HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2009-6-17 ~ftJ 11:t.'ll~I~;.I~.'~I.IIIl\'.lIlliI CLIENT DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO, CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION LOAD 2 SAMPLED ~ Compressive St~ength of Concrete I: (ASTM C 39) I ' Geotemnical & ConslrlJdion Services PROJECT Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Plant Expansion Springfield, Oregon DATE PROJEcT NO. REPORT NO. I EWEB 500E, 4th Ave, Eugene, Oregon 97440 BP NO:-::~: _ --~008-09.225 l~ 06-10-09 CAST BY A Fenstermacher DATE RECE,!VED 4000 psi SPECIMEN ~IZE 4000 psi SACKS SUPPLIER i' 40-SE7 CEMENT MAX SIZE AGG, Super; Eclipse AIR CONTENT 2 TICKET NO. 3354654 SLUMP 71" F YARDAGE 10,0 OF 50,0 TIME 62" F WEATHER Overcast SPECIMEN STORAGE '. ~ Filter building lower slab (elevation 578,50) and Filter building weir box slab ilt south end, North side of weir box, REMARKS: Jake Stucky (Wildish) was advised of on-site test results, Reviewed By: ;J;.~~ Michael L. Medr Technical Manager c: EWEB- Mike Stickling (email) EWEB- Wally McCullough (email) OBEC- Pete Slocum (email) Wildish Building Co,- Kevin Fitzjarrell (email) Wildish Building Co,- Jake Stucky (email) City of Springfield ' Knife River 06-17-09 2087168 6490 6-11-09 4" x 8" Knife River 3/4" 3,0% 8" 9:00 AM ASTM C 31 RECEIVED JUN 1 9 l009 I' I This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full andfor any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc..'s written authorization. r jj 750 NW Comell Avenue' Corvallis, Oregon 97330, phone (541) 757-4698, fax (541) 757-2991 29540 BAirport Road, Eugene, Oregon 97402, phone (541)684-3849' fax (541) 68f3851 62979 NE Plateau Drive, Suite 3, Bend, Oregon 97701 'phone(541)3824644' fax (541)382-4846 MLM:sc ~~ ~ ........1 ~rt Page 1 of 1 11:"'llm";'lmltr.'~~'IIII\'mI Geotechnical & Cons1rudion Services Daily Field Report . Client: EWEB Project: Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Date: 06-09 & 1 0-09 500E, 41h Ave, Plant Expansion Project',No.: 2087168 'Eugene, Oregon Springfield, Oregon Report!No,: E-23126 Inspector: A, Fenstermacher ID No,:'! 5258882-49 ICC Inspection of: Reinforced Concrete Weather: Overcast Contin~ous Inspection: 0 Contractor: Wildish Building BPNo.: 2008-00225 Periodic Inspection: 0 1 06-09-09: Performed preliminary inspection on the reinforcing steel for filter building lower slab (elevation 578,50) and filter building weir box slab at south end, Reinforcing steei ~as checked for grade, size, laps, quantities, locations, ties, clearance and supports, A final in,spection will be performed prior to concrete placement ' !' 06-10-09: Performed final inspection on the reinforcing steel for filter building lower slab (elevation 578,50) and filter building weir box slab at south end, A preliminary inspection was performed on 06-09-09, Observed the placement of 50,0 yards of Knife River 4000 psi concrete (mix 40-SE7) into areas noted above, Concrete was placed by pump and was mechanically consolidated, Cast one (1) set of four (4) 4" x 8" compressive strength cylinders_ . Notified Jake Stucky (Wildish) of the on-site results. Slump - 8"; concrete temperature - 71 F; air temperature - 62F; air conteni'- 3,0%, Mr. Stucky was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed, To the best of our knowiedge, the work inspected was in accordance with plans dated 02/2008 and applicable workmanship provisions of the I.B,C" except if noted above, Reviewed By: fY1- i.1h:;- Michael L. Meyer Technical Manager c: EWEB- Mike Stickling (em ail) EWEB- Wally McCullough (email) OBEC- Pete Slocum (email) Wildish Building Co,- Kevin Fitzjarrell (email) Wildish BuildingCo,- Jake Stucky (email) City of Springfieid . . MLM:sc This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pehains to the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or;full and/or any part . thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc.'s written authorization. J! 7m NN 0:meI1 Avenue' CoIvanis, Qegon 97330, phrne (541) 757-4698, fax (541) 757-2991 , 29540BAirportRoad' Eugene, Qegon97402' phcre(541)684-J849 'fax(541)~1 62979 NE PlateauDrive, Suite 3, Bend, Oregon 97701 'phone (541)382-4844' fax (541) 382-4846 I RECEIVED JUN 16 Jnll9 (~Ft) 11~'II~lrt;.I~Io'~aqtlIJI.lillIlI 'CLIENT DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO, CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION TEST DATE 06-12-09 07-03-09 07-03-09 Hold AGE (DAYS\ 7 28 28 k~ If Ii Compressive sttength of Concrete Ii 'ASTM C 39) c.,eotechnirnl & Construction Services PROJECT Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Plant Expansion Springfield, Oregon 'i " DATE I: PROJECT NO, REPORT NO, EWEB 500E, 4'h Ave, Eugene, Oregon 97440 BPNO, 2008-00225 IT 06-05-09 CAST BY D, Delatte DATE RECEIVED " 4000 psi SPECIMEN SIZE 4000 psi, SACKS SUPPLIER i; 2440KIUOKS CEMENT MAX SIZE AGG, Super/ Eclipse AIR CONTEr'lT 1 TICKET NO_ 3440488 SLUMp. ' 700 F YARDAGE 5,0 OF 5,0 TIME i' 67" F WEATHER Overcast SPECIMEN ~TORAGE 54" diameter raw water penetration wall at contact basin north riser box, I' 06-12-09 2087168 6485 06-06-09 4" x 8" Knife River 3/4" 3,5% 51/2" 9:40 AM ASTM C 31 AVERAGE l' It AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COM PRESSIVE STRENGTH I!TIME OF TYPE OF (IN_') (LBS) LOAD (LBS\ STRENGTH (PSI) (PSIl .: TEST FRACTURE" 12,56 8,50 57020 4540 ~18:35 AM 3 , , REMARKS: Jake Stucky (Wild ish) was advised of on-site test results, -1- End Cones 2 _ Gone/Split 3 - Columnar 4-Diagonal 5-Side (top or bottom) 6-Side (pointed top or,bottom) Reviewed By: A,';(.~ Michael L. Me~ r Technical Man er - c: EWEB- Mike Sticklin9 (em ail) . EWEB- Wally McCullough (email) OBEC- Pete Slocum (email) Wildish Building Co,-Kevin Fitzjarrell (email) Wildish Building Co,- Jake Stucky (email) City of Springfield Knile River MLM:sc This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated, As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part odull andlor any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc.'s written authorization. :: 750 NW Cornell Avenue' Corvallis, Oregon 97330 'phone (541) 757-4698, fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road, Eugene, Oregon 97402 ' phone (541) 684-3849 ' lax (541) 6s4-3851 62979 NE Plateau Drive, Suite 3, Bend, Oregon 97701 . phone (541)382-4644' lax (541) 382-4846 EWEB 500E. 4th Ave, Eugene, Oregon 97440 (~ftl rl~1lU lef;4m~'~~'IlIJllllall CLIENT DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO, CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION '{1- Geotechnical & Construdion Services , Compressive St~ength of Concrete t (ASTM C 39) PROJECT Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Plant Expansion Springfield, Oregon DATE PROJECT NO_ REPORT NO. 06-12-09 2087168 6442 B,P. NO_ 2008-00225 05-15~09 CAST BY D, Delatte 4000 psi 4000 psi SACKS 2440KIUOKS CEMENT Super; Eclipse; AEA 1 TICKET NO_ 3354448 680 F YARDAGE 10,0 OF 590 F WEATHER Clear Slab on grade, west end of south ramp, DATE RECEIVED , SPECIMEN ~IZE SUPPLIER I I MAX SIZE ~,GG, AIR CONTENT SLUMP i' TIME ' J, SPECIMEN STORAGE I; 05-16~09 4" x8" Knife River 3/4" 4,0% ,8" 10:25 AM ASTM C31 10,0 AVERAGE I TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH '~ TIME OF TYPE OF , DATE (DAYS) (IN.'! (LBS) LOAD (LBSI STRENGTH (PSn (PSI) I. TEST FRACTURE" I 05-22-09 7 12,56 8,53 61280 4880 1'3:30 PM 4 I 06-12-09 I' 28 12,56 8,53 71590 5700 ~: 8:20 AM 5 1 06-12-09 I 28 12,56 8,54 70010 5570 5635 1,8:25 AM 2 1 Hold *"1 - End Cones 2 - Cone/Split 3;... Columnar 4 - Diagonal 5 - Side (top and bottom) 6 - Side (top or bottom) REMARKS: Jake Stucky (Wildish) and Mike Stickling (EWEB) were advised of on-site test results, Reviewed By: M~e;~~~ Technical Manager c: EWEB- Mike Stickling (emall) EWEB- Wally McCullough (emall) OBEC- Pete Slocum (email) Wildish Building Co,- Kevin Fitzjarrell (emaH) Wildish Building Co,- Jake Stucky (email) City of Springfield Knife River MLM:sc ' ,fl~ .IC1;y ('~/V .; (j ~O ~9 , I' This report andfor enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part o~:full and/or any part thereof be disclosed withoutFEI Testing & Inspection, Inc.'s written authorization. I', 7ffJ mil Cornell Avenue 'Cavallis, Oregon 97330, phone (541 ) 757-4698, lax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airpat Road ' Eugene, Oregon 97402' phone (541)684-3849 '1ax(541)684-38s1 , , , 630ffJ Corporate Place, Suite 2 - Bend, Oregon 97701 'phone (541) 382-4844, fax (541).382-4846 " . ~ftl 1a.'lIflrl:"I~"'~:'IIII~_ Geotechnical & Construction Servio3S ;lient: Project: EWEB 500E_ 4th Ave, Eugene, Oregon, ~ Page 1 of 1 , Daily