinafter provided. 6. WAIVER Where strict compliance with the requirements of Subsections 4 and 5 of this Appendix would be impractical as they apply to a certain type of vegetation or to a certain lot or parcel of real property, the Fire Marshal or his agent may, after inspecting the property, waive the requirements as they so apply and request perimeter cutting that will help meet the basic intent of the code. 7. DUTIES OF THE CITY MANAGER It shall be the duty of the City Manager or his agent to cause to be published during the month of May of each year, in the public notice section of the two newspapers of general circulation printed and published in Springfield/Eugene, Oregon, a copy of Subsections 5 and 9 of this Appendix as notice to all property owners of the contents and terms of this Article. The City Manager may, also during the first week of June, purchase an advertisement in the above-mentioned newspapers generally describing the requirements of Subsections 5 and 9. In the event that any owner or any lot or parcel of real property in the City shall fail to comply with the terms of this Article, the City Manager or his agent may cause the violation hereof to be ended by causing the grass, weeds, shrubbery, brush and bushes creating a fire hazard to be cut. 8. ABATEMENT BY CITY After June 15th of each year, the Fire Marshal or his agent shall canvass the City to determine if any lot or parcel of real property is in violation of this Article. Upon finding a violation, the Fire Marshal or his agent shall deliver notice to the owner by sending such notice to the last known address of the owner by ordinary mail that the nuisance is to be abated in accordance with Subsection 5 of this Appendix within 10 days of such notice. Such notice addressed to the owner as defined in the Article shall constitute notice to all persons having or claiming any ownership in such property. If compliance is not achieved within the time specified by the notice, the Fire Marshal or his agent shall have the vegetation cut, causing the costs therein incurred to be charged to the owner of the property. A-21 . . . - .- .. The agent of the City authorized under the terms of this ordinance to inspect or abate may enter upon the property at reasonable times for purposes of inspecting and/or cutting the vegetation. 9. PENAL TV FOR VIOLATION The owner shall be liable for the total cost of cutting such vegetation as constitutes violations of this Article by the Fire Marshal or his agent by appointment or contract, including all labor, equipment rental, and administrative costs, for a $100.00 minimum charge for each lot or parcel of real property. Anything in excess of one hour will be at the time rate of $100.00 per hour. The billing shall be done by the City Finance officer or his agent by sending a statement of charges to the last known owner by ordinary mail. Such notice addressed to the owner as defined in this article shall constitute notice to all persons having or claiming any ownership in such property. In addition, such owner may be cited to appear before the municipal judge of the City of Springfield and upon being found guilty of failing to do or perform any duty, matter, or thing required in this Article, may be fined not in excess of $500.00 or imprisoned for not more than 100 days, or both such fine and imprisonment. 10. FAILURE TO PAY CUTTING STATEMENT--COLLECTION OF CHARGES In the event that vegetation on the real property is cut under the terms of this Article by the Fire Marshal or his agent and billed in accordance with the procedure hereinabove set forth, and the person responsible therefore shall fail to pay such statement arising out of such cutting within 30 days of the mailing to him by ordinary mail by the City Finance officer of said statement, the further and additional sum of $25.00 shall be added to such statement as additional administrative costs and the Finance Officer of the City shall 'proceed to collect the same in the manner provided for civil obligations at law or in the alternative, may proceed with the assessment of costs against the property in accordance with Springfield Code, 1965. 11. DISPOSITION OF CUTTING CHARGES AND PENALTY MONEYS All moneys received by the City of Springfield arising out of violations of this Article, including cutting charges, fines, and liens levied against owners of property found to be in violation of this article, shall be deposited directly into a revolving fund for the purpose of financing the enforcement of this Article, or into the general fund of the City at the direction of the City Manager. APPENDIX III-A FIRE-FLOW REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDINGS SECTION 1 SECTION 1 - SCOPE The procedure determining fire-flow requirements for buildings or portions of buildings hereafter constructed in areas where fire departments possess an ISO grade of four (4) or better shall be in accordance with Appendix III-A. Appendix III-A does not apply to structures other than buildings. In areas where fire departments possess an ISO grade of five (5) through nine (9). the chief may be guided by NFPA 1231. See also ORS 479.200 and Oregon State Fire Marshal Interpretation 94-02 "Water Supply". A-22 . . . '... .. APPENDIX V-B STATUTES AND ADMINISTRATIVE RULES SUPPLEMENTING THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE ORS 