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541 726-3753
DATE OF NOTICE: luly 14, 1998
JOVRNAL NVMBER: 98-01-030,
(Associated 10. No. 98-04-090 Lot Line Adjustment)
10hn Moretti, President/CEO
McKenzie State Bank
2560 North 27th Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Security Bank Holding Company
P. O. Box 1350
Coos Bay, OR 97420
Branch Engineering
310 5th Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Wayne Goeas
Gerald McDonnell & Associates Architects
I East Broadway
Eugene, Oregon 9740 I
The applicant has submitted a Type II Site Plan Review Application to the City of Springfield for approval
of the first-phase development of a 3-acre site. The proposal includes a 5,500 square foot bank building
with drive-up facilities, customer parking, and site pad for a temporary banking operation during the
construction process of the main facilities.
Tentative Site Plan approval, with conditions, as of the date of this notice. When the conditions attached to
this request have been met, Final Site Plan Approval will be granted. Final Site Plan Approval expires 90
days from the date of this letter.
None. Future build-out development will be in accordance with the provisions of the Springfield
Development Code and all applicable permit procedures.
The subject property is located at the corner of South 52nd Place and Main Street, described as Tax Lots
7200,7201,7202,7203 and 100 on Assessor's Map 17-02-33-31. The five parcels of land, currently under
one ownership are flat and vacant. Tax Lot 100 is zoned Low Density Residential (LOR), Tax Lots
7200,7201,7202 and 7203 are zoned Community Commercial (Ce). The property is located within the
boundaries of the East Main Refinement Plan. Tax Lot 100 is designated LOR on that plan and the other
four parcels are designated CC. The Eugene/Springfield Metro Plan designation for Tax Lot 100 is LOR.
The Metro Plan designation for Tax Lots 7200, 7201, 7202, and 7203 is Community Commercial - Mixed
Uses. The applicant has also submitted a Lot Line Adjustment (10. No. 98-04-09) application to
reconfigure Tax Lots 7200, 720 I, 7202, and 7203 to accommodate future build-out. Tax Lot 100 will
remain LDR at this time.
Limited Land Use Decisions require the notification of property owners/occupants within 100 feet of the
proposed development, allowing for a 14 day comment period prior to the staff decision. No written
comments were received.
CRITERIA OF APPROVAL (Ref. Section 31.060 of the SDC)
31.050 OF THIS CODE,
The City of Springfield accepted the Tentative Site Plan application as complete on April 17, 1998. It
contained information required for review and a decision was issued within the 120-day review period.
Finding: This criterion has been satisfied because the applicant complied with submittal requirements of
Article 3.05 and 31.050 of the SDC and the decision was issued within 120 days.
A. Conformance with Article 32 (public and Private Improvements):
SDC 32,120(3) states: "Each development area shall be provided with a water system having
sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines to furnish adequate supply to the development. Fire hydrants
and mains shall be installed hy the developer as required by the Fire Marshal and the utility
The Springfield Utility Board (SUB) currently serves this area. There is an existing 6" water line located
along South 52nd Place and a 6" water line on Main Street, which connects with a 12" water line. There is
an existing fire hydrant on South 52nd Place near the site's proposed access driveway. SUB has asked that
the applicant contact the SUB water department for detailed information on materials and construction
standards. SUB standards require that all water meters be placed in the right of way and that each parcel
have its own water service.
Finding: Water service is available to the site via sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines. This criterion
will be met when water lines are placed in a joint use access utility easement during the first phase of
development to provide service for Tax lots 7200, 720 I, 7202, and 7203 as site build-out occurs.
Finding: Staff from Fire and Life Safety has stated that the existing fire hydrant location is sufficient to
serve the proposed bank site. No additional fire hydrants are necessary to serve the bank site portion of the
development; therefore, this criterion has been met.
. # I) Water service to tax lots 7200, 720 I, 7202, and 7203 will be placed in the joint use access and
utility easement during this phase of site development.
SDC 32.120(2) states: "(I)(b) The developer shall be responsible for the design, installation and cost
of utility lines and facilities to the satisfaction of the utility provider, (2) Whenever possible, all
utility lines shall be place underground, , ,"
The area is served by SUB with existing overhead power on South 52nd Place and Main Street. Electrical
service must be provided underground for this development. The developer should contact SUB directly
regarding connection fees and requirements.
Finding: The proposal shows installation of electrical service to the bank site only. SDC requires
underground placement of utilities where possible. The associated Lot Line Adjustment Jo. No. 98-04-090
proposes ajoint use access and utility easement providing access to Tax Lots 7200, 7201 7202 and 7203.