Field Report . if ( , I! Date: ( Project No.:I Report No.: Ii Inspector: I 10 No.: Ii Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Plant Expansion Springfield, Oregon 06-03-09 2087168 E-23092 0, Delatte 1080867-88 ' ICC nspection of: Reinforcing Steel ;ontractor: Wildish Building Co, Weather: Overcast BP No.: 2008-00225 Continuous1lnspection: 0 Periodic Inspection: I!'I i Performed preliminary reinforcing steel inspection for 54" diameter raw waier penetration wall at contact basin north riser box, Reinforcing steel was checked for grade, size, lap, placement and clearances, where applicable, #7 vertical rebar spaced at 6" on center were not installed as shown in detail 0/309, #4 rebar 5" on center was instalied on both sides of pipe penetration in same manner as is noted in detail for wall above peneiration, The additional #7 bars shown were installed on each side liof penetration as shown in detail. EOR to be contacted regarding "as-built" conditions, I' Jake Stucky (Wildish) and Mike Stickling (EWEB) were advised of the on-site observations and were asked to notify our office when additional services are needed', , i , To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with plans dated 02/2008 and applicable workmanship provisions of the I.B,C" except if noted above, ! I :! eviewed By: ~~~~ echnical Manager =WEB- Mike Stickling (email) =WEB- Wally McCullough (em ail) JBEC- Pete Slocum (em ail) Nildish Building Co_- Kevin Fitzjarrell (email) Nildish Building CO,- Jake Stucky (email) :;ily of Springfield LM:sc This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pertains to t'he specific' process and/or material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc,'s written authorization, 7ffJ NoN ComeII Avenue' CorvaIfIS, 0rega197330 ' phme (541) 757-4698 ,fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airpat Road ' Eugene, 0rega197402 ' phme (541) 684J849 ,fax (541 )684-3851 62979 NE Plateau Drive, Suite 3 'Bend, Oregon 97701 'phone (541)382-4844' fax (541) 382-4846 EWEB 500E. 4th Ave, Eugene, Oregon 97440 ~ftl 11~'II~IIl:lIl~~"~~'IIII~IIIIHQ CLIENT DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED ,STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ,ADDITIVES LOAD NO. CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP, POUR LOCATION 'tt <k..;~ " ,~& Cor1slludbn Services , " , Compressive strength of Concrete :: (ASTM C 39) PROJECT Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Plant Expansion Springfield. Oregon DATE PROJECT ~O, REPORT NO. I,' 06-05-09 2087168 6421 B,P. NO. 2008'00225 05-08-09 CAST BY D, Delatte DATE REC~IVED 4000 psi SPECIMEN ,SIZE 4000 psi SACKS SUPPLIER 1 2440KIUOKS CEMENT. MAX SIZE ~GG, Super; Eclipse; AEA AIR CONTENT , 1 TICKET NO. 3354410 SLUMP 8" 67' F YARDAGE 10,0 OF 30,0 TIME 10:45 AM 57" F WEATHER Clear SPECIMEN STORAGE ASTM C31 . . Retaining wall at west end of south ramp, slab on grade at the north gallery"fiIter entrance, I: ! 05-09-09 4" x8" Knife River 3/4" 2,8% AVERAGE " TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH I TIME OF TYPE OF DATE IDAYS) (IN.') (LBS) LOAD (LBSl STRENGTH (PSIl (PSIl TEST FRACTURE" 05~15-09 '7 '12.56 8.41 55740 4440 I, 9:20 AM 6 06-05-09 28 12,56 8.43 74940 5970 , 8:30 AM 5 5890 Ii 06-05-09 28 12,56 8.46 73990 5930 8:35 AM 3 Hold **1 - End Cones 2 - Cone/Split 3 - Columnar 4 -Diagonal 5 - Side (top and bottom) 1. 6 - Side (top or bottom) REMARKS: Jake Stucky (Wildish) and Mike Stickling (EWEB) were advised of the on,site test results, Reviewed 8y: IlJ ,'If.~ Michael L. Me" . Technical Manager c: EWEB- Mike Stickling (email) EWEB. Wally McCullough (email) OBEC: Pete Slocum (email) ,Wil~ish I?uilding Co,- Kevin Fitzjarrell (email) , Wildish Buildin9 Co" Jake Stucky (email) City of Springfield ' t Knife River MLM:sc Rt.C€.\"IE.t ~\)\l?~~~ ~\l ' This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and.p~rtains to the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part o"r full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc.'s written authorization. II 7fJJ NN Cornel Avenue' CorvaDis, Oregon 97330, phme (541) 757-4698' fax (541) 757-2001 29540 BAirportRoad ' Eugene, Oregon 97402, phone (541)684-3849 ,fax (541 )684J!l51 63050 Corporate Place, Suite 2 ' Bend, Oregon 97701 'phone (541) 382-4844 ' fax (541) 382-4846