476.280 and 476.290. Grant extraterritorial authority permitting a local fire department to extinguish a fire in an unprotected area and collect the cost from the owner of the property. See also ORS 478310. ORS 476.380. Requires a person outside a rural fire district or forest protection district to obtain a permit from the county before conducting open burning. Requires the county to prescribe the conditions for issuing a burning permit. County requirements must observe Environmental Quality Commission restrictions but may be more restrictive See ORS 478.960 on permits inside rural fire districts ORS 476.410 to 476.440. Require use of standardized fire protection equipment and prohibit sale of nonstandard equipment. ORS 476.510 to 476.610. Establish procedures and obligations in case of a state emergency due to a conflagration. ORS 476.710. Restricts ocean beach fires as regulated by the State Department of Transportation ORS 476.715. Prohibits throwing away lighted material (cigarettes matches etc.) on forest land. private roads and the right-of-way of public roads and railroads. ORS 479.100. Requires a permit from state fire marshal personnel or the local assistant under ORS 476.060 to exhibit or use a motor vehicle in a building that is not a public garage. ORS 479.250 to 479.300. Dwelling units sold since 1979. rental dwelling units. lodging houses and hotel guests must have smoke detectors complying with state fire marshal regulations. The state fire marshal or local official charged with providing fire protection can cite a landlord if acting on a complaint of a tenant. ORS 480.010 to 480.280. E;wlosives and Fireworks. ORS 480.310 to 480.340. Gasoline Dispensing. ORS 480.410 to 480.460. Liquid Petroleum Gas Administrative Rules The following summarized administrative rules of the state fire marshal that are in addition to this code. These are found in Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 837. 1. Sections 11-050 through 11-070. Assistants to the State Fire Marshal. County sheriffs are designated as assistants to the state fire marshal for the pUl.:pose of processing applications for possession of explosives 2. Sections 12-005 through 12-570. Fireworks. These sections regulate the possession. sale and use of fireworks and set standards and procedures for obtaining permits. 3. Sections 30-005 through 30-025. Liquefied Petroleum Gases. These sections relate to rules outlined in the following NFPA publications: Liquefied Petroleum Gases. 1986 (No. 58) Production. Storage and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas. 1985 (No. 59A) Gas Appliances. Gas Piping. 1984 (No. 54) LP Gases at Utility Plants. 1984 (No. 59) 4. Sections 30-030 through 30-070. Liquefied Petroleum Gas as Motor Fuel. These sections regulate the conversion or manufacture of vehicles and machinery to use liq.uefied petroleum gas as a motor fuel. 5. Section 41-050. Exitway Protection. This section requires upgrading of existing deficient buildings where a high life hazard exists to assure safe and adequate exits. The effect is to require exit system improvements in multi-family and other buildings or alternate protection through use of automatic sprinklers or fire detection system 6 Section 44-005. No Smoking in Elevators. This section requires "no smoking" signs in elevators 7. Section 45-005 through 45-025. Smoke Detectors. These sections establish standards for the smoke detectors required by ORS 479.250 to 479300. 8. Sections 61-005 through 61-010. Fire-fighting Equipment. Standards for screw threads and gaskets for fire hose couplings are stated 9. Sections 80-005 through 80-015. Liquefied Natural Gas. These sections adopt NFPA No. 59A. Standard for Production, Storage and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas. 1985 edition. A-23 . . . APPENDIX VI-B EMERGENCY RELIEF VENTING FOR FIRE EXPOSURE FOR ABOVEGROUND TANKS VENTING CAP ACITyl ..,. ,. t, WETTED SURFACE""> VENTING CAP ACITY~'~ MINIMUM OPENING, NOMINAL (Square feet) (Cubic feet per hour) PIPE SIZE6 (Inches) 20 21 , 100 2 30 31,600 2 40 42, I 00 3 50 52,700 3 60 63,200 3 70 73,700 4 80 84,200 4 90 94,800 4 100 105,000 4 120 126,000 5 140 147,000 5 160 168,000 5 180 190,000 5 200 211,000 6 250 239,000 6 300 265,000 6 350 288,000 8 400 312,000 8 500 354,000 8 600 392,000 8 700 428,000 8 800 462,000 8 900 493,000 8 1,000 524,000 10 1,200 557,000 10 1 ,400 587,000 10 1,600 614,000 10 1,800 639,000 10 2,000 662,000 10 2,400 704,000 10 2,800 and over 742,000 10 J ,u, _u At 14.7 pSla and 60 F. (101.4 kPa and 16 C.) 21nterpolate for intermediate values. 3For SI units, m2 = ft.2/O.09. 4 These values taken from NFP A 30. See paragraph 1.2. 5For SI units, m3/s = ft./hr. x 0.03. 6These pipe sizes apply only to open vent pipes of the specified diameter not more than 12 inches (0.3 m) long and a pressure in tank of not more than 2.5 psig (17.1 kPa). If tank is to be equipped with venting device or flame arrester, the vent opening is to accommodate the venting device or flame arrester sized in accordance with column 2 of this table, SIZE OF OPENING FOR NORMAL VENTING CAPACITY OF TANK, U.S. GALLONS I MINIMUM DIAMETER, NOMINAL PIPE SIZET (Inches) Under 2,500 1 I/4 2,501 to 3,000 1 I/2 3,001 to 10,000 2 10,001 to 20,000 2 1/2 20,001 to 35,000 3 35,001 to 50,000 4 r For SI umts, gallons (U.S. gallons) x 3.8 = L. 2See ANSI 836.10. A-24