HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Fire Department Referral 1983-11-9 SPRINGFIELD FIRE DEPARTt1ENT FD-166/83 INSPECTION REFERRAL FORM ~~ !~ Date of Referral II 7' /&='3' Inspection Number ~7<1'/ Occupancy /J;f)(PAJS /J-rcC"J sfl4~~ Address,\.;J..S"'/ /J?./1/:V sf / - TO: Electrical Inspector Plumbing Inspector Building Inspector ~D~ ~echanical Inspector ~nVironmental Inspector EXPLANATION OF REFERRAL K.p /VI () 1/.f2, (f)bf~ a... l~ (LA-cO 'X -- B~~~S ..p / ~ r . .: t..)o-o-td .5-I-H~ / ..:r /J s-f14-l ( -;';; 61.- C~d-e . ACTION TAKEN (Attach copy of orders) I?{J ~ / ,,;,1; ~.c: C'..LQ '~r::> _ lAI"",p S'rvt/L- /kJ r t{,~.I.") IC"6 >'44 I~ _ /-le:>nr~-:> 'l ~N4.N ~ :;;-;-- ~ "e 7"76'r ,J p:'~-e ~, .-- - ;:?A.#4"'~ fA! SJrv4~/.AJc. 41".,;[/# <-V .r~"'L: By ;e::: V I!f:., /? t?L. /.1 V'><' Date //-/'0 -C::-s . / . ::":_~:;'.'.~,....-.;.,:,,;,~,;,:~'..~::_.;.-:::.c..,'.;.'..'...:;.:.'.':-.~.'.~.'''':'~' ~.. ' __ , . . .:;~;:;..'... ':,-, ...,. ~ ~" "-" _.~. . '," ~, ~'." . '-: ~ -' .' ~~: '~, OCCUPANCY NAME l;} ;-rl..~,;';'''' .' 1\/).. " ",,;:. ",- . '.- / :."\ ., ADDRESS .:':;}.;'.~..:::;.:.:!c:.;:.i.::~:' :'.<~'EP~R~:';~~' -:~<:";,, .~ INSPECTION :.....:......:. ;'.":,:,:- : . . ..._~-' :. , '.. Of, '.1...5 I . Sf- . ..: .......: - PHONE :.7 j.. (. -O.~ 7:. '. 7~ . ~:.;, -<;', . 111'>-.,' .-' ~l ,...... . . '-' .. .:. .'7' .._, 0(./1/ CfC;,.... ..,.... , .~ .,., .',,, ..~ ", ,. . PERSON CONTACTED I I I .~ I ' 'j,. ( <\ ~ II (I f I I tJO Ie". I I ~hlr" IW /'1 10.402 F. F~~:e~o':.~~~~~ons'from.flredoors8ndm8Intaintooperat8'p'~operty. ......_ I . . ..-",:.::".&7 _ .../ I 10.401 .- - 2. Seal unapproved openings with approved material. ,.." I \ ./ I . 11.408 - 3. Keep attic access and scuttle openings closed. -->,'",:'.. .~, '. ...., " .; '(\ ..,/ . .".-, . _:~;:.:1~~~~'~:~ . ~~~c:~~~~~~~s :h8n ~ gal. Inside or 10 gal. ~~~~~e w:~~~~ pe~;t~:'-- '-. . . .'11 """ ".- ~ /. -. '. '" .... . ~ ,.,' ":~.79.103(2) - 2. Reduce Class Ii & III to 25 gal. In~lde or 60 gal. outside without permit. . .... .......... .:. "....~. .':..,79.104 ....:-- 3, Remove liquids not stored In original containers or closed metal containers. . ,.' . _:.r;:'" '. <;.:., 79.402(b)' = 4. Remove flammeble liquids not used for mainL In assembly bldgs., offIces, apts. or motels. .. ..':' I "', '- . '., ~., -' '.: I . 79.111 ' : 5. Discontinue use of Class I liquidS (gasoline. etc.) for cleaning, ~" ~.:::.::. . .:,79 402(a) - 6. Store liquids away from corridors, aIsles, stairways and exit areas. .'. ,C<>' .... '~'I .... ~ .. .'