This criterion will be met when underground electrical lines are placed in the easement during this phase of
development to serve build-out on tax lots 7200, 7201, 7202, and 7203.
. #2) Buried electrical lines shall be placed in the joint use access utility easement during this phase of
the site development to provide build-out development of Tax Lots 7200, 7201, 7202, and 7203.
Sanitarv Sewer:
SDC 32,100 (1) states: "", sanitary sewers shall be installed to serve each new development and to
connect developments to new mains. Installation of sanitary sewers shall comply with the provisions
of this code, the Standard Construction Specifications, Chapter 2 of the City code, and Department
of Environmental Quality (DEQ) regulations,.,"
There is an existing 21" sanitary sewer line on the south side of Main Street and an 8" line located in South
52nd Place. The applicant proposes connecting to the existing 21" line on Main Street via a 6" line to the
bank site. Sanitary Sewer In-Lieu-of-Assessment charges do not apply since the lands for the proposed
bank have already been assessed for sanitary sewer.
Finding: Sanitary sewer is available via South 52 Place and Main Street. The applicant proposes to
connect a 6" line from the east side of the bank to the Main street line to serve only the bank. Staff from
Public Works has stated that the sanitary sewer line must be placed in ajoint use access utility easement.
Placement in this easement also will serve build-out on Tax Lots 7200, 7201, 7202, and 7203, and meet
this criterion.
. #3) Sanitary Sewer shall be placed in a joint use access and utility easement during this phase of site
development to provide build out service for Tax Lot 7200 7201, 7202, and 7203.
Storm DrainaQ:e:
SDC 32,110(1) states: "The Approval Authority shall grant development approval only where
adequate provisions for storm and flood water run-off to the City storm water drainage system have
been made as determined by the City Engineer. The storm water drainage system shall be separated
from any sanitary sewer system. . ."
There is an existing catch basin in South 52'" Place. All drainage plans must be approved by the Public
Works Department.
Findings: The storm drain system as shown on the site plan proposes to drain the bank site via a series of
6' drain pipe through two chamber catch basins with oil filters that will connect to the existing curb inlet at
South 52nd Place. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant must provide design calculations to
show that the on-site system and the catachbasin connection in the street, have adequate capacity to serve
the entire site, and then this criterion will be met..
Findings: Storm Water Quality for the bank site is acceptable in that the applicant is using a drywell for
roof runoff and filtered catch basins in the parking lot. The drywell design must include an overflow
connection to the site storm drain system and then this criterion will be met.
Fire and Life Safety:
The Office of The Fire Marshal's Uniform Fire CodelNFPA requires that proposed development shall
provide access to fire hydrants and adequate fire lanes which will facilitate fire protection.
There is an existing fire hydrant on South 52nd Place near the proposed driveway access. The proposal
includes a 24' wide joint use access driveway through the site connecting Main Street with South 52nd
Findings: Fire and Life Safety has stated that the fire hydrant location on South 52nd Place is sufficient to
serve the proposed bank site. In addition, the proposed 24' wide driveway through the site provides the
minimum 20' wide fire truck clearance required for fire protection; therefore this criterion has been met.
System Develooment Char2es ISDC):.
SDC will be assessed for costs relating to the amount of increase in impervious surface area, transportation
trip rates, and plumbing fixtures. SDC's are payable when the building permits are issued. The estimated
total of the SDC's is $58,000. The actual fees will be determined at the time of building permit issuance.
For more information contact the Public Works Department, Ken Vogney.
Public and Private Utility Easements:
SDC 32,120(5) states: "An applicant proposing a development shall make arrangements with the
City and each utility provider for the dedication of utility easements necessary to fully service the
development, The standard width for public utility easements adjacent to street right-of-way shall he
7 feet. The minimum width for all other public utility easements shall be 10 feet unless otherwise
specified by the utility provider or the City Engineer,"
There is an existing 7' wide public road right-of-way along South 52nd Place. There is not a recorded
easement along Main Street. The applicant proposes a private "L" shaped, 24' wide joint use access utility
easement which will serve build out of Tax Lots 7200, 7201, 7202, and 7203.
Finding: A standard 7' PUE is required along all public street frontages; therefore the City will require a
7' PUE along South 52nd Place and Main Street. The applicant's proposed private "L" shaped, 24' wide
joint use access easement will provide vehicular access and utility service to Tax Lots 7200, 720 I, 7202,
and 7203.
. #4) The Final Site Plan must show a 7'PUE on Main Street and South 52nd Place, as well as the
private joint use access easement for Tax Lots 7200, 7201, 7202, and 7203.
