HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5816 03/18/1996 . . . c- I ~;. ATTACHMENT 1 j':' ORDINANCE NO, 5816 (Special) AN ORDINANCE WITHDRAWING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE NORTHWESTERN SPRINGFIELD AREA, SOUTH OF COLONIAL DRIVE, WEST OF GAME FARM ROAD, EAST OF GATEWAY STREET, NORTH OF RALEIGHWOOD AVENUE (TI7S R03W S22 MAP 12 PART OF TAX LOTS 1305 AND 1306); HERETOFORE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FROM THE RAINBOW WATER DISTRICT AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, certain real property described below was annexed to the City of Springfield by order of Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission under Boundary Commission Final Order Number EC SP 95-25 and further described in Exhibit A, and WHEREAS, the annexed property described is located within the'boundaries of the Rainbow Water District and must be withdrawn from such district, and WHEREAS, the City of Springfield City Council held a public hearing in the Springfield City Council Chambers on March 4, 1996 in accordance with ORS 222.524, for the purpose of hearing any objections to the withdrawal of the property mentioned from the public service district mentioned and there having been ~ objections raised, and WHEREAS, the withdrawal ordinance must be submitted to the Oregon Department of Revenue on or before March 31, 1996 in order to become effective on July 1, 1996, NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The council of the City of Springfield does hereby determine that it is in the best interest of the City that the real property described should be withdrawn from the Rainbow Water District in Lane County, Oregon, Section 2: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby determine that the following described real property within the boundaries of the Rainbow Water District is and shall be upon the effective date of this ordinance withdrawn from the Rainbow Water District in Lane County, Oregon, said property being described as follows: Township 17 South, Range 03 West, Section 22, Map 12, part of tax lots 1305 and 1306; as more particularly described in Exhibit A (Boundary Commission Final Order No, EC SP 95-25), Section 3: It is hereby found and declared that matters pertaining to the withdrawal from Rainbow Water District are matters affecting the public health, safety and welfare of the City of Springfield and this ordinance shall, therefore take effect immediately upon the passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor, ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 18th day of March, 1996, by a vote of 6 for and ~ against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this _l~..t.tday of March, 1996, ATTEST: ~~ I &;-ffo/~d Mayor City Recorder \:<c \i t.E..W (":::.\') f'\ ~ ~ fI\ ~ \"')"\"'~ \J \~D \-\'::. ~ ~c"'~ ~~'l. €. \'\;\ ~ '- ,;:. A x\,-( 0_;,::: C \. \'-1 f'\ \\i::) ,,~IS. '( Off'"D'-~ , 1 i=..~, Go :2.Q \ I.. 1\ ~ ~ Ordinance 5816 . '. . Page 2 FeblUary 21, 1995 ATTACHMENT 2 ' Oregon . FROM: Eileen Stein, Recordekz.. City of Springfield ~ C' "(;/t~ ~ Steven C. Gordon, Executive Officer TO: SUBIECT: EC SP 95 - 25 (Expedited Procedure) ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD (Nicholas Drive) LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION By this correspondence, let it be known that: 1. A petition for annexation of territory to the City of Springfield, located in the northwestern Springfield area, south of Colonial Drive, west of Game Farm Road, east of Gateway Street, north of Raleighwood Avenue (T17S R03W S22 Map 12 part of tax lots 1305 and 1306) was filed on Ianuary 3, 1995, with the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission in accordance with ORS 199.466 and ORS 199.490(1)(c). 2. An analysis was prepared by the boundary commission staff with a recommendation of approval and sent, on January 18, 1995, to the Lane boundary commission members, Lane County commissioners, Lane County Land Management Division, Lane County Environmental Health Division, City of Springfield, Willakenzie Rural Fire Protection District, Rainbow Water District and Timothy Hovet and Richard Boyles for Sycan B Corporation. . 3. No request for public hearing was received by 5:00 p.m., Ianuary 30, 1995. 