HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Field Test & Inspection Report 2009-6-15 I&- ~ftl ...",,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,...,,,,,, Geofectri:;a/ & 0:JnsIrudi0n Services June 15, 2009 Project No. Report No. 2087170 E-23153 Mr. Joe McCormack Lane Transit District PO Box 7070 Eugene, Oregon 97403 FINAL SUMMARY REPORT L TO Gateway Mall Station 3000 Gateway Street Springfield, Oregon Building Permit No. COM 2008-00440 Dear Mr. McCormack, This letter confirms that FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc. performed special inspection services in accordance with IBC and as directed by our client for the above-referenced project. We were employed to provide continuous or periodic inspection on specific dates, as documented per our special inspection reports for: 0earthwork Dstructural masonry Depoxy dowels 0reinforced concrete 0bolts installed in concrete 0structural welding (shop/field) Dhigh-strength bolts Dspray applied fireproofing Based upon our observations and written reports of this work, it is our judgment that the inspected work was performed, to the best of our knowledge, in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, change orders and/or structural engineer's instructions, and applicable provisions of Chapter 17 of the International Building Code, unless otherwise noted or referenced above. Respectfully, JJJ. x'.A_____ Michaei L. ~yer Technical Manager c: Rowell Brokaw- Mark Young (email) Ang Engineering- Jok Ang (email) Balzhiser Hubbard- Tina Guard (email) Brown Contracting- Adam Hughes (email) City of Springfield- Denny Wright (emai! MLM:sc This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of tile client to whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such. information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or any part thereof be discJosecl without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc.'s v.rritten authorization. 700 NoN CaneI Averue' Cavais, 0e\P197330'1Xme (541) 757-4698'lax (541) 757-2991 29540 BAipat Rm:J . Eugene, 0e\P197402 '1Xme (541) 684-3849' fax (541) 684-3851 63000 Cu.f^"O'~ Place, Suite 2 . Bend, Oregon 97701 . phone (541) 382-4844 . fax (541) 382-4846 ~ ~fEI '''''''''''''''''''''''''1KIIllI G,.,,;,...; . ,:..oJ & Cons1n..di:ln Services Page 1 of 1 Field Densitv Test Results - ASTM D 2922 Client: Mr. Joe McCormack Lane Transit District PO Box 7070 Eugene, Oregon 97403 Project: L TO Gateway Mall Station 3000 Gateway Street Springfield, Oregon Date: Project No.: Report No.: B.P.No.: 06-16-09 2087170 E-23160 COM2008-00440 MOISTURE/DENSITY DATA: ASTM 0698 - Maximum Dry Density of 116.4 pcf, at 9.6% moisture furnished by contractor for 3/4"-0 crushed gravel (Wildish). --- -- ---- Wet Test Approximate Location Approx. Density Percent Dry Density Percent Compaction No. Elev. (pcfl Moisture (pcfl Compaction ReQuirement 1 Near southeast corner of repair area I FG 141.4 6.6 132.6 100+ 95.0 2 Near northwest corner of repair area FG 137.7 6.9 128.9 100+ 95.0 ---- ------- _0- ___ Tests performed at finished grade of base rock under concrete pavement in repair area at west end of mall entryway, south of Umpqua Bank. Remarks: Dennis Cacn (Brown Contracting) was advised of test results. Reviewed By: d. 'l-A-vt ~ ~i:hael L: M,J; Technical Manager c: Rowell Brokaw- Mark Young (email) Ang Engineering- Jok Ang (email) Balzhiser Hubbard- Tina Guard (email) Brown Contracting- Adam Hughes (email) City of Springfield- Denny Wright (email) MLM:sc This report andlor eDClosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addttssed and pertains 10 the specific process andlor material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in p!rt of full and/or Ill)' part thereofbe disclosed withO\.lt FEI Testing & lnspection.lnc.'s written authorization. 750 NW Candl A=' Cav.illis, Orq;m 97330 'jixne(541) 757-4(/)8 . m(541) 757-Wl 29540 B AilpcnRml'!'