. ". " . . ,:.. -",0 I .... :1:'.79.109(a) = 7. Discontinue dlspe.nslng from ~ontalners exc~ing 5 gal. or provide pump tak. Ing s~ctl.on from top. I . --. . '.,~..--' . 79.110 <_ a DlsconUnue the discharge of lIquids into drams or on the ground. ., .~.~~. ~ .:.;'; .' ::',,,;,-'-:' ,...- ,,'. '. ",,,~,'.I - '.'~;~':~~;~~;,.:-H. ~.~:'~~eA=;~~:~~e~ and's~~~~~~ f';~ ~~at~r area orrOo~'.' - .:.:" '. .. ", ,->"':~':. :-::-.1 -. . ..' ..... )" ~.~.~~~~~.~; ~ .~~~~~~:::=~an~;~..~~:~~.~at produci~~ .apPiia:~.e ~n~ ~~~~ustible ma~~2~~~.._. .w;~:: '.-:': I . __' . .' .:-....;:::.. , >:'. ..11,201(b) ":"..;'" 1. Remove or store rubblsh:waste material, oiry fags in closed metal containers." . .:.'~:\':':-:'!-< I ,..' . .;.:. . . ';"". .: .";~. 10.313 .'~ 2. Clean grease filters and hood duct system over cooking appliance. > . -. :.1 .'~ 11.201(b) = 3. Provideapprovedwasteco~talnersforcombustiblewaste_:.. .. ., ;;:I~ ~.:: 12. ;o;(~) !:.~: -;~,~~:~::e st:~'~~'.f~O~ e:;~, a/sles. corridors end on 'or under ;t~i"';~;~~- ~~<':~-":.. ::.;:.~-~:;~';'?~~~.~~.:.:~~ I .., .~. .. '1 ... :'"~;:'.l1.203(b) ...= 2. Arrenge storDge in orderly manner and provide for exiting and lire department acC83S. '~:'.: -\. ::" I .:.::~ ,.... ... -.' . ". I 'h~} ':'i".203(0) -- .... ... R.move 110'." to I." below I...' of .pnnkf., (36" 10' .to'... .,;'ed "'., 12 .... h'.h).'.~.., ,'..,.;. .'. . .... : .- . .' ..,., .. fi~tf~~l~~~~~~!~}J~tJ~~i~~l ?;;~;~i;;";,"~;~;:;~:! .~~~ ~~~~~:~ :k7;~:~'~ ~:I:~a:~:-I::U:~~~~~~ t-~' ;:~f~:~i:'~~~~;~~~l~:~:~;t~; ~;~ 'f/~~;f;;; ;';;p":;;Y~~':;.,\:{t~ :: ::;~.';~::l:~-{:~'~);~~:!:~?:'~r.:~:,~ -:'~~~;;:li~:';':.;: .~-~,:.I . ;,.;,~'";.. . :~10.207 .,"';;~ So Remove obstructions and provide e<:c:esa In fire lIines:' ...;:-- :-~;''''''..''':. ~..- . .:......... ......Lh"_..... .;~; _~"I ~... ' .~.:;; r:..:;:~4:107~_.;...:..;.:.4.Secu,.al1cCl '. __" . gas cylinders In upright posItion with name of product. ..~.;::; -.."'..:....;_ .. ',,;:,"::__,,;::;_~:.:~__.:-''''':,,~':':,,:.:~R~';'~:l-l. .:.,~:;.~ .t~ . ;i~~~~t11}t~~:'I~~~~;:j;~~C~';)';':~~2~::1i; ~~'];;::;~:#~/? ;~.::)y;.~2t;;:~fl r .:,'::', ...:":-:'~:,::;;,~::~~:'<'~. :.:,~:: ~:: ;._;;.:,_..::::~vr"....... . r ..:0......, .;1,..0\ or ./. '" .r k" .../1 Aid In' /." ( . o:,;,_f '. .:~:;-_,:":~ :......::-~- __ ,.- ~ .' - .'. J . . . '., _. ....._ ..J_ . __ . .. .:.:::... ~:~'...~::_:__.;~;;_., ." _ .~....:::.: .~~~,;:.::.:..~...~'.:.::r"'" ,,. ~ - .....- . :J. ;.~; UFC SECTION .... .-.....,c .:.~-'. .. ".: 11.404 . ,"'1.404 :",,11.-404 ..~::1~~:~ ..:,;..;. ....- 12.104(0) 12.104(b) '2.103(0) ...'- -12.105(f) .. 12.104 '. 12.113(c) . 