B, Conformance with Article 31 (Site Plan Review Standards):
SDC 31.140(1) states: "Unless otherwise specified in this code, the areas of a lot which shall be
planted include: (a) All required setback areas and any additional planting areas as specified in the
appropriate zoning district." SDC 31,140 describes the landscape requirements for planted setback
areas which must include a minimum of two trees (6' height and 2" in caliper), and ten shrubs (five
gallons or larger), per 1000 square feet of planting area, Lawn may be suhstituted for trees or
shrubbery where there are adequate provisions for ongoing maintenance,
All Community Commercial areas are required to have as' front and side yard planted setback area. The
landscape plan submitted exceeds the minimum landscape requirements both in size (setback areas) and
quantity of plants proposed. The plan indicates lawn, ground cover and shrubbery will be used and a
pennanent irrigation system will be installed to serve all landscaped areas.
Findings: This criterion has been met because the landscape plan exceeds the minimum landscape
standards required in SDC 31.140( I)..
SDC 31.140(4) states: "Except where planted with native species or plant communities, all new,
required planting areas on private property. , , shall be provided with a permanent underground
irrigation system unless exempted by the Director,"
The applicant states that a complete irrigation design will be submitted for building penn it which will
include: head to head coverage; separate zones for lawn and shrubs; different zones for solar orientation;
lateral lines with automatic drain valves; and the location of an irrigation backflow prevention device.
Finding: This criterion has been met because the proposed irrigation plan exceeds the minimum irrigation
standards required in SDC 31.140(4).
LiQhtinQ and ScreeninQ:
SDC 31.160(3) states: "All lighting shall be designed to reflect away from any less intensive use and
puhlic rights of way."
A Lighting Plan has been submitted which demonstrates compliance with Code. The plan details the type,
location and height of parking and exterior building lighting. All lighting is designed, positioned or
shielded to reflect away from the abutting residential zone south of the subject site.
Finding: The proposed Site Plan shows the location of IS' tall, shoe box light ftxtures throughout the
banking site. A 'Lighting cut-off Elevation' drawing has been provided which shows the illumination
direction of these ftxtures adjusted so that they will not affect the public right of way or the abutting
residential properties; therefore this criterion has been met.
SDC 31.160 states: "Unless otherwise specified in this Code, screening shall be required, .. for trash
receptacles, , ,"
The applicant has shown that trash will be screened with an enclosure on the east side of the bank building.
Finding: The proposed screening of trash receptacles on the east side of the building satisftes this
criterion; therefore it has been met.
The Metro Plan; the East Main Refinement Plan; the Draft Natural resource Special Study; the National
Wetlands Inventory Map; the Draft Springfield Wetland Inventory Map; the Hydric Soils Map; and the list
of Historic Landmark Sites have been consulted. There are no inventoried natural resources on this site.
There are no inventoried historic features or archeological sites located on the development site. If any
artifacts are encountered during construction, there are state laws that could apply (ORS 97,740; ORS
390,235). If human remains are discovered during construction it is a class "C" felony to proceed under
ORS 97,740.
Finding: There are no inventoried natural, historic, or archeological resources that would be impacted by
this development; therefore, this criterion has been met.
Access and Drivewav Standards:
SDC 32,020(2)(b) states: "All lots and development shall have approved access to a public street. , ,
SDC 32,080(1)(c)", Where regulations of the City and State conflict, the more restrictive
requirements shall apply, . . SDC 32,080(2)(b) Where a proposed development abuts an existing, , ,
street, the development design and off-site improvements shall minimize the traffic conflicts. SDC
32,080(3) states: Driveways shall be designed to allow safe and efficient vehicular ingress and egress
in accordance with Tables 32-2 , , ,"
The applicant proposes a right-in-right-out, 30' wide access from the south side of Main Street, a major
arterial highway running east-west from Springfield's eastern city limits to Eugene. Main Street is a 70'
wide, five-lane State Highway with two eastbound lanes, two westbound lanes, and a center turn-only lane.
Sidewalks exist on both sides of Main Street. The is no striped bicycle lane at this portion of Main Street.
The posted speed is 40 miles per hour. On the north side of Main street, directly opposite the proposed
access is Chapman Lane, an unimproved local street. The plan also proposes one, 50' long, raised median
(two- car queuing area) on Main Street to facilitate left turns into the bank driveway. There is no evidence
in the Traffic Impact Study or the application that indicates written approval from the impacted property
owners on the north side of Main Street,whose property is located opposite of the proposed driveway and
raised median strip. Also, the plan proposes that a temporary mobile banking unit will use the proposed
Main Street driveway access during bank construction. A second, 30' wide, two-way access is proposed
from South 52nd Place, a local street, serving the residential communities south of Main Street. South
52nd Place is a 32' wide, two-lane, improved roadway. The South 52nd Place access runs east/west and
connects with the Main Street accesses which runs north/south. The site plan shows both driveways having
a 10' vision clearance and 6' flares.