!Jg=, Qqp1 97402 'Jfu1e(541)684-3849' fux (541)684-3851 63050 CorporatePJare, Suite 2 . !laid, Oregon 97701 . phone(54I) 3824844 . fax(54J) 382-4846 ~ ~fEI Page 1 of 1 m.,lIflfJ;.lt..n;'''llh'.\tLt) ~ . .:...,: & Constn.dion Services Daily Field Report Client: Mr. Joe McCormack Project: L TO Gateway Mall Station Date: 06-16-09 Lane Transit District 3000 Gateway Street Project No.: 2087170 PO Box 7070 Springfield, Oregon Report No.: E-23159 Eugene, Oregon Inspector: D. Delatte 10 No.: 1080867-86 ICC Inspection of: Epoxy Dowels Weather: Overcast Continuous Inspection: 0 Contractor: Brown Contracting BPNo.: COM2008-00440 Periodic Inspection: 10 Observed the installation of fifty-four (54) 1" x 16" smooth dowels into existing concrete pavement at the west end of the mall entryway, south of the Umpqua Bank building. Prior to installation, the predrilled holes were cleaned with a brush and compressed air. Verified embed depth of 9". Dowels were secured with Hilti Hy 150 epoxy adhesive (ICBO- ESR 51931 expiration date 0812009). Dowels were installed along the east and west edge of existing pavement for connection to new concrete paving at approximately 12" on center. To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with applicable workmanship provisions of the I.B.C., except if noted above. Reviewed By: ;1. ';(.1JtMt ~ Michael L. -Me';';; Technical Manager c: Rowell Brokaw- Mark Young (email) Ang Engineering- Jok Ang (em ail) Balzhiser Hubbard- Tina Guard (email) Brown Contracting- Adam Hughes (email) City of Springfield- Denny Wright (email) MLM:sc This report and/or enclosed test data Is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pertains to the specifIC process and/or material evaluated. As such. information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEr Testing & Inspection, lnco's written authorization. 700 NoN CanelAverue' Ccrvars, 0e\P19T-ro '1h:re(541) 757-4698 . lax (541) 757-2991 29540 BAiIj:ot Rood . Eurp-e, 0e\P197402'1h:re (541) 684-3849 . lax (541 )684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, Surte 2. Bend, Oregon 97701 . phone (541) 382-4844 . fax (541) 382-4846 ~ &FEl Page 1 of 1 11:r.'II!lr.;.Ir~il2'llllt.r~I" GeoW , ;..d & 0Jnstn.di0n Services Daily Construction Report Client: Mr. Joe McCormack Project: L TO Gateway Mall Station Date: 06-16-09 Lane Transit District 3000 Gateway Street Project No.: 2087170 PO Box 7070 Springfield, Oregon Report No.: E-23158 Eugene, Oregon Inspector: M. Meyer 10 No.: Inspection of: Sitework Weather: Overcast Continuous Inspection: 0 Contractor: Brown Contracting B.P.No. COM2008-00440 Periodic Inspection: It! Met on-site with Dennis Cacn (Brown Contracting) to observe exposed subgrade soils under concrete paving repair area at west end of mall entryway, south of the Umpqua Banking building. Advised by Mr. Cacn that area has been excavated to a proposed finished subgrade elevation which allows for 6' of crushed rock base and 10" of concrete_ Based on our observations and probing with a 5/8" steel T -shaped soil probe, the exposed materials appear firm and stable, at this time. Mr. Cacn stated placement of fabric and crushed rock base will be completed later today_ Mr. Cacn was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed. Reviewed By: ;J;.~L ---- Michael ~.. Mt:r Technical Manager c: Rowell Brokaw- Mark Young (email) Ang Engineering- Jok Ang (em ail) Balzhiser Hubbard- Tina Guard (email) Brown Contracting- Adam Hughes (email) City of Springfield- Denny Wright (email) MLM:sc This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it Is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such, Information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inco's written authorization. 700 NoN CorreI A.........,. CavaIs, 0e\P197330 '1h:re(541) 757-4698 . lax (541) 757-2991 29540 BAirpa1 Rm:J . Et.gre, 0e\P197402 'Ih:re (541) 684-J849.lax (541) 684J851 Ern50 CorpcxaB PIare, Suile2' Bend, 0e\P197701 '1h:re(541)3824844' fax (541) 3B24846