HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5799 10/16/1995 c,:' _~ ,. . . . ORDINANCE NO. 5799 (SPECIAL) AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN AMENDMENT OF THE METRO PLAN, CHANGING THE PLAN DESIGNATION FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL FOR A PORTION OF TAX LOT 5804 AND ALL OF 5803, MAP NUMBER 17-03- 27-43, IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FINDS THAT: 1 . The proposed amendment is consistent with applicable criteria of the Springfield Development Code, Metropolitan Area Plan, and applicable state statutes and statewide goals. 2. The Springfield Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 6, 1995 and unanimously recommended approval. 3. The Springfield City Council held a public hearing on October 2, 1995 on the proposed amendment. 4. Findings in support of the approval of this amendment to the Metro Plan diagram are set forth in "Exhibit A" attached hereto, and incorporated herein by reference. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The findings set forth above and the findings contained in "Exhibit A" attached hereto are adopted, and incorporated by reference. Section 2: The diagram amendment is hereby approved, and the diagram is hereby amended in "Exhibit B" attached hereto. Section 3: If any section or provision of this ordinance is found to be invalid, improperly adopted or adopted without supporting findings and evidence, such findings of invalidity shall not invalidate or otherwise affect the remaining portions of this ordinance. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 16 day of October, 1995, by a vote of ----..i. for and ~'_against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 16th day of October, 1995. ATTEST: Cit~ B4~ Mayor f.. >..i~ ~~/~.~<~.. [~ q'\;~?~'l~;;c~J ORDINANCE ,5799 Page 1 1\ \,) F~~ ~~\ 0Q)~- . - =-- l' r '~'f: ~-:'<,\ \ t \ ~ y- . . . . t_.. ""'-- =----=..::...:==_ _ _ Oi'+!C:c c;: errv ATT0f1i"5EY C~Y\' ~-: f~p;:m..j(;>}:H~:LD ~:J::".nl'J:.t~ r L..c1l" PLAN DIAGRAM . rrhe: purpose or the Plan Diagram and the descriptions of the land u.e;es and symbols sho\l."TI Q~ contained in chapter U-E) ~ 0- 0- " '" D Low Density Residential D Medium Density Residential IfII' High Density Residential _ Commercial III Major Retail Center II1II Heavy Industrial III Special Heavy Industrial ~~ Light-Medium Industrial ?il'l'lf lii~' Special Light Industrial f:..., , University /Resecrch ---. Urban Growth Boundary ........Plan Boundary ~."'. ",~:>tJ ~! t~~~ .. '" '.'.!~~;,l o Govemment & Education [81 Parks & Open Space Natural Resource o Sand & Gravel III Agriculture fill Forest Land 1":<'1 Rural Residential l1li Rural COmme~Cial IUr.~1 Rural Industrial r1!!il Urban Reserve ~...~ ~... ~ II Airport Reserve . Mixed Uses C Refinement Plan ,..' ~. ~ ~. .#r" I." I." ~""!-~.. .-~."..... ~.., ....'!I'" ,~ii~,~.;"., ~i'Hli'rjllF t.,. f, ~'F~}-~ifJl(-:.-<:~; ~. ~" I ~.. 1:' 1:' 1:' IF ..,!!,~-, ,....~ , r ~ ~ "f i' ~ ~.~ ~lt\lt\ ~; Il~~~:II~Jll:t~;.~~~~~;~ t~d ~~:;: ~~'s~'-;;~~~~I:I ~'I t~ ,; I, ;1("\1;~;1 ~::JII~::: l' an-a: and 121 gtl:lls. obJet:tJ\'es ;)nd polkH"S MuhodlNf III th(" kxt uf the pl<1tl. One C:Ulnol dr:tl'nnllw lilt" cx.;lCl (ksl/-!,nallon of a p~lrticubr pan.:d of land wHltolll cOllsulting with the :tppr-llpnatt: local jluisdlctlon. 1..0.1.'::1) JlIn~dlctlul1S IIlakt" lll(lr~' spl~dnc: IlllcrJJrelalltl/lS ii' Ille ~(Oncral diagram throll/..:h rl'linClIIl'llt plallS alltl /"'1I11l1~" iOhe rdatlllnshlp of llH'\11~lgr;lIn lu tt"'''I. gil;i1~. ul'JC'{"I1\ t"~ alld pollcleso and to I hI.: rc.:flllcll1f'nl pblls ;lfld /.OIlhll.':" l~ C"~,vl:tU\~"'tj (Ill pdgt" 1-5, Lan.:c.-scalc. dd:tlh-tlIlI.;IP:-> IIf tilc" "'III- SIH"""llk urban /..:rUh"lh bOlllldary :Ut' nil nit, \\1111 the l...:uw COIlIlCII ul <';O\"C'I"11I11ClllS and lhl: l'blolllllt' U"kt.~ 0; SpnllJ..;liddo i"':llle t__olllllY ;Illd Etlgnll' ,~ -......."""'---~ , ~,;:"" 1:>:":;)I~~~i:':'i;;::::;;':" 'I;~:':i;~~:~::~:;;,'~: ;"',,\::";:I::,;,~f::P\, ;.oh! 1":11,0101 l,i,l! 1'0 :", '1",011 .';IJi",..,.'tll"ll; ';lill" I ~.'"' ," ""_ - ---------..."------- . i_