A Trip Generation study for peak hours was submitted which estimates that the proposed banking
development will generate approximately 93 trips during the PM peak hours. The traffic analysis does not
include projected traffic impact from the future build-out of tax lots 720 I, 7202, and 7203 which will also
use the same access driveway from Main Street and from South 52'" Place..
Finding: Main Street is a State Highway; therefore, the applicant is required to obtain access permits from
ODOT. All the conditions and restrictions referred to in this report must be considered while designing the
access points (SDC Article 32,080(1)(C),
The proposed site plan shows one access point (restricted to right-in and right-out traffic) on Main Street
and one access point (full) on South 52nd Place to serve the Community Commercial Tax Lots 7200, 720 I,
7202, and 7203. All other permanent curb cuts on Main Street along the site frontage will be closed. The
proposed plan shows that the site driveway access point on Main Street is aligned with Chapman Lane
making it a full, four-legged intersection. The proposed site plan shows no left turns will be allowed from
the bank driveway onto Main Street. Turns into the site from the west bound lane on Main Street will be
facilitated by a raised median strip on Main Street. ODOT is requesting the proposed median strip be a
minimum of75' long to accommodate a three-vehicle queuing area for motorists making lefts turns from
Main Street into the site. ODOT requires the construction of all median island and driveway paving be
complete prior to temporary bank operations.
Finding: The proposed site plan shows paved access through the site via a joint use access and utility
easement. This proposed easement will provide access to Tax Lots 7200, 7201, 7202, and 7203. All future
build-out will take access via this easement. To minimize construction impact of future build-out on the
banking operations as well as its traffic flow patterns, the City requires that all required infra structure for
site build-out be placed in this easement and the site access driveway be paved during this first phase of
site development. The temporary banking unit will take access via this easement, after the driveway
improvements are completed.
Finding: SDC requires a standard 24' - 35' two-way commercial driveways with minimum 8' transition
flares; however, the proposed plan shows only 6' flares at both the Main Street access and the South 52nd
Place access.
Finding: The applicant proposes temporary construction access from Main Street. SDC 32.080(2)
encourages driveway access to local streets such as South 52"" Place. South 52"" Place was built in 1991
and has a 4" layer of asphalt concrete on top of a 14" rock base. This crossection is sufficient to carry all
local street traffic loads including occasional construction traffic. Temporary construction access must be
via South 52"" Place and this criterion will be met.
. #5) The Final Site Plan must show a raised median strip with 75' of full storage and stand taper on
Main Street which will accommodate left turns into the site. Construction must meet ODOT
requirements. All median construction and paving must be complete prior to temporary bank
. #6) A standard 24' - 35' two-way commercial driveway with a minimum 8' transition flares is
required at the South 52nd Place access and the Main Street access.
. #7) Temporary construction access via South 52"" Place will be separated from the permanent access.
Street Imorovements:
SDC 32,02(10)(b) states: "Whenever a proposed land division or development will increase traffic on
the city street system and that development has any unimproved street frontage abutting a fully
improved street, that street frontage shall be fully improved to City specifications, , .n
The proposed plan shows site ingress and egress from South 52nd Place, a fully improved street, and from
Main Street, also a fully improved street.
Finding: The site has access to two, improved streets; therefore, this criterion has been met.
Street Trees:
SDC 32.040(1)(b) requires street trees to be installed every 30 feet on center, and specifies that they must
be a minimum of2 inches in caliper and selected from the City's street tree list.
Findings: The applicant has provided a Landscape Master Plan that provides for the 30' on center
placement of2 - 2.5 caliper street trees selected from the City's street tree list. The proposed Landscape
Master Plan provides the proper species, size and placement of street trees; therefore this criterion has been
SDC 32,040(l)(c) states: Sidewalks and access ways shall be constructed" to provide safe, convenient
and direct access for pedestrians and bicyclists to adjacent residential areas; transit stops;
neighborhood activity centers, including schools, parks, shopping centers, and other commercial and
industrial areas; or where required by adopted plans","
The applicant has not made any provisions for safe or convenient pedestrian access connecting Tax Lots
720 I, 7202, and 7203 to either Main Street or South 52" Place. There are sidewalks leading from South
52nd Place and Main Street directly to the proposed bank building.