12.113(a) ..12.113(al 10.30t(a) 10.301 (a) 10.301 (a) 10.301{a) '0.302(0) . 10.302(a) 10.302{a) 10.302(81 10.313 . 10.302(0) -:., ~;~ "...',< .- ., ...... YIOLA TION '., .... REMARKS J Nd ~"~~"'I'; I,;,,, '..;. I') C <"..LL,<I f ~.] ? 'j . ..-...-,.:'.::. :",.: '. "(' .-:. ~ ELECTRICAL . . .........__ .:'-. :".:.'~,., ....._. ..... 1. Discontinue use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring. :-,.: ;;:. '::.:.". '. '.':" .;. . '--::j. 2. Each outlet box shail have a cover faceplate or fixture canopy. ,'.-';:;~'.::-:-':':"..: '.,.,~. ,_' . .. "';. .-' :.,. 3. Malntaln 36" clearance in fronl or electrical panel. ,,: .,. ...:::::,:_::':~~~' .'-:'. '/:,_~'.;-"... '.- . :<:'. ..-::'./~:~'-::~:'~'I .::'.~ 4. Maintain wiring in good condition and protect from damage. .... -':~ :.' .... .-:-::::~ f:" '-.' : .,::' .~:... '-. . '._ .' u. '_' .__:.__:_ ,',.. B. ~~~:mOY8UnapprO'ledIOCksorlatchesfromexltdOO~: .. - -.....,-.. ;.~-- .1. - 2. Unlock ail exit doors during business hours. A , - 3. Remove obstructions from exits, aisles. corridors and stairways.. - - 2 -:-- .., Remove obstructions from'smoke doonand maintain to operate properly. . I = 5. Repair or maintain exit door and hardware to operate properly. ',,:, __0-' .,- .'. C. EXIT LIGHTING I 1. Maintain lighting for exit signs. ". .- ... . = 2. Provide lighting for corridors, stairways and exterior ex/tways. I ....:...- 3. exits shall be illuminated at all times the building is occupied. D. FIRE EmNGU'SHERS '. '. -X 1. Provide J extinguisher(s) of a :;l.a minimum rating. . ..' . 2. Mount e~sher where readily ava..aole. wltn top not higher than 5 feet. - 3. Post signs indicating location where extinguishers are not readily visible. = ... Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after use. . '. E. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 1. Maintain access to and operation of standpipes. fire hose, sprlnklar valves and fire hydrant(s). 2. Inspect and test sprinkler system and maintain records, - 3. Identify sprinkler val.... and standpipes and aecure in open position. - 4. Provide spare sprinklers (6 minimum) and sprinkler wrench. 5. Inspect and service hood and duct extinguishing system over cooking equipment. = 8. Replace damaged. corroded or painted sprinkler heads. / .1 .D- J ,,~ ,,',.. .: . ,,'J ..,. ~ t. tf.~-~ 0\~)'{E~_Y.~~TIFI~~r ~.~.RREC~~~~B~YE.~I~:~T~.~.~:~.~I~~I~. '.'_:, .......:, ......,....~....'.~ .:.:','...' DvA10YLAS: 'T-':I.-O'}N"'S':":~.;N;"O\t::..::d?::;.:.:>~t.(~.'~~.:..~"..t';'.:..;". ;.'.'...~.-;L..~...:.:.f.'.:.:..:X... 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