4. This annexation proposal, described in attached Exhibit A and shown on attached map Exhibit B, is hereby approved and effective Ianuary 30, 1995. Please acknowledge receipt of this correspondence. NOTE: A portion of annexation area is within the WiIlakenzie Rural Fire Protection District and by this action is withdrawn automatically by execution of ORS 199.510(2)(a). The portion of the annexation area within the Rainbow Water District will be withdrawn through separate proceedings by the City of Springfield in accordance with ORS 222. In accordance with ORS 199.51O(2)(c), the annexation area is hereby part of the Lane County Metropolitan Wastewater Service District, a county service district, organized under ORS 451, which is a part of the City of Springfield. .' , , , . ".. . Attachments cc: WiIlamalane Park and Recreation District Rainbow Water District WilIakenzie Rural Fire Protection District Rimothy Hovet for Sycan B , p:\bc\fol\exp\ecsp9474 ,mer 1 125 East 8th Avenue North Plaza Le\'(~l, PSB Eugene, OR 9740l-68117 (503) 687-4425 FAX (503) 687-4099 1'\."111111 . , . . . Ordinance 5816 Page 3 EXHlilIT A .THE FIFTY (50.00) FOOT WIDE ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY OF NICHOLAS, DRIVE LYING WITHIN THE BOUNDARY OF THE PLAT OF NICHOLAS DRENG SUBDIVISION AND WHICH IS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: , BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL 2 OF, LAND PARTITION PLAT NO. 91-P0178 AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN THE LANE COUNTY OREGON PARTITION RECORDS, SAID CORNER BEING ON THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF COLONIAL DRIVE AND RUNNING THENCE ALONG SAID MARGIN ALONG THE ARC OF A 20.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A CHORD BEARING NORTH 700 01' 53" EAST 13.64 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 390 51' 35", A DISTANCE OF 13.91 FEET AND NORTH 890 57" 40" EAST A DISTANCE OF 57.21 FEET; THENCE LEAVING LAST SAID LINE AND RUNNING ALONG THE ARC OF A 20.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT, HAVING A CHORD BEARING SOUTH 440 54' 58" WEST 28.31, FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90005' 25", A DISTANCE OF 31.45 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00 07' 45" EAST A DISTANCE 224.34 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A 50.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT, HAVING A CHORD BEARING SOUTH 420 04' 03" EAST 66.83 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 830 52' 37", A DISTANCE OF 73.20 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 84000' 22" EAST A DISTANCE OF 200.61 FEET TO THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID PARTITION PLAT; THENCE ALONG SAID BOUNDARY SOUTH 00 07' 45" EAST A DISTANCE OF 50.29 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID BOUNDARY AND RUNNING NORTH 840 00' 22" WEST A DISTANCE OF 205.97 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A 100.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT , HAVING A CHORD BEARING NORTH 420 04' "03" WEST 133.67 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 830 52' 37", A DISTANCE OF 146.39 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00 07' 45" WEST A DISTANCE OF 239.80 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.64 ACRES MORE OR LESS ALL LYING IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. EC SP 95 - 25 Page 1 of 1 '1 Ordinance 5816 . Page 4 EXHIBIT B .A. f'lo ( -\-Vl Su;J~ u. Vl!<:-IWW Vl 1.7;1 ::0 irM (%C{ \-1011 tG4 JtY~ 6i?J I' A /~fe- - --::..... /7-0"3-22-/2- jJMf-O';:: J-r:tX-?ofr, /SafJ +/306 # , O. ,'" ,. ~. ',' ......"x'~,':'w'->t;.,;,-:,..:. ~_ . /..r'.41' /JJ_D' 1201 1000 VI \(\ ~ . , , I'l , , ~ i a .. ~ 1 I ~ .1 .-...,.,,' .-' :; , "7,"'-<>' P.! 1303 , .,: 0::, ijf. I ~r .~ 0; )V1'c.\ ~' l' ~ ~ \fJ'v J ~ o <? '0 <fY<? \.I~' (l "-C ~o. "'I : ~l . s I ' ~ 'l" "., 6~. -'s...., 1304 O.t9AC. '- ~ " i d04-/8 H ~ . "- " I f>t-rl'.. M.~'':>'le . .,......4 "'-"'o~'~-e,. to' "- tl-~.<P<<. l,.o.,... . ~ __~........-.......-..... +4". for" " <-1Yl" .~. ~.." or-I ~~ "~ . ~ "'>. \,\, ~,\ WACS. ",~ ~ . '" ~~~"\ t.' '" \,~" , '<;'<>,00 - ..... ;,'~-~ ~ I .. .. I r- ..- .. .. 1lO~ "". ]'V' J:jO .......... ,.~'I."'. _.. 190C J. -f lAC- :! 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