Findings: In addition to SDC 32.040(1)(c), Oregon's Statewide Planning Goals & Guidelines Goal 12:
Transportation states: "A transportation plan shall (1) consider all modes of transportation
including mass transit, air, water, pipeline, rail, highway, bicycle and pedestrian", ". The proposed
plan does not provide for the safe or convenient pedestrian access through Tax Lots 7201, 7202, and 7203;
therefore, this criterion has not been met.
. #8) The Final Site Plan must show future provisions for pedestrian access to Tax Lot 7200, 720 I,
7202, and 7203.
SDC 18,070(4) states: "Business and professional offices", , ,require one(l) off-street parking space
for each 300 square feet of floor area in Community Commercial districts, SDC 31.180(10) requires
at least one secured bike rack designed to hold a minimum of 3 bicycles for each lot under 15 spaces,
One handicap parking space is required if 6-25 parking spaces are provided, ORS 447,233(2)(b)
states: "In addition, one in every 8 accessible spaces, but not less than one, shall be van accessible. A
van accessible space shall be at least 9' wide and shall have an adjacent access aisle that is at least 8'
The proposed 5,500 square foot building will require a total of 19 parking spaces (18 for vehicles, one for
van handicap parking accessibility). The site plan indicates 29 standard vehicle parking spaces and 2
handicap parking spaces; all parking spaces show wheel stops. One handicap space provides an 8' access
aisle next to the handicap parking space for van accessibility. A second handicap parking space shares the
same common access aisle with the van handicap parking. The plan shows two bike rack locations, one
located at the northwest front entrance and one located at the southeast rear of the bank. The plan states
the racks can provide parking for 10 bikes; SDC requires a minimum of 4 secured bike parking spaces for
this phase of development.
Finding: The proposed plan exceeds the required minimum 19 parking spaces by providing 29 standard
parking spaces and two handicap parking spaces (one with van accessibility); therefore this criterion is met.
Finding: The proposed plan exceeds the minimum secured bike parking spaces (4) by providing two racks
capable of holding a total of 10 bikes; therefore this criterion has been met.
Development Agreement
Section 31.090 states that in order to complete the site plan review process a Development Agreement is
required to insure that the terms and conditions of the site plan review are binding upon both the applicant
and the City. StatTwill prepare this document for the property owner to sign upon approval of the Final
Site Plan.
Provide three copies of the Final Site Plan showing all required additions or corrections within 90 days of
this letter showing compliance with SDC Article 31 Criteria of Approval 1-4, as Conditioned:
# I) Water service to tax lots 7200, 720 I, 7202, and 7203 will be placed in the joint use access and utility
easement during the this phase of site development.
#2) Buried electrical lines shall be placed in the joint use access utility easement during this phase of the
site development to provide build-out development of tax lots 7200, 7201, 7202, and 7203.
#3) Sanitary Sewer shall be placed in a joint use access and utility easement during this phase of site
development to provide service for tax lot 7200 and for build-out development of tax lots 720 I, 7202, and
#4) The Final Site Plan must show a 7'PUE on Main Street and South 52nd Place, as well as the private
joint use access easement for Tax Lots 7200, 720 I, 7202, and 7203.
#5) The Final Site Plan must show a raised median strip with 75' of full storage and stand taper on Main
Street which will accommodate left turns into the site. Construction must meet OOOT requirements. All
median construction and paving must be complete prior to temporary bank operations.
#6) A standard 24' - 35' two-way commercial driveway with a minimum 8' transition flares is required at
the South 52nd Place access and the Main Street access.
#7) Temporary construction access via South 52"" Place will be separated from the permanent access.
#8) The Final Site Plan must show future provisions for pedestrian access to Tax Lot 7200, 720 I, 7202,
and 7203.
. Note: The applicant may submit the necessary easement dedication forms along with a check made
out to Lane County Deeds and Records for recording the document. The City will record the
document at Lane County. The fee for recording is $ I 0 plus $5 per page.
1. Obtain necessary penn its
2. Begin construction within 2 years of Final Site Plan approval
This Site Plan decision is considered a decision of the Director and as such can be appealed to the Planning
Commission. The appeal may be filed by an affected party with the Development Services Department
within 10 calendar days of the date of this decision. Your appeal must be in accordance with the
Springfield Development Code, Article 15, APPEALS. Note: Appeals must be submitted on a City fonn
and a fee of $1 00.00 must be paid to the City at the time of submittal. The fee will be returned to the
appellant if the Planning Commission approves the appeal application.
Pleas call the Development Services Department at 541 726-3632 if you have any questions regarding this
Kitti M. Gale
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